Worst Injury You've Ever Caused by ACCIDENT

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what's the worst injury you've ever caused to someone by accident i used to have one of the basketball hoops with the base you fill with water me and my brother used to empty it so we could have one of you scrap the rim and the other jump on the base so we would go flying up a neighbor visited and we tried it on her son a few times but then got the idea to have us both do it while he grabbed the rim he basically flipped in the air and landed flat on our concrete driveway he fractured his skull and was unconscious for about three four minutes he couldn't swim or do anything to physical that whole summer i think i might have been in the third or fourth grade oh my god that's freaking terrible backed an off-road style golf cart at 30 miles per hour into a tree while my now once removed step brother was sitting on the back seats that face outward behind the cart he went flying off the back and rolled into another tree breaking his arm and pulling a rather extreme amount of skin off of his arm bro gets up and just says dang i hated when this happens then with a cringed face just casually walks back to the cart i didn't know what to say i thought he was dead on impact your brother sounds like a badass when i was young my dad bought me a chemistry set i never really cared for it until the day all the neighborhood kids got into a water fight it was suspected that the local weirdo kid was peeing in the balloons and throwing them as us my prepubescent brain came up with the idea to put that chemistry set to good use now i will say in my defense i remember carefully reading each label to look for anything scary severe burns may result etc and not using those but never gave a thought to how the rest of the chemicals when thrown into one pot would react to each other when the weirdo was isolated on an elevated deck i surprised him with my chemical bomb water balloons the effect wasn't immediate but i do remember the boy crying and his face was bright red on one side and an ambulance honestly i have no idea how badly he was injured but i don't remember anyone ever hanging out with me again tldr played with a chemistry set to make water balloons kid got burned i ended up being the weird kid hey man he went biological and you went chemical i was fighting over a knife with my cousin in the kitchen when i was around five years old i don't really remember why we were fighting over it or how we got the knife in our hands but the one thing i vividly remember is the color red all over my hands on the floor on my clothes and this screeching sound of pain and agony coming from my cousin turns out i had cut two of my cousins fingers off by accident fighting over a knife that is a recipe for disaster i tried to use my little sister's body as a bike ramp when we were seven i thought it would work fairly well but all i did was break her nose newlywed couple taking a shower together i bend over to pick up the soap i couldn't see i had water running in my face and my husband thrusts up against my face i tried biting him playfully on the leg he was not thrusting his leg at me he ended up with a huge bruise on the top of his member i felt really bad and apologized a lot not that it helped much took a few days before he could use it again if you mistook that for a leg you're very lucky woman i was 14 at this girl's house she was around 13. her father was really into golf so we were out in his yard hitting plastic golf balls i swung and hit one and on the back swing i nailed her little brother i turned around in horror at the large gash on his forehead i thought her father was going to kill me they took him to the hospital and now he is forced to bear a harry potter scar i felt so crappy to be honest i think it was his fault for being right behind you while in a teenage hormone-filled argument with my dad i slammed my door in his face i also happened to slam the door on his big toe his toe went under the door his toenail however did not tackled someone out of bounds in a game of 7s and he landed on a freshly cut bush which stabbed him through the abdomen one of four ambulances that visited that game that day i'm not sure what sevens is but i'm pretty sure after two or three ambulances i'd probably stop through a shot puts in high school pay hit a girl in the arm and she had to wear a sling let me add that this girl was very popular and athletic and i was none of those things obviously so the metal straps that are on some heavy packages from time to time at construction sites yeah my buddy was carrying some garbage in his hands with one of those in it and dragging on the floor behind him and then it was stepped on and pretty much lacerated the crap out of his palm that was my bad i never seriously injured him but all throughout middle school mostly sixth grade but the trend kept up i had this one friend who no matter where he was managed to put his face right where my elbow was traveling when i was turning around this happened at least once a week in sixth grade then i decided to have a bit more awareness of my limbs we're still friends he's accidentally punched me twice in the face in our three years of high school so it all works out accidentally i went snow tubing a couple years ago in the mountains and at the bottom of the slope you have to drag your tube across the other tracks to get back in line when i was going down the hill i saw a kid just standing in my track next to his tube with his back to me i was going way too fast to stop so i ended up crashing into him sending him flying i felt so bad i messed up that kid real bad his mother kept yelling at him too for being an idiot standing in someone else's track poor kid the taliban used common phrases used by shepherds on unencrypted radios as code words we dropped some 105 millimeters artillery shells on some poor farmers because they said all the wrong things on the wrong night i think about this often to be fair they were using radios to hurt sheep at night rough sex my wife eventually develop a cyst behind her left leg had agonizing pain for weeks she eventually need to get this cyst surgically removed weeks of recovery and strength training in that leg i broke a kid's jaw with one of those old timmy cell phones i was just swinging my bag around i swear he had to get it wide shut and everything his mom was so mad my friends and i had a few years where we would just slap each other in the balls for pretty much no reason at all it was my birthday we were drinking about to go out a friend let's call him bob decided to slap me he mainly got the meat this is good so i slapped him back apparently i got a little bit of ball bob then tried to knee me haha missed i tried to knee him connected obviously these went as hard as possible but anyway bob bends over clutching his crotch 30 seconds later shrugs it off and we go out for some food the next day bob's balls hurt nothing major though the day after holy crap bob's left testicle had swollen up to the size of a small grapefruit according to him and his misses the scrotum was completely smooth zero wrinkles the right testicle had gone and hidden somewhere in his throat so bob went to the hospital in jogging bottoms apparently you could quite clearly see a bulge he got seen lied down on the table removed his trousers the doctor looked at his smooth scrotum for 30 seconds mouth open he then left the room came back with another two doctors they then looked at it for another 30 seconds one left and came back with another two doctors for those of you not keeping count there are not five doctors searing a giant balsack the doctors decide that they should do an ultrasound on it to get a better understanding of what's going on bob is a high-spirited guy and apparently evening having a massive ball didn't put him down he came out with this so is it a boy or a girl the doctors did not laugh they just looked at him in disgust the doctors prescribe him antibiotics and send him on his way next day he goes into work he is in a quite a bit of pain he is a teacher but can use his computer on a projector after his first class he gets up for a stretch goes to sit back down kinda forgetting that he has this humongous ball and yes sits on it after this he decides that it's probably best he has some time off work a couple of weeks later everything is back to normal he's off the antibiotics and his ball is at normal size he decides that it's probably time he checks that all the plumbing still works so he gets his laptop and some tissue and proceeds in his words this was what come out an oyster with barbecue sauce a doctor friend told us that what it probably was the aftermath of the infection being caught off not using it for three weeks and blood tl dr need friend and balls cantaloupe melon wasn't a girl or a boy sat on it oysters and barbecue sauce i regret one thing from this doing it he regrets and everyone else in the world that he didn't take a photo with it and we don't so this anymore the way you wrote this is f hilarious favorite story here 330 pounds and playing football with some friends in the middle of playing though i tackled someone head on right into their chest area well unfortunately someone got him from behind at his legs causing him to hit the ground very quickly making all the force from my tackle go right into neck shoulder area i got up after hearing him scream and pain only to find that his collar bone was about to poke out of his skin someone rushed him to the hospital and we continued playing 20 or 30 minutes later i tackled someone else from their side getting them right above their knee got up he was also in pain he was holding his knee and said he couldn't make it straight because it hurt too much he was also sent to the hospital he ended up dislocating his knee and also broke his femoral shaft i haven't played football since i was drunk and meant to throw a dart past my friend's face to scare him i learned an important lesson that day my friend can't duck for crap when i was a little kid i was at a birthday party with a penitent i was blindfolded like usual and the stick was a broomstick when i cocked back to swing it i guess i nailed some kid in an eyebrow and knocked him flat out on his back he was bleeding a lot and started crying i felt terrible but not terrible enough to not grab my candy oh man pinnators are terrible those things are just injuries waiting to happen was playing basketball and ran and for a layup my friend set himself and bent down as i was jumping my knee went square into his face i shattered his nose split his lip and cracked the socket of his eye was very ugly i also dislocated my knee but got the least of it do you remember those detachable swinging monkey bars that used to be on backyard swing sets they were the ones in the u-shape anyway when i was like five or six at an after-school daycare i detached it and started swinging it around on this hill there was another girl about my age who was coming towards me while pushing another smaller child in a wagon so she was face down i essentially gave her an uppercut to the eye with a metal bar blood started gushing out everywhere and the babysitter came over and started screaming find her eye find her eye luckily she didn't lose her eye but that was one of the more traumatic moments of my childhood oh i wish i got to this one earlier hope this doesn't get buried in seventh grade we were drilling holes in wood during shop class because that's what you do in shop class i was partnered up with this new indian kid who didn't speak english very well he offered to hold the wood while i drilled it on the drill press at the time this sounded like a fun team building activity only he had his hand squeezing underneath the wood as i was drilling i drilled through the wood and right into his ring finger splattering blood everywhere with the tip of his finger dangling off he calmly apologized and said he had to go to the nurse he went to the hospital and didn't return the next day or again somewhere out there is a now 23 24 year old indian man with a large chunk of his ring finger missing and this is all my fault before you say it i checked and yes he was fine his mother pulled him from public school after this incident i don't know where he went or where he is now in a small forest near our neighborhood me and a childhood friend used to hang out by a stream with a bunch of rocks around it we would playfully toss rocks at each other because i guess that's what boys do anyways he was far off down the stream and out of sight i was bored and was like dude you should see how far you can throw a rock found the smoothest most flat rock i could find and whipped it downstream as hard as i could seeing it fly through the trees out of sight i felt pretty proud of myself until i heard a thud followed by a screaming question came from a boy turns out i nailed my buddy in the eye didn't lose the eye but the cut on his nose produced a large amount of blood that really freaked out a pair of eight-year-olds tl dr don't throw rocks into the bush if your friend is in said bush i have a way of injuring my cousin at a family party i hit him in the neck with a wood baseball bat because he was right behind me and he got a giant splinter later that day i hit a crochet ball at him and broke his ankle croquet crochet are those hooky looking knitting thingies not a person but i ran over my neighbor's cat when i had my driving permit that's reddit suicide but i swear it was an accident i'm sorry guys my dad actually told me to speed up on my first driving lesson because there was bunnies in the road my sister also managed to drive into a tree that is about two inches wide while on her permit was playing basketball with my hs best friend went to duke him and he went one way and another his knee went into my hip and he tore his acl mcl and a couple smaller groups ruined his senior year of wrestling band and baseball not really my fault but it was on my basketball court during our one-on-one game i was cutting my husband's hair and somehow dropped the clippers and perfect arc and they nailed him straight in the balls i cry easily if i hurt someone as it is but at the time i was pregnant and hormonal on top of it he yelped and as soon as i saw his hand covered in blood i lost it and ran into the bathroom bowling and locked myself in the thing is that it hasn't even occurred to me that i had left him blind and bleeding in the kitchen without knowing how bad he was actually hurt he had no idea where his glasses were so he was stumbling around the kitchen one hand on his balls the other groping around hoping to find his glasses to add to the chaos as soon as i started crying and took off our four-year-old got scared and started screaming and crying too it all happened so fast and i felt do horrible i couldn't look at him without crying for a week during swim practice we were doing butterfly stroke about 10 people were in each lane i smacked a girl in the nose while she was coming from the opposite direction blood was shed same thing happened to me except she hit me i'm prone to excessive nosebleed so when i started everybody was screaming i acted like it didn't hurt whatsoever i was voted the team juggernaut i was tobogganing when i was roughly 11 and i ran over my friend's arm breaking it she was on the sled in front of me fell off and i ran over her i didn't get in trouble or anything and she didn't blame me which is good ten years ago when i first started taekwondo i kicked out a kid's two front teeth we were inspiring class and he wasn't wearing a mouth guard i launched a tornado kick and got him right in the mouth my foot got infected and i was in the hospital for a week had surgery and then had a picc line to my heart for the rest of the month the kid got one tooth capped and the other glued back in dang i think he actually won that fight when i was a kid playing laser tag everyone would run around even though they told us not to i of course decided running was a good idea and ran around a barrel of full speed only to hit my best friend's friend in the face with my gun i split his face above his lip wide open and he started bleeding everywhere he had to be removed from the game to go to the air while i had my gun taken from me and told to stand with my hand on the barrel as punishment for the rest of the birthday party when he came in the next day with his stitches he yelled at me for not hitting him in a certain spot on his face cause he wanted a cooler scar i've had a couple of accidents happen to me but i've never hurt anyone when i was 14 and my brother was three i was giving him a bath he was playing with some chopsticks banging them on my head and whatnot then one slipped right into my ear canal at first i just remember it hurt a little bit i took the chopstick out and the blood started gushing pouring out i screamed for my mom i had to have surgery where they took my ear off and replaced it in order to fix the eardrum terrible accident most recently my husband got me pregnant we weren't planning on having kids at the time but we did and it hurt not horrendous but quite funny the way it happened caused a friend to now only have 30 percent hearing in one ear and 50 and the other due to a devastating blow from the squeakiest of inflatable hammers to the heads whoops seventh grade awkward teenager be walking down the stairs next to a popular girl trip and try to grab railing miss railing and push girl downstairs she broke her wrist man middle school was a blast god dang you that reminded me of the time i fell down two flights of stairs and my butt literally hit every single one because some douche dropped paper i now can't stop laughing when i was about six years old my mom bought me and my sister a virtual reality helmet thing as a christmas present i was so excited to try it out so she puts the helmet on me and starts to velcro up the little hand attachment so that it could tell when i was moving my hands turned it on right after she finished up and is still kneeling in front of me and oh my god there are ninjas flying at my face so my natural reaction is to kick some ninja butt and i punch my mother directly in her eye as hard as i can on christmas morning the injury itself wasn't bad but the guilt was unbelievable i felt so bad awesome my favorite nearly peed friend and i were trying to annoy one another by sneaking up on each other and flicking the other's ear i thought he was far behind me so i tried to warn him that i knew he was sneaking by kicking my leg backwards turned out he was much closer and as a result can't have kids dude pretty sure you owe him a kid now or at least a testicle transplant not me but my uncle wanted to see how close he could swing a baseball bat to my mom's head without hitting her she woke up in the hospital shortly after i was chopping some firewood with a standard hammer chisel my friend was standing a little too close behind me i took a pretty heavy backswing in the back end of the hammer the part used to remove nails struck him right in the eye to be exact the whole metal part went into the top part of his eyeball and when i attempted the downswing his eyeball came out flying the disgusting part was we picked up his eyeball like three feet nearby and it had like roots attached to the back looked kind of like a large sperm cell called 911 my friend was a champ the whole time didn't even cry and they came and got him and he had emergency surgery well the eyeball was reattached but he lost vision in his right eye it's been 15 years and were are still friends to this date almost gave someone a concussion in a kitchen i was younger working in a cafeteria that i hated i worked in one building and was carrying a load of pans and dishes into the main building across the street i came to the swinging door at the side of the kitchen area and didn't see anyone through the glass since my hands were full i decided that it would be a good idea to kick the door open well turns out the cook was leaned over looking for something at the bottom of the shelf he wasn't happy and was off work for a couple of days boyfriend and i had an argument he stormed out i lived on the third floor high ceilings and steep stairs after a moment i ran after him didn't realize he was still between the second and third flight wham sent him flying down the stairs armed through the window felt awful sitting with him in the hospital while he got stitches frick i still feel bad about that and we broke up like five years ago when i was six my eight-year-old brother was swinging a golf club by the pool i ran by to so i could go into the pool and he hit me in his back swing my top lip fell off and i needed emergency plastic surgery not me but inflicted upon me my grandmother love you mama was walking in front of me on the stairs when i was four years old tripped near the top toppled backwards and took me out we careened down the stairs as a single jumbled mess until the bottom at which point she unfortunately broke my leg my grandmother was so riddled with guilt that she actually could not fathom that she had broken her grandson's leg to this day 18 years later nobody can bring it up at family gatherings since she gets too upset he'll find though my cousin was working on a science project and was using yard and a needle for part of it i was freaking around with the needle and i put it in the carpet my sister jumped onto it and it went into her heel with about an inch of yarn my mom pulled it out like a boss i didn't tell anyone i caused it for a couple years and then one day i told my sister and mom and they didn't care a few weeks ago i walked into the dorm room neighboring mine i knew a few of the guys there and they had invited us to chill i walk in and this girl is like i know you in my head i'm already preparing for the usual you're the guy who dances like crazy at parties you sounded awesome in that show etc i've grown accustomed to you hit me on the head and i saw your dong is what she actually said the dong thing was just because of the naked party we'd both gone to a few weeks back but apparently i hit her head pretty hard while flailing around on the dance floor a year ago or some crap we're cool now she realizes it was unintentional the way she phrased that though threw me for a loop was on a school trip and we were skimming stones at a rocky beach i picked up an almost perfectly triangular stone that was perfect for throwing i was towards the back end of the beach and with a grimace i launched the stone from my hand at a bountiful speed much to my dismay another kid in the year decided to walk in front of shoreline as i let loose a triangular missile crack it hit him in the side of the head and he fell to the floor the teachers had to look after him for a while and he was out cold for about 10 minutes luckily they understood it was an accident so i didn't get told off too much at first i thought my arm-powered rocket had killed him then i got an ice cream tl dr skimming stones another kid got stuck between a rock and a wet place if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 18,689
Rating: 4.9656358 out of 5
Keywords: accidental injury, by accident, worst injuries 2021, worst injury, bad injuries, accident, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: pkQKo7EwWbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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