Helldivers 2 - Pacifist Run On Malevelon Creek?! (Helldiver Difficulty + Extraction)

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what's up Legends so millions of bugs Bots and Hell divers are killed every day in battle and as a tribute to all of our fallen soldiers will be laying down our arms today but sadly we still have to clear a malevolent Creek Mission but how are we going to do that without even taking a single shot or killing a single bot by going stealth so I'm going to be playing completely stealth here and talking through some of the tricks as we go on with the game so let's get our hands dirty or I guess it's just say clean let's go here with the E EMS strike as well as a shield generator pack we'll also be bringing in the shield gener generator relay in case we do want to utilize that and I want to bring a smoke bomb I'm just not sure if I should bring the uh Eagle One or the orbital one uh I think the orbital yeah the orbital should be fine and I'll also be going here with the stamina enhancement of course we'll want to be running from enemies a lot and we'll be bringing in and the stun grenade which is the only non-lethal choice no actually I believe we have a smoke grenade as well I guess we have two non-lethal choices so as far as I'm concerned uh malevolent Creek is considered to be the hardest planet in the game I'm not exactly sure whether that's just because of the uh malevolent Creek meme or if people actually think it's the hardest Planet but uh yeah I figured since people can consider this to be the hardest planet we might as well take it on without killing a single bot so we're not going to be able to here to do uh side objectives as there are various side objectives that uh require us to kill Bots as well as turrets and [ __ ] like that such as the anti-air or uh the strategem Jammer we'll also have to use a hell bomb so we'll be mostly focusing here on trying to get the primary objective done and any side objectives that I can do without killing anybody um so let's go through this completely stealth so we're going to be having to play here very very careful since we're not going to be able to fire back um right here is the launch codes if I'm not mistaken this is that one that the launch code is kind of like underground a little bit Yeah I think that's the one uh I think I must open up either with a smoke or an IM strike I'm not sure I'm going to have to drop in we got an anti-air side objective right there I'm not going to be worried about that do an EMS let's see if this works out or not and here we go go go go go go go go oh [ __ ] go buddy have the launch code get the hell out of here oh my God is oh [ __ ] it's working this is working see you oh see you boys come out we're going to be wanting to be using diving a lot this game since we're not going to be firing back oh God oh wow all right that kind of worked out like a 100 times better than I thought it would know it would be kind of neat if we had some sort of armor set or something that kind of protected us from like EMS strikes and we could just throw it and like walk in it regularly without being stunned that would be kind of overpowered though wouldn't it all right we got to worry here about the uh further patrols okay I am not going to be able to stealth that let me just make my way through I'm just going to run away from all of this threat go go so one of the users in the comments section below was the one who um who brought this idea up for doing this run going completely pacifist on the hardest planet in game he also did call it the vegan load out I've been laughing ever since but oh we got here a radar station this is actually going to be quite good for us I think we might be able to do that I think I might have to bait them out of the radar station and then run back in right now I'm not going to worry about it here's what I'm going to try to do right I try to get into this primary objective kind of toggle the terminal try to do as much of the objective as I can and then just get the hell out of Dodge let me first make my way I'm try to get as close as I possibly can without being spotted once I'm spotted then I'll Rush The Objective these are going to be really hard right because they have like the little mini games that you have to do am i g to have to do the minii games while I'm being shot at that be a pain in the ass okay does this work no this guy didn't give a [ __ ] he saw where I threw it from go go go excuse me sir all right let's get out of here maybe we can still work the terminal a little bit more let's see oh please don't hit me with that thank you yeah we can do this okay go go go now we get out of here now there's going to be like the little mini game that I have to do but I'm definitely not going to be able to do with all that enemy threat so what I'm going to do is I'm going to get the hell out of here what I'm hoping for is that they actually chase me out and they leave the objective empty got to stop that guy because that that little bot there might be some serious trouble because they're actually like faster than we are oh God got to lose them in the trees okay so we started the terminal did the little arrow mini game OD and we're going to be trying to get into this other primary objective and oh someone's still shooting me God damn it uh I'm going to try to get into this one primary objective here and pretty much do the same hopefully just like slowly working these uh objectives down a little bitwest 100 m so we're going to be abusing the way uh spawns work as well um in case you didn't know if you put a a lot of distance between you and certain enemy patrols and uh reinforcements you are able to pretty much despawn them they pretty much just go elsewhere or they disappear which uh should make your life a lot easier 100 m trying to put some distance here seeing if that does anything also there's a little group of guys coming right towards me it's not nice um we got an illegal broadcast here we cannot do that I'm just going to make I'll just make my way into the primary objective let me just wait out this ion storm a little bit just you know I brought the uh Shield generator relay but I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to use that like I get that it blocks shots from outside to inside but uh most of the Bots are pretty much already like around the terminals anyways uh so we might uh try to use Focus mostly on EMS strikes and smokes I think I'm going to get in this objective here and I'm going to throw a smoke right on top of the terminal and kind of see if that works out yeah we got a we got a group of little Bots here see what they're looking like okay this is that little the little watch post that they got Outpost rather that they got right next to the terminal the terminal is not here so I don't have to worry about these let me just make my way around you know what's kind of funny is that stealth does work like a lot better against bots I feel like it doesn't work as well against bugs I did read somewhere that someone said that the developer said that the bugs can actually kind of smell you which is probably what leads to the stealth not working as as well as it does for Bots but holy crap dude look how many people there are near the terminal oh this is going to be bad can the smoke completely cover me I wonder that'd be kind of nice if I could throw in the smoke and it's like a really thick smoke and I could just stay inside of it doing the turn terminal but I'm not entirely sure that's how it works I've never actually attempted it first time for everything am I right let me go ahead and activate it let me just look for an angle here and I throw it on the terminal um can I see it from here uh no I can't see it I'm like behind it I got to go in this other direction not entirely sure if you make any noise when you're crouched I know that when you sprint in this game you do make noise all right let's try this out probably going to call for reinfor yep right away let's see if this works and go go go go go oh God this smoke is so thin throw a couple stuns here oh [ __ ] can I do this oh [ __ ] we did it what the [ __ ] this is like lowkey making like the Bots seem like such an easy faction are they easier than what I judge them oh okay that didn't work I'm trying to click on the mini map oh okay if you have your grenade equipped and you try to use the mini map cursor you actually end up throwing the grenades that's not good because I also did made some noise there so but uh look at this the uh primary objective is now empty so what I did earlier actually trying to drag them out of the objective actually worked this mini game conveniently it was quite easy now we got to do the three valves wow okay that's quite nice so we did manage to get him out of here by just running out and see if I can make my way back I don't want to alert them CU I don't want them to call for a backup and just get me killed as I'm finishing off this objective um it seems like it's two little guys right by the terminal you know what's going to be really sick there's been some word that there may be suppressed weapons coming to this game it's just a theories from what I understand it's just theories but that would be honestly insane press weapons would go so well with Bots I feel like okay this guy spotted me just run and do the objectives is he just staring at me okay all right is he like scared of me is he a pacifist too they didn't give him ammo all right let's get the hell out of Dodge that's good we we actually pulled off two primary objectives and we haven't even died yet can we avoid this guy as he straight looking at me a he's he's straight looking at me he's also not shooting you good bro okay called in for a ceasefire okay I'm going to make my way around here so there's a lot Bots near the other primary objective I'm going to try to put in some distance between me and the primary objective to kind of see if uh he clear his out a little bit who the heck is shooting me from a mile away oh God oh God that's a lot of them holy crap that's a big group the hell deatons sound pretty like scary the way they communicate with each other there's one coming towards me oh God I might just bail might just Sprint hasn't spotted me yet maybe I don't need to Sprint he's backing out go go go checking out we should be good I don't think he brought the group with him yeah I know all right we're good let me take a lap around um let me try to put some distance between me and the primary objective with the hopes that it's going to clear out as well which honestly is quite crazy if you think about it and quite uh overpowered see I don't know if like on that um the fuel objective I don't know if they despawned or if they just left the location to try to chase me down but that was kind of crazy when we came back that it was completely empty I wonder if that's a genuine strategy you can do is just like run into an objective and just bail out and they actually disappear I've had it happen a couple of times but it doesn't always do it most of the times I just kind of run and shooting like crazy anyways so let me top off since I need those stun grenades by the way yes we will also be going for a full extraction as well even if we don't take samples with us still want to get main objectives as well as a complete extraction and we will be stealthing the extraction as well I want to test something actually on the extraction so once we get to that point I want to be testing it out yeah as I was saying like it would actually be pretty crazy to have suppressed weapons in this game I feel like it would work really really well it'd be an amazing addition for uh bot gameplay against bugs I don't really think it matters at all but against bots that'd be so fun cuz right now you can move in a in a stealthy way but once you kind of have to deal with the enemies you have to make noise I mean I guess you could melee enemies but come on nobody's really going to be doing that you can maybe do that to one or two units but being able to use a suppressed fire weapon to take get rid of like a small group would be so fun to do as soon as they do release that if they do release that uh I will definitely be testing out some stealthy gameplay as well as finding out some nice strategies as well of course okay so making our way back here to the main objective all the way back so we went really far away see if that did anything the Scout armor set is like a must have for players who want to play stealth by the way you're so fast you can see from so so far on the radar you can tag and seeag uh you know like if I tag right here it shows everybody near the tag the marker which is absolutely crucial for stealth play you can just like tag in front of you just keep moving and keep tagging in front of you that way you gather information is he just he just ran past dropping a pin 200 m is it empty I think it might be empty I marked it no red dots I think it worked I think uh by putting enough distance it cleared out the objective wow that's crazy me just make it past this group and here we go oh no oh it just wasn't showing for some reason okay we respawned I guess all right was worthwhile experimenting with it but it did not work all right so here's what we're going to be doing we're going to be going balls deep trying to complete this objective okay there's something here we might uh lose a couple of lives here cuz I think I want to stay in here until I make it out till I complete the objective rather I think I'm going to open up here with an EMS I have to do a mini game right think I might need to do that little mini game it's going to be a tough one to do in front of all of these Bots let me do the same move I did earlier except I'm not going to be doing the smoke cuz that was crap that didn't do anything go EMS strike get behind this oh oh he killed his own friend that wasn't me oh shoot okay let's respawn and stun as many of them as I can crap we got a bot reinforcement here go go go back go oh [ __ ] my shield a I tried to get the shield okay now we got to do the signal strength mini game let get some distance here and I'mma call in for a shield generator again and then I'm going to just run back in there okay there's like a bunch of them there um I'm wondering if uh Shield generator relay is going to be doing anything here I don't think I think it's going to do much h okay let's get the shield let's get back in there we going to be trying to do that mini game right in front of him okay we got a Hulk here that Hulk can't be near me he's going to tear me up does a stun work on hulks guess not pick up the other Shield since my shield just depleted oh yes we did it oh oh go go okay this part of the objective I just need to interact with the H I need to interact with the generator once the thing charges up let me see if I can pick up the other Shield generator pick it back up joining the go nice wead it out a little bit the generator is now calibrated let me make my way there before the Hulk gets in a better position thankfully he seems to be busy destroying that home okay let's go actually looking pretty Gooding progress took a sacrifice of three hell divers there but looking pretty good I know the ICBM was in this direction somewhere now we just got to do the final primary objective also wasn't there a radar station somewhere here something was right above the uh Tagg 50 m let me get some samples here likely won't be uh extracting any samples cuz I'm not really going around looting samples but still me get as many as I can so that Jammer I can't deal not without killing a bot anyways CU of the hell bomb we got two Bots here we got one on my left one on my right try to go right through the middle of them if you're prone you're pretty much Not Invisible I mean if they're looking directly at you they're going to see you but prone is really really good in this game for stealth okay the radar station is up there so I'm actually going to try this guys going for the radar station is also going to help me that it's going to reveal all of the points of interest in the mapwest 100 m making it so that I can more easily avoid Norwest groups so I'm going here tagging right in front of me so that I can get gather information before I even get there since my armor set does enable me to reveal near my marker but uh it seems like there's only this guy here to my left oh oh wow these things really slow you down Jesus okay tagging map West 100 me there's some around that red influence area the radar is right here 50 m wait is there nobody in the radar wow okay nice so from baiting them earlier seems they have left their positions and disappeared soag South close and tag around the radar in case there is a lurking Patrol so I can effectively avoid them doesn't seem like there's any patrols coming in okay I think we're good not much of a threat oh is that no that's just a stationary one all right this is going to be quite useful going to be showing me all the points of interest it's going to be so much easier to avoid them make my game quite a lot easier we got to turn it a little bit to the right that about did it all right let's see what we got here okay so there is a gap here between me and the ICBM 100 this right here should be a patrol group though yeah not a patrol rather a uh little Outpost around the ICBM there's always like little different groups of um outposts that actually West M calls for reinforcement if they see you dropping a pin Northwest 100 m there's more there I'm looking for a way in I'm looking for a gap in their defense noreast 50 m there's nobody here in this point of Interest right next to me which is good dropping a pin West 100 m that's a lot of outposts about underneath um um what if I come from up North this looks like too tight of a gap here for me to make it through 100 okay up north it seems like it's kind of clear so maybe I'll make my way around it oh and we got super rare samples here so that's quite nice should be here somewhere oh there we are that's nice the suppressed weapon right here would do work right just like this little Outpost around the ICBM I can just like kind of come in there and kill all six of them or whatever many of them before or without anybody even hearing that you know what first let me call for a resupply cuz I see my stems is a bit oh we got a patrol group I don't know if I can do this resupply without them seeing me dropping a pwest 50 m coming from that position we got 5 Seconds oh no the Patrol's already there I'm not going to risk it get out of here not worth the uh two stems here listen to them dude they so so creepy okay so in case you didn't know patrols do walk in a fairly linear path so probably when they spawned I was a little bit I was pretty much where I called in for the resupply but they're just going to keep walking up north now they're not just going to magically turn and come into in my direction they're actually just going to follow the same linear path that they were already going at just a tip for you guys when you go stealth when you see a patrol group and let's say they're going directly up north you can just move to the east or the west side and you're going to you're going to be fine CU you're not just going to break and go to the west or the East unless they hear a sound 100 or see you okay so there's two little outposts here so I'm actually I'm just going to be trying to prone right between the both of them sometimes this looks like they're really next to each other but it's actually not that close let's see if we can find some space here to get in PR just to be safe yeah I think this will do it also as you clearly can tell mini map is absolutely crucial for a stealth play abusing the mini map as much as possible honestly I might just play it safe and prone all the way to the terminal the terminal's up there hopefully we're not going to be catching any Patrol groups coming right towards me ion storm is not letting me see if there's anybody here though so I'm not going to leave prone until I can kind of confirm that there's nobody near me start the terminal 4 3 four 5 five oh crap the hatchet is right is there anybody down here doesn't look like it oh that's good that is really good isn't it kind of crazy how how much it changes the bot play once you actually play stealth they seem so tame so easy to deal with which is why I actually don't play that much against bots is because I do I am aware that playing stealth against the Bots is the way to gooing a pin and it's extremely powerful and personally I generally like to just shoot [ __ ] essentially so we're just checking here for patrol groups we're actually looking really good as long as there is no Patrol groups that just kind of come out of nowhere and go right towards me then we should be good to go looking real solid right after this we're going to be going right to the extraction point we're not going to be waiting for the timer to run out to make the extraction easier we'll actually just call it anyways oh okay that's going to be neat just got to wait these out I think I'm going to make my way here through the beach to the extraction point because if I just go down south I'm going to bump in a lot of groups but if I just kind of hug the beaches should be good got to worry about that little Outpost there and I should be good to go and hell yeah mission is officially complete without killing even a single bot they killed each other but I didn't kill them that's their own fault shutle aits your request still though not going to be shooting anybody until until nothing we're not going to be shooting anybody at all is it really a pacifist run if you're kind of just sending a nuke though dropping a pin South makes you wonder so we just got to dodge this little group and I think we should be pretty much good to go to Sprint all the way to the extraction Zone just don't want to mess up here right on the Finish Line it's not the finish line yet the extraction zone is still going to be possibly quite sketchy okay we're pretty much past them should be nearly good to go got to be careful here with this um Factory so that there's no large groups of enemies near the beach let see what we got 100 m I think we're clear no robots near the beach be able to Sprint here again you got to be careful cuz sometimes they hear you sprinting from like miles away for whatever reason even if they don't see you they will very easily hear you so just keep that in mind when you're doing your own stealth plays 100 dropping a pin Southeast 50 m I generally make make the mistake of thinking that they can't really see me or hear me if I'm sprinting and they're nowhere near me but they they can for whatever reason got some super hearing all right we should be pretty much good to go hereo there any B in front of me no we're pretty clear should be good to go here Sprint till the end now I want to test something so the extraction Zone that we got here is that elevated one that one where it's like kind of like the extraction point is on top of a hill 100 and I kind of want to test something there is like a little Gap in the hill I don't know if it's a gap I don't know what you should call it that you should be able to prone under and and pretty much never be spotted let me show you here I want to see if that's true or not East 50 Ming map Northeast 100 m so this is the gap right here right what if you just prone here people under me should have a hard time seeing me as I'm on top of the hill and the people over me can't see me because there is this little wall of rock here protecting me oh seems like somebody's coming right towards me and seems like it's leaving oh man this will be gamechanging if it works now every time I play this map this extraction zone I'm just going to prone here yeah it seems like the ones on down south are just leaving and going south the ones up north are just leaving and going north look at them there okay I think that worked I think this is a pretty solid solid uh place for you to hide yeah man I'm really um excited for the suppressed weapons I think they're going to be adding a lot of interesting gameplay to the stealth players and I actually very much so look forward to it even though I'm not a stealth player myself I feel like that would be really fun cuz I feel like you can play aggressive while being stealthy at the same time by the way these are the side objectives we got an anti a we got a Jammer got a broadcast and another Jammer so we weren't going to be able to do these without shooting actually I feel like maybe the broadcast I could have done if I just did it by the uh completing the terminal but oh well so what do you guys think do you guys think that malevolent Creek is actually the hardest planet or is it just a meme cuz honestly I'll be honest with you guys I don't think malevolent Creek is the hardest Planet dropping a pin Norwest because malevolent Creek's got a lot of forests a lot of trees and even though that does sound scary cuz they can kind of hide in the trees but the thing is so can you very easy for you to cut line of sight from your enemies for you to effectively hide for you to run feel like melin Creek does make that fairly easy so I don't know what you guys think I don't know if you guys think it is the hardest or note let me know what you guys think is the hardest Planet if you don't think malevolent Creek is the hardest anybody up for a hug tagging mapwest 100 m i do dig them a level in Creek aesthetic though blue skies bluish look and it's always nighttime isn't it never daytime seconds all right 15 seconds to go and we will wrap up this Mission I'll just go ahead and start now thank you guys very much for watching thank you for recommending this challenge I will not lie this was a little bit easier than I thought at coordinates it kind of blows my mind how actually powerful it is using stealth against the Bots well thank you guys for watching just going to be getting into this Pelican one and getting the hell out of here I appreciate you guys and I'll be catching you guys on the next one peace victory was never in doubt
Channel: takibo
Views: 34,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: rApj8yBokZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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