Receiving Your House | Chad Gonzales

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we don't believe in God for a house and basically last Sunday we just went through scripture after scripture after scripture after scripture showing you what God's will is for your house how many of you know God wants you to have a house he doesn't want you living in a dump he doesn't want you living under a tree he doesn't want you poor broke busted and disgusted you know why because you can't be a blessing to people when you don't have stuff people get all upset when when they hear somebody say God wants you to have stuff he wants you to have stuff you know why he wants you to be blessed so you can be a blessing the whole purpose of prosperity and so that you can be a blessing under people Deuteronomy chapter 28 God said I want you to be a lender and not a borrowed you can't lend unless you have excess you can't lend you can't give unless you got extra this thing of me and my four and no more hey that is not Scripture that's not Christian that's not God your focus should not be on just you and your family getting your needs met your focus should be way beyond that not just you being blessed though you can be taken care of but so you can be so blessed you could take care of other people and you see it all throughout Scripture and we were looking at some of those things but just for the sake of review and then for those of you that weren't with us last Sunday if you would turn over to first John chapter five just kind of go over a couple of things in regards to this as far as God's will for your house God's will for your house first John chapter five and verse 14 and says now this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to what his will so you cannot go to God based on what your mama said or your daddy said it's not based on what your pastor said or what your favorite TV preacher said it's based on what what God said it's not about your denomination your religious circle this is about what God said you got to go according to what his will if you want to know what God's will is then you don't go to your magazine you don't go to a book you don't go to your favorite TV show if you want to know what God's will you got to open up your Bible and you got to check out his word for his word is his what his will if you want to know God's Word you don't know his will you got to check out his word he said so if we ask anything according to his will you could say if we ask anything according to his word he hears us he hears us and in verse 15 it says if we know that he hears us then whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him so first of all you cannot go to God in confidence knowing that he has heard you unless you are going to him according to his word right horn says word according to his will well if you want to know what his will is again you got to go to the word and so some people would say like they said to me this last week well how do you know it's God's will for you to have a house it ain't God's good for you to have a house well yeah it is because it's in the scripture and it's not just a general thing of saying well God will meet all my needs and of course we know that having a place to live is a need you need to have a place to live but see God doesn't want you just to have just a place to live he doesn't want you just living in a cardboard box and you know I've said it many times and I'll continue to say it again and continue to rub people the wrong way but that's ok but but I firmly believe that people are really smart till they walk in the church doors and then we just get stupid people get stupid because we want to say well God doesn't want us to have this and God doesn't want us to have that God wants you poor and God wants you broken and God wants you sick but you wouldn't want that for your child would you see religion will make you stupid and it make you stupid but see God he's a good god he's a good father and if you want to get just an idea of how much God loves you and what God would do for you look at what you would do for your children jesus said this he said if you being natural parents look at what you would do for your kids look at how much more so God would do for for his children wouldn't you want to see your children have a nice house to stay in you wouldn't want to see them cramped and all cooped up you wouldn't want to see them and something like I grew up in when we were in a two-bedroom apartment and there's five of us I mean we upgraded from the two-bedroom apartment when we went to a 16-foot wide single wide mobile home that was an upgrade for us but I didn't like that mobile home I didn't like that at all it was small and it was portable I didn't like a portable house I didn't want portable I liked that I liked it but God wants you he wants you to that room he wants you to become he wants you to have stuff you need to have some extra rooms you know why cuz you got the next room somebody needs a place to stay you can give a place to stay but we got to look at this get kind of how we would would care and treat for our children you can't tell me God wants you sick and broke but you didn't want that for your children because you can't justify it at all because you're not gonna find it in description what you will find in the scripture as God wants you rich beyond your wildest dreams and he wants you healthy he wants your body to prosper from top of your head to the soles of your feet why because if you're healthy you can go out and you can do stuff for God you can go on you can be a blessing unto people and he wants you to have money in your pocket why so you can be a blessing unto people so if you really care about people and you really love people then you should want to go after everything that God has in store for you not just in the area of money but also in the area of Revelation of healing revelation of all that Jesus has done for you should be growing in these things because you love people because your outlook is is beyond just me and your outlook is about the Great Commission your outlook is driven by eternity it's driven by the heart of God that God wants you to have stuff he wants you to have stuff and so let's find out what the will of God as we looked at it last week but again just for if you Deuteronomy chapter 8 and we're specifically looking at houses that God wants you to have a house and so the question is well what kind of house you know is it supposed to be a small house or big house gonna be a mobile home should it be an apartment should it be a little shack you know should it be a tent you know you kind of get into this great ear just like people say well you know God doesn't want he wants you to have money but he doesn't want you to be rich he doesn't want you to be wealthy okay well where's that line where's the line of too much oh I just need that God he actually likes too much everything he does is excessive its lavish its abundant it's more than enough remember when he moat Jesus multiplied that the bread and the fish there was extra there was too much right one when Peter went out to to get a catching and Jesus told him go watch your nets and there were so much that they couldn't handle they said they had to go call their business partners to come and help him fill up all their boats gods are too much God he's an abundant God he doesn't give you a little bit Jesus didn't save you to help you a little bit now here this morning all right so Deuteronomy chapter 8 says beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping his commandments judgments and statutes which I command you today lest when you have eaten and you are full and you have built what kind of houses beautiful houses and you do what and you dwell on them and when you're hurting your flocks multiply you could say your business feels multiplied or all your stuff multiplies and send your silver and your gold or multiply you could say your money multiplies and all that you have is what bones but see God he doesn't work by addition he works by multiplication multiplication gets big quick alright he said watch out when you're when your herds and flocks multiply your silver and gold multiplies everything that you have is multiplied watch out watch out so that you don't forget the Lord your God notice God didn't say get rid of all that stuff he say you sinner you're wealthy get rid of your money no he said when you get all this stuff when you're growing and you're prospering and and you built big beautiful not house but house is and everything that you have is multiplying you're prospering he said don't forget me don't forget me why because we also find out in Deuteronomy that God he's the one that gives us the power to prosper he's the one that empowers you and I the prosper the wealth is coming from heaven he said so while I'm prospering you don't forget who your source is he didn't say that you're a sinner because you got money he didn't say that you're wrong because you got stuff and say you're wrong because you got too big of a house people say huh that how big is too big there's not there where people have a problem with somebody having a big house sir having a lot of money or having a nice car or having nice stuff is when they can't see themselves having it that's when they have a problem well that house is just too big the reason it's too big is because they can't see themselves having it reason it's too nice because they can't see themself having that nice of a house reason you know it's too expensive because it's just too big in their head they can't ever see themselves having it but you're never gonna see God say whoa wait a minute you made too much money you're never gonna find that here what you're gonna find him saying is as you're prospering and you get lots of stuff don't forget me because I'm the ones empowered you to do that and don't forget that the motivation for prospering it's about being a blessing to other people and being a position that when I lead you and guide you and speak to you to give to this person or go pay that bill go give them this car go give them that extra house that you have that you're in a position to be able to do that you realize that there's Christians that that are standing and believing and praying under God to pay a bit or for money for this or for a car for a house or for material things and a lot of times it takes so long to get it to them because every Christian that God's going to is broke think about it Jesus said this he said given it will be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall what men give it ain't coming out of heaven a man or a woman's gonna give it to you and how many times is God gone the one person he said I want you to give I want you to be I want you to pay this for somebody and they said I don't have it so God goes the next person he said I want you to give this to I don't have it he goes the next person so I want you give I don't have it I mean for months he's going down the line trying to find somebody that's got it see a lot of times we think God just for God didn't care no the problem is everybody's going to his bro he said big beautiful houses big beautiful houses and wants to dwell him and then deuteronomy chapter six just turn the pages to back deuteronomy chapter 6 and and verse 10 this is really good to say so it shall be when the lord your god when he brings you into the land of which he swore to your father's to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build and notice this in verse 11 he says and houses that are full of what good things houses full of good things so not only does God want you to have big beautiful houses why so that you're taking care of but you've got extras you can sell some make some money take care of some things do some things God wants you to do you can give some away see he doesn't want you to just have one house you need to have multiple house you need to put your faith that if you got one that's paid for it praise God put your faith out there for another one and when all the people sit there and mock you and say man what are you doing you getting all those how to say yes I'm fulfilling the will of God see Christians ought to be the biggest real estate owners in the world the Church of Jesus Christ should have have the biggest real estate portfolio in each city the churches should own the property why because when it's in our hands now it's in God's hands we can be a blessing to our city but see we don't talk like that because we don't think like that we think really small Christians are some of the smallest thing us on the planet we think really small because we think of our God is really small and yet we think we're fighting against a big demo but we've bought into this lie that God wants you to be humble he wants you to be poor and he wants you to be broke he wants you to be sick you know I don't like that health and wealth gospel how many times you heard that but y'all tell you what they'll go there church that preaches God wants you sick and brokenness they praise the Lord or the God and I'll go home and tell everybody how great the service was what are you talking about well God wants me sick and he wants me broke oh Jesus but you talk about God wanting you health and wealth and people get mad and they talk about you they get offended their email you they'll write you they'll go to all your friends how you conceding you're arrogant all you want is stuff but the reason is you don't really understand the heart of God then because God wants you blessed so you can be a blessing he wants you to have stuff so notice he does he wants you to have the house but he also he wants to feel of nice things he wants you to have stuff inside there he wants you to have nice furniture he wants you to have nice clothes he wants you to have stuff and if you don't like that one now I like this one proverbs chapter 24 verse three three and four the amplified it says through skillful and godly wisdom a house is built and by understanding it's established and by knowledge it's rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches the rooms of what your house he said he wants it filled with precious and pleasant riches you should never be ashamed of how good god has been to you don't you ever apologize for how God has blessed you don't ever feel bad when somebody comes in your house and hey you've got a you've got a nice picture on the wall you paid a lot of money for you've got nice furniture in there and and people go oh man that specially that must have cost a lot of money say it sure did it sure did whoo if you want to wrote the check on that you would let my huh don't ever apologize for the goodness of God in your life we ought to be excited about what we ought to be proud of what God has done we shouldn't be we shouldn't we shouldn't downplay what God has said well I know I don't want to talk about you know David King David this dude God said he was a man after his own heart King David gave over two billion dollars to build the temple that Solomon two billion darts a million two billion look it up he gave over two billion of his own money and you know what he wasn't ashamed of it either cuz he told everybody how much he gave see we get a shame the thing with that well we did something we did something good for the church we did something for this person and that I don't want anybody know about only my thinking thing about people ought to know how blessed you are the God did that don't ever be ashamed of that I see too many people that they're saying it I've got a lot of money God's doing a lot of good things for them they went after they've prospered and they're Shane to talk about it because they think people are gonna think something but people think it's stuff about you anyway so you won't see Deuteronomy chapter 8 and this is just a couple own over 1 for your app pull those scriptures out there all their dinner I took an 8 he said he wants to have big beautiful house Deuteronomy 6 he said he wants those houses to be full of good things nice stuff proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 and 4 he said it wants it all the rooms fill is precious and pleasant riches he didn't say wants a full of broke stuff stuff that's all jacked up and messed up in other words stuff that when people walked in they said man I wouldn't want that in my house no it ought to be when people walk in they say man I want that in my house where'd you get that I want that can I have that yeah so look turn over to Hebrews chapter 11 just a little bit of review there for for those of you if maybe you weren't here and maybe say I don't know about that I'm telling you it's all there God wants you to have nice homes he wants you have nice how he wants you to have real estate we saw in there that God Nolan wants you to have big beautiful homes filled with nice stuff he wants you to have a home it's in a nice safe a secure neighborhood and he wants it to be a place where you can go and you can relax and you can have fun and you got lots of space one should have lots of space there and in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 a lot of you've probably heard this and but I want you to see this in the line of what we're talking about this morning Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 1 it says now faith is the substance of what uh-oh it's a substance of what what's that word that starts with the T and ends with an S faith in substance of what things let me ask you a question is the house a thing is a couch a thing is a better thing as a car a thing yeah it's the substance of what things substance of things so how many and this is not to be conceived this this is very spiritual you may not realize they're not this is very spiritual how many you need some things how many you need some things for your home or how many you need a home how many you've been renting and you want your own place God wants you to have your own place he wants you to have your own hope and listen guys he doesn't want you being dependent on our government for you to have a house he does not want you being dependent on the systems of this world to be taken care of when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior you were born again and God become your very own father and just like Jesus he sent you from heaven and to this earth to fulfill his plan his mission but he did not send you from heaven and to this earth into this world to live dependent on this world the government the banks Visa Mastercard Discover America's press they are not to be your source they're not to be your supply that never was God's plan never was his intention the government is not your source God is our source he is our source he did not put us in this world for us to look to the world to take care of us while we fulfill the plan of God for our life now yeah we can work some of the systems that are here we shouldn't be dependent on it and when the systems of this world say no you can't have that no you can't do that that's absolutely impossible that's when you take a step back and say you know what the world can't help me but God still can so God wants you to have a house if you've been renting and you're ready to own your own home that's scriptural and that's the heart of God he wants you to have your own stuff if you're in a place and your family is growing and things are just getting too small and you're cooped up that's alright God doesn't mind upgrades CP Christians get all worked up about money well that just cost you much man that they bought that house they spent a couple hundred thousand dollars on that house imagine how many poor people that would have taken care of imagine how many hungry people that would offend you realize it was taken care of but the people that house it made them some money and put some food on their on their tables it's taking care of people stop being focused on the money God is bigger than a couple of hundred thousand dollars way bigger than that says faith is a substance of what things hope for now this word hope it's not it's not the way we use it today the way when we talk about hope we're talking about wishing for something but the word hope in the Bible Bible hope it means there's a confident expectation a confident expectation not I'm hoping and a wishing and a praying but a confident expectation he said faith is the substance of things hoped for it's the evidence of things not seen it's the evidence of things that are what not seen so you may be in a situation right now where you don't have a home or maybe you do have a home but you've got a mortgage and you want to see that thing paid off that's the heart of God too because God doesn't want you in debt I'm telling you I don't want you to read your Bible Deuteronomy chapter 28 he said he wants you to be the head and not the tail he wants you to be above and not beneath he wants to be the lender and nothi why because if you're the tail you can't tell the head what to do the heads tell them what you do if you if you are not the master then you're the slave and the Masters telling you what to do the bank is telling you what to do the bank's telling you how much interest rate you got to pay banks telling you how long you got to pay this thing the banks the one that's in control and actually it's not even really yours not until you make that last payment and think about this the way this this thing is set up 30 years you're gonna end up paying two and three times what that house was actually worth and then you want to talk about being a good steward of your money how much of that money could have gone to the kingdom of God that went to the bank why because we're dependent on the world system and it's not that we've all got this thing together but there's a higher standard that you and I ought to be striving for and going after we live in this world but we're not living from it God wants us to be debt-free so you're in a position you got a house but you got a mortgage well we can apply this same thing these same principles of God and get this thing paid off get this thing taken care of you don't have to pay what pay and wait 30 years it can be done in a year another five years ten years and notice there's never any mention in here about your paycheck about your your socioeconomic status there's no mention in here about your skin color your race your ethnicity what side of the tracks you grew up in how much money your parents have there's never any mention of natural stuff doesn't even mention the age you realize according to God you could be twenty years old and I own your own home debt-free let's think how do we train how do we train you how do we learn things when we're growing up well you know you got to go to school you go to college and you get a lot of debt and then then you work for 20 or 30 years to pay off the student loans and and then by the time you're 50 or 60 you know maybe you can you can start looking to retire and start making those last payments on that house and then you know you get about 70 and you got about 10 years the way the world thinks in that the way the world thinks when you get 70 and 80 you may as well start playing the funeral that's the way the world thinks but that ain't the way God thinks oh this thing's totally backwards God promise there's 120 years you ain't hit middle age then you hit 60 we're not supposed to work to her 65 7 years old so we can get a gold-plated watch and and live off a disability and Social Security for 10 years and then die there's no mention of age here you want to be training your kids you're teenagers they could have their own home paid for it debt-free and their twenties see we get quite we thinking that way we're training our children to think natural we're training our children to think according to worldly ways when you start training our children to think of heavens ways according to heavens realities that all things are possible that's not according to it to time it's not according to age and skin color and raisin and an economic is an economic status it's not according to any of that you realize you can make minimum wage and somebody can walk up to you and give you keys to a brand new page for home well I could just never I can never have my own thing you know I don't have any college I don't have any education you know I'll only make you know eight nine dollars an hour there's just no way and there never will be a way according to natural ways but if you get your eyes off of natural circumstances you get your eyes on God there's always a way there's always a way he says faith is the substance of things what hopefully you can say expected it's the evidence of things not seen and but verse 3 it says by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by what the Word of God we're fraying created restored by the Word of God so the things which are seen were not made of things which are what visible so what you're seeing here is that if there's something you need and it's not here you can't see it you don't have it there's a way that you can get it and it involve any money it's not based on anything to do with you and your abilities and your talents and your background and your last name and your degrees it's this word called faith or you could say believing God trusting in God he says by faith that the world that you see was formed it wasn't here before but God spoke it into existence he spoke it into existence if you don't like that look over at mark chapter 11 this is not and I came up with it's all right here this is why we look at so many scriptures because I know some of this can be controversial but that's okay mark 11 verse 22 says jesus answered and said to them have faith in God or have the faith of God for certainly I say to you whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and doesn't doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done he will have what whatever he says therefore I say to you whatever things you ask for when you pray believe that you receive them and you will have them for so notice first of all he said whoever whoever whoever includes who everybody whoever is you you're whoever or if you're a King James Version only your a whosoever the King James that's God but all right you're a whosoever whosoever whomever that's you that qualifies you see that qualifies you you're qualified right he said this is for whosoever this is for whomever he's in whomever will say I mean you got a mouth you say something he said whosoever will say and not doubt in his heart but believes that those things that he says would be done he will have what whatever so this is for whosoever can have whatsoever for King James people and for New King James people whoever can have whatever whoever can have and notice no mention of age no mention of race no mention of salary no mention of country see this will work in the United States of America just like it will work over in Kenya it'll work in a first world country just like it would in a third world country it'll work anywhere because this isn't dependent on natural stuff he said whoever can have whatever verse 24 he said when you pray when you asked me pray believe that you do what you receive it and then you will what have it so he said whoever can have whatever well if you need a house you're qualified here he said whoever can have whatever that's you and your house if you need stuff that's you and your stuff if you need a mortgage paid off that's you and that's that mortgage paid off he said hey he said this is how the faith of God works he read on before he went up any curse the fig tree and the fig tree died and he's showing them how this works he's showing them how faith works is that in other words you got to find out what God said is yours remember first John if we ask anything according to his will we have confidence can we know they Hearst what we've already seen last week when we reviewed a little bit we've already seen what his will is according to his word for our house citizens and stuff so we know what his will is then we can go to God in confidence if God has promised it to us he said you can have this this is yours then you can go to God in confidence to say this is what this is what I'm asking for this is what I'm declaring for and remember Hebrews 11 now faith is the substance of what things hope for it's the evidence one translation says that faith it's the title deed you know what a title does for you it says that's mine that's mine that's mine so you may not have a title in your hands right now for a home first off our car but that doesn't mean it can't be in your hands see it can be in your hands before it's in your hands just faith it's the title deed it's the substance it's the material thing of that what you expect and you declare he said this is how the faith of God works and then turn over to Romans chapter 4 real quick there's this guy named Abraham you remember father Abraham had many sons and many son that father a mirror singing that when your kid romans chapter 4 and verse 17 I just want you to notice this relationship between the faith of God how the faith of God works the faith of God and declaring and speaking things and to an existence and it has nothing to do with with skin colour and age and salary or anything like that it has to do everything with faith in your mouth and your believer your believer in your speaker Romans 4:17 says as it's written I've made you a father of many nations God he's speaking to Abraham says in the president him whom he believed God who gives life to the dead and notice this says does what he calls those things that do not exist as though they did he calls those things that do not exist as though they did who contrary to hope and hope he believed so that Abraham became the father of many nations according to what was what spoken so shall your descendants be verse 19 and not being weak in faith he didn't consider his own body already did since he was about a hundred years old in the deadness of Sarah's womb and he didn't waver the promise of God through unbelief but he was strengthened in faith giving glory to God and fully convinced that what he had promised he was also able to perform so real quick for based off what we've already seen in this passage of Scripture right here I was wanting to give you a couple of steps to receiving your house or receiving your you're paid for house we see when that mortgage paid off or maybe it's getting your first house so maybe it's getting your second house third house or upgrading from a house or paying off a house so number one you need to get your hopes up I've had people tell me that before you're just getting people's hopes up how dare you I want people to get their hopes up see with God you ought to have your hopes up you need to get your hopes up faith is the substance of things hoped for expected you need to get your hopes up you need to get you need to get your hopes up because there's no expectation there if you don't know what's available so that's why first of all you need to find out what the will of God is concerning your situation once you find out what the will of God is you need to get your hopes up you need to get your expect yours up because now I've got to hold of the promises now I've got something I can base my beliefs on think about it you know if you were going to go to your boss and you know you wanted a raise think about how different your confidence level and your expectation level would be if if your confidence if your if your boss told you when you got hired on this is your salary and it'll never change and you walk in there and real squeamish Lee and say hey you know I know you said this but so anyway you know we can make a change here maybe I could get just another dollar an hour or something like that versus if your boss told you that that raises are always available based on your your work and based on you know your faithfulness and this and that and you go in there with some confidence knowing that hey this is possible but then it'd be totally different if your boss told you which this would be great with if this happen but your boss told you hey anytime you want to raise come tell me so if you need them all right you just walk on there say hey boss I remember what you told me you say anytime I need some more money just let you know I'm just here to let you know you're gonna walk and there was a little bit more confidence there this is the confidence that we have if we go asking anything according to his will what we find out what his will is we get our hopes up again expect yours up number two notice here with Abraham verse 19 says and not being weak in faith he didn't consider his own body he didn't consider his own body so the second thing you need to do is you need to stop considering your circumstances and start considering the promises we said again you know stop considering your circumstances and you need to start considering the promises in other words you need to stop looking at how much money you make you need to stop looking at the economic conditions of our country right now you need to stop looking at and what the interest rates are with the banks you stopped looking at all these things that are factors in telling you what you can do and what you can have and what you can't have you just stop looking at that stuff because God hasn't moved by an interest rate God isn't well he's not moved by a loan program we don't have that stuff in heaven we may live in this world but we're not of it so so we're not living from it you need to get your hopes up you need to get your expects up you need to see what is available for you and then you need to stop looking at the circumstances and you need to start looking at the promises you need to start getting the promises of God before your eyes you need to get past the wow factor I remember years ago me and Lacey we would drive around we'd go into neighborhoods there's no way we could ever afford naturally those things and but the reason I was having to do that because I grew up so poor so poor I mean going look looking at just know what we were considering average house isn't what we're looking at a car with $10,000 and use the banker with your clapping the brown doll we called the brown dog is the 1985 brown Chevy Blazer didn't even have hubcaps you know and the back in there was one of those roll-up windows in the back and there was no glass there you could roll it there's no glass though it was covered in plastic and duct tape and we weren't even in Arkansas and there was a hole in the back that the back backdoor it was it was rusted there was a hole in there and it was right above the exhaust pipe and so when you pulled up at a stoplight you hold your nose and you hold down the windows long as you're driving you're okay but as soon as we stop here comes the exhaust and you wonder they tried that family trying to commit suicide because you see smoke dwelling up and stuff it was right there it was bad I mean that's what we grew up with that was the thinking that we grew up with so for for a long time I had to fight to get over the wow factor the big factor that the too much the too expensive factor you got to get over that because as long as you're going wow wow wow wow what you're saying is that's way too big for me what you're saying is I can't ever see myself happen that you got to get past that because what you're doing is you're considering your circumstances what you're doing is you're limiting what God can do for you if you want to get real blunt about it like I would say this is me saying what you're saying is is that God it's too small to get you that you're saying that God's too small not enabled enough doesn't have enough to get you that you're saying that house is bigger than God that stuff's bigger than God you need to get past the wow factor when you're driving through you can walk and you get past that that means you need to look at it more you need to print off pictures of what you want and slap it on your wall and so every day you go by and you see that and you just get used to seeing that I remember when I was in college I wanted a Ford Expedition they just come just come out not too long and I wanted one really bad there was no way I could afford one and so I cut out a picture of one out of a magazine and then I this before digital cameras and stuff you know and so I cut out a picture of a Ford Expedition and then I found an old picture of me I cut up the head off and I got my face and I taped it on to that Ford Expedition so I was in the driver's seat and so every day I'd see that that that Ford Expedition that was cut out of a magazine and and my little mug right there in the driver's seat looking at you again and I look at it all the time and so it wasn't a big deal of me seeing myself and in that and Lacey I mean she can tell you we've got pictures still when we were up at Rhema and some neighborhoods we drove in just going to look at stuff and we took pictures of houses that man we would love to have something like that and we still got him to sit I've got a more a little like a little dream wall just so we can get get past that that this is just too big it's too much it's too expensive you got to get past that yeah you got to stop considering your circumstances so you need get your hopes up here stop considering your circumstances you get the word before you and number three you need to start declaring what's yours remember what is how does faith work how did God create the world that wasn't here he spoke it into existence how does Jesus say when in mark 11:23 and 24 how does faith work you speak those things and to existence romans we see that the way that abraham worked he began to speak things how did God get things to begin to change the Abraham's life first he brought him out because this was really big for Abraham the father of faith he laughed when God told him I'm gonna make you a father of many nations not only did Sarah laugh Abraham laughed you know what God did with Abraham he took him outside he said I want you to look at all the stars in the sky he said see all those stars Keaney McCallum oh that's how many children you're gonna have he gave Abraham something to look at and during the night and then during the day he said I want you to go out I want you to count all the sand of the seashore no way it's impossible but what did God do he knows that you and I were visual people were natural people dealing with natural junk out here and we got to change the way that we see we got a change of perspective we've got to change the way that we think so he gave Abraham something to look at during the date and he gave him something to look at at night to change the way they thought so the bigness of something became small and then on top of that then he changed his name from Abram to Abraham here's this older gentleman has no kids and God called him the father of many nations and so now every time that Abraham goes and introduces himself they say hey what's your name he said I'm the father of many nations I'm the father of many nations I'm the father of many nations he don't have one child I'm the father of many nations I'm the father see Abraham began declaring some things he's looking at stuff he's saying some stuff and the process his mind is being renewed and finally after 20 years it gets to a point where Abraham he actually believes it he actually believes so I told you last week I was we were joking around but I'm being serious you need all these scriptures about houses and the stuff you need to print those out you know write it you know print them out put it on your cabinets put it inside your car put it in your closet put it on the mirror put them in the bathroom put it on the underside of the toilet seat so when you lift it up you seen the word put them in the shower so in your shower and you're seeing the word put it on the inside of that refrigerator so when you go in there and get that apple pie you see the word so you're constantly keeping the word before your eyes so that the things of God become bigger than the things of this world as soon as you get to that point that's where you begin to believe it and when you get to the point where you actually believe it and you're fully persuaded and you're not staggering you're not wavering that's where you're at the point you can open your mouth and you can declare something into existence that's not fair that's where you go beyond your salary and your skin color and your economic status and your family you go beyond all of that you go beyond all of that and the last part right here is in verse 20 he said and he didn't waver at that promise of God through unbelief but he was strengthened in faith giving glory to God and being fully convinced that what he had promised he was also able to perform so this lets you know there's gonna be opportunities for you to waver in other words maybe we'll maybe want maybe it's gonna happen maybe it's not there's always gonna be opportunities to waver why because you're in this world and there's going to be situations that's gonna arise there's gonna be problems that may come up and it gonna make you think it's never gonna happen it's never gonna happen there's just no way that's when you need to back up you need to get your eyes on the word and you hold your place see when Jesus saved you he saved you from your excuses ain't delivers you God's promises me say that again he saved you from your excuses and he delivers you God's promises we have no excuse this is why faith man faith is the great equalizer doesn't matter where you came from and what you've had faith is the great equalizer it puts us all on an equal playing field puts us all that you can play and you can look at some people to say man you know if I would have grown up that way you know when I was a kid I would be a lot better off not if you're saved yes some people that you're around they may have had a little bit more of a step up in life some advantages in life but I I look back at people I went to high school with and college with and they're in my eyes they were rich and they were well to do and I look at where they're at right now I'm far what for a past that I'm not talking about just finance all my life some of them are dead some were alcoholics some of them are drug acts so just just bad things have happened I don't look at where I I'm so blessed compared to some of those kids I thought man they got so it's just kind of I kind of thought it was unfair why did I get given this lot in life but then I found out you know what there's no more excuses here I can get way past that in faith way past that in faith stop making excuses that I'm so tired of Christians making excuses and whining and complaining about this person has this and that person has that God didn't say you couldn't have it hey he didn't say you had to pay for it either mara deuteronomy chapter 8 he said houses that you didn't even pay for it Deuteronomy 6 houses you didn't pay for things that were furnished you didn't even pay for it you don't have to pay for it it can come lots of ways you can have the money somebody give it to you there's lots of ways don't put God in a box and limit him but when you begin to waver you know whatever ahem did it's what you need to do he put some praise on the thing he used to praising God he said you strengthen his faith giving glory and praise under God so what you need to do is you do it Abraham did you may be sitting in your office you may be outside working and and all of a sudden the thoughts start coming to you it's never going to happen never gonna happen what you need to do you need to have a praise break something you need a smoke break you also need to have a praise break you need to get yourself up you know walk in the bathroom if you need to lock that door or if you need to walk into the store you like the stall you get in the stall you lock that door and you begin to dance you begin to shout you begin to praise God hallelujah my house is on the way hallelujah that mortgage is paid off just like God changed Abraham's name you need to change the status of your house that's a paid for house if you're trying to sell your house that's a sold house every time I pull up to this property that's a sold property every time I pass by that property in Parker Road that probably is ours and it's paid for cash I'm declaring some things you need to be declaring some things you need to be declaring some things over your children that they won't wait as long as I did to have what I have now you need to be declared on your kids they're gonna have a paid-for house they'll go to college pay for they won't go out of the College with student loans they'll go out with it paid for he answered the call in your house paid for you don't have a house you didn't start calling yourself a homeowner not a renter I'm a homeowner where's your house it's on the way God's got it covered well but how are you gonna buy a house you only make minimum wage God say that he would meet my needs according to my minimum wage he said he'd meet my needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus it ain't about me it's about what God has already done and he's already provided according to his riches come on whoever can have whatever whoever can have whatever faith is the substance of what things you can have whatever thing you want stop making excuses and stuff you want in your moment can playoffs Lafayette and say here's a word say what the word says stop saying what your neighbor says and you your banker says and all the experts are saying it's fine everybody's doing their jobs everybody's looking at natural stuff but hey God is not limited right so we serve a big God we serve a big wish thing about a big daughter that we serve a big guy they wouldn't answer a big guy I can have whatever because I'm a whosoever I can have whatever because I'm a whosoever I've got the face of God I can declare a thing and I can have that thing I'm not limited by my circumstances I'm not limited by my bank account I'm not limited by my credit score I mean you've been looking at your cred for st. man we're just gonna have to wait we're gonna have to wait now lots of guys doing so we can have this huh put something by your credit or Toby
Channel: Chad Gonzales Ministries
Views: 21,096
Rating: 4.9355879 out of 5
Keywords: chad gonzales, believing God for a house, Chad Gonzales ministries, buying a house, when I need encouragement, inspirational video, preachers, inspirational preacher, how to buy a house, how to get a home, financing a house
Id: fqbyMhMeOlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 11sec (2951 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2016
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