Healing Is Here 2019: Day 4, Session 14 - Todd White

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hey welcome everybody to healing is here Friday night hallelujah healing is here 2019 Jesus is here come on somebody why don't you stand up and greet somebody didn't come with and we're gonna jump into some worship tonight as we exalt the one who is the Great Physician [Music] come on put your hands together tonight [Music] inside [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh my father [Music] [Applause] hey tell somebody next to you you got a good looking temple come on tell somebody [Applause] [Music] good thank you Lord God come out let's worship Jesus tonight in this place in soldiers name above every name [Music] Who am I well [Music] he brought me know he Oh [Music] yes his [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] there's house there's a pain um yes yes tonight [Music] your hearts cry to you [Music] sir [Music] not forsake you me [Music] not froze [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's gotta play [Music] house [Music] it's got your name on it [Music] [Music] I count on one for the same God never fails not fail me you won't film No the same guy working off you're working on things [Music] [Music] [Music] not filming [Music] the same guy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of all day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes yes we will [Music] c'mon let's his praise in tonight Ellen yes tell god yes yes [Music] well we say yes to you because you said yes to us you said every promise in Christ is yes in a man so tonight Lord as we worship you we say yes to you yes to your word yes to your plan for our lives yes to the kingdom of God being established on the earth as it is in heaven yes Lord yes Lord we say yes God thank you Jesus Lord you are mighty and us you're greater than he that's in the world and Lord we give you all thanks and all praise [Music] model of divorcement good tonight let's declare it Healy is Hugh [Music] he's here [Music] yes it is Haley is here thank you lord and I receive [Music] is he [Music] yes we do come on let's reach our hand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just [Music] we declare the time freedom is here freedom is here [Music] freedom's [Music] right now right here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we'll make this declaration tonight come on sailor sickness cats take in [Music] cats through [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go to [Music] we do Lord I trust in you [Music] we trust in you yes we do not trust in you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know I'm looking around here and it just blesses my heart so much because I see not only the people who are fighting for what they're fighting for but I also see their companions fighting for them I wish you could see what we see people have buddied up all over the place and are praying for each other ministering to each other even doing worship it's awesome it's awesome there's friends who people that you've just met that are rounding together right friends that you'll probably never forget and you'll stay in contact for the rest of your life right traduction divine connections spouses that are sticking with each other siblings daughters sons fathers mothers and I'm sensing the Holy Spirit's a you know the healing is here it's not just for the sick and for the weak but those of you I understand what you're going through because it's not easy to walk through that with that person and I know there's a lot of you here at this conference in fact I actually spoke to somebody today where they're here for their spouse their spouse couldn't make it and they're in proxy for that person but they're exhausted okay because I know that's not hard I mean easy sorry it's hard and so I just want to tell you that the peace of God is gonna come over you like you've never sensed it before you're gonna have a perfect rest and his perfect love is gonna cast all that out you're gonna have a strength and a rejuvenation those of you who are watching online you're gonna have a rejuvenation the weakness is gonna be made strong the joy of the Lord is your strength so jump up and start rejoicing thank you God praising God it's not by your power but by we're the Spirit of the Lord oh yeah come always declare it there is free [Music] where the Spirit of the Lord [Music] there is raid [Applause] to rise ahead [Music] major rise to heaven there is great [Music] come on sing in this play [Music] see [Music] there is free [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thirsty [Music] guitar see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is freedom [Music] there's freedom [Music] where you are this reader [Music] there is freedom [Music] yeah in their language so am I [Music] everything my spleen everything everything must go that is start of you everything let's go darkness code quota versus full-cut editing versus soon then it I should see cute a lot of washes so [Music] [Music] so everything else [Music] Jesus yah [Music] come on sing it with me everything else [Music] Oh [Music] to everything huh to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's nothing [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] just remember in that sum you say that I am complete it's one of my favorite songs we just went through a really tough time well I'll tell you that song there's an anointing on that song and you when you sing that song you're declaring every time you sing that that's you are complete amen all over this place tonight would you take somebody's hand next to you let's just join hands all over this place tonight so great to come together again as the body of Christ and wherever you're joining us from all around the world on the Internet we just want to say you know what thank you for being a part of what God is doing here on our Colorado campus we're so excited about Jesus in this place is you can probably tell father we just thank you tonight for the body of Christ thank you for bringing us together for such a time as this thank you for the kingdom of God your will be done Lord on earth as it's being done in heaven your kingdom be established in our hearts in our lives on a daily basis Lord God we give you all thanks we give you all glory for the victory that you have won for us God you didn't just call us winners you called us more than conquerors [Music] we are more than conquerors [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so what God we just bless those that are on our right and on our left tonight we say their victory is your victory our victory is their victory their between our victory blood we join together as one heart one mind and one voice to glorify you and we give you all thanks and praise tonight in Jesus name everybody said hey man come on [Applause] [Music] give somebody a hug before your season tonight tell somebody I love them and we're gonna break away to a video and then we'll be right back god bless you nothing is too big for him and Jesus name was exalted above every other name and everything has a name which means he is above all things just ask and you shall receive this probably been 10 years ago they gave me my first diagnosis breast cancer I already knew I was healed just as soon as I got that report I didn't believe it well I was a runner I just got this strong pain in my low back I couldn't even walk without pain doctors were saying you need to get a brain scan you're having nerve problems all these different things are going on with your body I believed a lie something sprang up inside of me and I know it was the Holy Spirit saying get up and run and so I ran around the lake and I didn't have anything prilosec twice a day every day for about 10 years and praise the Lord yesterday I received baptism the Holy Spirit and changing how I see myself and how I speak about myself I was healed of that it's just it's awesome so now I know there is really no limits and I can be used powerfully of God I couldn't walk on my right foot when I came and then during the healing process that they had that day my foot got better and I was able to do this we have a friend who is 67 years old and he ran up in the community hospital he had a broken neck they spoke over him he had a broken neck but now he just has a scar and he went home the next day was supposed to be in the hospital three weeks with three major surgeries I have been suffering so terribly with this left leg pain because I've already gone through two surgeries unsuccessfully had to wear that long boot and then I hurt my other foot so I was wearing two of them and now he's just came in to me and he just said he'd alums me that much and then it's get so excited who's up front just dancing I just can't get the smile off my face and you see that has to be right here our foundation where we have no doubt we get rid of those false tradition those wrong religion Jesus said because of those kind of traditions those kind of wrong thinking you make the Word of God of no effect of no power there is nothing you can't do nothing don't doubt a good God by looking down at yourself because God says you are murder [Music] oh man evangelist say he never serves dessert first are you guys ready for tonight I can't hear you I can't oh man I can't fight it can you tell oh my goodness God is so good huh of course we're gonna give away some presents I'm gonna get out the way really really fast today that is my plan okay so yes I've got a pack pack one yes I do okay so first the first thing we want to do is we want to give away the Karis five hundred dollar tuition giveaway those of you that were here family online thank you so much for joining the person that won online they're going to contact you themselves so I only have the backpack for the person is here so this goes to what you say scholarship yes just drumroll please are you ready for the gret the Karis Bible College winner for healing is here 2019 the winner is our man Kelly Boorman Kelly come on down [Applause] and now I'm going to announce our conference social media winner drumroll Jason Mackenzie you are the next winner of this fabulous Paris Becker [Applause] [Music] awesome that this is going to be a speed round speed round with giveaways I need you to be ready I need you to be on your mark for who the holy spirit leads Matt to so be ready be ready to grab your prize cuz we've got to be done we've got to have Todd white come up and we got to see some more healings so you guys ready on your mark get set here we go the first thing I'm gonna give away is manifesting miracles you have a say in what you see this is from Terre des ministries Matt let's rock'n'roll those of you that were at healing school we show the transition video from one of our instructors here Barry Bennett we have been talking all week about a lot of things but we also talked about hearing the voice of God how to recognize his voice this is a book written by Barry Bennett it is really an excellent book because a lot of times we might think are we supposed to really hear from God yes Andrew wrote this book is called hardness of heart yeah man the crisis the cause and the cure [Applause] the last thing I'm gonna give away [Applause] if called as proverbs and who wrote this it's actually it's from his um [Music] they won the word they want the word this is his book he's not actually this is the biggest book that he's written it takes you line by line on the book of Proverbs [Applause] also I hope that you all I hope that you all have ordered your conference all the materials from the conference I hope you ordered it of course it's not ready yet because Todd hasn't spoken so there's nothing in here don't yeah we don't run so but I'm telling you you do not want to miss this you do want to take this back home with you well today did you enjoy those testimonies we had so many testimonies we had testimonies of people that when audrey spoke that night she called out all these blood disorders hemorrhaging and we had women that were given their testimonies that everything has thought one woman had a blood clot all gone dissolved and somebody who came last year she got healed because Audrey called out mental disorders and stuff like that if she wanted to come back to make sure she could tell Audrey about it this year God is so good and do you remember when Audrey was talking when she was preaching and she was talking about the first responders remember she said that and she said you know rare the first responders right I want to share a testimony with you on how we demonstrated that this afternoon Carly would you come [Applause] man how many have you've been having a good week can you just put it up uh max 224 for me please this is what the Lord spoke to me this morning and this is really significant x2 24 to not 20 there we go if this whom God raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be held by it God spoke this scripture to me this morning when I woke up and I didn't realize the significance of it it's a good scripture amen it's exciting it's gonna float your boat right but but you know we had our panel up here we were talking about healing University and all morning Daniel and I had been teaching on spiritual gifts and sickness it was significant that we mentioned the gifts that needed to be present to raise the dead do you remember that well we had case in point this afternoon and so and as we were up here teaching and for the for the for the panel talking about healing University all of a sudden Kerry Kerry Pickett just stops there she was moderating she said Carla can you just pray for that turnaround pray for that lady and I cut down off my seat and I walk back and right here on this piece of wood a mother had to run all the way down the aisle and laid her dead baby at our feet he had stopped breathing three months old baby she was quite emotional as you can imagine they did we didn't realize so afterwards but they had driven 28 hours from New York to be here with their family because their baby was dying that's faith that's right amen but here's the but here's the fact that baby may have died in front of us but that's not the last report no [Applause] because it was not possible though we should be held by it so she said she laid her baby down here on the floor we come down pick up the baby in our arms the baby stops breathing right there in front of us he's limp and his lifeless and the smell of death is all over that baby and then and as I picked the baby up in my arms all of the instructors up here were gathered around us man I tell you the devil had a really bad day a really bad day because she can't kill somebody in the middle of a healing conference this just so dumb this dog the devil is so get down there we put the baby up in our arms and we speak life into that baby and slap the death right out of it that baby comes back to life lungs breast comes back into his body he starts breathing immediately and the peace of God fills this baby like I've never seen I've never seen and what happens that baby just goes on to sleep and we just hand the baby back to the mother like nothing ever happened that's what Jesus does [Applause] no the gentleman that came up earlier and he was talking about that's what family is about that's the one thing that Kari says she said everybody this is what family does and we came together as family and we smack the deaf out of that baby and told the enemy that's tight listen Tracy there are some of you that need the deaths Mac right out of you fennan know seriously the devil has an assignment on your life and this sickness he's plan to cure you but Jesus has the final word amen so all you if this is you if you've been diagnosed with something terminal with something that looks like it's gonna kill you I want you to laugh out loud laugh out loud in the devil's face right now love that laugh right now thank you Jesus we we strap right out of you death has no place in your body it has no place in your mind it has no place in your limbs because Jesus reigns amen thank you lord hallelujah and if this time put your hands together and welcome to the stage the president and founder of Andrew Wommack ministries and Cara's Bible College mr. Andrew [Applause] praise the Lord let's give Jesus let's give Jesus a praise amen praise God amen you can be seated man it has been one awesome week I want to thank Daniel and Carly for putting this together for em seeing it for overseeing it you guys are such a blessing and I've wished I had time to mention everybody but we've got hundreds and hundreds of staff that have been working and doing things and you know I've had a number of people come compliment me and say that they've never seen a facility as clean as this one and other things and that's all of our people that work here and I tell you they are just a blessing so let's praise God for all of them and thank all of you for coming it wouldn't have been any good with you if you weren't here we appreciate you coming and being with us it has been special man I'm just so thankful for everything that God has done it's been awesome amen I'm gonna give you another opportunity this would be our last offering that we received here in this conference and so if our ushers would like to pass out the offering envelopes while I'm talking that would be great you know I got this email this afternoon and for those of you that were here I think it was two nights ago that would have been Wednesday night I issued this challenge about that the Lord spoke to me about 23,000 people giving $1,000 to get this parking garage paid off and the first night we had forty three thousand dollars come in in response to that and then since then I forget the details but we're well over fifty thousand that has come in but this is a testimony that I got today and it's from Connie one of our partner relations ladies and it says there was a lady that came to one of the booths out here with a fat envelope in her hand and I introduced myself to her she is Amy even her and her husband Dale are partners last night when Andrew made the special appeal for the parking garage their 18 year old son Joshua who is a college student was watching at home in Parker Colorado their daughter is starting CBC this fall with a new he cares program and will attend second year next fall here in Woodland Park he came to his parents and said I believe God wants me to give my whole savings from delivering pizza last year to the 1k club he counted it out and it was just a few dollars short of a thousand dollars so he took some money out of his wallet and put it in there and he became a part of that I think he's an 18 year old that was watching this and so praise God so it's awesome you know I often minister from second Corinthians chapter 8 in chapter 9 when we receive an offering to just encourage people because here's where Paul talked about and encouraged people and if you read 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 he was talking to people and he says your deep poverty abounded to your liberality and most people think that you know if they don't have much well then I'm exempt from giving because I need everything and yet here were these people that had deep poverty and yet they constrained Paul to receive an offering for the Saints that we're in Jerusalem so I teach on that 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9 you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he became poor for your sake so that you through his poverty might be made rich and there's just so many great scriptures in those passages two chapters devoted to prosperity chapter 8 our chapter 9 talks about that you need to give not grudgingly or of necessity because God loves a cheerful Giver if you sow a little you reap a little you're so light you reap alike God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency and all things may abound unto every good work man that's one awesome scripture verse 10 he gives seed to the sower and you can go it's just a powerful passage but you know what the key to those two chapters are basically the last verse of chapter 9 and after saying all of these things about reasons that we should give the bottom line is he says thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift you know the reason that we give is because just like seeing this little baby he'll today raised from the dead seeing the thousand people that have been healed during this week and other things it's wonderful but how do you thank God for that you know you can say thank you and God inhabits the praises of his people and that is certainly a part of it but one of the ways we can do it is by taking these truths and spreading it as far and as deep as possible and so that's what this ministry is all about I appreciate all of you that are partners that are helping us do this but man we've just got so much more that we want to do we get thousands of we get I forget now exactly but it's over 60,000 people a month that contact us and about 50% of those are people that have just heard me for the first time I've been ministering on television five days a week for 20-something years and yet we are seeing I don't know 30 thousand people a month that they're just now hearing these truths we need to increase we need to go and that's what you're doing that's what your gifts are and so this is one of the ways of just saying thanks how do you thank God for what you've experienced this week man one of the ways you can do it is just to give and share it with somebody else and so tonight as we receive the offer and I just want to encourage you that if you've been blessed we encourage you to participate to be a part of this because man there's just so much more that we could do God we're just getting started we hadn't peaked yet amen we were just now getting traction so I encourage you today as you give to give not grudgingly or a necessity but give kind of a cheerful heart just thank God praise him in Thanksgiving for all that he's done for you and for everybody else in here all of this week amen so father we love you and we are just so thankful and father we want to be a part we want to spread this we want to just spread it as far and as deep as we possibly can around the world and so I'm asking you to touch people's hearts I'm asking that as they give with the right heart father we stand on all of these verses that you are giving seed to the sower that you're gonna multiply back to see that's been sown unto them and we thank you for 100 fold return on their giving in this life and father we thank you for that and receive it in the name of Jesus amen praise God you can receive the offering you know as we were watching this little clip tonight I saw Linda deeds I think is her name on the clip is Linda here are you here Linda I heard somebody yell up here what back here anyway I hope I don't get all of this wrong but Linda was healed of arthritis so bad that I think you were nearly house bound are certainly just unable to get around and she just decided to get up and believe God and if I'm not mistaken she got healed and got so excited she took off running in her nightgown down the street I think that was the story but we're gonna be doing a healing journeys on her someday but man God is just doing great great miracles it is so awesome to be a part of what God is doing I am so grateful and thankful you know I think that this may be the biggest crowd we've ever had in here praise God our last healing is here conference a year ago we weren't in this building so it's only been 11 months and maybe a week or something that we've been in this building so in less than a year we filled it up and I just can't build big enough or fast enough I just that's a good problem to have but and praise God we got our parking garage if you were here last year we didn't have that and so God's doing awesome awesome things I tell you I'm just thankful so tonight we are blessed to have Todd white with us hey man come up here Todd [Applause] I'm mint Todd a number of years ago in Chicago but we just said hi and then I visited with him at Copeland's a couple of times and then he was just with us two weeks ago and I tell you it was one of the most powerful services I've been in him just sharing his testimony and it was powerful and I'd I don't know a lot about him except this I know that this man loves God with all of his heart and that's really all I need to know he is a blessing so let's welcome Todd white as he ministers to thank you thank you please be seated thank you thank you thank you Wow oh geez who'd have thought this is amazing I love here in these testimonies I love it we had a pastor a friend of mine we just we just adopted our second our second baby we have three biological but we just adopted her we're in process of adopting our second one and he's one month old Asher in his name it's awesome but we were before we were flying down to adopt the pastor the pastor called us we were actually trying to take a little vacation out in California but their water is too cold to be happy in it's so cold we were headed out to the beach it's so warm and then you hit the water and it's like 60 and it's hard it's just hard so anyway we got this phone call the pastor he said Todd I need you to pray right now he said this is emergency he said the helicopters on the way our granddaughter we found her floating facedown in the pool and so she's just a little thing she's just a three-year-old little girl facedown in the pool I said this is it I said this will not be the end and I was on the phone and I before I could realize what I was saying Jesus took over like where where fear would try to touch you faith hit because faith crushes fear it really does because because God's love is what produces faith it's amazing it is faith works through love it's awesome and so right away we just declared this proclaimed it commanded it I said alright I said you call me with the good news so she was in the water for for several minutes facedown she was blue they came they couldn't resuscitate they took her nella copter in in the helicopter she raised from the dead is that awesome that's awesome now watch this so after after we prayed and it was just an amazing it was faith it was the gift of faith it just landed and I felt it I could feel it I went back out I went out to the continue to the beach my wife said who was at us at all as Pastor Chuck I said we need a we needed to just be in prayer for him because he's really he's really rocked right now because his granddaughter and he should be and I mean because it's an intense situation I'm saying when something like that happens to somebody that's that close to you that is because I operate for people all the time but when something happens to someone close to you it sometimes it can be different I'm just saying doesn't have to be like my daughter my one daughter she had a nosebleed that was so bad I'd never seen anything like it was demonic and this was back when we first got saved she was seven and a half and I came in the kitchen and she literally is waterfall of blood from her nose and her mouth I've never seen anything like it it was impossible to bleed that much it's impossible and I and at first I was like oh my god and I just turned to the side and my daughter my seven after all said daddy pray we're only we're only like maybe six months old in the Lord and I was like is it name of Jesus but it took my daughter to shock that right there pop honestly cuz I'll go stop going through it this is amazing but I'm not I'm not here to fault you because you think that you fell short because Jesus is right there on the other side it's important that we go because sometimes something catches this off-guard it shouldn't but sometimes it does are you guys alright if I talk about this a little bit just be real because we need to go after him with everything we are and I'm gonna talk about a lot of things but I'm gonna share a couple of instances because they were in my life personally that baby was an amazing thing that happened I prayed for other children and didn't see him live and so what you could never do is not as allow something that you didn't see and in fact the next thing that you need to see you can't allow the last time you prayed for somebody that didn't happen to affect the next time you pray for somebody because it needs to happen you can't carry that with you because it'll hurt you like trying to carry yesterday's because it's not really a failure if you're walking in love faith works through love but love never fails so if I'm praying for some way and I want to talk about a little bit cuz that I pray for people everywhere in public like it should be normal shouldn't just be at a conference huh I love it but man if you ain't walking with Jesus outside of the church he left him there if if if you're not conscious of him when you're outside of the church then maid left them back there go back to church get him and leave with him it's important and a lot of times it depends upon what people think how they perceive you it's called the fear of man and needs to die cuz it's demonic it is demonic it is horrible it really is ok another situation with my daughter Same Same Same daughter we prayed in the blood stopped immediately it was awesome now a little while later two and a half years I think we were safe we were out in we were out in Switzerland and we were out there some people flew us out there the whole family it was yeah both Fenton was there and my little kids are playing no we're we're four years in sorry because my daughter was older so destiny is in the bedroom we're in a chalet we're up in the mountains and there's no way to get to the bottom of this mountain except for a 25-minute drive to get down and some roads in Switzerland just aren't safe have you been on them roads where they don't have a guardrail they have a string because there's cows with bells on the other side that are walking on cliffs that are 700 that are so big and so we're in we're up in the house and my daughters are playing in the bedroom and destiny and Zoey are playing and they're playing a game called trust fall I don't like that game I'd rather not fall so they're playing this game and Zoe is on the bed and she's going like this and and destiny is catching her well destiny turn for a second I wasn't there but Zoe face-planted on on the wooden floor of this log cabin floor and when we picked her up her nose had jammed up into her skull okay so that right there like when I've been growing I've grown up like when someone's nose goes up into their brain it can be a death blow and it the first thing I'm thinking about is oh my god that's the first thing I thought now I know it wasn't oh my god in the right way but it was oh my god just natural instinct because he has to show up here but the first thing I thought about is get her out of the house and get her into the car get her to the hospital we can pray when we get there honestly then my wife was so blown away when she came out the bedroom she went ran in the bedroom and I heard her in there praying but it was I never seen it was the same kind of nosebleed but it was different because her nose was jammed up and all crinkled up into her head so I held her in my arms she went into shock she's bleeding and I mean she's bleeding profusely I said we have to get into the car we have to get into the car and all the way to the car my same little daughter destiny said dad pray family is amazing but you can also have family that doesn't want you to breath and that's equally amazing if you let it you can have family that don't want you to pray because they don't believe that prayer is for today all right anybody can relate to that okay all right you can have friends that just don't think you should pray because they don't think you're Jesus are you with me this is a huge thing yes I love that we can come here to be healed but I would love for you to walk in miracles every day of your life I love that we can come here and get prayer and healing can happen and that's awesome and and it's gonna happen tonight because it always does because God says amen to his message he does you can't you can't stop him he loves you but sometimes you have people around you that don't want you to pray and if you're not careful it will hold you back from bringing eternity into other people's lives trying to pray for your spouse to get it so that once they get it then you can all walk together I believe in that but your spouse shouldn't determine whether you can reach out with Jesus or not if you love your spouse you'll model this listen if you love your spouse you'll model this in front of them I really felt to talk about that tonight if you model this in front of your spouse your spouse you won't have to try to sell your fruit to them they can just pick it it'll be amazing yeah but you don't understand them no I'm telling you but when you find out what you who you are who you serve and how amazing God is and just how much he loves you and how much he loves your spouse they will never determine whether you can pray for somebody or not because someone's salvation depends upon it I tell you that out of personal experience first-hand experience very very hard with this thing but I have lived some seriously intense I didn't know that jesus healed I saw healing happened one time anyway let me tell you about Zoe and so I can tell you what happened so we're in the bathroom destiny says pray and I said in the name of Jesus a command us to stop and God just didn't stop it he grew her nose out of her head right there in front of us now my first words out of my mouth where I'm sorry not that he was mad at me but my reaction needs to be faith first it's not okay to react I talked about a little bit last week if we react the same as our atheist neighbor did we're practicing practical atheism and you can be full-on Christian in love with Jesus totally in love with him but something happened and you react the same as an atheist does and what makes you any different than them except you have a confession all right all right let's talk about Ananias and Sapphira I'm just kidding I actually love that I do I love that it's so intense I mean seriously what if people around you that lied dropped dead [Applause] just saying some of you were like what is up with this guy he is all over the place no we're going somewhere her nose came out of her head I took her into her mama and I said look honey look she we sat that we held each other and we repented repenting repentance is so important repentance is never one-time thing and repentance is it should be a daily thing if there's something that you need to change I just I believe that we can walk with such pure hearts and clean hands that when God brings conviction immediate obedience happens and if you mess up if you mess up if you say something like let's say you're getting hammered by somebody or they're they're coming against you because of your faith and you say something nation in response because they made you mad at work whatever they barest you you know you can't embarrass a humble person but let's just say you're not humble that day and let's just say they embarrass you and you respond unbecoming like something you shouldn't say immediately the Holy Spirit will convict you immediately unless you want to give them a piece of your mind instead of a piece of his coz your minds illegal in the kingdom I'm not kidding we got a we got to be really careful with how we speak we really do Jesus I need you to help me right now because there's a lot of cans open I will I'm gonna father I need you I need you really really really really really bad and I know that I have you but I need you more I want your presence Lord no matter what no matter who says what no matter no matter what's on the table I want your presence I want you I want it all I'm not gonna listen to people to tell me that I can't cuz I will father I'm asking you right now in Jesus name I thank you that every devil would be silent Jesus I thank you that thoughts of suicide would be completely annihilated right now Jesus Jesus Jesus I thank you that bitterness would be completely completely routed out of hearts Jesus name every root of bitterness but I thank you that unforgiveness would be completely annihilated in Jesus name I thank you that gossip would be completely annihilated in Jesus name father you're good but I thank you that every person that has blamed you for what you didn't do for what they believed you allowed that it will be taken out because the thief comes to steal kill and destroy Jesus came to give us life so any place death off the destruction is it's the devil it's not gone father I thank you that depression right now would have no place in Jesus name I command it to leave now get out Jesus name I'll come in bipolar to leave your life in Jesus name right now get out I commend them voices to shut their mouths in Jesus name now I command clinical depression to leave in Jesus name now I bind you devil by the authority of Jesus Christ I command you Lucia people right now because they're no longer your people they're God's people depression you have no voice right now I command it to go I commend that voice that just said this isn't real to leave in Jesus name [Applause] I'll come in every spirit of fear that's up in here to go now right now go in Jesus name come Holy Spirit I'll come in every digestive disorder because of bitterness and unforgiveness to be removed now Jesus name diet particular itis Crohn's disease ulcers get out in Jesus name father I thank you in the name of Jesus God you say there's more holy spirit other I thank you for joy in Jesus name real joy God I thank you in Jesus name father I thank you that right now metal and bodies would disappear in Jesus name right now specifically from a motorcycle accident Jesus name I command it to go now metal disappear go in Jesus name father I thank you for a creative miracle thank you for a brand-new right lung right now Jesus name now I thank you for a brand-new right lung that a lung would grow right now in Jesus name thank you Lord Jesus name Jesus name thank you Lord Jesus name thank you lord thank you for kidney stones disappearing right now Jesus name right now all stones disappear in Jesus name right now father I thank you thank you for neck injury from being hit behind in a black truck seven years seven years ago if that's you let me see your hand where in the name of Jesus be healed right now [Applause] Jesus name thank you lord I do want to teach I don't want to just operate a gift I want but I do want this stuff to go away because Jesus is king why not mention it because it needs to [Applause] 17 years 17 years old there was a hunting accident and I believe there's still I believe there's still a bullet in your body or a piece of a shrapnel piece of that you were a kid I believe I saw 17 years old if that's you and it doesn't matter how what your age is now is there someone in the room that's had that happen I know we're online too but I like it when God does it in the room so somebody that has some kind of shrapnel from a hunting accident when they were 17 years old or maybe our seventeen years ago I just keep seeing they're 17 is there anybody that fits I'm good with missing it I am I'll take risks all day long buddy hi God's okay with foolishness when it comes like that you did okay is there shrapnel still in your body right now we'll just put your hand on it bro can you put your hand where it is in the mighty name of Jesus we command it to go right now in Jesus name right now I feel like somebody else got hurt in this accident somebody else got hurt in this accident and I feel like sometimes it it's a it's a blame myself thing and I just want you to be free from that in Jesus name be free from that there's no way to go back and fix that there's no way to go back and change that let that go there's nothing to go back and fix you can't change it it's over Jesus name I believe God's also healing your knee and your back too at the same time do you have a knee and a back issue at the same time I can't see yes yes so two discs in your back your knee also an organ on your right side right here father I thank you in the name of Jesus right now we command it to go Jesus name God thank you in Jesus name I'll keep here in the name Jeff I don't know if that has anything to do with you or that accident does that name mean anything to you I can't see we're in the shade does that name mean anything to you no okay all right I'll take risks buddy I will you never know if you're hearing God tell you ask and if they say no where she could be is wrong and if you pray the worse that could happen is nothing what are we got to lose set pride nothing needs to die [Applause] oh my okay let me just wow that's fun I love you Jesus it's so important to not be known because of your gift and it's so important it's it's so important that you don't feel that you're only known because of your gift I'll reword that because your gift is amazing and God wants to use everyone here I mean like I said it I say it all the time all the five fold gift is for equipping the fivefold gifts are for the equipping of the Saints for the works of ministry and we all come into the reality of what we've been called by the Lord it'll change your life because you can press into healing and still think that you're a sinner but God doesn't call you a sinner he calls you a saint but if you see what it means to be a saint you won't think that you're above people and you definitely won't think that you're floating above people because when I started reading my Bible not see the word Saint I would realize that God was talking about people that got saved and I was amazed with that I was blown away it just has to do with your identity that's to do with you God's called you to be so if you don't know who you are we're in trouble could see the problem is is you can still pray for the sick and they could be healed and you not know who you are that's a big problem because now you heal a million people and you've gained who you are through your healing ministry but when you stand before the Lord you ain't coming in and that's a problem that's a way big problem are you with me I love Jesus with all my heart I love miracles but see what happens is something how many of you grew up legalistically like in the Wow okay great this would be a great word for you here's what happens even though you grew up in legalism you grow up with a word but you're taught in the wrong way and you're taught and and just put the words not wrong just that method is wrong because you can't get to God through your own works and jesus paid a price to exit legalism to enter into relationship to enter into intimacy and so it's so important that once you come especially when you come out of legalism that you don't find out that God wants to use you in gifts and turn your back on scripture because what I'm seeing across the body of Christ I think huge huge huge numbers huge numbers is the drift away from truth press into the spirit we become flaky look I wouldn't even doubt if there were people in here there were New Age that weren't even Christians just came because they want to know about healing for their Reiki ministry but all the healing that you have when you stand before God you are going to bow to the name of Jesus and you'll bow when Jesus is there you'll bow because he will I've seen riches come up into healing meetings they do you came to the right me to get for your in here I bless you in Jesus name I'm not kidding see today I'm gonna go there cursed taught you try go ahead [Applause] I just believes the gospel when you curse me I'm blessed I'm blessed before you cursed me the problem is is that when you curse the blessed person that comes back on you so be careful I'm so serious see I did all that stuff I had to the book of shadows I played all that wicked stuff real you serve a little puny God I'm not kidding a puny God you watched me online your God is puny if he ain't Jesus puny no oh my oh my he loves me I don't care how many people are against me one person in Christ is the majority no no no I'm so serious it sounds funny but man when you're faced with a coven of witches around you man if a witch comes in the church and dressed in black all barbed up most christians freak out oh my god what we gonna do what we gonna do it's a happy meal [Applause] see you think I'm just playing but I live with me this is real this is real Jesus is king though he is king of kings and Lord of lords so it's so important that we don't just come to a meeting to learn about healing or just to come to to be healed without learning and understanding who we are because healing is for now and it's awesome but one day you're going to be with Jesus and and the big healing happens like god I love it like I look to live as Christ in the dice game I completely 100% disagree that disease is ever God's plan ever because God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good healing all who were oppressed by the devil so all oppression comes from the devil and since sickness is oppression there is no way that he would have should have the right to kill a Christian by disease no way no way no way no way come on Jesus was anointed by God right God anointed Jesus you know it's amazing first John 3:8 is the mission statement of the Christian it says for this purpose for this reason what reason God anoint their it is I just have them in my heart but it's awesome you have them on the board yeah for this reason God anointed Jesus of Nazareth and he talks about Jesus destroying the works of the devil the Son of God but when Jesus passed the baton your mission statement now is to destroy the worst the devil your destination is to get to heaven your mission statement is just destroy hell your destiny your mission statement isn't to get to heaven your mission statement is to bring heaven here but you're not supposed to just bring heaven here when you go to church you're not supposed to just bring heaven here when you go to Bible College you're supposed to bring heaven everywhere you go and every place that your foot treads God has given you he's giving it to you when I go to Walmart it's mine when I go to Kroger's it's mine when I go into CVS it's mine I'm serious guys have you heard the good news no no no it's really good God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him believes mean to be fully convinced fully convinced absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt come on that comes from the renewed mind that comes from me putting my face in Scripture and asking Jesus to make it real every day of my life regardless of how much I think I know because you don't know nothing God knows everything but when you know the one that knows everything it's pretty fun it is I'm not saying I don't get hit with stuff I am going through major major fire right now but you won't see it on me it's it's it's happening we all go through it trials trials are the best place that you can manifest Jesus I'm not kidding when you squeeze an orange you get orange juice when you squeeze an apple you get apple juice if you squeeze an orange into a cup and it was apple juice you would freak out I'm not kidding you squeezed an orange into a cup some of you still can't figure me out I see you looking at me like [Music] I see it squeeze an orange you don't squeeze an apple you get apple juice when you find out who you truly are and you go after the reality of what it means to be a saint to be a holy one set apart by God to be one that's not going to be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of their mind to be one that's going to go and actually seek the Father in secret when no one's looking when when the crowds not there when you're when your kids aren't around when your wife's not around even if it's 15 minutes where you close the door say god I am here to meet with you because you said when I seek you in secret you were gonna reward me in the open so what is he gonna reward you with if you seek Him and secret him in the open I wish I could show you I wish I could show you a picture I was I was I was talking about how we are light in darkness like when darkness is there the only reason it's not like when you show up is because you got a basket on your head I'm not kidding the only reason we're silent when it's dark is because we have a basket head we have a bat it's called basket headed Christianity Jesus said you're the light of the world a city on a hill a light that lights up his own house you got to take that thing off and let the devil know who you really are the way you do that is by finding out what God says about you so when I go into my word and I'm not trying to study see I don't study to teach ever I don't study to preach I don't study to preach a sermon I tried that it doesn't work he always changes it anyway I'll go up here I'll be like hot my notes and all of a sudden I'm gone and people that take notes think I'm still gone when they tried to take me that's a movement but but Jesus is and he's he anoints it because he loves his word he loves truth he wants to see the body of Christ rise up and be who she's called to be he wants them look Jesus isn't coming back until the body of Christ looks like the head [Applause] I want him to come but I want many more to come with me and how that happens is I actually become a witness I become a witness I don't just learn how to witness I become one I get possessed by the Living God I get on fire with Jesus where the Holy Spirit he baptizes me in the Holy Ghost and fire and my whole life changes and tongues are amazing I love speaking in tongues but when Jesus said when the Holy Spirit comes he didn't say you will be endued with tongues tongues are a definite look when you get baptized you didn't say man I got wet something else better happened did something else take place so sure you're wet but there's more so the Holy Spirit wants to baptize people and people like I already got it once I promise there's more oh my goodness there's more these disciples were healing the sick they were doing it man they came back to that house like man they're persecuting us hi grant to your servants this is after they got baptized in the Holy Spirit grant to your service of with all boldness they might preach your word that you might heal in the name of your holy servant Jesus Christ and the whole house was shaken just that house that's what I'm looking for I'm looking for a one house earthquake why cuz I need it I need it I remember one day I said God I need you I need you so much gone I just want more of you more of you and less of me more of you and less of me God said stop it I'm like no no no more of you and less than me stop I already had less of you that's why and I didn't have you I wanted you and I'm like what you know I want all of you covered with all of me okay and he said to me this he goes Todd you can have as much of me as you want it's not on my end it's on yeren god said that to me boy that sure changed my posture look John the Baptist said I must decrease and he must increase why John the Baptist was talking about he and the law must decrease at Jesus and righteousness and truth must increase there was about to be a changing of the guard man we use that all the time I got a man you can't D you can never focus on you decreasing enough I promise man there I am again are you with me no it's about getting into the truth getting a new God says you are asking the Holy Spirit to be your best friend going after him if you're not seeing breakthrough you pray and you seek God because if you ask you'll receive if you seek you'll find if you knock the door will be open for you that's the Bible that's what God says that's Matthew 7 that's powerful man and in Luke he says about people asking for stuff if you go to ask for bread will you get this a stone if you ask for a fish will you get a snake or a scorpion we get that he asks for an egg we get a scorpion now if you being evil or if you being carnal of you being worldly know how to give that to your kids how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost to everyone that asks I think that we need to be asking for more of the Holy Ghost I know we got him but I promise there's more and there's a posture and there's a place of seeking him and going after him and letting him smother you in truth and letting the spirit of truth come and possess your soul God doesn't want you to just be powerful without purity God doesn't want you to just walk in great power without purity because your junk will find you out you don't need that in your life now we need Jesus and Jesus Jesus walked in power and purity and that's when he said to walk like he said if anybody said that they abide in him he ought walk first John I walk just as he walked so what he said people I can't walk Jesus yes you can are you with me okay look what does have to do with healing everything everything because if you see who you are healings not an option it's not enough it's not optional it's your life it's everything healing is the byproduct of sonship but sometimes going after the gifts is the whole focus instead of going after him and going after God for what you get get from him instead of becoming like Jesus [Applause] are you guys with me you probably know all this anyway I'm just trying to share my heart I love God but we've got to know who we are man I'm watching all kinds of weird weird stuff in the body of Christ stuff I can't believe it like I I hear people that are were strong they're like yeah think I don't have my faith anymore and start to preach against Jesus like what are we thinking somebody around them could have probably spoken to their life see the problem is is when you're up there in ministry you got people that gather around you and kind of pet you to keep you there sometimes and they surround you with this I want to move up on the ladder instead of I want to move deeper into God and we surround ourselves with yes men I'm just gonna preach a little I've seen - I've seen this it's not okay it's not okay we have a gospel gospel the only one every other religion in the world has people trying to get to their God and we have the only one that has God getting to us there is nothing but God didn't come just to get you there God came to set you free from you because if you get free from you it's a miracle I'm serious what if you just got free from being offended what if you learned to hurt for instead of being hurt by well you don't know what they did okay they shouldn't have done what they did but you shouldn't have got hurt by what they should have known better not to do [Music] you don't know who you are if you got hurt by well you don't know you understand what I went through no you don't know what Jesus went through to get you free from what you were gonna go through find no means am i could'nt condoning what people have done I'm not it's twisted but why would you allow sin against you to produce sin within you you know being in unforgiveness and being hurt by people and wishing that or saying one day when I get to heaven I'm gonna have a word with God Ewing and have a word with God you're gonna lie on your face for thousands of years in a puddle of your own tears you'd be lucky if God lets you eat at the table no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding some of you when you get to the table you're gonna find out there's no sugar there sorry sorry I'm sorry oh Jesus you squeeze in order to get orange juice he squeezed an apple you get apple juice if you squeeze an orange and you got apple juice you would be totally freaked out and it should be equally as strange that when Christians get squeezed everything but Jesus comes out I just want to see look what would be like if the devil squeezed you and you got Jesus all over [Applause] what if he tried to wreck your day and you just praise the Lord what if he just came in ah and you're just the Lord I love you every time he whispered to you instead of rebuking him you just thank Jesus for who you really were instead of saying stop it stop talking to him if you're going to talk to him say get out don't don't talk to him don't rebuke him don't command him to get behind you thank God for the truth he's not behind you he's beneath you don't give them the time of day don't even give him your worship and I'm not saying you're saying Oh Satan I love you I'm saying when you when you speak to him don't believe the lie don't believe the lie cuz when you believe a lie you empower the liar it's not okay don't believe what people have told you about a person before you go to that person to find out for yourself I'm gonna get up in I'm gonna go up in two very hard places today but yeah why because I promise you you think that this isn't a big deal it holds you back and holds healing back so much it holds you back from being able to step out because of hurt and offense and because of this and because of that it does I've seen it triple people and and disable them from ever being able to share anything because they're just mad they're just mad why why me why does this always happen to me there's a key word in there are you with me I said it didn't at me sorry oh my gosh oh gosh I have so many things I want to get to and I didn't even get close it's 22 minutes on the clock thank you this is your final session right is this the grand finale final session do you have fireworks afterwards inside fireworks afterwards amen amen we've got to know who we are you've got to go after it I was going to show you a video of a training center that we have down in Dallas because I'm we do a University I'm not going to show it I'm just going to talk about in a second we do an a 13 and a half week intensive it's a semester of people who come for three years or 13 half weeks 13 and a half weeks will change your life because we establish strength and foundation all the students are walk in the supernatural but I don't want you to just walk in it in the church I love getting words for people here but it is neat when a kids in class and gets a word for their college professor that's an atheist doesn't even believe it's amazing to see your atheist college professor sweat it out as jesus heals them and he's not even a Christian and he hates God because we've been taught a lot of things of why people can't receive and you have to get somebody into a place of forgiveness before they can receive a healing I thought healing was a gift am I saying the Christians should be in unforgiveness know I've been addressing it in here since I started it's horrible it hurts you but I've seen multiple thousands of people healed better in the worst unforgiveness and then all of a sudden the goodness of God and the kindness of God hits their heart and they forgive but it's after they got healed so sometimes we preface it with you need to do this in order to receive this and sometimes we train people that these things have to be in place in order for this to happen be very careful like let me give you an example Jesus walked the earth there was 400 years there wasn't any voice from heaven 400 years between the Prophet and Jesus John the Baptist is the first voice and he's just to prepare the way do you think that anybody was bitter I am by no means condoning unforgiveness it's horrible it hurts you it does it can you but I am by no means telling you that in order for somebody to get healed when you're out when I'm praying for somebody and I I'll give you an example I'm just I'm in a hotel and I walked by the I walked by the housekeeper and I said hey I just want to tell you you're amazing and God loves you she goes all thanks and she had an attitude I could tell and I said I have a question for you what'd you do to your right ankle 23 years ago now I got a question God knows her state of bitterness and I'm pretty sure that I didn't come up with that word of knowledge on my own pretty sure he's up to something so I said to her I said you know what I said Jesus is healing your ankle she was I don't believe in Jesus what's going on she's her leg is getting warm the whole way up her leg she goes it's going up to my knee as it is your knee hurting she goes yes I said it's getting healed it's collateral blessing watch Hey the heat the heat starts to go away she looks at me she sure don't get it and she's so angry she already healed but God didn't say I don't think so give me that back now I have seen people lose their healing I have I've seen it you fight for stuff you fight this a war you go after this thing this girl looked at me she's sure don't know you don't know what I been through I said it was your stepdad and man she just lost it lost it started bawling crying I said you need to forgive him honey she is why would God heal me he's not real [Music] [Applause] she got born again forgave her stepped out but I've seen so many people that are wrapped up in the worst places and God touches them and then they come to forgiveness just don't make it a prerequisite when you're going after it because what it does is it becomes a stumbling block to you ministry because you can't minister in faith if you think something in them is going to hinder it if I think that they're dealing with something let's say I think that I don't know let's say I think that they've got this and this and this in their past and then I've got to go after that in order for them to be healed well let's say I go after that and they don't get healed where do I leave them worse than where I found them are you with me or let's say I'm going to pray for somebody I'm just talking about practical just some practical stuff let's say I go to pray for somebody and I tell them and I think in my heart that they have this but really if soulless thinking it's not a word from God because I pocket I get it wrong I just prove that to you I think I did it's all right Wow okay awesome well I just want to cry cuz God is so faithful he's so faithful I saw I saw a lady we went to a homeless shelter and there was a lady that was so so angry so bitter she wouldn't talk to anybody and I walked up to her I mean she is so angry she's angry at God she's angry her family's been taken away I looked at her eye and it's white in her pupil and I asked her what happened she goes what do you care you know and it was a pretty rough I was down in Phoenix Arizona I was ministering with somebody by the name of Patricia King we went to a women's shelter they were doing they were doing makeovers and like doing all the makeup and stuff she wouldn't talk to anybody I said what happened your eye she's what do you care I said honey and I shared my testimony with her she is so what she didn't want to hear it and I said all right I said what happened she goes when I was 9 I fell on an ice pick and she is his angry as could be and she does not want anything to do with me I said I just believe that Jesus to heal your eye I don't believe in your Jesus I said well let me pray for you she said you're not praying for me I said why not I said what he got to lose I said you've lost everything because she had told me how she lost everything now this I said what do you got to lose what else do you have to lose that day I said let me pray for you she's whatever screaming has her eyes closed I said can I put my hands on your eye she was don't touch me I said all right so I put my head in close I could I said in the name of Jesus I'd be healed and she opened her eye and her pupil was healed now I watched this she's still angry she's still mad and she can see because she watch she's been so beat up by the world so messed up and some of the things that happened to her happened by so-called Christians I'm not saying that people are perfect and they should be perfect but they should be pure I'm not saying that that we need to be perfect although Jesus does Jesus actually says be perfect as your father is perfect and as to be complete as God is complete and that's pretty intense when you think about it God really wants us to step up to the plate he doesn't want us to bow out of the box because we're scared he really wants us to know who we are and who's we are and he wants us to be empowered to destroy darkness for a living every day every day you get to wake up with your sword in hand not on your mantle don't leave this make sure and then it gets in you and then you carry it everywhere you go and you use it as a weapon and you destroy lives and you destroy the devil's works everywhere you go when you see sickness it boughs if it doesn't bow you minister to their heart no matter what you leave that person with a love of God knowing that they are loved by the father you make sure that you're conscious of Jesus when you walk into a restaurant you're conscious of him you're conscious of the waitresses make sure because waitresses will tell you their worst day is Sunday after church they will tell you it's the meanest people and it's the lowest tips and it's not okay because the body of Christ should be known as being very generous especially to people that don't deserve it why because God was very generous to you and you didn't deserve it I promise walked into a restaurant it sounds like a joke doesn't it walk did my family did we went into a restaurant and we're going into a Texas Roadhouse we walked in and we're sitting down and a lady comes up to our table and I said hey I just want to tell you Jesus loves you and thinks you're amazing she was I don't believe in your Jesus I said okay well he still loves you and so she's just angry ma'am she's just really really angry so she is gonna go get the manager who really hates Jesus I say I'm not a debater I'm not the Holy Spirit is the best evangelist ever like you you can't you can't get away like when I sit on an airplane you're done why cuz you're an atheist I'm a Christian we've got time together I promise you okay if I share testimonies and just your truth because I want to go somewhere I haven't even got to where I got to go I'm just waiting like when's it gonna happen I know it's 9 o'clock so the lady lady gets angry at me she don't even take our drink order she goes he gets the manager and the manager comes up and she comes up because that's her like that's her strength it's amazing when Jesus isn't your strength because there's really no other strength out there he comes up and he goes oh I heard you're a Christian he's the manager I'm like yes I am oh really I shared my testimony he goes Wow great like I mean I was an addict for 22 years I hated Christians I hate the Christians worse than this guy did I was angry very very angry and I got shot at 15 years ago from 10 feet away and I had an encounter with Jesus see I I wasn't seeking God he was seeking me and all of you are the same because honestly he found you you didn't find him you found him till you read the Bible and then you realize he really found you like oh my god I found God with the Bible oh my god you've been looking for me wait a minute you knew me before the foundation of the world you thought of me you kidding right wear it wait a minute how's that happen faith oh yeah are you with me cuz there's God is so big that you just have to say okay enough I believe I mean seriously so many things I read about in the Bible and I'm just blown I'm blown away I'm like oh my gosh that's awesome I really need that to happen like I would love to walk on water wouldn't that freak people out at the beach like people are riding waves and you're like having fun you're like and instead of riding the waves you're standing on them with no with no board that's mine steamer like yeah it's a little bit out there come on dude believe the Bible or don't believe it either believe it all or throw it away don't play games with it it's true period all of it's true every bit of it every bit of this gospel is true every bit and it's amazing I just choose to read and say oh my yes amen Wow dude in me dude in me do to me so this guy's at my table and I'm trying to talk to him and he doesn't want to hear it and so she comes back she goes what do you want to drink I said well I'll take a water and so she gets her order she goes away and he's still in my face like a not-so-nice way and there's customers around and this guy's like adamant he's really angry like there's a reason why he's angry so we're gonna get to it but in a few minutes we'll get to it I promise this God's smarter than you and he knows everything about every person around you he knows every he knows everything he knows every hair on person's head he knows every cell in a person's body God knows everything he's amazing are you with me like he's a creator he's God he's our dad he's a good dad so I'm sitting there I'm talking this guy and I go look I said it's really apparent you're angry at God I don't even believe in God I said you're kidding me I said dude I said you know what you wanted to go to a college football and you wanted to go after it you wanted to go pro and you tore your right knee your ACL and you're mad at God because you think he took it away for you from you he goes lucky guess twice that he's that mad lucky guess [Applause] but and my wife is sitting there like oh my god oh my oh my cuz it gets pretty intense sometimes especially when you're in elevator you want to know where you are in your faith wall start talking about Jesus with the door shuts I promise and the door shuts ads will tell you how much Jesus loves you you're amazing I'm serious I was in Tokyo and they pushed us on that bus that tram train thing they packed you in so tight the guys are kicking you in the door has anybody ever been on it do you know I'm talking about and everybody is just sitting there no one's looking at anybody and there's hundreds of people and I'm like oh [Applause] Amazing Grace how sweet the sound let's save the rich [Applause] and I've got people in front of me going [Applause] worse people like it's so good I get dog and everybody is like they won't even look at me now they really won't look at me I'm like this anybody need healing I really want to pray for anybody that will let me and I've got an interpreter in there and he's like interpreting but a lot of them speak English won't admit it but they do and I said I would love to pray for and nobody would let me pray they're all like they can't wait to jump Wow but a couple of double-oh-seven Christians were like when they left quick when they left not bright Sevilla I'm just trying to stir your faith up in a way where you realize you can do this honestly put my whole goal tonight is that you would leave here and say if he can do is something I cuz all I got is the same Jesus that you have I can't I can't give you what I have I couldn't impart my history to you it'll kill you you got make your own history with gone but you can start now are you with me you were like I want a don't force to what you have I'm looking I'm saying said why pray for me I want to double force it I'm not going up there to drop a mantle down so you can have it I don't know I'm not ready to go home are you with me okay sorry I just kind of been silly a little but fun light-hearted because I say some pretty intense stuff sometimes so I need you to smile when it goes in I'm serious Josh so I said to him at his knee I said is it true he goes it's a lucky guess second time I said how could it be a lucky guess man okay all right you wanted to go pro and you tore your ACL and I said and you really really really got angry at God he's like lucky guess I said you were an outside linebacker he just looked at me and he goes I'm done I've done what no we're not done I said let me tell you something man I said you talked to the wrong Christian I said here's why the right Christian but the wrong ones he you would talk to Christians and they would run away from you but I ain't scared of you I did say us scared because my kids are there I ain't scared of you you know why because you can't kill me bro cuz I ain't never go and die why cuz I believe in Jesus see when you die what happens and I wasn't being mean and I wasn't being haha I wasn't like getting at him he was challenging me in front of this waitress the waitress has the thing up in front of her face cuz that's her Savior he ain't a savior there's only one Savior his name is Jesus so I said how about this man you don't believe in God cool let me pray for your knee why nothin what happened I said good you got nothing to lose come on buddy let me pray for you he's a daring nothing gonna happen I said you want to do this here you want to go in the back where no one's looking cause I'm not leaving here till you let me pray for you friend nope now my wife is sitting there going homeboy cuz in some places this it caused a fight but it's not now he's bigger than me Heda whooped me anyway I said come on man let me pray for you we got to live I said you know what you got to lose you got to lose that lie that you're believing buddy I said because my Jesus is gonna heal your knee I don't think so so all right where you want to go let's go back here that's all right so I went back there I said is this good we're right at the bar I figure he figured that would probably intimidate me I used to go to bars I was drinking the wrong stuff now I have living water and it's the best ever and there's no you can't take it so I went and I said okay I'm gonna pray for him I'm gonna get down on my knees and pray for you you don't got to get down on your knees I said I want to bro so I got down on my knees I pray for him in the name of Jesus the waitress is in the back telling all the other waitresses and waiters this psycho Christian guy is out there and I don't even know what's happening to our manager right now she probably like we need to pray atheist prayers to make him go away what do you do what do you do sorry that's just so dumb Oh God I've never said that before but think about it how are we gonna stop him let's well we can't pray so weird Oh God so I pray for his knee his knee gets extra hot like God did just do a little warm he made it extra hot he goes Bonta knees on farm I so it looks like your face is on fire right now what's going on I wasn't being mean he was red in the face he had sweat rolling down his face I said what happened man what's going on check it cuz I don't want to I said why I said you're afraid of the truth buddy because you don't understand I said no I want to tell me he's y'all's mad at God when they said I know a little more about God than you think I do I said you do I said what happened he said well he said what I did was I was at church and I was a youth pastor and my head pastor slept with the secretary and hurt me he was my mentor and I said bro I'm so sorry I said I really love you man he's no listen he and I went for a football cuz I was gonna go after it and there might he gets there he goes now you're here I don't even know what to do I said just give me a hug [Laughter] [Applause] no it's amazing when Peter on the day of Pentecost when he got up and he preached the first message the one that's at night Jesus denied Jesus that's horrible he denied Jesus gets hit with the Holy Ghost his past gets forgiven and wiped out or else he couldn't stand because that denying Jesus is way bigger than any of us now are you with me so God had to convict him of righteousness so that all of that junk could be swept away he preaches the first gospel message and when they say oh men and brethren what do we do we killed him Peter's like just wish you didn't he didn't say well we're gonna put you through a program he didn't say you gotta jump through this hoop and then this one in this one and then this one here's what Peter said repent and believe and be baptized that refreshing will come times of refreshing will come from the presence of the Lord that's what he said he did not make it hard and sometimes we make it hard and we don't need to make it hard they've already seen hard we need to bring God's goodness into it because God's goodness his mercy and his presence makes it easy he makes it easy he doesn't want to make it complicated it was complicated 613 laws in Ten Commandments every day of your life was complicated so complicated that if you missed one but she made 612 and Ten Commandments but you missed one law your whole life so Walsh you missed everything that's complicated complicated is trying to do this thing in your own strength but the world tries to do that a lot of the church tries to do and your weakness is a magnet for his strength but we don't want to admit that we're weak as we need to remain strong your strength is repulsive to God your weakness and your humility is saying God I can't do this one day without you I need you and I know I have you but I need to know you God show me who you are not just give me your stuff see when you go after him you get it all when you go after him you get it all you get the whole package he doesn't leave stuff out you get all the gifts they come he comes fully-equipped the holy spirit that older than him and he's the one that gives to those that he wills what do you think would make him will to give you that submission surrender obedience obedience God says I'm gonna make it easy for you there's 613 laws in ten commandments that you'd have to work your way to me but I've worked my way to you and I took all the law and all the prophets all the law and all the prophets and I've hung them on to their dangling on two laws and those two laws are loved me God says love God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength and the second one is like it's love your neighbor as yourself that's what Jesus says a lot of the body of Christ is taking out love God and saying love your neighbor no no it's all about loving your neighbor that's the most important commandment now you can't love your neighbor unless you love yourself if you can't love yourself unless you love God you can't it's impossible it's a bluff pool that's New Age love light love why let somebody take away what only God can give why let somebody suck that thing away from you don't let people sin against you take stuff out of you look the reason why they talked the way they talk is because they don't know who they are your words not against these people it's against principalities demonic influences that influence people's decisions and when Christians get born again if they don't spend time in the word and get their mind renewed their mind remains untrained unlearned uneducated we need to go after knowledge but not just head knowledge we need to go after the know so we need to go after experiential knowledge relationship and intimacy with the father not just to talk about it but the actual pursuit of it this guy in the restaurant looks at me and he says dude I'm so glad you came here I'm like where's your waitress I don't know I don't know and he gave us like back to Jesus why cuz Jesus is king and that pastor was confused and he was twisted because if you're going to be married you're gonna be a pastor and you're going to sleep with the secretary you don't know who you are you're operating in your gift outside of your identity because your identity is solid if you see who God is you'd never have that stuff in your life never sexual immorality is an abomination to the Lord it's an abomination it is homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord it is he doesn't hate the people but it's not okay it's not okay and the church is making it okay and it's not okay and if you're a pastor and you and you can donate you will stand before the Lord and answer for your life why would we hold back God didn't know that he gave it all why would I hold back when it comes to issues like gender gender change telling kids it's okay and churches some pastors dance around it like I don't really want to talk about the issue you're gonna stand before God and talk about the issue I promise you you try to hold on to a pulpit and try to hold on to a ministry and push away truth you ain't got a ministry [Applause] you've got a misery and it's not okay and you will answer for everybody's life that you've permeated with twisted in this I'll preach it because I lived that way before Jesus I live that way my whole life and it's not okay and that guy is a product but he's not the only one he's not megachurches van big Church in Chicago came out that pastor was 37 years sleeping with other women and nobody said anything cuz everybody's trying to keep him safe and cover him I'm not against anybody I'm for truth Jesus didn't die just to establish some doctrine that we just we twist to our own wants and needs he didn't die so I could take this Bible make it say what I wanted to say it says what it says he didn't die so that I could take scripture out of here like look if you're gonna condone gay marriage you have to tear all of Romans 1 out of the book you can't even live that way you'd have to tear like you'd have to tear a lot out actually you'd have to forget about Sodom and Gomorrah you'd have to bag Jude because if you read Jude you're done it's one page that'll change your life it'll yank you up out of twisted nasai promise please don't hear me as I'm preaching against you just look if the shoe fits kick it off I'm not preaching against you I love Jesus I love pursuant truth I love pursuing holiness it's possible why because God gave you the Holy Spirit that's why he's not just any kind of spirit he's a Holy Spirit he's not the legalistic spirit no no no jesus said if you love me obey my Commandments if you don't you won't period you either love him or you don't what are you gonna do steal for Jesus your legalist whoa he's a lover she knows that junk is killing you and certain people like this guy in the restaurant so we go back to our table this guy's born again he goes back and back I don't even know what he says our waitress comes back out she goes what do you want to eat she's angry has now our best fighters down I said well we'll take this and she took forever to bring back I got me it took a long time I said you know Jesus really does love you where's your boss sighs I don't know I think he went home I said do you do you know do you know that you're angry at God - just like he was I'm really angry god no more but you still are what happened to you she has none of your business I said well it kind of is I'm a minister oh really so now she's classified me in the same thing so I said oh honey you get migraine headaches she is yep I said well how about we get rid of them she goes how's that I said I'm afraid for you she was no you're not I said too late I'm not kidding see we have so made God small that he could only work according to our bigger box that we got him in because we took him out of little box but he's way bigger and Maemo better he's more better he is so prayed for she ran in the back our food think about tell man people with cold food I get cold food a lot idea idea if I order salad I'm safe it's gonna be cold anywhere but I do and I don't mind eating cold food I do now tell you no testimony after this one are you okay is this okay I just I love it I haven't I haven't felt released to share testimonies like this in years but when I came into the room I really felt like pregnancy and like you didn't help me any you were like I had missed I just suffers I heard about it earlier but when you shared it I was like oh my god the baby I just want to cry so powerful what that started happening everywhere we went so this lady comes back out she gives us her food she is so mad man she just gives us attitude the whole way out so she brings us our bill and we double our bill with her tip why grace so she comes back out I said hey I just want to tell you Jesus loves you she goes I am so done yeah okay well we're leaving so bless you so she goes in the back we're walking out the door she goes sir you made a mistake I said oh no you're not a mistake she goes what is wrong with you I said I said can I share something with you I said all my life I thought that if God was real he's just after your money and so you got hurt because of money because of this money thing with preachers and this stuff and you think that God's after your money I said well you go say about that she goes I don't deserve this I said she do she was I you don't understand what I said about you I said yes I do I said what does that matter I know what God says about me don't you wonder what God says about you she goes well like what guys this isn't complicated it's what love looks like I shared my heart with our she just cried she went in the back I didn't she didn't get born again that day she didn't I've given her life to Jesus but I wasn't the one that led her I was just a seed sower see I'm not after her jugular vein yes I want her born again but my motive is to give her Jesus some so some water God brings the increase so when you're praying for somebody you don't have to seal the deal someone gets healed sometimes they get healed and you're like oh yeah and they're like wow that seems about right and you're thinking rejoice and they're like thank you very much share what you can for the time that you have but don't be disappointed because you couldn't seal the deal see we condemn each other and we're like or you pray for somebody and you're like man I you know what if I can't disciple them I'm not gonna pray for do you think you're the only Christian in the world well who'd you pull where'd they get plugged in what do you do cycling I hear it all time I get those hate mails all the time you have no idea oh yeah great okay they got healed that they get saved I get it all the time it's so weird I'm like do you know that healing actually has to do with the word saved because the word saved is the word Sozo saved healed delivered protected made whole kept safe and sound to do well to be kept safe from harm it's amazing it is do they need salvation absolutely did I give him what I could in the time that I had yes I did and I talked to them and I asked do you share the gospel well if I can disciple them I'm like wow so you walk by thousands of people that are headed to hell and you're saying that if you don't have time in your life to disciple every person that you witness to you can't be a witness do you find that in the Bible for me I'm just saying these are roadblocks these are stumbling blocks a healing stumbling block like here's one I heard it all the time cuz like I used to minister in my home town okay I pray for people my hometown and for a while no one got healed and people actually would tell me well look I mean prophets without honors home town and I was like so rich I started to study it and look at Jesus in Nazareth I started to look at it and so the enemy paints this picture that Jesus actually prayed for somebody and it didn't get heal that's not what happened Jesus goes to his hometown he's there speaking and wait a minute don't we know this guy isn't his mother his brother what isn't this Joseph's come on what what what they rejected Jesus watch the devil paints a picture and this is just a lot because that's just the devil wants to use that to put you to keep you silent where you live I'm not kidding he will keep you silent in your house because you'll think that you have to receive honor to operate no no in the gospel we give honor when honors not do you don't need to receive it you already have it from the Father I don't need you to honor me for you to receive now you don't need to respect me now that's the world you disrespect me that's the world come on man are you with me I hope this is helping just a little bit all around I hope I getting something accomplished I feel like I'm always spinning my wheels but God always does a lot of stuff he just does we get crazy testimonies all over the world cuz of live stream and just like that one just oh it's nuts it's crazy suicides prevention I mention that word there will be hundreds of emails from people that were going to kill themselves that are not I'm not kidding like yes it's like amazing because if it's truly a word from the Lord and not just something that I'm saying it produces fruit it'll never return void it's awesome that's why you give a word of knowledge to someone get you that's why you give a word of knowledge to somebody that says you're not gonna pray for me and they can heal anyway come on and greet people do I'm not praying for me yes I am no you're not too late in the name of Jesus doesn't matter like this is gonna block Almighty God that's so dumb it is funny but it's silly but it's a it's a fake picture that the enemy paints this told you back he does so this thing with Jesus so Jesus is preaching in his hometown he's he's talking in his hometown and they reject him and they didn't bring anybody to him but if I want you to I want just let's play a scenario Jesus preaching who is this man well bring that deaf person up put him in front of them I wish they did he imagined that in the name of me now be healed do you think Jesus put his hands on a deaf person they didn't get healed that day do you think that Jesus prayed for a paralytic and they didn't rise no but the churches taught it that way for years but that's not what the Bible says the Bible says they rejected him and didn't bring anybody to him are you with me or how about you you have to you can only pray for people that you're led to here's my thing go out there and get 31 sinkers little lead sinkers have one for each day reach down your pocket grab ahold of that field lead and get this thing on [Applause] the reason why you don't feel led is because you feel fear so silly the reason why I'm not led to people most times is because I'm not thinking about Jesus I'm not thinking about compassion Jesus was moved with compassion his heart was moved with compassion do you care about people do you want them to be better get your hands out there get your hands out there if they don't get healed you look foolish oh well you really don't you go out there and ask them when you pray and I pray for you why especially in Europe is so fun oh my gosh for what reason why does my Jesus we'll hear you I don't believe in your Jesus it doesn't matter let me pray for you what this is silly what do I do it's so funny let me see your hand it's awesome it's so fun oh my gosh I better it's so awesome I love it no okay Wow some of you aren't laughing can I just tell you one thing real quick I was with a lady and we went to this this elderly home it was a it was a convalescent home and she was probably she's probably 70 it's a pastor's mom she went in there and all the people were sitting in there they're doing Chapel like a service and she starts speaking she's like y'all love the Lord yes she said send a message to your face i sat there and they just looked out I guess I was like I couldn't stop smiling the whole time because that was so awesome but sometimes we wear what we're going through instead of what we're headed to you sometimes we wear the trial or we wear the sickness and hopes deferred you know laughing it does the heart well does Hope deferred makes your heart sick we can't afford to have Hope deferred we need to have hope Christ in you is the hope of glory and regardless of what you're going through you can still have hope you can still have peace because peace doesn't come from your situation peace comes from knowing the Prince of Peace are you with me I came from a voice that's going through a lot Jesus is Lord he wants us to believe it I wanna share a personal life testimony of mine of just stuff that happened in the beginning of my life when I got saved how many of you don't know my testimony oh my goodness where have you been I was kidding how does take this I'm just kidding I go places at 90% of the people have never heard me even speak and I'm like this is like a gift from the Lord for me because then it's gonna be shell-shocked like tonight I'm looking out there like see people looking at their wife it's awesome come in with dreads and they're like it's so good it's a fishing lure catches alright thanks sounds funny but it really is gosh I have so many testimonies rolling through my heart right now I just want to share them all I can't share them all but we wouldn't we'd be up for a long time I went to I went to Brazil I'm sure this one and then I'll share another one the other ones longer you guys okay I'm so sorry that do you hate listen if you if you get done before me you're free to go I love you I really do I I know this God really spoke to my heart that people with sleeping disorders are gonna be healed tonight it's it's just gonna happen we don't even need to pray that's going to happen you wait and see yeah it's gonna be awesome you won't wake up and you won't go to bed you won't go to bed you will wake up I'm sorry you won't wake up in the middle of the night thinking of this and thinking of that because tonight God's gonna trust worry he's already been doing it whether you know it or not he's crushing where he's crushing anxiety he's really healing depression to end and with sleeping disorders see God wants to give his beloved rest and rest comes from right standing and right standing is what you have because of the price that Jesus paid on the cross righteousness is what wakes you right with golf and the devil kept make you wrong with God now that you've been right with God he really can't I promise you'll see it'll be great yay so I was at Brazil I was in Brazil as with Daniel kolenda Reinhart bunkies ministry and we just got died like a fire conference and it was crazy and we're it's like 11:30 at night and I'm like is there any place we can go eat and they're like you know they're they're out there so show us Korea I'm like that's the Lord do you notice a ha story is it's a meat fest it's like as much meat as you could possibly eat tell you pop they just keep ringing it for vegetarians I'm sorry kinda I'm a person that if I was gonna go on a liquid fast I would blend steak sorry sorry okay anyway we go to the restaurant we sit down and I asked my normal question is there any waiters in here that are dealing with pain or injury with their backs their knees their feet that I can pray for it wasn't a word of knowledge just a common thing with waiters and waitresses and it's the manager and he goes well I could ask I go awesome man if you don't mind please ask so he goes why do you want to do this I said because I serve Jesus and he he wants to heal people so he was a little ruffle he's like okay walks away he didn't ask anybody and so he but he acted like he did he came back he goes ah we're almost closing so nobody nobody will let you do that I said really I said how about you he goes okay so I stood up and I said can I put my hand on your chest he said sure I got I got right behind him and put my head on his back his chest I'm with a friend one of the guys that helps out in Brazil and his praying for him was just me and this other guy and this guy's tongue shot out of his mouth and he went and he hit the ground and it wasn't a seizure his eyes went up into his head his fingers grabbed he wouldn't let go of what he had his hands on and he had his hands on my hand and when he fell down he need rhop right on the top of my foot and said I felt I could feel my bone break it wasn't it wasn't good it actually like a searing pain and so I have a demon in a manager on the floor in a restaurant filled with people what are you gonna do you have a couple of choices you could walk away and leave him that way you could go back to your seat and wait for the police to come or you can cast this out now look the Bible says the Bible says that Jesus said go and preach the kingdom of God go gee oh gee oh by the way is 2/3 of golf go preach the kingdom heal the sick it's in Matthew 10 four seven and eight right in there heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils really you've received knife really good that's what he said do you know that the healing ministry isn't separate ends is separate than a deliverance ministry isn't separate than a raising the dead ministry isn't separate from cleansing the lepers ministry do you know that it's all the same do you know that it doesn't take more of God to cast out a devil than it does for him to heal a pinke do you know there doesn't take more of God to heal cancer than it does for him to heal headache are you with me sometimes our prayer our prayers show just how big that thing in front of us is the way that we pray how we pray how we're aggressive towards it it's not your aggression it's the name it's not your aggression it's not your shouts shouts don't scare Devils Devils love shouts cuz a lot of times they're promoted by fear are you with me okay hang listen here so this guy is spitting foaming making sounds I've never heard a person do I mean I've heard close but this was different tongues straight out of his mouth further than I've ever seen a tongue come out and his eyes have rolled up in his head and we're just with this guy now all the stuff is there this is their manager this is their boss he's the man in charge but he has a demon and it's real I got a question what if church memberships sign ups in order for you to be a member of a church they bring somebody that's horribly demon-possessed in front of you and in order for you to be a member you have to cast that thing out church would look different okay with me and you'd be surprised that a little four-year-old will come up and say Angie's name I'm not kidding kids don't get a junior holy ghost I see crazy stuff so we pray for the sky and we're we're commanding this devil to leave now Devils will get louder when you start to pray because they're trying to scare you and it does make your hair stand up because it's yup my hair stands straight up although this kid just my arms and stuff and they'll be funny with it he's still weird someone will tweet that I promise I will get emails from that Todd's hair says he says his hair stands straight up when he casts out Devils he is a devil I hear it all the time you have no idea I get it all the time people love me all over the world it's so good so this demon comes out of this guy and he's laying there and he's just a mess and he looks at me he goes oh what happened I said man I said you had a demon he goes I feel so much better I said no no no we're not done listen to me you need the Holy Ghost right now because that's an empty vessel and we can't have empty vessels he said before before you do this listen listen cuz he's like what are you gonna do he's laying on the ground he's like in the middle of his own restaurant in a puddle of snot and mess he's like what are you gonna do now no you need Jesus he goes he goes I I was born a certain faith he was a certain faith he goes I I've been cheating on my wife for three years and when I started cheating on her I felt this darkness enter me see Satan's plan for keeps man he's not playing games he is crafty but you and I are supposed to not be unwise but we were supposed to be aware of his schemes so this guy was cheating on his wife and he invited a demon into his life now he wasn't born again he was a certain denomination that wasn't born again and he heard his wife terribly he goes I need to repent like right there I said you do man I said it's not okay and you need to tell your why he's gonna be so mad I said bro you need to tell your wife cuz you're gonna repent right now and the Holy Spirit's about to baptize you right here on the floor you're about to get baptized in the Holy Ghost he goes what is that I said you're gonna find out but you need to know cuz he has no idea so he repents sobbing truly not because he was caught but because this thing got cast out he wants a new life so then the Holy Ghost fills him he starts praying in tongues on the floor so powerful we get him up off the floor he said wow oh my gosh thank you oh thank you and this guy was plugging him into a church that he knew that was right in the area it was in a city called Curitiba in Brazil and so the other waiters come over they go we won't fire that was awesome so we stayed there and just prayed over waiters healings and miracles and all that happened that would I just described to you listen that what I just described to you has happened several times on airplanes to airline attendants at 30,000 feet going over oceans when a flight attendant manifests a devil and their eyes roll up at their head in front of everybody it causes controversy [Music] I'm not kidding look you become armed and dangerous with the Holy Spirit and fire upon your life you become empowered with the God of the Most High and every devil knows and trembles at the name of Jesus every devil knows that one day it's over every devil every devil is petrified of that name they're not petrified of people that don't use the Lord's name in the right way they're petrified of people that know the name of Jesus every devil trembles jesus said it they tremble it's very important that we know that name the importance of it the reality of that and our created value because the measuring stick of God's love is that an innocent man hung on a tree and became sin so that you might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus Jesus who knew no sin became sin so that you might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus Jesus that's amazing every devil hates it Satan wants to wipe out the word of righteousness from the mouth of the church he wants to take away what it means to have right standing with God he wants the church to have no faith in the blood of Jesus and the cross he wants to take it out don't let him you make sure that you go after him with everything you are [Music] be free [Applause] be free watch too much truth kicks it out I'm not kidding kicks it out watch Devils can't hide in an atmosphere that's saturated with a spirit of truth can't hide they can't just masquerade they have to go its torment every devil trembles at the name of Jesus I'm so serious I love Jesus so much I can't do I can't even pump gas without him I'm really not kidding why would I want to I will be conscious of him when I'm at a gas pump I'm conscious of his love for the person on the other side I'm so conscious that I want to go around the side and pay for their gas guys it's it's just Christianity 101 love love looks like something Thanks I went so I get born again I come out of 22 years of addiction extradited a couple times across the u.s. kicked out of the military in that jail my whole life the one voted least likely to succeed I was with my girlfriend for nine years had a seven half year-old kid threatened to kill her for seven years if she ever left me and meant it and I was suicidal every day that I can remember my whole childhood but when she was with me she was all I had and when we had our baby that's all I had so if you're gonna take all I had just tell it to go [Applause] just sent a little kid for the Holy Ghost back there don't yell at it don't yell at it yo anot it doesn't make it leave just look her in the face and tell her how much jesus loves her just tell her how much jesus loves her that devil ain't stayin you guys okay [Applause] so I get saved it's not that I don't care it's just it's to take care of you all right just deal with the screaming and stuff it's okay it's not long he's awesome that whole wanting to kill yourself thing gotta go suicidal thing gotta go being cheated on gotta go all of it gotta go gotta go sorry Jesus father I just thank you for your great love God you're amazing Lord we love you God thank you you are so good we love you Jesus we love you Jesus we love you we just ask you touch her Lord Jesus name fill her with your truth your love your goodness your grace God we praise your name we love you there's none like You King Jesus we love you Jesus name so I went out one night and I got shot at it in a drug deal and the guy unloaded a 9 millimeter from ten feet away and I heard an audible voice say I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yet I didn't heat the voice I went and did the drugs I stole and I couldn't get high and that voice stopped me from getting high all night I've holed in my driveway and had no bullets in my car I freaked out I went to the door my girlfriend that I had threatened for all those years freaked out I went away to a place called Teen Challenge I was in Teen Challenge and had three nights where I had a radical encounters with Jesus and got completely free the Bible became the first book that I could read in my whole life 34 years old I came home to say I was sorry and when I got home I helped my daughter as a father for the first day of her life seven and a half years I didn't realize what I meant to be a daddy but that day everything changed I realized what it meant to be a father my daughter said your home and had to tell her I could stay home and then her mama came out I told me that when I went away she gave her life to Jesus and we got married four days later now and you've heard that part now we're gonna go past it after we get saved then we get married I mean everybody's against this the whole family I'm talking like the whole family and I hurt everybody I mean it I stole from all them I heard everybody stated people's lives it was horrible play keys someone play keys do you mind thank you and so I I'd ever stated everybody's life and I knew that was gonna take time but my wife forgave me didn't just forgive me she forgave me and she never brought it up like it's amazing so my daughter and my wife and I start this brand-new life I went to a church that I had lived for five and a half months not surrendered before I got shot at I lived as a hypocrite for five and half months I went back to that same church so I was unloved by lots of people I heard a lot of people I lied to a lot of people I tried to get money from a lot of people I tried to steal money for drugs cuz that's where I was at but after I came home from Teen Challenge it was legit like I've really surrendered like I really gave it all because Jesus all he's asking you to do is give up something you were never created to be so you can actually become who he says you are I mean it's it's not a fair trade on his head but he thought so so I'm I'm I go to this church and and nobody likes me and everybody's upset at me and there's that guy I mean yeah he married her but so what I mean and I was pretty much I was kind of the black sheep and I went to a church that was kind of religious but what it never did was caused me to go try to find another church because I knew that if I left that when I would just go from church to church to church and a lot of people go from church to church to church because they're looking for love at a church instead of becoming love and plugging in and you just get hurt again it's just the grass is greener on the other side until you get there and the reason why it's greener over there is because you didn't water your own lawn and it's real important what are you long stop Church often it's not healthy well they hurt me well you're gonna get hurt somewhere else too because it still me me me me me me me okay so I'm going to classes every Saturday and the people that are running these classes can't stand me but I would show up every Saturday I'm excited like yes this is amazing you guys are gonna teach me Todd great you're here yeah what's in it it wasn't but there was this guy that was there his name was dan Mohler and he was the associate pastor but he was more like that the counseling people's pastor he wasn't the head pastor he was in counseling the people's pastor and so he became this guy that kind of took me under his wing and me just hung out so I went to a service a healing service a couple weeks into this thing and I went there and I saw these people talking about healing and they were like I have no idea I'm brand new Christian all I know is I'm forgiven my past is gone I don't have the right to touch it again because God removed it and forgave it and forgot it I'm a brand new creation old things have passed away all things become new there are some seriously strong foundational things in my life and my wife believes those same things but now I go to a healing service I see people claim that they're getting healed and I'm like what is going on man he's like well you know the Lord heals people I said serious so I'm listening and watching this stuff happen and I'm like wow this is amazing okay so I come back again and another persons claiming heal and they're claiming heal and they're clean and I'm talking to Dan like so wait a minute hold on explain this to me so he starts talking about like these signs will follow them that believe some like alright they lay hands on the sick the sick will recover that's one of them first one is they'll cast out devils and I'm sitting there listening to this guy and I'm like wow okay so I'm taking my Bible home in my bedroom cuz I quit TV when I saved in the beginning because I watched the wrong stuff and I went back it's okay it's alright please don't let it distract you right now that thing will leave just stay focus okay it will leave it's better this way then it hiding are you with me some of your like once you go back here and kick it out why don't you [Applause] okay good other people are getting up it's great it doesn't lose the whole comes everybody's back here where'd everybody go they're back there good I'm glad to see you like step so I'm like I'm seeing people healed but they're claiming it I don't know man the guy comes in about a few another week later aren't going to healing service he comes up to the front and he walks up like this with his wife don't yell at it yo and I it's not gonna make it leave it's the name of Jesus I promise it's Jesus name Jesus name telling you look her in the eyes and tell her how much Jesus loves her [Music] so this guy comes up to the front and he says to Dan Pastor Dan his wife was there she goes we've been taught our whole life that everything that you taught isn't true so we don't believe anything you said today I'm looking at Dan like wow she goes with my husband has been sent home on Hospice he has leukemia and this is the 20 I think it was the 25th no no no the 49th case it's killed everyone else that's had it something like that I think that's the number killed everyone else he's the last one raised the he's the only one that's alive that's had this strain of leukemia and the doctor said mhmm Hospice and she said so our neighbor claimed that she got healed here but we don't believe in this is that going to matter to Dan and I'm like Dan just absolutely not let me pray for you and I'm like wow so now I'm learning a lot watching this well here's what I didn't see the guy got prayer he didn't jump up and dance and leap and praise God the guy got prayed for Dan said in the name of Jesus I command this leukemia to go now be healed in Jesus name thank you Lord amen that's it he didn't spend time he didn't sit there the guy didn't shake rattle roll nothing and all of a sudden the lady looks at them she goes is that it Dan goes yup here's my number and I'm thinking oh my gosh I told up they can take the number like you're gonna want it cuz I Dan was in my life before I got shot at and he was there after I got shot at and surrendered and now he's like helping meets tremendously so they leave they walk out the door the same way they came in leaves two weeks later at another healing service the guy comes up in there was sticky note and says and has the medical records downstairs that leukemia is completely healed now for me that hit me in a different way I lost it i back i sat there and went oh my gosh and this is what happened I said if God's doing it in here why wouldn't he do it out there that's my first thing I said no one was praying for anybody in public not around my area I never saw anybody ever and I didn't matter see if this works here why wouldn't it work out there because I said to him I'm a believer why wouldn't it work out there people are sick everywhere he goes well it will I go home I'm praying for everybody I did and I actually started to pray for everybody I actually put my feet and went with my faith and I went and I remember my daughter and I were in Walmart with my wife and I prayed is it gone it's better make sure she gets filled the Holy Ghost so I went with my daughter and we walked after this lady with a scooter and I said you're are not a scooter shadow-walker and I my destiny was like why are we doing this I said dad I said because God said he wants to heal people she goes why dad she wasn't that healing service with me I said cuz we're believers she goes dad this is really weird she's seven and a half so I said ma'am I said can we pray for you what's wrong you got our thright Asst what do you got she goes I'm old I said it's still one can we pray for you I'm thinking Moses Abraham like there are the first things that came to my mind and I'm like man there are people that lived like eight hundred years in the Bible now I know when I suppose skill past 120 but but that's awesome and so she goes here I said yeah the worst that could happen is nothing are we cleared out are we good amen [Applause] [Music] amen yay just don't give up don't back off look I heard Bill Johnson say this he said like demons it's like you have to flush the quail out of the bush to shoot it once it manifests it's gone just stay on it so it leaves it's the name of Jesus it sounds funny but it's serious you can't leave her that way once it's on it's on there's not like okay you better now yes No [Laughter] that's not all right come on you guys all right we haven't fun so I said to Dan this has happened everywhere and he's like well it will so I'm praying for somebody at Walmart asked this lately to pray she goes here I said yep worse that can happen there's nothing and I thought the worst that can happen is nothing and the worst they can say is no what do I got to lose except like pride think about it you go up to pray for somebody the worst they could say is no well they might yell at ya so what they crucified our King he rose from the dead come on we gotta stop being hurt stop being offended and start being in love okay so Dustin I prayed I said in the name of Jesus I convinced our friends to leave your body in Jesus name Jesus name I said how do you feel she goes thanks for trying she kept walking she did she kept walking I'm like thanks for letting us pray for you it didn't even hit me man can't believe this no I'm like let's go find somebody else to pray for I'm so serious so we did and they didn't get healed and then we found somebody else thank you we pray for you oh we couldn't find my wife she's like gone we don't know where she is it's like an hour and a half later we just been praying for people nobody gets healed destiny is looking at me like dad right so I got to the car and she is so mad she's livid with me she's so angry that she want him at all she goes what are you doing I said well the Bible says that we're supposed to pray for the sick she goes you are not going to start doing this tell me you're not if you knew how bold I was on the other side of the Cross it was bad and I made us look really bad lots of made a fool out of myself in the worst way ever in the drunk way and the fighting way and the knocking people out in their cars way bad bad bad bad bad so now this is totally not bad but I'm gonna go after this and so she let me have it I was quiet I didn't tell her she was wrong or she needed to submit that's a whole nother lesson just the simple answer to that one is why would your wife submit to somebody that doesn't love her like Christ loved the church cuz it's easy to submit to Jesus okay I saw some elbows so my wife didn't understand so I didn't say anything when I got in the house I went back in my bedroom I opened the Bible to the same word these signs will follow them that believe God I need you to use me father I know you want to use me because I've seen people healed I know those people were telling the truth because that guy with leukemia who is healed God this is real I know that healing is for today I know that healing is in the cross by His stripes were healed God I know it so I started to make all these all these big construction papers with the lines on it you know for the little grade school kids and I taped him all around my house my wife was not happy about that I did I coated the walls is my wallpaper I had healing scriptures everywhere identity scriptures everywhere because I needed to keep before me every day didn't matter where I was I need to see it this in my car I need to see it oh my gosh that's amazing Lord Wow sticky note my Oz is just a mess with stuff everywhere so praying for people now two weeks into this thing my wife said to me one day cuz wait because it was real she wanted me to stop and I couldn't I didn't tell her she was wrong I just couldn't stop praying for people no one told me about Jesus for 34 years of my life not one person stopped me to witness to me for 34 years and I walked in this world with lots of Christians around me and now refuse it's a whole eternity back for people even if I even if I'm not seeing people healed like I should I refuse to hold Jesus back from people you don't have the right to see you gave up your rights when you came into the gospel he's the head you're the body and you're the body you don't tell the head what to do and he's told you to be witness don't have to be an evangelist you just have to be a witness you don't have to be a pastor you just have to be a witness you don't have to be in a posture you have to be a witness not be a but need to be a witness you don't even have to be a teacher just be a witness [Music] [Applause] so we're praying for people my wife said I will never go in public with you again I'm done and she did she meant what she said now because of the church that I was in I wasn't allowed to pray for anybody in the church so she went to church but when we left church and thank God well blue we left Church it was straight home deston united all shopping Justin I did everything so I made it in my heart I was gonna pray for at least 10 people every day 9 to 12 people I put it in between 9 and 12 every day no matter what no matter where in every day of my life didn't matter whether I saw miracles or not I was gonna pray regardless so I did so 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks went by it not one person manifested healing none now a lot of Christians trying to help me with this obviously isn't your gift it's not your gift but see every time they said that I went back to the Bible and I saw that mark 16 never changed it was still the same when I got back there like I'm serious I had so many people tell me well the reason why God's not healing people is cuz your wife is not in agreement unless you guys were in agreement God's not gonna hear your prayers but they didn't know my personal life at home and they didn't know that I was in my bedroom praying for my wife not because she hurt me but because I was hurting for her her mom hated me her stepdad hated me her stepdad cussed me out at my wedding her brothers cussed me out my uncle Oh everybody in my family hated my guts it didn't matter I love Jesus and since I love Jesus I love them and my love for them isn't contingent on that I don't say come on I love you say it back that's not God God doesn't need you to tell him that you love him back for him to secure about be secure about being loved and so many times we grow up in this world we're taught I love you come on say it boyfriends and girlfriends get angry when they don't hear it husbands and wives get here they don't hear it they get mad cuz they let that be their security instead of God's love for them be their security and I need you to tell me so that I feel good the reason why I need you to tell me back is so I can feel good about telling you because I didn't tell you for you I told you for me it's selfish praying for your wife so that she gets saved so that your life gets better is demonic you're not praying for your wife you're praying for you we don't know how hard it is for me how about lifting your wife up before the throne and thanking Jesus for the woman of God that she's created to be and coming out of your bedroom after your prayer time and when you come out there your wife doesn't go oh my god I just heard the Lord if she doesn't do that you don't get mad and think your prayer didn't work no you keep on asking and you keep on pressing and you walk this thing out and you don't give up on your spouse you don't bail on them and you don't go get wise Christian counsel well obviously God has someone else for you that's the devil in your mouth it's demonic it's demonic well you just deserve better obviously you've made the wrong choice man what if God divorced you what you cheated on to him wouldn't that be sad what if God gave you what you deserved we get hurt by people and we're like well they're gonna get what they deserved well if you want what you deserve go to hell because that's what you deserve I don't even know why people keep coming to see me honestly I'm not I don't I don't watch this I'm not gonna well it's so nice God just loves you he does but man he's he loves you so much that you can come as you are but he loves you too much to leave you that way because if sad coming in sad when you come in nobody grow up into him we go out for this is never any gospel by the way I just want to let y'all know so prayed for two months not one person was healed this is an average of about 70 people a week so this is now 280 times 2 which is 560 so about but over almost 600 people were praying for not one person's getting healed and my daughter's watching people make fun of her dad whoo all kinds of stuff you have no idea cuz I close my eyes when I pray people I don't close your eyes you might get hit take one for the team [Applause] know about to keep moslems cuz I'm afraid I mean I do but if I'm praying for some way that's big and bad and scary like I'm not gonna go cuz he might swing at me oh I just think a little different buzz in all them fights and stuff before so you get up after it's done you bruh all right sorry so pray for people three months not one person was healed three and a half months and there was this conference that I went to it was a healing conference just like this and actually there was a man preaching there his name was Randy Clark do you know who Randy is well I didn't know Randy all I knew is that I'm not seeing people he'll do not need to know what is going on cuz I want to see more I want to know I'm learning more about it and so I have this scripture that have found in my Bible that I kept on thinking about like it was day and night it wouldn't go away it opened right up to it well it is not bad it's easy its Matthew three its verse eleven it's John the Baptist and John says asked for me i baptize you with water for repentance but he who is coming after me is mightier than I and I'm not fit to remove his sandals he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire so I'm sitting there thinking what is this and fire and Holy Spirit like fire that sounds like a feeling like I know I'm on fire I'm jealous for the Lord I'm going after him praying for all these people oh you've got so much deal wow you got so much thing you got so much passion this is also but about same people healed so I go to this this healing conference and Randy's preaching and I'm sitting there in Randy's up there sharing about Heidi Baker he's sharing about Mozambique he's sharing about different stuff and I'm sitting out there and all of a sudden I'm light on fire in the middle Randy's message and it looked like a devil but it was cuz I was going after God with all my heart with everything in me and as he was speaking I started to get hot Randy stop to your son you've been asked in the Lord for a baptism of fire haven't you I tell Randy and I I shook my head he goes stand up just real real quiet stand up real calm like I'm not gonna hurt you like that you know what I'm talking about and he goes the Lord says it's right now and all of a sudden this thing hit me and I dropped between the seats and started screaming and people around me thought it was a demon I know they did because I couldn't I couldn't stop because I was literally burning I felt electricity I couldn't let go the poor lady's coat and chair in front of me I was snot mess everywhere it was awful like in that way that I thought I was dying I thought I was gonna die so much that I was saying I'm gonna die and Randy said no you won't more Lord and they got worse and worse and worse and worse and all of a sudden I am the biggest mess and Randy's trying to preach and I'm ruining everything and I'm on the floor and Randy gets done and he's praying for some people for something for healing and they set me up on the chair and I got drool coming out of my mouth and I couldn't control my drool this has happened to me a couple of times but this was the first time so you have not because you ask not people like I don't want that yes you do you know that dignity is not a fruit of the Spirit okay good but Wow well so I'm I'm on the chair um and Bill Johnson walks by the row and he goes and that's the last thing I'm thinking and I literally was and it settled down too and they took me out of the sanctuary and they put me in the prayer room I was that Life Center in Harrisburg pastor Charles stock and they took me and put me in the prayer room and laid me on the floor and I saw all these visions and crazy stuff my eyes were open on the carpet and I was seeing all these different things it was so crazy and I left that meeting and I ran I met Randy in the hallway I was sitting on a chair after the prayer room and he came up to me and I go get away from me don't touch don't touch me don't touch me stay away cuz I didn't understand Randy said son this is the greatest day of her life he said he said who are you and what's your name and I told him and he said this changes everything remember this changes everything from today forward everything changes he said are you praying for people I said I've been praying for Allah prayed for hundreds and hundreds of people he goes wait till you see what happens and so I'm like just get away from me I seriously I felt like I just I felt like I just worked out harder than it ever worked out and like I just wanted to go home and go to bed and I really for the next seven days I trembled for seven days surged throughout the day it was so crazy like my wife thought you're really in trouble what did you do I hope it's not drugs that you did in the past that are like who knows I knew I just cry I couldn't stop crying I I couldn't stop crying because I knew that God answered a prayer that I didn't even know what I was praying but I knew it I didn't know how so I was at work one day and I was in the guard shack and I was working and I worked for a pipe laying company and we were off we were out of the field for for a little while and I was working in a guard shack a little square thing about as big as this top here it was just me and Jesus and my Bible inside that little room and I was just reading about healing and miracles and these signs will follow believers and god this is amazing the guy pulls up and I I don't even know what a word of knowledge is yet except I'm about to get one but I couldn't describe what it was who's neat I read about it after it happened that's neat when that happens I heard two herniated disks inside like nerve damage down his right leg and I asked him and he said yes I said oh my gosh come here and I brought him up in my Shack he's standing there and I said guess what he goes how did you know about my back I said look at this this is a Bible says says these signs will follow them that believe I see you Christian he goes I'm Catholic I see yeah but Mary didn't die for your sin Jesus do you have to put your faith in Jesus I don't know about evangelism us know that Jesus says Jesus is the one he's the one I said you believe that Jesus died for you yes did you believe you raised from the dead for you I said yes I said awesome you're a believer he looks mean he goes okay what do we do you know I didn't do by the way I prayed for 974 people that didn't get healed before we do this I just want you to know I was so excited cuz I even know how I knew about his back I was like this is crazy and I'm like he goes how do we do this I said just hold still in the name of Jesus be healed amen this field and I go bend over he bends over he goes you have a power that's way said I said no no no no no no no no I'm a believer you have a power no no stop it's the Holy Spirit he he send me any he lives he rests upon me God's gifted he's like yo ha a power he won't even listen to me so I said god I I didn't do this he goes nope I did I ran inside the building cuz I needed to call my wife because she needs to know the good news because I've been telling her 900 times of nobody's getting healed and she doesn't even want to hear that at all like I bet I had I had to tell somebody and I was telling damn - the whole time and my daughter was with me and you know all the times that nobody was getting healed everybody told me to give up everybody told me to stop everybody told me look you're gonna leave them like worse than they're not gonna get the right picture of God you know God's not pleased with you you know what I believe I believe that God seated on his throne he looks down look he's he's going for it look that's my boy I believe it I believe yes picture me in his wallet I believe it Gabriel did you see my son I'm yes Lord you showed me twice today look again I believe it dub thinks about me all the time he cares about me he cares about everything he's gone he's a good father he loves us he's amazing and so I called my wife I said guess what and this guy pulls up she does honey he goes she goes honey I'm at work I go I know and she was a front desk manager I go I know but you gotta hear this cuz I think the Lord spoke click over so I called and I go hey man I just got to tell you man this guy pulls up and and I heard this in my heart and then prayed and then he got healed and gos waited go Todd I'm like thanks man and he goes he goes that was a word of knowledge I go what's that he gives about it next time I see you look I'm killing my mic the batteries are dying on it from too much time so I go home I'm so excited and I decide that I'm gonna write down testimonies of who I see heal right so that first week I prayed for 70 people I saw two people healed then next week I saw three people healed the next week I saw four five six it kept growing and that didn't even have full-time ministry I was full-time employment that's the fun I did I wasn't I wasn't a preacher as a worker I was a pie player I was laying pipe that's Basie and all these guys thought I was psycho cuz no one's getting healed then they started to get healed now I'm really psycho Oh crazy and so in five and a half months it's taking me 45 minutes to write down each day's testimonies from each day not from like a week but that's going after him cuz I kept the same thing praying for 10 people dead just going after this going after this finally I knew in my heart it was okay to let it rest so I'm about nine months into the Lord and my wife still will not go out of the house with us and we take a long time shopping so she was really upset and said I am going to the store with you today but we will not see each other I said you're really going to the source she was yes you take entirely too long I'm giving you a very short list you're gonna get done you're gonna get to the car you're gonna get home I'm tired of this if you only knew what it was like in the house I loved her with all my heart but I still love her with all my heart but I did I was gonna tell her she was wrong no she needed to see it and so we're going to the grocery store she's on one side she surely got out of the car quickly went the other way and then desti and I went the other way we go into the grocery store and I'm like I'm like come on desk let's go get this stuff but as soon as we get in there walk down one room got something then I went down and I saw a lady in a scooter I said dad look there's lady in the spirit Shia's dad Mama's here this isn't okay what if she finds out I said mom's getting a lot of stuff we're getting a little bit of stuff no way come on let's go down and ask so we go down we go and ask this lady and I said hey I said my daughter and I would love to pray for you she looks me and she goes no that's what she said I go no why not she goes I'm okay thank you anyway and I go please let us pray for you I said are you a Christian she is yes I am and Richard Roberts prays for me every night on the TV set so she believes in healing I'm like oh this is awesome I'm like she's there like kid can we pray for you please she's like no now she's getting mad no I'm really mad she's not me she's getting mad I said to her I said honey I said what happened to you is it your knees it's my back I said Wow I looked at her granddaughter who lives with her she's about seven to half eight years old like mind about the same age as my daughter and I said do you want to have your grandma play with you again to her granddaughter she looked at me grandma I can't believe you just did the granddaughter goes yeah let him pray grandma she is so livid with me she's like I can't believe that you're gonna do this and what she's saying is why would you bring my granddaughter's hopes up and so many people are told by Christians don't get your hopes up faith says it's the substance of things hoped for don't get your hopes up as anti faith it's not okay it comes from years of discouragement not getting the answer and we don't want that to get to round up and actually believe it could happen only to be let down again stop it go after Jesus with everything you are go after him no matter what so we asked her she goes hurry up that doesn't qualify as faith that doesn't qualify as happiness joy the moods not set the piano players not in the grocery store I've got a very angry grandmother I've got a very happy granddaughter I've got a psychotic wife in that she literally is ballistic and can't stand this it's such a violation to her because she's very passive and I'm very aggressive which works well in marriage it does but in the area of faith and in the area of believing for miracles it can be serious does anybody know what I'm talking about right now with family and friends colleagues at work just all that stuff telling you and due season you will reap if you think not you who will I'm telling you you keep selling to the spirit don't serve the flesh you reap corruption so the Spirit reap life go after this thing with everything you are so we said can we pray for you she said hurry up so we put our hands on her back we prayed in the name of Jesus we commend this back to be healed I don't know what's happening what's what's going on with her back I said can you get out of the chair please and check it she just I am NOT getting out of the chair the granddaughter grandma please so the grandma goes let me tell you something my back is fused in the seated position I've been fused for 27 years I cannot stand upright do you understand me I've had four back surgeries they've all been botched i've been on pain medicine for 27 years straight i can't afford my pain medicine so i spend all our money on that I'm here shopping food-stamp the whole nine yards like she's just she spent all her money on physicians and I'm sitting here thinking this is like that lady that's been mowed over for all those years that has this thing that needs to go out of her body this is like that lady who had the issue of blood who spent all her money on doctors she needs to be healed Jesus made her whole Jesus made her whole come on let's pray again guys so she gets out of the cart she stands there like this not the Holy Spirit anger and pain and she's wincing in pain and had the granddaughter put her hand on her back up my daughter put her hand on top of hers and I put my hand on top of hers and I said come on girls let's pray we said in the name of Jesus in her back went pop underneath our hand and it felt like we broke her back it literally it was us there was a snap like a break and I went oh my god cuz I cuz I don't want to hurt anybody and I didn't think we were pushing on her I don't even know what a fusion is except for what she told me I don't know the significance or the damage of that and I don't know that it's like it's like locking all the disks in place and gluing them all in place literally fusing them all together that they can't move so this lady was pumped she goes like this she stands up and the grinder goes stands back crying I'm crying I'm crying my brains out I came and function I'm like oh my god oh my god oh my god thinking I hope she ain't broke now watch this migrant my daughter goes daddy what's happening what's happening I go I don't know cuz God got way bigger than anyone had ever seen him be but it came through persistence and it came through aggressively going after the kingdom is forcefully advancing and the violent take it by force no no no there is a violence to this thing and there is a taking it in a reaching out and grabbing that thing and not letting go and not letting the devil get away with what he gets away with saying not on my watch but not just here everywhere you go at work not on my watch kids at school not on my watch don't let teachers confuse this thing and tell you that there's a separation of church and state and that kids can't talk you talk as much as you want about Jesus and your schools you tell them the gospel you pray for the sick and how are your kids to carry the holy ghost lets your kids carry the fire the Lord let your kids carry the Holy Spirit get parent-teacher conferences I go to them [Music] they're the best I'm serious Sochi this lady this lady standing up moving around bending the granddaughter can't take it she looks at her grandma she does grandma run and for real and they take off down the aisle together she hasn't walked in 27 years upright 27 years she's running with her grandpa down the aisle they run down she's out of breath she's out of breath she turns around she she runs back a little she gets about here she slows down she's walking the granddaughters like she's crying she's never played with her grandma so when I said you want to play with your grandma again she never played with their grandma except for maybe throwing a ball on a chair like she's never played so they come down and all of a sudden my wife walks in the destiny went like this I promise she did you have no idea you know all the times my wife yelled at me and told me how she didn't want to hear it I never said you're wrong you just aren't a believer you don't believe so you don't understand see I never told her that that's not what love does that's not what love does love goes in the bedroom gets on his knees and says God show her who you are as a father teacher who she is as your daughter God she's my wife I love her with all my heart I refuse to let this hurt me I love you God I'm hurting so much fourth god I love her that's what love does love doesn't keep record of wrongs I can't believe you talk to me that way I can't believe you said that no that's a bitter root that needs yanked up out of your heart that's trash tragedy it's not the gospel it's demonic and it holds you back from love itself I told you there's gonna be a lot of freedom not kidding because this is Major in the church and it's not okay it needs to die needs to go out we got to stop playing Christian and actually become them [Music] I'm serious it's what love looks like so my wife looks at her looks at me she got spaghetti sauce in her hand she will throw it she's on that violin just with her words and anger and not understanding not understanding she puts the spaghetti sauce back on the shelf she sees me she sees the lady she sees the scooter and she is not happy and this lady's walking down the aisle to me she's in tears because she's healed because she's walking because she ran because she's standing up and the pains gone all the pains gone and I said Wow she goes this is I said it is I said isn't this awesome oh you know I talked to her too all the time praying and people sowing seed and and I just came and watered it and look what God did just he brought the increase it's not about Todd white it's about Jesus I'm just a delivery boy I deliver a package then I point to the one that you got it from it's so important so much in here there's a million things to teach but this is really the heart of it all right now of what I wanted to share so my wife is livid she's looking at me she doesn't turn around she folds her arms she looks at the floor like I can't believe you're doing this come and help me can someone come and help him and hold her I need some man of faith some women of faith to come up here [Music] just surround her thank you Lord God we rebuke this and command it to bow in Jesus name I thank you Father for every cell in this body I thank you for both of these both of these people I thank you for brand-new got brand-new ears on this gentleman it's not even asking for him he would say I don't need prayer pray for my wife father I thank you in the name of Jesus go come Holy Spirit right now in Jesus name and crush this sickness take it out now in Jesus name I command it to go now every cell in this body from the top her head to the bomb her feet every disease I curse it and command it to go now get out Jesus name Jesus name right now brand new every cell every cell be healed right now in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name father we thank you for complete wholeness god of every cell in her body in the mighty name of Jesus God thank you in the mighty name of Jesus 100% Jesus name in Jesus name right now come Holy Spirit and Jesus name God we ask you for more right now right now we curse these sicknesses we commend them to go in Jesus name all over the room my curse disease and sickness command cancer to die in Jesus name right now [Music] right now go [Music] in Jesus name brand-new butter thank you God we thank you for brand-new spinal cords in Jesus name brand new in Jesus name right now complete wholeness in Jesus name is there a way that you could check and see a difference in your wife what would she be able to do what what would how would you know that that healing is happening right now so she's not speaking because I see her rubber knee with her arms rub their hands so I'm curious to what okay all right got you in Jesus name we command this brain disease to go now right now in Jesus name get out father I thank you for complete wholeness right now god I thank you that this tongue will be loosed in Jesus name let her go now we commend this to go now in Jesus name get out get out in Jesus name now go sin help in Jesus name be loosed right now be loosed in Jesus name does she need those glasses on is it right is it rightness or what is it okay in Jesus name in the mighty name of Jesus in Jesus name father I thank you in Jesus name brain you be healed right now 100% wholeness right now thank you Lord in Jesus name mind you come back you be free brain be healed in Jesus name now get out in Jesus name can you see me you can can you say Jesus Jesus let me hear it again Jesus come on [Music] I need a mic Jesus I need of mine is just grandson bless you bro Jesus I need you to do me a favor I want to hear you say Jesus against [Applause] yeah do you have anything else you want to say right now your shoulder is it hurting hmm okay let's pray again for your shoulder why not father in the name of Jesus right now hold her neck up and write disorder in Jesus name we command this pain to go now I speak complete wholeness to your whole body and she's a sting I command this brain to be healed 100% right now get out I command every bit of dysfunction to go I commend the limbs to function complete 100% these feet these legs these arms in Jesus name we come in strength into this body right now in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name what's your name mm-hmm Linda Olivia Linda okay I thought I heard it how do you feel right now [Music] [Applause] careful with the steps [Applause] Hey [Applause] yeah her legs were frozen and now they're warm father we thank you in the name of Jesus right now we commend this body to be healed in Jesus name 100% wholeness brain we speak to you and commands you be healed a hundred percent right now in Jesus name right now Jesus name how's your shoulder how's your shoulder doesn't have any pain [Applause] do you wanna do you want to set her down on the ground down there you guys clear away let her down there don't get in the way Jesus name Jesus name thank you lord that's right that's right in Jesus name father we thank you for holding this start 100% healing right now [Music] in the name of Jesus God we thank you for 100% healing legs function in Jesus name every effect of this brain be healed 100% healing and wholeness God we thank you from this day forward 100 percent doctors confirmed complete healing of this brain in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name [Applause] if Jesus name [Applause] [Applause] Wow so good so awesome the husband the daughter and the grandson so good and the son oh man it's so good we're gonna pray for others in just a second because I know people are coming up front saying Todd but I want us to pray as the body of Christ because every one of us every one of us this is the children's bread this is the children's bread [Music] it's awesome a man came up and said the devil's getting his butt kicked again [Music] I just want to end that testimony then we're gonna pray for the sick okay my wife looked at her and they said my wife was so angry and she went right down to my wife I said could you please go talk to my best friend and tell her what God just did she went down there and she said I was this and she bent over and my wife lost it started screaming in the store and that day everything changed we went home and she told me I went back in the bedroom I cried my guts out again thanking Jesus for the reality of seeing her for who she's created to be and not trying to tell her who she's not and then I'm right and she's wrong and she saw God that day take care of what God said he was always doing anyway so she heard the Lord on the couch then the Lord spoke to her and said I've given you a new husband one you never knew existed he believes me now why don't you and that day everything changed my wife calls it labor that was nine months and now she's prophesy and she's praying for the sick she's getting words of knowledge all our kids are learning the gospel Jesus is king and he wants us all to walk in this so what I'd like to do first is I'd like us to all lift our hands if you can if you can't just put him here it's all right [Music] you won't have to wheel everybody up to me because we're all gonna pray in just a second so just I know that I know that everybody wants prayer we're gonna do it but I want us to all pray right now I want you to say this Holy Spirit right now we were asking you to baptize us afresh right now come Holy Spirit [Music] touch people right now go come come right now cover people and and just completely submerge people in your liquid lava fire in Jesus name come Holy Spirit come right now more fresh baptisms God all over the room in Jesus name come right now Jesus name Jesus name we say yes God we need you right now Jesus name right now come Holy Spirit we welcome you right now we are hungry for more right now if you have a prayer language I want you to just lift it up just lift up your prayer language Jesus lift up your prayer language right now [Music] you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 14,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _L-Ns8tZR60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 39sec (14319 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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