Randy's Harvesting Soybeans!

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Marn and Jim Lauren and didge item number one on the list this morning is to finish the last thing we have left on this corn header before it's ready to go that is to repair these dividers in between the rows what those do is control the stalks when they're getting shredded through these blades to keep it from all going up onto one end and taking out a gearbox because there's too much residue going to one side please get pretty expensive a lot more expensive than they look like they should be so Eric from Mae West is on his way out here again with a full set of poly ones coming from them we're gonna bolt those on there see what they look like and get that done today that is item number one [Music] are you comfortable good you finally get out of bed Eric oh man Zach just I have this quad track toy tractor I was gonna put on top of that mailbox you didn't though right I figured you had a camera on me so it's like a brand new mailbox so you can't be violating it like that a quick swap of the trucks here to help Jim oh and then we'll get to work on those road dividers that's where I would sit - you think you should start on this in I'll start on that in and we'll race to the middle sounds like a plan $10 for the winner would you two knock it off that's enough out of you go eat somebody Eric I've already decided that I'm probably gonna owe you $10 and it'll be because of phone calls not because you're the better man I have an opportunity all right it's go time and you just kind of eyeball it with the bottom of the of the existing rubber is that right flushes akin to the bottom yep believe it or not you won't get some extended life out of that so that you'll be okay there okay this is the worst one on the whole hitter I think so so you're putting the shorts in the bottoms the Long's on top what about the like the very front one you put in the shorts in there there we go installation number one I'm coming for you every time I turn the camera off he's giving me grief about working under a green combine again pretty soon you're not gonna be welcome out here red is for pickups not farm machinery pretty simple deal here these things just clamp right on to the old piece just kind of line them up with the bottom clamp them on start punching holes Jim are you good under there are you taking a nap I got three of them finished Eric where you at searching for your nuts fix it oh did the chair come apart how it was rigged you know I got four and a half of these done I haven't drilled through any of my fingers yet you get yourself oh you win that bet you know Jim and I are back here working pretty hard these Gen Xers are just always on their phones looks like there's there's six down on this side five over here and one left Eric it looks like that's on your side of the head well I think that means you owe me $10 but how about this I'll make you a deal rather than you paying me $10 I'll just buy you guys lunch so I'm great to me Millennials can't do math either Jim you want pizza - sausage pizzas - go please thank you never had four-wheel steer on a head or trailer before I'm diggin it I just pull it up here in front of the pickup's shouldn't take too long should it all right show me how difficult this job is gonna be it's actually gonna be very very simple no tools required so obviously with your your first finger with that one okay it's gonna tap here sure that just snaps on there and can you pull it off look at that you don't have any issues with them coming off so they pop right over right over the standard fingers no tools required so you have to remember that when you're combining when that reels coming around right oh sure okay so it's not like it's trying to pull it off yep okay well let's get to work hey whoa whoa I don't even have a time-lapse setup yet easy all right we got our second row done here so the idea behind these is to have a wider base when it comes down to grab shorter beans if we've got short soybeans and then we stagger them so that it creates kind of a sweeping action to sweep those shorter beans in feed them in better that's the idea here if you would ever have one go through the machine it's just a chunk of plastic I mean a John Deere will eat that up no problem I imagine that with a case it's probably you're going to be down for quite a while yeah yeah the case might get hurt a little bit where he's amazing john deere machine i'm gonna isolate that that's gonna be the beginning of the video I thought it'd be cool to go to the bar for pizza since this took less time than it took them to make a pizza but Jim says we got to go to work he's not gonna let me get away with that in his words get this out of the way so he can get the next truck in here heads up on a bow before I run and grab pizza I'll get this other truck in there keep Jim moving he doesn't like to stop it's hard to find help like Jim even though we give him a hard time you got to have thick skin to work around here but we love the heck out of Jim that's for sure Hana don't stress out while we while we leave okay you either did all we did was eat lunch and I've already gotten a few messages on Instagram of people wondering if you make these for something other than a green header I didn't know there was anything other than a green header but I'll let you answer the question we make them for the Mac Don Ft series okay case IH 2100 series and the 81 82 86 new holland c models well thank you again to everybody over at Mae West especially Nancy and Eric who helped me today with those updates and those projects I will link Mae West down below there are companies out of Minnesota right straight south of me if you guys are interested in checking out any of the stuff they do they make a lot of really cool stuff that that I didn't even know about and now it's time to hook up that shiny new JM grain cart I get a lot of questions on how easy or how difficult it is to switch implements on a grain cart it's really simple this one's got six hoses and an electrical connector for the lights and such unlike a trip on a planter like we just unhook from this tractor takes you a long time to hook up this a couple of minutes is about it and the PTO which I forgot to mention that's the tough one these are the lines for the flow control spout oil and oil out which ones which I don't know at this point if there were able to say this set here will open and close the main gate and this set here we'll raise and fold the main our then we come over here Rach Jack let's go test out our levers and see if I got all of them backwards are just one or two all right I draw like one should be our gate [Music] that is open that's close so that's the direction I want it that will work for me number two was about which I wanted that's the way I like it that's kind of a personal preference but that one's correct number five got a reconnect you [Music] do I want that I think it's backwards there's our flippies flower which has got a ton of adjustment on it one of the things I really like about this Hawker because it's got eight and a half feet a forward reach so it doesn't come straight out the side of the auger which means I don't have to twist so far around to see it or whoever's running the car doesn't have to twist quite so much so that's nice a lot more close to even with the cap other thing that's really nice is the gauge right here actually is the is the gauge for the gate on how far open and close that is which is much easier to see when you're unloading into a truck and then it is when it's back there nice let's try kicking this pto on and see if we can break stuff feels pretty smooth to me I've got number five backwards for the auger it's not the way I like it so I'm going to flip that around then I'm going to fold this auger up and then pretty well ready to go I think other than getting the I farm set up on the iPad in there to have a monitor on it so we'll take a look at that and see what we got oh and since it's never been on this tracker before I'm going to make sure I tie these hoses up in a certain situation their location so that they are not going to interfere with that BT old shaft because we don't need any problems like that okay I got it turned way down but if I pull the lever too hard it gets to bouncing like that Kent give me a call we figure that out because I don't want to wreck your cart Jim just shakes his head probably thinking oh that's the sweetest grain cart I've ever seen a lot of people are asking what we're gonna pull this thing but it's only about 150 bushels bigger than our last car tonight I don't know the tracks will take a little more power except for the fact that they won't sink as much so in that case if you got tires that are sinking and tracks that are not the tracks will actually take less power but our plan is to pull it with the 8360 here I don't see why it wouldn't handle it just fine you know we don't have to put 1,400 or 1,400 and 50 bushels in it all the time so I think it'll pull it without a problem one thing I thought was really cool as Kent said when this thing is full there's like 12 12 12 and a half pounds of bones per square inch on those tracks which is pretty impressive I think I got another date with a seed guy in about a half an hour so I'm gonna bring this leftover pizza into the house I did think of something on that auger on that cart too it's got a field position that I didn't put it in so normally when we fold it up we won't be folding it up folding it down that low so hopefully we'll be able to control it better as it sits down into the cradle check-ins with Randy check-ins with Randy check-ins with Randy lean in ditches x-linked bank that's the end of the eight teams will hook on with 15 flex tomorrow after we both found my exit beans today fill er up boys fart on land pipe for the day and now we're back to crashing some soy beans and pumpkin people first 125 acres that still Lone Ranger in it on my sometime tomorrow hopefully we sent the guy to Davis and Nebraska for the parts about a five and a half hour drive one way so hopefully he gets back here by 7 8 o'clock tonight and get that thing to go back together mailbox what from the right away sorry this is the first time in two years since you've owned this machine that somebody else is driving it a little nervous right now but hey Zack called on to do a podcast check-ins with Randi check-ins with Randi check-ins with Randi I think I see my seed guy down there seed master Ron showed up it was him wandering around in the soybean field out here these are our non-gmo soybeans that we got from FBN 100 yeah they're gonna butter honey I don't know what you've been drinking this afternoon oh but they haven't yet honest-to-goodness for the kind of year that we've had they look pretty darn good huh yeah this has not been a good soybean year right and that and that's what I think when I walk through all the bean bean fields right now is that they don't look awesome but none of them look awesome I mean they got in late they got way too much rain it was cold it's cold now it's been it's been like this half the summer it just is what it is it's one of those things all things considered yeah you know the beans the beans you got here they're filling out nice huh they're trying yeah they got a lot of pods on them they're making the most of the heat you know usually we like to start on soybeans about right now so they're late these are actually some of our early ones yeah there are 1.2 you can see the 1.4 is over there that are quite a bit later and it's pretty amazing with the summer you had and and you said it got a pounding rain when it was planted but all in all you got a great a great stand yeah it's hard to find good help there isn't it kids these days we're here at the corn field now where we've got some f2f corn in here we're gonna go check out a couple varieties here and we did split plant it with a channel variety a 97 day channel that that we planted for a few years so we're gonna kind of go take a look in there and see what's in there hasn't rain now finally for four or five days so it isn't too muddy we'd be able to walk through there all right this is our 97 day channel which is is a late 97 day a good race horse for us when it comes to yield just due to the year that it is our cobs are looking a little bit small this year but I guess when you look down the rows really--it now that we're out here they're maybe not as small as I was expecting I don't know what do you think of them run yeah no I looks like you got a good stand it looks good obviously good nitrogen nicest-looking milk lions just just a little past halfway so yeah we wouldn't hurt anything that's for sure yeah and we've had a heck of a good week yeah we could use oh I don't know another month of 90 degrees and wind I think I'm out the door huh yeah that'd be nice yeah I think we'll get that the end of September in Minnesota I think there's no chance yeah no chance at all well we moved about 48 rows south here and we're standing in 100 992 day f2f corn now this is a conventional corn non-gmo pretty good kernel depth on some of these years you know a bit of inconsistency definitely a drier hybrid than what we were looking at a few of them are already a black layer so uh I've been wondering if corn was gonna mature this year I guess it's going to yeah it's gonna make it this is the farthest along stuff that we have seen anywhere that I have for any hybrids this particular hybrid of the plants healthy stalks are clean there's really surprisingly actually with the kind of season we have there's no stock disease we can see a little bit going on with the roots where ideally the brace roots should be would be a bit larger than what they are and we'll find out when you run through with the combine I guess that'll that'll tell us for sure all right we're waiting now for Randy the master pie player to get over here to record a podcast I don't know what's taking him so long it's not like the guy has a real job he's just got to lay a bunch of drain tile for somebody else every single day but I noticed just how cool that looks look at that setup oh I'm excited to run that thing I really wish that corn would started turning not so green well Randy's on his way and I plan on putting this in but I found out that mrs. millennial farmer posted a new video today so I had to check it out I cannot see it's dark I cannot see you come closer it's an old Adam Sandler reference for the old Millennials out there the elderly Millennials it seems like both of my podcasters are just sitting in their trucks in my driveway talking on their phones just as I suspected standard millennial Randy did you get some pie plate today I did a bunch yeah that's good I got some soybeans harvested today too oh that's right they're actually currently still harvesting soybeans are they yielding okay hold on you ran away from a harvesting situation to record a podcast it was tough did you get fired no but it's yeah that's it we'll see how tomorrow turns out it's the first time anyone else has been in that comment about me little nervous the rest of us come in from outside where we've been cold all day and she's got it at 114 degrees down here 70 degrees Fahrenheit yeah you can't survive in that run what'd you think of being on the podcast that was fun your cold beer was cold yeah we make it pretty painless October 1st is still the plan we got to talk to Sally to know for sure are we definitely just calling it the Millennial farmer podcast we haven't come up with something better drop some suggestions in the comments below huh off the cusp with millennial farmers off-the-cuff I think in the after cop yeah it's gotta be something like farm related like what would you call it off the dog gonna forget your comments Reggie did it [Music] these amazing jhanjhar machine
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 678,906
Rating: 4.9267683 out of 5
Keywords: mn millennial farmer harvest, farmer, mn millennial farmer, master pipe layer randy, millennial farmer podcast, farming, combine, corn harvest, education, entertainment, farm, farm videos, grain cart, grain carts with tracks, john deere, john deere 9870, mn millennial farmer equipment, harvest 2019, welker farms, john deere s7880, tractors, millennial farmer equipment, farming simulator 2019, john deere s690, equipment envy, satire comedy, randy's harvesting soybeans
Id: sI1OmZMN3Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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