How God Speaks | Chad Gonzales

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[Music] something funny I'll tell you something about guys it's something that girls so some people have questioned and wondered if Google was male or female well the answer is is is very simply it's female because you can't even finish the sentence without it giving you a suggestion then I'll give you one for the guys to get retribution for the women so here's one about the guys guys the only time they get exercise on a beach is when they suck in their stomach when they see a bikini but I like the Google when personally so hey if you were with us last week we were we started a new series of teaching looking at the subject of Prayer and we pointed out that a lot of times it sounds like prayer is a boring thing you listen to people talk about it but after we find out last week we found out that prayer is actually something exciting because prayer is not just you whining and crying and blah boring and blabbering to God about all your problems it's actually with the intent of not only speaking but also doing what hearing and listening you go through the Bible and you find that you know Jesus he would speak he would speak to God and then he would also what he would also listen he would also hear and you saw it with Adam and Eve and you saw it with Moses and Elijah and Elijah and Joshua and I mean you name it they're not only praying or they're not only speaking but they're also hearing and if you if you listen to our modern day Christianity and hear people talking about prayer it seems like prayer is this one-sided communication thing and yet you and I know very very well that in a relationship if there's only one person talking that's not much of a relationship is it no that's not much of a fellowship at all so so prayer is supposed to be a two-way thing we're where we speak and yet we also hear and yet it's so sad that it's gotten so bad and I'm modern Christianity that when you talk about hearing from God people think you're nuts I mean if you remember back just a few months ago on the view Joy Behar she was criticizing the vice president because he made mention that he prays and he hears and she enjoyed my heart she made the comment that he's hearing from God you know he's crazy God don't speak to people well but see that that's people in the world but the sad thing is that's also permeated within the church that people think you're just crazy if you hear from God now talking to God that's one thing hearing from God that's kind of weird or they act like it's not normal well one thing we've been endeavoring to do with Jake who's our little boy and he's nine years old and he turns ten actually on what three days one thing we've been endeavoring to do with him is to get in him since he's been a little baby that hearing from God is normal hearing from God is very natural it's very normal because if you think about it hearing from your parents is a very natural thing recognizing their voice is a very very natural thing well if you've accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you got born again God becomes your very own father so it should be very normal and it should be very natural for you to not only talk to him but also what hear from him listen and hear from him so look at John chapter Tim and John chapter 10 there's a very familiar passage of Scripture I know most of you probably know John 10:10 when Jesus said I've come that you would have life and life more abundantly but I want you to see the context of what he's talking about here in John 10 if you start out in verse 1 it says this he said I tell you the truth anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold rather than going through the gate must surely be a thief and a robber but the one who enters through the gate is the Shepherd of the sheep the gatekeeper opens the gate for him and notice this phrase it says and the Sheep they do what they hear his voice they recognize his voice and they come to him he calls his sheep by name and he leads them out after he has gathered his own flock he walks ahead of them and they follow because what they know his voice so Jesus is comparing you to the sheep and himself to the Shepherd and he said the Sheep they know the voice of the Shepherd so he's telling us that you and I number one he says God speaking and number two we are B we ought to be hearing so prayer it shouldn't be a one-way communication God he saved us he created us for what for fellowship you see that when he made Adam and Eve in Genesis it says that he would come down he'd walk with him on the cooler day and walk and talk well that was God's intention for mankind from the very beginning well Jesus came to restore and flix back what I had a messed up to get that relationship back that that fellowship back with God will we not only speak but we also hear we also listen there's this really interesting video that came out a few years ago talking about a shepherd and a sheep and the Sheep recognized in his voice I was able to give it I want to show it to you here this morning it's like two minutes long but very very interesting and really pushing this point here about the Sheep recognizing the voice of the shepherd you can go and play that [Music] one more time [Music] look at different people out there saying c'mere see - merci - merci she bundle [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] was that cool or what [Music] but no but notice that the strangers coming over there here sheep here sheep and they just sit there and ignore all sudden the Shepherd comes out says something they look up they come to them and then he walks out and they just follow them around was he sheep are different than cattle you know you you herd cattle you know you can't really make them go or you gotta you get them but a sheep they follow the Shepherd and so Jesus was using this and as an example about you and I and the key phrase in this he said is that the Sheep they know his voice and so so and our Christian society today and it in your life if you may have been told it may seem strange that you could hear from God but what you need to do is cast aside what the world says cast aside what you know mama said and grandmama said and grandpa said and and your favorite you know preacher if they said something different and go with what Jesus said and Jesus said you know his voice and so a lot of it comes down to changing the way that you think and changing your perspective to the way that Jesus sees things and Jesus says things and so one of the things we started doing with a Jake ever since he's been a little bitty we've had this we've had this confession that we've made with him you know morning and at night we talk I say it with him before he goes to bed and we've said this I'm quick sharp smart good-looking very rich a major blessing and I know the voice of God I know the voice of God and mighty miracles happen through these hands I'm blessed and highly favored of the Lord and with man and we've said that with him every single day at least once usually twice you know for all of his 10 years and the reason that I've done that is because I firmly believe that the most important thing a Christian can do is to recognize hear and obey the voice of God I believe that if you can recognize the voice of God and obey the voice of God you've got it made you'll be absolutely unstoppable in life and so I figured if there was one thing that we could teach our child it was that to hear the voice of God and then to obey it because if he's out on his own and he's not around mom and dad and and there's a situation he needs an answer there's a situation he doesn't know what to do if he can just hear from God we don't have to worry about anything we can hear from God I know he'll always make the right decisions at the right time I think you just hear from God and so from day one we have been putting that into and putting that into them that it's normal and it's natural to hear from God because everybody else is saying that's not normal that's not natural hearing from God it's hard you know you got to be a Christian for like 50 years and you got to spend ten hours a day you know in your closet praying and fasting you got to do all these things but you know what a little baby when it's born it automatically recognizes the voice of its mama why because it was when that mom it was birthed from that mama it distinguishes that voice from anybody else's voice in that room it's just very normal it's very natural it's the way that God made us and so it's interesting that when you read this passage of scripture when Jesus said the sheep that they know the Shepherd's voice I knew his voice as you continue reading that's where you get into John 10:10 and he says but the thief has come to kill steal and destroy but I have come that you would have life and you would have life more abundantly that you would have a rich and a satisfying life and he's saying that in relation to what hearing the voice of God so in other words if you want to experience the abundant life that Jesus provided for you you got a deal to hear and you got to be able to obey if you want to experience the abundant life if you don't experience all the great things God has in store for you if you want to fulfill the plan of God for your life if you always want to be in the right place at the right time you got to be listening you got to be hearing and then you got it obey it and Jesus is telling you not only is it possible it's normal it's normal it's very very normal and so I want you to look at mark chapter 4 and mark chapter 4 you find the parable of the sower many of you have heard that before Jesus tells the parable of the sower but it's interesting because in here he also begins to talk about hearing from God and the importance of hearing from God and you see it tying in to what he said in John 10:10 about experiencing the life of God and they abundant things that he has for you mark for and verse 22 I'm gonna read this out of the amplified translation Mar chapter 4 and verse 22 jesus said this he said things are hidden temporarily only as a means to Revelation but there's nothing hidden except to be revealed nor is anything temporarily kept secret except an order that it would be made known if any man has ears to hear let him be listening and let him perceive and comprehend and then he said to them be careful what you are hearing for the measure of thought and study you give to the truth that you hear it will be the measure of virtue and knowledge that comes back to you and more besides will be given to you who hear now notice verse 25 he says for to him who has will more be given and from him who has nothing even what he has will be taken by force well who's he talking about he's talking about they hear and the person who's not hearing he said the person that's hearing and taking it and obeying it he said to that person more and more and more and more is going to be given but he said to the person who's not hearing the person that's not listening he says even the little that he has will be taken away by force well what did Jesus say in John 10:10 he said the thief has come to do what to steal to kill and to destroy he's come to take and he'll take it by force but he said I have come that you would have what that you would have life a rich and satisfying abundant life he said in the New King James Version he said you can have life and have it what more abundantly so you could increase in this well how are you gonna increase in the things of God you're gonna have to be hearing his voice and you're gonna have to be a bank so again being very elementary and remember about this is that number one you can hear from God it's normal and number two it's very natural and it's very easy because he is your father and you were his child it's a very normal natural thing to recognize the voice of your parents and hear from them but but again and our Christian society it's been this thing that prayer is us doing all the talking and God doing all the listening and then we walk away and we think that we did something actually you could say it like this you really haven't had a good time in prayer until you've not only spoken but you also heard but we think we do a lot because we went and did a lot of talking in some cases we did a lot of talking and a lot of crying I know the circles that I grew up in man there was a lot of crying going on in church at the end of service we'd all be down at the front and we'd be all crying and bawling and nobody knew what they're praying about I'm a brother Hagin kennedy-hagan he told the story one time he said that he was in this one church and he was ministering and at the end of the service people all came to the front and and they were praying and he went up to one person and this lady was just crying and then crying and crying saying oh god oh god and and she said ma'am what are you praying about she said I don't know he said he went to the next person and he said they're just crying and just crying out to God he said sir what are you praying about he said I don't know just wanted to pray well that's pointless you know I mean a lot of us we approach prayer like using a shotgun I mean we get way out and shoot it and hope something sticks but when you begin to get into this you find out because of your right standing with God your righteousness with God that you can go out this thing like like a rifle and you can point at your target and you can hit the mark because how do you know if you actually choose something if it hit not just because you did something see a lot of times we think we're being successful in prayer just because we're talking a lot it's not about talking it's also about hearing and that was a very important thing that we saw last week is that when we go to spend time in prayer it's for the intent to hear not to just get things off my chest it's with the intent to hear it's with the intent to get answers and the first step in getting the answers is you got to know that you can hear from him and you got to know that it's natural and it's normal and you can't you can't use faith for something that you don't know is available to you faith begins where the will of God is known and so the will of God is for you to not only talk to him but also to hear from him that is fellowship and that is relationship it's fellowship in relationship and so jesus said here he said so for him who has nothing even what he has will be taken by force so in other words what we're seeing here is that if you're not hearing from God even what you have Satan is gonna come and he's gonna steal kill and destroy and that's why you have a lot of people who've been a Christian for 30 40 50 years and they have not advanced one step from where they were the day that they gave their life to Jesus Christ that's why you can have people they can come to church it doesn't matter as a small church big church Pentecostal Church Baptist Church ascending the God Church you know running with Jesus of the full God whatever it doesn't matter what it is you can have people that come and they hear they come with expectation to hear and they'll walk away with revelation and you have other people sitting right beside them and they walk away and think it was just a total waste of time why because some people are coming to here and some people are coming just to punch a clock and if you're coming just to punch a clock you're not coming to here you're doing like a lot of people in prayer just going to do something and thinking that you accomplished something and yet actually you accomplished nothing simply go to church not only to praise God and give we also go to to hear and that's why a lot of time is to you know some people they tune out because it's a topic or a scripture something that they don't like or they think they've already heard that you know they're you know everything about that and that's why you don't want to tune out because friends I'm telling you I've gotten so much revelation you know sitting in a service about something that I thought I knew about or maybe it was some issues I was going on in my finances but this but the subject or the message or sermon was on marriage well you could tune out on it because it's marriage and I don't want to know anything about marriage and my problem is money but the wonderful thing is is that the Holy Spirit man he can speak to you through anybody through anything they can be talking about marriage and he can still talk to you about finances if you just pay attention and you listen the the the preacher could lead you to a passage of Scripture that's all in a healing but if you got something going with finances he can show you something there he can give you a revelation there you know take anybody went in the hundred Easter eggs you ever done that before and as parents you know we'll go out there and we'll hide the eggs for the kids but but if you ever thought about it that you know especially when our kids are little we hide those eggs for them to be found we don't hide them so they can't be fine we hide them so they can find them well that's what God has done with Revelation that's what he's done with wisdom it's hidden but it's for you to find it it's not hidden for it for it to just stay stuck away and hidden away so you can't get to it see this is where Jesus said he said nothing is hidden except to be revealed this is why the Bible tells us that if you'll draw near unto God he'll do what he'll draw near unto you that there's revelation there's answers that are waiting to be found if we'll just go to him with expectation of actually hearing but the important piece I want you to see in this is that if you're not hearing he's telling you Satan is gonna come by and he's gonna start taking stuff he's gonna start pulling away from stuff and it's why people get in accidents that's why the problems happen in people's lives all these things because we're not listening we're not hearing we're not listening to him we're not expecting to hear from him you know you can hear from God every single day if you want to you can hear from him all the time if you want to it doesn't have to be a one in a lifetime experience it can be all the time why because he is your father and you are his child or you could say it and like Jesus said he's a shepherd and you are the Sheep and it's very normal to recognize his voice when he speaks so how does God speak we're gonna do this really really quick usually if we're doing this and we're just kind of just kind of going on the surface of it but then we can spend several weeks on looking at what the Bible has to say about hearing from God let's want to take a few minutes and show you how God actually speaks to us if you turn over the first kings chapter 19 if you don't have your Bible it's okay we'll have the scriptures here for you and first kings you find the story of Elijah and man he's been running for his life and he runs away from the Queen he gets to this mountain and this is really important about God and how he speaks to us verse 11 says God said go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord in bill the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind toward to the mountains and broke the rocks and pieces but the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind there was an earthquake but the Lord wasn't in the earthquake and if the earthquake there was a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire there was a steel small voice if you continue reading you find out God begins to speak and the reason this is so important is because when it comes to hearing from God most of us think it's going to be some spectacular thing that the heavens open up and you see hark the herald angels sing and and God says speak you has this big booming voice and he's gonna say Chad it's gone and you don't really you don't really see that much you know and the Bible me there's several times throughout the Bible and through the Gospels that you see you know God spoke in an audible voice but it wasn't the norm it wasn't the norm that God spoke an audible voice sometimes we see throughout the Bible and I know there's many of you here that has experience and I have as well and that God he's spoken to you in a dream or through a vision you know there's been times where I knew it was a God dream I mean I knew it was God when I woke up I knew it was him I knew what it meant I didn't have to call somebody and say hey would you interpret this like there wasn't any of that I know exactly what it meant and those those God dreams I mean I can still tell you to this day when they happen and what they were about and some of them were over 20 years ago like I know I know those things and then sometimes I had a dream it was just cuz of something I watched on TV that night right before I went to bed or something there was some bad pizza or something like that you know you don't count every dream and just call it God but I guarantee you if it is him you'll know it you know what Kenneth E Hagins said this he said when it comes to dreams he said if you wake up and you don't know what it meant you cast it off to the side because it wasn't God because you will know that it's him so sometimes he does speak through dreams sometimes he does speak through vision sometimes it is an audible voice but it's not the norm the norm is him speaking to you in that still small voice on the inside and the reason that we miss this so many times is because you and I for the most part because of the way we've been taught and we've grown up in our society we're always looking for the spectacular and yet we're missing out on the supernatural all the time we're looking for something out here to tell me God spoke when God isn't speaking out here he's speaking in here but the Bible says that God is or what he's a spirit and when you understand that you are a spirit and you have a soul when you live in this body but you're a spirit then God's gonna speak to what your spirit not your mind not your body he's gonna speak to your spirit he's gonna speak to your spirit and so this is why it's important as parents that we teach our children to recognize the voice of God how it God's gonna speak to us we teach our teenagers how to hear from God how he's gonna speak to us because this is vitally important to the success of being a Christian and to fulfilling God's plan for your life it'll help you be a better spouse it'll help you be a better employer employee if you can hear the voice of God and then do it so look at Romans chapter 8 and verse 16 I want you to see how God normally speaks to us Romans chapter 8 and verse 16 Paul says this he says the Spirit Himself the Holy Spirit he bears witness with what our spirit knows he doesn't say he bears witness with your body it doesn't bear witness with your mind he said he bears witness with your spirit that we are the children of God now this is interesting in that you know when you get saved now I know there could be some situations that have happened I know of some that have happened but for most people when you get saved there's nothing spectacular that happens on the outside now what happens on the inside to you the real you your spirit man is absolutely spectacular it's absolutely supernatural but there's nothing on the outside that's gonna appeal to your senses and it's interesting to me that the most important event that could ever happen in your entire life the most supernatural event that could ever happen to you God doesn't open up the heavens and he doesn't send an angel and says thus says the Lord you're now saved now what the Bible says is that when you accept as your Lord and Savior he bears witness with your spirit that you are saved he bears witness with your spirit that you are now a child of God nothing spectacular but absolutely supernatural that now there is a witness or you could say there's a knowing on the inside I'm saved and just as a side note that's why you know when you mess up out here you screw up you do some stupid stuff you know baby you've gotten in some things you shouldn't have you don't allow those things you don't allow two experiences to tell you whether you're saved or not you look on the inside and there's that knowing that peace Colossians 3:15 tells us that the you are to be led by peace the amplified translation I love it says let peace be here umpire tell you strike Oh red light green stop be led by peace but the most important event that can ever happen to you and God will confirm it to you by that inner witness that inner knowing not something out here and so if that's the way that he's going to confirm that's the way he's gonna show that's the way he's gonna talk to you about the most important event like it ever happened to you more than likely that's probably the way he's gonna talk to you about everything else and yet so many times we're going through life and we need answers we're trying to figure out what to do and we're just wishing and hoping for something out here but you know what if you can see something out here you can feel something out here that doesn't require faith but it does require fate to follow what you're picking up on the inside so think about that remember that the most important event in your life and God confirmes confirms it and speaks to you about it through the inner witness that's still small voice that knowing on the inside that you're saved and yet that's not the only time if you look at Romans flip over a couple of pages Romans chapter 9 and verse 1 Paul says this Romans 9 1 he says I'll tell you the truth in Christ I'm not lying that my conscience also bearing what bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit or some translations say with the Holy Spirit he said my conscience bearing that's a witness with the holy spirit we're bearing witness with the Holy Spirit so see before Jesus and outside these church walls we're very familiar with the phrase of my conscious my conscience told me to do this or I did something wrong and my conscience just I just kind of felt kind of bad there you know before Jesus or before salvation your conscience is not a good guide it's not a good God you are not born again not filled with the Holy Spirit not not capable being led by him hearing from him your conscience is not a good guy or you can say your spirit you're not taking anything away from that but once you get born again your spirit man or your consciousness if you want to use psychological terms your conscience you're constantly it is a good God because it's now it's filled with God United with God and the Spirit of God lives within your spirit right so you can hear from him you can follow that and so you know when you're out the mountain doing something and maybe you feel like I don't know if I should do that or oh I don't know if I should buy that or oh I should do that I should do this that's probably a good income inclination you're picking up from him he said my conscience also bearing me witness with the Holy Spirit again so many times we miss out on the supernatural because we're looking for something spectacular out here and yet all the time God's speaking to you he's talking to you and so many times we're missing it because either we're busy and we're allowing our mind to be on other things or we're looking for something out here something super spectacular out here to appeal to my senses let me know that I heard from him you see another instance of this in Luke chapter one and I really like this Luke chapter 1 verse 2 3 4 the Apostle Luke who writes the Gospel of Luke he tells you why he wrote the gospel now you would think of the Gospels you know you got Matthew Mark Luke and John pretty pretty important piece in the Bible you know and you would think that the reason that Luke wrote this is because God appeared to him an angel appeared there was something really really spectacular to say Luke I'm your father no Liu right the gospel you know I'm your father I just came up with that one Luke I'm your father you would think there'd be something really spectacular but look at what Luke says here he says verse two he said just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word that was delivered to us notice this phrase it says it seemed good to me also having had perfect understanding of all the things from the first to write to you an orderly account o Theophilus that you would know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed the reason that that Luke wrote the Gospel of Luke was not because an angel showed up not because God spoke to him from heaven not because he had a vision not because he had a goosebump not because of anything spectacular on the outside he wrote the Gospel of Luke which has changed the world going all around the world has influenced our lives simply because it seemed like the right thing to do it seemed good I had a witness on the inside it just seems like it's the right thing to do friends I can't tell you how many big big decisions I've made not because something spectacular happened because it just seemed like the right thing to do on the inside there was peace about it and this is where you and I we have to learn to be led by the Holy Spirit Romans 8:14 says that that the children of God the true children of God sons of God are those that are led by the Holy Spirit the literal Greek says this those that are the mature sons of God are led by the spirit led by the spirit well how does this the Holy Spirit lead us how is he talked to us how does he got us the norm most of the time is that inner leading that that knowing just that knowing you could almost think of it as just you kind of had a thought how many times you've been reading your Bible or you know you're in a service or something like that and and something's being talked about and all of a sudden you kind of have this thought nut hmm never even thought about that before you know I can't tell you how many times I've been in our house or been here at work I've been doing something and just there is this thought there's this knowing hey you might need to go turn that off or you might need to go check that door while I'm driving to somewhere maybe you're to go this different way than you normally do and then come to find out there was a wreck that happened you know a little later like that like all the these situations that happen it and so many times we blow it off we think oh that was just me yeah but think about it you're so divinely connected with God and Paul said over in Corinthians he said that now we have the mind of Christ and so quite literally because of your union with God we should be getting to the point where we start thinking like him and we get to the point and I've asked myself this question many times over the past was that me or was that him I mean I got a result and it was a god result I got a result I started questioning was it was that something I came up with or was that him and then I finally settled it was like you know what really doesn't matter because it's both of us working together thinking together and the more I spend time with him the more I talk with him the more I hear from him I start to think like him have you noticed that the more you're around a particular person a particular group you start to talk like him he start to think like him you start to dress like him Lacey's been really funny over the years we've been married for 15 years she's like a little chameleon everywhere that we go she starts talking like those people she grew up in Oklahoma and then she moved back down to Texas with me and we were down there in Southeast Texas right there on the border of Louisiana and down like hell country you know it's me you know the mosquitos we have here in Jonesboro for the summer it's like that year-round it's a hundred percent humidity all the time if you walk out to go get the mail from the post up the post-office box when you walk back in you got to get a shower cuz you're full of sweat it stinks there's a fine hairs all over the place they got the highest rate of cancer in the world I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to live there but what a see she followed me she went down there and we weren't down there a couple months on all of a sudden she had a Texas twang she is talking like this and then we moved up here and she started losing it she started talking like other people but that happens when you get around people and you listen to them and you talk to them you getting act like them think like them and we can literally get to the point where you're hearing from God so much that you just start to think like in it's also why it's important that you read your Bible and not just read it so you can memorize some Scripture I'm all for memorizing Scripture but you know what the the the ultimate place in my life is not to get to the point where I can memorize more Scripture than everybody else I don't want to be intellectually smart about the Bible not just in Lexmark I want to know him I want to know him it Paul said this he said this is eternal life that you can know him that you can know him Jesus what was the standard for you and I for our life and what's available to us and our relationship with God if Jesus could speak and also hears then so can you and I because we've been made in His image we've been made in his life we're United with him so we can hear and we can't obey and if you want to experience the abundant life that God's got for you it's gonna be tied to your hearing and let me just say this as well it doesn't take you fasting and praying for 21 days to be able to hear from God it doesn't take you you know wearing special clothes to be able to hear from God being a special place to hear from God you can experience the power of God wherever you are you can hear from God wherever you are you can hear from God in the bathroom you can hear from God in the car that's why a lot of times when I'm in the car I don't really have the radio on I may have some some good teaching CDs or mp3s playing but man gotten so much when I've been there been in the shower you know scrub-a-dub-dub and God speaks he can be anywhere everywhere and you don't have to be perfect either because you realize none of us are perfect we've all made mistakes we're all every single one of us we're working on something some of us that something on the outside some of it's on the inside but we're all working on something but you don't have to be perfect to hear from God and you don't have to be perfect too so you can hear from God in the sense that I know I've done this and I'm sure you've done it well but sometimes you fall back to this thing of where I kind of grew up in these certain denominational settings and that you almost kind of feel like you got to do some penance you know you met you messed up you did things and it's almost like you know I need to do some extra stuff before I can go and spend some time with God or I can pray and hear and so you know I would do some things and even at the position I'm in now sometimes I still catch myself my mind feeling like feeling condemned because I would I what I did it wasn't anything necessarily bad but but this is the thing and well in with this I found that if you'll learn toe Baek hear God and obey God in the little things it'll make it much easier to hear him in the big things in life you know those big things it seems like you know the money's got to be here tomorrow how in the world am I gonna get it that's one of those big things and a lot of times you're stressed out freaking out trying to figure out what am I supposed to do God what do you want me to do how's it gonna come and we have a hard time hearing in those but if you would get to the point where you'd hear even those small things what car to buy would house about whether I should leave right now so that should I wait another five minutes should I go down this road instead of that road should I forgive that person when I've done you wrong and on the inside you know you shouldn't be harboring that holding that against them and yet you just decide to side with your feelings instead of your spirit I know God told me to but God wait five more minutes you know I want to I want to pick this this anger and there's a fence five more minutes you know but but if you obey the little things then what what you do is you set yourself up for a lifestyle of continually hearing and hearing and hearing in that way even in the busyness of life because you know we don't have ten hours it's been there at our house or in a room praying we don't have fun some of us do good to crack open our Bible every couple of days shouldn't be that way but some of us I mean that just the busyness of life but you know what even before people had Bibles they could still hear from God even in the Old Testament before they had a Bible they could hear from God even in Jesus's day all they had was the law Moses is right and they could still hear from God so you don't have to have your Bible to bill to hear from God you need to read your Bible because your Bible he'll lead you into a relationship with God it'll keep you balanced and I'll just say this one last God's never gonna tell you to do something that's gonna go contrary to the written word of God so you know guys if you come to telling me that God told you that what that husband wife is gonna be your new wife I'm gonna tell you you're wrong there's actually been people that said that that lady right there God told me that's gonna be my wife but she's married yeah I know but God told me no he didn't I was a devil dude there was actually I'll tell you this is a funny story I'm promising stuff so this is a funny story it was on the news and there was this guy he had robbed a convenience store and and the media is there and they're filming they're talking to him he robbed this convenience store and he's talking to the reporter he's not just kid I can't believe it I can't believe it I don't understand it and she said what and she said the the robber goes cuz I got caught so what do you mean you got caught what do you don't understand he said cuz I was praying before I did it God told me I wouldn't get caught someone slapped people upside the head he ain't gonna tell you to go steal something that won't cut but in his written word he's dead thou shalt not steal thou shalt not covet another man's wife ain't gonna do those type of things so you need to read the Bible you need to spend time there but but you need to read with the intent to hear hear the voice behind the word so say this with me it is normal and it is natural to hear the voice of God I know the voice of God the voice of God is more familiar to me than my best friend the voice of God is more familiar to me than my spouse my parents any family member because he is my father and I am his child and I know the voice of God and I hear the voice of God it's normal and natural to hear his voice hallelujah see you need to make that a part of your daily thought your confession it's normal and it's natural to hear from them that I do know his voice you may think you don't but you do your spirit man is divinely connected you know the voice of God you know the voice of God so before we go we don't like to go without doing this if you're sitting here this morning you've never made Jesus the Lord and Savior of your lives you need to make that decision because we want you to be able to hear the voice of God - we want you to fulfill the great plan that God has on your life we want you to be a success in life we want you to have a successful marriage and successful finances and successful health successful kids but it's never gonna happen if it doesn't start with a very base and the foundation of it all and that's a relationship with Jesus and yet the relationship with Jesus is not where you get saved and one day you get to go to heaven it's a relationship where you get to hear from him day one you can get saved now and you can start hearing now you don't have to wait till you become a mature Christian and go to Bible College and get a theology degree because some of the ones with a theology degree they're having the hardest time hearing from God and messing things up but that's you hey we don't want you to go without doing this if that's you that's watching online we don't want you to go without doing this if you've never made Jesus the Lord and save your life I just want you to pray this with me those of you that have let's just say it together with those in heaven you ready say this with me say father I come to you right now and I realize I'm in need of a savior your word says if I would believe in my heart confess with my mouth Jesus is Lord of my life that I would be saved and so I do believe in my heart and I confess with my mouth Jesus as the lord and the savior of my life in Jesus name Amen so if you prayed that prayer for the first time congratulations you're born again a brand new creation in Christ Jesus God's your father you're his child you're righteous and now you can hear from him now you can hear from you can be a success always be in the right place at the right time say the right thing at the right time do the right thing at the right time and never make a mistake the potential is there to never make a mistake in life
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 902
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: chad gonzales, hearing from God, pray slay, awaken church, how to be led by the spirit of God, faith, holy spirit, sermons, steven furtick, kenneth hagin, joel osteen, word of faith
Id: 45CIlqzCvX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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