The Man from Utah (1934) John Wayne - Western Full Movie

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THE MAN FROM UTAH LOOKING FOR FIREFIGHTERS VOLUNTEERS I was just about to sign up! Sorry, buddy, we don't need anyone else. What's the problem, Sheriff? Go get him for me! Wait a minute! I'll go myself. Keep an eye on him! You got me, Sheriff. But I just wanted to help you. I know, you big fool! I just wanted to talk to you. I have a job for you. Not as a fireman. I'm looking for a guy who can shoot and ride like you. I won't let you go! Look at this. DALTON VALLEY RODEO 5000 TO WIN WITH DYNAMITE THE INDOMITABLE HORSE - And that means? - I'm not sure, but every time this band organizes a rodeo, it's always their guys who win. When an underdog has a chance to win, he gets sick! to win, he gets sick! It's always their men who win. Three of them even died. - Not enough to stop them. - Right. But each time they fall and their horse dies poisoned by a snake bite snake bite! This is not normal. Should I get bitten? No, go over there, and register as a candidate. I'll come and do my investigation while you infiltrate the gang. We'll pretend we don't know each other. It's working! When do we start? Right away. It's getting dicey. The police will eventually get suspicious and start an investigation. The next move will be here, in Dalton. Then we go to the border. We rob the van, get the rodeo ticket and get out. That's right. They were already suspicious after the guy died in Boulder. - When is it going to happen? - Tomorrow. Dolores will get into the van she will signal you and you will attack. One passenger and two drivers should not be a problem. Hello Kramer! This is Deputy Sheriff, John Weston. I want you to show him the trail that leads to Dalton. It will save him a wasted day in the middle of the desert. Get him a horse. I'll take care of you. And right away! Once you are on the track, you can't leave it. 20 km through the mountain then you will cross a wood that will lead you to the road to Dalton. Miss Carter, ready for the rodeo? I promised my dad. - He'll be delighted. - So will I. Excuse me, can I sit on this side? Yes, of course. Please do. Somebody give us a hand. us a hand. You got us out of trouble, stranger! Very impressive. You're not going to the rodeo, by any chance? - Yes, I'm going. - Tie up your horse and climb on! Thank you for saving us, Mister...? Weston, John Weston, from Utah. I'm here for the rodeo. I saw your distress signal from the ledge. When I saw those men, I decided to take a look. My signal? Mine when I saw those men, I made signs. Funny place to expect for help. I saw you on the ledge. Are you going to Dalton? Yes. My name is Marjorie Carter. My father is Judge Carter of Dalton. I'd like to introduce you to him. To thank you. This van is carrying a lot of money. There were at least 50 of them! This guy from Utah knocked them all out! I've never seen a chase like that. Where is this Weston? He went into the bank, Mr. Carter. This is Mr. Weston, our savior. Very nice work, young man. I hope you'll stay. I'm here for the rodeo. Come by my office later. I'd like to have a little chat. It's not my fault, if they didn't make it. I don't like this story. He attacked us from behind. He wants to participate in the rodeo. We have to deal with him. He mustn't spoil our plans. As a representative of the law, I did my little investigation. The band that organizes this rodeo doesn't look very honest. In order to enforce the law, we need decent men. If anything happens, it would be a disaster. All the money in the valley is invested there. I don't want any trouble. This money was invested when nobody knows these men? Yes, to the last penny. People think it will bring prosperity. People are proud of their valley. That's why I'm offering you the position of deputy sheriff. With a man like you representing the law, they won't dare to try anything fishy. I appreciate your offer, Judge, but... I have other obligations. What obligations are you talking about? I have to participate in the rodeo. I'm sorry. I'm sorry too. I was wrong about him. I think it's very good. Ladies and Gentlemen. I have the honor to announce to you the start of the Dalton Rodeo! Two days of festivities. Capture with a lasso, dressage and rodeo! And the participation of Dynamite! The indomitable horse of Nevada! Be careful. Men have lost their lives. They won't try anything today. - Tomorrow I hope it will be settled. - I hope so too. But take care of yourself. Here are our first competitors! Right away, the lasso test. With Jack Halister! And now, the Roman race! It's time to introduce you the world champion all categories : Cheyenne Kent and his famous lasso catch. New record! Exactly 15 seconds! Kent's record record is still unbroken. But we have an outsider, today. A man from Utah is going to try his luck. New world record! The man from Utah finished the whole thing in 14 seconds! He did well! once again. He has already won three events. Looks like he's going to win. We have to do something. But discreetly, if possible. Take the guys to the cabin, Dolores takes care of the rest. Take it easy. He should be able to participate tomorrow. Don't worry. - Is it good? - Yes. This Dolores is one of the of the band. Go and see her, try to find out more. We'll meet at the saloon. That's it for the first day. Tomorrow is the big day. You were great! Coming from you, I'm touched. Why don't you come for dinner tonight, at our house? I told Father that he should rethink his offer. He needs someone like you. What a great victory! My brother is a rodeo star, like you, and... he'd like to meet you. Come on down. All right... Goodbye Miss Carter. See you tomorrow. They're on their way. Hide in the back. This is my brother, Cheyenne Kent. Thank you for accepting my hospitality. Please sit down. Dolores will bring us a drink. You impressed me today. You weren't bad, either. No thanks, I don't drink. Here's to you! Tomorrow is a great day! If you want to bet with us... He escaped! The boss is not going to be happy. I've been attacked at the Spanish place! A little birdie tells me that it's the same people who tried to rob the place. You don't look too bad. I don't want to waste my time. I'm staying here, protect the money. As you wish. Utah! I have your winnings! The money is flowing! It's going pretty well. 8,000 in revenue today. Tomorrow, more. There will be almost $30,000 in this bank. That's risky, don't you think? I'm here, young man! My bad, Sheriff. Oh, boy! Weren't you the one who took everything earlier? One or two events, yes. Are you the one who won the competition last year? No, it was my grandfather! I investigated. We have to get closer to a man named Barton. He'll be happy to meet you. Go to the bar, bet on you. That should attract him. I'm going to sort this out myself. You incompetent bastards. He fooled you twice! What a team! The guy from Utah just got back! I'll get right on it. What do you need? I would like to bet. 1000 on Weston, winner. It's one against two. I know. 500 easily won! Is that you Weston? I'm Mr. Barton, I'm organizing this rodeo. I'd like to talk to you privately. Okay, Barton. I'd like to apologize for the little altercation with my guys. They mistook you for someone else. They're sorry about that. I'll introduce them to you and even make you a proposal. If you want to make money, you have to join us. Do you know what I mean? I'm interested. I've always been told that everything is just relationships. I am listening to you. It's simple. You are one against two. That's $500, if you bet $1,000. Let me make a $2,000 bet for you on Kent, two to one. And if by chance, you're not in shape tomorrow, and Kent won, you would win $4,000. - That's better than $500. - That's a good point. I see we understand each other. Come on back, I'll introduce you. Guys! Weston is going to be on the team. Treat him right. This is Cheyenne Kent. We know each other, I think. We'll see each other, now that we are friends. This is all new to me... you surely have many things to teach me. See you later. 2000 on Weston! You just have to know how to do it, that's all. What if he's fooling us? If that's the case we can always give him a little shot. Did it go well? You were right, Sheriff. Barton is the brains of the gang. I made a good bet, just like you told me to. He offered me to participate in their scheme. Did you accept? He even introduced me to his whole gang! He bet $2,000 for me on Cheyenne Kent. And that if I let him win, I'd walk away with $4,000. Nothing to worry about until I start winning. In any case, they will be caught by surprise. My guess, son, better be very careful. They are ready for anything. If we betray them, they will want revenge. I don't want to find you poisoned. Did the Spanish girl teach you you anything? She doesn't talk much. She introduced me to Cheyenne. Her so-called brother. No time to talk, they all jumped on me! I had to cut myself off quickly. I didn't hire you to get yourself killed! Did they tell you about the sting? Not yet, but it always happens during the rodeo event. That's tomorrow, late in the day. We'll figure it out by then. It will take a while before they to understand that I won't lose. If something happens to you, I could not forgive myself. Don't worry. Let's go to bed. Tomorrow is a great day. So far, it is the man from Utah who is at the top of the leaderboard. Cheyenne Kent is right behind. Today it will be the lasso test. We will end the day in style, The man from Utah and Cheyenne will try to control Dynamite! May the best man win! For the first time, here are the Indians of the Dalton reserve in traditional dress! Let the show begin! They're sure to make their move. Do you have any idea? Not really, but I'll think of something. Better not to take any chances. Sometimes you have to. Do you have the antidote? Of course, I have it here. Maybe not! Take a syringe instead. What are you thinking about? I think I got it. Come on. It's my turn soon. Next event: the grounding! Watch out! A great show ahead! Cheyenne Kent is going to attack the record! Drop it! 13 seconds, best time so far. It's John Weston's turn, the man from Utah. I have to go put the winning coupons coupons to safety. I'll see you later. Another win for for John Weston. He beat Kent by two seconds, for a total of 11. You know what you have to do. If he wins, we're screwed. Give him the needle and put the dose in! Cheyenne will try to to ride Dynamite. Indomitable for three years! Everything in place, guys? I'll just check, just to make sure. The man from Utah will take a chance on Dynamite. Just a minute. Anytime you want. Open the gate. John Weston on Dynamite! He's clever, he found the needle. He's going to win! We'll rob the bank, and we're out of here! - What about me? - You're on your own! He did it! What a feat! They've gone to rob the bank. Hands up! Theft and murder! I knew you looked suspicious when you looked at the money. I've seen it all. Shut up, kid! What are you doing? Federal Police. This man works for me. We're going after these men, they're crooks! You have wasted our time. Nice work, son. Take him away! Hand in the bag! That's not all. This is the evidence that will convict them for murder. They were rigging the results by sticking this needle in. dipped in venom, into the horse's saddle. If the man died, no tangible proof. I knew there was a mystery down there. You're the one who figured it out! Understand Miss Marjorie, he talked to the Spanish girl in order to infiltrate the gang. In that case, I forgive him! How about that deputy sheriff's job? I can't accept it. I have other obligations. What are you talking about, today? He promised to stay away from the pretty senioritas. And we have to organize... our honeymoon. Goodbye, Judge. © BF-WATCH TV 2021
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 164,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, full movie, classic movie, classic movies channel, classic movies of the 30's, Action, Adventure, Romance, western, John Wayne, rodeo, yt:cc=on
Id: 4ljub_Qd1jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 20sec (3080 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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