Have You Ever Had A Co-Worker Die At Work? (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who've had a co-worker die on the job what happened had a colleague run over while attempting to stop a vehicle I was almost killed myself but managed to avoid it by inches no longer in the same job I volunteer in a place where I am subject to very heavy traffic and inattentive drivers the Burning Man entry gate and one of our sayings his cars are real they are guy appeared to be taking an after-lunch nap in his chair his office mate snuck up and pushed on him in an attempt to scare him awake the guy fell out of his chair he had been dead at least 15 minutes from an aneurysm I then learned that when someone dies like that at work protocol is to rearrange all the furniture in the office before reopening at for normal use work for Turnpike toll plaza I was in the booth and saw my coworker walking and for lunch looked away for second and heard a loud thump guided and stopped and blew through the gate we all ran up try to see what happened co-worker ended up 20 feet up on the roof of the building his toll was only 50 cents my assistant worked less than full time and would regularly work from home on things that weren't pressing so one day someone from another department comes up to me and asks hey where's Jeff I emailed him some things and I haven't heard back from him so I explained that it was not unlike him to miss emails some days when he was working from home and that it probably wasn't a big deal so they come back a few hours later I tried calling Jeff but no answer I kinda need him to answer those emails today side note we worked in a corporate office space why environment so missing an important email was kind of thing so I call his personal phone no answer text him no answer since he was my assistant I knew where he lived so I call my wife and ask her to drop by his place to see if he's home Jeff would sometimes drive out to the desert on his days off and be out of cell range so she goes over there and she calls back sobbing Jeff is dead turns out at age 37 he had a heart attack at his computer after dealing with the police they gave my wife his cell phone turns out he was answering work email and died halfway through it despite not being full-time Jeff was really well-liked around the office and had a reputation for being a jokester celli was really tough losing him around the office lost a good energy especially in such a corporate environment the corporate grief counselor came in talked to anyone who wanted to chat it was strange how many people went to talk to the counselor even people I didn't think he worked with very closely and I would know as I managed his tasks his funeral was out of town so only art ended but we had a little wake at my house for work friends a bonfire cookout thing that he would have liked where we told stories about him etc I had to pack up his desk I ended up giving most things to his parents but there were a few work desk doodads that I gave to his work friends we named part of our technical document library after him the Jeff memorial bookshelf which he would have thought was silly and fun as a final note I put a picture of in an hour and marketing materials just a picture of him working on a jobsite but our department all thought it was cool to have him in there our materials don't get updated very often so he'll be in it for years I'm a baseball umpire and I work mostly college as some high school games an umpire who was working behind home plate was stabbed in the neck by a broken wooden bat and died actually was the person I replaced got hit by a bus on her way home now we literally have her if I ever get hit by a bus rule where basically everyone has to know how to do everyone else's job in case someone gets hit by a bus highway construction young man who I had trained for eight years and was set to take over my position was riding as a spotter on a piece of equipment totally legit nothing shady or unsafe machine crested a hill and the transition from pulling to pushing cause the drive line to fail and subsequently tear the brake lines out halfway down the hill operator told him to bail out landed on his feet but off balance fell backwards striking the base of his skull on newly poured curb crushed the top two vertebrae and completely severed his spinal cord we did CPR until my flight got there he lasted two days on the vent he was 27 with three beautiful girls one he never got to meet face to face I miss Hector every day and it's been nine years a woman once jumped off our 22 floor I think building to her death she was extremely depressed and left children behind she jumped toward the front of the building and her body was splattered near the front revolving doors our CEO at the time ran down and covered her remains with his suit jacket while waiting for first responders in the Navy a friend in another division went up on deck at night to retrieve a piece of equipment and didn't come back lost over the side high-rise window cleaner here my coworker and friend fell to his death was my boss and came into my office and was digging around in a file cabinet she had been complaining about feeling nauseous and I jokingly asked if she was pregnant she was in her 50s and it was her go-to question to me because I was newly married she told me to kiss her button then looked at me really funny she went down like a sack of potatoes and had had a massive heart attack and was dead in two minutes I thought she was messing with me so it took me a moments to jump up and see about her i called 9-1-1 and cpr but she was gone they pronounced her in my office I feel bad her kids wanted to know if she said anything and I didn't have the heart to tell them that and last words of a kiss my butt so I left all of that out a fellow social worker was chased through a field and shot in the head by a client that was a rough time my nordstrom coworker was shot point-blank in the store on black friday by her ex-boyfriend michigan ave chicago location worked at a zoo happened after I had left for the day but one of the elephant keepers got crushed to death we were one of the fuses that were allowed by the azor to have free contact with the female elephants in other words the keepers could be in the exhibit with them to clean do training or whatnot anyway they were walking one of the females back into the barn at the end of the day one keeper in front and behind just like they always do but they think something spooked the elephant [ __ ] she rammed her head into the keeper in front smashing her into one of the metal barricades as she made it to the hospital but passed away shortly thereafter from massive internal bleeding one of the guys I worked with was still at work when it happened and rushed to the barn when they announced the emergency over the radio he said he knew she was gone the moment he saw her things were rough in the time after that two brothers were in charge of the elephants one is the curator and the other the lead keeper they had both worked with elephants for a very long time and were extremely passionate about what they didn't spend countless hours in their conservation efforts they treated those elephants like their family the brother that was the lead keeper was the other keeper walking behind the elephant he quit not long after and no longer works with animals the curator left a couple years later they said that the elephant knew that she had done something wrong and acted upset for a time afterward just a sad story all around he got backed over by a large wheeled Jose used for compaction he was wearing headphones and didn't hear the backup siren this was literally on the Friday before Christmas about an hour before quitting time paychecks with bonuses were being handed out it was pretty brutal yes he was wearing headphones when he shouldn't have but still can't imagine having to tell his family this literally two days before Christmas there's on the weight of the job count started a new job on Monday told this gentleman would be my boss for first half of training he's on vacation Monday met him briefly Tuesday and scheduled a meeting with him for Wednesday his fiancee also worked there and she stepped in to train Lee Monday Tuesday Wednesday I walk in everyone is crying and fiance is being led out by cops he was hit head-on driving into work brain-dead she was going to hospital to say goodbye and pull the plug rest of that week was spent pretending to look busy since I wasn't really trained in anything and the people that knew the job best were either dead or out of office the CEO and I arrived early one morning we walked into the employee locker room and found a long time and much liked employee lying on the tile floor dead with a pool of blood around his head from the impact of his fall against the hard surface he had suffered a major heart attack and just died there alone I work on aircraft certain interest Truman's have air vacuum power gyroscopes inside they make a kind of turbo spool up whirring noise if you blow into them which you should never do this guy decided to use our 120 C sharp air to get this thing zipping up as high as possible the gyro came out of its cage shot straight into his neck he bled out almost instantaneous I was an aerial news photojournalist the helicopter for the other station crashed pilot and photogra all the stations were up at the time covering a shooting including the one I was in we covered the crash but didn't know it was them until a few minutes in all anyone knew at the time was that there was an aircraft down it was a sad day this happened in Houston around 2007 or 8 not strictly a co-worker but a contact with one of our clients that we worked with frequently he worked at a certain transit agency and had over 40 years experience they went on strike a few years ago and he and another guy took that opportunity to go look at some problematic areas of track while the trains weren't running according to the safety rules one person was supposed to be a lookout while the other looked at the track the theory is that they were complacent because of the strike and were both looking at something with the track some managers decided to move a train back to the storage yard for safekeeping during the strike both men were killed on impact this happened about three months ago a co worker took his lunch and didn't come back we later heard that he was shot while he was eating in his car it was about 11 a.m. I was sitting on my couch when Linda from work called um well Gina didn't show up today yeah thinking so you want me to come in and before you hear it on the news I wanted to tell you she was murdered Gina was a pharmacy tech at the clinic I worked at she was engaged to be married and our last conversation was about her upcoming honeymoon at Disney she had been our pet and murder by her M head neighbor when she didn't show up the other pharmacy tech whose husband's brother was Gina's fancy called her dad to check on her she was so excited about her wedding she was 28 and still a virgin because she was saving that for her husband her father found her on her living room floor naked and almost decapitated dude was taking lots of steroids his liver crapped out and he died at 22 leaving a kid behind I consider this a work thing because it's all the rage in work camps to take steroids workout in the camp gym most non-working hours and try to be the biggest guy in camp we were in Kuwait someone told him to shut the gate he pulled it past the support frame that was holding it up and it fell on him it was very big and very heavy he was 19 used to be a cell tower climber on summers away from college I saw many many serious injuries but only one death my climb partner was hanging underneath a crow's nest the mesh platform on top of the tower running a line along a pipe while I fed it to him as he was shifting position his grip failed and he fell he was caught by his climb harness but as it stretched to absorb the impact he smashed into an antenna array B Lois he was dead on impact all I could do was sit with him until my boss climbed up to help me lower the body down he died on the phone with a customer while in a call queue the customer hung up mad and he continued to get calls it took over a dozen customers calling in mad before management's took notice he was very gone when the paramedics arrived I only know that as I was taking calls as they tried their best to bring him back flight attendant friend of mine had an elderly lady died on her flight said she was very sweet mentioned she was on her way to see her grandkids took a nap and didn't wake up a family member works at an oil refinery a few years ago one of his co-workers committed suicide by jumping from the top of one of the huge crude oil tanks apparently he just lost his house and was broke and he thought by jumping it would be a workplace accident and his family would receive life insurance benefits I don't know how they were certainly was a suicide but the insurance did not pay I used to work at a restaurant at a private luxurious resort after starting work there I heard about a dishwasher that died off a heart attack they just put a tablecloth over him and kept the restaurant open they called ambulance after closing employees were very upset so they sent everyone an apology letter my friend was a gym instructor I paid her a visit and while watching her let a warm-up class she did the circular neck roll she did it a few times and then got a little quicker too quick she messed something up between her first and second vertebrae snapped her spinal cord died two weeks later from complications my friend he was in his 80s was on top of a nine-foot ladder getting something for a customer and something shifted in the racking it hit him in the chest and flipped him off the ladder head first into the concrete floor at my first job out of college a guy'll night ship Oh deal on H that his boss sold him next week everyone got to pee in a cup and about one stroke three of the employees got let go not quite at work but was training a guy at a local restaurant I worked at it was casual fine dining and this kid couldn't handle one table on his last night off training and eventually could barely speak he was so strung out on some sort of pills or something he got fired in the middle of the shift he went home and proceeded to OD not 12 hours later a few months later when opening a second location I almost had the exact same thing happened with the exact same manager on duty I don't think that guy Oded though worked in a foundry in Illinois and they used to have a crazy system where they used huge cranes for their ladles and continuously needed forklifts on the second tier known as the melt deck to tend to their furnaces the crane operator would pick up the forklifts with a driver inside evidently the previous shift didn't apply the safety stop for the cables for the crane the crane operator went past tension capacity while going too far up causing the cable to break on the hoist latch weighing eight hundred and 60 lbs fell and crushed the driver and forklift I was working at a Dell kiosk in the mall with this girl who was like 4 foot 8 and less than 90 pounds soaking wet like you could literally carry her on your shoulder like a parrot one day while talking to some people trying to make a sale her words just started slurring out of nowhere and then she looked straight at me and felt down dead on the spot had a bit of trouble getting over that one for a while receptionist at our veterinary hospitals stole a lockbox key grabbed a crap-ton of injectable sedatives short them up and slammed into a telephone pole on the way home left four kids behind had a guy almost died in one of our giant warehouse freezers at my old job he slipped and fell while inside he went and without a buddy on the outside so it took like 30 minutes for someone to find him as we do our best to minimize going in and out of the giant freezers my mom's one of four managers in her office and they all had to drive to a meeting at a different office about a half hour into their driver car they were passing blew a tire and swerved into them the guy sitting next to my mom died in the backseat my mom was hurt really bad and the other two in front were hurt but not too seriously this was a couple years ago now but she's still shook up about it and has had lots of pain complications since there's a client count we had a farming client who was a bit of a loner we were scheduled to see him first thing Monday but he never showed up didn't answer the phone wasn't there when we sent a neighbor around just seemed like he had vanished after a thorough search of his farm the cops found him dead under his tractor they deduced that he had been sitting underneath the tractor working on the engine while it was running and it had driven forward slightly pushing him forward and basically folding him in half the worst part was that they thought he was probably alive like that for several days and eventually his heart just gave out you have been visited by the distinguished dojo of delicious delicacies comment tasty supper popper and be blessed with delectable dishes for the next decade if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Id: kj9ekvvNL3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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