CLEAN OUT DAY! Clearing out the "No Show" hoarder locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction

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you know today is deadline day it's the last day to get this thing moved out we peaked in here we see some silverware em em em all these have a mess on them mmm-mmm-mmm and now this looks terrible absolutely despicable I've not opened this yet you guys alright it's definitely this defective okay it's definitely something's wrong with it we'll try to get that fixed before we sell it you all right what's up locker nuts back at the unit I got my trailer here you know today is deadline day it's the last day to get this thing moved out it's been two weeks the guys here have been super super cool about giving us more time and we really appreciate that because this one took more time it's just so much stuff and I'm not complaining it's been great if you guys are new to the channel we bought this locker for 50 bucks and it was full it's a 10 by 20 50 bucks why did we get it so cheap because no one showed up at the auction is a very rare occurrence there's only one pit stop on the auctioneers route there's only one unit there and a lot of people said I'm not making it out there for that well lucky for me we live in the area and we didn't miss it although we almost did also a very fun locker for me to go through but I think also for you guys to watch right I don't know even know what part this is going to be part 7 part 8 I don't know but good stuff coming out I know there's more good stuff in there too so I'm gonna get to it right now load this trailer because I'm limited on time believe it or not I've got the full day but this is gonna take me a long time all right let's get to it making some progress also making the trailer tall I'm not getting on the freeway I'm just gonna go across town to my unit and unload but yeah it's a little bit taller than I'm comfortable with I still have a lot a lot to go it's starting to make me a little concerned because I've got two loads you'll have space to put it on I don't know so but this is good check this out I cleared these as Chevron cars Chevron cars Chevron cars Chevron cars Chevron cars before I'd only seen the top box or two there's a whole bunch of Chevron cars in there but over here we got a whole bunch of Christmas decorations this is a tough sell in March guys tough sell I mean if you bring it to the market and price it really really low it'll go but um and of course if we have really nice vintage stuff then that there's still value and that actually be worth hanging on to and waiting til the season but I don't see that I'll have to look closer but ton of Christmas - more Christmas stuff gift bags for Christmas looks like those might be different here's Valentine stuff I already took out a bunch of boxes with Halloween stuff so but yeah stuff looks good I'm getting down to is not a lot of mystery left of what's in here this corner stills hiding some secrets this is a mini fridge right here so we'll get that out and take a look at that back from microwave this is gonna eat cycle nice little wine boombox there a couple subwoofers or woofers and with a nice plexiglass display this is interesting right here we peaked in here we see some silverware meaning the silver so we're probably silver plate but I've got too far in that so we'll look at this closer later see a case right here see some kind of wood thing here I think that's a dart board but you never know it could still be a big fat safe back in the corner or something you know here's the hoping but getting down to it alright well I'm in this corner I've dug in and no safe I know I'm dreaming come on but em em em all these have Amazon them mmm mmm mmm that is their last name the initial of their last name so that could be it or could be something else I don't know the wife's name could be the first letter of the wife's name to you I think she passed away before the guy so it could be she passed away and he started this unit with her stuff in the back east farthest corner no it's not a word and that's why maybe she heard thing was the Christmas decorations and that's why those are also in deep I don't know okay that might shed a little light on it pants and shirts that might be it but you never know here's the hope and shoes and shirts there's the progress there's the second load that's what I got for a second load most of that stack over there is booked that's going home we're gonna have to look those up over here as donation donation will probably donate the sewing table that's what that is and then this stuff will bring down the metal recycling and you cycle look at this thing I love lockers like this where everything is in a box because it's easy to stack goes a little quicker but Wow is that not a huge cube right there huge cube hopefully it all fits my storage here we got the table this thing coming from the unit I brought this over but uh a few things look at this bag of hats right here old bag of hats looks like something I don't know if it's nice or not oh there's the tango oh there's another kingdom right there okay yeah those are nice there'll be some nice stuff in there so pretty good now I got to tie down and get over to my unit and repeat in Reverse by unloading yeah dan feels great so this is the locker I rented this is also a 10 by 20 there's all this stuff from the Train unit I had to pile it up a little bit you can see I don't know I started to blend a little bit together back there I know what it is but you guys probably can't tell but I'm kind of proud of myself I thought I was worried always gonna be able to fit that in here didn't even take up half the space that I have in our plenty of room here for the table so I can set up the tripod and start filming it I'll tell you what guys everything in this entire Locker has not been filmed I take that back there's a little bit of stuff over here in the training locker that has been filmed and got mixed in we'll have to figure that out but everything over here has not been filmed and almost everything over here is not been filmed you know a lot of videos coming up and it's really good stuff in here I think it's gonna be a lot of fun I'm just glad to be done almost done with the really really hard part which is cleaning that unit out I got to go back right now to get the donation in the dump and then on then I'll really be done alright just got back to the unit this is unbelievable it's actually raining again it's getting really really tiring working in the rain so I just started loading a few boxes of books on there and it started raining side through the tarp over it and then I checked the weather I didn't think they're supposed to be any rain again today so weird you see over there look over there you can see up there guys no clouds but right here we got dark clouds it's so bizarre I live over in that direction there's no rain there it's clearing for some reason this little valley that we're in which is only about 20 miles away is getting almost thought I heard thunder it's just an airplane it's getting its own weather system with arena I wish I had a cover trailer wish I had a cover trailer I wish I had a cover trailer well it's time to stop wishing and make that plan take action boom done empty not an easy feat not music you oh well I tarp this off right here so you know what I plan to do I think I'm just gonna take it all my storage since I have so much room I'm gonna put it in there I got stuff to go donation I think I'm just gonna sort it that's the fight there's going the garbage a big piece of glass garbage bags more files and stuff not that much going to the dump but this thing Christmas ornaments in donations stuff primarily there's a few other things on here but I think that's gonna go to my unit I'm kind of beat I need to work on a video so I think I'm just gonna put that in my storage get home start getting caught up on other stuff but oh that feels good it feels so good and I'd say this locker is done but it is far from done we got so much stuff to go through and sort and research is gonna be a lot of fun still I'm looking forward to that part alright done and now this looks terrible absolutely despicable this is not organized this is not how I roll so you know I'll be back here before long to start getting this mess taken care of I want my table back I want an aisle and I think it's gonna be easy because a lot of this will go to charity well donate it alright yes so that's it for for now though I'm pooped I gotta give this trailer back tomorrow morning I'm going to dump and and I don't know what start shipping the boxes tomorrow from our auction and then back here very soon to start processing and filming you'll see what we find all right all right guys we're back at the nut house wow what a long day that was I can't tell you you saw how much volume I moved actually didn't look like that much but two full loads and the trailer loading it up driving it emptying it out and then to the dump at the end of the day so it was a lot of work I'm happy to be done with it I always feel the sense of peace and relief once everything's moved over but I did bring a few things back to the house I didn't want to spend a lot of time filming because I knew I was I knew I was just stretching myself that day physically and mentally I think I fell asleep like 8:30 is a long day but I got a few things put aside let's take a closer look at those because I think there was some interesting stuff and there's still all those boxes in the stores yet to go through but let's take a peek at these first up we've got this flag so this definitely looks like a flag that would have been issued to somebody who's served in the military which is interesting because I didn't really see I don't remember seeing too much evidence that anyone served but it could have been a kind of ban just forgetting nice piece really not sure what to do with this at this point so I'll tell you more about this guy's story but I've learned about him but we definitely believe that he passed away and we definitely believe there's no family I think for now this is just gonna go on my garage and sit for awhile just in case anyone comes forward from his family and wants to collect it we'd be happy honored to give that to them otherwise I don't really know do you sell these what do you do with them I'm not sure I don't think I really even found them in these before I think I found one and I gave it back to the facility because they were in contact with the owner all right next up we've got what appears to be a camera bag really nice bag leather has a really nice look to it vintage for sure so we found that one other bag that looks similar to this but it was much smaller and we still have it similar I've not opened this yet you guys so this is like the other ones got that nice green definitely like 70s looking inside we've got a few cameras in here let's see this is a lens right here let's see what we got okay there's a zoom lens and the zoom lens but it does have a macro setting I think this is for getting really close up so what's this Xun on MC auto Tellez mm-hmm very cool sometimes these lenses can be worth more than the cameras but I'm not had a too much success with them not too much this is no filter it's pretty neat polarizer cult all right I thought there was a couple cameras in here but this is just one huge camera look at this professional hole this thing Nemea huh crazy huge this is definitely looks like a professional camera I do not know much about these types of cameras and I like the mount right here this thing is pretty interesting but you could take that off and use it for just about anything it's not terribly comfortable in my hand though um is there a button or something missing right here I'm not sure it feels like that would be a right place for a button let's just say stitch and look at that Seiko sha s definitely sounds Japanese this is a nice piece right here Mamiya C 33 school oh wow look at that oh this is the cover you look down in it pretty cool there's a couple other things near to though all right this is just a lens case definitely vintage to few the diffusion 42.5 another one cult strap it's not a little part for the camera I would think a little whoops like Sun Visor lens cap vivid tour so that's that's what's in there nice little beggar there I bet you this bags worth some money team okay if you remember we found this erector set a few videos ago and it appears to have some really cool parts and but obviously not the original packaging right much more modern containers that they use I think what the real value is here is this piece right here it's the motor I looked on eBay and these if you have the motor this thing is where the money is so anyways we found this but check this out okay we also found in this box right here dented Anna do that look at that I think this is the original box kinnison kind of rough shape which is probably why it's in here by itself lots of masking tape done to shore up the edges hasn't done enough to protect it from the top you know the the perils of time but Wow look at this look at the spring I have to think that's probably aftermarket yeah but the label here looks pretty look at that it's really bright color vivid color it's not like faded or anything where it's been left out in the Sun this probably hasn't seen too much light of day and this is what we have right because you recognize the tower the little Hut there's the engine and motor hopefully we have most of pieces but I see those recognizable pieces there so this is number seven and a half in near set sensational new erector very very cool all right now we've got this dartboard I'm almost positive this dartboard careful I said I wanna mark them would be like it's in really good shape at least from what we can see let's take a peek obvious haven't looking here yet it's been the it's been closed up so I like dart boards I unfortunately don't have a good place to hang on here because my garage is so full nod this is a really nice one really really nice okay it looks like we've got some decent darts here too they feel pretty nice good transfer bull's eye closed please come on yeah I got it this is a nice board really what do we got here we got a whole bunch that's a plastic tip door right there I wonder if they use that for this or that's for electronic dartboard we got all these different tails and stuff nice stuff of course these guys had nice stuff all around these look like the Year special hey let's see if there any more accurate nope please all right it's definitely that's defective okay it's definitely something's wrong with it well try to get that fix before we sell it but joking aside I'm gonna sell this locally and I'm probably gonna do it very soon because oh I fixed it it works now that's pretty cool I'm gonna get this on the market I think today okay last time we're gonna go through silverware box you're already peeked let's take a closer look so yeah so 1847 Rogers brothers we've had rogers brothers lots of times and that is a silver plated 1847 Rogers Brothers is I think that's international silver see that flare it might be the style of this particular set nice-lookin said he's got like a little bit of tarnishing on it which you'd expect the scene when it's you know silver-plated alright nicely a big silver serving spoon here same thing yeah this is a pretty decent set right here I'm not sure what goes here but that's good right there that's pretty good let's see we got here we looked at this before I think you may have an off camera uh what's this what is this a lot of markings here g48 I'm not sure what this one is do you guys know what that is oh that's cool silver cloth prevents tarnishing seems to work cuz it I don't that one's not tarnish really is that pure silver that is the million dollar question or maybe 100 our question because it's probably under bucks it's real I mean when I say real I mean solid sterling and instead of silver plate seniors and other Rogers brothers this is most likely silver plate we'll look it up and make sure I don't know about this this has a different feel it's got some initials right here I think this might be solid silver it's fairly worn there's it's hard to see any markings markings are there tarnish resisting chest tested and approved by the laboratories of the International Silver Company something about this prevents tarnishing I didn't know that existed I don't know that much about silver sets um cuz I don't tell my many very cool alright I think that's a good little fun all right you guys another great date going through this locker I mean I didn't have that much time to actually go through stuff it was mostly spent laboring moving at all but I'm relieved that it's done cuz now it's in my locker I could take my time and we're gonna be going through it all right together you and me okay it's gonna be fun I think there's still a lot of good stuff to be discovered I'm looking forward to it I'm really enjoying the soccer you know it's kind of funny I almost enjoyed the soccer more than I enjoy the Train one and we know the Train one is epic it's probably the best Locker I've ever been a part of but we already know that we expect that this one I think is so special because I really wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was and and we just kind of stumbled on this thing right the only ones at the auction we almost missed the auction it's just one of those almost like a fairy tale you know like the old you know Ugly Duckling turns into prince or princess type story I love those stories like a Disney story or I keep in mind that a lot of this good stuff that you see coming out of the locker recently is gonna be in our Monday night auction that we do an auction every Monday night at 6 p.m. we do actually a live show but the second segment which has become the fan favorite is the auction if you guys haven't been one of our auctions yet check it out Mondays 6 p.m. Pacific every week and don't think that you're gonna miss it if you're like 6:45 7 o'clock you're like oh dang and I missed it then we go a week and we've been going for hours because we've had so much good stuff and there's a lot of people on there's a lot of bids there's a lot of people are finding great stuff and good deals on the auctions so please please join us the next video will be out soon I'm going back to that unit and doing some digging let's start with those Christmas ornaments see if we got anything good and also I got to get all the thrift store stuff out the way so I can get in that unit because yeah he's pretty I left it pretty messy and I don't like that but we'll get to it all will be cleaned up but until then good luck to you guys god bless you stay safe stay sane we'll see you next time here on Locker nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 20,689
Rating: 4.9450173 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, gun safe, found safe, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, Comprando Depositos Abandonados, jewelry, costume jewelry, vintage jewelry, locker surprise, Thrift Trader, found cash, found money, clean out
Id: 6G_JfCrZbFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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