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this morning we've got the same issue that we had yesterday morning for the valve up on the very top of that grain lake is not moving I really don't think there's anything wrong with the valve I think it's an issue with how the cables aren't running and they don't have good leverage on it I think so I'm gonna have to climb up there move that valve by hand so that we can get the grain dryer started because we can't run the grain dryer unless the corn is feeding over into the appropriate wet bin [Music] on is there any chance you want to climb the leg for me can you climb the leg oh that's right no opposable thumbs terrible at climbing ladders good at eating people now pull on it okay hang on I'll move it I didn't videotape it cuz I had to stick my leg out here and kick on that and I didn't want to end up sliding down a pole video tape I didn't use my giant RCA VHS camera it should be on the correct one now right by the way if you like climbing grain bins at 7 a.m. smash that like button the millwright guys are out to work on the top of that drain leg put some springs in there and run the cables a little differently so that hopefully I don't have to climb that thing tomorrow again I have no idea what one of those pieces of equipment are whoo that thing doesn't look so spiffy anymore that stuff I just pushed in from the other side good luck enjoy take a look at the header up here make sure nothing jumps out a lot of times we'll break sickle sections which are the actual cutting edge here or the guards that protect them rocks will get in there and break things there so we check that every morning replace them if we need to back of a view from up here this morning connect yes one of our concerns right now is the mud inside these tracks impact behind them including on that thing and in the tractor that's pulling it normal mud usually isn't an issue but the fact that it's so cold this morning and everything is frozen the top of the ground is actually frozen it gets like rocks inside there when that mud freezes and then you can end up with big problems so what we're going to end up doing once we get a little bit closer at home is making sure that these machines with tracks on her in the shed every night we won't have this specific machine much longer so we're gonna watch everything close make sure everything's running good this morning and then as long as it's going good this morning we should be good to go because it's gonna thaw out during the day it's a little warm in here real quick when you got long johns from head to toe you can just about see Australia from up here do bad them I can't really stop and enjoy the view well I'm getting there getting full Jim to the rescue we've got a little back corner right here a part of this field that didn't actually get rolled in the spring so we didn't run the land roller over the top of it it is making a huge difference I'm having all kinds of problems picking up mud this is what we end up with in these tough conditions if on the stuff that didn't get rolled plus we got little softball sized rocks that we're starting to pick up just one of those things but this is part of the reason why we try to get the land rolling done in the spring because it makes the harvest so much nicer it's never good when you have this in the hopper inside the combine so now we're actually going to head across this field here up over the hill to another neighbor's field we had last week we had a neighbor that passed away kind of unexpectedly on pretty short notice and his family needs a lot of help getting their beans out they've got an older 9600 I think it's a 95 or 96 hundred John Deere combine their land is really wet and muddy we've got us good a rig as any to try and get through that and there's a whole bunch of other neighbors that are going to come out there and help us and get this thing done for them this is not about social media attention or anything like that this is about helping out our neighbors in need right now to help that family to get the crops in get it done for them so that they can worry about other things right now and figure out their lives and figure out what they need to figure out so we're gonna head over there meet some of the other neighbors and we're gonna go to town in 1960 when my grandpa was sick the neighbors all did this for our family of course I wasn't around I don't remember it in fact my dad was only two years old but in 1960 my grandpa was sick with non-hodgkins lymphoma he was out in Denver at the hospital and grandma needed help needed needed some help to get the crops off the neighbors all got together and they harvested I family's crops we got a lot of really cool pictures and I've heard a lot of really cool stories from that situation so it's you know it's always an unfortunate deal but it's really cool to be able to be a part of something like this and be able to offer some help for the neighbors when they need it from one neighbors bean field to another neighbors cornfield and I feel a little bit better because apparently I'm not the only one struggling with mud everywhere I go check that out we even got red combines on the scene I kid around a lot guys but it doesn't matter to me what color your your combine is or your tractors are especially when it comes to something like this what an awesome thing to be a part of the guy whose beans these are doesn't even know that we're coming right now so that just makes it that much cooler we're bringing trucks green cards the whole deal and this is this is not this is not us this is everybody in this community I just happen to be the guy with the camera heck yeah it's giddyup time this is uh this is honestly gonna be one of the coolest things I've ever been a part of we are moving kind of weird being in someone else's field taking their soybeans it's like I'm feels like I'm taking someone else's wife on a date or something I was gonna let you know we're setting up we're bringing our second combine up so we'll have for a motor pretty soon we're also we're going to send up our other old grain cart the green one and then Dan says let's load the load the grain carts first because CHS is bringing out a couple of trucks so we load the cards first and try to put it on their trucks because they're going to take it right to London there you go red fans there's a red one getting work done so they have money spots over here - interesting I'm driving through standing water harvesting soybeans right now on auto steer this thing's not wiggling a bit I'm guessing it's the tracks that helps make it that much more stable pretty impressive pretty nice it's not like that all the time but it certainly does a better job than our ninety eight seventy on dual switch that will float through an awful lot of mud - but this thing just cuts straight through it pretty cool so when you're in someone else's field and you don't know the field well at all and you're trying to just knock things out and go go go and you get done with this part over here and this guy is going to be coming back through here so you pick up and you take off to go get the back corner where it's muddy you you end up coming across things like you know unexpected fence posts that you're not looking for that blend in real well I never did see it but I had the head running and I heard it so I didn't break the post over nothing went in the machine but I better check my sickle sections I'm gonna guess it hit somewhere in this area here no big deal I can fix that look at that I almost ate that fence post alive sorry about that guys wonder what that marks section line being taken over by an alien spacecraft well word must have spread because the amount of pickups driving by and waving is much much higher than normal dinner is served we had another another old boy farmer from the area come out brought us some supper and essentials that's it 200 acres out it got interrupted by several delicious meals actually delivered all at once but that feels good help them out they've still got a few acres right back at home we'll see if they need help later in the week we will definitely be there for them on that as well even the red ones made it to the end I'm going for it ah oh no problem I'm getting tired that is it she's not this baby down dump it out head home I'm tired Devon that's a nice level full cart should be able to tarp that unfortunately it had nothing to do with being productive on the farm but we're getting ready to go now we're going to fuel this up take it down south and hit our last bigger field of soybeans before we come back tomorrow and do our seed beans Thunder again we've got a seven-acre patch back here behind this cornfield that we weren't able to get the corn in so we stuffed beans in there and then we couldn't get back and spray it so it sweetie but we're gonna get back there and get to it it isn't too bad for never being sprayed but it's a little bit wet right here crossing this ditch not a problem for this monster well that knocks out those little acres neighbors out here again pulling some corn stock bales off the field hopefully I can get through the maze without hitting one of them dad and Jim are back home setting up tillage they're getting the Ripper hooked up so we can start running some tillage on this try to get rid of some of these ruts hopefully and we finally had a dry stretch here now so things aren't firming up a little bit obviously it's still muddy out it's still wet but we're gonna do the best we can to knock out at least a little bit of tillage and hopefully if it stays dry then we can move on it a lot quicker next week that would be as long as it does not freeze which our temperatures sound awfully cold we've got highs in the low 30s a few days so we might freeze out we'll wait and see we're going to get as much knocked out as we can then do what we can yeah 10-4 that's probably about the only way we can do it it's always uncomfortable having a 40 foot hitter going down any road but I have two spotters ahead of me and we checked the signs and we're only going a half mile so we're just going to get it done I'm getting a little close on the straps there so I'm a little nervous but look at this guy this guy wants to hang a giant flag off the combine gonna be a nice evening for harvesting soybeans but dad's over here he's gonna kick me out I'm headed over to get the Ripper run and set the set the Ripper get some tillage moving everybody wants to run a new combine you know it's one of those one of those problems anyone else see that little spy machine gotta be the Russians right oh no it's it's farmers Business Network there is in the tillage mobile well you can sure tell that this rig hasn't been in the field yet this year those rims are probably not going to stay yellow for long way too shiny got my preset depths in the true set going on here swing around I'm gonna have to not pop any of his a bales but he's out here moving them we'll see how close they are I got we'll see how close they are I got things set at 3 and a half up front six and a half and a ripper I don't think we need to go any deeper than that but we'll see as long as it's calibrated correctly it should go to those exact depths I'm gonna wiggle in to where I want to be here and we'll set sail there's our first tillage of the year okay the back is not down at the back though why is the whiter the leveling disks not going the front looks deep the middle looks a little shallow and they got to figure out the rear so I'm gonna change this to 3.0 inches I'm gonna change this to 7 and I haven't figured out the rear yet throttle back here hop out and see what it looks like we're at that's gonna be a good one disc blades look plenty aggressive I got him set now at 2 inches I don't want him to go very deep especially with that mud sticking to him I may possibly even just lift him up and get him out of there and not have them doing anything I'd say it's doing a pretty nice job I still haven't figured out what I'm doing wrong back here I've got it in float now I don't think that's the way I'm supposed to have it Sam will correct me soon if I'm wrong it's definitely a little bit lumpy and that's just product of what we're getting with all the moisture in the soil and the heavy equipment on it you work with what you've got I raised it up looking at the overall depth being in about this area here but where I'd like to see it overall things look pretty good I picked up my speed a little bit and messed with some of the numbers and ended up about back where I had them set I think I'm gonna jump out in a minute here I think I'm gonna jump out here and win here wait killer sunset let's go take another look at this it appeared to be too shallow so I depth and it up that's a word right she's a beaut Clarke I finally got it up and going I was having some issues couldn't figure some stuff out now we got a running beautifully I was having some problems and it took some in and out some checking some up and down and maybe a phone call or two to Sam but I remember this from this spring and when we set the true set up on the field cultivator for the first time these are all of our presets to control the depths make sure you set your SCV's to the correct control if you don't do that and you have your SCV's set to the wrong control these are not going to be happy but now I'm going up honk and run it along 6.2 miles per hour I could maybe pull it a little faster the tractors got the power to do it but I'm a little scared of some of those buried bolts wagons that we got out here so tell me guys what do you think of tillage for me personally in our area I think that right now with our operation the way it is it's a necessary evil I wish that we wouldn't have to tell and maybe with several years of different management practices that would be the case but right now for us it seems like we have to till we have to turn that soil over or else it doesn't dry up it doesn't warm up in the spring and it gets really tough to plant the corn and the soybeans in the spring and if it gets tough the plants part of the soybeans in the spring we take a big yield because late planting around here can make a huge huge difference and so let me know guys do you do you like tillage do you absolutely hate tillage am i destroying the planet or do you feel like me where it's it's just it feels like a necessary evil let me know what do you think oh and of course if you're interested in that kind of a discussion check out the fieldwork podcast that I co-host with Mitchel hora from continuum egg we talked about that all the time soil health clean air water quality pretty good pretty good show link in the description well we had a breakdown with the combine I haven't seen it because I was out running tillage but it sounds like there's a few guards and bunch of sections broken and possibly the actual cutter bar the sickle is actually bent up the way it sounds so we're done for the night brought it home mid side it's ten o'clock so we weren't going to stand out in the dark when it's 20 degrees out and fix it right now but we'll get it going in the morning there's a lot of frost out so I don't think that beans are gonna go early in the morning so we'll get it fixed and and get going we didn't get many acres out today but that's the way it goes some days a lot of days and it's cold enough that we've decided we better park the trucks inside overnight these trucks don't always enjoy starting when it's 15 or 20 degrees out that's the beauty of having this bigger shop that we're able to get the trucks and we built it wide enough to make sure we could do this and man it's been a game changer for sure we're pretty lucky that way [Music] [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 888,918
Rating: 4.9667883 out of 5
Keywords: pay it forward, farm community comes together, I got the Combine Stuck on a Hill, FARMER, millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer, millenial farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer podcast, mn millennial farmer podcast, farming, combine stuck in the mud, mn millennial farmer harvest, millennial farmer harvest, tractor stuck in the mud, harvest, john deere s780 on tracks, john deere, big tractors stuck in mud, john deere s780 combine
Id: a9NyIIi85lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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