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[Music] [Music] hello all right mate you got a science fair wait a glock spawned or do you drop this should we should we leave them i saw a ammo on top of this paper [ __ ] moe's name oh so i'm not sure if it spawned there or someone dropped that i'm gonna check here real quick all this stuff is still here yes stuff i dropped same [ __ ] and i don't even respond yeah we're good so what i was thinking is roll south check a couple heli crashes go east to another bigger military base and then go east again and hit up another helicrash there's a couple to our south but that's literally it south right now is no man's land land sorry okay yeah i'm down for whatever i just don't know do we wait for these guys it's up to you you're rolling them before me yeah i'll leave it to you my friend wait a little bit should be joining soon the reason i have rope is because i want to uh why do i have rope i want to oh i want to make an improvised backpack that's why doesn't he have the spark plug i do okay i have the spark plug but they have a helicopter battery and an igniter for a helicopter so technically we can get a helicopter if we find well we still need the hose but imagine [ __ ] flying a helicopter i've done that arm in a long time ice actually i was actually i used to be able to uh fly one of those things i used to be able to fly in arma that's pretty cool i liked it because it it wasn't skillful but it kind of was you know you had to be very safe super easy yeah you had to be very safe like when you were landing how many times i blew us i blew us up cannot tell you how many times i remember charging right out of [ __ ] guy that was parachuting out of the sky with my bite with my little uh my minion helicopter it was called and he blew me up he was fine my [ __ ] helicopter blew up and i died and he's his hat is [ __ ] chilling i feel like i remember that isn't that in your intro or your outro is in one of them i think it might be outrageous yo yo is that your pistol that you dropped back there oh my god you spawned in holy [ __ ] scared me all right let's go back to the car i have a plan we're gonna search for helicrashes i really hope the car didn't despawn i like this plan let me grab this sk up here you are on fire when you see somebody they're dead where's the oh [ __ ] he's afk all right sorry about that the dogs were killing me and i went to go get a g fuel where you at uh i thought i saw him run up come out to the left on the other side of the fence before you kill the guy yes yes yes did you guys hear someone no no i just said let's roll we're gonna go it's like a play carrier let's go come here hold on hold on what the [ __ ] that's so lucky end of that no i'm missing i didn't i didn't damage it we're good oh does anyone have saline can you um craft that so we can have like uh inventory slots uh you could find pouches oh our buddy just died our buddy just died our buddy just died what the [ __ ] that's what our buddy just died everybody just died everybody just it just fell died it was just like an awkward silence like what happened holy [ __ ] i hear a shot hear a body hit the floor oh my god that's crazy bro i was right next to him really i was i was looting them i was looting the play carrier like prone right next to him i don't know if he didn't see me off oh that is like uh our shot was not that far off by the way he was close as [ __ ] yeah what do we do do we wait for him if we take the car or i mean we're going in blind against this guy we have we don't know we only know a general area we don't know exactly anywhere anywhere near what he actually is at you know we want to fight this no we don't know where he is that was terrifying literally just witnessed this man fall over you are [ __ ] lucky dude you just weren't simply not chosen or not spotted i think he had to have seen me i was right next to him zoomed in bro if you zoomed in i'm thinking about doing it let's go there he [ __ ] saw you bro yeah apparently the other guy was standing still a little bit harder than you were prone and dude you know like he looked a little bit juicier i guess i i wasn't even paying attention i heard a shot and was thinking like well that was pretty close shot you started spamming our body's dead this place is hot dude i didn't realize that so many people are here dude i love this tree liner oh give me more of this these christmas trees they just hurt my heart the other two nuts i really hope this guy doesn't have like sight line on our car or something that would suck that would be insane he's so far to our right right now like there's no yeah but look our car is literally in the middle of the street you know true but i still don't think that would be here he would have the same ang he would have to move after that shot for sure no way he has an hang up here well a car's right here so impossible brother i guarantee you you can even that thing start honking the horn he will not shoot you i'm following the other guy where the [ __ ] you go i'm on the road you guys passed it okay yeah no we went no we went to the ride i'm scared to get into the car dude i'm so scared it's like so exposed this whole hill okay on i don't think we're at the right spot we went down to another road maybe yeah you guys went past it for sure if you're on the main road just go up it then you probably passed this big rock i had to guess he actually might have an angle are you above us on this rock i think so oh yeah yeah i hear you guys that's you yeah yeah yeah i see the car okay i can't really tell you give me an angle of where you think that sniper is right now give me direction because i have lost track yeah we should clear this um he thinks it's this way apparently i mean any of these the rocks straight in front of us the hill to the left you know like right over here i'm just i don't see anything i guess i'll take the chance unless we tell our buddy to that's pretty [ __ ] up hey your friend already died man you just you tried they weren't they weren't actually friends this is funny part they're randoms yeah they just met up oh man good old daisy uh are you guys lagging right now no no oh he's playing shocking at you okay man okay like ready all right i'm gonna try to drink to you i'm gonna try a moment of truth i'm i'm gonna try to get in moment of truth yeah i think we're here we go unless you wanna drive and you wanna get it out of here first no no all right [ __ ] it if i die that's so be it all right jump in please don't shoot me please don't shoot me please don't shoot me please don't shoot me i wanted to go the i want i wanted to go south i want that away that's such a butthole pucker moment i actually wanted to go south because i want to look for helicrashes but i'll try to map a different plan here it's hard to do this while driving [ __ ] me actually there's a hell we're coming up to a crash right now actually that's fine see if it's here i hate that you can't access your inventory i hate that you can't shoot give me that give me give me my inventory see any smoke to the left through these trees probably not negative okay well some will have smoke some won't no they they always have smoke i'm pretty sure unless they're about to expire then the smoke is gone they'll disappear they're on the timer that's how that's what i think we're driving past uh another military spot so we'll see what happens this is the way we came yep it is holy [ __ ] that was scary jesus christ did you guys pack my ipad what you brought an ipad i need my ipad to watch something back oh yeah yeah for sure run low on gas actually here you know has anyone ever told you you have really pretty eyes that sounds like something someone would say before they shoot them don't shoot me blondie no not you oh listen you guys are supposed to be my spotters you see any smoke there's helicrashes to the left and right here nothing all right cool i have to figure out where the [ __ ] oh i know where i am we're good there's another helicopter spawn to the right i don't see it though this is hard to do i'm mapping it while driving the dude was actually right in front of me where i was looking in a tree and i i couldn't see him yeah he was close he shot from where you came from i knew that i i yeah i did yeah i know i had no idea even after he shot i was still baffled and you go back and you like play player player player [Music] can you guys hear me dude it's okay he doesn't know we're here where he was the player like literally in front of us like uh yeah he was in the street so was he looking at us or no way no he's looking the other way i don't think he heard us but the crash maybe he might have heard the crash just maybe i'm starting to wake up he's to the right somewhere i don't think he would have heard it but we'll see he definitely knows we're here i wouldn't i would assume i wouldn't assume that he knows we're knocked the [ __ ] out on the floor right now i think he was too far to hear it but i'm coming too oh what's going on all right we lost our car so that kind of sucks my bed dude i hate [ __ ] bushes in this game bro oh you'll see the smoke for sure all right sorry about that uh there's a player up front that's all i heard and then [ __ ] stupid man those bushes are like i should be able to tear that down are you kidding me he's by police car where's this guy where is he he's not he can't be that far probably in this tree line over here let's see i'm glad you don't just die you should die are you on the right side yeah i'm on the right i'm clearing it because i think he went this way i don't know why would he not try to kill us i mean one didn't notice two things were pushing up on him right now so he's just running yeah we're here i mean it could be could be waiting could be running i don't know where you are so i'm a little worried i'm going through a [ __ ] christmas patch so i went like far right that sucks man i lost the [ __ ] car hey this [ __ ] sun is murdering me dude [ __ ] yeah i'm going back to his car all right well we'll see what parts are salvageable they're all good so you know those you know the bushes that like have it kind of looks like this literally looks like a bush with like a stick in it okay i thought i could drive through it i was wrong it was a complete brick wall holy [ __ ] there's just a vitality at pb19 chillin in this [ __ ] police car i'm coming to you don't blast me i'm on your right wait we found him that was him that was him 100 that was him so he looked he looped around he was smart did you did you see that go down come again did you did you see that happen yeah i was just coming up through here and saw you guys kind of wreck your car yeah yeah yeah yeah i want to see if we can salvage anything from this thing spark plug oh you could salvage it all easy it's like it never happened yeah you just can't drive it anymore like it never happened can't drive anymore okay good news none of the parts are destroyed bad news we lost our car so that is it like done no it's done so yeah but we got the parts they're salvageable so that's pretty cool i'm just saying man this guy looks tough and all but i think the car would have went right over top of him yeah we swerved because i suck we swerved because i saw you like i thought you're gonna blast us dude [ __ ] no i'm just exploring out today do you know the map do you know of any car spots do you see any that we could maybe take yeah we should pull the uh pull some parts at least oh oh i see i see okay so you came down that way all right there's a military base down that way hold on i got an idea here uh if you take all the parts and you put it on the ground that's the best bet you got the i got the radiator but the battery is like kind of sketchy to get you guys need any ammo of any kind oh yes you got me i'm looking person 308 and i got some 380 a little bit of seven six two three nine twenty two yeah that's fine what do you need all right what do you want to do i want to go south and hit up this military base that's under us and there's actually car spawns so that'd be nice to find another one yeah you guys just gonna grab it you grab all the stuff out of there yeah we put them on the ground like the wheels and stuff because the car is gonna despawn in probably like 15 minutes 20 minutes but if we split the parts up put them on the ground okay i got a pretty sweet scope kill i don't need it oh [ __ ] let's go can you come across any scopes is that an m14 nope that's all i got no m14 on your back yeah what is that good anyway why does he why does he respond so slowly hello can you hear me i don't know maybe he's talking to other people i'm worried about this he's responding so slowly every time whoa what what's happening our buddies you hear me our buddy's shooting i was testing i was testing your hearing man oh he didn't shoot adam we shot next to him oh he's lucky yo can you guys hear me yeah i hear you i hear you can you guys hear me yeah yeah is this guy [ __ ] serious right now do it do it do it like talking someone or maybe he's muted don't be encouraging is he doing it i don't know dude he's doing it he's doing it listen dude he's coming him bro how hard yeah bro what if he just died what if our buddy just died oh my god i think our buddy's dead this guy's still alive okay uh listen are you shooting yeah hit him in the leg we're shooting at this guy now far is he is he running he's running left to right he's bleeding right now did our buddy her buddy really fail that that hard i i heard that he dipped in the tree he dipped in the tree line i'm backing up to you he's bleeding he's not gonna fight right now he's gonna just keep running i wanna see if our buddy actually died let me see no way he [ __ ] that one up i'm going to where i see you i see you no way the guy [ __ ] that up that hard [Music] is there a body anywhere i mean we didn't hear any uh gunshots after all right i don't know where this guy could have died if he did but i'm pretty sure he did had to be close real close right yeah it should have been around here unless i won his armband plus he didn't die and he kept chasing his ass no come on dude here what no way right you shot him in the leg didn't you did you see anyone near him no i didn't i didn't see anyone tracing him i'm is you right here right oh he's right here what do you mean you're literally on him oh what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i i just walked i just got here bro how did he [ __ ] that up what i'm not 100 sure to be honest bro what he [ __ ] that one up oh my god unbelievable you want to take my backpack i'm going to take his assault bag mm-hmm i don't really want to i i'm i worry that's site in your bag the sight line of that i i just don't i don't want to stick around because that guy clearly doesn't like us anymore oh really i mean i shot it yeah because that sight line that's you're so exposed i'm in self-defense you're so exposed to where i shot at the guy from and that guy had a sniper rifle with a water bottle espresso so i don't even want to like you i just want to dip south all right i got this guy's food i need his food come on like let's grab this [ __ ] thing here and get out of here let's go there come yeah come to the road i grabbed his pot and i don't know what's in it but i grabbed it that's come this way bro i can't stuff everything in his bag around i can't believe that i can't he had two free shots this range with a shotgun i know and he just whiffed one with two the guy ran away he took out that other guy's probably like damn dude how did i get out of that alive he was so nice man he seemed like cool dude our boy was just frustrated that he wasn't speaking to him hold on let's see what's in his pot oh hell yeah this dude was holding back on us brother a couple things of me you want one are you good i'm good i'm chilling that's the meat that we cooked like way earlier i think yeah yeah got a big old piece of fat for me i encouraged him to die dude i said do it he was feeling real confident and he you can tell the bloodlust was there he didn't kill someone wow you know it's uh it wasn't it wasn't you know it wasn't meant to be us and them you know what i mean too much blood lust to go around oh man our randoms just died they're dead but the great eye the good news is i mean it's just us two yeah that's great we both have play carriers that guy's going to track you guys down [ __ ] i wish he could track us down i wish ah catch our scent put a bounty on us do anything i'm damn no way not a chance oh man i love before he killed our buddy he said like are you really trying to kill me that's like what the guy said he's like are you really trying to kill me and he was like he just seemed like so like sad that we were or he was betraying him yeah i mean it could have been worse we could have uh well i mean you kind of participated a little bit but you're mostly looking for vengeance yeah you let the 1v1 go down out of respect for that guy being in a weird position not to mention he could have probably killed one of us to start that [ __ ] out yeah yeah he could have he could own this on his own terms yeah and all it takes he walks dude now i know if a car [ __ ] crashes like that i'm about to walk over and just start popping people in the ground dude i didn't know you got knocked out that hard that guy's [ __ ] dream came true right there good thing i'm glad he lived to be honest he's got a story to tell yep these dudes thought they had me in a 3v1 situation one of them tried to take advantage kind of shotgun i pulled out my [ __ ] cheese he gave it to him gave it to him we're going to a military spot right now all of a sudden we heard and we just here [Laughter] said there's no more booze oh speaking of which could be him could be actually i mean the shots that someone could have heard the shotgun shots and all that and then they came and they bumped into that guy yeah that guy was looking geared i wanted to kill him for the gear but also like yeah what is this oh car get the [ __ ] out of here right now got a shotgun in it it's in good condition it just doesn't have a battery and a radiator but our old car had it oh wait no we couldn't take the battery out that's right because it was [ __ ] okay so you think someone left do you think someone like drove it in there and they couldn't drive it out because cars are stupid in this game it's definitely because like that's happened sometimes you're going a little dip like that and you're screwed oh yeah that's happened well we can check and see if there's parts here let's do it it's probably his idea you got an armband on right orange orange yeah orange armband i don't really like how my character's looking though i'm kind of looking like karen's and just got out of basic training it's a field jacket here if you need one oh hell most damage though oh wait my jacket's in that still i think i have no months i'll find something i don't think you'd use duct tape on clothes can you yeah you use that tape on everything i have duct tape then you can use it on everything there you go oh thanks man how do they do that all right i'm looking a lot better how do they make that noise some sort of like [ __ ] mask or something to cover this this ridiculous face i got i mean like i like uh face mask you know you look like the girl version of my character [Laughter] are we going here oh no that's right this building you go on the roof though pretty sure wait no just this okay i've never seen these buildings yeah we're close to a military spot oh a little military loot right here a little taser a ballistic vest that's it though it's very nice many welts let's go what a [ __ ] journey this was it's been interesting oh these pants are good but they're not bds yeah i might actually take them one of my favorites with my face a little bit hold on there we go come on bro let me fix these pants all right that's good enough all right roll let's go i accidentally right clicked on the question actually left click [Music] um it is pretty much the same it's probably a little lighter than yours yeah i thought about picking up because it was darker but flight helmet tactical belt let's go and a note that says i'm tired hungry i got a nice stack of ammo i'll be heading south approximately 4 p.m 3 9 20 20 what's today that was a long [ __ ] time ago six months ago oh my god he's hella dead unless he does it backwards in which case that was only three days ago i believe oh that has to be it that that's dude listen i'm that's the smartest thing i've ever heard you say ever okay i don't know if i should be insulted or what i bet you that was his car think so it's definitely plausible i like that people do that it's cool immersion did you lock yourself in here wait you're not in this did you hear me kill that zombie uh uh yeah i'm opening my barracks right now coming out oh okay you aren't here okay what's up sorry i thought you meant like the door was actually locked i was like uh no there's nothing in here huh are you starting i wish i had a sniper built up that was a guy aiming at me oh apparently everyone but america does it the other way or it's day month day month year but we do month day so yeah that was probably three days ago six months ago oh man i was like man i was like thinking to myself like dude notes last a long time man holy [ __ ] i'm not climbing that ladder oh what the hell oh this one darker oh there's stuff in it oh this is definitely his old bag 100 oh someone's old back you think it was his smack i'm going to take this i'm actually going to take this um backpack cover me got you mate there's an og here bro what zombie's getting close there's an og you're okay you have nothing around you sorry i want edge all right there's a jacket here brother pea coat sorry look kind of military-esque a good building unless he dropped all this stuff he sprinkled it around oh people here yeah i heard that zombie aggro and i was like that's not us they're really close actually it doesn't sound that close you think it's just kind of muffled for us maybe but that zombie aggregate on someone that definitely wasn't us like i heard it aggro okay like real close so i'll just probably let's come on the street line real quick wait okay i'm going under it you know all right let me go unless that zombie did aggro on us but it really it's just weird i literally heard it aggro on something someone might have ran by let's just stay in the trees here up top and take a little peek oh my god this is nuts i can see everything dang yeah i don't have a scope though so that sucks i can see everything but i'm not really gonna be able to right i don't know where exactly where these shots came from they were deeper at the military spot they have to be i'm just gonna assume that zombie aggroed on us because i don't see any movement do you i'm looking around do you think they're in the compound no not the shots the shots were further i'm saying the aggro yeah unless you could act on something unless it was angered on us i guess i don't see anything though [ __ ] it i'm gonna move down on the left here make our way to those shots why not 1080p because 1080p is hot garbage don't worry next stream my resolute next stream my resolution is going to be 9 36. i learned something new thanks chad you guys make me feel smarter nvgs or that strap brother headstrap for the envy i feel like on this map nvgs would actually be kind of nice on the on the helmet nice on there oh you mean like it gets a little bit dark enough don't they have to see you tagger i don't think they can hear you they can hear you yeah that's why i thought maybe it was us because we sprinted a little bit all right we don't see anything be careful in this tree line though a little scary sorry i thought i saw something i just don't have a scope i i feel like you're looking at the same thing as i am looks like the guy's prone to yeah off to the off to the right kind of yeah yeah okay yeah see the road looks super sketch out there it looks out of place completely what is the goal of this game to have a great time the goal is to survive kill make friends build a little camp if you want pretty much whatever you want it to be that's kind of your it's like your own personal goals you know yeah this this is more like a [ __ ] turner grass tree line up here the bottom tree line's a little better though i want to see if there's any military buildings in this little area here i think there is like one i can't tell i don't understand we should be close to this military area the [ __ ] is it no ideal should be really close like what is this you know this tree line right here i'm feeling this one it's kind of like death tree line below the airfield i figure out where the [ __ ] we are um checking out they can that's true these aren't military buildings the [ __ ] are you i just went back to the industrial buildings here i'm just trying to get a better understanding of the heck we went i mean there's a [ __ ] dirt road right here it goes up the mountain a little um yeah but if it's where i think it says uwaga no it looks like no civilians i know how to speak this language no i'm here that says no walking dude yeah i i've lost you completely by the way all right i'm going back to the gesture yeah come back here i see you running down the hill right down the hill yeah okay dude that orange band is nice that doesn't stand out too much but it's noticeable on your outfit at least yeah i want to go backtrack and loot some of this because oh is this a car spawn oh it is i've never seen this car before oh it's got everything there's a guy in compound some people someone said i mean this car is perfectly intact like we could take it right now outside yeah i'm right next to this yellow car all right i'm walking into the car here yeah this thing is perfect it's got everything i'm ready to go and then i want to just keep walking around though okay the barrel here make a stash right now dude i found my first barrel stash actually you found one yeah it didn't have anything it didn't have anything in it it just like looked cool i've never seen someone do it that's pretty bad all right let's look at these these have military you're taking it for your own dude but like [ __ ] this man now cargo pants combat boot ain't [ __ ] we ain't found [ __ ] got a car that's pretty taser military sweater i'm 14 bag i guess i'll take it i don't know i'm trying to figure out where like i think i know where we are all right are you at the car i don't know uh i can go back to it bro where i have a feeling i know maybe okay i guess we'll just take it right i mean it's just there to take this guy is either extremely composed and waiting for you to get into the driver's seat or i mean like even then i'll body block let's go i don't believe it nobody camps cars in 2020. human beings will do anything any year to survive and win a lot of fuel let's go we're dead we're dead oh it's smoking uh water um we could drive it a little bit i guess but we need water actually i have i have a lot of water um i don't want to like we should feel it yeah i don't want to blow it up so i'll park it right here and feel it inside here i'll just use my cooking pot i go refill oh 20 round m14 mag if if we are where i think we are okay there is a lake going north there's so many roads here where i think we are there's so many roads so all right just [ __ ] let's just take one yeah oh [ __ ] my thing's filled up too but i mean i don't know this thing good you think i should put it in yeah [ __ ] it we'll we'll get to this lake hopefully all right should be good now honestly it should be more than enough in there let's see what happens oh yeah like it was perfect on the road again like how easy it is to start these up true they're just there for us i don't want to go too fast because i don't know what's on the road here okay yeah this is the intersection nice so up this no not this way call me to drive this way i think i hope i don't have a compass so this is all just let's assuming i'm right i think it's this way if this road turns into a dirt road then it's correct if it doesn't then i guess we'll just drive you know all right we have a lot of gas so we're owning that brother has not turned into a dirt road so then we drive wait did you say you want to drive no i said then we just dropped oh yeah we're yeah we just drive figure out where we're going to go find a point of interest yeah i right now i can't even look at the map because i truly have no idea where we are we are just climbing a hill right now to third shift to the third you know sometimes i don't shift the third on purpose right jesus the drift slippery you have to learn okay i think i know where we're going i'm pretty sure we're climbing up to the tower here um it's got some military spawns uh it also has a car spawn do you want to just drive right up to it because we're getting really close uh assuming i don't know i don't know i'm just trying to let's just not get shot while we're in the car that's the thing that's what we got to do if we get too close when we get shot this is our destination i can't open my door there we go all right let me take the spark plugs out okay where's the spark plugs this isn't a big military spot or anything i it's just we took the path so hey car spawn this is the one that oh we get two cars oh no it's missing missing uh battery batteries missing spark plugs never drove that car actually cool cargo pants with food bruh if i had a scope dude that tower oh it's only to the halfway point nevermind not that cool anything up there did you hit it with your weapon yeah it was unintentional this building sucks yeah remember how this used to be this used to be like one of the best buildings cam building oh sucks all right we could swap cars i just don't know how this car performs it's green instead of uh yellow so that's pretty cool okay anything up here we don't know if it needs any fluids in the radiator though oh and if it does end up needing fluids in the radiator then uh we won't have it wait no you we would take the radiator and put it on here so it should be the same you know what i'm saying um i guess uh i guess uh missing a door what the [ __ ] is that you see this wait is this a two is this a two-seater all right i grabbed it i grabbed it um i wonder can we put a different door on it stop hold on there's no way this works someone's gonna shoot you in the face right now that's the shields bro it's not it's a shield are you kidding me glass and glass in these games are usually pretty [ __ ] crazy bad it doesn't work unless it specifically has to i don't know let's just keep the car that we have i guess i don't know [ __ ] yeah whatever you just leave the door bro yeah no okay sure maybe we should take off all the doors i mean we want some cover maybe we're getting into an engagement we should bring the doors all right ready oh yeah man i gotta take us back you have a strong pulse get the [ __ ] please thank you have a strong pulse interesting all right dude on the road again on the road again all right i think i think i now now that i know exactly what road we're on i think i could bring us to that lake so that's good i gotta drive slowly though cause now we're driving downhill and i'm scared very scared my chat's saying the other car is way better well it doesn't matter okay it's a [ __ ] we're playing daisy bro it's a b car you know i mean unless there's a 350z from austin that's the kidnapping i don't want to go to third shift boost what is wrong with you guys you guys realize how insanely dangerous it is to drive that [ __ ] fast bro one your game might crash two you might go flying in the air three you might just physically crash because you'll slide no that's not happening there's no reason to go that fast zero damn dude imagine imagine running this holy [ __ ] yeah dude so far every car spawn that i've checked there's been a [ __ ] car this is crazy yeah yeah i'm going slow here because last time when i was going down bumps like this and i did it too fast that's when my character remember when we had the uh we left and my character like was on a black screen i'm scared i don't want to happen again true i'm hoping that character's still alive yeah i don't know i didn't try to log in on them but well we've been here before um came back to go back this track got it we're just going back the way we came in i'm pretty sure i just i want to get out of the spot we're kind of in a shitty area we're like so far south and there's nothing near us just get me out hey man at least we have a car to get out with [ __ ] oh man i dude i'm like i can't tell you how it like this is just giving me this map gives me the issue i miscreated so bad why do i feel like it'll be a disappointment dude maybe it will be fun but i'm telling you right now that you will [ __ ] love at the very least going to the big ass city and fighting in the [ __ ] city yeah i got like a form i got a four-man uh uh wipe one time because i was i crawled up on top of a uh like a fire escape like a little side thing and i [ __ ] a team of four were walking down like my block bro and i'm blasting all them yeah i know i'd love to play again because i do remember it being kind of fun but like it wasn't i don't know it wasn't that much fun you know what i mean i thought the tornadoes and [ __ ] the sto that stuff was cool the sirens going off that was really really cool they have cool rain weather they have this i i think the game is actually really really fun it's not as survivally as this game but it's definitely a little bit more pvp in between like the tedious things that we've been doing you know what i'm saying and that big [ __ ] city is a heavy pvp spot and it's super dope to roam around there in my opinion you'll fight geared [ __ ] and it's you're fighting geared [ __ ] in like indoor fights down the street fights you know cover to cover fights not like northwest airfield like forest fighting you know what i mean it's like a lot different i it's actually badass i've gotten super cool fights there sorry i'm nervous i'm underrated underrated contrast that zombie someone's been here okay we're driving to a military spot uh i'd like to stop stop you shooting up shoot first first first first first please i'm swerving i'm first let me out let me out on the right right let me on the right here like in the woods yeah yeah we should well we should we should go back and hunt that guy he looked geared all right what are you thinking get out up to you let's do it do you want to you want to hunt him he got out on the road and started looking at us he was in the first building closest to where we are like he was like the on the edge of town i take the spark plugs and i'll be on sorry dude i was just like he was [ __ ] aiming at me bro [Music] yeah when you say swerve okay if i swerve going out that [ __ ] if i go swerve going out that speed it's [ __ ] that's it i'm trying to take these [ __ ] spark plugs i might know that we're heading his way oh yeah he definitely saw us get like turned like this i kind of lost you because i was still back in the tree line moving all the way up i'm basically parallel with the city right now in the tree line on the opposite side of it i'll just look at your armband if i see somebody go into menu mode it doesn't work backpack on like one of those stupid looking ones that goes over the back of his head and [ __ ] i'm even thinking if you drive the car back by that would have been a play too i could you want me to i don't know i'm like i'm worthy you're gonna die doing that to be honest i'm just kind of lurking around in the outskirts because i'm kind of worried that he's anticipating it and he's out here too well he's definitely saw us go to the right like that yeah if he was still looking by that time they're pretty far down the road i'm basically just trying to get to the opposite side of the town and see if i can like kind of get a man i should be near you hey i don't see you this is crazy it's really nice opposite on the opposite side of the town where that where that's a military tent was the military like you know what i'm talking about so many trees to look through so was he by this greenhouse like where the zombie was on your side um on the very last house essentially that wooden one at the very end he was at that i'm right next to him i'm right next to that house right now if he's smart he got the [ __ ] out of there to be honest not seeing anything oh no i think i see him are you aiming at me right now no no no no i'm sprinting around he got me i shot him once in the chest too though he's down the street like if you go all the way to the end and take your right out the road that's where he is oh there's multiple i'm getting cracked up by another guy there's another one i'm gonna try to fight almost two naps think he was near here somewhere i killed one green helmet that wasn't you i don't think or that was the guy that killed you i don't think i'm not sure i think i know where this guy is well if i could make it out of this fight i could bring the car here and i could put all of the loot in the car and then drive to you i just have to hope i win the second engagement you shoot me no there's no way you're here but you can't spawn down here imagine bro i swear i just heard him the [ __ ] that was whack listening nothing i almost wonder if there's only the one i almost wonder if it was only one do you remember at all what the guy had on cuz i'm just trying to think there's only one now i know that the original guys i have no idea the guy that shot me i didn't get a good look besides him shooting me in the face huh starting to think there was only one he's still dead over there dead as hell his body's all squished all right ah that's the that's the scariest part about daisy's you never know if it's one two three four you never know i think there's two i'm gonna cut across here and hope he doesn't see me and i'm gonna flank that spot where i killed the oh my god i thought that was a dude i like the spot where i killed the first guy i think i know where summit died someone died like near the street i think okay so i'm gonna flank this position maybe this house that the dead guy's right there or somebody's i don't know if that summit or if that's the guy i killed but that's two bodies in that area what the [ __ ] is this this is sick oh there's another one here someone took our car they took our car oh my god there's a battle going on okay well they have a car too bro there's so many cars here there's there's three cars the guys that killed you have a car another group with a car rolled up and then there's our car man looks like he [ __ ] came across the other two crews that are running [ __ ] it's really unfortunate that i only have one mag i have to like i have to shoot one bag reload it [Music] yeah there's a lot going on here and i don't have a sniper which is the worst part about it this sucks it's gonna be hard to um retrieve the loot from my kills because there's so much going on here there's so much commotion that this is going to be very challenging luckily i have a suppressor that's good news i'm gonna eat a bunch of food and then i'm gonna go back i just wanna make sure i'm like i'm good when i go into this fight i actually don't have that much food kind of unfortunate am i wet what there's another car bro what in the world is that our car there's the stashed barrel dude this is i don't know what the hell is going on in this city remember that city bro just remember that is like the [ __ ] pop-off city you know it could be our car this place is lit that's sick there's so much shooting what the hell happened if i get into a fight like this without a sniper rifle this is gonna be extremely oh this guy tried to dip bro that guy's green car he tried to dip and i think he started getting popped out there's another green car over there unless that's a another car which i highly doubt i think he tried to take the car and try to dip there's a mag on the car oh [ __ ] was there oh no say it so i wasn't paying attention that's okay i shouldn't be fighting in this tree line i really shouldn't it's not a good idea luckily i think they're in the other tree line oh oh there's a guy right there that's dead i'm gonna finish him off that guy's dead got another kill dude this is crazy what's happening good [ __ ] brother stay alive try it these forests aren't like chinaras dude i can't camp as hard i feel like i have to i like i'm trying the forest i thought you were in the buildings no i went because there was more fighting there's a guy who's trying to dip with their car there's a lot of cars here a white one a yellow one maybe another yellow one a green one and then another green one i don't i couldn't tell you there were two i know there were two that's why i backed up oh he took his car he's dipping he's leaving his boy he's not even going for the hunt oh wait this is another car what it's happening but yeah the or the gray the green car is still there did that guy take another car i don't understand he took another [ __ ] car this had to have been the white car that he took 100 just had had to be okay well i guess i should go loot i don't know i don't really know what my options are i don't have a scope so i can't like scan this tree line right here okay okay those shots okay okay okay so the car probably kept going okay that's good those shots are good i'm assuming those shots are somebody shooting at the vehicle so that means he is out of he's out of the situation say where i'm at now he's out of the situation completely hi matt toplin a big giant [ __ ] top left west yep it's the first time i've ever laid on the map my eyes laid my eyes on the map though so that's nice where are you exactly you know what town you're in uh it's like i don't know pronounce it like reshnez or something it's near the bottom near the bottom no literally it's it literally looks like a polish word i don't know russian no it's even more south than that wait that's the white car wait on the west side what car did they take if that's uh east more east what car did they take if that's the white car what in the world where is this guy killed i'm just gonna try to loot my kills at this point [ __ ] it gotta go south or southeast got it that's all that matters yeah i think the big one is me just getting the car and picking you up i'm gonna try to leave summit first uh just survive dude you know don't don't uh don't try to like overplay i would say you live it's the it's so easy to get looted up it's not that bad if you die you know i mean we spent a little time getting that [ __ ] man oh burlap i actually want to take that holy [ __ ] i sure actually got a shotgun pick up summit and bring him here i don't have enough time to do that what i might have enough time for though i hear someone's dead body you kind of died on the street you remember that much right i think this is you um yeah down on the street i see you yeah you have a closet on your back down the street as yeah i [ __ ] that dude up down the street at least with my first shot hit him around his chest so he's he was feeling it but he hit me in the face i think right off the bat i had to advance inside the play carriers no ways one tapping me there with an ar that's the guy i killed there's a guy around here the gun shooting for us it's the guy i killed that's another green car what that's not the same green car what this is nuts this is the guy i had shot there's actually a reason for this okay and the main reason is because the body's gonna despawn so i'm throwing all the loot on the floor um so that hopefully it stays that's kind of the that's kind of my idea i don't know if that's actually how that works i think that's how that works um this car is [ __ ] dude 100 this car took my parts or something there's no way like that didn't go down like that where's this kill that i got over here i don't know i don't know where i killed this guy so that's fine i'm gonna ignore it we're gonna go to the yellow car over here did you kill another one i did yeah i know it was more towards the green car i know that i just don't know um i don't know it was in the tree line somewhere so i don't want to spend time looting it really quick let me get this uh let me see if this other car is still here it is okay this car is still here what the [ __ ] is going on who moved these cars around i don't know but i'm kind of glad oh these cars are rude oh my god the tires are [ __ ] that's okay that is okay here's a tire here though all right let's go see if my car's still there first let's check there's a there's a barrel here i saw i saw someone uh hid their stash over here let's see if uh right there see the red barrel it's not a bad spot there's so many cars everywhere so funny how much i'm trying my best to take everything but i mean if i die i die i guess are you sure that's the one you arrived with uh i don't think so i think my car is still there honestly i think that car is another car i'm gonna go check really quick i'm gonna see if my car's still there fingers crossed that my car is still there holy it's not over yet let me make a uh hold on let me make a bottle suppressor so i can take this fight and i could be kind of silent about it that's close that's close okay so the car is somewhere over there i don't see the car dude did they actually take my car and move it those [ __ ] okay you guys got to help me spot here we have like 20 000 eyes okay help me look for movement okay further up further further up what the [ __ ] this thing takes slugs is this [ __ ] i can't grab a shotgun man what why ah [ __ ] it i gotta i have to verify this car dude i have to know if it's here i don't want to completely chase these guys down i think i should prioritize summit prioritize summit's loot and get it into my vehicle if my vehicle is still here i don't think it is i think they moved it and i think they popped the tires those [ __ ] i almost guarantee you they moved in and popped the tires this guy asked me how i got my helmet on my big head that's why i [ __ ] killed him good i knocked him out of my first [ __ ] uh hammer swing dude so lucky he might have been low it didn't look like it i think i just knocked him the [ __ ] out still took a few more hits ah this car's gone unless it's past those bushes there which i don't think i think if i remember correctly i pull i veered off right here like exactly right here is where i veered off i'm i i don't think it's behind those bushes but if it's not behind those bushes then it's not here and that yellow car is my car that they took but it might be past these bushes i know there was like a big dude this gun just doesn't exist a little big like you know what i'm saying this then it's just it's just not anymore yeah they took my car yeah they took my car 100 you get a shotgun at one point now it doesn't yeah [ __ ] okay all right new strat we have to that with that white car that was [ __ ] up we have to take that one or we have to take the green car those are the only two options i have you went further in no i didn't go that far no i already i already cleared it we're good they took my car i'm gonna have to take the green car that's fine there's so much fighting here and it's just nothing there's nothing here why do they fight there then it's just a coincidence because we started it and then people kept coming they still fighting yeah the so the fight kind of moved off to the left because i killed two guys and then the third guy took the car and dipped but then he dipped into another team and that team is fighting somewhere off to the left now so my what i'm trying to do is someone took our yellow car so that sucks not only did they take the yellow car they also broke our tires so now i have to put together another car and then grab your loot and then dip so that's what i'm going to try to do don't worry about the loot oh dude i gotta i gotta you get me you don't you don't need i'm just saying you shout you don't need to get my lube i look like whatever i feel like i have to though i'm like it's right here you know [Music] uh this is uh this is quite the task let me tell you bro i'm sad that i killed a guy with a shotgun and then found shotgun shells right after but his shotgun like disappeared on his body and i couldn't get anywhere like fell to the floor or something what the [ __ ] bro i swear to god i heard someone walking on wood what bro i swear what the [ __ ] okay unless this makes a wood noise like this i'm telling you dude i'm telling you dude someone's here that was not me i did not make that noise i was not walking on wood right there no way no way jesus christ you guys relax can everyone stop fighting for a sec okay what did these guys drop psu scope canteen okay i'm mag someone said he needed this [ __ ] it let me see what's the condition of this car oh it's got it all bro it's got it all okay okay okay so let me out of here [Music] it's [ __ ] smoking are you kidding me right now with this [ __ ] huh it is a [ __ ] joke you smoking now hello oh you can't put oh i did not know that okay okay got i it not know it worked like that trust the process okay trust i will get the [ __ ] out plate carrier let me move this backpack it's in the way i'm putting everything in the [ __ ] car dude i'm trying man i'm trying look at how many bullets he has bro i have to put the cooking pot in can i double click it no look at how many bullets he has bro i have to i have to i can't not take this okay okay where's the other body uh house that's where i shot from uh house line of sight right there got it okay uh best uh helmet canvas back okay okay okay okay uh this canteen uh i could [ __ ] it longhorn mag don't care about that suppressor okay don't care about the rest okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry sir i'm sorry ah now i can't leave [ __ ] bro i got so much looting in the second oh [Music] where did all these people converge from what the [ __ ] i got shot from that way so i go that way i was so close of course when i'm almost ready to go of course when i'm so close i'm so close to leaving of course dude the second i load up everything i had an og an an m4 uh two sniper rifles scopes food hundreds of bullets i load up everything and the second i'm thinking about leaving a shot cracks at my car and i'm like [ __ ] so i go the opposite direction from the shot and i bump into another fully geared dude with a plate carry and you just sounds to me i got from both sides bro both sides what the chances possible situation brother what are the chances [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 25,546
Rating: 4.858407 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, DAYZ
Id: 4mj3QixvbX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 45sec (5805 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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