Helldivers 2 | META Loadout for ALL Bots Missions + Helldive Difficulty Gameplay

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hey everyone in today's video I'm going to be covering the new top Loadout to run for all of the bot missions I also found out this really neat trick that basically slows and kills the Hulk units extremely easily as you could guess this setup covers everything from the weakest units all the way up to the tanks and tower defenses so with that said let's dive into it starting off with the strategems the most important one to grab is going to be the quazar cannon it's just as effective in the bug Mission so this transfers over pretty nicely it can two to three shot tanks and Tower defenses which is honestly good considering this has unlimited ammo and a really short cooldown and if you shoot it at the open latch where you would toss grenades down to blow up the fabricator buildings it'll destroy those as well now aside from the quazar cannon being used for tanks and structures it's amazing against the hulks before you jump at me saying the autoc cannon or the sniper can two to three shot them in the face making the quazar cannon a bad pick you'd be right about one of those things yes the autoc cannon and sniper can take them down if you can hit them multiple times in their little red glowing eye which is not an easy task to do especially when you're being shot at Non-Stop and they're also barreling towards you at full speed so unless you got Aimbot or you're one of the best snipers good luck to you the quazar cannon does everything much better and here's how so if you shoot them in the eye with the quazar cannon they'll drop instantly but again not easy to pull off consistently however if you shoot them in either side of their leg you almost immobilize them entirely they move slower than a tank and after you hit them in the leg it only takes one more shot with the quazar Canon to their other leg to completely collapse them so after you hit them in the lake you kind of have options here you can either focus more on clearing out all of the other guys so you don't get swarmed run away entirely or just wait a bit and completely destroy it with a second shot from the quazar cannon it makes dealing with them so much less stressful because of how easy you can stop them in their tracks oh and lastly you can also shoot down drop ships with one hit if you shoot at one of their engines another way to get a bunch of easy kills or a ton of damage since the quazar cannon is just a weapon we now have a free slot for our backpack which you don't get when you're running the auto Cannon and because of that we can use a shield generator pack to give us some more protection honestly I don't know how people run bot missions without this it's such a lifesaver and just way too helpful to miss out on you got a shield around you that protects you from a certain amount of damage and if you ever die while you're carrying this and the quazar cannon you should definitely run back and pick it up another reason why you should stick with teammates but anyways the third Str gem we're going to use is the orbital rail Cannon perfect for one-shotting every tank and building without having to do much work just toss it near whatever you want to get rid of and run away there's no trick or ways to make this work better it's just that straightforward request approved reinfor calling an orbital strike reloading oral strike and the final Strat gem is the 500 kg bomb as no surprise to most of you you get two of these to call in once you've maxed out the hanger in the ship modules it's got a 210 second cool down and it can blow up every heavy enemy and building that it lands close to this one I would say is a bit harder to use than the orbital rail Cannon cuz yes you do have two of them to call in before it goes on to cool down but you also don't have that auto tracking feature that the orbital rail Cannon has so you have to really work on your air strike placement like just being able to consistently toss them where you want them to go and definitely the timing of when the air strike is going to come down if you can manage those two things the 500 kg bomb is going to do a lot of work for you when it comes to the Gear the best primary weapon to run is a scorcher you can kill so many bots in just a handful of shots even the armored ones too and it's not like you have to only hit this one exact spot on them to do damage the weapons got explosive damage so even if you hit your target relatively close to their weak spot or where they don't have any armor you'll still get off a lot of damage especially against the Walkers you just shoot their legs twice and they instantly fall such a fantastic weapon other than how fast you run out of ammo and to help that out we're going to be taking the Redeemer for our secondary the best pistol in the game hands down you can either switch it to semi-auto to kill all of the weaker guys and save ammo on the scorcher or just keep it in full auto in case a group of those chainsaw wielding Bots rush you either one you choose is going to work but there are some different pros and cons to using it in full auto or not here's a little heads up about the scorcher if you're right in front of a bot or a wall don't shoot the weapon does explosive damage so if you hit something that's Point Blank you're going to die as well that's happened a lot to me thought I would just mention that for the grenade we're going to be taking the impact grenade this works really well against the Bots with shields it either kills them on the spot or makes them whip their Shield to the side of them so you have a more open shot at taking them down with your primary weapon I don't think you can use these on the fabricator buildings which is fine cuz we still have the quazar cannon the 500 kg bomb and the orbital rail Cannon we got lots of ways to deal with them so not a big issue one more thing about the impact nade if you see on the back of Tanks they have that weak spot that kind of looks like a radiator or something you can blow them up with only two impact nades and sometimes a scorcher can also damage this and sometimes not I don't know why yet maybe it just has to be on fire for the scorcher to cause damage but when it does go through you can usually kill it within a single magazine I need to do some more tests for this to see how I can pull this off more consistently with the scorcher but the impact grenade works perfect and in regards to the armor The Marksman piece is fantastic for bot missions you get 30% reduced recoil when crouched or prone which is nice not really needed but we'll take it and 50% increased resistance to explosives getting blown up is is one of the most common ways to die in bot missions so definitely take this and it's also heavy armor so you can take more shots before dying okay so I was going to say first thing we do is uh call in our stuff but actually let's clear out the area oh perfect one nade got rid of that Shield guy let's get the shield generator and the quazar cannon and let's see what where do we want to go first I guess we'll go to that objective since it's so close let's grab that let's grab the quazar and we'll make our way nice I don't think you got is there a fabricator there no it doesn't look like it but actually I saw a tower over here okay so let me find some cover and I think I just want to get rid of this as quickly as possible so we'll fire one shots we'll go hide a little bit cuz now we got it attention see and it's already flaming so then Dr him oh I think I missed I definitely think I missed that shot so let's make a little Dash over here okay we're out of its range it did drop okay it dropped a lot of stuff so let's actually send a 500 kgr to meet up with it I think that should take out the tank oh yeah I mean I hope it did um I don't really want to waste oh going say I don't want to waste any to Scorch your ammo right here but I think I'm going to have to okay okay a huge swarm out of nowhere let me actually toss another 500 cuz it seems like there's just a lot of guys there oh there's a lot indeed I should have tossed that even closer to be honest The Scorch is making pretty good work to grenade come on nice four piece aw oh I don't have any more grenades blue please I have no idea what you're doing you know what whatever you're doing I think it's working or it's at least distracting them okay oh I think he's got the auto Cannon actually so let me go reinforce is that tank still alive I just oh it is still alive okay all right right and this is where the orbital rail Cannon comes clutch come on right on the money beautiful okay now we can make a little push here don't shoot me with rockets that's not very nice oh damn come on heal heal for super earth oh looks like my teammate also took out that Tower okay so that's good um I actually don't need to run that way but I kind of do you want to go this way just to take out any potential Fabricators okay and there's actually no Fabricators guess my teammates leveled this and I'm missing all of my shots last reload not good you definitely don't want you definitely don't want to miss shots when it comes to the uh the scorcher okay come on I know you're up there and you are kind you know I'm not wasting any more ammo energy weapon for the win uh okay there's a spear down there but I think I'm going to call down the resupply so let's just Chuck that over there um I guess I have to kind of go that way actually I think I just threw the resupply down into a base or no I didn't throw it at all okay or nothing happened so let me get in here real quickly um one top to the one top very nice please don't see oh thank you teammate you kind of scared me a little bit but hey no no no no no you guys stay there perfect okay okay I still can't call in the resupply so I guess I'm just going to have to kind of scavenge for some ammo but I don't think think there's any here though support so very unfortunate and I keep running past the objective why do I keep doing this guess cuz I just keep following wherever the guys are wherever the enemies are and just like oh let's go take those guys out oh let's go take those guys out and it's kind of just like never ending nice quick little burst get him out of the way um you know what I think I'm going to use this cannon on him just to get rid of him I think the pistol can take care of it but it's just a lot of shots hey there's actually another one over there okay I don't need to be rushed okay come on I think this is what's is this what's jamming us no oh that's not good but this is a great time to go and blast him take out his kneecaps okay let me get rid of you oh God damn Bobby get rid of you o fall on a teammate am I calling that resupply now cuz that would be really nice let's resupply quazar Cannon actually let's see oh that uh the Hulk didn't come out yet wow sounds like I'm talking about the Hulk from uh The Avengers he didn't come out he's still in Bruce Banner so I think I'll take two of these full stems full grenades full everything um let's not waste ammo where we don't need to that's another thing I love about this cannon is that like you don't need to always use your like the scorcher and stuff you can just switch to the quazar cannon blast a guy save a couple shots okay let's get his attention not your attention let me see if I can blast his kneecaps from behind I know I can just take out like his back I want to see did I take out his kneecaps come on turn around big boy oh he's actually stuck in the wall okay never mind we'll take the easy kill no problems here all right where is it there you are let's get you go in oh no no no that that is way too bright that is that's a big no no I can't see it there we go I got the terminal yeah the lights are just too bright too bright uh yeah I guess we can reload our weapons I don't really like reloading when I didn't use up the entire magazine teral open that open open open and open um I was going to say I can send out the SOS Beacon but it looks like we're being jammed still I think it's from that Tower over there so maybe I'll go take that down I feel like I think I'm also getting attacked from behind come on I see you guys on the map oh no it's just a patrol I guess they're passing by we're not close enough to me so we won't deal with that I will go take out that blue thing okay well I can't actually activate that but we will take these common samples I do need some more green ones oh no my entire team is leaving that's not good so let's do this can we jump this fence I really don't want to waste ammo or a grenade oh I don't like doing that okay let's go find this tower now is it that thing do I just got to like shoot a laser at it or something no not that simple I was kind of hoping it would be okay but this is a good place to actually drop a 500 in here cuz I have no idea IDE how many guys are I forgot I need to be able to call things in okay so this one is entirely on foot no support but it looks like my team wiped this out though which is weird they cleared out the area but they didn't do this so let's just get this done I got the terminal weird so this should stop the jamming excuse me oh that's down there okay that's not a oh that's a blue issue it's not a me issue but it's a blue issue destroy stratem destroy stratem Jammer okay so I think we need the hell bomb for this let's do that uh let's also send out the SOS Beacon and I think that's all we need to do for now blue is kind of just doing his thing so let's turn this on right down left up up up man that just reminds me of like the PS2 like the cheat codes when You' play like Grand Theft Auto or something I forgot there was a Minefield here don't worry blue I got you reinforcing I mean we are going to be really far like you're going to be really far from where you died so I hope you didn't have like a quazar cannon and stuff but yeah oh I didn't pull the lever here I knew I was forgetting something okay so I'll pull that lever head to the next orange thing and then I'll probably cut upwards like straight up from the second objective um well hello and goodbye easy peasy yeah that was the wait no there's still more big guys in there oh damn hey okay not the shield I need that is that oh oh my God I was looking to I was focused on on the RS I thought I saw a Hulk I think I did see a Hulk my teammate took care of it and I wasn't paying attention to a rocket coming straight at me so you know that wasn't great but my boy blues got me oh looks like we have two guys joining lit oh no no no no no no no let's get rid of you I can't really see yep I hit his kneecap look at that took out his knees feel like I'm in the mob now if the mob you know was fighting robots and they also had a laser cannon come on okay yeah if my teammate can take care of them I can take care of him very nice oh I can't switch to my secondary okay I got that bug now yeah I can't switch to it that's a little Annoying no matter we'll make do with just the uh Whatchamacallit quazar and the scorcher still still quite a few bugs in this game but I mean still amazingly fun to play take him come on yeah I got the Rockets did they what did they do oh they also did the the oil pump oh I guess before blue died he probably activated it and then after he died it kept doing the objective just kept going and yeah it just did what it was doing okay but yes purple I'm with you we'll head to there I mean if you want to head to the next objective that kind of works out too then we can just meet up at extraction that ain't too bad either let me stop running I'm out of stamina need some more juice oh there's another neat thing too I'm not sure if you guys know about this but if you're running and you run out of stamina and let's say I don't know you have some damage to you if you use a stem you replenish all of your stamina like I'm not sure that's just a commonly known thing but I thought it was pretty interesting is that a that is a big guy and I still have I haven't even been using the orbital Cannon or the 500 that much I think I used the 500 twice and that was it let's see if this one shots to the back some nice back shots no that did not and I'm jammed what is jamming me what a horrible time okay so let's just drop one of these right there uh um perfect timing Immaculate timing that dude should be dead he's not okay time for the kneecaps you know you know the drill buddy and we'll get our teammate calling in reinforcements but yeah I know the quazar cannon oh honestly I like bot missions now it genuinely made me enjoy bot missions because they're not like insanely difficult hello say goodbye to your knees and you're back no no no that's not the weapon I wanted he just toss another grenade I wonder if his knee's exposed can I shoot at it and like no I can't it doesn't look like I can shoot at it okay but I'm still in range of his flamethrower not today no to self do not do tests while in the middle of the game ain't landed anywhere near where I threw it all right let me mute that guy real quickly oh it's my only teammate what happened to the other guys I thought we were all doing pretty well oh and I don't have a pistol I forgot oh this is not good I forgot I was glitched come on grenade he blew up one of them green I'm kind of needing you to turn around a bit no no no no no don't hey The Shield I think the shield is good for re hits against these guys so that's pretty nice maybe I should have let them kill me just so I could uh oh my god look how slow he's moving he's like moving like a tank see you is there another one um no where's my weapon no I can't lose my primary weapon too no I don't have either weapon I can't switch to my primary weap weapon only one thing to do an come on I'll fight you all yeah I know at that point I was way too bugged out I couldn't use my primary weapon I couldn't use my secondary weapon I don't know what was happening if my guy was just throwing them on the ground or something but yeah know I just I had to drop a 500 on myself cuz at least oh actually wait a minute I don't know if that 500 just destroyed all of my equipment I really hope it didn't but I don't know think I should be okay it doesn't even matter I can just I can just call in everything right now was he always behind me scary very scary Okay g generator that there like yeah like I've hardly even used the 500 kg or the I think I used the orbital rail Cannon once so far maybe twice if even I don't know I find that like really good like I'm just not dependent on them that much but I do have them just in case let's get rid of you no no no no no you ain't just dropping guys off you coming down with them orbital laser nice touch I wonder if Bots take like r reduced fire damage okay I don't want to be I do not want to be near that let me think don't worry I got you my boy let me go Scout up ahead see if there's oh there's definitely something up ahead uh there's actually something right beside me no I missed my chance they they dropped them right in there throwing Gren hey couple shots of the body I think I was actually half a MAG to the body it's a decent amount oh and am I still bugged I'm still bugged I can't get to my secondary weapon weird so even while I'm playing like handicapped it still doesn't feel difficult at all and I'm not going to lie I do have some some pretty decent teammates you know I'm not going to say decent they've been good they've been solid they've been taking out Bots they've barely been dying I'm giving them the credit how about a nice cup of Li purple you're surrounded that's uh a full speed Hulk on let's just I was going to say let's just him but it looks like he just tripped down the stairs dude face planted hey guys I think we're for getting something here find the hard disk um okay we're definitely forgetting something here guys here it is and maybe you should take it cuz oh none of us have it I don't get what's going on or I guess it just gets thrown in your inventory cuz I was going to say I would switch to my pistol if I had it but I guess I don't have my pistol I don't know that's weird but anyways oh okay three no two hulks so let's just go take out your legs you don't really need them you got another one so that cripples one um I don't really want oh they were snipers with that that take him out yeah that takes out the other that takes out one um I'll use the orbital rail cannon on the other one okay yeah I know you see me okay there's actually two of them so maybe we just toss that over there here comes the oh I think actually somebody throw an air strike in it but whatever happened there's a lot of stuff going on there oh he's still going okay I need a clear shot at him though let's do that oh okay I see another one let's just do another 500 I think that's going to hit him dead on if he doesn't move I should be good um any movements no just the weaker Bots um no idea if I took out your kneecap or not I guess I didn't cuz you survived that let's get rid of you okay easy there big guy I know you're angry I mean I'd be pretty angry too if someone just blasted a laser in my chest okay so let's keep going keep going I think I could sniped the fabricator from here so I don't even need to like why did you have to do that yeah that's one of them oh I got to reload I know that drop ship is coming come on come on come on sh money oh that didn't do much though oh I definitely need some backup here run forest on okay uh I think I'm going to need a supply drop as well no no no we don't need more guys you we need less guys if anything okay we'll blow up the second ship anything else just the smoke I don't care for the smoke actually that might help me out no idea no no I I thought I reloaded this oh that's also a uh a Hulk see the issue comes when you're by yourself and a 100 of them kind of just come out of nowhere not like 100 hulks actually 100 hulks would be an issue oh I missed that that's so bad do I have anything yet no I don't have anything it's okay uh let me just get some good cover here yeah like this nice take out his legs keep moving behind cover Eagle's back drop that right there move behind this Shield the my shield generator is absorbing a ton though take out the guys chasing us and I guess I'll work my way from behind oh yeah I got a much better angle here so I could snipe those Fabricators no worries my guy I got you let's oh let's not glitch that's one building oh it blow up it blew up both of them cuz they're right beside each other oh let me reload that one more there we go takes a a little bit of a two tap for the weaker guys okay so with this out of the way let's set oh okay it looks like purple's already there I mean if purple wants to get the objective done that's perfect I can clear out the the extraction area for us and it'll be smooth sailing all right let's get rid of you and remember I don't have a secondary either for some reason which I mean okay the secondary weapon is not going to carry you or something but it does come clutch so grab that there full on ammo uh looks like there's one more thing right in front of us though one more like objective not primary objective but something we can look at or I think it's just a crash site might just be the crash site that's over there or maybe purple's having a rough time oh no no no don't start shooting you don't see me I see you though hey let's go purple clutch you my friend you're doing too much uh no idea how I would help him out maybe I could like snipe them from here can I even see anything D oh that's not good okay um Can snipe you I can definitely get those though okay or I could just not get them all right guys we're reinforcing at the xville oh but actually that looks really nice what is that big red thing I guess maybe it's a little bit too late I mean I could make my way over there oh but the samples oh but that's so far away that I'm so lazy I think if it was closer I would have came for it or I would have gone for it nice nice okay so I guess I'll set myself up can I set myself up up here if I can this would be a great spot no it doesn't look like it okay I'll just go up here with green damn what is going on over okay let's just to lay down I can't see anything it is just extremely dark but I will start sending shots out randomly and kind of hope I'm well I am hitting something okay what is going on I don't understand how the laser hit me when the Bots were at least a good like 15 ft away like that beam came straight down on top of me okay since we're a little bit vulnerable let's go toss a 500 over there cuz I know we're getting pushed uh we're definitely going to grab the samples Shield generator way our Cannon n our Cannon Hulk okay uh you've lost leg Privileges and I think we'll toss down a orbital strike oh why did he throw the 380 0 mm that's such a bad okay nice nice I think we just need to toss a ton of grenades over there now and maybe shoot down some drop ships there is so much going on my screen is lagging like crazy no orbital laser please go that way I guess I'll drop another supp quar Cannon yeah I don't know my game has never lagged this bad I think this was just like the biggest wave actually I don't know if this is the biggest wave I've ever faced I feel like it isn't he where'd you drop Eagle Strike Perfect come on guys keep pushing them back hey on pelic one see I love how the ship like the the Pelican one can also start shooting at guys when it comes in there's Al a little trick if you call it in and then while it's uh like Landing or belt to land if you all run away from it it'll stay in the air and just continuously shoot at people until you get near it but I mean I explain that horribly it'll just keep shooting at people until someone gets close to it and then it'll land so it kind of just hover there and just clear out all the guys okay so let's see how many kills we got here I feel like I got a pretty good amount I think I say that every video and I usually do get a pretty good amount so I'm kind of hoping I can keep that going honestly I didn't have that much difficulty at all I think the only difficult thing was maybe at the end there when like the two hulks or three hulks came but even then like I took out one kneecap orbital laser thick uh not orbital laser orbital rail Cannon teammates orbital rail Cannon all right let's take a look at these Stats come on 167 not bad not bad not bad 60% accuracy that could definitely be better but
Views: 75,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 best loadout, best helldivers 2 loadout, best loadout helldivers 2, helldivers 2 best solo loadout, helldivers 2 best loadout for automatons, best solo loadout helldivers 2, helldivers 2 best beginner loadout, helldivers 2 best loadout for bugs, helldivers 2 best automaton loadout, best helldivers 2 loadout after update, helldivers 2 best loadout for robots, helldivers 2 best loadout after update, helldivers 2 best loadout solo, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay
Id: 8KvXWmx87Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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