Harvesting Soybeans #GOTIME

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I'm Zack Johnson reporting for the Millennial farmer coming up is its soybean day down on the farm stick around and we'll tell you after this [Music] here's our plan guys which can change at any moment but right now what we're gonna do is switch the 98 70 over for soybeans do a little bit of work on that get it all ready to go drop the corn header put the soybean header on and we're gonna take it out here at home and cut some beans here at home see if they're doing any better than the stuff south of here if you watched yesterday's video you saw that the stuff south of here when we finish that night wasn't quite ready to go maybe we got some stuff here at home that's ready to go a little bit better I don't know but the plan is right now to get both machines set for soybeans get ready to go and get going on those and if they don't go today hopefully they'll go tomorrow because the forecast is looking pretty good we actually got sunshine already this morning so this is two days in a row with sunshine which has been completely unheard of as of lately so I'm happy about that and we'll see what we can do all we got to do to switch this machine over to soybeans is shift the rotor into high gear speed up the drive on the chopper belt put the knives in flip the chopper door switch the accelerator milk into high speed swap the Peterhouse rocket around take the stock snipers off James girl blades on the beater house gutter topped off with some go-go juice drop the header and then pick up and connect to the soybean header after we've got that on we'll start it up and the rest of our changes will all be made over here digitally on this control console they're a little too wet yeah the same thing we were finding last night yeah not a lot of them I'd say not as many yea they look ready so here's what we've concluded the beans are a little bit too wet a little bit inconsistent as I've been talking about but we're ready to go the weapon is going empty on corn we've got everything switched over with this Sun and this little bit of a breeze I think that when the beans are going to change fairly quickly so for now we're gonna fill the Webb in and have the dryer going and just dry some beans now and we don't like drying beans they dry a little bit hard but it's go time beans change quickly they're not like corn where the corn takes a long time to dry down and it doesn't pick up a lot of moisture beans will actually pick up moisture overnight just from the dew and then a lot of times by lunchtime they're dry again they're ready to go that's why a lot of the times during soybean harvest nobody's going at 6 a.m. 7 8 a.m. so beans I think once the top of the soil dries off the rest of the beans will dry out fairly quickly because we know they're all dead they've frozen several times so we're ready to go and it's go time we've just kind of decided we're gonna pick our best fields to work with and we're just gonna get it done and hopefully by tomorrow we don't have to be running the dryer so if they dry down enough we won't have to worry about the dryer tomorrow that'd be nice but otherwise it's go time we're going to do it had to grab my groceries weird-looking machine what is that you have that line up a lot better you want me to stay on the more cider come over to the south okay you can just drive straight forward there Jim stay on the north side of the road 20 feet ten feet no foot holder there once while I get up there okay creep ahead about a foot and a half right there [Music] [Music] time to jump up make sure we're doing a good job here because we haven't taken enough soybeans to have our settings all perfect yet this year so I'm going to check here but the beans so far in most average spots are running really good I'm really happy with these this is a new channel extend variety we're gonna check it out here and see how it goes but so far they're running really good everything looks good out here pods are getting dry Sun is shine and win is blowing beans are running good it's go time even during everything online so I ended up driving through a washout on one of the hills got the right side of the head around a little bit too far and didn't see a rock that had kind of come up was sticking out ripped one of these little Teflon or plastic skid plates off the bottom of the header as soon as we get dumped here and get back to the north end Jim is here in the service truck he's got a new piece he actually just put a new Teflon piece right on the steel piece that it goes on and we're gonna flip though flip the whole piece out and put a new one on there and get it all switched out shouldn't take too long I think it's just a couple of bolts as long as we can pry it into place I'll do what I can to get that on video for you guys do we want it up high enough so we can get the block under there to block that hitter up no your kids are all grown sounds good we will talk about it later all right right it's hidden just the wrong spot there happened to hit that one where it's got this brace underneath this one well this one is the last one the broken [Music] with a quick 10-minute pitstop not a big deal we got that fixed up what happened there was the steel piece that I thought was the same as every other one was actually a little bit different it had up a widget weld it to the back so that we could mount it on one of the supports and end up being different but anyway won't go - combines rolling time - giddyup yep according to my GPS in here we got one row between us okay I'll pick that up then potty break it's a lot harder to find privacy in a bean field that's it 120 down on to the next we only got a half a mile to go but when you're 35 feet wide driving into the Sun through a dirty windshield it's not super comfortable I made it I made it you want me just to start going here and you're gonna help those guys move stuff around for so these beans here that we're opening up now are an old favorite of ours they are a roundup to channel they are not an extend bean we've been planting these beans for a lot of years and I kind of wish at this point even though I'm not very far into it it's looking like I sure wish we had just gone with a hundred percent of these beans because they are running really really well especially compared to those last ones it's beautiful so it's not very dark out yet but there you guys can see that incredible LED light that I put on the end of the auger unfortunately I've been having a problems with it when I turn it off or fold the auger up and it turns off he doesn't want to turn back on so it works good the first time and then I can't get it going again so anybody have any ideas for me see see it's not going to turn back on now darn it well when they wrap around the auger and they start clumping up as bad as this one did that's when they start getting tough check this out guys I've got 35 feet of steel distraction flailing around in front of me and when I turn on the south end of the field this is what my visibility does I hope the camera picks this up you see that guys no light on my auger again during this little one on well it seemed like the means we're gonna get tougher when the Sun went down and the wind died down what happens is a little bit of dew starts coming on and it sticks to the plants and then the plants start wrapping around the reel and slugging through the machine and it just doesn't work nice it gets pretty it can get pretty impossible to actually run them that's why a lot of the times we don't harvest soy beans late at night either because that do comes on gets the plants wet and there's nothing we can do about it but you can see here the way the dust is going that the breeze kind of came back it came from the north northwest and we got a little bit of a breeze going and things are going good now when we ran out of the shorter rounds we were working on and if we want to keep going to night which it is starting to get a little bit tough but really that's just a half of an excuse because we ran into what we run into now is we're going to have to go farther west in this field and then we're gonna run into longer rows and we're gonna have to go quite a ways to the north and start taking out a bunch of Andros which on a dusty night with soybeans and a 35 foot header we really don't like taking out in rows if we felt like we could go a lot longer we'd probably do it I kind of think we're gonna be done within the hour anyway and so we've got our trucks full here we're just gonna shut it down for the night take the trucks home and be done for the day be back at it again in the morning full-on double combines what does this mean [Music] that's it days over thanks for watching see you tomorrow
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 635,625
Rating: 4.9362016 out of 5
Keywords: Harvesting Soybeans #GOTIME, harvesting soybean, millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer harvest, mn millennial farmer equipment, farmer, farming, farm, harvest, harvesting corn, 2018 harvest, education, entertainment, farming education, john deere, how farms work, farming simulator, agco, agco challenger, agco tractors, challenger, combine, grain cart, grain carts with tracks, green tractor, john deere 9870, corn harvest, farming vlog, maize, damaged combined
Id: r9b6cqB1AuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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