First day of harvest and Dad tweaked his new knee

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[Music] there are some green stems and some green leaves here so we won't be going today but i'm hoping with this 80 degree weather we got coming it'll be within the next couple of days anyway all the time this hopper bottom dried out nicely on the inside after washing it the other day so now it's time to spray these bearings and again even though they're sealed they just can't get enough look at that one that one's got some problems make note of that good morning morning what did that bean field look like down south well i drove by all of stefan's fields on the way out here and i think the higgin 120 will probably go maybe this afternoon or tomorrow for sure today you're thinking i think today i think we need to try it i'm guessing beans are 13 14 today and a couple days at 80 degrees they might be down 8 10 like i said i was pretty sure we wouldn't start today hey what are you doing you look like you must have just ate somebody huh hey come here did you eat someone did did you eat someone i would say her silence is very indicative of the guilt definitely hate somebody what did jim say he he'll be up this afternoon so i think we can move stuff down there and get it set up and see what happens should i give al a call too you think we want both of them well we might want ellen later today or tomorrow for sure okay okay let him know yeah this week we're gonna get going all right i will give y'all a call too i guess i'll get the grain cart and the combine out even when you buy a tractor on an auction it doesn't start once you get it to our farm it's literally been sitting here for three days and it has started every single time we've only owned the thing for a week now our harvest is already delayed by 30 minutes while that tractor is charging we're gonna check on another project that we have going on here so we've got issues with another bin here we've got a hole in the door of this one i was able to take some out through this conveyor and load a truck but i can't get it to flow real well you can see here there's obviously some issues this is from some of the centers of the bins that little bit there we're gonna have to sort out and sort through we've had the fans on here ninety percent of this corn is good and it's cold and even that stuff will break up nicely so what we've done is we've rented a grain vac which is exactly what it sounds like it's a giant grain vacuum to get this stuff out of here because it doesn't flow down to the door as well as i need it to so i guess we're going to tinker with that today oh we got the 8320 running time for the beast we'll pull it up to the shop here and the main things we got to do is put a monitor in drop a 2630 in here possibly an ipad and get all the grease zerks oh and put the tank covers on jim i'm gonna throw the monitor in the combine you want to just go ahead and take care of this tarp let me know when you're done right now i'm going through the machine and making sure that all the settings are set correctly for the proper speeds for soybeans so we got to speed up some of the feeder house action we gotta make sure the rotor's in the correct gear we gotta make sure the chopper is moving fast the drum pipe drum height is correct all the settings basically to run small grains through or soybeans is where we wanna be set so we gotta make sure that and i'm gonna make sure that everything has been greased and you don't work too hard you having any luck over here i got a hole drilled in that one but it didn't come out yeah i wish they'd use screws in there like the other ones that would have been nice apparently at one point they switched to rivets and that's not nearly as handy [Applause] they're dry down there he figured they were 13 14 so it's go time on him you don't work too hard either okay you don't have to get up hey oh yeah big stretch danger is my middle name those who get it we'll get it are they coming yet well i'm getting them getting a little center hole one at a time huh when i couple back there i use this bigger bit to get the outside off yeah let's start melting the plastic what'd you bring steak i'll clear the table here okay oh there we go i'll go fire the combine up then he said he didn't want help so i'll go do this all right this is about the scariest time of year for me i mention it every year but this is what makes me nervous we haven't had this thing running in 10 months hopefully there's no tools or raccoons or wheelbarrows or toasters or anything sitting inside the rotor or back on the sieves so i idle it down i'm going to open the door so i can hear really well what i like to do is flip the back of the machine on get it spinning and stop it right away in case there is something in there so here it goes here we go i didn't hear any clunks no rattles got it back on everything sounds good let's speed it up now we'll go through over here and set all the settings so we want our threshing speed range for soybeans to start with about there cleaning fan we're going to speed that up 9870s take a lot of cleaning fan and let's see chapper that's about right sieves that's about right concave clearance we're gonna start there that all seems to be running good so i will start the unload auger here [Music] all good things let's go put a header on this need me to pull the tongue over yeah yeah you have a pin yeah okay uh back here or you got it don't bring it back oh creep ahead a half hold it here yeah you're all clear [Music] the side to side on this header is really fussy so i got dad down there making sure i got things lined up and that cane is coming in handy for holding the wind tube wires out of the way those are the wires that i was going to zip tie into place a year ago but there's no need to rush i think we're all good on everything [Music] yeah the belt speed is is good the real speed's good yeah the angle and the speed on the fan works fine on a wind system yeah okay yep keep going [Music] down ah push ahead yeah you can set it down okay back up slowly you're all clear [Music] now we're an hour later now are you all right i'll leave [Music] yeah really in two weeks my knees should be pretty good actually i hope so in four weeks now the most important part in the next critical and then good you'll be doing gymnastics again yeah you guys see that the neighbors have started we gotta go everything should be ready here we're going to go ahead and break into our first field of soybeans got reports from the neighbors saying they're dry too dry things seem to be going good uh we're on end rows now so the yield is not great but our moisture is down pretty close to where we want it to be we're averaging uh about 12 and a half right now so far for the one acre that i've taken out everything's looking good back behind me here where it needs to i'll finish taking off this stuff next to the ditch and then we'll jump out and take a look at what the machine is doing behind me here all right so far just in that uh one or two acres here it looks like we are averaging about 561 bushels to the acre so for the other soybean farmers out there i don't know is that good got a few pods in there too we better tighten things up a bit they're a little inconsistent yet a lot of them are way too dry and then a lot of them are green and swelled up yet like this pot gonna be awfully tough to thresh that and get a good soybean out of it ah we're down around 12 12 and a half is what it's reading yeah that's not great yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely some beans on the ground so got to make some changes there because we also got some green ones in the tank out on the edges here the header's doing a decent job but not fantastic i think i need to drive faster and get that set better as well i think i got to get used to running the thing again and get off the end rows and then we'll know a lot better there's a lot more beans on the ground than i wish there was but i short beans on the end rows are always tough so these are 12 19s the lighter colored ones on the 40 over there those are 10 20. okay really 56. i'm gonna break through this field see what we got definitely got things running a little bit cleaner in the back i haven't jumped out to see what it looks like behind me i'm going to wait a little bit get things shined up here and get up to speed i can already say that this field definitely got way too dry particularly in august and this is not going to be a high yielding field and i sure hope our others are higher yielding i don't know this one's not going to hit average for sure it's been hurt the beans are really small take what we get oh man look at these side hills granted this is some of the driest stuff we've got but there's our average yield 10 bushels to the acre right now if that's calibrated correctly which it's probably not far off and these beans coming in are tiny luckily we get to a spot like this beans are running decent for us 52 51 still not fantastic hopefully at least when we get to the other fields we see a lot more of that than under 10. well they are definitely dry enough no question on that when you average it out you get out here off the end rose the beans are ready that's for sure at least in this field header is doing a much better job out here where we don't have the green pods and we can drive a little faster let's hope the machine's doing a better job whoa whoa [Music] i'm definitely getting a few right out of the middle so i'm going to open the sieves up slow the fan down maybe [Music] there we go just a couple small tweaks to adjust for these small dry soybeans looking good much better there's one there's two i'd say we look pretty good so i'll go ahead and make a couple more rounds just a little alignment issue there nothing to see here and we look pretty clean in the tank so as long as i get out and check a couple more times and things are clean we're looking pretty good other than our yield that's still not looking great we're pretty dang close and i think honestly half the stuff i'm seeing out here is coming from shattering at the head because these things are so dry now that we're out here i mean they just too dry goes that quick but overall things look pretty good here other than the yield obviously but i think we're set i think it's time to rock and roll if the area worked is correct and i'm betting it is and i'm guessing there's 300 bushels in the trailer they're not running good yeah they're running about what the monitor says you think he can handle it i hope so i hope so too oh yeah i think once he gets the hang of it i think yeah i think he's done it before they grow up so quickly there now we'll get rid of that water hemp on the very edge of the field that we've had to look at we got to build some air so i'm not going to sit there and let it beep at me we're going to finish the tarp here while dad's out combining we don't need to run the grain cart or anything on that bean field so jim and i are going to finish the job here hopefully that whole arm you got that hey bud alex corn's not ready yet but grandpa is going on the beans how do you like that sea boys t-shirt good all right so [Music] don't hurt your knees hello for those who missed it in some of the previous videos dad recently got a new knee installed and when he was stepping out of the tractor just before i left uh he said he tweaked it funny and something popped and he thought it was okay but apparently he's pretty uncomfortable and he's thinking he should go home and get it get it raised up and put it on ice or put ice on it and i'm not going to mess around so if he's if he's thinking that to the point where he called me that means he should do that so jim went home i'm gonna head down and finish combining it or at least get the uh cart and the semi truck full and dad can take his truck home go get his uh get some weight off that knee and get some ice on it because otherwise we could take them out for the rest of harvest and that's no good well we'll switch off here how neat is that i've got the scale for the grain card here wirelessly bluetooth to my phone so you can see the weight numbers going in there so i can pick up what the grain cart has in it and i'm going to check that with the pounds that i got in this last load with the combine to make sure the yield monitor is calibrated correctly okay 37 100 is what i have in the cart right now there's the map that i came up with look at that almost 19 000 pounds and the combine said six sixty four that's fantastic news because it means that our yield monitor was quite a ways off that's good now i gotta recalibrate this thing i'm gonna run an automatic calibration with this which means it's going to keep track of the pounds i will come dump into the cart again next time and tell it exactly how many pounds it was compared to what it's thinking that it had and then it will automatically recalibrate to a calibration factor number anyway we'll get it we'll get it accurate i've got a full hopper we'll dump in here and we'll see what we end up with on the scale i'm all recalibrated the second hopper was off by 22 which doesn't make our yields fantastic but it certainly helps and i've got enough in the cart for a truckload which means we got two trucks sitting here i'm done for the night just bring a truck home that's it it's after nine o'clock i'm done that's gonna do it for our first day of harvest everybody else is gone we'll get this to town tomorrow we got a whole bunch of other stuff that we need to catch up on before we really start hitting harvest but it's nice to get a soft start like this [Music] and this must be what it's like to grow wheat when you get to harvest when the weather's nice i mean not we just haven't seen that for the last couple years it just seems like it's always miserable during harvest on a complete side note i got a few big announcements coming up here in the next week or so so keep an eye on the channel we're gonna hit harvest hard we're gonna try to have at least like five videos a week so i thank you guys for watching i think you're gonna enjoy it did you tell him to keep it between the rows
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 1,575,751
Rating: 4.9291263 out of 5
Id: iekmVqMRZsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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