Planting Season Is In FULL-SWING In Central Illinois!

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good morning everyone and welcome back to the channel it is finally here planting season 2021 and if you cannot tell by the look on my face i'm pretty pumped today will be the first day that we put seeds in the ground on our farm but there are a few farmers in the county that have already started planting within the last few days like i said in the last video once the first person gets their planner out in the field everyone else is ready to go today and tomorrow the highs are 80 degrees fahrenheit if that's not motivation enough to put the hammer down i don't know what is if you enjoy planting season as much as i do make sure you smash that like button and subscribe to the channel if you don't want to miss out on any of this fun action we've got to go check in on a few things get some seed load the planters and we're going to hit the fields while i was enjoying a large amount of food and family time yesterday on easter two of our field cultivators hit the field here on some bean stubble we got about 200 acres worked give or take to get a little bit ahead of the corn planter the ground is almost in perfect condition but we did already run into our first snafu of the year one of our 9460rs broke down in the middle of the field out here i guess it's a good thing that we started early yesterday to give our field culvaters a little bit of leeway ahead of the exact emerge high speed planner we did start on easter sunday though and they typically say you start on a sunday you break down on a monday this corner of our well field is usually kind of wetter worked up a little cloudy plenty of moisture in there planter will have any problems busting through that leaving a nice seed bed we're not entirely sure what's ailing this tractor right now it threw up a stop and depowered out in the middle of field i came out later and checked it the only coat i could find that would cause it to actually stop and power down like that was an axle loop code and there is a little bit of a hydraulic oil and dirt build up in the back i don't know if that's what caused it we're gonna have to have a qualified deer mechanic come look at it because you can't run any kind of real diagnostics unless you have their software which is why people want the right to repair hook up to my seed tender and then we can get some seed hopefully we'll start [Applause] doing a little early morning sea tender staging gonna air up the tires untarp the cart and go get some seed from pioneer first time to drink that way she lasts for a couple days making a quick stop here over the seed shed we need to get some talc for the soybeans which we haven't gotten yet and we're going to help the boss relocate this backhoe conveyor headed out that way so we can load the seed tenders with this seed straight out of the barn without having to use the fold out part of the conveyor [Music] [Music] little c lubricate talc is secured should run us for a while we've got the conveyor set up now dad can load corn with ease it goes from a three-man job to a one-man job maybe two let's go hit the road northbound to pick up some seed beans bruce is out planting corn already this morning that's who we're picking up this pioneer seed from this is the first and probably the last time i drive down this rock road it's a straight shot from our farm to get to this pioneer dealership but the bottom of my conveyor gets filled with rocks when i get here i'm probably have to run it to make sure it's empty those rocks don't plug anything up but they will sit in the row units and probably disturb it a little bit here's our destination time the soybean we're picking up today is a 31 a 95 extend soybean from pioneer we planted this last year for the first time and it was pretty good he doesn't have these beans in the bulk tanks out back he's actually got them pre-treated in boxes so he's just going to pull up here with the forklift it sits tall enough that he can roll over the top here and dump straight in first class service wes yeah the windows on the sea tender already stained from sea treatment the last few years i told you there'd be a rock or two in there the cork looks a little nicer than ours and by little i mean a lot when i talk about his bulk storage and his treater these four tanks have four different varieties of soybeans in them untreated they go up through the conveyor come down the funnel and run through this treater here they put different types of seed treatment insecticide fungicide and some inoculants run them out and load them there the ones that are in bulk have been pre-treated and what's not beans out here is corn for the most part these pro boxes are corn bruce has a pretty nice outfit here the only downside to picking these up straight out of the pro boxes versus how the treater is out of the treater we can say we want just 105 units whereas out of the pro boxes we 105 units but there's 45 units per box so there's really no way to get what we need without getting 135 units of soybeans what we can do here is wash our scales west will pay attention up there to the slide on the pro box and we'll put the perfect amount of seed which in this case there's about 43 pounds a unit so we're putting 655 pounds of soybeans in here and that should give us 105 units that's good that was a lot easier than i thought it was gonna be then we're gonna throw in a couple loose bags of a 3-1 soybean that way if we don't have enough beans we don't have to bring the seed tender back out we can just top it off with the bags in the truck we're gonna take five bags with this we already loaded two i'm extremely impressed with the 10 speed in this truck smooth as glass the seat tinder is not fully loaded but it's pulling like a breeze although i could load it like this for the sake of my knees and not having to exert myself climbing up and down that high i'm going to lower the planter back in down and we'll throw the seed tender up there and fill those tanks completely full okay [Applause] all right everyone it's game time just pulled into the field unfold the planner make sure everything's good to go and we'll start playing flip over plant mode turn on our front wheel assist put her down should be priming the seed right now lock our vacuums in vacuums are spooling up all that's left is to prime the row units this button spins the plates around you probably can't see but the seeds are shooting out the bottom we'll get one more press for good measure and we're going to take off it appears that everything's running smoothly we're playing a little light on the population we've got 160 is our target we're fighting 153 so i may have to bump up our population a bit maybe even play with our vacuum settings we want to double check our seed depth make sure we're in the moisture still a little wet out here they never seem to be where you dig what in the world there they are oh that's pretty deep looks like we're over two inches deep we're gonna back those way out of the ground the sea's about right here two and a quarter looking for one and a half but we really just want them in the moisture and there's moisture all the way up probably at least an inch down so i'm gonna back them out of the ground soybeans definitely need to be in moisture they take a lot to germinate we do have some rains coming up in the forecast so it's not that big of a deal but i'd rather put them shallower and not put them so deep in that mud we'll back them out of the ground about three notches should put us in the money zone having your seat at the right depth is crucial to getting good germination and the seed not having too much of a challenge overcoming that top crust of soil also equally important is not hitting your neighbor's brand new cattle fence so wish me luck we've got about 3 8 of a mile we make it that far should be good for the rest of the season we're going to bump our population up to 163. it's hard to tell for sure how much we're planting just because it says it's planting 150 500 556 000 plants doesn't necessarily mean that's the case we really won't be able to tell them against in this field how many units we use versus how many we're expecting to use this fence row is where that rtk mapping comes in pretty handy i haven't had to steer yet and i haven't hit the fence although i'm getting kind of close i'm planting beans in this field we got a field pulveter across the road finishing up that dad's in the exact emerge across the road in the same field and then we have another field cultivator off there to the south we've got a lot of green yellow in the same vicinity i'm going to wrap up these in rows and then we're going to get a little eagle eye vision are you even really a farmer if you're not playing into the ditch a little bit we gotta make sure every single speck of dirt has a seat next to it it wouldn't hurt to do one last c depth check we should probably also check and make sure that a row shut-offs are calibrated as well wouldn't want to plant the whole farm and have that mess up all right i'm feeling lucky we're going to get a seed right here nope nothing yet you can see it's sitting right in the moisture perfect i'd put it about an inch and a half in the ground maybe an inch and three quarters it's still a tiny bit deep for my taste i may back them out of the ground a bit more i'm running all of the rows at three and three except for the full rows directly behind the tires they get a little extra rate on them so we're gonna run them on three and two just a tad bit deeper man he is cooking over there he's gonna be finished with that feel before i even have the ends done on this must be nice to be [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] as i'm sure you could tell nutrient sprayer was about on my heels and at one point i had to let him pass he is spraying our burn down and residual product on our corn stocks this year we are trying out a new product by basf it is called sharp and pro it's not really that new by any means a lot of people in the area have used it and had a lot of good things to say about it so we're adding it to our herbicide program hoping it helps control the water hemp a little bit more sharpened pro has three modes of action to help control weeds and offer residual protection out in the field for the sake of not giving you guys a headache and for me not having to repeat these words a thousand times to pronounce them right i'm just going to use their trade names and not their actual chemical names the burn down portion or what you need to apply on this no-till ground to kill off all the weeds that are out there immediately is sharp sharpen is a group 14 herbicide it's a ppo inhibitor the beauty of sharpen versus a standard 24d or other product is that there is no plant back we can plant our soybeans immediately into the ground after the product's been applied back in the day farmers used a burn down product like 240 and there's actually a 30-day label plant back so if we sprayed generic 240 out here we would theoretically have to wait 30 days to plant our soybeans with sharpen we get very quick weed control it kills the weeds within a couple days and then we can also plant our soybeans immediately as long as the beans are not out of the ground you're good to go the other two components of zidua pro are what provide that long lasting residual protection against weeds these residuals are so important because the easiest time to kill a weed is when it's very young waterhemp is one of our troublesome weeds and if you let that thing get over four to five inches there's very few herbicides that'll kill it that is why you need to have a product down that helps kill those plants the minute they come out of the ground it's not 100 effective but it will buy us time until we get out in the field and put that second herbicide pass down and hopefully smoke all those weeds that were made the tag team duo of basf's flagship residual program is zijwa a group 15 herbicide it is a long chain fatty acid inhibitor and then pursued a group two herbicide which is an als inhibitor those two combined are fantastic at limiting the growth of small wheats and not negatively affecting our soybeans significantly so our soybeans shoot out of the ground with no problem anything else struggles to overcome that chemical layer on top the ingredients sharpen and zidua are basically some of basf's flagship herbicide products i'm fairly certain that both of those herbicides are patented so there's no generic equivalence you do have to pay a little bit of a premium to apply these to your field i think it's worth the money if you skimp out on weed control you will regret it they do offer a product without the sharpen or the burn down component it's just digiosc this is something you'd use if you're running a field culvator ahead of your soybean planter we're going to be using the burn down for the most part because i'm doing a lot of no-tilling in the spring we need to control those winter annuals that come up and stop any early growing competitive weeds from what i can tell i'm confident to say that i would highly recommend that if you've not tried it on your farm and you have some water hip pressure or other troublesome weeds you may give it a shot i think it's going to do a good job for us this year something else i guess i should add the zijua actually needs a rain for it to be fully activated it'll just kind of lay on top encapsulate it in a way and then once it gets a half inch to an inch rain it'll fully activate soak into that top layer of the ground and provide us the protection we need this can be your best friend or your worst enemy depending on the year if you thought the quiz at the end of today's video was already hard enough i got another one coming for you this season is going to be our most hectic season for me and the soybean planter keeping track of our varieties and for our sprayers come second pass spray time to make sure they don't apply the wrong product to our soybeans the reason being we are planting three different herbicide technologies this year this year we are planting some straight extended soybeans which are dicamba and roundup tolerant these 31a95s i'm planting right here in this field are that type of bean we're planting extinflex soybeans which are dicamba roundup and liberty tolerant and last but not least we're going to be planting enlist or e3 soybeans these are tolerant to a 240 type product liberty and roundup the extend and extend flex soybeans seem like they'd be relatively similar products and they are as their name indicates but since one has that added liberty tolerance if you mix those two together in your planner and out in the field you're basically chopping your legs off so to speak in terms of herbicide mobility comes spraying time some of you may be kind of familiar with dicamba and the gremlins that have come along with it over the last few years it drifts very badly volatilizes in the air and moves off target even if the spray operator does a great job applying it this has led a lot of people to shy away from applying it but the extend genetic lineup of soybeans is so good our highest yielding soybeans we've ever produced on our farm were extinct extinflex is supposed to bring you the best of both worlds by offering you those great genetics the opportunity to apply dicamba if you'd like to with the added flexibility to apply liberty if you have any issues come spray time or you don't want to use dicamba at all if you apply dicamba on enlist soybeans you will kill them if you apply the enlist 240 product on extend dicamba tolerant soybeans you'll kill them as well that's why we have to be very careful in between fields clean out the planter and do a good job what that really means is that you almost have to have a surgical level of precision when you switch in between two fields that do not have the same herbicide technology this next field we're going to is an extend flex soybean this is a straight extended soybean so once we're done we're going to have to empty the tanks out and make sure our row units are almost completely empty that way we don't plant a bunch of them over there we don't want to kill off our plant population on the field come herbicide time okay i hope you're taking notes this quiz may be kind of hard so we might let it be open book my favorite part about the extend and the enlist platforms is the amount of competition it's added to the seed industry the two controlling factors so to speak are corteba agrisciences and bear they are pretty much the big dogs in the seed industry and to have competing products i think is good for us as farmers to help push for better technology and better results on our farm for the longest time bayer formerly monsanto who they bought out pretty much dominated the soybean herbicide technology market they were the ones who offered roundup soybeans and they were the ones who offered extend soybeans those had the lion's share of the market in their time i'm hoping that in the future we'll have great technologies due to all this competitiveness we've got a very special passenger lindy's here first first track to ride and alex she brought him he doesn't look too thrilled to be here nazi falls asleep soon he even brought his porn with him he only took one round and he's asleep a true young farmer only got one through left and we're about to have a seat i don't know if we'll have enough to finish the job or flap the top off before we leave the field there we go one row's out here's the second row all right chris is here to save the day this was a lot heavier than i thought it was going to be we split the two bags on both sides we have a little bit left in here these bags have untreated beans in them should be enough to do the last three and a half we're going to be cutting it pretty close here on seed we've only got maybe 150 200 feet left when we get close to the end i'm going to pull this first hydraulic lever up when i release that pressure i can keep the planter down but it being continuously pressed down is what runs the seed fan if i shut that seed fan off it'll basically cut off all of the seeds of the row units then i'm going to bump my population way up i think the highest i can go is 300 000 and try to drain the units as much as possible who knows though i may run out of seat first i'm going to bump it to 300 000 i'm going to pull it up just a hair seat fan's off we'll be coming to the end here hopefully running out do this till the planter's clean we've got very few seeds left planting here 13 000 looks like just over a few rows i'm going to call it quits here when i pull out okay time to cleanse these planter tanks out it's actually a pretty quick job virtually nothing in here i'm going to do the other side real quick the sea tanks aren't spotless but since we're only dealing with herbicides here it's not that big of a deal if we lose a plant or two especially when they're young if we were doing seed beans which needs like pristine level quality of seed we would have to make sure there's literally nothing in here but for our purposes having 99.9 gone is [Music] units enough the tinder i have two farms that are going to plant this should be enough soybeans to finish them off these are 37 xf1 astrox simplex soybean tanks are full i don't know why i'm still wearing a sweatshirt we're getting close to 80 degrees my shirt underneath this is pretty damp let's go plant some more beans the boss is about to finish up his corn field we got two field cultivators running across the road and i'm headed to these corn stalks right here and my planter is beeping at me which is tradition a lot of dust blind today folks all right we just set up shop in the new field we're playing our first intro we lowered our population down to 160 000 we did some post math on the last field we were about three percent too high when you account for the 110 units we used in the field that came out to three percent higher of a population than we were wanting like i said these numbers aren't anything to rely on super accurately they give us a good guideline but you need to do some double checking at the end this field is a little lighter dirt than where we just came from has more of a sandier subsoil usually it's the first field we plant every year everything else just happened to get ready at the same time we'll have to check the depth on this field again because there may not be as much moisture out here see what we got here and we found one right there about an inch to an inch and a half deep we'll check one more and if it's in the same area we'll just leave it there is moisture and as long as there's moisture you're good i think i'm going to put them in one notch deeper than we're going to go we're not going to double check it should be perfect you really couldn't get a more perfect day to plant 80 degrees outside a slight breeze man i love spring a very common question or comment that i get on my videos is why do you guys not have your own sprayer and do your own spraying and that's a very reasonable thing to ask a lot of operations do have their own sprayers and take care of all their own herbicide work for us there are two considerations one being financial and the second one being logistical having a sprayer is definitely somewhere where you can shave a few dollars off your cost of production at the end of the day though it's really not saving you that much money especially when your custom sprayer application is at a very reasonable cost then you factor in the convenience and added expense of having more employees to operate a sprayer because right now we've got all of our employees dedicated to a tractor but we'd need a sprayer operator and a tanker driver that would add a whole other set of headaches to our operation to only save a measly amount of money i'm not saying it's wrong by any means though to have a sprayer you can save money and if you're willing to work very hard at it it can be a very good thing to have on your farm it just doesn't fit into our operation at the current moment maybe if we gain some ground or have something else change in terms of employment it might be something we consider for now though we're just going to keep having it custom applied how nice is it though to just be able to ring up your retailer and give them a list of farms that are ready to spray you don't have to worry about mixing chemical filling the sprayer and spray we just get a focus on working the ground filling the planters and planting the scene we finished up another field and dad's finished up like three fields since we started this one we're gonna go top off our seed tank and then go over to another field out west absolutely fantastic day outside kicking up a lot of dust get fuel and seat at the same time first time i've been back in my truck since this morning i'm gonna move it so we can get the seats in here i want to run over one of my row units also got my turn light view i'm trying to decide which side gets more it's hard to tell from up here it's easier to tell i think it's this side we got 1100-ish pounds on the seed tender i'm gonna do probably 450 and 650 on each side so i'm gonna do 650 on this side the field culvators got far enough ahead of the corn planter that they had some time to go work in some of our corn stalks that were hit with the ripper and not the vertical till so they're getting more ground ready for me i think in the next two or three days we'll probably have 65 to 70 of our beans planted moving at a pretty good clip today there's only a select few times during the day that it's really inconvenient to take a tractor down the road and i picked one of them five o'clock i've already met an unfun amount of cars and had to light cars past me not my favorite part of farming but you got to get from point a to point b at least we don't have to clean the planer out for this field there's really not a soul inside out here planting i see a few anhydrous bars running we must just be a little out of schedule speaking of traffic in the way geez i can't really complain this isn't our lane it's a long tank of anhydrous the largest chunk of the field is here on the west side there's a little like four or five acre patch to the east i'm already folded up right now so i'm just gonna zip over across the little ditch plant that and then come back we'll start on this and they'll probably end the night for us not too much water running just enough to clean the tires off here's a little patch we're working on oh that's not what you want to see okay nine pin connector voltage not detecting check pins one and three well it says it planted right there on top of that we have one of the problem i can't find my depth gauge what did i do with that no no what is beeping at me i guess we're going old school it is perfect over here why aren't people planting inch and a half maybe an inch and a quarter it is planting so i don't know why it's telling me it doesn't have electrical power thank goodness this is not an electrical drive planner where do you even begin to start diagnosing this literally have no clue nine pin could have gotten some dust in it i hate to take it apart i don't have any electrical contact later 17 to get to it i mean nothing looks inherently wrong with it i don't know beats me what's wrong with it i cleaned everything off it says it's planning it just says there's no electrical power to the planter i'm going to plant down to the end double check and make sure it's planting if it's not resolved by then i'm just gonna keep going worry about it some other day i cycled the power too maybe that'll fix it worked on the other planter holy moly about backed into a crater jeez electrical wouldn't be our only problems if i would have done that it hasn't said anything so we'll just not talk about it anymore maybe it won't happen could just got some dust in the connector all right we're gonna do one last seat check i think we're good to go oh it's just a powder out here i'll help if i can find one sometimes they're a little elusive i'd say probably an inch and three quarters i really don't want it in the ground that deep we got warm weather it's in the moisture those are way in there if you look down the seat trench you hit moisture maybe three quarters of an inch deep and this seed is an inch and three quarters deep i think we got a little too deep we got plenty of moisture down there so we're gonna back it out of the ground just one notch call it good and we're gonna plant the rest of this farm this farm is one of our lighter pieces it's got a roll to it doesn't look a lot like the rest of our farm ground surprisingly though it's usually one of our best yielding in both corn and soybeans i don't know if it's the roll that makes it so productive when we have a wet year i'm sure a dry year is a completely different case last year in corn it was one of our top three fields i think it was 240 bushel maybe 250 somewhere in that range don't quote me on those numbers that was pretty good for last year all right last one i wonder if my probe misses me too probably in the tractor somewhere oh man crisis has hurt it well it's kind of dull but that could have really hurt a tire i don't know if that was sharp enough to do anything bring it to my dogs i love it these are a nice little treat to find they're not a nice little treat to find in your tire part of me would like to brag that it took me longer to unfold and fold than i did to plant that field i stopped like 10 times though for numerous different reasons sometimes things don't go as quickly as you plan and put your hands up splash oh no i see hydraulic oil what have we got ourselves into now it can't be broken if you never check it it's damp but i can't tell where it's coming from oh i'm such an idiot i stopped hydraulically i literally just went through water man i think i'm a blonde sometimes i was very concerned i was like what else could be going wrong got some water on the tractor oh my gosh call john deere our players got water on it they can't handle it [Music] all right starting on the big field oh need more horses no i think we got it actually oh we're rejecting that makes sense we don't need more horses we just need to stop wasting them see how accurate our rtk line is bam look at that if you didn't hit the corner post or even try it i've never looked but i'm willing to bet that there's not any paint left on the bottom of that side of the planter i've run over so many corner posts i'm not bragging i just like to plant close no one likes weeds on the property line in the next episode of interesting things we find in the field an ear saver off of a corn head this sits outside the gathering chains and keeps the ears from falling out i would have just left it but i picked it up so now i feel obligated to take it first inlet of 20 21. here goes oh nothing can't mess that up oh wow perfect kind of somewhat perfect oh we got a pheasant right there not sure if you can see on the camera he's not that far away but this lens doesn't pick up distance look at him right there look at him the sun's starting to set over the hill we're gonna need some seeds soon hopefully some shows up how much i can do out here about it we got the boss man driving today evening our next field of soybeans that are on the docket for tomorrow are list beans these are extent flex we can't intermingle those as i explained earlier in the video what we're trying to avoid is having a ton of beans left in the tank we put in what we think is a reasonable amount to finish the field if that's not the case and we don't have enough they're going to leave me to see tender i'm going to have seed and i'm also going to have a ride home because i'm going to leave the planter here for the night hopefully we run out right at the last minute not incredibly confident though it happened after dark so i don't think it counts i needed a good excuse to go use the bathroom anyways i don't have any competition tonight to play the light game with but i can't take it any longer these screens are blinding me ah much better come on team we gotta keep our composure we're one for three now we're deteriorating as the night goes on at least we won't have to worry about there not being any soybeans close enough listen bright headlights we've got about two acres left i just got the low seed warning i'm gonna hop up in the tanks here see how much we have hopefully we don't have to add any more with the sea tinder we'll see when we get up here yeah we're gonna need some more seed see what we're working with on this side [Applause] i need to move at least two bags of seed so i'm actually gonna dump the bags out the bottom fill a couple extra bags i have and then just haul them up there and dump them in the top it's a little bit more brute force but it saves me a lot of that's the end time i've only got a couple more acres it's going to be closed this side definitely still has some more extra we'll worry about that if we run out can't take you guys anywhere we're in our last pass now we don't have any signs run out of seed i'm going to bump this population up to about 300k see if we can empty out the units and then we can dump the planter tomorrow and put in the endless beans so let's go ahead and run this population up 300k right there bam pull a planet off the ground okay let's play around oh i love it when a plane comes together waiting time okay we gave the tractor a couple minutes to cool down from a long hard day's work lights off nice and dark in here again my dogs are gonna be so hyped about this antler i'm headed in with the truck to unhook the sea tender and then i'm going home it's been a very productive day thank you for joining us i think we got maybe 600 acres in between both planters that's a great start to planting season 2021 i'll see you all bright and early in the next episode like the video if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and comment down below if you have any questions you know i love to talk about farming have a great day everyone peace you
Channel: aTrippyFarmer
Views: 35,012
Rating: 4.9567389 out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm life, farm vlog, farmer, combine, agriculture, corn, tractor, illinois, deere, seed, drones, a trippy farmer, atrippyfarmer, vlog, farming simulator, millenial, john deere, tractor video, farm, farming videos, tractor stuck, thisll do farm, cole the cornstar, millennial farmer, welker farms, farming videos for kids, equipment, tractors, harvest, tillage, farms, spring, soybean, soybeans, millennial farmer planting, larson farms planting, fs19, kenworth, farming simulator 19, corn planter
Id: hhj3XrdYgFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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