Helldivers 2 - NEW Incendiary Breaker vs Breaker Direct Comparison

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what's up Legends so hell divers 2 just tweaked around several weapons and one of them looked like a very Hefty Improvement and that's the incendiary breaker buff in case you did not know the incendiary breaker got buffed from 15 damage per pellet to 20 damage per pellet a 33% damage increase but not just that but all sources of fire damage had their damage increase by a whopping 50% and of course seeing how the incendiary breaker lights enemies and friends alike on fire it begged the question does this make the incendiary version officially stronger than the regular breaker personally I already enjoyed the incendiary breaker thoroughly against bugs and thought that was a very strong Choice albeit not as powerful as the regular breaker but this update may have changed things around first let's compare both shotguns from a statistical point of view the regular breaker since its Nerf carries 13 rounds per magazine the incendiary breaker carries 25 rounds per magazine nearly twice as many as the regular breaker both weapons fire at a rate of five rounds per second now the regular breaker will do a maximum damage of 330 damage per shot assuming all pellets hit the incendiary breaker will do 240 damage take into account the amount of rounds per magazine combined with the reload time and the breaker will be able to dish out a total of 841 damage per second while the incendiary can deal 800 damage now here's the catch outright the breaker sounds like an overall better choice for dishing out damage but this only accounts for impact damage and not any damage caused by the fire triggered by the incendiary breaker I searched around for exactly how much damage fire does per second to no luck but I'd be willing to bet it does far more damage than that 41 DPS difference between the two weapons in other words I believe the breaker incendiary as of right now is being able to dish out more damage than the regular breaker on a best case scenario in terms of reload time rate of fire and armor pen ation both weapons are statistically identical however the incendiary will outshine the regular breaker in magazine size as we mentioned earlier also in total rounds across all mags totaling over 150 shots while the regular breaker only carries about 91 shots one downside of the incendiary breaker though is that the pellets are a bit lighter making the pellet spread actually be very wide so really even though we can probably outdps the regular breaker if we hit all pellets odds are we aren't as the spread is actually larger than the one on the regular breaker so it seems that Arrowhead has got an interesting grip on these two weapons each of them will outshine the other in specific situations statistically there is no clear winner here and will really come down to the player's preference which is exactly the best case scenario for a game like hell divers 2 however we all know statistics don't quite make or break a weapon it'll often times come down to how it feels and performs on a live game when you're surrounded by dozens of bugs or automatons so can the incendiary breaker perform better than the breaker when out there liberating planets first for the automatons sadly the regular breaker isn't going to be at the top of our list when we're going up against automatons the automatons require a much more precise style weapon that can focus down targets weak spots such as the Slugger or an explosive type weapon that can take down Striders from the front and even be able to take down heat sinks from tanks and turrets alike just like the scorcher can and well the incendiary breaker has an even worse spread than the regular breaker making it even harder to focus down weak spots and it's not explosive damage so that it can deal with Striders and tanks so it's not a great choice on that end either you could argue that since you can light The Strider pilot on fire it may be kind of effective at that but then again if you have a clear shot at the strider's pilot then any weapon can do that job just fine so the only thing that leaves us to rely on there is the fire damage and I'll say the fire damage can be quite decent lighting up the heavy Devastators about two to three times seem to be enough to take them down however I could see this maybe be used in group play and take focus in lighting up as many enemies as you can on fire to deal that dot damage to various enemies however as my experiments were strictly in a solo players environment the incendiary Breakers potential against the automatons was rather limited moving over to the bugs though is where both of these shotguns really really Shine the breaker as you may know still is regarded as the best overall terminate Weapon by a lot of different players including myself as it's able to trivialize most of the small to medium units with only one to two shots reducing them to nothing but bug Splat the breaker incendiary though does look to try to carve its way into the meta as one of the best guns against bugs as the incendiary breaker is very powerful at handling large swarms of bugs if you seen my previous video on Hell dive difficulty using the incendiary you'll know what I'm talking about the incendiary breaker is able to finish off a hunter with pretty much one shot if that Hunter lights on fire as the fire damage does seem to be enough to bring down that Hunter after a couple of ticks from the fire the gun will lack in one area though and that's dealing with brute commanders as their heads take far more shots to take down and is very noticeable at that I would argue the incendiary breaker is however better at dealing with with Hive guards as lighting them up on fire will help you get rid of these medium armored units with a bit more ease than the regular breaker also one very real advantage of the incendiary breaker is that it's a little bit more Noob friendly and I'm not saying you're a noob if you use the incendiary what I'm saying is this weapon's a little bit more forgiving than the regular breaker due to an increase in ammo count and being able to light enemies on fire with that you can just kind of blast shots at large swarms of bugs without paying too much attention to hitting their weak spots and you effectively be dishing out a lot of damage by lighting up dozens of bugs on fire many of which can die in one burn cycle and since the weapon is more inaccurate anyways it makes for aiming at weak spots a bit more redundant at medium to long ranges moving over to the regular breaker its ammo count nowadays is fairly limited bringing you just shy of a few shots when dealing with a hunter Patrol which will usually spawn in waves of about 12 or so hunters and since you often take take more than one shot per Hunter to deal then odds are you'll be having to deal with a Reload or two when dealing with small Hunter groups for more accurate and less trigger happy players this issue is minimized making the regular breaker still Thrive at dealing with these groups so once again yet another factor that will come down for player to player so from my personal experiments with the breaker incendiary what do I think can the incendiary beat the regular breaker for me not really I personally would prefer to opt in for the more accurate stronger hitting breaker over the more crowd controlling style of play the incendiary breaker offers if I were a player who played in regular groups I would likely prefer to use the incendiary breaker as you can spread out your damage with much more ease with the incendiary the regular breaker though is best for completely solo play because it offers more of that kill it now type of concept and as a solo player since you have to prioritize certain enemy types rather than I out damage wildly then for me the regular breaker still will offer the most value but that's not to take away or underestimate the incendiary breaker at all it's currently in a very powerful State against the bugs once again I can't recommend it much against the Bots but maybe in a group play environment so the verdict is it'll depend on whether you're looking to be able to have more of that kill it now type of weapon with the regular breaker or if you're looking for a weapon that can spread out damage to various different unit units which is of course going to be extremely useful especially in group play and that's about it for today thank you all for being here and watching until the end I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 60,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: 18QcprgmYzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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