MECHS just changed the game in HELLDIVERS 2

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so they finally added Mech to H divers 2 thanks to a giant Community effort to liberate the planet they were being manufactured on and these things are even more powerful than we ever thought they would be it's safe to say there's been a bit of a divide in the community since the rail gun was nerfed and our most powerful tool for dealing with heavy enemies was hit the hardest this was all in preparation for the new mexo and they absolutely obliterate charges and B Titans like it's nothing the Patriot Exo Suit has arrived just in time to dispose of our most frustrating foes so drop a like for the algorithm subscribe for more and enjoy the Carnage ooh it's dark prepare to watch your Mech get destroyed by an instant Salvo or a turret from across the map oh shoot speaking of which we're actually right next to a turret so that's fun oh yeah that's um that's sketchy actually I'll I'll take it out straight away um yeah it's looking at us it's going away goodbye bye turet wonderful so many reinforcements already okay in your ma aded thr a Gatling ahead oh no I've been hit by something immediately come on Wow 50% armor chance save me there cuz that was an explosive guy in range of enemy artillery oh the Rocks right here yeah I got it right we need to go to where the Morts being fired from immediately okay cuz they're going to destroy us look in this sky with a red Morts are landing it's Southeast somewhere was trying to sh oh I see it it's out South yep y got Go destroy those ASAP copy that and they will one shot if they land on us trying to get his head there we go War you are in of enemy good shot Stone jeez him there you go get the angle there mowing these guys down over here says to activate the terminal is this one of the missions radar Tower Excell teamwork coming in from South y Eyes On Water one more dead I'm me to see if I can do this Tower thing wait no that's that's anti a can I just shoot the um Fabricators or should I uh you have to you have to shoot it into the vent oh I'm jammed what you can't use your rockets and stuff no I was going to do uh whatever what about these more oh okay I you have to shoot in the back of the vent I'm going to call you closer to where you die trying to conserve my Rockets here yeah I need to get my shield back at least no no no no no please don't hit my Mech please don't hit my Mech thank you oh these aren't the mortars these are just little sentes yeah I think that was just a anti-air replacement is done point on the way I was kill the anti air well that turret's still up okay got to do this one of the turrets done God the Rockets are so accurate it's insane there's another one out there though oh what get around the rockmy jeez i'mot I don't want this mag to get blown away I'm alive imp ony the Morts landing on me come on there we go updated fabricator destroyed you are in of enemy artillery heard understood acknowledged game got deal with these mots quick I'm on my way over War you are no one of them got me lied my leg it doesn't have to reload ever but what you have ammo wise is the only ammo you have for the entire Mission basically these aren't the mortars are they you should be near the compound now yeah I couldn't kill the ones over here I didn't have anything to destroy okay I should get it with this looks like they are uh yeah these are definitely mortars bro yeah right here look these are the Morts all right I'm going to call my um I'm going to call my a strike on I've got one already on it run run run okay that one good yours y nice St right calling in my last Mech that not go ining walk stand by for Titanfall we go careful that M here requesting ADV never okay there's still sample over here I'll go grab This ship's just shooting the rock we a cannon all right I am smoking let's do this [Music] are we wanting to do everything or you guys want to just do the main mission oh we can do everything easy sounds good to me check those question marks on the map cuz that'll be some of the side objectives some sort of D oh no the turet over there I forgot about that one sounds good to me and I'm dead have to do a long wide flank nice got it Stone nice oh oh I need jump back out I completely forgot about the guys with the backpacks the exploding jetpacks yeah got shoot his legs ah just dive away from him mate no if you shoot his legs he doesn't blow up you could do that but it's just a smaller Target to waiting for just dive back and shoot him you won't take damage is the turret dead yep oh nice okay wait for the I don't know if that's going to reach I don't have my uh wait for the tank to come oh wow I would actually went far than thought you can destroy that wait I did switch to my long throw there's two tanks there is two tanks y got one seconds 5 seconds I could have got both wait oral strike incom both tanks are dead thank you very nice so accurate man all right uh we need to clear this compound by destroying the Fabricators so try and get one in there in the vent I'm currently a Hulk I don't know if anyone can take that thing on okay one Fab done get that one if you can get a rocket in there I think the Hulk's dying like two shots of the face I have a Hulk after me on your right Stone yep yep thank you more my meca is gone did you get that Fab should be dead nice oh this is bad compound's not clear yet though uh oh there's another Fab there oh super dead oh it's the backpack covering you shoot them in their faces they they really really quick guaranteed one shot head shot okay I'm using the uh explosive ar oh right I mean you should still be able to do it yeah might just take a few more shots than the one if you're not using a shotgun please somebody kill this Hulk can't help right now a few them off here walk's dead no it's literally just a hul that's the only issue all right I'm coming top of you corner I have a 110 all right I'm going to wait for his back to turn here we gowest close H dead there that's two rockets in the back thank you now I can go back in I got you homie this is full Star Wars right now well ye this it has been well yeated okay good all right we got to go let go back on ourselves going towards the launch code St if you try and like drag with right click and and ping with left on the map you'll going to fire like your right and left rocket so don't do that basically oh got okay launch codes in the top right is this is the generator area over here oh yeah yeah you're right Jenny first then youing area no all right I don't think it matters we can do this first left Mission area I'm cutting through oh that scared me oh I've called reinforcements damn it I was too late hidden container here reloading blast it open with my Slugger he keep baiting him around still a natural I can take this guy out if you keep baiting him what a natural baiting on my way there we go Hulk's dead ATS next to it nice returning to the mech okay uh if you need ammo there's some ammo over here I think we're good we just got some here have you guys lost both your both your mechs now your arrow is over here acculite I still have one more but I'm saving it for later in case we uh need it all right got the Fab done over there we're chilling just keep moving towards that generator oh yeah watch out with the AR thrower please I'm coming through yeah no worries I do my very best not to aim at anybody unless they're deserving of it uh-huh uh-huh anyone need a little zap oh I killed the guy before reinforced love that all right one of you jump on that terminal if you can no that guy got one off damn it wait maybe can I shoot them before they land I'm hitting the terminal okay yeah you can shoot it down two rockets into the ship oh I didn't even try and shoot the ship down just trying to shoot them out of it oh shoot oh I missed that one strafe left and ruined it all right Mech is over Mech is done Mech funds are over oh jeez ow fire back to being a feeble human oh it's an mg guy watch I don't want to like it's all right I'll stagger him that's the head shot thing that's what they look like when they get headshotted okayo loging in the terminal got some breathing room yeah there's a big wave on me there it's clear I'm on Terminal again oh I do have a cool down on my EXO so maybe we just go had had uh you have two uses of your main on right okay cool oh those guys got lightning struck been the exploding guys oh it's so effective the Stagger love it never gets old don't even know you stop half the automaton like even get to you all right B we're done I'm on it activate there you go all right Mech is on its way I think I have one ready let's go clear out this yeah I got one ready as well I'll call it in nice yeah so you get three of them technically because of the yeah with the the free planetary stratum that's how you do it so foggy okay hit that uh top left go to that last question mark clear that and then we need to go uh Stone if you can make your way to the facility on the map Blue yeah I can hit that oh it's right here done that's why scientific thing oh okay yeah yeah I'm sorry for peeking my apologies my apologies just uh just won't look in your general Direction ever again automaton my apologies all right can't see yeah I'll go for that [Music] samples yeah people keep talking about the medic drone apparently was in the first game that's going to probably make its way soon like just heals you like flies around like the Rover could be good there is my launch codes you know way they spotted me requesting support see they're going to go very well or very poor for Lady Liberty no no no oh no it's explosive guy no I'm out of ammo not like this have to waste a rocket I wish I could melee 2 minutes on my cool down for my uh you need to destroy the gray the gray building does it not give you a hell bomb um it didn't last time me and Corner approached it so not all the time yeah oh no he just I just cleared it out killed me with normal bullets I'm checking in my direction then that's fine yeah yeah I got a hell bomb coming I was trying to get close enough to walk over him but calling in a he walked over me you got the super samples though yeah no ST Ni no I didn't pick it up I think you did oh maybe I pick your yeah you had it and then I picked it up cool oh oh CLE the I hope you have strikes for this oh my goodness what I'm dead you get sliced yeah you got smelled by the Traina guy no there a rocket reinforcing where' the rocket come from there no big targets there have that oh okay welcome to pain this is what I get thrown into huh okay popping off over here is the facility done it still shows us blue for me I don't think it destroyed everything you got the buildings there's still one more building up is it a gray one yeah that need to be destroyed then yeah um all I'll get it I got 50 seconds on my cool down cool where my stuff TR the head shots ow oh fre goodness can't not role play when you play this game hard not to you got the hell bomb Stone yeah got it huge there we go what just happened you did not just try to be cool and uh dive before the tried to be cool it never really pays off for me liberate try to do a hot little dive to then look behind me and see it land well done you nailed it I'm so cool man I do really cool stuff you how he does it you guys should actually take notes it was actually a strap it was actually a big brain play for me to get a restock in ammo this reaches this far oh yeah it's just Yeats them toss me as far as you can huh um uh towards what the lab okay the me came over and destroyed the hell bomb before it went off and a giant wave just killed me there a few like big guys over there how come how we do that and then we'll do the one brute I don't know if there was another one yeah we got 1550 minutes I hope we finish that one and then I can go do this if you want to go finish the objective you sure you don't need help with the big dude I got I still got my um Mech okay head into the nuke then can we administer Freedom a little quicker over here yeah we like that we love freedom a democracy oh my Lord I'm going to need a res I got you reinforcing that was a Fab there I swear if you're peeking over the top of a rock they have a higher chance of just headshotting you oh yeah those Salvo guys are ruthless all right it's clear now you don't need to go back there unless you want your stuff uh I had the samples way back there I thought they were here this way you died no no no you I threw on your stuff thought you guys were further uh yeah sword guys coming in and Jetpack dudes ohly what Happ to you some sort of rocket from behind this lose this Agro man get this nuke launched and get out oh it's the guy with the freaking Shield okay chill stop pleas play this wave has the he I wanted Shield get dead nice okay all right go for your samples yeah if anything just get the samples I had the arc very good hell bomb is coming in got my samples back Jesus all we were dead no we're at 11 minutes I'm just floing around I see there's a little like icon in the map here where oh there's a big wave right behind yeah I see that um okay we got Salvo guy maybe we just let these pass no I'm going to go ahead and do my own thing this guy that guy oh maybe they won't see me I'm in a grave kind of no there was a guy reinforced up top oh that killed you so nice that worked hey that works you know that's one way to do it you you just made your own grave that's that works actually I think I was in somebody else's grave two reinforce ships you can share it oh and a big dude all for me I've got six of them yeah it says there it says there's something here but I can't it does say there's something get out of my way an emote here or something oh for go sake do the gitty do the gitty the gitty at him let's reload please okay come oned already I'm baiting these guys away from the nuke if you can get there dealing with a Hulk right now shoot him in that tiny little red face of his there there's definitely nothing here maybe when the air strike hit it like launched whatever it was I mean I right into that grave just to see if I could find anything and that was the issue but okay it was before he got there yeah keep forgetting they explode afterwards please let me breathe trying to live I thought you said you were doing the nuke what happened I'm on it I've just got I had to deal with a double reinforcement and two well look I had a fight a tank basically a Hulk with just an auto Cannon you're faster fighting those with a slugger Conner reloading n stagger and follow up head shot easy 77652 engaging the uh locks I got these two wait you can do that already mhm I'm on I guess while I was entering the code interesting know that the first the first uh activation you do allows you to lift the the things up bunch of enemies there oh please tell me that's going to be a good one what's a marud oh yeah 16 nice what's a marud Marauder that's what it said when you pull it in maybe that's the name of the ship that flies overhead no idea I want to test my Ark thrower on you see what damage does of course you do I don't know if we do that no I don't think we need maybe towards the end maybe towards the end yeah okay okay oh Tom's got some guys on him oh no what a dive that was I'm going to launch a cross map shot on you oh never mind didn't work I got him the nuke has been launched wonderful we can head to extract hell yeah when ready okay don't be near the nuke someone come hug me someone come hug me for democracy God damn it I'm coming come faster God damn it I'm coming as fast as I can quickly I'm coming one democracy don't worry about what's happening over here all right that's a good Miss time to extract you want a shield I'm okay I got the backpack yeah I can take one oh well wait another minute 30 what you just give me yours what and then you can call yours in yeah that's a good idea resupply on the spot nice he fell for it let's go baby and here you go what did he fool for oh he took his me hey wait a second he took his me what wait a second what happened wait a second what's going on ready now you're using all my ammo hey don't use all his ammo that's BM you just got a to reinforce as well unbelievable what are you doing you've lost the plot what he's coming over he was going to reinforce anyways no he wasn't yes he was you can ignore enemies and then they'll lose sight Jesus Christ you can't when they're already looking at us land a slug on that guy look how many enemies are over there that's insane zapping that ship bag now watch this now back to me now watch this oh a bunch of them on your other side oh good yeah I'm being slashed great they no don't shoot them don't shoot them they're all explosive oh God okay okay okay oops okay and then he shot him no I stopped shooting once he said a stop no yeah I can't believe you did that killed by Tom graphic no no by Tomic n you need to take my advice I waso I'm taking out this hog you need to take my advice I did that deliberately so that you can land on the hog I got a Gatlin over there it was all part of my plan I used you as the ordinance it's your fault for baiting them in the first place somehow it's your fault oh I'm stuck right just run to extract and we'll lose sight of him oh that gu was about to reinforce extract on rout there we go that guy did he's blocked by a freaking dud just walk away from him huh he flared yeah cuz the Walker was in front of him oh he could have just walked away though all right that guy was that guy was right on me what do you mean now you know how it feels no the guy that you killed was a mile away no come on 11 no con not much dude it's mostly against the tanks wow now we're out of strategems oh we are F boys all right I manag to get my Eagle in in time got 10 kills I'll do God these jetpack boys going crazy okay clear I have one bullet left okay look at the little jellyfish yeah I did drop my samples maybe can I have a St I broke my ankle Dad Dad can I have a stem I got no stems no I have some Dad I can't come back from my thanks Dad oh wow the one shot just blew them all up wait is your Mech fully dead out of ammo just out of ammo yeah okay yeah we're leaving even those samples behind go for the salvos oh my god oh just double killed us oh wait no I'm fine Oh I thought I died that's it too I can't even reinforce no we're out of strategems I'm dead oh my God I'm going to die okay go wide go wide lose them and then come back hold on samples nice I had eight samples I had 11 samples and three soups oh it's departing in 10 seconds go dude why does it leave shuttle's departing in 10 because because it's the last shuttle oh shoot 5 5 4 three forget the samples oh my God he made it what we're getting those S you were freaking Dancing On The Edge there both of them you are dancing with the devil my friend and he lives to another day for democracy mother what a hero that's insane God of damn I think you get like an extra second maybe second and a half I don't know I don't know cutting it a little close there that was close
Channel: Tomographic
Views: 248,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 ps5, new games 2024, shooter game, coop games, best coop games, new steam games, game of the year, tomographic, helldive difficulty, max difficulty helldivers 2, max difficulty, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers 2 tomo, mechs helldivers 2, titan helldivers, exosuit helldivers 2, exo suit, patriot exosuit, helldivers update, helldivers mech update, automatons, mech gameplay helldivers 2
Id: 999aTtyg018
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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