My Daughter got a New Combine!!

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it rained again [Music] it is a complete mudfest in here I don't even want to walk in there it'll stick to my boots so bad I won't be able to move we're expecting and hoping that our crops are at least average this year but we're not going to have a mega bumper crop just due to too much rain and not enough sunshine to be honest with you we've got some beans out there that are a little bit short or at least shorter than than what we'd like which is the reason we put on the Fivefinger quick tines from a wes on the reel on our new on our new drape or header and now today what we're going to be doing is installing the new wind system that we've invested in to really help blow those shorter beans into the draper belt we had talked to some local farmers here who have run that wind system for a long time and they said just go ahead and do it according to them if they combine without that on because they do some custom harvesting with wheat where they don't run that that wind system hello as I was saying we've got a couple farmers in the area that I talked to that were kind of buddies with that said go ahead and get that air system you're not going to regret it whenever they take theirs off they notice a pretty big difference so they're pretty happy with it so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna put a new air system on our new Draper header and we got the quick tines on there and hopefully no matter how short these soybeans are in spots we're gonna be able to feed them right in and and not lose anything this is the one this is the one you wanted right yep yep that's the one all right that'll work gotta get this time-lapse set up right there's our stuff Jim you want that other red one in here we were low on engine oil last week when we did the truck work now we got the tanks moved over here the oil tanks and filled up yesterday so Jim's running the trucks back through the shop just to do with oil changes everything else is ready to go he even wiped down the - look at that that is nice I can see it pretty decent from up here yeah I'll know if it's coming out as soon as it runs down into your armpit you'll know nothing coming out can't find any so it's this front seal here that we got to put in yeah well everybody else is working on stuff I may as well look at throwing a GPS and a computer into that combine because we're gonna need to do that soon enough here so I've got to figure out where the exact 2630 monitor is that I want in that machine this one's got real-time control that one the RTK monitor is down in that one which needs to say in that tractor which means that that tractor has nothing in it right now so I'll go this direction I'm wondering if the one on the shelf in there with the RO sense maybe the one that I need because I don't know if we have any others that have ro cents on them but I prefer to have an sf2 in there every time I do this I got to remember exactly what we have and don't have so this one is an SF one with section control but no ro sense this is not the one I want before I get too crazy here I am gonna message my dear guy Tom and find out if we need to update all these things because every once in a while you gotta send them in have all the software updated in them so I'm gonna make sure I do that before I actually install it when I don't need to since I'm in here I'm gonna remind myself of exactly what's in this tractor as well that's the even cheaper signal so that's not the one I want there either what I want is on the shelf in there so that's good just waiting now to hear from Tom to see if we need any updates we shuffle these things around enough and they all get used for a couple specific things each season so I got to remind myself exactly what we have and where they go every year may as well spend some time here cleaning the benches while they're going to work it's hard to find good help filet mignon for lunch yeah filet mignon and Mountain Dew the FBN todd did you show up to work or you just kind of spend spend the day on your phone [Music] do you want to explain to the viewers why he just made me pull off all my shiny new quick tines because I want to see you do it look like a lot I thought it was that's all it was I kind of I had hunch now I'm thinking we should put him back on we could do that too we were afraid that they were well we know some of them were gonna interfere with the air system once we get it set the way that we want to and so now what we're gonna do is set the air system right and then try to put on the times that will go in between the air tubes so that we get the benefit of both hopefully without the screw neither one of the month those guys certainly know what's going on there a lot more than I do and then Jim have got the semi handled so I'm gonna work on this this goes on the roof after I can raise the header and stand on the feeder house and this gets mounted right up here and is the main control I'm gonna get this cord out of our way and is the main control and data recording system for this whole machine computer one installed now I got to go get the RAM mount for my second system I forgot to mention that Tom got back to me and said that the only thing that we need to update is the newest receiver we have which is not this one not the one that will be run on this machine so I can install all this we're good to go here's my RAM mount for our field viewer that we're gonna put in over here so I just got to bolt that to the corner post there we go now that just takes a simple standard iPad to be installed at a later date along with a Bluetooth puck that goes back here to read the data from the machine that comes through here well this is doing the work looking good out there guys I figured I may as well install this Bluetooth puck well they're working me as well just get it done now simple as that as well put these in one handed there we go [Music] so these are just drains or clean outs for the hopper which we pull out when we clean things at the end of every harvest just leave them open all year I better check this side too because there's a couple on this side that I have forgotten open before usually you don't make more than a couple of rounds before you realize something's going on those guys right there no good I got to put something in there so the question is where are these pieces dead doesn't want to answer and tell me where those covers are and I got a check with Becky apparently something's weird on a video so I get a micro manage that oh I look at the kiddies what are you you're not even there mom what do you I guess that's nice of you where's where's mom at that's confusing hey little guy it's cold out this way go this way go back here get her there you go place your bet die next who's gonna win seems lazy oh right for the right for the ankle oh come on I'll put ten dollars on the big one well our Crary guys took off for the night I'm pretty sure they wanted to get to the bar so they're gonna come back I'm just messing with you guys but that I know that's where you're headed they're gonna come back in the morning and we're gonna finish this deal up we've probably got sounded like two to three hours left on this and then hopefully I'll finish a few button up a few things on the actual machine here and then we'll get it out of the shed and hopefully fire this thing up and actually get it spinning over for the first time this year Jim's got some truck parts to work on over here we've got some brand new batteries for that truck and some other things going in there so tomorrow's gonna be another busy day we're gonna finish this up and we'll continue here in the next scene mornin we got a bit of a project going over here we need new flaps on everything on this truck all new look at that plastic ones that aren't gonna rot out the way the old ones did shiny new batteries and probably should replace this chicks are gonna dig this truck when we're all done here be honest did you guys close down one of the bars last night that's why he's over taking a nap on the train well everyone's kind of got their places I'm gonna take the grease gun here and continue throwing some grease at this thing well hit the fun ones first up here it's like having my own fort down in here that's the toughest one done looks like the axle breakage sensor still in place that's good and you and you stay that's just a little throwback for some of my old fans out there you guys want to see a grease gun trick one-handed all you got to do is get yourself a Lou Max heavy-duty 1403 quick coupler I got mine right off Amazon they make it in a longer version as well and they also make all kinds of cool things for for filters and oil including a set of strap wrenches that I got in case I ever have another issue like I had with the sprayer but that won't happen again will it need some holes over here Jim I got just the thing that one is almost yeah it's almost good right other side to all of your controls with our hand even keep up here nice if you want manual controls new yeah which it comes with the system you mind if I'm on it right there just two screws into the backer board there yeah no that should work oil is fresh and good filters were all changed over winter the machine is mostly ready at this point I'm just kind of letting these boys finish up what they're doing here with the wind system and while they're doing that I'm gonna tinker around here with the Greenstar display and make sure I got all the settings set to what I need them to be at one part to go with that well according to everybody on the Internet this only took like 12 minutes well just so they know it was more like well 15 15 minutes that's still fairly impressive there it is final bolt right let's go harvesting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hopefully this goes better than it did when we put it on the combine then this thing looks massive from in here now make sure I don't turn too sharp and whack the auger on the wall because that would be a bummer okay I need to see my pants definitely slightly Morgan so the reason we took that off is because that is a 40-foot header meaning it's probably 43 feet wide and this is a 36 foot door no matter how you try and wiggle it it doesn't work so this is the way we got to do it look out on it okay we're gonna get ready to fire this thing up I've got to run it through some calibrations first I'd like to take it down out of the yard because he likes the spread of a lot of spread a lot of dust any other farmers out there get really nervous when you fire up the combine for the first time of the year like there shouldn't be anything wrong but you're just nervous about it because you don't want there to be a tool laying inside the combine or something somewhere so you shut everything off you crack the door and you flip it on quick and you shut it off right away to make sure you don't hear any clattering thudding hammering which I didn't coming back on there we go now I'm going to start up the header that I've never started before the back of the machine is moving at idle okay spin this so you can see it here goes nothing on and off that's pretty okay now turbo food on a semi blow up one time heading through the hills in Western North Dakota no it sounded about like that yeah all of a sudden no horsepower well that's some better attention okay notice that you're gonna want to shut her down as soon as you can because a lot of times that slip punch will go at that point it's true you know right now you know about 40 horsepower is what its gonna be using for a 40-foot headed that's kind of an estimate yeah but when that blows off its you get post about 90 to 100 horsepower it's gonna all of a sudden go when you got note back pretty later against that right and then that will make you sleep okay okay let's start with it wide open start with a wide open and keep feathering it back until you notice the crop isn't coming into the headlight you like it okay and then go back up just a little bit and that'll be where you want to run it whatever is a minimum amount of area that you need to do the job and those conditions change you're probably gonna have to adjust that slightly I mean you know you get into a little heavier crop you might need up or you know you get into or maybe there's a little more no moisture like what we got going on right now yeah might need a little more air now it's a mess with my calibrations because it looks like everything was moving so calibrations it's a wondrous good well I hate to do it but I had to cut those guys short because Isla and I have some appointments in town that we got to take care of and we want to get them done before the place is closed one of those includes updating this 6000 receiver can you keep an eye on that for me isla alright you make sure that it doesn't fly around in here okay right I won't drive too crazy and break that's right we're gonna take that to the tractor store look at how cute she looks today she had school pictures did you smile nice good so we're gonna go knock those things out run around do a bunch of stuff and then come back here have to put on tractors oh that piece they you're right that is what you put on tractors that's for sure then we're gonna come back and tinker with this thing a little bit more I'd like to get some of those quick tines put on there figure out how I'm supposed to move the reel up and down because now that button changes the belt speed and the feederhouse speed so I don't know how to move the reel up and down I'm sure there's a lot of people out there laughing at me but I've never had a Draper belt on on this machine so I don't know how to move it haircut done isla says it always looks the same that's not true sometimes it looks way more loyd Christmassy [Music] post office done a firetruck dark car wash they're putting rainbow on the truck oh good I hope it doesn't say that way and oil change complete I know I don't change my own oil but that's only because I don't have the tornado insertion device for the special tornado and thunderstorm that this Chevy Silverado takes I love where are we hit the curb we are at the tractors store are you excited let's do it I got the shields I needed we got the 6000 updated and ila I live on a brand-new combine she didn't even trade one in she bought a brand-new s 690 with tracks came with a corn header a soybean header and a brand-new jnm header trailer can you show it to him ila she bought it straight out didn't even finance it figured we'd drive through back here and check out the lot they got some pretty interesting stuff sitting around here today wouldn't that be nice and now back at the FSA office for a stop to pay off my ccc loan on my soybeans that are remaining in the bin because that loan is coming due and we aren't gonna sell those beans this year but I still have to pay off the note that I have with them so that's what I'm here to do I'll are you excited about that the check has been written I'll and I are back home she's excited to hop in that combine we're gonna fire up that header again and kind of take a look at it those guys got that boot back on that blew off I think actually what happened was the clamp on it hadn't gotten tightened so when it got air pressure in there it just blew it off but we're gonna run it check a couple things see if it'll let me do some calibrations right now and tinker with it and then probably back it in the shed just to keep the combine out of the rain for now I did get a lot of questions on Instagram about why we're doing this and what exactly this thing is so sometimes I forget that a lot of my followers thankfully are not actually farmers or come from other places where they farm differently what this is is an air system actually that will blow air through these yellow tubes and we'll set it to blow right down on the sickle bar down in the bottom and then in short dry soybeans it will help blow those into the Draper head now some guys say with the Draper head it's not necessary certainly with a Draper head it's not super necessary the way it can be with a with an auger style head but we have a couple of neighbors that run them and do a lot of custom harvesting with them and according to them once you run one you will never want to run it without one again so we decided to go for it this was something we decided to invest in here and we wanted to put on here and I'm excited to try it I'm excited to run it I did get some questions as well about weight and if there has to be a counterweight on it this is all aluminum with all these tubes on here we just used two guys one on each end for each of these tubes to lift it up in there so they're not very heavy we definitely don't need any counterweight on one of the other questions is where does the air come from comes through the tubes on the side here down the back and gets driven actually off the feederhouse to the combine through this fan so this is actually driven off of the PTO shaft coming out to the side of the feeder house on the combine to spin this this this this this centrifugal fan here blow the air up through there and distribute it out through the head so I am excited to try this thing out Eila are you excited to try it out Oh awesome what about you Kat enjoy she's not gonna try it oh you're mine that cats not gonna try it okay too heavy cats just too heavy I also wanted to point out the brush kit that we installed at the back of the header with the air system you can have issues with it blowing too much chaff or too too many beans into the back here and you can't have issues with the with the Draper belts so what this brush kit does is stop anything from blowing off the back side of the belt and it's got the brushes to keep the stuff in line until it flows to the center it goes up and down and around all good things we better get some heat doing in here hi it's freezing cold in here cat cat didn't like that noise I still have not found out how to control the real going up and down instead of just adjusting the belt speed so I'm not sure how to do that on this header so I'm just gonna unhook it get it on the trailer because I got about a half an hour before I got to get my other daughter to gymnastics and we got rain thump so I want to get this thing in so I'm just going to unhook it here but I get a lot of people asking to unhook and I will show you so this is new this is part of the earrin system there's two quick electrical connections right here and then this is the main function for everything with the hitter simple with that we got to make sure I let us and push any buttons while she's in there that could be bad this PTO shaft right here can you see that this PTO shaft right here is what drives the head the reel and the sickle cutter now we head over to the other side normally we wouldn't have to but there is a PTO shaft on the other side and we need to unhook because that is the shaft that drives this air system No and that's it we're unhooked now the much trickier part I have found with this header and even more so now that we've got this air system tubing in the way is getting it on the trailer it's a lot fuzzier to actually get it off of the feederhouse off the machine grandpa showed up and he's going to be a better driver and I'm going to be a better spotter so we're gonna take team this deal we are hooked ku klux of combi and crooked what is that good help is hard to find [Music] did what happened to the front half of your pet rabbit is it okay hey what are you gonna do with the back half of a rabbit alright Isla we're just gonna leave this thing here tonight cuz it's rainin now it's just gonna sit outside somewhere else so we'll deal with it later but man that is gonna pick up chicks right there whoo okay I'll hurry
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 1,699,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: we got a new combine, millennial farmer, millenial farmer, millennial farmer podcast, combine, farmer, mn millennial farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, millennial farmer equipment, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer harvest, combine harvester, john deere 9870, mn millennial farmer fs19 map, farming, john deere, john deere tractors, farm house, harvest, harvest 2019, entertainment, corn harvest, welker farms, john deere green, farming simulator, Education
Id: 9dRntQM8r6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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