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hey guys I need a new intro so badly I can't I can't I can't even explain how many times I do my intro now used to just do it one time and that was it now I don't know what it is I don't know what to say I said hey guys welcome to vlogger guys welcome to the vlogger they have they have changed throughout the time though but oh you know what I could do I could do God mountains oh wait that one's taken isn't it dad what's that guy see you good morning Internet oh that's Charles they've all been taken maybe a robot welcome to the block space alien maybe I'll just start the vlog without ever saying anything like this where we going today baby just in case you haven't watched the last maybe week of vlogs Kane has become absolutely excellent on a bicycle no training wheels he has completely graduated into riding a bike dude and I'm so proud of you I'm so happy he started on a little push bike and then I put him on I took his training wheels off his little bike took off on that now he's on a bigger bite which we have borrowed so today we were going to the bike shop to look for Kane's very own big bike dude I love it man whoa you are excited hey let me tell you a cool story it's a true story ever since I was a kid this is where I came to get my bike stuff right here this bike store so I thought it'd be cool to bring Kane here you ready yeah you can lower the seat for sure I like the others the other one better though to look how awesome that friggin bike is why are the girls bike so much cooler I know they're awesome that one's too small no I should not be in a bike store like I just love bikes like I would collect bikes look at this one fork bike look at that you see this one fork that's ridiculous I would be I would be so freaked out right in that but I think I'm in love okay gimme we kind of struck out a little bit in there I mean really struck out but that's okay cuz I'm gonna get you and make sure you have the coolest bike you've ever seen in your life they had some cool bikes but they're kind of more design like almost like cruiser mountain bike style rather than BMX and King sees me on my bike and he wants to do that stuff so we're gonna find you a BMX bike in for sure helmet gloves safety first once I was four years old and I wanted a buy again I couldn't get a bike we cannot eat here we cannot eat here unattended children will be given unlimited Red Bull and a free puppy and have a pinball machine we're screwed what are you is this mommy and is this mummys eyes her boobies so these are her eyes was that your eggs yeah I'm circles oh oh I see what you're trying to do here oh what your circle can you beat em pain oh you monster this game's rigged good job so we're gonna play pinball having a little bit of food never been here before but they have Mexican Mondays and I have been craving Mexican food for a while I was like let's go get my son boom we haven't done it so yeah how's your grilled cheese they just happen to have ice cream across the street your weakness pizza oh my gosh look look at that done sold dude you can put anything in your ice cream you want too good to be true yep too good to be true nope nope kinga Oreo ice cream with Ricci pieces in it welcome to Home Depot where we get lots of soul for our stuff in there okay come on we'll be right back pick us up at that door we got to get all the boring stuff we got to get salt for our water softener so exciting so fun what we don't need that we don't need it wait wait for me wait for me hold on mommy thinks she's funny huh she's driving the truck away bear stop that truck Oh your mommy thinks she's funny huh oh he was laughing like crazy we're kind of working back home and we got something so cool to show you what because both of them were warping time well past this conversation look how beautiful this sunset is did hang on hang on stop I want to show them without the the tent all right it's it's still nice but look at this no pee or poop from this little monster minim Zeus don't put up with that get him that's right hit him with the right I know I got this awesome thing to show you guys tonight I'm super excited about it but we're gonna ride bikes for a few minutes before it gets dark you're so fast life just got even funner now that he's riding a bike man I'm so excited about this great job little man that you need tattoo you're gonna turn it into romance aren't you love romance what do it do it whoa got a pause for a minute give a little love to one of our favorite sponsors on this entire channel which is Harry's razors this is literally my razor I'm not even kidding how long have I had this a long time one huge benefit with me is razors last a long time this one has lasted a long time the real truth is even if they were sponsors to us and they weren't so good to us I'd still talk so highly in this company the razors are phenomenal I know you guys like them I've seen you guys get them as gifts for your family your dad or your grandpa you've got them for yourselves and they're always coming back hooking you guys up with killer deals just make sure when you go to their site you use the promo code Roman my name are OMA in you get the whole kit for ten bucks and free shipping No to put to you for free like that's my companies don't do that anymore so that's that's huge just use the promo code Roman it's a huge discount and to be honest you get a bunch of stuff like you get the razor you get extra blades you get ah like gel and you get it's a whole box of stuff like this is my razor but they send you a whole box of stuff so check it out I will put them in the description top link hit their website up just check it out man don't be skeptical on if you shave or even a little bit like I use a electric razor for all this but this all razor I love it I have the orange one and it looks a little less hairier Perry's get it you guys go to the drill check them out toppling the descriptions use promo code roman are only man are you mocking me okay are you ready to show them the coolest thing yeah hope you guys are having an awesome day man we're about to show you something super super cool I'm really excited about canes excited about it flash are you excited you look excited too oh yeah oh yeah so here it is guys here it is an old dirty hoverboard pretty cool right old dirty hoverboard I need you guys to be excited about it so this is gonna be so fun man I'm really excited about this I think you guys are gonna really really enjoy it he thinks everything's for him oh my god to my knowledge this is extremely original and I'm not sure you've ever seen one before maybe you have I haven't let's see it oh dude do it do it that's awesome you're so good on it I can't believe you already gave it up ease into it ease into it really fast Oh Dean you show mommy outrageous things let's let the four-year-old show mommy provide it show mommy how it's done I don't have any problem you're the only one wrecking this thing right yeah you are out of control Kane's fine I'm fine Kane is so natural this to me is awesome like III don't know what else to say it's like a hoverboard to me was already fun I like hoverboards then you add this to it I'll tell you a quick story how this all happened like I maybe a month or two ago two months ago a guy named Tyler reached outs means like you know I got this product I want to send to your family maybe you guys would like it he any link the video I watched like 20 seconds the video was like yes I need it now send it to me I don't know I give them credit for coming up with this awesome I just suck it anything you ride that makes you feel better how many epic hoverboard fales have we seen online alright this year at least sitting on it check out what else they sent this is so cool it's like a 3d printed smile more logo so cool this is the difference between a good tennis ball and a bad tennis ball if you got a dog I'm telling you this because it's the honest truth Penn and Wilson tennis balls he cannot show up they don't pop in the middle they don't break every other tennis ball that we bought and break in the middle like this and then you have a dead ball guys that's gonna do it for the vlog today thank you so much for hanging out with us and always goofing off with us having fun finding new toys to play with look at my dog man he's so tired the new puppy's wearing him out so much because they just play all days not used to like that action of a dog jumping up on him boy he's having a good time now the future is going to be awesome man all the new toys and people are getting so creative with so many cool things man do a challenge video you can spin the longest so anyway guys we love you so much thanks for hanging out with us as always and that's all I got so we'll see you tomorrow yeah let's dance baby I want to dance with you that's exactly how he talks about I want to dance with you a little lady vampire is that vampire my name is flesh I do the Monster Mash I would sleep in Zeus's bed so today tell me guys what is the coolest toy in your opinion it's out right now like what is the coolest toy I know you guys like electronics ipads puppies we look you guys so much we will see you tomorrow thanks for everything you're beautiful you're one of a kind don't forget how important you are man you are awesome smile
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 13,411,783
Rating: 4.9008837 out of 5
Keywords: roman atwood vlogs, ohio, best pranks, Atwood, family vlogs, fails, epic, family friendly, Hover board, noah atwood, everyday, youtube pranks, fall, kid-friendly, kid friendly, best, fail, Daily, Roman, roman soldiers, daily vlogs 2016, Natural Born Pranksters, brittney, hoverboard, roman vlogs, HoverKart, family-friendly, family fun, atwood vlogs, pranks, Roman Atwood, kane atwood
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2016
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