Helldivers 2 - The New Incendiary Breaker Buff Is Insane (Helldive Difficulty, Solo)

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what's up Legends so hell divers 2 has just launched a large update the other day tweaking around several weapons but I will admit one stood out to me from the crowd and that's the incendiary breaker buff so today let's put this bad boy to the test and see how it performs while playing very aggressively against several hundreds of bugs for a mission here I'm going to be going here for the retrieve valuable data uh should be plenty of fights there for us to take and of course we're going to equipped with the incendiary breaker uh as always uh start right here right next to the side objective going to be bringing in the eagle air strike 500 kilo Shield generator as well as the quazar cannon with the stamina enhancement and once again the breaker incendiary ini in case you did not know the breaker incendiary got buffed from 15 damage per shot to 20 damage that's a total of three 33 % damage increase on top of that we also had the fire damage be increased by 50% so I suspect this is actually going to be quite powerful as it wasn't that bad before anyways let's call in here the shield generator pack and the quazar cannon and we are already on top of a sport Speer so let's quickly get rid of that and in this game we're going to be playing heavily aggressive trying kind of just test this weapon out against as many bugs as possibley we also got a terminal broadcast there illegal broadcast there as well as shrier Nest I'm going to try to snipe from far away should be a bit easier and uh yeah we're going to be using the quazar cannon mostly for those Chargers and those bile Titans and the incendiary breaker is of course going to fill the role of the Swarm clearing look at the quazar cannon I just love it so much so previously I suspect we still oh oo outplay charger I suspect it'll still remain the same um the incendiary breaker is not that great at dealing with brood commanders but it's pretty much great at dealing with everything else so really looking forward to that that's all already three charges down fantastic start already got a bot TI on to us the bug breach at can get a clean shot on that bile Titan oh oh no the hell diver's worst nightmare water oh we're good okay I thought I was about to drown there believe I got a clean shot on that b Titan he should just be one more shot here what how's that battle Titan still on his feet two shots to the face and a 500 kilo bomb didn't do the job all right what three shots still up okay we got also a spor spewer that direction so we're going to be kiing here this bile Titan mostly just to kind of kill him I still want to go back there to finish off the illegal broadcast but this big wow he is still up this big guy here is still giving me a bit of trouble you know what I might just rush back there no no no no that's not going to work that won't work there's too many bugs there on the way okay this should do it right come on what the f he did like a little jump there all right that's awkward keep cting this bile Titan here so we can clear him out first before we return to the fight all right all right I okay I don't know what's going on don't know why this B Titan is being able to resist five shots am I seriously missing all of these I'm going to be doing all primary objectives all side objectives going to be oh finally going to be doing primary objectives side objectives we're going to be trying to extract as well and of course take on as many bugs as we can I want to try to get the main objective done pretty fast so that we can increase the rate of uh how many patrols spawn in case you didn't know one shot down goes the Spore spewer but that's not what I was going to say in case you didn't know um once you complete all primary objectives the patrols is this going to hit yep beautiful the patrols will spawn at a faster rate essentially given us more enemies for us to shoot at and of course that is indeed what I want to do I want the game to throw as many patrols towards me as it can so that we can really put this weapon to the test still haven't gotten a full large swarm yet so let's make our way here to the primary objective work this bad boy out I don't know if I'm going to shoot that batt Titan but I think I'll just leave him alone he's a bit too far to worry about bam with a quazar cannon what you'll want to do is always open up with getting rid of those Chargers and you're going to be saving yourself a lot of work well we got three charges here oh wow that was bad that was pretty bad got a sport spewer here as always there's always a large group of enemies underneath a spor Speer also this new incendiary breaker it does kind of seem that pretty much one shot will do the job on a hunter as long as you light them up on fire they pretty much seem to burn themselves out shortly after which is fantastic really an amazing way dealing with them that was a pretty clean shot to the face one more should do the job that's called democracy Blazer Cannon didn't get like a stealth Nerf or anything did it I haven't used this since the p nope no yeah definitely didn't get a stealth Nerf was two hit kill beautiful get this charger out and there's another one stuck there as well some people were asking me how come sometimes my quazer Cannon gets rid of the bile Titans with two shots and sometimes with three and a lot of people are under the impression that it has something to do with like actually hitting their face or hitting when their mouth is open or mouth closed or whatever but from what I've heard that that is not the case from what I've heard this should do it right I think I already took a shot at that yep okay perfect from what I heard when the bile Titan is engaging when he's spewing bile apparently they have some sort of increased explosion resistance now don't quote me on that because I do not know whether that's a fact or just a theory but it does seem to be true uh a while had the reload glitch there it does seem to be true when you shoot the biot Titans when they're just going on about their day minding their business you seem to be able to get the two shots and that's enough to kill the bot Titan but when they're actually engaging at you spewing bile at you that's when it's going to take multiple shots like three plus shots to actually take down a bile Titan that is almost done it's just one more shot two shots per Spore gets uh gets rid of it let me just grab this terminal then the resupply then we'll finish that res that uh freaker Nest go back there finish it off such an amazing weapon as well for doing this rer Nest is completely destroyed and we did not even have to expose ourselves you see I personally think that the game should give should Place some samples underneath the shrier nest as far as I know the shrier nest don't often times have like samples on them but the game should try to convince players to actually go and try to deal with the shrier nest from up close by putting samples on it because as it stands right now I feel like there is no reason for you to get even near the shrier nest as they're extremely dangerous oh boy you got a nice biot Titan here already the third one this game four okay there's two biot Titans there you see right there as he's engaging that likely did less damage than usual so this is likely going to take more than two shots as you can see that was a clean shot to the mouth let's see if we can get another one no that that wasn't clean I think he did a little jump up there last second hop up I wanted to prove my point there but oh no come on come on no okay one of those bad mistakes I feel like every game I do them I think when I still have like five lives left I always make some sort of really silly mistake and give up a death for free all right won't be doing that again Boys Don't Worry won't be making silly mistake anymore this pretty common in my play to overextend I'm a Hu oh I got rid of that biot Titan that's perfect with an eag air strike that's nice I have a tendency in overextending in video games a lot whatever the video game may may be I always kind of end up leaving my position and playing a little bit too aggressive until I get properly punished for it all right two shots to that biot Titan down it goes that's already four bot Titans game just started pretty good and I guess we're to 10 minutes in and that's the first primary objective let's go ahead and make our way towards the second part yeah I see a question mark there on the mini map which means there is a side objective near us and it's the CF artillery quite nice I don't know if you guys knew this but another hidden change as well is they change how the missiles work they look different you see the Napal it used to have a flat head it used to be red with a flat head and now they just made it straight up red this is going to be napom again yep they made the smokes gray as it already was gray blue ones are static field but they all kind of have this the same look they don't have flatheads or anything like that anymore they're all they all look like regular shells just different colors yellow is the mini nuke blue is the static field red is Napal I believe explosive is orange and am I missing any I don't think I'm missing any and the red is naal I don't think I said that one uning democracy now this is what I wanted nice fat bug breach and a fifth B Titan okay the problem with this breaker incendiary is that you don't have that much of a you know get to kill now type deal oh that was clean would you like the taste of fre but I have noticed that if you light up the Hunters on fire pretty much on the first goal they they'll be they'll be effectively killed oo that Hunter almost protected the bio Titan but yeah right now I'm kind of unsure whether I prefer the breaker or the breaker in wow I think that hit hit its leg I think get uh blocked it with the leg there by accident right now I'm a little bit unsure which one I prefer the interesting thing about the breaker in sand are is that it is a lot more forgiving it's got more ammo you can just kind of blast shots in the direction of a swarm and you'll o uning democracy and you'll effectively do damage if you just shoot in the direction of a swarm cuz you'll be lighting a bunch of enemies on fire so it's just overall a lot more forgiving for people who don't maybe don't have that great an aim and recognize it this weapon is going to be quite useful personally I think this was a really good buff and I think it put the incendiary breaker in an interesting position where it's like pretty much as good as the regular breaker just in a different way and it's no longer the case of like the breaker is just a clear winner I think it's going to come down to player to player I think a lot of players will prefer this potential here of just lighting up a bunch of hunters on Fire taste of democracy Ninja just melts them right out there's something here it's a lot more forgiven for sure than the regular breaker cuz noway the breaker only has 13 shots which will kind of put you in a tough situation when dealing with very large swarms but the uh the incendiary breaker has 20 five shots by the way nearly twice as many definitely making it a lot more of a forgiven weapon than the regular breaker all right so we're going to be going here onto the I was going to say last main objective but it's not we're still going to pick up the hard drive and we're going to be going somewhere we're got to upload the data afterwards but I believe I've already finished all the side quests side objectives so we're actually quite ahead in time going to be quite good because it's going to give us a lot of units to fight towards the end of the game you look for a rock try to clip this charger nope it don't work turn around buddy by the way another hidden Nerf or H not Nerf sorry oh another hidden change in case you didn't know pre oh my God that's a lot of them previously the quazer cannon how' you like the taste of Freedom as you were charging up wow that's a lot of kills as you were charging up your shot if you let go of the charge up even for a little bit it would reset the entire charge up but now it doesn't reset it actually just kind of lowers the charge up a little bit Freedom Forever kind of allows you to Edge the charge a little bit and have further control of the charge up those awkward situations when the charger is like turned around for example throwing grenad ma empty all right pretty clean bug breach I'm going to be getting an ego rearm there that's why I tossed that 500 kilo there I was going to call for an eagle rearm but I figured I might as well throw the 500 kilad of just calling for the rearm have aast of democracy how about a nice cup of [Music] [Applause] Liberty I'm really digging this weapon dude I'm not going to lie to you guys throwing grenade let's reload kind of garbage against automatons cuz the spread is so large it makes makes it really really bad at dealing with those Devastators and dealing with automatons in general from a range against bugs it's clean yep that's already all five objectives that I've completed quite good two spor spewers one shrier Nest one broadcast and one CF artillery pretty good after I complete the primary objective I think I'll be going in here the heavy bug nest and just challenging a bunch of bugs see if we can push for really high kill amount game don't think this can be a thousand game thousand kill game as uh this isn't a pouncer planet pouncer planets it's going to be dramatically easier cuz there's a lot more units but I think that since we're getting here the primary objective done fairly quickly it's going to make the game spawn a lot of patrols which should lead to a lot of fighting here in a second how about a nice J of [Applause] Liberty going to let go of the hard drive here went to fighting mode fire in the hole at 20 minutes remaining throwing grenades mag's empty you see you guys see that you guys notice that Hunter there on the right side I shot him I think only once with the incendiary breaker he just went down due to the fire burn fire damage rather what injury how' you like the taste of Freedom this weapon is going to be great in group play as well I mean if you hit your teammates with it you're going to burn them to death but um other than that I think it's going to be fantastic for group play oh we got a group of hunters here going to be fantastic in group play cuz you can kind of just help out your team a lot by just lighting up the enemies on fire it's like blasting incendiary breaker shots into a large swarm and just sliding everybody on fire it just be helping out the team so much with the damage oh we got another big boy yeah we want you don't go anywhere oo that was clean I think this is already our fifth or sixth bi Titan this game quite a bit oh that's going to hit hit it woo thought that was going to hit its leg let's go Laser cannon you are amazing where's our Cannon gang here dude it's insane hey pretty empty was kind of hoping there' be more bugs trying to swarm us but um let's finish off this objective here and I think it completes it I think this is the last step okay we still got to wait this out we'll wait this out and then we'll go into the heavy bug nest and just be fighting off a bunch of bugs that's pretty much it for main objectives and side objectives only what about 22 minutes into the game 23 minutes into the game down goes all the main objectives and side objectives only one death as well really horrible one in classic Teo fashion overextending and dying because of it get some get [Applause] some pay now it's time to get our hands dirty let's kill a bunch of [ __ ] bugs enemy down fire in the H okay I was wondering whether the breaker incendiary only took one shot to the Warrior's face but it it doesn't not not like the breaker the breaker does only one shot the warrior if you shoot it clean on its face breaker incendiary doesn't do that though all right let's go for this heavy Nest see if we can close it off depending how fast things go we'll try to close off all the bug nests I find it unlikely though as heavy bug nests you know having 10 bug nests for you to get rid of takes quite a bit usually usually have to deal with a bunch of different swarms as well and since we're going for a high kill game here rather than just completing the nests you know we'll opt in to stay in fight as well like this look at that you can just kind of blindly shoot into all of them the kills just rack up Attack under way have you guys tried the the new incendiary breaker since the update if so what do you guys think about it so far I'm honestly kind of going here and just kind of trying to get a feel of whether I prefer the regular breaker or this breaker but I'm not quite sure they're actually both really really good I'm really really satisfied with where this uh incendiary weapon is currently at I think I may still give the edge to the regular breaker just cuz I I prefer weapons that have a heftier amount of damage per shot personally I'm the type of person who enjoys like marksman rifles and video video games and such D we're going to stagger this batt Titan right on top of that 500 kilo that was beautiful that's another thing you can do by the way call the 500 kilo bomb you can use the quazer cannon to stagger the uh the bile Titan on it gu we can't stun them anymore that'll have to do yeah as saying I I do generally prefer Marksman rifle type weapons but since the marksman rifles oh my God I hesitated there wasn't sure whether I was going to try to shoot the hole or the charger I think my angle was a bit off I don't think that was going to seal off that bug hole Yeah sadly the the marksman rifles are pretty bad in Hell divers 2o they're all very slow hopefully they'll make a marksman rifle that actually has quite a fluid oh boy how the heck hopefully they'll make a marksman rifle that has a fluid Crosshair that actually doesn't feel like you're trying to aim with like a couch or something like super slow just light them up on fire get some get some kind of crazy cuz you can actually see the kill counter go up as I just shoot into the crowds even when I'm not no longer shooting you just see the kill counter increasing because of the fire damage Li return lo lo so we got three more bug holes to close so let's see if we can close that right now oh and another bile Titan what's that seven see if we can stagger him on top actually I might not need to what no way he lived that that was perfect oh no no way he lived through that 500 kilo and the quazer cannon shot that was perfectly under him was it not that should do it though stay there buddy yeah you big [ __ ] all right seal off this last Bug Hole extraction is available throwing grenade a I choked that shot got another group coming in here let me just fall back in here close off that bug hole get the hell out of Dodge get in a better position stop just kind of circling around this bug Nest uh-oh you made it out uning oh boy that feet that foot was so close to me oh hello where'd you come from guess I killed that no the batt Titan's still there I thought I killed it with napon you see maintaining the quazer cannon shot there and down goes the bile Titan oh that was a horrible ego air strike wasn't it that was terrible I'm kind of wondering where I'm going to go now I think I'm going to start making my way towards the next heavy bug Nest there's no way we're going to be able to seal it off though I don't think how' you like the taste of Freedom let I just ran in there and closed it off and ran away but no point in doing that just take here a couple of fights lost track of how many battle Titans it's been oh that was right on him what I know that was Napal but I feel like that should have done more damage to the biot Titan that was clean ooo okay maybe it did do decent bitter damage you will never destroy our way of life this is freaking insanee isn't it how many Titans has it been so far got another one there at the other side of the river come on laser Canon just turns these batt Titans into dinner dude oh no that was bad he's kind of doing like little hop UPS see if that can land on it nope not even close back oh that that missed as well I think that was at the top of his head only had one clean shot so far take that too so I think one more here should do the trick best way to do this is personally I think just kind of wait for the batt Titan to do its acid spew okay three shots wait for it to do the acid spel Sprint a little bit and you'll easily get out of range and then just finish it off the problem is if you don't have the shield generator pack you will be staggered you will be slowed so I guess this would only work with a shield generator pack but if you're playing against bugs you should always be using the shield generator anyways unless I guess you're in group play and you want to be offering Supply packs or something like that democracy oh oh is it going to charge up in time yeah it will fire in the hole come here buddy do the same to you no need mag empty say hello to democracy damn that's a lot of freaking bugs uning democracy I think that you go your air strike is going to be pretty clean yeah it's decent [ __ ] yeah so I guess BR Commander doesn't perform as well but everything else it performs either as good or even better I think it's better against Hive guards than the regular breaker get get about the same against Hunters it's just a bit different I guess a bit worse against brute commanders like I said before I think they got a pretty interesting grip here on these two weapons there's no clear winner they're just better than each other in different ways oh wow that 500 kilo did a job I did not expect that actually I thought that landed behind it beautiful now it's definitely been at least like oh what is that glitch definitely been at least 10 B Titans oh that hit its leg didn't it it doesn't take that many shots to the Charger's leg here democracy on it way overwhelmed got to be careful here for a reinforcement loop Clear them out before the numbers get too much get some get some empty I feel like if you're an incendiary or not if you're a breaker spray and PR user I feel like this is the time to test out the incendiary breaker because this is amazing dude it feels a lot more forgiving that's for sure feel like especially for like PlayStation players that will that generally struggle a little bit more to aim than computer players as you have less flexibility I think this is going to be an amazing weapon it's very very forgiven you don't need to worry about weak spots as nearly as much as the regular breaker oh boy that's a lot of [ __ ] bugs we got a bug breach and an extra Patrol here get some get some just look at this weapon gooc of democracy Max empty get some get some Max empty oh we got another B Titan clean Wonder wondering whether I'll waste a 500 kilo or just try to get rid of it with a quazar I think I'll just focus on trying to get rid of it with a quazar ooo okay mag's empty maybe the engagement Theory isn't accurate cuz he was engaging me there and still went down with two shots I think that's literally the first time I've been able to get rid of it with only two shots though like with it actually actively spewing bile at me all right we got a minute left quite a solid game I feel like we're getting a [ __ ] ton of kills here I really wish this was a pouncer planet pouncers would get obliterated by this breaker incendiary that's another unit that we didn't face here in this game but it would just do tremendous work against them uny cuz if if lighting up a hunter on fire oh that was pretty solid if lineing up a hunter on fire is enough to get rid of them in one go imagine the pouncers this uh I could definitely break a th000 kills with this weapon I think may want to do that next time I kind of come across a pouncer planet I don't quite think this will be a th000 kills do we fought too many bile Titans as well which makes us feel like we've been fighting a lot more than we actually have since you know B Titans only counts as one of course stagger you let's go [ __ ] what is that 11 I think one of the most B Titan heavy games I've had in a while just doesn't feel that heavy cuz you can actually take him out with so much ease all right a minute 40 going to be trying to extract here grab here a couple supplies let's see if we can maybe handle this ah got behind the rock if we can get rid of this group here before we go the that did it all right I'm not going to worry about the biot Titan I think I is getting you know what since I think this has potential to be my most bile Titan kills in one game I might as well I think the most I've ever killed was 11 if I remember correctly beautiful wait a minut never mind thought I saw something there the B Titan's head but tripping just tripping boys am I am I going to make it did we did we overextend again oh my God okay actually I think I don't think we're making it oh no stamina recover come on oh my God wait we're not making it sequence standing go go go go go go go oh can I drop the quazer cannon for initi stand for take more speed oh no we're not we're actually not making it please don't leave me don't leave me oh no no we have no stamina wait no no don't leave me with the bugs if they could speak I know our heroes would not did they leave me with the bugs or did they leave the bugs with me their victory that is the question all right we just wasted they're about what what was it like 20 samples H I'm actually not even sure I got that many but still that is [ __ ] how do you leave a hell diver behind he was out there putting in the work getting rid of 11 plus bile Titans and you just leave them all right let's see how many kills here so yeah that was the incendiary breaker run which uh let me tell you I'm actually really really loving this weapon I do think it has potential to outperform the breaker in certain players hands 857 kills quite good but yeah I'll catch you guys on the next one I have another video coming in today thank you guys for watching peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 101,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: 7eeGIzyxgtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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