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[Music] [Music] obviously our weather turned on us so i'm out here to check the plants and see if the snow is sticking on them as you can tell i still don't have much of a voice our plan was to move about five miles south this morning and get going and try to knock out a hundred acres down there but this is gonna be a problem in the combine what happens is the snow shakes off and if it's cold enough it's not a problem but if it's sticky like this is it sticks to the inside of the machine things plug up sieves don't open the way they're supposed to and you end up with corn on the ground would you shush please it'll be at least a couple hours oh it's still coming down now yeah i'm gonna go catch up on some office work then and we'll be in touch in a couple hours here's a little update on the girls isla can you show them your cast just show them your cast they they want to know that you're okay what do you want what is it it's a flamingo sitting on the toilet a flamingo on a toilet i want that they're so fun even though oliver he got he's stuck in the pool table at the bar it went down the hole he got stuck in a pool table at the bar it's a common issue let's see the cast isla show them the cast it's there it's there are you okay you doing okay can you say hi she's being shy three hours later the sun is out obviously everything is still wet we wouldn't be able to go now but with the sunshine and a little bit of wind we have i don't think it's going to take too long so we're going to start throwing diesel and stuff and getting ready to go here that's what we need to see right there everything melting off in that sunshine a little chilly out yet this morning for the 98 70. [Music] this is millennial farmer this reminds me we have to update our wheels but we won't do that today so in the meantime i'm going to go get thunder and fuel up the grain cart tractor and put a little daf in big red maybe we'll call it big red put some daf in there what should we call it maybe the welker cadillac do you guys do you want me to say it anymore or i mean thunder [Music] doubling up go check on the combine over here see if that's full yet warranty is it still morning well just by a pair it's about lunchtime yeah but you ain't gonna get no lunch today if you haven't ate already there's plenty of days i don't get lunch we'll be all right good morning morning hook up the header trailer to the dooley here what do you think yup i'm taking the thunder creek trailer off it now okay sounds good morning edge afternoon for everybody whatever it is now we're gonna convoy out of here with everything and the egg country guy brought us lunch right as we were leaving for everybody so there jim's in there eating up alan's eating up jackpot he's gonna pick it off and then we'll get out of the way here because we have started a country roadblock before i'll just see if i can get far enough out of his way here and then i'll run back and hook you up quick we got a knife nut spinning we got a knife out right over here there's a box here huh we've never messed with those but this one's off i wonder now try it there we go she was out of gear so those are the knives that are basically like lawn mower blades that spin around down there and chop the stalks as we go that's why we don't have to run a stock chopper anymore [Music] five to allen once you get that truck turned around and parked you can just hop in with me i'll take you back home you can grab the third truck and i'll fire up the dryer we got a little bit left in the wet bin yet so we'll get this dryer running before josh gets back with the truck he should be back here any minute most of the belts should be mostly dry so at this point we'll just fire this thing up got the top of the dryer heating up now before i start the blower system the fan system i'm going to clean the filter out because we got to do this once in a while because it gets full of that stuff see what i mean now the way to clean these out is very technical you got to use a lot of precision when you do it you take it like this and you drop it on the concrete and there we go all better uh-oh the hot rodders are out i hear noise it's a good thing it appears as though everything's going well back there so i'm going to hop across the road check out the 40 acres over there and see if it's dry enough to go hit that thing with the speed tiller we've got on the quad track right now [Music] i think we might be good to go never mind that spilled corn no big deal nothing to see here hi quad track [Music] so so i spent some time in this machine now i've done a few hours pulling this speed tiller with it over the last few days my initial reactions here it's got plenty of power plenty of traction it's pulling a 40 foot wide tillage piece here that takes a lot of power and i'm not really struggling with it so that tells me that the machine's got traction seems to be pretty efficient i'm running nine to ten miles per hour most of the time i throttle back a little bit and the efficiency is is really good on it i'm impressed with that i have had some issues with the speed tiller plugging up a little bit conditions are still pretty iffy like they were yesterday that snow this morning believe it or not didn't make anything better but you can see that streak right back here that's from plugging up a little bit and i've had it do that a few times but overall the amount of acres we're covering and how often it doesn't is isn't that big a deal on top of that i know that the conditions are questionable and they make a different disc blade that we can pull these right off put the other disc blade on or if we were to purchase a unit like this we could actually get it with that other disc blade on it that way it would match our conditions better because we do have high magnesium high calcium very sticky soils so chances are that's the way we would order it if we purchased a machine like this the cab is comfortable it's got a nice leather buddy seat over here with some storage in the back uh it's got good heating and cooling up here visibility is phenomenal the way the hood slopes down the exhaust is big but it is on all tractors nowadays and it really doesn't obstruct much you can't even tell that the the uh air pipe is out here in this corner everything's pretty wide open plenty of leg room pretty big cab the one complaint i have on the cab is there's not a whole lot of other storage a lot of nooks and crannies for other things there's there's tuck tuck away panels and stuff up here and there's some room back in the buddy seat but i'm used to having places to set things over here and there there really there just isn't a lot so that would be one issue that i have with the cap but overall i'm six foot three and a lot of it's in my legs and i have no problem fitting in here plus it's got the pigs lucky the information screens i'll see if you can see that there you go they're nice to look at this is just the screen up there there's no adjustment up there but it's a really nice easy to read screen easy on the eyes same with their new screen over here this is their pro 1200 it's got plenty of run pages down here you can set them up any way you want basically you can control and set up everything from here there if you go back to run two page there's my camera so i can see what's going on behind me there i have very very very little experience with the pro 700 which is their i believe that's their last stream they've had this pro 1200 it's pretty nice it's a little bit slower than i'm used to when you're when you're pushing buttons a lot of the times it it needs a second to load but i haven't had any problems with it at all again it's easy to use it's a clean it's a clean system it makes sense to me i'm not used to running the case system and i haven't had any problems trying to figure it out so that tells me it's relatively user friendly got all kinds of mounts up here and over there for uh any other screens you want to put in here the multi-function handle here this is your throttle along with lots of other things so you can shift it right here i like the way it skips the gear so it goes two gears at a time unless you hold a little button in back here then you can shift one gear at a time i really do like that a lot you can program a lot of these buttons to do whatever you want using the screen up here i'm kind of staying out of that for now trying to learn the other functions of the tractor auto steer button is right here um everything else is here levers are easy to get to this is a little adjustable depending on where you're comfortable putting your elbow i like that it's a sweet ride i like it i admit it's a sweet tractor other side becky other side doors on the other side over there [Music] it's on the left side on this tractor what is this thing [Music] where'd you get that snazzy hat steal it from your son mine oh what do you think of the case kcih steiger 620 afs connect it's different it's different what else i left a half a strip here half a round for you so now we're done sit sit that was quick that's what she said hi she doesn't want to wave there's 45 acres done in a hurry uh so i got about a 60 chance for a few hours middle of the night that's that's about it but they're saying on the daily it shows 70 percent chance tonight okay then you almost need to do that don't we yeah i'd hate to have the equipment that far down there we could just well come home and get more bushels in the bin in case it does rain yeah maybe we'll do that more corn in here by now than i expected wow there we go three rings left and i know that bin has plenty of room in it so i don't need to climb that yet and oh that's still sitting here weird right now the number one thing is to get the crop off get the fields worked that'll get cleaned up but we're not that worried about it corn doesn't do too bad with some rain on it it's not going to rot away other than the bottom inch or two we'll get it cleaned up plus in the grand scheme of things i mean it's it's not that big a deal just a random fun fact if any of you are looking for a high quality backup camera that's made in the usa i've got them on my website right now which is linked down below you can get your very own laser engraved millennial farmer camera check it out on top of that twenty dollars from each of those cameras sold which we have a very limited quantity but 20 from each one sold is going into the fund for the grain bin safety donations that we are making so check them out if you need a backup camera hey why not 20 bucks of it goes towards something great for farmers i'm a truck driver now the diversity of the day so far is pleasing i can't stand doing the same thing for 14 hours well just based off of what i'm hearing on the radio it sounds like we might have just broke the unload auger chain again yeah i go ahead for i'm uh one mile from home i hear you want me to spin around yeah i don't know if you have any i don't know what to think if you have any more connecting links or i just turned up uh norman's road so i'll head back home and grab the dually okay it's all good i don't know uh we're out of connecting links that size so we're either gonna have to run grab some 60-h connecting links or honestly you should probably just get a new chain because i don't know that's the third time it's broke now in the last 24 hours so i'm thinking new chain well that was a fun trip around the block anna i'll be back okay getting a bit dark off to the west you know what's the matter yeah what's that you got a faulty chain okay jim says this chain doesn't look like a chain well yeah see there's a dark spot there i do see that whole dark spot there that's how the other ones looked yesterday exactly looks to me like they got an awful lot done here do you guys have all the short rounds by that tower done no oh you don't i'm working on both sides of it ah okay this one went on easy you did yeah easier though yeah that second one we did yesterday was a real pain hmm got the links off that other one yep three of them okay we're not gonna need them we're gonna need them this chain will work so the deer tech brought us a new chain we threw that on there looking at the old chain we think maybe there was a hardening issue with the old chain it was a brand new one this year so it should have been all right because all it's done is soybeans and not even half our corn so far we checked all the bearings cross augers everything moves freely all the bearings are tight we even have new cross augers and an unload and i think the vertical auger as well two years ago so nothing should be wore out everything moves freely and the bearings are tight so we're thinking we had a bad chain that's our thoughts as of now anyway we've been wrong before they're all out of rows down here they're way over there so i can't even i don't even get to watch we got a nice view here i guess i could check the dryer make sure none of the pipes are falling apart that's done suppose i could check my emails this is the full one it's full now just the balls are gonna come top it off oh okay okay good i was starting to get bored i was checking my email and everything yeah apparently there's not enough left in the field back there i can't see how much there is but dad says let josh take that truck and i should go home and get the header trailer so i'm being tossed around all over which is fine with me that's kind of the way i prefer it i don't mind putting out fires and running around may as well do a quick dryer check as long as i'm here moistures all look good fans look good pipes look good everything's good all good things point rose i was safer to just dump standing still ah let's just do this the easy ways as well [Music] i better turn the big lights on it's getting a little gloomy out here what have you been up to i've never seen that before one of the feeder house slats is really bent really did you pull anything in no not that i know i wonder if it's from that rock we got last year and it's been like that we've just never been stopped on it i don't know it looks like it's not gonna hurt anything but it's clearly bent we've got a dent in the drum right under here it's been there for a year i'll bet that's been like that it's polly we don't run the steel ones here they're polly so i think it's fine are you good in there with your knee or you want to swap jobs well i wouldn't mind swapping but i almost like i'm better in here because i can sit forward and it's less vibrating okay the car is vibrating and i can't truck very good sure i can stay in here without my brakes okay i'll drop this trailer bring a truck to the field bring josh back to the other field get that truck see if jim wants to keep working dad's going to grab a pop a soda pop or soda soda he calls it a soda go ahead seven are you combining more are we parking them we're gonna go a little longer you wanna work late tonight or you wanna work late tomorrow i'm night we're going to be working late tomorrow night if we go down to starbucks anyway sounds good thanks again jim we'll see you tomorrow i locked you out thanks for rubbing you're welcome you new to these parts yep look at these old guys they're just gonna combine with the side door open i got it somebody's got to watch out for these old guys you know maybe yeah the field see you back there is it just showing you the wrench because you haven't put in a you haven't put in a heading yet you haven't created a track you don't have a track chosen okay i did that but when i cleared the coverage and cleared that too didn't it because i got it now yep 10-4 okay we're going the yield is down and this one doesn't score on corn i suppose that's why but it isn't just not bad seven once you're empty there you can wait for me i'm coming up behind you all i'll take your job from you tuck this baby in where it's safe he's getting there i'm getting there i think you can move four or five inches through the left deck you know this really is kind of relaxing getting to sit out here in my own tractor now later at night the phone doesn't ring nobody's texting me all i got to worry about is keeping him moving keeping you guys happy i even get to rock out to music which i haven't i honestly have not done that all fall but i can't do it for you now because you know copyright reasons it's about 11 o'clock now and this is gonna finish up this field here so once we get done with this field here maybe he wants me i'm pretty sure even if we do get point rows as long as they don't come out into my tractor i can hold straight line with you yeah as long as we don't get more than two or three of them i think we're good because i currently have auto steer in the grain cart as i was saying when we finish this field here in a few minutes everybody's always got something to say we're gonna be down to about 370 acres of corn left to go obviously the soybeans are all gone we got a lot of tillage to go so there's gonna be a lot of tillage to do a lot of fertilizer to put on so we're gonna do that with the deep bender also got another machine coming out here that we're gonna try and put some fertilizer down with you guys will get to see that but this is cool man what up harvest so far man [Music] uh two and a half rings left two and a half rings yeah so that isn't going to hold the weapon or what no i still don't know why only half of you subscribed i don't send you any emails nobody charges you any money it's just really disappointing i'm kidding i love you no matter what
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 606,720
Rating: 4.9727821 out of 5
Keywords: Case IH 620 AFS Connect Steiger Quadtrac, millennial farmer 2020, CASE IH 620 QUARDTRAC- HARVEST PROBLEMS, Millennial Farmer, millenial farmer, mn millennial farmer, mn farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennium farmer, quadtrac, farm equipment, mn millennial farmer harvest, Farm videos, case ih, millennial farmer x-9 combine, welker farms, quadtrac vs john deere, off the husk, john deere, farm machinery, grain cart, IT'S A SWEET RIDE!
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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