I played Gray Zone Warfare early and it's actually GOOD

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I can't get over how good these weapon models look man so nice oh I love that I can actually see you doing that as well the weapon inspects alt v as well alt V is your weapon check shift V is your chamber check did you notice you swap shoulders too when you lean left no way yes yeah how sick is that oh I love that that's a cool detail yeah they've really listened to the military folks on this one yeah they got that guy you know Jonathan Ferg the Firearms expert he does all the videos on Firearms expert reacts oh yeah I heard that he actually like work with him loads on all of the the Weaponry so gry Zone Warfare looks to create its own path in this hardcore extraction shooter genre with a focus on maximum realism extensive weapon customization and some frankly insane ballistic simulation all while keeping things fun and accessible with persistent servers offering a more jump in jump out approach without any frustrating load screens or Q times in between the action yeah I'm at UT talk of following a mysterious event that took place on an island called L mang in Southeast Asia the entire area has been put under International quarantine with almost all civilian population evacuated you need to uncover the Island's secrets and of course bring back anything of value it's not stealing if they left it behind right where is my S now I was very fortunate to be invited to an Insider play test just before the RO gameplay that IGN uploaded recently and I'm sure most of you have seen that video by now but after playing for myself I don't think that gameplay did greyone Warfare much Justice at all especially without any of the necessary context to make it make sense so I think that's what my gameplay will offer you today I'm in this unique position where I'm being led through a portion of the map the same Mission shown in that IGN video but accompanied by some of the games developers lead designer Adam and the community manager Michael so in this video you'll hear some developer commentary direct from the horse's mouth to understand exactly how these gameplay systems work in real time nice I'm also playing alongside my friends de and Custer plays as we work together to acquire some important Intel and take down any enemies we encounter along the way this was a super limited play test with maybe 20 other creators involved each handpicked for their expertise in the hardcore extraction and tactical shooter space all in their own private sessions with some of the developers as they showed us the inner workings of the game so no you won't be seeing any PVP in this video as they wanted to make sure everyone involved had this one-on-one experience with the devs but the game will have 48 players per server at launch with a maximum of 16 players per faction in four squads of four from my understanding aside from optimization and some weird AI Behavior I felt my feedback was kind of nitpicky by the time I was done playing I think madfinger games the studio behind gry Zone Warfare are operating within a certain Niche that we've all been waiting ages for and at the base level they're pretty much delivering on all fronts with a persistent open world that is always changing even when you're not playing you don't spawn in or disappear when you reach an extract point in this game instead having to arrive and depart the area in a helicopter or on foot of course and return to the safety of your forward operating base where your stash and Mission givers can be found the helicopter is AI controlled and flies on select paths but you will be Invincible when flying above ground a lot of games struggle when it comes to realism and there's a fine line when it comes to The Balancing Act of realistic mechanics and fun gameplay which from my short time playing I think gry Zone Warfare absolutely nails and I'm excited to play more whenever it releases I just hope they don't rush out of the door too soon I don't want to Ramble On for ages though and I think most of your questions will be answered in the following gameplay and the conversations I have with the devs but I'll do my best to answer anything more specific if you have any burning questions in the comments there's no confirmed release date as of now but with the Early Access on the horizon I don't see the initial launch date being too far off for now at least let me know your thoughts below leave a like for the algorithm subscribe for more and without further Ado this is gry Zone Warfare go that's awesome go go go it's there only for 20 seconds I think I think we're all on I'm calling another H so I'll be there moment okay bye Michael it's pretty cool actually this is awesome glad to hear that I did stutter a little bit when we took off there but yeah enjoy the view there might be a tiny stutter when you are flying uh it happens you like for the first time when right okay and yeah he's still working on the optimalization so slow in the shaders and stuff of course yeah but it's it is stunning already I can already hear the people playing like their own music down the mic as we fly in P the black on every round you can see it now base boosted Fortunate Son you are not even supposed to be like uh targetable or like you shouldn't be taking damage when you're on the Alley we just found out that it's not true in this build all right which is not intentional supposed to be Invincible yeah we were returning to the base game when one guy was shot by a so nice we were surprised right we were like no you can't like you didn't get hit like we are sure you didn't get hit and then he got hit we didn't we didn't believe him okay I'm here uh oh I think Michael's arrived can follow me there he is be careful because Landing he Landing exact same spot yeah yeah okay clear that area then don't get squished and if you open the map you can see the H sing the location oh that's I love the the clothes like blowing in the wind looks awesome the was nearby yeah you can see that in the in the hel as well that's pry that's a great detail all right so where's Adam yeah here I'm okay so we'll be following sorry only issue I've got right now is I can't how do I accept the the task oh you can't anymore yeah I was trying at the base but it wasn't um there was no like action for if you open the tasks you can see the task right right now yeah yes and what does it say like what does it say it says available oh crap yeah is it like a vendor thing you can only accept it at you go to the vendor oh I was going yeah I was trying to activate it in the task menu That's So me so uh it doesn't really change much for you if we just um go this time okay if you just go because you will'll be showing you the one of the parts yeah so you can do it later and what is the Freel look button it's the middlee middle Mouse yeah how do I lower my weapon I think it does it automatically after a little bit of time yeah okay exactly yesam are you the one sprinting away yes yes you yeah so it guys yeah so are you guys ready or do you need yeah let's go all right so let's go follow follow me please excited okay I'll be closing the group so I feel like you know when you go on holiday and you booked a couple of TS and that's kind of what this feels like right now like like if you guided tour of the island yeah this is cool there's like multiple path to how to do this Quest basically it's like open world so you can go directly there but uh yeah we want to show you this path awesome hell yeah how have you guys fine today so far you just excited to be showing it off or you exhausted by now you can imagine like I've I've been pressing out for like a week right now and this is just so enjoyable to just to it yeah that's awesome course yeah yeah what what is not working properly now I think it's the sounds of the footsteps because the materials are not reflecting the environment now but guys are working on it to fix it okay so we are like close to the town and uh here is the point when we have we can have the first contacts so be careful it can end up really fast for okay coveram coveram okay one more go go go I'm crossing okay let's cross the street oh they can be they are usually uh next to the gate and next to the track yeah see see one uh Northwest 300ish of course me yeah Adam's usually the first one to die in every play that we have yes no even if we are group like and I am in the middle I'm the first who died sh to right and one's coming from the west but slowly any got eyes on them sounds like one of you guys took a nasty here though at the gate right at the gate right now yep sey down take hit I'm bandaging here all right so if we ever have a calm moment after you getting shot try to have a look at the health system the movement feels very natural already yeah somewhere Northwest and it sounds like scorpion yeah he's oh there's one more oh [ __ ] I think it's West down the road oh he's hit me I heard yeah I I heard that oh hit me again okay I'm backing off not painful D you put some cover man right in the chin okay my guy is still having a hard time here the recall really good yeah it's not bad just be careful if you aim for too long you will deplete your arm stamina and there will be like a new sway introduced ah your a like kind of like read up to it if you if you hover your mouse over the specific injury on the on the X-ray you will find you will get more information severe bruise to the chest such a wimp anyone of you bring a scope or are you all just Hollow yeah yeah I'm patching up one more one more one more down the street oh no no no just figured I throw myself in at the def end for the first run you know nice let's go let's go let's go yeah like I love the lpv in this game ah one more one more sprinting down the street but he's pretty far away okay yeah they'll be these are like the beginner uh enemies like this is the first location you're going to have this is for on boarding right and imagine yep yep yep yep I'm trying to find them imagine the that uh you'll be uh going through this map for the first time with like iron sights you know yeah it's going to be tough oh sh oh crap I just got hit really hard what should I take if I'm dizzy uh if you're dizzy yeah if you dizzy Just in game not in real life I'm I'm okay I think P I'm not sure now I think p and check your hydration and energy yeah yes this need to be refilled uh how do you check your current mag uh v v v but get into cover because the animation is pretty long not to our own horns here but like once once uh you guys try this out alone this is going to get a little bit more difficult I'm sure there's a guy hanging yeah one more guy coming down to Street Vision on that guy one more coming down the Tre yeah one is down nice we shot him Nice Shot okay so our objective is our goal is like on the on the right side on this PA can we to the right yes sure try water and food oh there are also loot boxes uh which you can find in some locations and there there is loot basically we currently working on some like polishing this these boxes to be like more visible for the players not not look as other boxes in the in the game so it should be better okay so here is our location this is like one objective and you need to find Intel Inside cool do you want me to help you out or do you want to search for it no I'll show it is this uh the house where the mission objective is yeah yeah here here's something okay all right tomor you still don't have have the mission yeah I don't so someone else needs to claim it right so here's the you here you should see a phone right so that would only spawn in if I had the mission equipped okay did you get it yeah I got it co I got it so that's that's the first objective yeah but like the the goal is to find the building and get um the Intel uh here you can see here's the like the mark that you were supposed to be looking for we taking shots no I was so come out the building there's nothing to be scared worried about it you can just I don't know that kind of sounds like the opposite of what you've been telling [Laughter] us so uh right out here um you can see the sign that you were supposed to be looking for oh and that tells you like the mission am I going to shoot it I'm aiming right now yeah yeah it's in the mission description like look for signs so this is oh I see so it's like graffiti instead of of actual UI elements okay that's so much better than like an UI or head element you know yeah I love that right that's the whole thing about tasks here like the task themselves can be pretty simple uh when it comes to like the information or what you're supposed to do but uh you can encounter a lot of a lot of uh enemies you can encounter AI maybe some overachieving uh pmcs that might would like to take you out mhm so it's really like the difficulty of the mission is set by the circumstances and they can be always different so this Mission could be I don't know Adam Set uh it could take it took them 20 minutes with knowing with them knowing where they're supposed to go mhm yeah yeah it's around the 20 minutes for us take two hours and be like multiple attempts so yeah yeah and yeah also the this is like I think it's not first mission definitely it's like fourth or fifth Mission and uh some of the first mission uh we'll have some coordinates like in the in the objectives to help you and you can like see the coordinates on the map so it will just tell you which sector you should like look cool so it just it just gives you like the grid pretty much yes yes yes yes some of them some of them for for the beginning areas for for sure for the later because there is 150 Quest now W these will be more difficult and there will be less Clues it will be on players to find out all right so I'm just going to close the the group again so I'll go last I'm not staying on that road I see how it is let us all die first well someone's going to have to find show you the way we need a canary am I supposed to go first all right let's go God I can imagine how intense this would be with just other players potentially yeah like most of the buildings are accessible for the players some energy drinks in here oh cool I just got XP for finding the construction site sorry some of them yeah yeah you can you can look to the you can find some loose Lo there in this so because like you said the ra this these are not exactly ra you can just enter the map leave the map whenever you want right it's like an ongoing okay so assistant world let's go to the supermarket area and be careful because usually I I don't know if we like kill everybody here but yeah the market we are at right now is usually like a hot spot so's no timer it's more of like a um the timer is how much resources you have exactly love that yes like we've had people on Discord kind of like saying that they're going to they're just going to lie in one spot for hours to role play snipers yeah no doubt yeah that's just called being a rat but yeah that is called being a rat yeah role playing a rat dishonorable discharge okay so watch him because where there's one there's usually more yep he's behind the truck up behind you guys must be really far away I'm watching South taking a shot he's down there's another one another one on his dis custter I'm over to you guys on the left ah much more they're coming oh yeah I think I saw movement there shots far away on the left oh there's oh oh they're close yeah Northwest close oh yeah pretty close oh yeah got you Northwest yeah yeah yeah enemy down more in this Alleyway next to me here one more guy coming down the road I'm coming Northwest right now I died oh going try and throw a grenade you might side as well I died I know to what good frag that was right where they were they're in the bushes got one down yeah on to this van here Brown van so can can I treat a a mild bleeding with a tour kit or do I need to use something like a bandage you can use the tourit bandage for light bleeds I think the bandage should fix it as well right yeah should yeah I brought one I only brought oh wow the ledge climbing dude oh I'm on this building now yes come join me I love how everyone's just surprised that we have Bing it's so good you don't see that in tactical shoot as much no yeah well that's part of the tactic well ever but yeah I know it is a tactical element but you know it's more of an open world tactical shooter which there are very few of at least good ones reloading yeah this is awesome even Ghost Recon call themselves a shooter these days ow I took a big hit there need to use him first aid if you can cover me de I'll dip in for you I see him oh he's running he's running to the left of the street I think I need to use the surge K actually it depends on the ammunition you can hit him even behind the sign right yeah yeah that's what I was doing yeah it's days of siding totally okay I think we have strategy position one of the roof and I got I got busted up there yeah your characters I need a uh like an energy drink or a snack if anyone can land I'm bringing some I've got an energy drink here I won't be there immediately slight blood loss you've got okay hold on Tomo if I drop this I've got a growling stomach now I think I'm good with the oh I just fell off with the blood loss to did it roll the way down off the roof it's yeah I got it thank you ah that sweet nectar delicious can you kick a door from the opposite side or no yeah you can't like break the door eventually by from the other side I want to see if it if it hurts me where are you right now uh the door you just went through the metal door for science for science oh God I hear it goes you blocked it you actually blocked it with your face oh that's so good no visitors sir oh is this like a uh like a staged body that's cool oh it's not someone we actually killed but he like as part of the design yeah like a PMC the violence yeah it's it's part of the storytelling there so yeah very nice this tile part color in the bathroom is hideous great like bright green yeah some people just want to watch the world Bur this is this is how it is so like in this city how many NPCs can be spawned in at the same time this is like uh still we are balancing this because we are also reworking the spawn system a little bit to not uh allow spawn enemy in front of you uh so we are now I think there is around the 60 oh wow 60 to 70 AI in the in the small town but it can change definitely it can be more and or less that's cool though it's a lot of action it's hard to say keeps you on your toes I like the slow strafe too when you look left and walk left like you don't see that a lot like facing forwards is your fastest when you're just walking around and then yeah you actually walk slower when you strafe left yeah that is a great detail I heard some something from I got shot no no no no no no yeah yeah I'm taking shot you can come in and help you hear it blood leaking out you de yeah yeah yeah as that hit look at that oh feels so us yeah oh I'm dead no head shot he is I think a head shot yeah I think it got doomed I can't revive you now then it's possible that your armor was destroyed as well oh oh wow that's a thing okay got him I'm going to come to help you out guys out that cool the bush moved out the way when I F A shot um if you look at the map you can see where we are okay okay you are close to us wait is that oh oh those that's you guys don't kill us just going to steal all of de's loot hello it's all mine now okay I I can go to The Landing zone no oh you put some attachments on your Glock did you de I mean my glock listen don't mind if I do uh oh I'm dead are you oh yeah I thought it was one of you then I checked the map Oh My Friends Are Dead uh I found that guy good luck everyone's dropping like flies so that's what happens when you are not coordinated yeah I'm at Deep's body still right now oh we have more guys coming let's let's just hold up somewhere okay and wait for them yeah this is super realistic but it's not so realistic that it's no longer a game but that's like the whole thing like that's the balance of the game like you have uh we are pushing for realism while it's got to be fun yeah yes exactly it's gight realism so like basically the guy who created the ballistic system he has so many ideas that if we didn't uh if uh we just let him uh lose he would basically create a secondary physical system for the world wow yeah that's a crazy guy in the meantime we can clear this marketpl if you want yeah sounds good there were voices to the left here to the left right maybe we will meet all in the base camp soon we keep losing man there's a lot of trash talk again I think he'll be inside going to wash his my side I know where you are oh no we know where you are oh yeah bet you got an AK for me to do we have flashlights on this call me a [ __ ] collectively I think we all got called a [ __ ] got him FL lights will not be uh in the early access it will be in the first update with the day and night oh cool cool the interior details insane in this game yeah if you look at the if you look at UI uh on on the left side you have the you have two semem bars mhm the right one is for like sprinting and jumping and the left one is actually for arms oh I see nice and now we have the cool I think only one set uh of the voiceovers connected but we have recorded much more like three or four nice connect them oh enemy down great I'm holding it you're so quiet and I think it was one of these yeah he should have some interesting glot did someone die yeah good we had an akm ah was he the boss be I like his glasses I'll take those he's got some frags and some snacks take one of them yeah so the akm should be modable fairly modable and uh should run um 3 762 I heard somebody from outside I heard that yeah oh yeah Southeast in on the ground floor somewhere ooh yeah yeah yeah South entrance so I usually get killed by the road here when I'm not he's done one's done very good okay yeah we had that guy before to the left to the left no not now not now oh okay before before the one with the uh scorpion yeah I can hear movement West maybe West door there's a West entrance isn't there yeah oh yeah should we go towards the fields he's dead nice is this game going to have like ghilly suits that would be insane yeah be terrifying we'll see in the future what will be there like this g s is definitely good okay in this game is going to be insane Tom got you something oh yeah roll off the roof again for me that's okay you got to grab it fast H fast here it goes oh nice there we go the AI of head shot you a lot de I'm not sure I want to put on a uh Beret instead of a a TC 2000 helmet you don't think my Beret is bulletproof should we test it no that's all right never mind I forgot what I said okay then what happened to foran Steve uh yeah what happened I'm a flat arur noise just no guys are coming so let's let's meet them oh yeah the quest yeah the quest we do have an objective yeah I'm just here trying on hats that's a good sign you're having fun not even thinking about the quest yeah I mean that's that's part of it if you're like comfortable to kind of stay and a a world like this and get immersed and forget yeah what you're actually supposed to do that's kind of good okay so here is here is in this house uh in I'm on the road on the road on the road the dirt road the one near the massive y so here is the other building for the quest oh yeah and it's marked on the truck too yeah yes oh nice oh cool and inside you can you can find Intel on the on the table ah yes sub objective complete can be yeah someone found something I find the breaker box just switch switch on the par yeah out here you've got a we box just on the side of the wall no way as you can see you you can find also the switches light switches on the walls oh yeah uh it's prepared for the day and night wow and the breaker bards are connected to the switches and to the lights oh awesome that's so good so this will be like for the day and night things it's not in the game yet yes yes that's why the light switches are disabled gotcha will we have a night vision great question uh yes there will be night visions one night oh baby yes yes um I think you guys probably covered this before but is is there going to be I don't really know what the weather is like for this setting like Geographic geographically but will there be like uh like Monsoon weather or you know like different types of overcast and stuff awesome definitely there will be some weather uh weather system which will be like connected with the day night cycle these are some of like the most high quality like weapon models I've ever seen it's insane the detail like I've seen like fingerprints and all sorts on the scope yes I noticed that as well and just like did you try the alt V alt V anation yet yeah I'm doing all that stuff now looks insane yeah the props inside the buildings are also really nice really detailed a lot of things to look at yeah so there's there's no like um cut scenes or anything like that in the game so a lot of the lore and the story of the of the game is uh told through the environment yeah yes the guys called the environmental storytelling mhm yeah catch a lot of things not just Easter eggs but even like some story points just from like exploring on the now I think we're oh [ __ ] one West pushing in got some decn there I think there might be someone in the houses but I think keep yeah exactly yep okay let's move so as we are approaching um this whatever Adam like right now it looks like Adam's leading us into a forest yep um we'll find a new LZ if we just keep on walking this way okay discover them and it will appear in the map uh it's not there from the beginning right you'll get it as soon as you approach the location which uh yeah there will be reason to go there okay yeah so watch out here might be more enemies yep oh on the house the porch oh yeah nice yep shots oh cool is that a up north is that like a statue or just a rock a big old Rock Dwayne looks carved though I believe that is fragle Rock if I'm not mistaken yeah we're approaching my favorite area of this route by The Rock a pretty high optic Zoom so oh my God what happened in here oh you will have to find out once the game is out poor dudes look at this window right yeah oh boy so good can you blame them they're not matching camos I do the same so what are you like main focuses now before launch uh right now see footstep audio you've covered across different like right now we yeah right now we are mainly polishing working on optimization uh we Adam will be able to tell you more about this but when it comes to Features we should be done with that we just push yeah nice yeah now it's most about the optimizations and finishing the stuff like the as you can see in the map there there are lot of locations and they're almost done we are in the last stage like polishing them so like finalizing some gray book stuff and yeah nice right so and and balancing of course yeah this is like important thing but yeah we will try our best but definitely we will balance the game once it will be released after the feedbacks and this kind of stuff and the damage is tied to the ammo type right not like the actual gun itself yes ni yes yes exactly okay so we explore the landing zone so we can call the heli back to the base camp so somebody please open them map and click on the base camp and call for transport anyone who didn't get to call the hel yet yeah I'll try it yeah so you just need to be in the vicinity of a landing Zone and if and you just open the map and uh click on the Base Cam that we where we start from from to there so the system will automatically uh decide which uh Landing zone is uh closest to you and it will send the hel there with um it will even like count on the fact like how far you are away from the from the landing zone so it will add time cool but like it's not possible from everywhere you just you need to get at least a little bit close to The Landing zone right all right we got 1 minute 30 then until pick up like all the trees and the nature you see it's our proprietary Tech that we're using the wind in the trees looks great Shadows yeah the wind is like uh if you see a hel coming over the trees you'll see them bending and no way so so cool hey it will it will come from the northeast or will call inhes to extract in the future will it like create more attention because of the obviously other players will know about it but will the AI have heightened kind of awareness of it m uh we'll we'll see if there will be AI around the landing Zone sure here it comes oh yeah look at it blowing the trees oh the trees that's great that's so cool the other one okay run run yeah we got 20 seconds okay let's go so how many devs in studio working on the game uh we have about 80 devs right now we including those that are not in the office like remote workers and contractors but like in the studio it's about 40 or 50 people here uming yeah yeah so I guess you're walking then oh no we have another you have to call you you're taking that tuck tuck the three content quer have been left to go back to Bas coster's walking yeah so do you guys have any like um questions or anything interesting to ask sorry no do you have anything to ask yeah I need some time to like look back but you know solid first impression so far the game looks great yeah the fundamentals are all there it's just optimization that's our main focus right now but the bulk of what you just experienced is going to be the game play Yeah there a lot more locations like this is our onboarding location there are much more like called interesting places you can discover even in the context of the island itself mhm sure do you have any plans to like refine the way that AI work to like take cover and so I did notice like a lot of the gunfights are like they'll stand in the middle of a road or not really utilize their surroundings but uh we are still working on the AI it's like in progress so that will be definitely take and also like in this area it should be like easy AI for the player yeah I get that once they will move to through the map to the other location you're facing more difficult enemies definitely because currently the guys were with the shitty AKs and without any gear right without any protection so that will be AI sounds good I mean it's definitely taking the right boxes so far Tak yeah it is it's taking those boxes for sure other than I was expecting and obviously there's we don't even have the PVP right now so yeah that's a whole other experience will be will be uh like if you think of something uh in the future you can just uh bing Us by Discord or anything but like right now uh yeah we would like to thank you all for being here this is awesome yeah I appreciate your time guys it was great nice to have someone talk us through it you know usually we just get a a briefing we got to run around on our own but it's like a pretty unique experience having some actual devs teach us the ways yeah yeah you see you guys right see you bye thank you bye thanks for the tour for
Channel: Tomographic
Views: 204,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gray zone warfare gameplay, gray zone warfare game, gray zone warfare trailer, gray zone gameplay, gray zone warfare, gray zone, tactical shooter, extraction shooter, new steam games, steam games, pc game, ultra settings, gray zone warfare first impressions, i tried, i played gray zone warfare, tomographic, tomographic gray zone warfare, gzw, gzw gameplay, pc, fps, shooter game
Id: UwGpb39z8g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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