THE NIGHT RIDERS - John Wayne, Ray Corrigan - Free Western Movie [English]

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thank you laughs looks like easy money I thought you got cleaned out of Fort Ross I Did about lending me a little nothing doing we worked too hard for our money we have nothing to lose besides that ombre there looks like a professional card shark even boys evening howdy aren't you boys pretty far in the old stalking grounds yeah we just took some beef over to Fort Ross our partner had a hankering to take a boat ride before we headed for home Captain well my name is Beckett Acer bacon it certainly is a pleasure to meet someone who has a real taste for the scene no it's not me there's our Sea Dog I cannot feel the same way riding a horse don't you tell everyone to join the game no thanks we'll just take a turn around the deck before we hit the hay for smart boys see you later good night good night come on Sinbad blackjack standoff just a minute you Palm that is Talbot [Music] thank you [Music] what happened I called Talbot cheap we had a little argument and he pulled a knife on me but he's hurt he got exactly what is coming to him anyway his kind don't drowned [Music] [Music] foreign it is late Senor you will sleep more comfortably in bed you're a little sweeter always looking after me you know someday I'm gonna make it up to you what are you staring at you can probably get a drink around here you are else in your I'll take care of him you get some water and manage it please thanks I'm sorry no it's all right I had a little argument over a game of cards one time when the hand wasn't quicker than the eye you're very capable are you a doctor no I am an engraver Senor Hazelton makes the money for the United States Mint I used to until you tried making some for yourself eh we seem to understand each other maybe your accident wasn't so unfortunate with the exception of Salita you are the only person who has seen this document I appreciate the honor but what is it it's a land grant that was issued to Don Lewis di Serrano in 1744 by his Catholic Majesty King Philip of Spain is it not beautiful it's in your Hazelton he made it himself the more of your engravers out my masterpiece what do you intend doing with it we claim to 13 million Acres well that's more land than you'll find in many states isn't that pretty risky I have made certain that even an expert couldn't tell there was a forgery here to be Don Lewis day Serrano unfortunately I'm too well known beside I am hardly the type to betray a Spanish normally you are right my friend when you walk through that door tonight I had a feeling that my search was all the documents that have been submitted by Don Lewis di Serrano have been thoroughly investigated by experts and found to be authentic therefore it is the decision of this court that his claim be upheld [Music] foreign what do you think of your new home idea oh I suppose it will have to do I homesteaded my land how can he claim it I ain't giving up my Ranch I work too hard for it no man has a right to 13 million Acres he can never have any use for that much land or what's he going to do what about our ranches it'll be our finish it ain't right the government says the land is yours so there's no argument about it but it's going to be pretty hard to give up everything we worked for let me assure you gentlemen there's no cause for alarm I intend to administer my Estates for the benefit of all but what arrangement do you intend to make well I haven't had time to go into that but rest assured it'll be a fair one Don Lewis has always been a friend of the people foreign [Music] an acre why that's 640 dollars a section it's robbery [Music] we're collecting rent you won't get another set oh yes I can't pay taxes on my cattle it's robbery it's the Don's orders you pay or we take your cattle oh no you don't [Music] driving this out of our home the Don will pay for this if you're the paid we wouldn't be doing this [Music] trying to run us off our Edge we're sure I took this job as rant collector not as a Target don't worry they can't hold out much longer [Music] we better do something pretty quick we're running out of ammunition I'm running low too I think you got an idea [Music] hold your fire boys they're ready to give up all right come on out with your hands in the air I got a good mind to blast you off this place I wouldn't try to buy you the boys have got you covered don't shoot fellas oh no you don't fool me with that kind of a trick we're not bluffing reach for our cue collectors make it fast [Applause] get up now get going all of you looks like you're the ones we'll have to get it's a trouble here so let's try to run us off our Ranch just hang out for Don's orders they haven't paid up their rent but we can't pay our rent they've taken everything we've got even our herds I'm sorry I bet you let the pepper get out we can't share come on now boys better leave peaceably I don't want to have to lock you up non-louis will get a fat price for this place foreign [Music] [Music] you can't take him across without paying a toll fee that's two dollars ahead but I can't pay 200 back or pay up that's Don Lewis's orders and these are our orders well is that more room if we got the cattle out of the way come on folks [Music] thank you [Music] foreign Tim took on a hard job trying to drive that hurt along what else could we do at Martha can afford Ranch hands any longer plus all she can do to hang on to the ranch after people were enslaved to make a home out of the wilderness it isn't right for that maniac to grab it away from them somebody should have appealed to the governor we did Governor wrote back his hands were tied I'm sure glad we're getting out of here of course we can start over again yeah we can how about them what can we do about it right the President Garfield you always from the president maybe our troubles are over now what's he got to say unfortunately Don Lewis Serrano is within his legal rights well my sympathies are naturally with the people it's not within my jurisdiction to interfere since the courts have upheld these claims thank you for calling this matter to my attention yours very truly James A Garfield president of the United States well we can't carry it much higher in a president than it looks like we're licked you know there used to be a time when being an American meant something still does stands for freedom and fair play but this mad man's grabbing off everything in sight he's become a dictator all the more reason why we gotta fight man who opened up this country didn't sit around crying for help they did something thank you [Music] foreign [Music] should be pleased with today's collection [Music] s [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] thank you senor [Music] Los cabocados [Music] all right [Music] fools what's the matter with all of you you'd let them ride over their heads if they were worth taking A Fine Collection what can we do the runners before we know it we never know where they're going to strike next I'm not interested in your excuses all you spineless jellyfish have the same answer now don't get excited on Lewis I think we can find a way to stop these outrages all right all right out of it haven't you noticed that after each robbery ranchers facing eviction are suddenly in possession of money your money we know that well doesn't it seem reasonable at last Kappa carers must pay these ranches a visit um you're right the next eviction note is put up will be a signpost to Los compaqueros [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] it's a frame up they were waiting for us there's here to be another bunch of the toll bridge we better light out for the hill no towns closer easier to lose them [Music] thank you I'd have sworn that we're headed this way maybe we'd better have a look around what are you doing around here looking for a bunch of Outlaws I don't think they passed this way but we can't afford to take any chances let's take a look around they must be around here somewhere maybe they're in the barn we better duck in there [Music] there's our horses take it easy mister and you won't get hurt I'll be gone in a minute I've been reading about you three boys well at least we've pushed that stuff shirt off the front page President Garfield he's out here on a Goodwill tour certainly not for our good oh I take it you don't like this uh stuffed charity I'll say we don't what's he done nothing that's just a trouble he sent him a letter asking him to do something about conditions out here what did we get back a lot of regrets wrapped up in red tape are you all right yes Jameson smart loss would report in this vicinity I was worried no I'm quite all right Jameson good night thanks Mr President reckon we owe you an apology well I guess we'll be mosing along yeah don't go boys just a moment you needn't apologize for speaking the truth in spite of your somewhat unorthodox conduct I feel quite sure that we all have the same interests at heart I am just as anxious as you are to relieve this unhappy situation there must be something you can do about it not unless the Serrano was guilty of some criminal activity but he is hundreds of them can you prove one case no but it ought to be hard all right then let's make it our job to get that evidence and affect a permanent cure I'll back you with all the resources at my command if necessary I'll call out the Cavalry and track him down at his stronghold that'll be great they must have given us a slip if we hear anything we'll let you know thank you remember if you get in any trouble with the law I can do nothing to Aid you much as I would like to I can offer you no official appointment until you come through with conclusive proof you are on your own we'll take that risk sir I have a hunter who has some good news soon we're in for it all right yeah what's the excuse this time we nearly had them trapped but they slipped through your fingers what can we do a rent collectors not officers ah you're idiots get up thank you oh these outrages can't continue our appeal to the law however every sheriff in my territory searching for them but you seem to forget that the share of sympathies are with the people but what can we do I might suggest something else but it'd be rather expensive it's worth anything to catch those three foreign just to capture those three men well he must want to get rid of him plenty of bad look at that bringing in hard got him into track down Los caboceros well at least had to bring him in from the outside nobody in this territory would join that army what would the people do if they were captured fiddlestick's child those boys are too clever and too fast to be called I wonder who they really are I think I know look at that Bessie hey look get back the end of that line of that say those bullets below cafeteras we're about to join an army you're a loco no I'm not we've been waiting for a chance to work on the inside this is it say aren't you forgetting that those rent collectors know what we look like sure they know what we look like but not Los caboceras we've lost our Ranch no reason why the Musketeers shouldn't be looking for a job yep I reckon you're right we're going to get all dizzy chasing yourself ain't you fellow kind of drifted into the wrong Corral I don't get you this Manhunt ain't gonna be no maple dance them cabascaras is plenty tough yeah don't say all right that's all got all the men we need hey hey wait a minute we came a long way to enlist in this Army and you should have got here sooner well it's a good idea if it had worked oh it's still a good idea we'll figure out something else let's go I'm going to give that Coachman a lesson on etiquette good morning Senora the velvets you ordered have arrived it was the lady Senora Des Serrano Don Lewis's wife yes look at her in her fine clothes buying more velvets for the money they squeezed out of us yeah she thinks she's a fine lady yeah spending our money like water while we starve no this will not do it is not soft enough listen to her not soft enough sackcloth is good enough for us yeah we've stood for that long enough yes [Music] You Keep On The Strangers [Music] good night [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign here we are will you come with me I am sure Don Lewis will wish to reward you all be of service to you Senora sufficient reward you're very kind Senor but I insist well I never argue with the lady but beautiful goblets they've been in my family for Generations I brought them over from Spain with me have you been in this country long not quite a year you've mastered our language very quickly you see Don Lewis and his wife were educated in England oh and now gentlemen we must find some way to repay you for uh saving my wife's life I can't see why you won't let them join the Army if that's what they want we have explained the ranks are filled then why not make them officers an excellent ideas leader I suggest you give a matter of a little further thought Don Lewis why should he haven't they already proved their courage and loyalty you're right my dear it is done I'm forming three companies you'll each command one of them how about me and who are you me I'm Don Elmer just liberola did Blockheads so you're a nobleman too nobody ever just you did a nice family tree never no sir I come from a long line of Blockheads you're so cute thank you hey she spoke to me I'll do wrong talking excuse me I'm fellas way past your bedtime when your gentleman like to join me in a card game no thanks I reckon we better go to bed we've had a long trip perhaps you're right you'll have to get up early in the morning to start your search well Mr Brooke you'll cover Coloma County and Mr Smith will send you to the River District Mr Jocelyn I'm sending you to the East Country don't you think Los cabocaris might be someplace closer those are the districts in which they were last seen you'll receive further instructions in the morning good night good night good night good night good night I have a feeding those three will bear watching all right what do you mean they're very Charming gentlemen that's just the trouble the rest of your army is not composed of gentlemen you know who Don Lewis is no he's at Gambler Talbot the fellow we saw thrown off that Riverboat you're a love girl no I'm not I tried all evening to place him when he picked up that pack of cards it all came back to me wow that was a long time ago you can't be sure nobody would have nerve enough to grab off 13 million Acres unless he has a Real McCoy Talbot was knife that night remember yeah right and the wrist if Don Lewis has that scar will you believe me then yeah but we ain't got much time to prove it no that's right well if Los capricaris were to show up in town tonight they wouldn't send that Army out tomorrow that's right foreign [Music] they should be here in an hour good I'm afraid that Don's gonna be Mighty disappointing [Music] I'll Water the horses meet you inside [Music] hey hello yeah we've had a long Dusty ride having a trouble this trip we've got a whole collection Los capicaras are too smart to try and stop us I wouldn't count on that great for him toss over that bag and no tricks thank you our compliments to the dawn up with him I'll March foreign nice work Andrews I think Don Lewis will be paying that reward sooner than he expected take off those masks I always wanted to see what you three looked like [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no ah [Music] open the gate hey open the gate [Music] [Music] I must see the van run away [Music] thank you what is wrong lost capitals are in the neighborhood the hell is up as lost viento sin we Trail them and Blossom somewhere in this vicinity Rose all of the men search every Ranch in this territory I'll take charge to see that the horses of salmon get up such a body going out get up sex and funny going out [Music] then get up get up what's the matter lost cattle carriers are in the neighborhood and you to take out a surgeon party all right [Music] get out of the Corrals immediately [Music] foreign [Music] foreign boys somewhere before sure when you kicked us off our Ranch 3M remember yeah what are you doing here you gotta have a job didn't we you're getting smart let's get going the ranchers may try to hide them don't worry sir I promise you we'll bring him back with us that's the spirit and good luck [Music] they get off all right yes a nice tune think you made a mistake by taking on those three new men but what I told you before they are not like these other Muslims that Dylan Mr Brook asked entirely too many questions what could he hope to find out I I don't know but his horse had been written tonight when I was giving instructions I put my hand on the horse's coat and it was still wet hmm it might be wise to conduct a little investigation whatever you take the house arrest the barn be quick about it what's a hurry I don't think they'll find him well the sooner we get through here the quicker we can get back to our real job so he still figured Domino's got that scar on his arm yep [Music] there's no one in there you ain't earning no blood money here even if we knew where Los capricaris was we wouldn't tell you oh your tongue hold it I know that come on [Music] [Music] come in what do you want we're searching for Los cabocaris in the name of Don Lewis di Serrano but you won't find him here we'll save for ourselves search the house in the name of John Lewis I was so proud to think I actually only enough there's no one in there all right let's get going don't cry sis [Music] [Music] Tim [Music] foreign [Music] I told you you'd find nothing I acknowledge defeat Senora Los caboceros [Music] thank you I'm afraid you're a little too smart for your own good lost avocados take that gun close I don't understand nor use trying to Brazen it out we found the cape in your room all right let's get it over with no my friend a few of your great popularity you'll see that you stand trial share it [Music] hold it Brooke are you hurt that Lois thank you [Music] that was the idea of pulling that crazy stunt to find out what I want to know and I got the answer [Music] this one job I sure had to do miss Susan I know you had to yeah but after all they've done for us just don't seem right company for you Susan hello sorry I had to treat you so rough the other day oh it doesn't matter Tim explained everything isn't there something I can do you can probably save our next we're sure that Don Lewis is an imposter last time we saw him he was a Riverboat Gambler calling himself Talbot it doesn't seem possible it is though he got in a brawl that night and was knifed in the arm Don Lewis carries that scar with your help if you'll go to Captain Beckett on the Sacramento Queen he can give you Talbot's past record and when you get that evidence Wire full details to President Garfield he's promised to reopen the case with Don Lewis exposed as a fraud the charges against us will be dropped saying we'll be dropped by firing squad I'll leave right away Pierce Talbot sure I remember him used to be a showbool actor before he found cheating at cards was more profitable all you can tell me right so we'll see the captains of the days of Bill should be able to tell you more Talbot used to be his leading man Talbot indeed I remember the lad he had great talent I shall never forget his performance of The Mad Duke in Orlando's Revenge he should have risen to the heights if it hadn't been that he took the wrong road what happened never shall I forget the night the authorities dragged him off this boat in the midst of my greatest scene from Macbeth to the tale told by an idiot full of Sound and Fury but where did they take him pay his debt to society my dear [Music] I'll have another one for you in just a moment send this one right away too please yeah boy take this to the White House right away an important why to the president I'm as good as there say here's the president's party coming in now we'll have to make that trip after all that's right he's going down to Williams College we shot the president [Music] [Music] sun's coming up can't understand it the president must have gotten Susan's Wire by now we'll probably get word soon better be soon we've got exactly five minutes take of that clock begins to sound like thunder what's that firing squad this is getting too close for comfort and he knows from Washington chef yeah but it ain't the news were expected [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right everybody's following me [Music] all right boys am I glad that's over with yeah ain't no picnics down in front of a firing squad even when you know they're using blank well thanks for giving us a break Sheriff it's all right it's little enough After all you've done for us but you've got to keep under covered we get word from Washington but that may be a long wait yeah a little people wondering whether the president's gonna live or die they won't be paying much attention to us yeah yeah for Domino's Hacienda hauling for Revenge they blame him for the death of lost capitals they're off to get him we got to try to stop him gosh this looks like Don Lewis finish yeah but not the way you think [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] last night all right [Music] on the gates [Music] [Music] I'm not okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well why don't you do something they'll be up here in a minute we'll all be killed you fool don't you think I know that but there must be some way there is a way they're willing to tell the truth we're not ghosts firing squad use blanks but they think you're dead that's why they're here to get me yeah we know and we'll remain dead unless you sign a full confession Talbot I don't understand I have nothing to confess [Applause] [Music] you better talk fast they'll be up here any minute unless you do lost cappuccarus will go out the way they came in ain't no telling what a mob will do and get worked up and they're plenty worked up okay you've got about 30 seconds left to make up your mind all right you no use peace you're right he is Talbot it was my idea I force the land grants and the other documents so let's get that on paper [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're next [Applause] [Music] look lost camera Karis they're alive alive on the kicking our troubles are over folks this is a signed confession from the dawn that is land grant as a swindle [Music] [Applause] [Music] guess we won't need these anymore Sheriff well I suppose he won't be seeing much you boys not you got your rights back oh I guess we'll drop around once in a while to see old friends I know one old friend who'll always be glad to see you well goodbye boys Salon goodbye thank you laughs
Channel: CowboyTV
Views: 105,629
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Keywords: western movies, western, full length western movies, western full, full western movies, classic western movies, western movies full length, western movies full length free, john wayne western, john wayne, wayne, best western movies, wayne western, the night riders 1939, the night riders, night riders, ray corrigan western, ray corrigan, classic western, western movie, cowboy movies, free western movies, western feature films, full movie, cowboys, free westerns, westerns
Id: l8GXwnAhtiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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