Neath the Arizona Skies (1934) John Wayne | Western | Full Movie | Subtitled

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Neath the Arizona Skies MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR Seminole, Iowa, Cheyenne, Sioux, Pawnee and Kiowa, distribution of oil revenues, will take place at the office Indian Affairs Office All members of the above named above shall report to the to the agency office, with an identification document. Are you John Longhorn? So, let's see. Uncle Sam has a nice amount of money for you. Your oil transfers bring you 4000 dollars. Sign here. Chris Morel, approach. Hello, Nina. The deposits inherited from your mother are a nice package. Already 50,000 dollars. If you find Nina's father, have him sign this, Nina will remain a ward of the government. But you will become her legal guardian. No problem. If you prove that the father is dead, this will clarify the situation. I have the idea that he is still alive. The mixed-race girl is already worth 50,000 dollars. And if Chris Morel finds the father and has him sign the papers, Morel gets the money. He'd have to find the father before we do. Where are we going, Papa Chris? Heading north. Why? I liked it here. We're going to get your real father. And if we find him, you'll have enough money to go to school. I don't want to go to school. - I want to be like you. - The girls are not cowboys. I ride a horse as well as you. That doesn't make you a cowboy. What do you want? You know it very well, there's no need to beat about the bush. We're here to pick up Nina, we have a proposition for you. If that's the case, you didn't have to to come. Don't get upset, Chris. You know as well as we do that Sam Black is the boss around here. If he tells us to bring the girl, we'll bring her back. It's good enough to offer to share. She's not here anyway. Tell Sam Black she's left the country for good. Also tell him that if he had had the guts to move, I would have made him eat his proposal. Now get out! Even if it's not here, we won't let go. We'll be watching you wherever you go. You won't get away with it. Can I come now? Come on daddy Chris, hit it! They're gone. We're going to get Sam and go after them. - Goodbye, kid. - Should I go on alone? It's the only way. What about you, Papa Chris? I'll be fine. Follow the river and you'll fall on the path. Do you understand? When you get to Bud's ranch, tell him I sent you. Tell him where I am and that I need help. Here's his track. Shorty, you stay with the horses. The rest of you, spread out. I got it, guys! - I thought you had him? - I had him! But I guess he's gone. He stayed to cover up the kid's escape. She's worth $50,000. Try to round up the horses. Is this the Moore ranch? It was, now it's mine. Do you know where I can find Bud Moore? He's not here. You stay here. Leave her alone. You wanted a kitchen helper. You got it! What are you doing here? Dad told me to find Bud Moore, that he would take care of me. Don't worry about that. Come on, home. Leave it alone. She's going to help me, so I'll take care of her. Aren't you afraid of me? As long as I am here he won't do anything to you. Come on, let's go home. It's just you and me here. What is your name? Nina Morel. Your daddy's name is Chris? Yes, do you know him? I know him. Why isn't he with you? Sam Black and his gang were chasing us and we only had one horse. Papa Chris told me to go on alone and... Don't forget to order my fabric, Mr. Norton. You haven't seen my brother Jim? Too bad, we would have gone home together. Help! See you at home. I've been attacked! A black hat and a scarf on the face. I'm telling you I'm sure. A plaid shirt and a black hat. He stole 6,000 dollars from me in a canvas bag. - Which way did he go? - I don't know. I have no choice but to turn you over to the sheriff. Really, lady, you have the wrong man. The plaid shirt, the black hat, not to mention the canvas bag. If I knew whose clothes these are these clothes are, I would know the thief. Aren't these your clothes? And I have to believe you? I hope so. And if I believe you, what will you do? I'll make sure my kid is safe, then I'll find the man who owns this suit. You won't run away? What do you think? No, I don't think so. Where's your kid? At Bud Moore's ranch, in River Valley. We were cowboys together in Texas. Do you know him? He's my brother. Finally, that was my brother. I don't understand it. He's dead. He was killed on his ranch, last year. It was a shock, but you get used to everything. He never mentioned me, Chris Morel? Are you Chris Morel? He said you were the best man in the world. Let's not exaggerate, Madam. Clara. Let's go home and change this shirt. It's very flashy. Nina's mother was a real Osage Indian. She married a good-for-nothing white man who abandoned her two months before giving birth. The mother died. Chris, this is my brother, Jim. I'm making coffee before you leave. Thank you madam... I mean Clara. So, it's you, Jim. What about it? Nothing except that... you switched shirts. Why don't you tell him? First of all, so as not to hurt his feelings him, secondly, because people like you always like you always make a mistake. What was that noise? Jim was showing me his gun and it fell. Coffee, Jim? Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. What do you think of Jim? Some people are like books, indecipherable. Difficult to understand. I hope I didn't make a mistake about you. No, Madam. You were telling me about Nina before Jim arrived. Nina... That guy recognized you, he knows you attacked the warehouse. I told you not to stop. I thought I was drawing suspicion on him. Where's the money? - In the hollow of a tree. - Let's go and get it. To protect his interests, we went looking for his father. Sam Black and his gang covet the money. I've got them cornered, I scattered their horses and fled. I'd better leave. Take this one instead. It's Jim's. - Would you bring me the bag? - You bet... Clara. Hey kid, come here. What's your name? - Nina Morel. Papa Chris is my father. Where is she from? She's looking for a guy named Bud Moore. Dick stopped her from leaving. I didn't know that Chris liked Indian girls. It's not that. That's not his daughter, that's yours. How do you know that? Chris and I were there when she was born and your wife died two days later. Come over here, I have to talk to you. These are the horses of Sam and his band. My feet are all messed up, it really hurts. You let the horses escape, you have to find them. Where to find them? That's your problem, you're on your own. Not so fast. - Those are our horses. - Whose horses? Sam Black and his men. I'm looking for him. Follow me. Are you the one looking for Nina Morel? - She's at my place. - So what? I'll trade it to you, but we share. 10,000 dollars, plus... Chris Morel's head, do you know him? - And where do I find him? - At Clara Moore's house. I'll show you the way. You give me 10,000 dollars. You bring Morel's scalp to my house and the kid is yours. Where is your place? I'll show you the way from Moore's house to my house. Old Matt Downing! I knew you wouldn't let the kid. Is she okay? Where is she? Dick Bird's ranch, owned by Bud Moore. Nina's father is also there. I'll tell you on the way. It's all done. I'll see you later. Half and half for the kid's money. But first we share the money from the robbery. It's Dick. He made me attack the depot. He has the money. Do you know where he went? To the ranch... looking for your kid... to deliver her to Sam Black. Please don't tell my sister, don't tell my sister. Take him to a doctor, quickly. And tell the sheriff. Where is Chris Morel? He's gone. I don't know. Check inside, maybe she's lying. No one inside. Come with us. Maybe the memory will come back to you. What a rider you are! What are you playing at? That's my daughter, Dick. I just heard... My daughter! To me, she's worth ten thousand dollars. How's that? I told Sam Black he'd get it for ten grand. No such luck, it's worth a lot more to me. You better change your mind, Tom. Count on it. Don't touch my kid. I don't have to take orders from you. Black and his gang! They won't have my child. - Who told you it was yours? - Matt. I know Sam wants it. I have an idea that will get us out of this. One more to go. Clara versus the kid. Is that okay? Are you deaf or what? Clara versus the kid? No, never! Don't worry, I won't trade you for anything in the world. Clara for me, okay? It's working. Come out with your hands up and the woman will follow. Only one round left, but I have an idea. Be very careful with that last bullet. Hey, cowboy. Keep moving, no matter what. Forward! - I'll take the kid. - No way. - Where's Nina? - Black took her. © BF-WATCH TV 2021
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 38,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gang of outlaws, oil well, missing father, missing person, cowboys, outlaws, John Wayne, Adventure, Western, classic movies, public domain, classic movies channel, classic movies hd, classic movies english, full movie, classics movies full length, hollywood movie, john wayne movies, neath the arizona skies, western movies, neath the arizona skies 1934, neath arizona skies, neath arizona skies 1934, free western movies, western movie, john wayne western
Id: hyxIZ8h6LUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 29sec (3149 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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