WORDS 1 | Kenneth Copeland | LWCC UMFE 2017

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words in the 11th chapter of Mark Jesus classic teaching on how God's faith works and if you will work it this way it will work all the time it'll work every time now how does faith come they come up by hearing hearing what words words thank you for thank you Jesus I want you to notice the 23rd verse about 22nd verse have the have faith in God or have the faith of God for verily I say unto you whosoever shall say under this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which are words that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore I say nay that amazing Jesus immediately said it and did it amen now you notice the emphasis here was not on the believing the emphasis is on the same you do a lot of leaving with no saying and effect nothing now words are not just some letters strung together they are containers we'll see that in a moment words here contain faith words contain fear word contain blessing words contain curses words contain healing in health words can contain sickness and disease words can be filled with fear filled with hate filled with love filled with blessing glory to God they are containers but they become containers at human choice Jorge Orson hey it's your choice let's see about that let's look in Matthew chapter 12 verse 37 for by thy words thou shalt be justified by thy words shalt thou be condemned whose words yours mine God's word no your uncle or Yan's word no your mama your daddy no your words will justify you or condemn you hey folks this is serious business it is a whole lot bigger than anybody has any idea now let's go all the way to the beginning let's go to Genesis chapter 1 we're going to start in Genesis chapter 1 and end up in Revelation chapter 12 it may take us till tomorrow night to get to Revelation 12 I don't know we may jump over there tonight hallelujah in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters now the Spirit of God is moving you know he's always moving you won't ever catch him just sitting around he is moving all the time he is moving hallelujah he was moving but you know nothing was happening he didn't have anything to work with now hang on hold your place and look in the 11th chapter of the book of hebrews hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 now faith is the one substance sitting in substance faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things that which do appear all matter he's talking about all material things I've heard people in fact I've heard people even say this from the pulpit our God is so big he made the world's out of nothing he didn't if he'd made him out of nothing they'd still be nothing no he made him out of something you can't see but the powers that you can't see are far more powerful than the ones that you can now go back over there notice the Spirit of God was moving on the face of the deep but the substance with which he was about to create all matter see up until that time there there never had been any matter no material substance away you and I know it we think it's been here always but in any store hid way I'm talking about today it started hey but he the Spirit of God like I said he's moving but it the matter with which he's about to make the stuff has not been released yet you know everything to work with God said glory to God I love it God said like me like wow and 24 hours later there was sixteen billion seventy million four hundred thousand miles of universe I'm a rat in a cage if this don't set you old fire you woods wet brother Romans chapter 12 verse three says he has dealt under every man the measure of faith let me let me say like this he has dealt unto every born-again human being the same measure of faith I didn't get a little and you got a lot you didn't get a bunch and I got a little dab I'll tell you what - a little dab of this will do you but no we got the same major every one of us got the same major God is no respecter of person you didn't get some kind of new birth and I got some of the kind no we are exact we are exact duplicates of Jesus halli cool lowrider god that's the reason it's such an honor to be a Christian a Christian oh yeah a little Anointed One I got so shook up I forgot where it was Emily Alleluia but but but think about it he's dealt unto every person the measure of things the same major you and I both have a measure of the same faith that kicked off that 16 billion miles of universe and that same moving spirit his only inside of you baby right now he is in there glory to God and he's moving in there well said brother Coburn ain't nothin happening well 101 it didn't because he's not moving it's because of what you've been say it could it be that he doesn't have anything to work with you're wanting to be here and you keep saying you're sick that doesn't work that just doesn't work out for you hey alright I was in so much pain one day I tell you what enough and had been had been hurtin from weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks nothing I've gotten on my treadmill and well I just hurts bad I couldn't do it and I just came to tears with it and I just shouted out God and he hollered back at me until you give me something to work with hallelujah thank you Jesus all right God said he didn't think this universe into being he spoke it that right there establishes because this is in the beginning that's right at the first that establishes where the authority lies in this universe amen it lies in the Word of God so we live in a word created environment now then let's go to the book of Hebrews chapter 1 hebrews chapter 1 God who at sundry times and in different manner spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets now God did what he spoke we are talking about words right well speaking his words we are so used to words when they come by so we don't even notice them but everything is wrapped up in words you wouldn't have a driver's license if it didn't have any words on it you take all the words off that drivers line you got none but a piece of paper what do judges use words what are Covenants words I knew that it'd get you excited God who at sundry time in a different manner spoke in time past unto the father's by the prophets or listen to this half in these last days spoken unto us by his son I don't know the enormity of that is just growing and growing and growing in me God do you know God no you don't understand is speaking to us there are some people on the earth that have the idea if God would ever speak to them and kill them and it probably would it'll either kill you or make you alive amen Oh glory be to Jesus one fella I heard him say said I'm uh I'm afraid of those people that say God speaks to her huh I'm afraid of the ones that say doesn't the ones you better stay away from hey man the ones that never hear from God Thank You moon having these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world how with words who being the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power knack I saw you with an amplified there a moment ago that what did it thank you sir in these last days he has spoken to us and the person of his son whom he appointed heir and lawful owner of all things now that's interesting in it Jesus is heir and lawful owner of all things and we're his joint heir now you know what got you so excited right then words also by and through whom he created the worlds and the reaches of space and the ages of time he made produce built operated and arranged them in order he I was thinking that those words struck me he he arranged them produced built operated and arranged them in order with the words of his mouth he is the sole expression of the glory of God the light being the out raying or radiance of the divine he is the perfect imprint and very image of God's nature upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by his mighty word of power Oh hallelujah and he's living in you and me and the same words are available to us glory glory glory glory glory now then second cringe is thirteen one set out of the mouth well let's turn over there and look at it much but Jasmin second Corinthians thirteen this is the third time I'm coming to you in the mouth oh by the words of two or three witnesses shall every say it word be established now think about what can happen was just did you know you could be convicted and put to death on three words words they're so common that we pay way too little attention to them but what you are today where you are today your standard and quality of life today is a result of what you said yesterday that's right amen so we're gonna out of the mouth of two or three witnesses well I'm I've already given you one two three four five then we'll give you six seven eight nine ten then twelve thirty forty fifty sixty second I'm gonna give you at least 21 amen and by the time we get through this you're gonna be thoroughly saved hey okay so now let let's establish what we're told that we live in a word created and I might add a faith-filled word created universe that is held in place by words now we read from the words of Jesus where he said you have what you say so words are dominating your life so we live in a word created a word upheld environment and a word dominated environment there is no escaping that you cannot and I cannot neither can anybody else change that I can't you can't the devil can't and God won't amen now he's going to change this earth one of these days with the same - he's going to speak to this thing and you know it's gonna be crispy critter but you and I you and I will be in another place when that happens and I am so totally convinced to this I want you to know you couldn't beat this out of me with it there's no way I believe this with every fiber of my being that when it comes time now God never changes right same yesterday today and forever when it comes time and he burns this old house down you talk about sho'nuff global warming there gonna be some you ain't gonna put it out with a windmill either I know know at windmill idea but he didn't come here to talk politics but when the new heaven and the new earth are created they will be created with exactly the same tools only this time you and I gonna get to get in on it amen now I can prove it to you in the scripture in fact I just read one of the scriptures that's proof of it there in the book of Hebrews you remember jesus said the words that I speak unto you are not my own it is the father that dwells within me he does the works a meant 14th chapter of John 10th verse that was the process on the day of creation don't you remember I just got to read there by him by whom and through whom he created the world our Heavenly Father the Spirit of God moving upon the face of the deep our Heavenly Father said to Jesus light be jesus said it and the Spirit of God did it that's the chain of command that's the way it were and still does and it always well Bank of and we're in him and he's in us she should be more excited about there's going to come a time you and I gonna be involved in creating worlds suns and moons and stars why do you think all that stuff's out there that's not just throw away stuff that's the reason god man still has it in him to go to the stars what's the matter was staying here huh no I want to go out there when I don't know I just want to and you know there's something weird about white men particularly in this one area I never have I never have noticed a red man which is my background there I just don't read anything in history about Indians that get up when these morning's we want to go to the other side of the world had do you ever notice black folks doing it huh no it's okay we don't stay right here yeah y'all gone over his head knock yourself out spend all that money kill your food sales trying to get to the top of something that ain't nothing out there but white folks they just something there they still want to go to Stars well that that's that's that's inside the the human thing I mean it's just in there it says because of God God created all of that for you and for me and if had Adam had a you know blown the blessing away which do I expect we would have already been out there but now amen after once the pilot project was worked out and the the the earth would have become the garden spot of America as the of the universe as as as the blessing caused that garden to grow and expand and expand and expand until there wasn't any more room for it on this earth a new man here you go to the star but our day is coming our day is coming hallelujah I don't think it's all that far away now then let's go down through I want you to look with me to begin with in Luke chapter 6 verse 45 this is the way things come to pass a good man what is a good man and when the word Bible says man it's talking about human beings mankind understand women don't get a pass here a good man a faith man out of the good treasure or the deposit of his heart his inner man brings forth this is how things get brought forth a good man a faith man out of the good treasure the faith treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good and an evil person it's not talking that this not talking about a bank robber or something like that that one person is a faith person the other one is an unbelief person Bible said it with an evil heart of unbelief an unbelieving heart is an evil heart it's a twisted heart out of the out of that unbelieving deposit of his heart brings forth that which is evil for or because of the abundance of your innermost being out of the abundance of your heart his mouth speaks words bring it to pass this is the reason why first words are so important this is a reason why it is so powerfully important for you to be careful of what kind of junk goes in your spirit what kind of words are being deposited in there what you're saying most of the time is building the case that's on the inside of your spirit Jesus called your spirit ground these are these are they which is shown in good ground in the heart good ground you remember he said the kingdom of God is this man kept a seed into the ground it goes a bit and night and day the seed comes up you don't know how for the earth produces it where you see the seed knows what to do the earth knows what to do the sunshine knows what it's doing the water knows what to do he don't have to know all he nice to know is how to put it in the ground so your spirit man your innermost being was created by God to grow words amen that's what that's what words are seed and when you put that seed in there your spirit is supposed to grow it it isn't just supposed to it does it it does it amen it grows up and comes out your mouth and now you got it deal with him like one fell said oh god help me I need a crop failure yeah amen thank you lord so how does those things come to pass when you say this is a reason is so important to have an abundance in your heart words of God from God about God front through God I mean just in just Jesus all the time just just Jesus just the Holy Spirit just the power of God all the time thinking faith thinking that way all the time one translation book of Matthew says a woman with the issue of blood kept thinking if I can touch the hem of His garment I'll behold Matt mark says she said if ever touch the hem of a garment now which one is correct both of them because what you think's what you're going to say you just keep thinking and keep your eyes on it it will come out your mouth amen it so important I was in a meeting in Beaumont Texas right very very beginning of this ministry and that was a woman there right right at the first of the meeting we I was there 21 days we had two services a day and then and and on weekends we had three services day she said right right at the first of the meetings she said brother Copeland I have something this that I would I really do desire to get the answer to what we're in these me she said my husband all of my children and I were in the car and we came through this intersection and she said there was a car broadsided us she said they hit us so hard it cut the car in half and she said we were strung out all over that intersection there and she said all of us all of us were hurt bad except for my husband she said mom my mom my little boys brain was exposed she said we were hurt bad she said they were nearly all of them all of the major bones in my body was broken now she said all of us including my son we all recovered it but she said my husband died and I mean she said and he died just a short time after that that that wreck and she said I want to know why can you tell me why I said no I can't but unless you and I agree as touching this and we'll ask God for the answer and we'll get it for this meetings are over with so we prayed and agreed well of course I'm talking a lot about Mark Levin 23 and 24 and God got into this this same discussion in words and particularly the power of first words what comes out your mouth under pressure because it just bypasses your mind and when words come out of your spirit being there just raw power and if it's faith if it's faith it's powerful if it's fear it's powerful fear will kill you faith will heal you and I'm thinking about several things right now of incidences like this there the massive massive that worst aviation disaster in the history of flying was in the Canary Islands on the island of Tenerife when to freshly fueled 747s one of them sitting on the end of the runway holding four clearance for takeoff and on this this particular airport you had to taxi down the taxiway taxi out in the runway down the runway then back off of another taxiway and around the the end of the runway apron then to lino fog you couldn't couldn't see of visibility to almost zero for some reason or other the KLM captain thought he'd been cleared for takeoff or something anyway he pushed the power up and started rolling and this other 747 had taxied out in the runway and was was broadside and here comes this other 74 he's taking off and this guy's on the runway both of them had just been fueled lots and lots and whole lots of jet a fuel and all of a sudden he saw he's in the pharmacy all of a sudden he saw that other airplane while he just grabbed it and pulled and it it wasn't ready to fly but he got the nose up high enough so that the nose gear just cut that other 747 in half and the two airplanes just merged with one another caught fire it was a mess now the cockpit voice recorder recorded the klm captain saying he blaspheme God used his name in vain screaming just aloud as he could we're all gonna die now that's what was any meant abundance see under that kind of pressure that's what came out now there was a man he wrote an account of this he rewrote his testimony about it he was one of the passengers and when this thing happened and this big ball of fire is coming down the the the cabin of the airplane he screams Jesus disallows he could only he was not blaspheming his name now just that morning he just had an unction to get into his scripture book and he's reading his daily scriptures and confessing them then looking at him them and what's he doing he's building up his spirit he's loading up he's loading up with what where's faith words feeding his faith haha how they lose that excited and I'm preach me a happy on he says Jesus now he's a big man well over 200 close to I remember Craig's somewhere like 240 250 pound well you know how tall a cabin is in a 747 you know a stewardess that step up on a step on the seat that just to get up to the overhead compartments there was a hole in the top of that cabin and when he shouted Jesus all of a sudden his head sticking out that hole he had no idea he got there and and then thing he said when he sat in Jesus there's this bubble came up around him he couldn't feel the heat I guarantee you the other guy was feeling the heat by this time so he shouted Jesus again and this time he shouted it and he almost pulled him almost out of that hole he just put his legs out and scooted off one jumped off the wing of the airplane amen and jumped off the wing of the airplane broke his foot and God healed his foot but I see what's happening boy there's this more he's this whole lot more than just a faith confession going on here I'm telling you his words of raw power because his mind is having nothing to do with this this is spirit man 100% and this is Holy Ghost in there backing and powering and pumping the power Artie hey man now there were other Christian people there there's a couple of Christian guys sitting right next to him but they didn't fill themselves up with the word before they got in there that morning well it's your choice we don't you can do what you want to but if you haven't been filling yourself with the word every morning you probably not gonna do it on that morning even though God's telling you the whole time you go get in there you better get in there see he's always speaking the problem is never with God I said the problem is never with God what about 9/11 you've all heard the stories so have I listen sweet God spoke to every person in those building everybody the ones that heard and obeyed lived through it he spoke you mean he spoke to all of them hey which one of them do you think he would not speak to which one of them do you think God would not care anything about and want to see died he is not willing that any should perish God spoke to everybody there he spoke to every terrorist trying to talk him out of it he spoke to everybody and buff the ones that hurt him live the others did now some hurt him and just didn't do anything about it but that's 100 percent life every day all day day in day out from the moments you can understand what our word is until the moment you exit this earth you are being talked to by God every hour every day day in day out trying to bring you to the best place you can possible because he loves you beyond your comprehension Center and satellite amen if you don't know him he's trying to get detention well I guess such a reason I broke my leg didn't you say that up close to me I can hit you I'll slap the snot out of you that takes a pretty good slap I'm tired of that you gonna come up and tell me God broke your leg if he's gonna break something probably Minya your head I heard I got all excited in the pulpit when I go and I sit there and heard this he said God will break your leg just to prove he can heal it I'm not having nothing to do with a god like that I served one like that before I met Jesus that turkey killed him break your leg anyway that's not Jesus he says he's just not doing that everything already gone thank you lord all right here we go Psalm 19 I want you to look in the 14th first that this this little verse sounds you know it's kind of tame and innocent until you really listen to the prayer that's being prayed here David prayed this let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer and the more you meditate on that the more you realize he is saying if I'm gonna riff I'm gonna be a partaker of your Redemption if I'm gonna be a partaker of your strength I got to keep my words in faith I've got to keep love words and faith words going here I can't get this done with my mouth full of fear and unforgiveness and unbelief so he's what he's saying I got my mind on the words all right look at the 91st song one of my favorite places in the bud the soldiers saw a good friend of mine he's a special forces army and pastors a church up in Alaska Keith's Kerber and he oh man where he said brother Kenneth hell I want you and and glory to lay hands on me he said I'm about to be deployed again and and he said I said I said Keith I won't talk to you about something I said there are there are records where commanders have instructed their their entire unit the one that I'm thinking about right now when I was talking to him I said the one I'm thinking about right now was a was a company commander in World War one and he demanded did ever ever man in his company memorize the 91st song and you had to be you had to be ready to sound off any time that he came by I mean he can bond says verse 13 thou shalt tread upon the lion and the ad of the young lion and the dragon shall do trampled underfoot sir and and I said there were zero casualties combat zero kinsmen but these guys are standing on that 91st song and you they can you see what he was doing he filled them up with that so that under pressure those were the words that were coming out of their mouths he said he said kind of this is this is very important to me because he said I'm taking command of a very high casualty unit he said it's unacceptable unacceptable casualties and a lot of ki law not a kill gas I said you let me know how it turns out Keith and Bloor and I laid hands on him and and so he said I'll tell you what soon as I get home at the end of this two years on I'll let you know well I you know I forgot about it and of course he was part of my prayer regimen but I'd forgotten that after years 18 months is about two o'clock in the morning go in a SAM sleep and the telephone rang and I picked it up and it's Keith Kerber he said he said oh brother of home I said glory to God Keith he said I couldn't wait I couldn't wait I had to report glory to God he said two years and zero casualties go read now here was something else here's something else that's very interesting after he left and the unit was taken over by his successor the casualties began again but they were not as bad as they had been because there was a bunch of those guys that stayed with it some of them didn't because the pressure wasn't on them and you can probably figure that out I mean most of the believers stayed with it and the other guys didn't just turned it loose but isn't that wonderful I mean that business that's just outright wonderful brother what was the difference it was the difference in the words that the people were speaking Tory be to God hallelujah 91st psalm he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High well with the witch high the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the all mighty now he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow the old man I want to know how you get in there I want to know how to get in that secret place it's a secret place if it's a secret place how am I gonna get in there huh it's some kind of handshake he goes no no no no look right here he's gonna tell you right there I will say words or the key that unlocks the door to the secret place of the Most High God I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him I will trust surely he'll deliver let me worry amplified again Mac I will say of the Lord he is my refuge I say of the Lord he is my refuge then he's my refuge see he was willing to be my refuge all the time I just needed to believe it and say it well how do I know believing in his involved because he's in him I rely on trust that's faith I will say of the Lord he's my refuge and my fortress my god on him I lean and rely and in him I confidently trust for then he will deliver when when I say when I say he's my fortress when I say he's my god when I said in him I trust faith is the connection Amen now let me give you a principle here does God heal you because you have faith now faith is required because faith is the connection amen no he hears you because he loves you that's the reason you need to be saying all the time God loved me God loves Kenneth love me yes I'm I'm the preacher that Jesus loves pulling out what John said I'm the disciple that Jesus loves I am the disciple that Jesus see he was there when he went John was there when Jesus said for verily I say unto you whosoever shall say he was right there and he believed it and he started saying it he loves now he developed that and he was the one that didn't run away from him he was the one that didn't forsake him he stayed right there with him the whole time you remember when Peter came up to him the Last Supper Jesus said when are you going to betrayed me and Peter where was John lying on his chest this crawled up I ratney to lap so Peter comes up and says ask him who it is what you asking oh no you're his favorite you're the one he loves ask him Oh see Peter could have been doing the same thing I'm the one no I don't know who I'm the one no I'm the one that's part of your faith confession I don't know how anybody could love something looking like and things like nags like me I'm so dumb yeah the dumbest thing you ever did was say that that's the reason Satan puts pressure on you to get that kind of stuff to come out of your mouth because in a moment where your mind is under pressure and you you you having some problems in your thinking and you and so fun so long and then you start saying it and you begin to aid that and the moment you begin to say it the moment you begin to say it the more you say it the more you will begin to act it out now Satan can do the work now I'm gonna bring it to tonight's to close right here the sower souls the word so words are seeds I'm in the sower shows the word jesus said this now now let me back you up again to John 14 10 the words that I speak unto you are not my own it is the father that dwells within me he does the work well then then what we saw in the very first two four three verses of the book of Genesis the Spirit of God was moving Jesus spoke after the father gave him the word and the Spirit of God did the work that is the heavenly process cannot be changed we're blessed with it and the devil stuck with it now you can't change the fact that we live and under a word created word up he'll word dominating environment but you can change the words under which you live that's good choice well think about it no wonder Satan comes immediately to steal the word you know jesus said he cometh not but for to steal to kill and to destroy now a lot of times people quote that he comes but for it to kill steal and destroy that's not the correct order he comes to steal what if he can steal the word he can kill you if he can't steal the word he can't kill you well he's after my money no he can steal the word he's got you money it's a word he's after and he's trying to get into your mouth he knows that he knows him he got a chance if he can't get inside your mouth so the source owes the word so now Satan well he can't come at you this way because Jesus is standing here so in the word he has to come over here and uh no no no no and I know you love Carhartt I already know you love but you know you hadn't been faster than pretty nowhere near much you should oh I know it I know it he's got you he's got you over on yourself feel you know I know don't say anything but your own Slough you're in you're in court and you are the deciding witness you can say yes or you can say no which ever way you go that is the chain of command in direction if you stay with God the Angels are working if you stay with God then it's the father that dwells within he does the works but now Satan already knows that if if he if he can't divert you if he can't get your mind off that word you just keep your mind on that word you keep meditating on that word it's gonna get down in your spirit and it's gonna produce faith and when it does you're gonna start saying it and you more you believe it the more you gonna say it and the father within you is gonna do the work and he's had it but now he's dealing he's working with with spiritual law here these laws work I don't care who puts them to work the devil has to work inside the spiritual laws that began on day one the same laws that created him amen so he knows if he can get your and my attention and get into our mouth and we begin saying what he says now he can do the work [Music] second Timothy chapter two turn over there and we'll close with description someone that's had the symptoms of the flu trying to come in and on your body today in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I declare that healed I take authority over it and break its power over you and in the morning you'll be all right get him go to work second Timothy chapter two now this is the reason why strife and unforgiveness is so dangerous Oh second Timothy 2:20 in a great house they're not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and earth some to honor some to dishonor if a man therefore purge himself from these he shall be a vessel unto honor sanctified and meat for the Masters use prepared unto every good work flee youthful lusts follow righteousness faith love peace follow follow that that path with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing they do gender strife the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patience in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth here is two people that are in strife with one another they got a they got a war going and it says perhaps God will give them look at again will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth people in that kind of situation they're there so fight one another that both of them are wrong you can have one that is absolutely wrong and the other one absolutely right but when they get to fighting over it they're both wrong because the fight is worse than whatever was wrong because the law is be tender-hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake have you forgiven you love your neighbor as yourself love the Brethren even as I have loved the Brethren Jesus that's the law now whatever this thing is you're fussing about there's his side and her side and then there's the right side that's God's amen now here's why it's so dangerous look at it look at it look at it look at it look at it in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will you got two people fussing and fighting and the devil of use them any way he can in any way he wants to that's that's that's bad business now what what is all of this based on what is happening here what's keeping it going words all has to happen somebody's to change the words per adventure they just wake up to the truth hey I better quit this right now I've got to put a stop to this sweetheart I'm sorry I'm the one that's wrong here amen if you a man raise your hand let's see that take the blame end the thing right now just take the blame for it that's what men are supposed to do just take the blame so spit on us let's stop this I'm the one that's wrong I shouldn't be I will not be talking to you like that anyway this is quit right now now you may get an argument over who's wrong and who wasn't you know other one doesn't know it is me I'm telling you I'm telling ya know amen but I wanted to point out to you that strife opens the door for the devil to do whatever used to do and now those kind of words have put a stop to all nine of the gifts of the Spirit they're just shot down your faith is quit oh yeah Jesus said whosoever shall say therefore I say unto you what's the way of you desire when you pray believe you see them you still haven't and when you stand praying forgive if you have old against you that your father may forgive you your trespasses it is the faith of God and he's the great forgiver amen so his faith will not help you be in strife because it won't work his faith will help you get out words God words love words good words words of great power one of the most powerful things about words they are forever things and you can stack them up and the day is coming when faiths gonna overflow how many jobs does it take to overflow you just keep saying it you just keep saying and it's gonna overflow because there's no such thing as faith it doesn't come faith is automatic your spirit is automatic you don't have to feel it you don't have to make it work any more than you have to make your heart pump in fact you can't make it pump they just pumps words boy it's coming Gloria calls it when faith boils over and when it ball is over you got your miracle some of us said I want one in the instant miracles well that's good I think you ought to have one and you just start building your faith right now your faith gets full it'll be instant it'll be instantly when your faith gets Oh amen but don't turn around and don't turn around and you pull a bunch of mud in your jar then contaminate it with fear and some other kind of word that you didn't haven't been saying in the first place a curse word does not have to be among the classic curse words you can say a word that is based on the curse and not realize you are cursing such as I am so tired I don't know how I'm gonna make it you just cursed you cursed yourself you violated the scripture you disobeyed a direct command from the book of Joel that said let the weak say I am strong yeah but then don't yeah but me listen when God says God says I am I am El Shaddai I am Jehovah Rapha he named himself healing he named himself blessing well I named myself strong now we have to be careful because we're just like him we're queer we were recreated we're new creature we were born of his word we're born of incorruptible seed and we have the same right to speak words as he does and and when he said I am we ought to say I am - and we need to be saying I am whatever he said he is he said he's strong that I say I'm strong he said he's healed and I say I'm here instead of coming along behind him say you saying yeah but I'm sick I am now here comes much office yeah but brother Cooper what if I am sick well you tell me what you're about to say can either keep you sick or change it and run it in the other direction because the word is the truth the sickness is a fact and a curse so you can change the fact with the truth and you can change the curse with the blessing did they think about it analyze it study it out a little bit Satan and if you follow his pattern you will curse and call things that be not as though they were now can I just get down dirty wait ma'am I'm losing my err you curse and why about you here come on dad I don't look this bad I'm just walk past the table and gained three pounds you know you know what's the matter with you you got a fat mouth hey I can talk about fat and skinny anyway I want to I used to weigh over 80 pounds a woman I do now and the fat man ain't coming back there was a friend of mine boy he was he was he was big man he weighed about 265 and he was in he worked with laundry equipment and stuff in it engineering equipment man he had sold this all of the equipment in this laundry and this cleaning establishment he's the one that sold all of the equipment and then sometime later they were having trouble with it and the repair guy that was supposed to fix those of the in that particular territory I don't know he was out or something so he went back he went down there well he's the one who sold it but between the time that he sold it and the time that he went back down there he lost over a hundred pounds so he went in there didn't want to know what well I'll tell you one thing I've doubled I'm glad you didn't send that big fat guy down here I'm telling you he told me this and he did this and he did that he said later I'll tell you right now that fat man will never be back so don't play me I'd be mad at him too she never did know well I'm gonna tell you something else at graphi whiney feels sorry for myself he ain't coming back either amen I'll tell you if you'll take this to heart you're gonna have days of heaven on the earth because you cannot be denied because they are spiritual laws you keep applying them they will change things and they will eventually produce exactly what you have in your heart and exactly what you have on your mind but now don't get weary in well-doing and well speaking hold fast to your confession and if it does break down i mean grab hold of it slap yourself in the face and wake yourself up get up from there if I know Jerry he preached don't don't ever quit because Jerry can't preach with that preaching don't quit someone somewhere in the message you're gonna talk about getting back up amen hey well let me ask you did you get anything hallelujah stand with me please now take this to heart you're not just parroting me a parrot will never have what he says because he can't quit being a parent he can't change that he is programmed a parrot now he wouldn't know what a word is now it's amazing to me that higher primates do you can you can teach higher primates to sign and then talk to you but he can't say it I won't even won't go there amen I mean we could start the real planet of the apes here if we did yeah but eating this talking Don Dodd don't don't go you know what I'm talking words say this I am a believer I am just like Jesus I am born of his spirit bone of his bone flesh of his flesh and I have his mind the mind of Christ is in me and on me I've not been given the spirit of fear I've been given the spirit of power I have it now I've been given the spirit of love I have been given the Spirit of God which is the spirit of a sound mind I have a sound mind I have a brilliant mind the anointing on the mind of Jesus is the same anointing that's available to my mind I have a good body a well body our strong body I am getting stronger every day I live I have a good brain I have good ears I have good eyes I have a good nose I have good sinuses I got these great teeth oh I have such fine bones good bone my bones of fat and my body is lean my stomach is good never upset because I'm healed from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet my mouth is filled with good things so that my youth is renewed like the Eagles now now that's of course you know the touch comes from the hundred and third song now I and I've heard people say well he fills my mouth with good things you know that's good food and and and so himself well of course that can be applied to that but let me remind you of this there a Hebrew root to the word thing is word because words created all things so I've never taken that as referring to my physical diet which is imported vitally important if it wouldn't it wouldn't be a book in the Bible about it the only the only life span that God spoke in the Bible he didn't speak seventy or eighty threescore and ten fourth course but he not once said that that was a curse that came home and disobedient people in the bedroom he said the days of man shall be a hundred and twenty years now he said that so everything in the Bible that refers to long life that's the long life standard you'll serve the Lord your God your angel will bless you bread and water I will take sickness from the midst of you and the length of your days I will fulfill that's referring to hundred twenty years now those food laws in the Book of Leviticus that those were put in there so that you know what foods well aid you in living a hundred and twenty years this real simple thing but that's not what that was referring to in the hundred and third song I'm satisfied he fills your mouth with good words so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles whoa those that wait upon the Lord he renews their strength so say it I wait upon the Lord and he renews my strength therefore I say I'm strong I'm like the Mighty Eagle I run and I'm not weary I walk and I'm not faint because I'm strong like my god everyone needs to spend time doing what we just did every day proverbs 4 20 21 and 22 that is a prescription for healing my son attend to my words and Klein was the word in place the word incline means to lean incline thine ear to my sayings let them not depart from your eyes so you need to be looking at them looking at a meditating or looking at that looking at that Wow does that mean running down the road like that whoa you begin to meditate for they are words words worse they were my words or lie but you got to find them you got to find them life to those that find them and health to all their flesh and keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the forces of life hallelujah oh thank god my knees are healed oh thank God my knees are healed someone has had been having bad problems with your knees and I'm the first moment or two that I just picked up a little feeling of it thank God my knees are healed glory to God my knees are so healed and well go red and blue rid of God Oh glory to God you ought to be dancing around right now if you got in trouble being me thank God my knees are healed thank God my knees are filled thank God thank God said I have a miracle in my mouth right now hallelujah come on Mac no you didn't shout laughing uh glory to God tuff okay you go thank your Lord amen amen Thank You Lord then there is someone here in in the building and there's someone watching online this so that that means there's a number of them that are really struggling in school and I'm seeing this this young person just struggling just struggling and finally just so tired it is and you about to give up I just came to this you said I can't debt and something dark rose up like a strong man and bound you and left you spiritless and hopeless but if you will begin to pray in the spirit couple stay Ellis dollar Oakland dawn on us at that they say Kay and you begin to say my words are not my own that's because you're speaking the words of the spirit outside see those are the most powerful words those words and these words begin to speak after him roll pocket invested secret little son my mother I bless my brain I bless my mind I can't do this I can do this yes I can do this because I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me I can do all things through his anointing I can do all things he's in me and he's stronger than he that's trying to make me quit and fail at this glory be to God hallelujah and the Spirit of God is there the glory of God is there you're not gonna fail and you're not gonna quit and you're gonna give glory to the Lord and you're gonna take a good report home to your parents I just heard the Lord say that I leave he's already gone amen [Applause] yeah thank you lord praise Lord amen is that okay that's awesome absolutely hallelujah glory to God Thank You hallelujah amen amen give the Lord a good shout hallelujah praise the Lord
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 84,204
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Keywords: kenneth copeland, kenneth copeland umfe, umfe, umfe 2017, kenneth copeland ministries, kenneth copeland books, kenneth copeland youtube, kenneth copeland ministries live, mac hammond ministries, pastor mac hammond, mac hammond sermons, LWCC, LWCC UMFE, living word christian center, Living word Christan center UMFE, Mac hammond UMFE, ken copeland, kenneth copeland private jet, kenneth copeland words, kenneth copeland words 1, kenneth copeland upper midwest faith explosion
Id: nKVy0xyTtWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 51sec (5451 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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