Going Forward | Dr. Jerry Savelle | LWCC UMFE 2020

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if you have any bibles with you tonight turn first of all to the book of exodus chapter 14. exodus chapter 14. and while you're turning there i just might add that what i'm going to be sharing with you tonight is right hot off the press i i was i got here yesterday afternoon and had some time to just spend in the presence of the lord and again this morning so i've been waiting for a long time to deliver this to somebody and you're it hallelujah amen all right exodus chapter 14 you are familiar with this story but just before i read beginning in about verse 13 i want to make this statement two of the most powerful words that you will ever hear from god when you're facing what appears to be an impossible situation are these two words go forward go forward it's never the will of god for us to retreat it's never the will of god for us to turn back and it's never the will of god for us to quit you've heard me say it many many times before and i will keep saying it quitting is not an option for people of faith can you say amen look at somebody and tell them quitting is not an option for me no matter what the circumstances are of course there have been a lot of negative circumstances over the last few months but quitting is not an option turning back is not an option giving up is not an option my only option your only option is go forward amen say it with me go forward say it with a little enthusiasm go forward amen look at verse 13 and moses said unto the people fear ye not stand still and see the salvation of the lord which he will show to you today for the egyptians whom you have seen today you shall see them no more forever the lord shall fight for you and he shall and you shall hold your peace and the lord said unto moses wherefore christ thou unto me speak unto the children of israel that they go forward i think it's amazing how god responded to moses why are you crying out to me you ought to know in advance my instructions and they simply are go forward why because it's never my will for you to retreat going forward is always god's best and always god's plan for us no matter what we're going through and going forward begins in your heart even when it looks like there's no way to go forward it begins in your heart if you will hold your place there and go with me to the book of luke the book of luke chapter 5. luke chapter five another very familiar story i'm sure you've read it many times if i can find luke in my bible and look at verse 1 and it came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of god he stood by the the lake of jeunessera and saw two ships standing by the lake but the fishermen were going out of them and were washing their nets i'm sorry i'm reading the wrong chapter and the wrong book that's later in the sermon i want you to go to john chapter 5. if you'd have been in the spirit you'd have known that john chapter 5 hallelujah and verse 1. after this there was a great feast of the jews and jesus went up to jerusalem now there is in jerusalem by the sheep market a pool which is called in the hebrew tongue bethesda having five porches in these lay a great multitude of impotent folk a blind halt withered waiting for the moving of the water for an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water and whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatever disease or whatsoever disease he had and a certain man was there which had an infirmity thirty and eight years when jesus saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case he saith unto him will thou be made whole the imminent man answered him sir i have no man when the water is troubled to put me into the pool but while i'm coming another stepeth down before me jesus saith unto him rise take up thy bed and walk now i want you to notice that it appears that jesus almost ignored him the bible says the man had come to that pool it was a tradition with him however he came to that pool not having any hope that he would ever be the first one to get in that pool because when the angel troubled the water somebody always stepped in ahead of him so now he's just going there out of tradition he doesn't really have any faith he doesn't really have any hope because he spoke what he really believed every time the angel troubles the water somebody always steps in ahead of me so he's just coming out of tradition he doesn't expect to receive anything and then jesus said to him rise take up thy bed and walk now the bible's already told us that he's crippled and he's been this way for 38 years did jesus not see that does jesus not understand that it's impossible for him to rise take up his bed and to walk so the point i'm endeavoring to make is this before you can rise up on the outside you've got to rise up on the inside before you can go forward on the outside you got to go forward on the inside you got to see yourself going forward amen and that that may be the only thing you can do at the moment you know uh you might say well uh i i'm believing god for a financial breakthrough but what else can i do well the first thing you've got to do is see on the inside you're experiencing a financial breakthrough amen are you still with me so notice jesus said rise in other words he's saying rise up in your spirit and once you rise up in your spirit then you can take up your bed and then you'll walk and notice when the man did this he was instantly healed immediately the bible says the man was made a whole and took up his bed and walked but it all began on the inside first a lot of people are trying to get things to happen out here but they haven't happened on the inside yet thank you for your enthusiasm amen see yourself overcoming this pandemic see yourself prospering even more so than when it began hallelujah because the promises of god have not changed it doesn't say my god shall supply all your need unless you go through what you're going through particularly if it lasts more than three months it doesn't say that at all the promise is sure the promise hasn't changed but you got to see yourself receiving it hallelujah and if you see yourself receiving it then you're going to talk it i'm preaching better than you're responding if it's a reality in your heart then you're going to talk it if if you're still saying i don't know what we're going to do i'm losing everything i've got i don't know where to turn then it just proves to me you haven't seen it on the inside yet because if you see it on the inside out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and you'll begin to talk turn around break through amen miracles hallelujah somebody give the lord a shout if you believe it so notice everything that god had in store for them was not behind them but was just ahead amen everything god has planned for you it's not behind you it's just ahead of you and if you are ever to tap into it you're going to have to go forward you can't become complacent you can't become spiritually lazy am i still talking to anybody in here you got to go forward and you got gotta you gotta be in the motion of going forward every day and if once again if if the only way that you can demonstrate you're going forward is that first of all you see it in your heart and you speak it out of your mouth then that's all god's looking for god always responds to faith can you say amen give the lord another shout if you believe it now once again everything that god has in store for us and everything god had in store for them was not behind them but it was just a head but in order to tap into it they had to go forward that's the reason those instructions were so important now just to see what god had promised them if they continued to go forward let's back up to exodus chapter 3. exodus chapter 3. and you know all this but i'm laying a foundation and look at verse 7 and the lord said i have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters for i know their sorrows and i am come down to deliver them out of the land of the egyptians now notice here's the promise coming up and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large unto a land flowing with milk and honey now that's the promise that's the promise but in order for them to become recipients of it they have to continually go forward amen go forward say it with me go forward going forward and i want to just read from my notes here it's symbolic of progression it's symbolic of not standing still not just hoping that something will change and hoping that something might happen it's action amen going forward a land of milk and honey it describes a land that has abundance a land where you are not required to live on just enough but you can actually have more than enough it describes the land that is very prolific and it is a reflection of prosperity and even wealth it's representative of a land that flourishes under the continuous care of god himself it was god's divine destination for his people after departing a land in which they were living in bondage and in slavery you could say it's a metaphor meaning a land where all good things are or in other words god's good blessings amen this was god's promise to them and he didn't want them to miss out on it and god's promise to you and me he doesn't want us missing out on it can you say amen but notice that before this promise could be filled uh fulfilled there was opposition and there were challenges that's why it was imperative for god to tell them go forward if you remember these people like a lot of christians today they have a tendency to become complacent and just want to give up their behavior was again revealed later in the book of joshua sounds like charismatic people moses my servant is dead now therefore arise and go over this jordan unto a land that i have given you notice when moses died they wanted to just give up now they hated the guy when he was alive i think i pastored that church one time but anyway you know they they were constantly murmuring against him he made him mad all the time with his instructions you know they're standing at a red sea and they're waiting for a word from god through moses and he says go forward don't you know out of at least three million people somebody had the intention of killing him they didn't like him when he was alive but now that he's dead they just want to camp out where he's buried i think that's probably the reason why god hid his body so they couldn't find it because they would have they would have left they would have stayed there and died there amen so notice god says to them arise it's time to get up it's time to get moving something's waiting on the other side for you the promised land a land that flows with milk and honey but you're not going to experience it if you just sit here and complain and murmur and fuss and decide it's not worth it anymore stay out of church quit sowing quit tithing quit giving you are never going to enter into what god promised with that kind of attitude [Applause] did i say that the way you told me mike no he didn't tell me he didn't tell me anything okay amen i know you simply cannot receive nor enjoy what god has in store if you're not going forward all right are you still with me now let's go back to exodus chapter 14 for a moment exodus chapter 14. by going forward god declared to them in verse 17 i will get me honor by going forward if they were willing to follow the instructions then god promised i will get me honor i love the way the message translation reads here it says i will put my glory on display i love that i will put my glory on display how many of you you'd like to experience the glory on display amen but notice that doesn't happen if you're not going forward if you go forward then i will put my glory on this play and it also says and you shall know that i am god everybody around you will know that he is god that your god is a good god your god is a faithful god your god is a caring god your god is a god that takes care of his own and your god will never forsake you praise god can you say amen to that hallelujah now he would be unable to manifest his glory or display his glory if they refused to go forward and what he makes happen for us if we're willing to go forward we'll stand up cause others to stand in awe and i'm i'm experiencing that right now uh let me give you a testimony you got time for it i'm going to give it anyway go ahead and say yes [Applause] years ago and i've shared a part of this testimony here in the past but years ago probably 20 years ago or even more at least 20 years ago well let me let me go back to 1981 is when it actually began i'm a country boy and i like my space i was born on a farm in mississippi i don't like living in the city i don't like living close where you can hear your neighbors brush their teeth you know i like my space well we we had bought a house in fort worth in an older part of fort worth and that house was built in 1957 for senator john conley the man who was with john f kennedy when he was shot and conley lived in that home it was there he and his wife's home back in that time and it was a beautiful place when they built it and it had a lot of acreage it had fish ponds it had uh a guest quarters uh it was a beautiful place but it was run down and most of the land had been sold off and now uh the land that they owned owned a lot of houses had been built around it but carolyn loved the place it had potential and carolyn said i want you to buy this place for me now my wife she is gifted she comes from a building family her dad built homes all of her life and she just has a knack for seeing something that needs to have a match set to it and she can turn it into a showplace in fact she's she's helped do that for a lot of our preacher friends uh the hagins had her to come to their home and uh and carolyn makes her own drapes she does all that uh she could she could make a lot of money as an interior decorator and and she went to the hagan's home and and and made their drapes for their home and and uh uh happy and jenny caldwell when they bought a new home they asked her to come and help him decorate it and buddy and pat harrison this same way and so she said if you will buy this home for me i will turn it into a showplace and it needed a lot of help a lot of help everybody say a lot of help now i knew carolyn could do it if i could believe for the money okay my job's believed for the money and so i'm believing for the money to do it well she did it over a period of time she did it and it turned into a beautiful place and it wasn't too long after that that uh somebody offered us twice our investment i i wasn't really interested in selling when they knocked on my door and said we want to buy this place and here's our offer and it was twice what we had put in into it and i felt led the lord to tell them you know this morning i got up thinking this place was for sale and so i said now carolyn we're moving but i want you to go find me some lamb i want outside the city i want some land and so she started looking for land well we started out with just five acres and uh it was it had an old home on it that was built in 1946 the people still lived in it they'd raised their families there and now they were in their 80s and they really weren't even thinking about selling but carolyn just liked the location and she in her mind she's thinking well i can tear that house down and build another one you know so she just went up to their house and knocked on the door and said uh would you be willing to sell this place and the man said well we really hadn't thought about it but now that you mention it we we we might consider it she said well my husband's out of town would you mind if i bring him here when he gets back in town and we can talk about it he said fine so when i got back in town we went out to talk to this man whose name was mr lemon and uh i said mr lemon i'd like to buy your place now pay cash for it he said well mom and i have been talking about it since your wife was here the other day and we we we're getting older we don't have time to take care of this place anymore and said if you'd like to buy it here's what we'll sell it to you for i said i'll uh that's fine i'll give you what you're asking for it and i said we'll get i have an attorney or if you want to use your own uh we'll draw up a contract and have we got a deal now i grew up in an era where my grandfather taught me as a young boy when you shake hands with a person that's a contract you don't even need a lawyer that's your word that's your bond and i knew because he was 80 years old he was probably raised that way as well so i reached out to get his hand and shook hands with him i said we got a deal he said yes i said all right i'll get it all drawn up and i'll be back well i took my attorney out there and had the paperwork done and i had my check to pay what he wanted for it and then he backed out he said well we've decided not to sell i said no sir that's not the way i was raised i said now you shook hands with me i grew up when you shake hands with a person that's a contract boy he put his head down he said that's the way i was raised to i'm sorry it's a deal and he sold it to me well we started out with that five acres and then the lord impressed upon me as time went by get all the land out here you possibly can now this is all rural property there was we didn't have any neighbors for miles it's all undeveloped rural property and the lord said buy all the land out here that you possibly can get your hands on so i would go around and and ask find out who owned the land right near us and found out uh you know that they were willing to sail so i bought 10 acres and then eventually i bought another 20 acres and then i was able to eventually wind up with 200 acres okay now it's all undeveloped rural land and i got it at a great price okay fort worth was not coming that way and nobody was even talking about fort worth growing that way when i bought that land okay so it started in 1981 and and then over a period of time builders started coming closer and closer to us started building homes out there and then people started coming to our office and wanting to know if we wanted to sell some land that they wanted to build out there they had plans of building 3 000 homes in our area and my land was choice property so what i'm saying is this during this pandemic during this crisis when in the natural no nothing good should be happening no miracles should be happening no breakthrough should be happening when everybody's just existing just holding on the best they can i'm experiencing the glory i'm experiencing exactly what he told them he would do i will get me honor another translation says i will cause my glory to be displayed and that involves miracles signs and wonders and i'm experiencing the glory in fact i just sold a piece of that property that i only paid 240 000 for 25 years ago and i just signed a contract for 2.5 million for it amen we're about to build a new sanctuary to our church and pay cash for it and and god is just continuing to display his glory he's displaying his glory but i believe the reason being is i've never become complacent or just set down and just rested on previous victories i'm continually going forward i said i'm continually going forward i'm still dreaming i'm still i'm still having visions hallelujah i'm not letting this thing stop me i'm not allowing it to quieten me i'm not allowing it to shut me up i'm not allowing it to take control of my life or ministry i'm going forward anybody else want to go with me i'm going forward hallelujah look at your neighbors say i'm going forward so i'm talking about god promised that he would put his glory on display that's where that's what's on the other side of everything you're going through right now like td jake says get ready get ready get ready hold up your hands and say i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready amen but you got to keep going forward if you're not going forward then it's not likely you'll experience it god knows if we're willing to go forward then there will be new possibilities awaiting us as well as new opportunities to take us to higher levels of victory going forward once again carries the idea of progress advancement and if we're willing and obedient to do this then it will cause a chain reaction now i just i want you to see this right here in this story in exodus chapter 14. notice that if you keep reading it and i'm not going to take the time to do so you know the story but notice when when they obeyed and and moses smite the red river on the red river the red sea that's down in texas in oklahoma okay and as far as i know moses hadn't been there lately but anyway it was red hallelujah i know that part when he smite the red sea and they crossed over notice just the fact that they were willing to go forward when it looked impossible and it looked like there was no way for them to go forward a red sea is preventing it the fact that they took the first step and went forward it caused a chain reaction in major breakthroughs after major breakthroughs just to list a few they broke a barrier when they crossed the red sea it stopped the attack of their adversaries it caused bitter water to become sweet water it brought water out of a rock it produced manna from heaven notice a chain reaction i've noticed that every time i experience one breakthrough there's another breakthrough right on the heels of it and then another breakthrough right on the heels of it and then another breakthrough right on the heels of it hallelujah what are you waiting for let's go forward praise god it'll cause a chain reaction can you say amen amen now i want to make this statement to turn back is to limit god to turn back is to limit god go with me to psalm 78 psalm 78. you could say psalm 78 is a a short history all in one chapter of god's dealings with the children of israel and you'll notice in verse 41 yea they turned back and tempted god and limited the holy one of israel they turned back and limited the holy one of israel another translation says they set limits on him they set limits on his power and they set limits on his ability he couldn't do what he wanted to do for them because they set limits on him one commentary says they set a boundary in respect to his power and then another commentary states they set bounds to his power and his goodness saying he could do this but we don't think he can do that and that's proven in this same psalm and look at verse 19. yea they spake against god they said can god furnish a table in the wilderness now if you back up to the previous verses and you even go back to the book of exodus where we were you will find in these previous verses that time and time again he brought them through their adversity he caused them and enabled them to overcome their opposition every time they had a challenge god delivered them but now even though he did that now they're asking but can god furnish a table in the wilderness you would think if you had been one of them and you were there that day and saw god split the red sea have you ever been to disneyland where they having reenactment of the red sea i took my girls there when they were real little and you can get in one of these little buses and go through a particular area and and they they have a place where they reenact the splitting of the red sea and you drive through it on this little bus and there's a wall of water there's like a cellophane or i mean a plastic thing that comes up on both sides and holds the water back but when you get get where it begins the water's just flowing back and forth and then you know the guide has a button where he pushes on the bus and it's splits and you drive through and you're looking at all the water heaped up on both sides it's quite amazing amen if you had been one of the israelites who witnessed that do you think you could ever doubt god's ability again you know there had to be at least one gomer pile in that in that group remember gomer powell sometimes i say that in some churches they don't have a clue who i'm talking about that's like jessie and kathy and and carolyn and i were in a restaurant in fort worth and uh we're sitting there and the waitress came up she was about 17 years old i think she came up and said could i ask you what you'd like to drink we ordered iced tea you know and when she came back we were looking at her menus and she said i am so sorry uh i don't know who you two men are but apparently you're very famous cause everybody in here is trying to buy your meal she said who are you i said well i'm i'm a uh tom selleck and he's robert redford she said who is that she was so young she didn't even know them so i said well i'm john wayne and he's gabby hayes she said who's that i said now lady that is unamerican not to know john wayne where were you born girl amen well you know if you had been there and saw you were a witness to the splitting of the red sea how could you ever doubt god's ability again and like i said there had to be at least one gomer powell who said golly shazam but after they crossed the red sea you remember what they did they sang and they shook tambourines until they got thirsty all that praising god makes you thirsty now they don't have anything to drink yeah but can he get water out of a rock now can he furnish this how many miracles does it take how many breakthroughs does it take for you to get to the place where you no longer doubt god's ability and you no longer doubt god's willingness to do what god does best amen and yet here we are psalm 78 and they're still asking but can god furnish a table in the wilderness behold he smoked the rock that the waters gushed out and the streams overflowed listen here's the next question but can he give bread also can he furnish flesh for his people notice no matter how many miracles he performed their next challenge caused them to think but he can't do this folks you don't get to be called god if you can't do these things my god is el shaddai the god in whom nothing is impossible give him a shout if you believe it praise god amen it says they set a boundary on him in respect to his power meaning that the greater things he just wasn't capable of doing the more impossible looking things he just wasn't capable of doing but he'd already proved that nothing was impossible to him they allowed their minds and many christians are doing the same thing today they allowed their minds to become overwhelmed by thoughts of how big their situation is and how impossible it looks this is the battleground folks your mind amen this is where the strongholds are your mind there's a battle waging in your mind and that's what was happening to them no matter how many miracles he performed they still questioned his ability to do this next thing well how many of you god has ever come through for you in some way in the past [Music] how many of you would say god has come through for you numerous times in the past lift the other hand [Music] well why wouldn't he keep doing it he hasn't changed amen he says i'm god i change not if he's ever done it before he can do it again you know i remember when when carol and i first started out in our walk of faith 51 years ago i didn't know anything about faith i didn't know anything about the word of god as brother copeland says i was scripturally illiterate i didn't know anything and the first person i ever heard preach who seemed to know something about these things was kenneth copeland and he came to shreveport louisiana where carol and i grew up in 1969 and that's the first time i ever heard him preach and the message he preached that night now he'd been there for a week three services a day carolyn begged me to go to every service i wouldn't go i didn't want to go i was tired of going to church didn't want to be in church no more and nobody could make me and she kept begging me to go hear this kenneth copeland and then she made this promise if you don't like him i will never ask you to go to another service i said now that's the deal i've been waiting on you mean if i don't like him i'll never have to go to another one she said i promise i said you promise she said i promise i said okay i'm going so anyway i went and i heard the word of god that night like i'd never heard it before now i didn't go forward to surrender my life while he was there he was that was his last night there he'd been there for uh a week three services a day and this was his last night once again i didn't go forward that night but when i got home i couldn't sleep and i got up at three o'clock the next morning because i hadn't slept all night and i finally went into my living room i said god if all this is true that that man preached tonight then i'm not running from you no more i'd heard the call to preach in 1957 watching oral roberts on television but i never told a soul that and that's not what i wanted to do so i thought if i don't tell anybody about this experience then i won't have to do it and god will find somebody who really wants to do that but i said to the lord that night february the 11th 1969 3 o'clock in the morning i said lord i don't know why you still want me but if you do here i am i'm through running i surrender my life to you i receive my salvation was gloriously baptized in the holy spirit i began to prepare to shut my business down i owned an automotive business and it took me a while to shut the business down and then i began to prepare for full-time ministry and that was 51 years ago and i have priests in 46 different nations hallelujah and retiring is not even an option i'll be 74 a little later this year and i don't even think about quitting turning back giving up no go forward that's my motto go forward amen hallelujah and god has been good to me but how many times in those 51 years has god come through for me how many times has he delivered me out of impossible looking situations how many times has he met my needs financially when i needed thousands hundreds of thousands by friday and today's thirsty but he's never let me down i said he'd never let me down hallelujah my god is the faithful god hallelujah so it would be an outright sin for me personally to doubt god's ability to take care of me during a pandemic amen i'm not asking but can you do this and can you do that i know he can i said i know he can and furthermore i know he will hallelujah it's just a matter of time and i'm going to stay in faith and i'm going to keep going forward praise god and i recommend that you do the same give the lord another shout praise god don't allow your mind to become overwhelmed by thoughts of how impossible your situation looks the bible says and you know this without me even telling you casting down imaginations amen and every thought bring into obedience to the word of god to the to the uh to to christ the basic english translation says this about psalm 78 41 the king james once again says they limited the holy one of israel the basic english translation says they gave pain and sorrow to the holy one of israel in other words it grieved god's because he couldn't do what he wanted to do for them you ever had anybody like that that you tried to help them and they just wouldn't let you help them it's like my my daughter jerriann she she had moved to colorado and she and her husband were were wanting to buy a house they were in a small apartment at the time they were wanting to buy a house and they found a beautiful place uh in evergreen colorado right outside of denver and it's up high on a mountain you could see it from the highway that went through there and that's the house that they they really liked and they wanted to buy well when they went to apply for a loan they didn't qualify because he was still he he still had a lot of uh college loan debts and then they had cars and different things you know and they didn't qualify and so she called me and she said daddy i need for you to pray i said what about she said uh we we want to buy this house and we got to have x amount of dollars for a down payment plus we we have to have some of our bills paid off before we qualify i said well what will it take she said no i'm not going to tell you that daddy i just i just want you to pray i want you to agree with us i said well how can i agree with you if i don't know what we're agreeing for she said i'm not asking you to do anything about it other than pray set yourself in agreement with us i said okay how much do we need so she finally broke down and told me i said jiren i can do that i can help you she said daddy i didn't call for you to help me other than set yourself in agreement we know you you god answers your prayers and i said well uh i've also ha i have the ability to do that i can i can pay some of those debts and i could help you with that uh down payment no i'm not asking you to do that i said you're not going to let me do it she said no i'm not going to let you do it now to a father who loves his children that grieves your heart am i telling you the truth now i wouldn't have told her i would do it if i didn't have the means to do it i wouldn't get her hopes up daddy you can do that you want to do that for us well i'd love to but i just can't no i'm not i'm not getting her hopes up i have the ability to do it i mean she wouldn't let me that's that's why when i read this basic english translation it reminded me of the story they gave pain and sorrow to the holy one of israel why because they limited him they're still asking but can he do this i said okay so you're not going to let me help you no just pray i said okay well i'll call you sister maybe she could use it wait a minute daddy amen so i was able to help them but if she wouldn't have allowed me to help and i know that's what they desired and i knew that's what they were believing for and i could help them make it happen and they wouldn't let me i would have carried sorrow around with me because i'm a good father amen i love helping my children i love helping my grandchildren and now i'm a great great grandfather and you know what she wasn't but just a few minutes old no she wasn't even born yet but i knew what her name was going to be and i went ahead and set up a trust fund for her amen she don't even know who i am and she's already got a trust fund why because i'm a good man the bible says a good man layeth up his an inheritance unto his children's children amen hallelujah well if my children said daddy we don't want you laying up a trust fund for us if my grandchildren said uh grandpa we don't want you to lay up a trust fund for us now little liberty she can't even talk yet but if she uh when she starts talking he said i understand you've laid up a trust fund for me and i don't want you to do it that would grieve my heart i wonder how many people maybe some in this room maybe some watching by way of live stream are grieving god's heart tonight by limiting him and asking questions like yeah but can you do this let me let me let me uh try to get you to understand god how big this is i want you to understand god before you answer me how impossible this is do you think you're describing how impossible it is affects him at all that's what he specializes in i think what you'd hear from him is go forward go forward can you say amen can you give him another shout praise god now the apostle paul much later implies in his writings that the only way that we can experience god's best is according to philippians chapter 3 verse 13 and 14 forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before notice there are things before if i say things before that would tell me that my best days are not behind me my best days are just ahead of me amen i mentioned earlier that i'll soon be 74 and carolyn my wife carolyn thinks i'm a little bit off my rocker because every time i have a birthday i start talking about how good it's going to be the next one i'll be 74 and i'm already talking about how good 75 is going to be she said jerry you're a nut you're not even 74 yet and you're only talking about 75. i said yeah it's gonna be great she said why do you do this and i've done it ever since we've been married we just celebrated 54 years of marriage and every every birthday i start talking about my next birthday she said why do you do that i said because the bible says that my latter days will be greater than my former days hallelujah amen so there are things that lie ahead that's got my name on it there are things that are lying ahead that's got your name on it but you'll never tap into them if you're not going forward so notice how paul said i reach forth under those things which are before listen how it says in the passion translation i do have one compelling force i forget all the past as i fasten my heart to the future instead hallelujah i love that i do have one compelling focus i forget all the past as i fasten my heart to the future instead that's vitally important why because what god has promised us for the future has not changed will not change no matter how long this pandemic lasts the promises are not going to change can you say amen the grass withers isaiah says the flower fades but the word of our god shall stand forever hallelujah how many of you remember singing as a kid in the little church you grew up in i remember the little baptist church a little wood framed baptist church that my mom and dad took me to the first time i heard the story of jesus and i can remember i can remember them talking about just as i am just as i am singing the song just as i am just as i am come just as you are amen and i did you know i didn't know what i was doing all i remember is them having me fill out a card and they baptized me in water the next sunday night didn't even ask me if i believed in jesus didn't even ask me if i wanted to invite him into my life they said fill out this card you're now a member and you'll baptize your water but oh february the 11th 1969 three and o'clock in the morning it took amen i came just as i was but i didn't leave just as i was and today i am not just as i was hallelujah i'm enjoying the blessings of the lord hallelujah and i believe it has everything in to do with the fact that i don't sit still i go forward and sometimes like i said earlier sometimes the only way i can show god i'm going forward forward is i have a vision for it it's in my heart and i'm talking it and praise god he shows me how to incorporate other action to it so nothing has changed in regard to what god has promised circumstances may have changed but not the promises so stay focused on the promise now with that in mind i'm through with my introduction i want to talk to you a little bit tonight in september of last year brother copeland and i were flying to australia and we were doing a conference there on the gold coast and i do all of brother copeland's meetings with him and and so we were flying to australia we were in his airplane and we left fort worth and these guys were on that trip as well uh these two guys in the front row we left fort worth and we flew to honolulu to refuel we were on the ground maybe an hour and a half at the most and then we got back in the plane and we flew on into the gold coast or brisbane and uh while we were flying to honolulu brother copeland and i just had a great time together we were fellowshipping we were telling stories we've been preaching together all over the world for 50 years now and we got a lot of stories and we reminisce and we talk about funny things that happen to us sometimes we're in the floor just laughing and the pilots are wondering what in the world is those guys drinking back there but anyway uh we're just having a good time of fellowship brother copeland finally after we took off out of uh honolulu and maybe we were an hour or so out still had about another eight or nine hours to fly he said i'm going to go to the back of the plane and take a nap he said uh there's a place back there for you if you want to come take a nap as well i said no go ahead brother copeland i'm just going to sit here and uh relax and if i get sleepy i'll just lean the chair back and take a nap so he got up went to the back of the airplane well i sat there and i closed my eyes and i was just i was just not asleep but i was just thinking i had read a book before we started that trip in fort worth and i was thinking about a couple of things that the person who wrote the book had said and i was just meditating on that i didn't have 20 20 on my brain not even thinking about 20 20. but suddenly i heard these words in 2020 i will open a new door and i will bring about supernatural increase to my faithful ones as never before and i knew that was the word of the lord that i was to preach throughout the world and throughout 2020 and so brother copeland came back after a while and we got ready to land in in brisbane we went to the hotel or gold coast went to the hotel and i had the meeting didn't start that night it didn't start for another day or so i could not get that off my mind i want to say it again i will open a new door spirit of god said i will open a new door and bring about supernatural increase to my faithful ones as never before well i i kept meditating on that i kept going to the scriptures about it i kept thinking of a uh supernatural increase experiences that i'd had numerous times and uh and then i thought wait a minute he said like never before boy if it's if it's to be like i've never experienced before as we say back in texas it's going to be a humdinger you know it's going to be big amen how many of you have ever experienced in some way supernatural increase well do you believe god can do it even bigger and better than that like never before can you agree with that can you stretch your faith and believe that he can do it like never before now this was september 2019. we hadn't even heard of coronavirus at that time [Music] that didn't break until march that's when everything started shutting down of 2020. now it's amazing to me that god is saying in 2020 i'm going to cause my faithful ones to experience supernatural increase like never before did he not know that corona virus was coming [Applause] well of course he knew did he not know that it's going to affect our entire nation of course he knew did he not know it would affect the entire world of course he knew and yet he's talking about supernatural increase well read your bible i challenge you go look up the stories and find out that every time god's people had a major crisis afterwards supernatural increase happened [Music] just like the story here that we read with moses and the children of israel all the opposition all the adversity they had on the other side was a land of milk and honey abundance not only that but you got to remember before they even got to the red sea they carried out all the gold and the silver of the egyptians so if they're going to have supernatural increase beyond anything they've ever expensed before it's going to be a humdinger you missed a good opportunity to lift both hands say bring it on lord bring it on you mean god can do that in situations like we're experiencing right now yes he can he's god in fact he specializes in it and one of the reasons why he's going to do it for the faithful is to show the world that he's a faithful god hallelujah folks i see a major move of god a major revival a major breakthrough a major harvest of souls coming right after this coronavirus has been smashed hallelujah and i plan to be right in the middle of it glory to god amen hallelujah so paul said i'm reaching forward i press the message translation says i'm off and running and i'm not turning back look at your neighbor and say i am off and running and i'm not turning back all right now let me give you one more story go to luke chapter 8. luke chapter 8 god's instructions are always go forward no matter what the circumstances are go forward and let's begin in verse 22. now it came to pass on a certain day that he went into a ship with his disciples and he said unto them let us go over unto the other side that sounds pretty similar to go forward let us go over unto the other side and they launched forth but as they sailed he fell asleep and there came down a storm of wind another translation says a great storm and in the literal greek it says a storm of hurricane proportion okay now just to give you an idea if you've never been to israel and you've never been on this sea i have numerous times one time years ago jesse and cathy duplantis had had not been to israel and i was going every year at that time and i said well if i set up a trip would you guys like to go with me and i said i won't do with a lot of people just maybe eight or ten couples they said yeah we would love to and so we did we had a wonderful time jess and kathy enjoyed it tremendously well one day we had arranged to have a boat ride across the sea of galilee okay so we get in the boat with the couples that we took with us and there was other people that we didn't know that were not part of our tour but they filled the boat up and excuse me and so we're we're just sailing across the sea of galilee beautiful day not a cloud in the sky and the captain came down and he said would you like to preach on the sea of galilee i said sure he said well here he handed me a a microphone and so i i got to preach on the sea of galilee and i told jesse before i started i said jesse at some point i'm going to tag you and you can close it out and so i preached and then i got to a certain point and i walked over to jesse and tagged him and he took it and he started preaching well in a little while man i'm telling you he got so dark there was storm clouds rolling i mean it didn't even look like the same day and the captain came down and told me shut that preacher up he's preached up a storm so i tap jesse i said shut up and sit down we got to get to shore so i know what this is like i've experienced it on this same seat okay so notice here it says he fell asleep and there came down a storm of wind on the lake and they were filled with water and they were in jeopardy and they came to him and awake him saying master master we perish then he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water and they and they ceased and there was a great calm and he said unto them where is your faith where is your faith notice he went to sleep after he told him let's go to the other side how could he do that even in a storm of hurricane proportion how could he sleep and having to have somebody wake him up how could he do that because he believed what he says he said we're going to the other side he never intended for them to drown out in the middle of that sea and he expected them to go the other side see this was their red sea this was their walls of jericho there's always a wall there's always a sea between what god promised and you receiving it or are you becoming a recipient of it there's always a wall there's always a sea could it be that con coronavirus this pandemic is our red sea it's our wall of jericho well all you got to do is read the bible and find out what god did for those people when they had a red sea when they had walls of jericho and guess what he's not going to let us down no more than he let them down give him another shout of praise amen hallelujah praise god where is your faith where is your faith that's what is needed more than anything else during these times that we're living in faith faith in god faith in his word don't let go of your faith in god don't back off from quality time in the word you know on the positive side in all of this it's the longest vacation i've had in 51 years it really is as i for 51 years i have been away from my home minimum 21 days out every month preaching somewhere around the world i have a church back home but i'm the worst attending member i only preach in it what joe maybe eight times a year because i'm gone all the time but i've been home now since march the 15th other than preaching with brother copeland out at eagle mountain it's the longest vacation i've had in 51 years but i've taken advantage of it man i'm telling you you talk about quality time in the word i get up in the morning and i'm in the word when carolyn goes to bed at night i'm in the word i've got enough sermons already prepared for 2025. maybe i'll come back and unload them all on you hallelujah oh man i have been receiving revelation i'm telling you god is just he's just ringing my bell hallelujah because i i i'm passionate about a lot of things but nothing more than studying the word of god i love it i can't get enough of it i've said that for years i can't get enough carolyn's heard me say i can't get enough study well god honored my request i've been home now for several months and boy has it been rich now a lot of christians are not taking advantage of it moving right along they're fussing griping complaining giving in giving out that is not going to get you the promises amen there's still a land of milk and honey to go to a land where you don't have to live on not enough anymore but enjoy more than enough amen it's cut it's waiting for you hebrews chapter 6 verse 11 and 12 and i'm just going to read it from the passion translation we long to see you passionately advancing until the end so don't allow your hearts to grow dull or lose your enthusiasm but follow the example of those who fully received what god has promised because of their strong faith and because of their patient endurance notice what he says don't allow your hearts to grow dull or lose your enthusiasm amen this is not the time to turn back folks this is not the time to become spiritually complacent the bible says in hebrews chapter 6 verse 15 the message translation speaking of abraham abraham stuck it out and got everything god had promised him looked at your neighbor and said that's my plan i'm going to stick it out say i'm going to go forward i'm going to stick it out and i'll get everything god promised and give him a shout in advance hallelujah amen now in closing if you're a note taker i want you to take these notes they'll help you how do i show god that i'm actually going forward when in the natural there's no way to go forward i just wrote these down just to help you number one stay faithful to him stay faithful to him know a lot of christians it seemed like they were faithful before all this started but where are they now number two stay focused on his promise or promises stay focused on his promises number three stay faithful to his word it's not the time since you got all this time off to spend 12 hours a day watching junk on television take advantage of this time quality time in the word of god amen number four stay in faith and don't let fear creep in stay in faith and don't let fear creep in number five stay faithful to your church faithful to your church stay faithful to your church stay faithful to your church stay faithful to your church [Applause] god said in the psalms that you will flourish if you stay where god plants you amen i don't know how many times i've had people tell me brother jerry oh i just can't thank you enough for starting this church oh brother jerry you just don't know how what you preach has changed my life oh brother jerry i don't know where we'd be today without you as our pastor and sometimes that's the last time i ever see him my pastor harold nichols he went home to be with the lord a few years ago but he pastored for 60 years and then after that he retired from pastoring and he became a traveling evangelist at 84 years old and what a precious man he was and he would say to me brother jerry when people come to your church and they tell you how much they love you and how much they appreciate you how much they've learned he said don't take it personally when they leave because it'll drive you out of the ministry he said and some of them that you've invested the most into are the quickest to leave he said i learned a long long time ago and i got 60 years of experience in this you love them as long as you have them get all the word into them that you can and pray that they'll be a blessing to wherever they go to next now that's that's not easy because when you've invested 20 years into somebody and they tell you we don't know where we'd be if it wasn't for your ministry and then they just up and leave and some of them are doing it during this pandemic so i'm going to say that one again stay faithful to your church if this is where god planted you before the coronavirus what would cause him to change his mind now the whole city is experiencing it every church is experiencing it you can't say i'm going to a church where they're not experiencing it apparently there's no such thing right now so stay where god plants you i just wish i'd get a little more enthusiasm stay where god plants you that's one of the ways you can prove to god you're going forward amen stay where god plants you number six stay faithful in your giving a little better response stay faithful in your giving i have not allowed this to affect my giving in the least in fact praise god during this thing i've been able to pay the mortgage off on a church in california hallelujah i have not i was giving before the coronavirus came i was paying mortgages off before the corona virus came and i'm proving to god that i'm going forward and i'm still giving and i'm still sowing and i'm still blessing amen i think it has everything to do as to why i'm experiencing supernatural increase beyond anything i've ever experienced before hallelujah god is no respecter of persons he'll do the same for anybody that'll just do what he asks and keep going forward and then finally don't let go of your dreams don't let go of your dreams don't let go of your dreams a number of years ago and i'll close it with this i i began believing for an international jet and because i travel all over the world and and i i don't just go and preach in different countries i plant churches i plant bible schools that's that's one of the things joe does he travels all over the world overseeing orphanages bible schools churches that we've planted all over the world we joe how many bible schools we opened in just the last year about 25 different bible schools we've just opened in the last year around the world so i'm i'm i'm saying this i'm saying this as humbly as i know how but i'm not just a traveling preacher visiting another country and preaching i have an apostolic anointing on me amen i'm a planter and so i need an international jet more so than many of my colleagues who have them i brought that up to the lord one time he wasn't impressed at all because because many of them that do have international jets they they just fly over to some place and preach and and maybe go to another country and preach and come back no i i go and plant i build i establish i i raise up nationals as leaders that's an that's the work of an apostle so anyway i'd been believing and i you know i have i have a i have the finest citation five in the sky right now but it won't take me internationally it's a great airplane i love this airplane it's a wonderful airplane and i've i put every upgrade on it that you could do it and it is the finest citation 5 in the sky and uh but it won't take me internationally and so years ago i started believing for a particular international jet and uh sowed into other ministries toward it you know because there's no such thing as a harvest without first sowing seed i sowed in every time brother copeland was ready to move into another aircraft i sowed into him i sowed into keith moore's airplane i sowed into jesse's i've sewed in various ministries that that are involved in aviation because every seed produces after its own kind and then uh it just seemed like that thing would never come i even had an i even had a beautiful picture of what i was believing for framed and put on an easel in my office so that when i walked in my office that's the first thing i saw and i had the scripture from romans it says call things that be not as though they were and i'd go lay my hands on it and i'd call things that be not as though they were and i did that over and over and over and over day after day if i was in my office i had a picture of it that i carried around with me and i would lay my hands on it and and thank god for it call it into the ministry and so forth but years went by and it hadn't manifested and then one day like a lot of other christians don't look down on me i just kind of gave up on it i took the easel and i put it in the closet in my library in my office i just put it in the in the closet i quit talking about it i quit my confession over it and i was up in baltimore in a meeting and i got back to the hotel that night after the service and i'm putting away my suit and the lord said what did i tell you when you first went into the ministry in 1969. i said well lord you told me a number of things what are you referring to he said regarding aviation i said you told me i would not be able to fulfill what i was called to do while that airplanes in my ministry he said well are you done are you through i said through with what he said the ministry he said i've noticed you're not on your faith anymore for that jet that international jet i said no i'm not through he said then whose idea was it to stop believing for it you're not going to argue with god you might as well fess up amen so i said well apparently it was my idea he said that's right he said now what makes you think if you're not through what makes you think you can fulfill what i've called you to do now without avia without airplanes if you couldn't then i said i stand corrected he said get back on your faith i said i'd consider me on my faith now i'd even announced to my staff that i didn't think i was gonna be involved in having airplanes for international travel i told my wife and my wife just looked at me and said yeah right she said you've been in the ministry 50 years now and i've never known you not to be believing for your next airplane so i just dropped it and let it go and so when i got back home i had to stand before my staff and ask him to forgive me i was wrong i'm back on my faith believing god for that international jet i told my wife forgive me for what i said i'm back on my faith believing for it and she said i didn't think that would last long amen and then the lord said that's the reason i brought it all up don't let go of your dream listen to this i thought it was the most brilliant thing the lord said now go get your dream out of the closet oh i love that go get your dream out man i got over that office got that easel back where it belonged put it right in front of me began speaking over that airplane again started sowing seed again into different ministries that are involved in aviation and actually i could have already had it but i chose to sow a very large seed that i had set aside for it in the brother copeland's ministry and into the new network the lord asked me he says what's more important to you owning that airplane or helping brother copeland fulfill his vision i said lord you know everything kenneth copeland does is more important to me than anything i'm doing he said then prove it to him i got my dream back i'm encouraging you don't let your dream go no matter how serious this pandemic gets or even how worse it gets don't let go of your dreams amen that's part of you showing god that i'm going forward if you receive this give the lord your best shout praise god is that your best shout give him your best shout amen
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 40,911
Rating: 4.8430381 out of 5
Keywords: savelle, jerry savelle, jerry, dr. jerry savelle, umfe 2020, going forward jerry savelle, living word christian center, lwcc, living word umfe, umfe, jerry savelle books, jerry savelle 2021 prophecy, jerry savelle ministries 2020, jerry savelle ministries youtube, mac hammond jerry savelle, mac hammond lwcc, mac hammond umfe, jerry savelle bible, jerry savelle umfe, lwcc umfe, living word christian center umfe, lynne hammond umfe
Id: XF5vjhbsu0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 6sec (5166 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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