Healing Talks: Who do you identify with?

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so perspective and so i want to look at something here many of us know 2nd corinthians chapter 5 and verse 17. very familiar scripture most of us that are right here we could quote this i'm a brand new creature in christ jesus old things have passed away all things have become new right and a lot of us that that run in the same circles here we talk about our identity in christ all the time that i'm one with christ i'm one with him i'm a brand new creature where in christ jesus we talk about in christ realities all the time but unfortunately i think we've just kind of stayed on the surface level we're kind of at a place where it makes a great t-shirt it makes a great great sign or plaque to put in my office put on my my bedroom wall it makes a great t-shirt makes a great poster but is it really a reality in my life is it really a reality in your life and there's one way that i've seen that we can determine this and it's really not the everyday believer's fault in many ways it's the preacher's fault it's the way that we've been preaching some of these things and i'm i'm hoping that by the end of this session tonight it'll open your eyes to the way that we're seeing things so that it will turn around and change the way that we're experiencing things so some of my favorite in christ scriptures these are the ones that i just i live by i chew on them uh they're part of my daily meditation obviously second corinthians 5 17 fanny man being christ is a new creation another one is galatians chapter 2 and verse 20. it's no longer i who lives but it's christ who lives in me for the life i live in this flesh i live by faith in the son of god another one of my favorites is colossians chapter 2 and verse 9 and 10 it says jesus is the fullness of the godhead bodily and you are complete in him you're complete in him we see oneness we see unity another's first corinthians chapter 6 and verse 17 it says that we are one where one spirit we become one one spirit with the lord over and over we see identity because of our union with christ through that union through salvation in our union we are we identify with him we preach this real strong we sing about it a lot of the worship songs are starting to get better we sing about our our identity with him and we quote these scriptures and we see people with t-shirts with those scriptures on it but again is it really a reality in our life i don't think so and the reason is this is because we we preach union we preach our identity and all of these other scriptural biblical topics except when it comes to healing and then things change we preach we preach united and all these other subjects but when we preach healing we preach separated now that's what i'm saying here when we preach the other subjects we preach united we we preach united with him but too many times when we're preaching healing we preach separated in other words we preach separated we preach jesus and then me and i'm not sure why we do that when it comes to the area of healing but friend for me it is the number one reason why we're not seeing the results in the area of healing that we should because we're preaching healing separated from god yes we preach the redemption scriptures and many of us that are right here right now we know those scriptures first peter 2 24. i mean we pretty much summarize it by saying by the stripes of jesus you know we were healed and we know matthew 8 17 isaiah you know 53 4-5 we quote those but then when it comes to our life things change we preach it separated we live it separated but i want you to think about this okay so in the life of jesus in the ministry of jesus and the gospels there's 19 individual cases of healing that we see uh presented right there there's 19. and in all those cases those individual cases of healing the vast majority of those were people going to jesus and we see a handful of jesus going to them but there's 19 individual cases and in those 19 individual cases i want you to think about who the people were that were going to jesus the people that were going to jesus they were either a jew or they were a gentile they were a jew or they were a gentile now where's the one that was the christian where's the one that was united to god where's the one who is in union with him well there wasn't it was jew or gentile none of them were united with god every single one of them were sinners every single one of them were sinners and so for some reason when we preach healing we we preach it as if we are the jew or we are the gentile going to jesus listen to what i'm saying here for whatever reason when we preach healing we preach and we look at these individual cases of jesus and the people and instead of identifying with the one we talk about that we're one with all the time and we wear the t-shirt and we sing songs and we confess the scriptures when it comes to the area of healing all of a sudden we preach it separated we don't preach it united we preach it separated and because we preach it separated we see it separated we see it separated and as a result of seeing it separated we live it separated now most people would say well yeah because we're the ones that are in need of healing well you need to take a step back and ask yourself are you really now you may be looking on the outside and the outside may be saying that you are but remember what we talked about last week you're a spirit you're not a body it's important who you identify with just like we talked about last week it's important whether you identify as a spirit or you identify as a body you have to know i mean you absolutely have to know from a very foundational level you are a spirit being and this right here is simply a tool it is a vessel in order for you to operate and access things here in this very natural realm but this right here is not you this right here isn't you and so if you're looking at this to identify yourself you're going to lose a lot in life and you're not going to be real successful as a christian well we could take it a step further like we're endeavoring to do tonight and that in the area of healing if you're preaching it if you're talking about it if you're seeing it from this wrong perspective that when it comes to healing it's me and then it's jesus and and now i instead of me identify with jesus i'm identifying as blind bartimaeus i'm identifying as the woman with the issue of blood i'm identifying as one of the lepers and i'm trying to get to jesus well what happened uh i'm a brand new creature in christ what happened to it's no longer i who lives but it's cries to lives in me what happened to you i'm one spirit with the lord what happened to you are complete in him what happens to those scriptures why are we preaching it the way that we do why are we preaching everything else united with him but when it comes to healing we preach it separated maybe there's a reason we're not getting the results that we know that we should maybe it's because of our perspective maybe it's because of who we are truly identifying with you have to understand this that if you identify as the person that's coming to jesus now i know this is a little cross-grain but hey it's entire it's high time we take a step back and start analyzing where we're at what we're teaching what we believe and are we getting the results that we know that we should get instead of just sticking our head in the sand and acting like everything's okay and just keep preaching the things that we've been preaching and one day it's going to happen but listen this if you if if you identify as the person going to jesus based on what we see in scripture if you identify as that person you're identifying as the unsaved you're identifying as the separated you're identifying as the sick remember we are one with him when we receive salvation we became one with the christ we became one with deity i know these are some strong words but don't you want to start getting better results i mean i know i do i certainly don't have all this figured out but i'm telling you friends i have such a hunger i want to see more and now it's not a thing when i first started this i wanted to see things just for me i was selfish because i didn't see stuff growing up i wanted to see things i wanted to experience the supernatural i wanted to experience the power of god but as time began to go on then it got to where i wanted to see these things for other people because as we begin to see results more people started finding out and they started calling and emailing and showing up and i started seeing the hurts and the pains that people had i wanted to be the deliverer in that situation i wanted to be the help i wanted to be the revealer of truth in that situation and then as time began to go on it went from not just wanting to see things myself and not just wanting to help people i wanted just to encounter god i wanted to experience him and and be the one to reveal his heart for other people and so if we're gonna do these things we we can't just stick our head in the sand and act like everything's okay and our doctrines all perfect friend nobody's doctrine is perfect my doctrine isn't perfect because the further i go along in this the more questions i have and sometimes i go back and look at my journal from you know two three four years ago and see how much i've progressed and then then sit there and think what was i preaching how did i not see that back then but there should be continual revelation but there's not going to be continual revelation if we're not asking questions if we're not pushing if we're not asking the holy ghost to help us and we're certainly not going to progress until we at the very very beginning take care of who we're identifying with it's vitally important who we identifying with are we identifying as the sinner going to jesus or are we identifying as the person who is one with jesus we have to understand that all the bible is true but who you identify is going to determine if this it's going to determine if you're the one trying to get it or it's going to determine if you're one that already has it now look in these 19 individuals individual cases of healing with jesus phenomenal stories and we see phenomenal principles of faith there that we can glean from and we can learn from and we can put into practice in our life take the story of the woman with the issue of blood we see a powerful principle of faith there of just going all in going all in i mean and what she was doing she was unclean according to societal standards she could have been stoned right there she could have been killed but she put it all on the line she said if i can just go despite all the odds despite everything that would be standing against me if i can just touch the hem of the garment i know i'll be well i know i'll be healed we see a powerful principle there we see a powerful principle of faith when it comes to the centurion who told jesus you know in regards to the healing for his sermon he told jesus you don't even have to come to my house just speak the word only and i know that my servant will be healed we see a wonderful principle of faith there and not only the power of our confession but again the power of just going all in an absolute trust in jesus we see wonderful wonderful principles there and we can take those principles of faith and apply those in the faith life that we live but again when it comes to healing it's vitally important who we identify with are you identifying with the sinner are you identifying as the person who is separated from christ are you identifying as the sick person who are you identifying with it's vitally vitally important you know we do this we we preach and we confess that by the stripes of jesus i was healed by the stripes of jesus we were healed i were healed i was healed i am healed we preached that but then we live it from the standpoint of now i just need to get it we we say i'm a brand new creature in christ jesus but then we identify as the woman with the issue of blood trying to touch jesus's garment well i don't know about you but just common sense and this is what gets me in trouble a lot of times but common sense would say this well if you just told me that by the stripes of jesus i'm healed well why am i now trying to get my healing i mean if i am a brand new creature in christ if i'm one spirit with the lord if it's no longer i who lives but christ who lives in me why am i identifying as the woman trying to touch jesus's garment why would i try to touch the garment of the person i'm united with or you could say it like this why would i try to try to touch the garment that i'm wearing let me say that again why would i endeavor to touch the hem of the garment that i'm wearing i'm one with him i'm one with him see friends our problem is we have we have a true identity crisis we know the scriptures but the problem is it's just facts it's just data we've become very very intellectual it's all right here and and we we see these scriptures as truth here but we do not see them as reality in our life we see them as data and facts that we agree with in our mind but we do not see them as reality in our daily life and so that's why when it comes to these powerful true life stories of jesus healing the sick these 19 individual cases we look at all these wonderful things as united with christ when it comes to healing we separate ourselves and now we're separated from christ and we're trying to get to him even though we know the scripture says i'm united with him it's enough to make you go uh what's wrong i'm a little confused here and if you were to just kind of take a step back and if you if you looked from the eyes of someone who was just coming into church and if you were hearing a message that you know as a christian jesus has already paid the price for your healing that by the stripes of jesus you're already healed and then 45 minutes later the preacher tells you now come up here so you can get your healing well wait a minute for 45 minutes you've been telling me that i already had it now you're telling me to come get it which one is it i mean if you just look at it through the eyes of a child it's very confusing as to what we've been doing here we we sing the songs and we shout the shout of victory and we shout the song of victory and and we confess the scriptures of victory but then when it comes to healing now i'm looking for the victory even though i've been shouting the shout of victory and confessing the scriptures of victory and i've been wearing the shirt of victory but now i'm trying to get the victory you know it's like we're the we're the jailer you know we're the one with the keys we we know our authority and that the authority of the believer in our confession and we're the one with the keys we're the jailer but then when it comes to healing we're in the jail and we're trying to find our way out and yet we're sitting there and declaring i'm free but now i got to figure out how to get out of here i mean it is kind of comical when you think about it friends there is a reason things are just so jacked up now and we we we're not getting the results that we know that we should be getting we know that we should be getting results we know we should be seeing miracles we know we should be seeing healings all over the place we know healing should be easy but friends you've got to understand that in the position that many of us are in satan is having a time because we are like a dog chasing its tail running around confessing and declaring and singing the songs that i'm the victor i'm the healed i'm the free i'm more than a conqueror in christ jesus but then now i'm trying to figure out how to get my healing from him well what if we stopped identifying with the woman with the issue of blood trying to get to jesus pressing to get to jesus confessing and confessing if if i can just touch him if i can just touch if i can just touch him what if we stopped identifying as her and start identifying with jesus as the one who had the very life of god on the inside of him that when sickness when disease or you could say unrighteousness touches me that the very righteousness of god the life of god the light of god the very flashes of lightning of god flows out of my spirit and flows through my body and flows into that which is unrighteous why are we identifying with that which is unrighteous guys you know if you know ii corinthians 5 17 you also know ii corinthians 5 21 he who knew no sin became sin so i could become the righteousness of god where in christ that means i'm righteous i'm right in the very same way that god is right he's pure and he's holy because of who i'm united with in christ i am too i'm the righteous i'm the righteous i'm not the unrighteous trying to receive of righteousness i'm not the the sick trying to receive of healing i am the healed i am the possessor of the life of god i am the possessor of this healing power it's the same spirit who raised jesus from the dead that's residing on the inside of me it's the same power that raised him up the same glory that raised him up that's on the inside of me why am i identifying as the unrighteous person trying to get to the christ when i am the righteous person because of my unification with the christ that might make you shout right there friends i'm telling you this is so easy but we have over complicated it because our perception is wrong we're not seeing things the proper way we're identifying with the wrong people again the bible is true and there's great faith principles right there for us to live by but do not preach healing as separated from christ we've got to stop doing that we can't preach the redemption scriptures and then act like we're separate from him the redemption scriptures only apply to us because we are one with them we have to start us seeing seeing ourselves as the christ on this earth that's united with him and that everything that he is is flowing in us right now even over in corinthians first corinthians chapter 15 paul's trying to tell us that those who were born in the flesh they were born after adam but those who were born of heaven are made in the very image and the likeness of the one who's from heaven we are made in his image and in his likeness we are united with him we're not separated from him we we can't sing the songs and and run and shout and dance on sunday that we're one with him and then turn around and live our life separated and see ourselves as separated from him friend i'm telling you if we would just change our perspective if we would begin to truly identify with him we would literally get more miracles on accident than we've been trying to get on purpose why because then you get out of the way your old unrighteous self gets out of the way you and trying to get enough faith and trying to make the right confession and trying to do the right thing and getting into all these works if you just see yourself as him if you just see yourself as him friends we've got a real problem because many of us we would rather identify with adam in the garden than than jesus we we more easily identify with adam who sinned than the christ that seated at the right hand of god and yet the sad thing is majority of us that are on here right now watching this right now we know these scriptures we quote these scriptures many of us have preached these scriptures well it's time that we live these scriptures we need to see ourselves in him so we can endeavor to live through him and have everything that he is manifest through us hallelujah praise the lord well i trust that helps you that got me fired up praise the lord hey if any of you have any prayer requests if you'd like for us to to join in with you on some things make sure and put this in the comments here that way not only i see it but all those that are joining in can i join in and hook up and be in agreement with you these things or if you'd like to send us a private message here on facebook or on youtube you can do that as well but hey make sure to share this with your friends and if you have not taken part of the healing academy make sure and do that you can do that on our website uh right there at chad gonzalez.com and also uh make sure and grab a hold of the podcast the supernatural life podcast we've got a brand new episode for this month that's coming out this week so make sure and subscribe to that so you can get the brand new episode that's coming out so praise the lord god bless you guys thank you for joining in thank you for sharing this with your friends we will see you next tuesday 7 pm central for healing talks god bless you remember that in christ we always always win
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 1,137
Rating: 4.8481011 out of 5
Keywords: Chad Gonzales, healing, miracles, faith and healing, the healing academy, faith healer, cures for cancer, blind eyes, deaf ears, covid 19, god and the Bible, inspirational YouTube, inspirational sermons, tv preacher, Steven furtick, bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Hagin, smith wigglesworth, John lake, healing revival, awakening
Id: EkHhkBoUqWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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