Disposable Camera Film Developers, , What's the Craziest Photos You Ever Developed?

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nsw people who used to develop disposable camera film what's the creepiest craziest most memorable photos you ever developed worked at the national drugstore photo place about 10 years back seen it all the best one by far was grandma and her grandson's first camera i'm guessing he was between five eight years old i believe it was disposable and for sure it also had the ability to do panoramic shots this little man took all kinds of pictures i was really impressed we're talking toys dinner inside outside he is gonna be a photographer no doubt he even set up a bunch of the army figurines on the couch and table in a war and took pictures of the battle in action really cool stuff imagine my surprise when i get to one of the panoramic shots a giant turd in the toilet like for real nice long one too the kind that wouldn't go down without breaking in half best part the panoramic shot won't even fit in the envelope so now i'm holding this 5x7 envelope with a panoramic shot of half a turd sticking out of it in the claims bin i figure best thing to do is put the turd picture in the back and reverse the pictures so the backs are facing front an hour or so later of course gma returns with a little boy at the counter i give her the pack end as they are paying of course they open the pack to look she's looking and being a supportive grandma oh so nice oh i like this one you took it and the kid is so happy finally she gets to the panoramic turd at this point i can barely contain myself she looks and goes oh whoa that's you her little man looks up with the proudest eyes i ever seen a grandson have ever and says i made that yes you did little man and it was a good one too is what i should have said instead i probably said something like that'll be 9.95 do you have your membership card today i seen a lot of crap at that job nasty pics funny pics steamy picks and a bazillion pics of the same old boring waterfall down the street from my job but only once in my life have i ever seen a panoramic turd and i will never forget it tl dr an eight-year-old took a picture of a turd in panoramic mode and grandma opened it in front of me i'm glad i scrolled down far enough to read about the panoramic turd when i was in the navy i had a disposable camera now submariners are crazy so i left the camera in the sonar shack well when we pulled into port i sent the camera off to my wife to develop she told me that they wouldn't develop all the pictures my shipmates had taken a bunch of pictures of their dongs never leave anything unattended and within reach overboard submarine back in the early 90s our grocery store developed film one pick made no sense in the negative but when printed produced a point of view shot of a guy freaking a handbag you could see all the miscellaneous purse contents around the dong tbh handbags are hot off working on a cruise ship developing crew films some guy would get film sent from his wife we will develop a few raunchy shots of the misses in various stages of undress we assumed tripod and self-timer were involved but no in one set of shots there was a mirror in the background their son maybe around 10 12 was taking the photos did not expect that used to develop film from a prison they'd give the inmates disposable cameras for some reason i think they were instructed to take pictures of their friends so the inmates would reveal who's in what gang idk any who between pictures of dudes making gang signs and posing in groups there would be pictures of finger paintings which i thought was kind of sweet in low level security a lot of inmates are normal people that just messed up hard and are paying the price i'd like to think the cameras gave light to their dull situation and brought some fun with something creative or at least something other than finger paints i worked at a retail store that you could pick up your packs of photos from a large bin occasionally there would be a torn pack and a couple photos would fall out between the inventory truck and the customer pickup bin one such time it was the photo index card that i found on the ground picked it up and looked at it showed a sequence of pictures some grandma's birthday party kids playing the presumably mom naked the mom and dude freaking random family gathering and portraits and then a thanksgiving i read this all as being in one photo and got worried i worked on a photo desk in a supermarket for three years the craziest one i ever had was when a guy asked ask to print off his wedding pictures from his phone didn't realize he'd selected everything on there to be printed and ended up with a bunch of printouts of him getting it on with another guy just before the wedding forgot to mention he married a woman [Music] i made some poor soul develop pics of me posed as rose from the titanic fully nude jewelry and all i'm a dude not memorable for the photos but for the whole situation a guy comes in saying he wants to pick up his photos so as usual we take his name and go to the drawer to look for them hum nothing there by that name i say perhaps another name no he says so i asked when he brought the film in to be developed it was a disposable camera says the guy i say okay so when did you bring in the camera to be developed it was a disposable camera he says after a bit of towing and frowing turns out he took the term disposable camera literally so threw it in the bin right after using it when i asked him how he expected the photos to get to us from the bin he said i dunno satellites or something frick me this was 1999 like a five pound cardboard camera is gonna have satellite communication ffs so my aunt has a picture of her and her kids in front of their farmhouse unfortunately she accidentally superimposed the picture of her mother-in-law in her funeral casket so she was hovering in the sky above her grandchildren my cousin called it grandma levitating and my aunt had it in her house for years unfortunately i cannot post the pictures because it's at my aunt's house several hours away and they haven't talked to me since they found out i voted for hillary we've got a similarly double exposed shot of my very elderly and proper great aunt hovering over a mcdonald's always makes us laugh when we see it in the photo album all right i had a summer job developing photos among other tasks at a major american pharmacy retail chain about 10 years ago the photo development process itself was fairly uncomplicated as a machine automated most of the work i would load the 35 millimeter roll into the compartment seal it in select a few settings and the pictures would pop out in a few minutes the store wasn't usually very busy so sometimes i'd look through people's photos there were the usual assortment of family trips bar mitzvahs graduations awkward protest selfies photo frick-ups of people's feet and blurred walls but every couple of weeks i'd load in an inconspicuous roll of film and out would pop the gore corpses a torso opened up a stainless steel tray holding some organs a crushed skull orange pink brain clearly visible it got to be pretty disturbing i would just finish putting photos of a kid's birthday party into an envelope for the customer to pick up go to the machine to pick up the next batch and see multiple puncture and slash wounds on a hairy chest or the bloated opened abdominal cavity of an obese woman a couple of the other staff would always demand to know when the sick pics would turn up so they could have a look too we speculated for fun that there was a serial killer in town and that he was brazenly taunting us with his work of course we had the customer's last name first initial and phone number on the packet we'd keep the photos in ready for them to come and pick it up he came in one day to pick up his shots while i was working the photo area when he told me his last name he must have noticed that i paused a little longer than normal before retrieving his photos and he gave me a little smile you've seen my work he asked me i stammered out some kind of affirmative response his little smile grew a little more don't get any weird ideas kid i'm the county coroner don't get any weird ideas kid i'm the county coroner is exactly what a serial killer would say i develop film right now we got my favorite thing recently so when you look through a roll you get some idea of a story we got one roll recently vacation shorts are the various landmarks and so on then guy snorting c in his hotel room then three shots later it's him in his underwear in that same hotel room holding a goat said the flash was on too so the goat's eyes are glowing no context nothing i love it i think the sea was context i worked at a camera store in my high schools and college days and we had a photo lab in the back it was a college town and so there were plenty of photos of young adults exploring their orientation etc i never saw anything that i considered inappropriate child pee or anything like that we did have a cardboard cover for the machine output hopper so that people wouldn't see any photos of nudity and get upset however the most memorable images i remember printing were from 1989 from the tiananmen square arts you know the man holding up the line of tanks the tank man and the 200-plus people who were killed it was a big deal in world at that time and especially in college towns for a few reasons first the protesters were mostly college-age chinese second there were a lot of chinese grad students on campuses in the us and they felt deeply impacted by this many new people protesting in china we had students coming into the store with photos they took off the tv screen so they could reproduce them in the hundreds to send back to china to circumvent the regime's oppressive control of the media i'll never forget those events and the students desire to do their part even through they were one stroke to the world away we gave them massive discounts on the orders too i knew a 24 year old chinese man who had never heard of anything happening in shianaman square until recently i referenced the picture of tankman and he had no idea what we i was talking about never worked with physical film other than to box it up to ship to future film but a good part of my job right now is printing people's photo orders most of it is pretty boring and typical occasional steamy selfies or the guy with a bbw fetish and then there was the time a few weeks ago i printed a picture of a guy laying in the middle of the street head blown off and brain strewn everywhere the kicker to me was that it was mixed in with other innocent pictures of kids and scenery and then suddenly brains my dad gets crime scene pictures for work that he sends to walmart for the one-hour photo development i don't know if they are ever that graphic but he told me once about sending domestic violence pictures online and being offered to post a picture of bruises on a coffee mug it also offered mouse pads and calendars and other stuff all with the pictures on them [Music] i worked at a mini lab and have seen graphic photos from car accidents to all kinds of freaking acts it was challenging when customers would ask for a dos of nasty pics to color correct for better skin tones my favorite role was from a piano company my co-worker pointed out that there were no pianos in the photos but there sure was a lot of flute playing i worked when they had a bright idea to introduce disposable camcorders lots of people made homemade pee videos almost all of which i did not want to see naked one was pictures of bruises all over a child called the manager who called the cops turned out the father was beating the kids and the wife was trying to document but didn't want to turn the dad in that wasn't fun whole bunch of drugs and guns and pictures intermixed with family photos dude worked for homeland security and forgot what he had on the camera developed a couple's wedding photos they put out a bunch of disposable cameras for the guests multiple dong pics then i ran their honeymoon pictures and lots of her naked a-plus they came in to pick up and we're talking about the resort and said they let peacocks just roam around without thinking i said oh yes or that looked kind of neat that's when they realized that i looked at their pictures you have to click the button on the machine for each picture kind of got quiet after that remembered another one can't believe i forgot creepy guy creepy guy would ride his bike to the store about two hours before close and spend the entire time on the kodak machine he would smile and laugh to himself and end up only printing 2-5 pictures over that time dude was late 40-ish and hit on the 16-year-old girls so they'd switch with me if i was stalking rather than stand with him anywho he knew the code to the machine and would delete what he was doing when he was done along with immediately putting the pictures in the bag when they printed my curiosity got the best of me so i changed the code he came in did his thing and then tried to delete his pictures flipped his crap when he couldn't delete yelled screamed etc finally left the store he was taking pictures of his neighbors through his blinds and then adding bubble captions i can't recall the details but it was creepy never saw him again after that along the same lines i worked for a company that had a photo printing site that did photo books and gifts some of the more memorable photos i recall going through the system a topless elderly woman with her naked boobs resting on the keys of a piano the infamous poop book a client must have had some sort of feckle fetish as he created a photo book comprised of various images of his poop the book culminated in a toilet selfie it looked like the camera was placed inside the toilet bowl as you could see the rim of the seat and everything and the guy was standing over the toilet he ordered about ten copies two assumedly for his other fecal fetish friends i failed to mention that he was standing over the bowl completely nude and you could definitely see his junk guess that was an important detail old boobs on a piano well that's one way to play b flat besides the child p borderline child p and nudists it would have to be the role of film that ended with a woman being fricked by a dog oh and the dude who decided to take a picture of his dog in a hot dog bun no that is not an innuendo he did not fill the bun out the fact that the bun was too big really is the worst part of all this when i was about 16 17 i worked for cvs as a photo tech i once had a role that was a series of trophy pictures of naked women laying all in the same bed some of them happened to be under 18 as i went to high school with them i told my manager she needed to take a look at this and she said when the guy came in that she wanted to talk to him i called him told him his roles were all set and when he came in she had cops waiting for him crap was crazy glad that your manager got to do the right thing i used to be a tech in a one-hour photo lab back when we still processed the film in the store some years back i had a customer bring in a couple of rolls of film and make me promise to delete them from our machines archives when they were done the images were from september 11 2001 this guy was there and took pictures of the towers as they burned but waited nearly a decade to get them developed so i was the first and likely one of the few people who will ever see those particular photos of that day true to my word i never shared them with anyone yes we do share crazy pictures with our co-workers but i still remember them makes you wonder how many photos like that exist in the world unfortunately he'd waited too long to develop them so some of the pictures were lost as negatives are sensitive and can easily be damaged over time due to x-ray heat moisture or light exposure aside from that i didn't get too many atypical things a few times a year i'd get to use a poster board to cover the prince coming out cause of dongs or boobs our machine was in an area where customers could walk by and see them printing out also the occasional accident photos including some i had to take myself in the parking lot nothing exciting just spots where customers fell oh there was that one super sleazy guy who used to come in and print photos on the instant kiosks most of the pictures he printed were girls of questionable legality posing but not nude he claimed to be a photographer but he was gross and gave off a really creepy vibe i showed my manager a few of the pictures he happened to leave behind one day and got him banned from our photo lab but there was nothing else we could do about it by and large though most photos weren't all that memorable 99 of people suck at taking pictures my least favorites were those disposable cameras people would leave on the tables at wedding receptions guaranteed i'd spend an entire night developing 30 rolls of absolute crap pictures so boring those and underwater disposables total waste of money but at least they were fun to pop open i used to see how far i could get the little plastic shutter to launch across the lab i used to love smashing open underwater cameras a flat screwdriver and a hammer was awesome i work at a store no details that has a photo development section a lady came asking for her photos and i couldn't find them anywhere so i check in the system and see her name so i decide to reprint them in order to print them i need to open a page on the computer that showed all of her pictures and when i looked it was all naked pictures this lady was getting naked pictures of herself printed out at a store where some employee will have to see them after i printed them out she smiled and winked and walked away incredibly awkward now you know part of her exhibitionist fetish i worked at a photo lab for three years back in the 90s and i have some pretty good ones most of the photos that people tried to take that were nsw were terrible they would usually buy one of the crappy disposable cameras without a flash and take the pictures in a poorly lit bedroom where the pictures would come out terribly i did have one high school friend privately asked me to develop photos of her for her boyfriend they were very tame but it was weird seeing her with stuffed animals strategically placed over her body as you can imagine whenever there were risque pictures we all wanted to see so it was a bit of a sideshow when they came in it wasn't often but it did happen there were even a couple of times where we had to decide not to print them based on what we saw in the negatives nothing creepy but usually too obscene and explicit to develop in our lab the conversation with the customer was always a bit awkward but if they had the courage to drop the pictures off they were usually prepared to get that information in private my best story was from about 1996 or so if i recall correctly i worked at a photo lab in fort worth tx very close to the tcu campus and near the colonial golf course one day in the spring a guy came in with about 50 rolls of film and wanted them developed immediately he wasn't rude but he was in a huge hurry we weren't cheap but he didn't care turns out there was a dude named tiger woods playing the colonial golf tournament and every single picture 36 exposure rolls was of tiger he was getting them developed so he could rush back and sell them we got the film developed as quickly as possible and back to him and he was gone i sincerely regret not making a few extra copies for myself which would have been against the rules but i should have done it the creepiest thing was finding out that the guy who worked with me was printing doubles of anything that was out of the norm and had them all in photo albums in his apartment i was shocked to see that he had about 40 photo albums full of our customers photos in his own private collection creeped me out a little especially since lots of the photos were of the nsw variety back in the 80s i worked in a sketchy independent one-hour photoshop hidden in the back of a small mall it was a magnet for people to bring in their private photos so much fur i don't remember a single day when we didn't get in a roll of film with genitalia we were under orders from the boss and manager to immediately make doubles or triples of the good stuff and there was a lot of that we had an entire cupboard filled with photo albums of furry people a80s doing fun stuff after a while you got used to seeing homemade frick acts and unity so for the most part it was pretty ordinary the only times it got odd was when the manager would bring in his own roles for processing it was a bit jarring the first few times i printed up pictures of him and his girlfriend who also worked there being very kinky in front of the camera fur and leather needless to say i probably shouldn't have been too surprised when their christmas party turned into a swing as orgy and i found myself in a pile of twelve naked carollers hey there was crap but the benefits were top-notch i used to work in a target photo lab there were a lot of people with disposable cameras from parties where people appeared in various forms of undress once a hunter brought in pictures of a hunting trip and subsequent butchering of a deer not that crazy my personal favorite was a picture from a camping trip these campers had built a wooden forest toilet imagine an outhouse in the middle of a beautiful forest but without any walls the picture was just this guy sitting on the toilet presumably taking a crap completely unaware of the photographer he was totally at peace it was beautiful worked at cvs a few years back we still developed film two guys stick out to me one was this old dude who came in once a month he would have pictures of old lady butts out in public like just random old lady butts in walmart or them all then he would have pictures of random houses on the same roll of film it seemed very stalkerish eventually we reported it to the police but i assume nothing came of it because he still came in once a month with the same stuff i never saw it but some of the employees who had been there for years said one time he had pictures developed that had cut outs of his dong glued on girls in magazines the other time was these dudes in their mid-20s brought in some film from their vacation it was full of pictures of weed coke cash and girls with lines of coke on them i only developed the legal pictures and told them that we didn't develop pictures of illegal activity i gave them the negatives and suggested they buy a digital camera or use the iphone they had in their hands i forgot to mention the old lady but guy would only ever buy pictures and lube and never spoke to the cashier it was understood that he wasn't going to take part in smaller talk so we just rang him up then bathed in hand sanitizer had cut outs of his dong glued on girls and magazines hahaha that's freaking great i haven't personally experienced anything weird other than seeing about one stroke three other dong in one pick my lab manager has told me though that he's seen some weird crap in his day one time he had a fairly large woman develop some photos which included shots of her in lingerie after the photos were developed and handed to her the woman asks my manager in a kind of embarrassed voice did you see any of the photos after saying he did she leaned in a little close and whispered did you like them i think i remember him saying too that he once found someone trying to develop what was essentially child pee my manager informed the customer that he had called the police if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: disposable camera, disposable camera effect, film developer, funniest photos, photos, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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