HERE'S WHY YOU'RE WRONG: "billie eilish deserved no grammys"

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Hey, everyone. D'Anthony Fantangelo  00:00:00 here. And this is, of course,   the very first episode of my new series, Here Is  Why You're Wrong, in which I take your hot takes,   your unpopular opinions, and your tough questions  and I react to the best ones. This is, of course,   a brand new idea that nobody has ever done  before that I came up with just now, so keep   that in mind. Today's opinions cover everything  from Billie Eilish to Starbucks, so be sure to   stay tuned for that and don't forget to submit  your own horribly incorrect opinions down below.  You should hire me as your editor.  Here's why you're wrong. If I did that,   that means I would have to pay you and giving  people money goes against my religion. Or at   least that's what I've been trying to tell the  IRS these past few years, but they haven't been   buying it. Unpopular opinion. Literally none of  these replies are unpopular opinions. Let's find   out. Imagine not doing this. You're missing out.  Here's why you're wrong. For posting that on my   Twitter timeline in the first place. What is this?  Did you actually... Okay, I can't look at this   anymore. Eggs with ketchup. Everyone that I talk  to hates it. Like, bruh. Here's why you're wrong.   Eggs and ketchup should never be within a two  mile radius of each other. And I believe that's   actually in the Geneva Conventions. I could be  wrong about that, but I will have to double check.  Commentary channels are beneficial because  they spark debate and give viewers outside   perspectives. Old YouTubers... you know the  ones... who call them problematic are the   actual problem LOL. Here's why you're right. Then  again, there may be bias because I am a commentary   channel. However, I think it's very important to  be able to criticize and critique the people who   are at the top of this cursed website that we  spend way too much of our time on. And, yeah,   it does seem like some of the old YouTubers...  I do know the ones... are a little antsy that   we're allowed to criticize them on the same  platform that they get four million views   per video on. But, you know, if there's room  for all those people at the top, then there's   definitely room for a commentary channel or two. K-pop fan cams really aren't that annoying. People   just like starting arguments. Here's why you're  wrong. K-pop fan cams are absolutely annoying   and that is because they are posted on the most  random threads. I think if everyone just posted   K-pop fan cams on K-pop tweets, then nobody would  really care, but I put out a tribute to Kobe   Bryant and someone posted a K-pop fan cam there,  so... I miss Rihanna's music, but I feel like,   at this point, she's more interested in  being a business woman and, for that reason,   I really wouldn't be mad if she didn't release  anything again because she seems happy with what   she's doing. Here's why you're right. As much  as I would love to listen to R9 all summer long,   clearly she has no plans of releasing that right  now and clearly her focus is on her brand, which,   by the way, I'm really happy is so successful  for her. I think if she was to release R9 at   this time, there's a chance that it would be  because of the millions of where's the album   comments under her posts and not because she  truly wanted and I wouldn't want to listen to   music that someone released just because their  fans were pestering them into doing so. So,   for all those people asking where the album is,  I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you went back and   stream some of her older albums. Billie Eilish is overrated. Then,   so is Ariana Grande. Neither of these are  unpopular opinions. Here's all three of   you are right. Being overrated is a subjective  opinion and, for some reason, people act like   they're objective. Not saying these people  are, but I've seen far too many discussions   about why people absolutely do not deserve their  success and I just... I find that weird because,   at the end of the day, they are successful and it  is for a reason, even if that's not necessarily a   reason I understand. Just because someone says no  criticism doesn't mean you can't criticize them. I   see this all too much in the art community. Here's  why you're right. I think if you say no criticism,   you're basically trolling yourself. You're  basically inviting people who don't respect you   to criticize you. So, just a little hint. If you  don't want criticism, just don't mention it and,   nine times out of 10, people won't criticize you.  But, beyond that, everyone is free to criticize   you whether you want them to or not. That's  probably the biggest lesson I've learned in all   my time of being a YouTuber. Now, of course, that  doesn't mean you have to take it. That's entirely   up to you. People who get offended that other  people won't take their criticism are annoying.  You're not the best channel. Here's why you're  right. This channel you're watching right now is   actually the second best channel on YouTube.  The first best channel is my main channel, ASMR isn't as creepy  as everyone makes it out to be. Here's why you're   right. A lot of the people pretend like all  ASMR is just inherently adult, I guess, and   that's just not true. I can say this as somebody  who doesn't even really watch ASMR. However,   there's definitely some really creepy ASMR  out there, but I do feel a bit bad for ASMR   YouTubers who just automatically get thrown  in that box when some of them are just trying   to have fun and mind their own business. It's not always cultural appropriation.   People can partake in diverse culture activities  without appropriating them. Cultures aren't always   exclusive to their own people. Here's why you're  right. It is completely unfair, in my opinion,   to automatically scream cultural appropriation  the moment you see somebody doing something that's   even vaguely related to a culture that's not  their own. With the way the world goes right now,   you can't even guess somebody's culture from  looking at them half the time. But, moreover,   it's possible to dress a certain way and do  certain things without outright mocking someone   else's culture. However, this doesn't mean that  everybody is free to go start pretending to be   other people's cultures. I think of instead of  just labeling everything cultural appropriation,   people should look at it on a case-by-case basis  and evaluate why it makes them feel a certain   way. And then I think it would be much easier  to discern between cultural appropriation and   cultural appreciation. Pranks are the worst way to  be funny. Here's why you're right. First of all,   all pranks on YouTube are fake, so it's just  automatically not funny to me. But then on the off   chance that a prank is not fake, that means it's  hinging on somebody's trust being betrayed and I   don't know. To me, that's just not funny at all. Cancel culture started off with good intentions   and now it's just everyone pointing out minor  issues with a person slash situation to vilify   them. It no longer allows growth or believes  in genuine change and takes everything in a   malicious way. Here's why you're right.  I've seen people get canceled over the   most inconsequential things to ever exist. Cancel  culture is used as an excuse for famous people,   both online and in the TV/music industry to not  accept responsibility and consequences for their   actions. After a certain point, being canceled  isn't going to end or even damage your career.   Here's why you're right. I've seen people try to  write off being criticized for the most egregious,   heinous acts to ever exist as cancel culture.  So, I think both of you are right. People use   it way too often and people cry cancel culture  way too often, when, really, it lies somewhere in   the middle. Everyone is free to be criticized,  but sometimes people just criticize them for   absolutely no reason. Trying to de-platform and  get people fired and all of that is ridiculous,   in my opinion, however, it's absolutely not trying  to de-platform or get someone fired by bringing up   questionable behavior and criticizing them. Baby Yoda isn't that cute and is highly   overrated. Here's why you're wrong. Just look  at him. Most commentary channels talk about   non-issues that don't deserve attention. Here's  why you're right. It's something I actually try   to avoid. I don't know if you've noticed, but I  haven't made a video about James Charles or...   I don't know... Jaclyn Hill, any of the stuff  that's been going on in the beauty community,   in a really long time and that's because these  people are just making up drama for views. I   just talk about the things I feel a certain way  about and I think, in the end, that can always   make for interesting content even if you weren't  really interested beforehand. Humor is subjective   and shouldn't have any limits. Here's why you're  right. By default, you're correct because it's not   really possible to limit somebody else's freedom  of expression. However, the way people react to   humor is also completely unlimited, so don't be  surprised if people start treating you a certain   way because of the jokes that you try to make. Tik Tok has passed its prime and will continue   to go downhill until the invention of a  different app with the same structure,   where the pattern will start all over again.  Here's why you're right. Because that honestly   just keeps happening over and over. Vine was a  big deal and then it was dead. was   a big deal and then it was kind of dead,  but regrew into Tik Tok, which is now a   big deal and is not currently dead, but, yes,  everyone hates it. Those wooden pose mannequin   things used for reference are kind of trash, not  going to lie. Here's why you're right. Because   they're stiff. And people don't sit like this. I feel like I'll get hate, but true crime YouTube   is exploitive. Here's why you're right. I don't  think every true crime YouTuber is exploitive,   but I will say this. I once clicked into a true  crime video and the sponsor was this mystery game,   where you could buy and you solve your own case.  It really made me feel weird because it felt like   the person doing the sponsor was treating that  game the same way they were treating the very   real case that they were talking about, in which a  lot of people had lost their lives. So, yeah. I do   feel like some true crime YouTubers are way too  casual about some of the things they're talking   about and it's just a really weird atmosphere.  However, I don't believe they're all like that.  You don't need good vocals to make a good song  slash be a good artist. Here's why you're right.   I feel like Joji is a great example of this.  Now, let it be said that his current vocals...   Ooh! They're on another level. However, a lot  of his older music didn't have great vocals,   but honestly, that doesn't detract from the  experience of enjoying his music whatsoever.   Not everyone can draw. Art teachers need to shut  the frick up instead of telling someone they can   do better. Obviously, I'm not talking about  me. Ha, ha, ha. LMAO. I wrote frick because   we don't want that yellow dollar sign. No,  we don't. However, here's why you're wrong.   I personally believe everyone can draw because  while some of drawing is talent, a lot of it is   actually just rules that you can follow and I  believe that anybody can be taught those rules.  Starbucks coffee is awful and actually trash.  People only buy it for the hype. Here's why   you're right. With prices like those, there's no  way anybody's buying it for anything other than   hype. It's like the same thing as AirPods. They  don't sound that good. People are buying them just   to buy them. I have an Apple device and I got  these for less than the price of AirPods. So,   if you buy these tiny, little wireless earbuds  instead of actual good headphones that are still   wireless, you did it just to do it. People give  James Charles too much crap. Here's why you're   right. At this point, people just drag him for  every single thing that he does and I think   not only is it weakening the value of actual  criticism against James Charles, but it really   just makes the people doing it look really silly  and petty. So, yeah. Give James Charles a break.  Pee pee, poo poo, wa wa. Period. Here's why you're  right. Well, actually, if you can't tell why this   person is right, then you're probably really  dumb. Millie Bobby Brown still looks like a   boy no matter how they dress her. Here's why  you're wrong. Because Millie Bobby Brown is a   girl. Therefore, she looks like a girl. And  technicalities aside, she just doesn't look   like a boy. Tik Tok isn't that bad. Here's why  you're right. I think the majority of Tik Tok   is just kids having fun and the majority of Tik  Tok criticism is just adults hating on things   that kids find enjoyable. However, I definitely  think there's still a lot to be criticized and   I actually have a video coming up next week  because Tik Tok did something unforgivable.  Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. They were in a toxic  relationship. Here's why you're right. You're just   right. Yeah, they were in a toxic relationship.  There are two genders. Here's why you're right.   There are two genders. There are two colors. There  are two seasons. There are also two planets. I   think if you look hard enough, you can find at  least two of everything. Reaction commentary   is good. Here's why you're right. I sure hope it  does. Tik Tok is, for the most part, only isolated   to the app unless you have a pretty established  audience or get the video on Tik Tok spread on   Twitter. Here's why you're wrong. Even though  I would've agreed with you a short time ago,   but I saw Charlie D'Amelio, a Tik Tok star, in a  Super Bowl commercial. So, I think at this point,   Tik Tok is kind of spreading beyond  the limitations of the app itself.  David Dobrik is boring. Here's why you're  right. Because that's your personal opinion   and it's also one that I share. I do not find  his content interesting even though I find his   work ethic very impressive. People need to stop  asking about YouTuber's sexuality. It's gross.   Here's why you're right. Any information that  a YouTuber chooses not to indulge, I think is   that person's business and it's a little weird to  speculate on that. It's more than a little weird.   Friends isn't funny and is overrated. Here's  why you're right. Because it just is. And this   is coming from the man who just said that things  can't really be overrated. I'm sorry, Friends is   overrated. It's not funny. It's never been funny.  There are no funny episodes. I do not know why   people keep trying to force me to not only watch,  but enjoy the show. Stream The Office instead.  Billie Eilish deserved her Grammies. Here's  why you're right. Because I think beyond all   the memes, beyond all the hype, beyond all the  jokes about fake depressed teenagers... even   though I don't think there are any fake depressed  teenagers... Billie Eilish makes good music. I   think part of that is her and part of that is the  amazing production that her brother brings to the   table. So, yes. Just from a solely technical  standpoint, you are correct. I do believe   Billie Eilish deserved her Grammies. D'Angelo  Wallace would have some interesting opinions   about various types of media. Books, TV, movies,  et cetera. Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge. Here's why   you're right. I do. I do have a lot of opinions  about a lot of the things that are happening in   the world of pop culture. And, actually,  if you guys are interested, I could start   incorporating that into this channel more. It's  plenty of shows we could be discussing. Everyone   on social media overreacts about everything  and everyone should just follow @dangelno to   solve all their problems. Well, you heard them. Completing your education is actually important.   No judgment to anyone who drops out, but I just  think you should at least finish high school.   Here's why you're right. I do think should at  least finish high school just because, sadly   in this world, you can't get very far without a  high school diploma. However, I still think public   school is a massive waste of time and is largely  backwards. Freddie Mercury can hit these notes,   but his voice sounds awful. Here's why you're  wrong. I think you're just objectively wrong. I've   never Freddie Mercury and thought he sounds awful  before. I do think his vocal delivery can be a bit   jarring at times, but I've always chalked that up  to be more of a stylistic choice. Tracing other   people's art is okay when you're learning. Shh!  Here's why you're right. I think tracing other   people's art is okay in any context as long as  you're not posting it and then not disclosing it.  Lover is Taylor Swift's worst album. I don't  care what the Swifties say. Here's why you're   right. Lover is incredibly boring. I did not  feel anything while I listened to that album   and this is as someone who used to have a crush  on Taylor Swift... but we don't talk about that.   I just didn't get the hype. I felt like it was a  lot of promotion for what was kind of a soulless   product. I don't know. I know Taylor Swift is  capable of pulling off some really deep stuff,   but that's not the vibe I was picking up  from her album. And then our last one says,   this sounds like a copy of Fantano's Let's  Argue series. Um... We don't have to address   that one. So, yeah, that was the first episode  of Here's Why You're Wrong. I think most people   in this episode were wrong, so if you want to  change that, give me some actual good opinions.   But no. All jokes aside, I really appreciate  everyone who shared their opinion. Be sure to   do so on my Twitter on in the pinned comment  below. But, ultimately, opinions are just   opinions. Everyone has them and they're all  wrong except mine. So, obviously, who cares?
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 897,459
Rating: 4.8997869 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, HERE'S WHY YOU'RE WRONG: billie eilish deserved no grammys
Id: lSRrqqEsNgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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