The Revelation of the Glory | Dr.Billye Brim | LWCC

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pastor Mac talked about when I first came here and I think probably I preached the message I'm gonna preach tonight and the reason that I'm doing it is because God told me to and he told me to start sharing that visions the visions it came as a revelation and to start it blesses me he blesses me and to tell you the real truth Shelly and I are in a place where we are and there's a room between us you know that's the has a like a living area and kitchen area and then we each have our bedrooms here and she all he was trying to take a nap this afternoon and I was getting ready for tonight and I saw something that I don't know how come I hadn't seen it before I got so excited about it I went and tapped on her door mom I'm taking her nap I went and tapped on her door mom I'll push my hair and I thought I don't care I got to come in and share this with you and so I'm going to share that revelation that came to me tomorrow I won't have time [Laughter] [Applause] sound like brother Hagin when he says gonna let old Tom out of the bag on such and such a night but I have to build a foundation to it and this is the foundation and I won't have time tomorrow our services have to be shorter so it's good you're here tonight and then praise the Lord but I'm going to preach tonight on my revelation of the glory and how it came and I put that in this book the blood and the glory and so I be referring to my own book tonight in some of the places but the revelation came to me in the 70s 1970s my life was such a blessed life I was a wife of a wonderful husband and most handsome he was voted the most handsome boy in the class so and look who got him I mean you know and that's why Shelly's so pretty she looks like his side of the family but you know I had four children in school and I enjoy regular life I really do it's why I like football and all that stuff basketball I like life and our four children were so involved in everything Shelly was in every music thing that happened and chip in every sport thing that happened to Brenda and every sport thing in Terry Road bulls and that one I didn't like so much but nice to have a cowboy's interspersed you know and so we just had a wonderful life and I was my job you talk about job I was the editor of publications for Kenneth Hagin ministries do you know dr. Kenneth E Hagin if you don't you should read I believe in visions but anyway it was such a blessing in my life and it was my job father had father God had visited him and told him to take all your teachings and put them in print the printed page is the best way to get them out the word and so I was the one that got to do that job just marvelous wonderful job well in this working for kenneth hagin of course brother Hagin people say what do you put he teach you that you learned the best well I and I just say well the integrity of the word he taught me that how to walk in faith how to walk in love and then one of the greatest things I learned from him and we did a book about it was how to be led by the Holy Spirit and so he based his ministry on the written word of God stay close to it and follow the Holy Ghost and so the Lord spoke to him and said it would behoove you to study all the scriptures on the glory of God so he did it he looked them all up this is the 70s you didn't have a computer with a concordance on it where you just put the glory and all the scriptures came up no you got to look them up you maybe had a Concord as that you checked and went to every scripture and he looked them all up whoops glory to God shall he come up here and put this on my waistband he looked them all up you know now just forget about that you know what happened one time on this side of here no you just forget the song so he sings all Shelly oh I have to go on the left side now you know that I do I'm off balance if it's on the right now this doesn't bother me not one whit I do not know why but John Osteen who is the father of Joel Osteen used to invite me to come and preach at his church and I wouldn't even hardly dry behind the ears yet but he did it and we have a good friend who's a pastor in South Texas and he remembers when this happened and John Hosting's church was big you know I mean it's not as big as Joel's but it was huge 5,000 and so he invited me to preach and that was when ladies wore slips I don't think they even sell them anymore a mine fell off and pastor Gervinho you know Ruben you'll mean yeah he said I just stepped out of it and Kent was on the front row said can't come get this and I probably preach it on what I'm preaching on tonight yeah bless the Lord so another church I was at and they had a high platform up like this this was Inc along about Colorado not long love at some place in Colorado but anyway I fell down flat footed Lee fell down I just got up I said don't loosen him knowing in here we going on Shelly said this is so that lest you be exalted above measure praise the Lord anyway brother Hagin typed all of those he looked him all up manually all the scriptures in the Bible on the glory had them typed up and then he had that leather case I can still see it that he carried his Bible in hand to a leather case and he'd zipped that thing to start zip it back up when he was through and it had it you know a flap that held the Bible and he folded up those scriptures and he put it in that flap and then he'd always sit on the platform during the worship service and when the Lord would would urge him he would preach on the glory and I'd watch him I watched him like a hawk and he I could always tell coach he'd be sitting up there you know usually twiddle his thumbs and he'd go like this he jumped then he fiddle in the back of that thing and he'd get that paper out I knew we were in for it he just started every time he just started he had all the scriptures they just started reading them one after the other after the other just like they came in the Bible started in the Old Testament you know when the glory of the Lord came down on top of the mountain and when the glory of the Lord would appear like a smoke like a fire a cloud he just read him go to the next one go to the next one sometimes then he go to the temple you know the tabernacle when the tabernacle got filled with the glory and Moses couldn't get in where he'd get over to the temple when all it was filled with a glory and all the four thousand priests fell over he'd just read read on he didn't even comment sometimes he'd get over to the New Testament where Stephen looked up you know and he saw the glory of God as he was being stoned but somewhere every time that the Lord told him to do it somewhere in the reading of the scriptures back in that corner there start to roll in a cloud and it looked like a wave it was bright like the sun shining on snow and it would come and roll over the auditorium and the congregation and it would many times pick them all up and bring them all down the altar and brother Hagin would step back lest he got caught up in it one time brother Hagin would just tell this story and they just get so tickled buddy Harrison was his song leader then his son-in-law and buddy didn't see it coming and he didn't move out of the way and all the people came down got fall down on the and Buddy fell down right in the lap of a great big huge lady and he was just there kicking his arms and leg as you know and brother Hagin was laughing at him because he enjoyed the glory but things would happen amazing things would happen when that happened in the presence of the glory of God so I'm working for him and I got a thought and that thought I know it came from God but it changed my life and my ministry forever and the thought was this if it would behoove him to study the scriptures on the glory it would behoove me so I started doing it I started looking up all the scriptures on the glory and at the same time I was teaching a Sunday School class at the friends church Quaker Church in Collinsville Oklahoma and this was early 70s and we had been going to a church in Tulsa that was the charismatic move was going on but that church got off and anyway somebody called me up and said there's a church in town where you can lift your hands the quicker Church so we went there we walked in the back door it was just a little bitty church but you could raise your hands there and so one Sunday morning we were in the young adult class and it was eight people and it met in the choir loft and so Ken tonight's our first Sunday eight besides us and we're sitting there and Rachel Tifa tell her son Wayne Tifa tiller who had been backslidden from God and had just gotten back to God the week before he said I want to give a testimony he said now he had his arms in splints I mean in casts and stuff he was like this and he said he had come the Sunday before down the aisle while the pastor baby was preaching Cooper Beatty and he said I can't wait till you get through I got to get right with God he said I just wanted to tell you that God will never forget your vows he said I made a vow when I was 12 years old that I'd never go to a picture show he's raised up in him you know a church that Pentecostal old-time whatever but he said when eight when I said Lord if ever I go to the picture show you can break both my arms and he said when I was 18 a picture show came to town about football and I just had to go to that show and I win now he's 35 he said now I'm 35 years old but I want you to know God didn't forget that Val I walked down this aisle last week and he said I was riding the rodeo and I got throwed by a bro and broke both my arms so you see that God never forgets your vows now I'm the editor of Kenneth Hagin ministries and I have just finished a book called don't blame God hello mini book Kent is sitting next to me on this side why is on this side and Kent is hitting me with in his elbow that means keep your mouth shut don't say a word we'll just leave and we won't come back that's what that meant but I don't know something came down over me I said oh brother brother that wasn't God who remembered the foolish vow of a little boy I said there was a demo you got right with God last week and he's trying to turn you away from your path now and I preached the book mini-book I just done don't blame God rain Wayne raise up a little wing broken wing and he said I'm nominate this woman to be our Sunday school teacher I didn't know it but that's why they do things in a Quaker Church you know and so that the Sunday school teacher himself sick in the motion [Laughter] next week I was a Sunday school teacher [Laughter] and so here I am you know and I'm doing brother Hagins editing so so I I come I come and down to the church every week and I'm teach what I learned oh dear it was charismatic days charismatic move days and here I'm teaching this word of God and that class grew from eight to one side of the church field which was about a hundred and then it grew to the other side of the church field which was 200 and the Lord I saw him one time I said when did my ministry begin brother Copeland he has his 35th anniversary today I don't even know an anniversary I don't know when it started and he said right there that day up when you got started seizing the Sunday School class so about the time I'm teaching the Sunday School class and I get that thought if it would behoove him it would behoove me to study the scriptures on the glory and I got here we are you know and I'm teaching these things and there's a lot of new people I mean we've had a move a big move a charismatic move a lot of people got born again and a lot of people denominational people who really didn't know much about the Word of God had come in and been baptized the Holy Ghost and you know I've been raised up Baptist I didn't know too much but Baptists do know the baby they studied the Bible you know and you know I learned I still sing my little Baptists song Matthew Mark Luke John next item please through the Romans first and second Corinthians you know you learned about the Bible you learn that it has a books and the plans where it goes so I thought these people are in here we're teaching these things and I got a hold of that book a Kenyan book the Bible in the light of your Redemption and so I thought we're gonna start here with Genesis and we're gonna get a look at the plan and since I have come across this statement and this is how I feel about things and I have it written in the Flyleaf of my Bible this is a statement from Clarence Larkin what what is this by the way the Bible what else where to God it's his plan this thing is a plan Genesis to Revelation and this is what Clarence Larkin wrote in his opening to the book rightly dividing the word the Holy Scriptures are not a systematic treatise on theology history science or any other topic they are a revelation when he's got that in all caps from God of his plan and purpose in the ages as to the earth and the human race they were given the scriptures to us piecemeal at sundry times and in divers manners Hebrews 1:1 holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit during a period of 1,600 years extending from 1492 BC to 100 AD the Bible consistently and these books were written by about 40 different authors and he goes on to talk about how God used Kings Shepards prophets priests fishermen but the plan is all throughout there hallelujah we are tonight and I'm not going to teach in depth about this but this is Arif Sukkot this is the evening when Sukkot begins tomorrow in the Bible there is a sacred calendar that sacred calendar is God's calendar and in that sacred calendar there are seven modes seven feast dates I have asked them to put it up for you and that's it yeah you can put it up bless the Lord seven modes modes means God's appointed times and so they already had a civil year that began in the fall that's no big problem Rosh Hashanah is the head of the civil year most we we celebrate New Year's Day January first on our calendar but we also celebrate July 4th when our nation began and so that's what they did they had this old calendar the civil year that began at Rosh Hashanah over in the fall and then when they came out of Egypt that's when Israel was born so the sacred calendar celebrates their birthday you might say but it also is a calendar of redemption and in this seven month period beginning in the spring usually April there are seven modes and these modes are prophetic bless the Lord two thirds of the Bible is prophetic most of it has been fulfilled those prophecies but not all and so this is the calendar of redemption we have the spring modes we have Passover and beginning that same day as Passover there are the seven days of the unleavened bread mo ed then we have firstfruits at the end of that Passover week three of them are in the same week and that's the resurrection then there's a fifty days we count over unto Pentecost and those are the fulfilled feasts they were fulfilled at his first coming then we have a break of four months out of seven this whole thing is a seven-month seven is everywhere in the Bible so even though the fall feast trumpets for instance is the first month of the civil year it's the seventh month of the sacred year so on this first day Feast of Trumpets these are not fulfilled yet they will be fulfilled at his second coming and so we have Rosh Hashanah the blowing of trumpets ten days later the day of atonement and then Tabernacles the time of our joy this is when the Bible tells them to be filled with rejoicing and joy these are prophetic and it's in God's plan he's a planner and in his plan this Sukkot foretells when Jesus comes and it this will be a Jubilee this will be the Jubilee of Jubilees so it will be a year after a shemitah cycle and it will be a feast to end all feasts it will be a rejoicing to end all rejoicing because he will a set up on this earth wickedness you're out you're cast out and he's gonna set up his millennial reign actually there's still some but we're not going into all of that this is just to show you I'm not gonna teach on this tonight this is just to show you God's a planner and he has plans and this is a part of that plan and I had to mention something about it because here we are at this time so that's all I needed that now when I was with the Sunday School class and God starts to reveal to me the plan for the glory and it became to me so clear by revelation that I call the Bible the story of the glory bless the Lord and I began if we're gonna look at the plan you got to begin at the beginning so I began at Genesis 1:1 if you'd like to turn there hallelujah bless the Lord in the beginning God created the heavens every time you see the word heaven in the Old Testaments plural the heavens is Shimane the heavens and the earth Genesis 1:2 and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep only God could contain so much in one sentence in Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created Hebrew word bara the heavens and the earth but what it does not include is Genesis 1:2 Genesis 1:2 says to us and the earth was without form and void now I believe you don't have to believe this to go to heaven but I got this from brother Hagin and I'm just offer it out to you just to see if you believe it or you don't believe it but I believe that between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 there's a great span of time and what makes me believe this is not someone said to me well how can you believe that because so-and-so scientists found a foot of a dinosaur in the foot of a man on the earth at the same time I said I can't go by what anybody found I got to go by the scriptures and the scriptures say earth became Tohu Babbo who the Hebrew word Tohu means this according to the brown driver lexicon toho means formlessness confusion unreality emptiness chaos and waste God never made anything a chaotic wasteland bohu means emptiness God put rhyming words in there you'd be shocked at how much of the Old Testament rhymes trova bohu it became a chaotic waistline now wasteland now that word Tohu and bohu and vah vah bow who's just an but the word and earth and the earth in the second verse and the earth was that is the word waha yah and that word is translated all throughout this first chapter as and it was so or it came to pass so you could translate this second verse and it came to pass that earth became a chaotic wasteland of course we know that he did not make a chaotic wasteland because it is said in Deuteronomy 32:4 God's work is perfect and in Psalm 111 3 God's work is glorious so togu Baba who is not glorious I was preaching on this in Munich one time years and years ago and a German woman there said ah we know the meaning of tongue of Ababu we we got it from the Jews it's a saying we have that they said it all the time it means she said like this you know those German housewives they cleaned so well and she said you clean all your house in the springtime and you sit back and look at the grape how it is and then you think ah my teenagers bedroom you go to the teenager's bedroom bedroom you open the door and you say this place is Chavo who will come and clean it up so it gave me a meaning something to put on the that this place is toku babalu now we also know that this talk of a beau who what it means because other scriptures give us the very same scriptures that gives us the very same word so if you'll turn to isaiah 45:18 hallelujah this is another time in the Bible when that word Tohu is used isaiah 45:18 for thus saith jehovah that created the heavens God Himself that formed the earth and made he hath established it he created it not in vain he formed it to be inhabited I am Jehovah their son elephants that word vain is toku so this verse tells us absolutely for sure he didn't make a toad it became Tohu but he didn't make it to who so if it became tofu and he didn't make it Tohu how did he he made it to be inhabited and you can see from Genesis the whole chapter 1 that he had to he had to recreate that place so that it would be habitable for when he's gonna come down and make a man now ok how did it become Ahuva bohu if you have a reference Bible and you have a reference it will give you Jeremiah 4 23 and 27 so we're gonna go to Jeremiah 4 23 through 27 and we're gonna see Jeremiah is a prophet and God can take profits just like he took a zekiel and took him to the valley of the dry bones he took the Prophet Jeremiah and he let Jeremiah see when the earth became toe huva bohu 4:23 Jeremiah writes I beheld the earth and lo it became toe huva babu there are the words again the Hebrew words and the heavens and they had no light I beheld the mountains and lo they trembled and all the hills moved lightening I beheld and lo there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled I beheld and lo the fruitful place was a wilderness and all the cities thereof were broken down so he saw this place he saw it and suddenly there's no light and suddenly the mountains are all shaking and all the hills are moving there's not even a bird left and there's no being left on it and all the cities thereof are broken down so what he's watching here is a place it had cities it had life but it's gone the light left and it's gone and he watches and and and and what caused this to happen what caused it to be broken down verse 26 I beheld and lo the fruitful place was a wilderness and all the cities thereof were broken down by what the presence of Jehovah by his fierce anger for thus hath the Lord said the whole land shall be desolate yet will I not make a full end what we're talking about here is Earth and we're talking about what I believe is the fall of Lucifer it was the fall of Lucifer that got that earth into the toe Gulabo who state now you remember that Lucifer was not created a devil he made a devil out of himself and he had a kingdom he had a place that he was over the Bible reveals this I don't have time to go into all of it tonight with you I like to it's really fun to do but we are told in Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 12 through 15 that God speaks to how the king of Tyre an evil spirit rules down through the Prince of Tyre and the Bible says to the one that is in the heavenlies they the evil king and the heavenlies were Satan's setup you know he says to him you were in Eden you were covered with jewels you had music within you when you walked till iniquity was found in you and so he's talking about Lucifer we know it's Lucifer if we go on over to Isaiah 14 verses 12 through 14 not gonna read all of those but when oh it just tickles me I get so excited talking about Isaiah 11 because I'm so tempted to go there I think a will damn em I got to come back here I get so tickled because of what I see happening you know Satan Lucifer he's not in heaven now I mean he's not in Hell now Isaiah 14 I don't know him I said 11 but it's 14 he's not in Hell he's going to hell but he's not there yet he's the Prince of the power of the air now we're coming into the judgement of the earth Earth's gonna be judged God's taken out wickedness and when this this this this final wickedness is gone from the earth oh the earth is remained so we'll pick it up there at verse 7 chapter 14 verse 7 well we better go back to verse 4 it talks about the king of Babylon that's Lucifer in this case number 5 the Babylonian system he's the king of the babylonian system verse 5 jehovah has broken the staff of the wicked talking about a very certain wicked the wicked personification of wicked is lucifer now god's judged it and oh the earth is happy verse 7 the whole earth is at rest and is quiet they break forth into singing this is at the judgment of Lucifer they're so happy now he's gonna go to hell after he spent a thousand years in the pit after that time during the Millennium he'll going to help and when he does go to hell who's down in there those kings that he deceived and they see him coming and and and verse 9 he'll from beneath has moved for thee to meet Lee at thy coming it stirs up the dead for thee all the chief ones of the earth it has raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations he is identified in this passage and others as the one who just see Nations he's the one who comes to deceive them the Kings he deceived Hitler he deceived Ayatollah Khomeni there are cells down there Isaiah 24 when kamini died the Lord showed me he's in a cell next to Hitler and they're down there and this guy promised them a kingdom and they drew it with him and now they're down there and here he comes you know MA and here's what they say verse 11 all they shall speak and say unto thee are you also become weak as US are you become like us your pump is brought down to the grave and noise of your vials the worm is spread over you the worms cover you how are you fallen from heaven o Lucifer Sun in the morning how did it happen this is what those kings down there saying to him how are you cut down to the ground which did that's why we got to keep him off our president keep him off our rulers because his aim is to weaken the nations for here's how it happened here's how iniquity was found on didn't make a Pinocchio God doesn't make Pinocchio's or robots he puts in people in creatures and he put in the Angels wills and your future is determined by your will I don't care if somebody hurts you in a church a hundred years ago you better just forget it because they're not going to determine your future or even your present in and your enjoying the blessings of God don't let them keep you out of church if you're watching online you need to be assembled you better run to the church where God sends you bless the Lord because it's your little will in here and it was his will what do you do of this will you said in your heart I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the North Sea he's in a place he's in the kingdom where he has to ascend to get to God I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High no you gonna be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit and they that look on you shall narrowly say is this the one that made the earth to tremble and shift nations there was a real time when he was on this earth and he had I don't know what the beings were but they were here some of them were dinosaurs I think and those two beings whoever followed him he said let's go up I'm gonna he saw God's throne he had been to God's throne he walked up and down the stones of fire and he decided he was tired of just given worship he's gonna receive it himself and he's gonna sit there with God there really was a Star Wars yeah there really was and I think God let him get real close and said don't fire till you see the whites of his eyes because Jesus said Luke 10:18 records it I beheld Satan as lightning fall from the sky that's what God gave him fierce anger he was so angry the mountains of this earth shook I think that's you think God put cracks under California and a big old crack right down the middle of Africa down de through Israel from Syria down to Africa no he didn't make it earth like that he creates gloriously perfect and I'll tell you another thing whatever God started he finishes in perfection so this earth Satan Lucifer he might have dragged that thing down the earth to crack but it's gonna end up in perfection and God's working the plan right now when you live and when you live and when I live we need to know what's God's plan and what we're supposed to do in it guess we thrilled Peter said don't be short-sighted hallelujah bless Lord so that's what made him so mad that's what's so angry the fierce presence of the Lord that's what it says in jeremiah chapter four and verse 26 and it says there was no light you ever watched those dinosaur experts what do they call them paleontologists whatever they're funnier than the dinosaurs warning was particularly funny I used to watch a lot and they get they got all these theories what happened to the dinosaurs oh brother some of them are x-rated I couldn't even tell you I'm kind of tempted to tell you but you know not to temptation for yielding is sin praise the Lord in other word they were too large anyway anyway whatever that's all their theories and I've been watching them for years and years and years years but now they've all agreed on one theory that all the dinosaurs died on one day now that's what they think now they get closer science gets closer and closer you know to truth and if you told I am one day they think that a meteor hit Earth I don't know if the meteor hit it or not but I know one thing God took the light out and if you take the light out not just the Sun but God Himself those dinosaurs they found them and there died in the midst of a bite of a leaf if all if God went away from Earth right now you and I would soon be studied in a future we found all these bones sitting in this one place and Peter calls it the world that then was second Peter oh what a book that is all prophetic all tells you when Jesus is coming I think I'll preach I don't we'll go home at 6:00 in the morning no hallelujah glory to God and so when he takes away the light he's talking about himself there is no life and in all of God's great creation which is glorious and perfect in this universe there's a dark spot and that dark spot has become tohe vah beaucoup and that dark spot is Earth how long it lay like that I don't know however long true science needs between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 but even when that day came that cataclysmic day wins his Lucifer's Kingdom fell God knew that one day is gonna clean it all up straighten it all up God can't have his creation not come to his purpose bless the Lord he's God so he knew that he would one day bring earth back to perfection and he started by the Holy Ghost hovering over the dark spot the dark spot that's Laden there for as long as true science needs and now here's what whether or not you can believe all that what I just told you you gotta believe it was toha babalu because the word says it was so if you think it wasn't billions of years ago fine just know that 6,000 years ago that's why we're about at the end of the sixth day here on God's work week given to Adam 6,000 years ago before that Holy Ghost starts to move now I want to tell you you can throw stones that may kick me out as a Croft false prophet or every what else you want to do but I started having visions I'm teaching on this at the Sunday School class and I start in Genesis 1:1 and God starts to giving me visions and I saw that angels are a little gossipy because God said to me and I put it in my book here and I gotta read it exactly i I don't want to get the words wrong you know here God is there watching him God told to me I didn't do this thing in a corner he said all creation was watching when the Holy Ghost starts to move on the earth hallelujah and we see here as he begins in Genesis 1:1 and he did things and he called them the first day the second day the third day the fourth day the fifth day particularly interesting to go to God did not create well we'll go back to the first the first thing was God said was ye AR and the Bible doesn't even use other words it just says you AR and those angels in this place where God had removed the lights they saw him come and say lights V and according to the Hebrew light bead and he's not talking about the Sun the Moon and stars in their present order of things they didn't come untold the fourth day he's talking about himself he had removed himself from the from the fallen kingdom of Satan he had removed himself from that and the light it said there was no light God went there so to get life back what do you gotta have light and you've got to have God who is light so God said ye AR or it's light and ye a or so the angel saw it there eternal beings they remember how the light left billions of years ago and then he goes the first day the second day the third day and in verse 11 it says and God said let the earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed the fruit tree yielding after his kind whose seed is in itself upon the earth and the earth brought forth grass and seed he didn't create new plant life he called it Caesar like that they find seized from the tombs of the Pharaohs and they plant them they can still germinate Caesar wonderful we heard wonderful things about seeds about God from seeds so he called forth that from the previous creation the world that then was all fossil life Bullinger says all dinosaurs and all that business are from the world that then was so God calls forth from the world that then was he calls forth the seeds and he doesn't use the word created again bara until we come down to the fourth day and then we see that he verse 21 God created great whales and every living thing that moves so when he got down to the animal life he created again bara he created and he made I'm sure the angels were watch and they said whoo that's a funny thing he made a little monkey then he made a big old giraffe and a big old elephant and all of those animals he created then you get down to the sixth day and I call it the most angel astonishing day of all this is where God said to me I stepped to the center of this unit center stage of this universe I did not do this thing in a corner I saw this I heard these things I can still hear the inflection of his voice he said I made I want to get exactly right what he said to me I did not do this in a corner all were watching when I stepped to center stage and made a declaration and who attract all creation as it reverberated from the regions of glory to the regions of the Damned and I in my vision I didn't see his face or anything like that but this great light and I saw him at the center of it all and I heard the voices voice and it was like a voice that shook things and it said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and then I heard this is how I think that angels are gossipy now God didn't say angels are gossipy but yeah I heard this little statement let us make man in our image and then I heard just going all throughout the creation what does the man what are some man what's the man was a man what's a man what's a man maha dom maha Dhamma what's a man had never heard of one and so one of those angels asked God about it now we know these are the words of an angel because in Hebrews it tells us that was from the scripture in hebrews we know that an angel asked this question some people think that it was a satan some commentators write this was Satan asking it no when it was kind of a Peter type angel you know that would ask questions that others dared not ask even though they might wondered about it so this angel comes up with this turn to Psalm chapter 8 ohoho glory be to God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah see when I get to preach this I get to relive it mm-hmm Psalm chapter 8 Shelly I'm surprised I could even cook the potatoes that night bless the Lord where these things came that came like a I haven't had visions like this about anything else I've had some vision about the church and different things but not like they were coming in and not like God was showing then he actually gave me a message that became my message to preach when I'll tell you what that message was when we get over to the part of it here's the angel Psalm 8 verse 3 we know an angel said this because it told us to us in Hebrews that he did the angel starts out he's watched the creation and he starts out kind of bragging on God you know when I consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained it's almost like I do have one question just one question here what is a man what is man they never know one that you are mindful of him what is a man that you thought him up what is the man that you had him in your mind and your being he thought of them and the son of man that you visit him angels as far as we know had to go calling on God but here's one that God gets off the throne and goes it calls on in the garden what is this being that you visit him for you have made him a little lower than the Angels I think most of you know that that word angels is really in the Hebrew Elohim and it is the plural of God L is God Iman the end makes it plural I think it shows God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost I think it shows the triune God what is this creature that you've made just a little lower than the triune God you know I think angels had always known this order of things this hierarchy there's the triune God God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost then there the Archangels and then there are the angels but now God slips somebody just under the triune God and over the Angels you met him just a little more they didn't even know such a position existed and don't you promote from within people are always trying to get God to be fair you might as well know God is God what is it you made him just a little lower than the triune Godhead and you crowned him what in the world you crowned him that angel is smart enough to know who wears crowns who does Kings wear crowns God got up off his throne and in a ceremony that had more pomp and and Majesty than when you watched crowns on Netflix with more than any earthly king has ever been crowned music pomp Majesty God walks over to that creature has just made a dumb a creature of blood that's what his name means and he puts a crown on his head what in the world you've crowned him what was a crown made of was it made of silver was it made of gold was it made of diamond tiara no you have crowned him with glory and honor glory might not seem like much to some folks but its highest heavenly substance glory of God is the presence of God Himself glory of God is God and usually in the Bible if God manifests you could see him like a cloud like a fire like a smoke and God glows goes over to a domme and crowns him with glory fixing forever the place of men in God's plans his aim hallelujah you know Adam wasn't naked God closed things he closed beers with fuzzy-wuzzy and birds with feathers and he didn't make man naked he crowned him with glory and man wore that glory as his crown and as his clothing hallelujah until the saddest saddest verses in the Bible I think God knew what happened and he came down in the cool of the day and he said where are you Adam he said we were what the Bible says they hid themselves from the presence and Adam said we are naked and we hid ourselves they weren't naked before they fell there were only naked when they fell and now they can't abide the presence of God they walked in it they enjoyed it they moved in it created in it but now they have to hide so back to when I was seeing this in those days in that classroom one of the visions and I think the most vivid that God gave me was on a Sunday morning and I was getting ready to go teach the Sunday school class and I had this vision and when I eventually went to the Sunday School class I don't know if you've ever watched gospel bill but miss Lana on there was a member of our church and she's still a member of our church and she remembers that I came to church that Sunday with only one of my eyes made up because I had seen the vision in the middle of getting ready for Sunday morning class I had put a grossed on you know gotten up with the roaster on got up real early like 5 o'clock put a roast on cuz Kent he thought I was a best preacher in the world he did he told her Elizabeth Prudie thinks brother Hagin gets his ideas from me I told brother Hagin so that's fine for him to think that but when he came home from church he didn't want a sermon he wanted to eat so little old collinsville no place to go out nothing we cooked her Sonny dinner I put a roasted potatoes and carrots and onions and we only had one bath to him and for about four children two of them daughters so I had to go and get myself ready first we we had to remember that big wide mirror that went all across and I'm standing there and I'm putting my face on and over my right shoulder hi I heard a voice and to me it sounded audible I don't know if you'd been there you'd heard it but I remember the inflection it said do you know Romans 3:23 my first thought was thank God is when I know I was raised Baptist and Baptist lead a lot of folk to Jesus and the road that go down used to in ours of the Baptist was the Roman Road and this was one of the first stops so new leading someone to Christ and ice turn around I turn around I mean like this you know and I'm getting ready I turn around and I said for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and the last four words I just barely could get out like a peep because I saw that the fall was from the highest glory down to the deepest depths and I tell you the truth ice in slow motion I started to faint and God with a word of God like a ticker-tape came down and went into me and of course it's based on the scripture in Hebrews who said which says here's what God said to me but the captain of your salvation is bringing many sons to glory and that revived me and I saw I saw like the circle of glory I saw God crowned the man with glory the man fell from the glory the father of glory crowned the man with glory the man fell from the glory but the Lord of glory who is the captain of our salvation is bringing us back to the glory hallelujah [Applause] the voice said that's what happened in the fall i crowned a man with glory man sinned and felt short of the glory I saw this then I saw the place where God was the throne of God I didn't see him but I saw like a light a bright bright light and I saw the lowest of low places darkness and I saw Satan there and I saw that he had men man was kind of cringing behind them it was a great gulf fixed between the region of the light and the the dark desperate place that Satan had God he had tempted man's will and men had fallen from the glory and the Lord said to me I wish you I want you to look at the fall from my point of view you always look at it from your point of view up out of me came I'd be glad to if you'd show me and so that's when he showed me he showed me how far the fall was and then I saw Lucifer turned Satan with a man cringing at his side and I saw him look up at God and say Franco knew now why they gonna do now what they gonna do now and the Lord said to me he thought that he had stopped my word and if he ever does stop God's word from coming to pass he'll win and God had said let us make man in our image and let them have dominion over the works of our hands he thought he had stopped that plan because he knew that God and His glory cannot work with sin and he had made the man to be spiritual dead spiritually dead and he thought he'd won whining go new nail ain't gonna do now why are you gonna do now and the Lord said to me suddenly I saw Terry my son my older son and he was you know I told you was a bull rider and he was tall and skinny except why shoulders and he had a big old silver belt buckle that's what they gave you in the bull riding stuff and so I saw Terry there and I'm a hugging mother we're a huggy family we hug all the time huggy and I would hug Terry in those days and he'd usually say all mom but he liked it and I liked it so I paid no attention to him hug him anyway and the Lord said to me what if you could not hug Terry for if you hugged Terry you would consume him you would burn him up he said that was my position in the fall he said the natural inclination of a man to a fallen son is to grab him clasp him to his bosom but had I done that with Adam I would have consumed him and with him all mankind and Satan would have won and I thought oh I I looked at Terry and I had such a yearning to hug him and I thought I would forget I betcha I'd forget and hug him and he'd be consumed like King Midas and the golden touch with his daughter and God said that was my position in the fall and so I saw Satan say why didn't gonna do now anger knew now ain't gonna do now and it was emphasized to me that God did not answer him and I saw in the mill of God and remember what I saw was just a light but suddenly a door appeared with a handle on it and it was marked top secret and I knew he didn't have to do anything now cuz he already did something he doesn't surprise God when you miss it or did in your past time when you used to miss it but you don't anymore it didn't surprise him a bit it didn't surprise him when man fell but he knew could fix it the New Testament we read something called the mysteries of God mystery and the New Testament is a greek word transpose transliteration of a mystery on the Greek word mysteries says in 1st Corinthians 14:2 he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks not unto men but unto God no man understands him howbeit in spirit he speaks mysteries God has plans that the New Testament calls mysteries mysterion they are divine secret plans that are concealed but will be revealed and the New Testament talks about several of them the mystery of iniquity the mystery of Israel the mystery of godliness and the mystery of the church and God has the mystery on the mystery of the church and he has this many many times in the Bible hallelujah so I want to take you to uh I thought of so many things I thought of how in the Old Testament they couldn't touch the glory they couldn't go into that holy of holies and about when David was moving the ark you know and the Covenant and who'sa reached out and touched it when the oxen stumble it wasn't that God was just trying to break forth and get him no it was that the glory our God is a consuming fire and whether you like it or you don't he consumed sin sin cannot live in his presence that's why I think you better thank God for the blood that covers you hallelujah hallelujah it's all because of the blood and so where we come in the New Testament and and I can't begin to give you all of this because of time but I do want to take you to 1st Corinthians 2 and I'll try to hurry along here first Corinthians two it's so wonderful God's plan sometimes I say oh what a planner oh what a plan first Corinthians chapter two you got to think about it when Paul wrote these he he's sometimes wrote to people that have been Jews all their life and they knew the Scriptures that's the book of Hebrews but the Corinthians I mean that place was a godless place it was a pagan place and so Paul says to them in first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 1 and I brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified and I was with you in weakness and in fear my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power Dunamis that your faith would not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God I heard a preacher not too long ago say I'm just gonna do what Paul did that's all I'm preaching from then on now on I thought brother we're never gonna grow up then that's what all the preachers do Paul had to go down there and he had to show miracles and signs and wonders for them to get to believe but Paul says when I'm among the mature when I'm among those that have grown up a little I get to talk about the mystery and look what it is verse 6 howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect that means maturer how may have you been born again more than five years have you been in this church five years more you should be pretty grown you should be able to hear some of the plans some of the deeper things he said when I'm among the mature I get to talk about this we speak wisdom among them that are mature it's not the wisdom of this world or really that word is age or not of the census of this age that are coming to nothing but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery here's one of it the hidden wisdom the Bible talks about it over and over and identify said that's hidden hidden in God that's what I saw I saw that door this mystery was behind that door the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world before men fell and here's the purpose of the plan of the hidden wisdom unto our glory the whole plan has to do with men being crowned with the glory falling from the glory but God's bringing many sons unto glory and everything that Jesus did he did it to get us back into that place of the presence of God or say none of the princes of this ager knew Satan didn't know had he known it he would not have crucified who the Lord of glory I'm going to read you verse 7 in the amplified bible but rather what we are sitting forth is a wisdom of god once hidden from the human understanding but now revealed to us by god that wisdom which god devised and decreed before the ages for our glorification that is to lift us into the glory of his presence I was preaching this in Canada once remember the time we had to throw the witches out of the meeting and that's a long story but we got a lot of funny stories bless the Lord we were I was teaching this right here and people are quick to quote to you that scripture which says don't touch the glory God won't share his glory with another he's not gonna share it with any other gods that's what that passage is talking about and you know what a word came in it was in a song and the song said you remember at land I can't remember the tune of it the song said you have heard that I will not share my glory with another but you are not another the church is the body when he raised the head he raised the body I've heard people debate when was the church born was it born here was it born the day of Pentecost I think it was born I think we're told in Ephesians it says when he raised the head he raised the body when he quickened the head he quickened the body when he raised the head he raised the body when he seated the head he seated the body I believe the church was born at the resurrection of Jesus Christ and that's why he could come forth and in John chapter 20 when he met those disciples there as they were assembled he breathed on them and they received the Holy Ghost they were born again glory that's right if they'd known it they wouldn't have crucified the Lord of glory now it speaks over and over in the New Testament about this hidden this hidden wisdom this hidden mystery hidden in God Old Testament prophets didn't see it Matthew Mark Luke and John didn't see it took a little man named Paul and in the book of Galatians it tells us he had to separate himself 17 years in 17 years he was drawn away from Peter and all those James down in Jerusalem 17 years but he got a revelation of God and he came up from their preaching and Peter said boy it's hard to believe some of these things brother Paul got hallelujah but he got it and he got the revelation of the body of Christ and if we ever get it and we're going to get it and we're gonna move in it that's a little bit of what I saw today has to do with that muscle lord I think the most succinct place this mystery is given to us is in and I'll close with this Colossians 1 verse 10 second Corinthians flippy ends Colossians I've got to go back here my pages are not in order but I have a new Bible don't buy me when I got one but it doesn't have the notes in it yet so that's when I don't find a scripture it's usually cuz it's in the wrong place I'm telling you this is over come speak his plan for us his plan for you and here in Colossians it's so succinctly put verse 26 even the mystery which has been hidden from ages and generations but now since Paul Cain made manifest to whom god would make known he wants to make it known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles which is here is the mystery here it is [Music] the Anointed One and his anointing in you your hope of course Christ in you the hope of glory I can just see Satan I told you I saw this he who had said why don't go new now I ain't gonna do now I ain't gonna do now when the first man got born again I can see him flip over backwards and say curses foiled again God's plan and think of it he got a plan for you they're gonna end up in glory fullest now got to read bless the Lord we're gonna go to first Corinthians to know hallelujah and go to go to first Corinthians so let's see what happens there might be second Corinthians it's in the book read the book yeah second Corinthians three I don't have time to talk about all of this but here's the plan he's Christ in you the hope of glory second Corinthians three is talking about when people read the word but they got a veil over their face and they can't understand it he says in 2nd Corinthians 3:18 we all with an open face beholding as in a glass what the glory of God are changed into the same image from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord the amplified makes it really clear all of us with unveiled face because we continue to behold in the Word of God as in a mirror the glory of the Lord we are constantly being transfigured into his very own image in ever-increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to the next [Music] when you got born again the very day he came into you your hope of glory but glory like faith is miserable in degrees and you got all the glory you could stand without blowing up or turn to ashes you got all you could stand I went to work for Kenneth E Hagin in 1970 I was doing the word of faith I would come across things I needed to talk to brother Hagin but he's out on a meeting so I was saved a buddy Harrison when brother Hagin comes in and you just talked to him brother Hagin would come into my office yes I understand you need to talk to me tongue-tied look I can't even remember what it was I wanted to ask him I can't put it into words because it seemed to me like God walked in the room so I thought as soon as he leave and I might get something out he I don't know what but anyway as soon as he'd leave I'd beat myself up what in the world are you acting like you know good and well he's not God just a man don't act like that I beat me up it took God about three or four years to get me to understand what happened and then he said to me you know how about that he said what you sensed was God he said I come into a man and he receives a degree of my glory now the plan is that he goes in the Word of God not looking for something to fight about but looking for the glory and then as he yields to the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost job is to change him in ever-increasing degrees of glory or decrease increasing degrees of me and my presence he said what you do feel when he walks in the room is me it is God he said some people have yielded to the plan and work with the plan better mothers and you know then we all got to know him brother Halverson he walked in such a degree of glory he just stepped out of here and that's what's gonna happen to the church because I don't have time to tell you all this stuff but God gave me my message and it was from Ephesians 5:25 through 27 Christ loved the church and gave himself for her and washed her like Esther got washed with the water the word that he might present her to himself a glorious church and he made me to know that the church Jesus Christ comes for as his bride is not going to be half backslidden in bed with the world but we will have been changed I believe Tommy Hicks vision we will we will have been changed from one degree of the glory to the next to the next to the next I believe if you want to know what Tommy Exhibition was going line we've got at Copeland's got it probably you've got it he saw us all as we had were so glorious healing the sick raising the dead and then he saw us lift off looking like a bride and that's what's gonna happen in the rapture of the church people arguing blit hairs over split raptures don't you think of it God is gonna build himself a temple for his presence it's a Holy Ghost job and we will have been changed from one degree to the next to the next to the next until there's only one more capstone of glory and we're out of here hallelujah and you're in it you're in on the plan he came in you can you remember the day I do I was only I can't remember I was seven or eight but whatever I had been a naughty girl that week and I knew I'd sinned I was born on a church pew and was in every church service I knew I was convicted the Holy Ghost convicts the world of sin now he doesn't convict you of sin your own spirit knows when you sin but he convicts the world did if you ever come through a time of conviction I was born again as a child but even I do it how many of you were born again older and you had a time when you came under conviction and when you turned to him and you believed what we have to believe to get born again you got to believe that God raised Jesus triumphant over dance hell in the court you got to believe that he raised that Jesus was dead and then I got Ray's resurrection and when you do that you say with your mouth I take Jesus as my Lord then he came in you he killed the old man dead all things in your spirit became you and Christ came into you and your spirit he's in you right now and as much as you've yielded to him he's changed you it's the Holy Ghost job until he gets you the body of Christ he gets you in the image of the head Jesus and some of you are further along than others but all of us need to go yielding to the plan and you got to do it in the word got a look in there for the glory and yield to the Holy Ghost and that's what I learned from brother Hagin go in the word and yield to the Holy Ghost and he'll change you till you look just like Jesus don't be a grouchy old man that's not how Jesus is speak kindly to your wife and your children don't be a nag that's not how Jesus is from glory to glory he's changing me changing me changing me his likeness and image to perfect in me the love of God shown to the world he is changing changing me from earth leaf things to the heavenly his likeness and image to perfect in me the love of God shown to the world we'll send up sing it with me let it be your confession close your eyes from glory to glory he's changing me change [Music] changing me his likeness and image to perfect in me the love of God shown to the world he is changing changing me from Earth leave things to the heavenly his likeness and image to perfect in me the love of God shown to the world
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 37,456
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Keywords: Rosh Hashanah, mac hammond, living word christian center, Billye Brim, LWCC, LWCCBP, billye brim prophecy 2020, billye brim prayer, billye brim teachings, billye brim 2019, end times, word of god, billye brim ministries, sid roth billye brim, preaching the gospel, christian sermons, sermons, jesus christ, mac hammond ministries, faith, pastor mac hammond, dr billye brim, billye brim 2021, billye brim, The Revelation of the Glory, what is rosh hashanah, jewish new year
Id: iv79fbJpFCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 15sec (5355 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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