Happy Birthday FULL EPISODES! πŸŽ‚ True's Birthday Party & More! 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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tr's birthday [Music] party it's my birthday it's my birthday it's the most super epic totally coolest day it's Jew's birthday my best friend's birthday and I planned a special party for her yay I'm going to see my friends and need a big birthday cake let's get this party started we don't want to be late I'll be a whole year old and it's going to be great Bingo Binger how's it going phix hey that's great it's true's birthday it's true's birthday and we're going to drop a birthday for you got my invite so excited got a present can't wait hey you gismos get my apron there's a big p to make it's my Royal Proclamation that we all celebrate our favorite person in the Kingdom so let's make her day great it's my birthday my M's birthday and I get to share this special day with you happy birthday Drew a thanks be okay are you ready for an amazing birthday of course wait I still have so much to do for the party tonight no you don't cuz I planned your whole party really yep it's my gift to you I'm going to make sure you have the most amazing birthday ever you won't have to do a single thing today true a b you're the best I know but we've got some serious birthday to do let's get going it's my birthday my best friend's birthday it's my birthday my best friend's [Music] [Music] birthday [Music] ready for a treat I made something extra special guess what it is it's you yeah I call them ble biscuits I got the idea from the mirror which part should I eat first my ears of course good choice hey this kind of tastes like strail are we having a straw cake at my party y have to wait and see with wiggly jiggly jelly and bubble chew icing mhm yeah and as your best friend I of course knew you'd want all those different flavors together it's definitely not just a basic mellow berry cake uhh you know me so well can I borrow your face bubble thingy for a non birthday emergency sure here have another ble biscuit try eating it as loud as you can loud enough criselda answer my face bubble chisala we have a birthday emergency you ran out of glitter balloons no we need to change the Mellow berry cake into a stly wiggly jiggly jelly bubble chew icing cake oh that's no problem baking isn't hard all you need is a princess's delicate touch but you don't have a recipe princesses don't need recipes we're amazing at everything we do right gismos uh okay but don't forget the cake is the most important part of our party OB that's why I'm in charge of it okay gismos you heard vle bee mellower is out and Stell wiggly jiggly jelly bubble Che icing is in where's my super fast ever rise [Music] powder let's add more more is [Applause] [Music] better [Music] hey guys everything good with the decorations okay great talk to you soon all aboard the mushroom Town Birthday Express hey everyone's on their way you bet right on schedule great hey Bingo Bango you know the way right you turn left at the never ending Forest oh yeah um okay I'll take that as a yes who's ready for ice cream lunch ice cream for lunch we can do that sure it's your birthday let's put the scream in ice cream birthday lunch perfect ready to bake uh what are you gismos doing step aside this needs a princess's delicate touch baking would be hard if I wasn't so good at it okay ble B I think that's enough just one last thing to top it off a fishy poof [Music] cracker wo wo [Music] ble [Music] be a now I can't wear this to my party ah you weren't going to wear that anyway cuz we're going to get you a new outfit really but only after you finish all your ice cream challenge accepted [Music] oh no no no no no this simply won't do we need to make it pop because all together more is [Music] better see birthday birthday birthday nothing's going to stop this express bus to tr's birthday party except for this delicious goo hey what's the hold up I got to get to tru's party pardon me I have a party to attend can you please move it along yeah what's going on okay this is perfect ready to see my new birthday suit is it as cute as mine I love it in that fabulous outfit you are going to rock this party what's that I don't know but we better go check it out what's going on a traffic JY truce party bus oh hello Rainbow City bus shouldn't you be on your way to someplace very important mayhaps well I should but but as you can see I'm stuck in this delicious goo it does smell yummy it is yummy and it tastes a lot like bubble chew icing Gisela oh well that's Wiggly and jiggly enough for a regular cake eater but this cake needs to be princess level wiggly jiggly more is better hey grisela do you know anything about some bubble Che icing traffic jam bleby I'm in the middle of making the most important cake in my career I need my space I'll talk to you later toodles now where were we yes bir bir wo huh [Music] everything's shaking blebe look the trees they're falling we need to go see what's going on oh cumulo but true we got um uh what what about come on bleby we'll be right back to help you out stay put I hope all the forest Critters are okay I'm sure the forest Critters are fine you don't really need to do any hero stuff today do you I don't know be but let's go and check it out [Music] anyway what happened is everything okay these trees are blocking your path hm well maybe the three of us can move it not true can it wait we still have that ooey gooey traffic jam to clean up if we don't help no one will be able to come through the [Music] forest Bingle Bingle party decorations we need to move this tree right now that's the spirit it's too heavy this isn't working time for some wish help to the wishing tree Z happy birthday TR I uh wasn't expecting to see you until your party the party will have to wait Z there was some kind of earthquake yeah we felt it up here too it knocked over trees in the never- ending forest and no one can get around and there's a sticky situation in Rainbow City a sticky gooey situation and it's causing a huge traffic jam oh that does sound serious let's sit and have a [Music] think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well first we need to get the trees back upright in the never ending Forest yeah and let's not forget they're super heavy then we have to get the gooey glob off the rainbow city streets the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with [Music] me [Music] [Music] with the wish true these wishes are incredible wait till you see what the wish pedia says about [Music] [Applause] these first up is lifto let's go this wish is incredibly strong it can lift anything you place on top of it just give it a spin wow lifto you can help us get all the trees standing again and next we have pum this wish can blow air into anything like a flat tire or a balloon bouquet or a giant gooey glob like the one causing the traffic jam maybe Puma can blow into a bubble and floated away P oh you're going to love this one meet kakaraka one of the most powerful wishes of all kakaraka kakaraka is a bursting wish that can help break large things into smaller pieces wow I'm not sure how I can use kakaraka just yet but I'm sure it'll be a blast Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] pack thanks Z by Z good luck you [Music] two okay we're back thanks for waiting let's see if we can move these trees off the road for you time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up lipto wish come true hey lifto see all those Fallen trees we need you to lift them back up again which will clear the path and allow everyone to get where they need to go I'm just excited about getting people moving again [Music] go yeah come on back down [Music] lifto okay let's get the rest of this path [Music] clear thanks Lio now back in the pack come on be we've got to get back to Rainbow City to deal with that gooey globby [Music] [Applause] mess all this baking is making my lips chapped oh what is more important than taking care of my beautiful skin [Music] uh-oh [Music] huh hi everyone Drew thank goodness I don't think I can eat any more of this delicious goo okay time for my second wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up p P wish come true hi Puma that giant glob has really good up our friends ready to help clean it up great I bet we can blow a huge bubble out of that goo Puma power [Music] go Oh yay thanks Puma that really BL blew me away now back in the pack thanks Drew see you later you're welcome bye well I was hoping you wouldn't need to do any of that hero stuff today but you took care of that pretty easily I did didn't I hey gisala true I wish you the most happy birthday a thanks Griselda may I please talk to bleby about nothing to do with cakes sure thing okay what is it Gilla ble this cake is not doing what I told it to do stay no bad cake the words bad and Cake are not something I want to hear what's going on well it turns out more is not always better the strill cake layer is a bit bigger than I expected like oops it's so big we're going to be eating cake for a week more like oops it's too big for the oven and the k kitchen and maybe the house come quick I'm not sure I can hold this much longer what was that that a super huge birthday cake super huge totally on purpose birthday cake B you shouldn't have I really shouldn't have uh that'll be for me blebe the strangest thing just happened I'm suspended in this scrumptious stanilla sponge cake I've been stuck in a traffic jam before but never a traffic jelly this cake is going straight to fr's obedience [Music] school hi B hi Drew there might be a small problem with the party Oh you mean that giant birthday cake that fell over on mushroom town and has all our birthday guests stuck inside the delicious ooey gooey icing uh-huh that wasn't part of my plan true I hate to ruin your day but I think I really need your help now it's okay be helping people is my favorite thing to do oh cumulo hi cumo we've got a cake problem to the m mushroom town this cake is huge and it looks delicious too should we just eat our way through cuz I'd be okay with that well as yummy as that sounds it might take too long it's time for my third [Music] wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up kakaraka wish come true hi kakara Kaka we have a giant cake problem we need your help kakaraka ready kakaraka kakara we're rooting for you kakaraka kakaraka okay now wait for my signal on my count three 2 one Kar [Music] the party Happy Birthday true oh my rainbow kitty whiskers this is amazing it's just so it's the best thing ever let's get this party started started [Applause] [Music] hey so I guess we should just leave the party planning to you next year huh what do you mean bleby well nothing worked out the way I wanted it to and besides you don't even have a cake bleby I had the most incredible day mostly because I got to spend it with you I love the picnic and the ice cream lunch and I love my outfit everything you did today came from your heart and that made this the best birthday ever huh what [Applause] cupcakes blebe it's raining cupcakes I don't think anyone's at a birthday party like this before way to go kakaraka Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pet [Music] happy birth birthday best party ever party is amazing thanks everyone this is even better than the best birthday party ever and it's all thanks to bleby great job bleby ah shs thanks true you deserve it true hey where'd she go and now for your birthday [Music] entertainment may I please present to you our great guest of honor so put your hand and or Paws together for the rainbow Kingdom's favorite birthday girl and friend it's true it's birthday happy birthday it's birthday happy birthday it's birthday happy birthday and this [Music] [Applause] super duper dance party G balloons sorry true it's okay Barby we have lots of other decorations to put up that won't pop phw thanks Drew and when we're done the colorum is going to look super super duper for the rainbow Kings super duper dance party thanks for starting the decorating but it's time to let a professional party planner take it from here that's me and my decorating won't be the only thing worth seeing at this party you are a really good dancer gazela I know and when we're danad setting up and the part's in full swing Every Creature everywhere will know it too yay Play Time uh-oh well I'm glad you're having fun now stop drooling on me here let me help thanks for the dance true my pleasure be true hello how's the setup coming for my super duper dance party great your majesty we're almost done decorating and best of all DJ Bango Bango will be coming soon to spin some tunes tickle me pink All Eyes in the Kingdom will be on him all eyes here's my chance true would you mind running down to the transit station and bringing him back here of course your majesty I'd be happy to go if she wasn't so busy with all these decorations but don't worry rainbow King I'll go get Wingo clango Bingo Bango that's what I said Tata this is my chance to hear bingo dingo's music before the party it was nice of gisala to go get bingo bango for us it was wasn't it maybe a bit too [Music] nice on behalf of the rainbow King I bid you welcome Blingo Bongo well thank you huh what no no not you oh how nice FY stop thanks little doggy oh it's you finally yep the name is bingo bango hello Blingo Bongo oh it's bingo bango that's what I said and I'm Gilda we're all excited to have you play your music at the super duper dance party sweet I'm a little nervous but I'm ready for it don't worry when I'm dancing to your music all eyes will be on me oh cool I guess now let's go to my grand hall where I I I I mean we can practice you I want to hear what you've got wow the color seeum looks so great now y we decorated our heart out the balloons are up the streamers are ready the scratching post is out you know for whoever feels like scratching okay that last one's just for me oh wait I know we forgot what nap time fishy poof crackers grala should be back with bingo bango soon I'll wake you then now gismos pretend you're the crowd just watching and I walk out into the stage got it true music stop stop stop can you please play something that I can dance to but won't make everyone else want to dance from the [Music] top nobody can dance to that not even a great dancer like me I am supremely annoyed I'm sorry sorry if I can't play for a great dancer like you well then maybe [Music] I'm a terrible DJ I'm sure you can do better you certainly don't want to disappoint the rainbow King and all those people at the party okay you can start the music again hit it Wingo clango rude I was having the sweetest dream about my fishy poof crackers when you woke me yeah they were dancing right on the tip of my tongue oh fishy poof crackers so fishy so poofy so crackery your dream sounds tasty but we have a problem Griselda and bingo bango didn't show up at the color samum and I don't see them here I spy with my kitten eye something that is bingo bango shaped he's leaving stop wait bingo bango bingo bango bingo bango wait come back TR stop that bus well that's just great now we don't have any DJ for the super duper dance party what happened why didn't you meet bingo bango I did meet him he came to my castle to practice but he didn't play very very well at all really that doesn't sound like him then he said he was a terrible DJ and ran off just like that where are we going to find another DJ I don't think we need another DJ we just need to help bingo bango feel better we need some wish help [Music] Cho hi cumo are you ready to take us to the wishing tree then let's [Music] [Applause] go yeah [Applause] [Music] wo thanks hi hey greetings true bleby what's that you're using this is my wishes scope it lets me see ins side a wish to learn more about its temperament temper huh the type of Personality it has see this wish has a bubbly Center that means it loves to laugh [Music] observe thank you wish so are you both ready for the super duper dance party not really our DJ bingo bango left oh no you can't have music without a DJ let's take a moment [Music] wa so why did bingo bango leave grisela said he wasn't playing very well and when we saw him he looked really upset yeah he even told Griselda he was a terrible DJ it sounds like bingo bango has lost his confidence confidence of course confidence yeah what's confidence it's when you know you can do something well so if I feel like I'm really good at doing Kitty Natty jump spin kicks then you have confidence yes I do jump and spin and kick but if bingo bango feels like he can't play music anymore then he's lost his confidence we have to help him get it back I'm also great at doing jump and spin and falls nice moves BBY confidence I think putting bingo bango in a good mood would be a great first step and he was so quiet when we saw him he might need something to help him be louder and remember he needs to get his beat back those are all important for a DJ it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] please share your wonderful wishes with me please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree share with me tiny [Music] [Applause] wishes [Music] in the [Music] wish I can tell you more about them let's check the wish [Music] opedia h ah yes here it is shim shim is exceptional oscillating oscillating that means its long Wiggly arms can shimmy all over the place that's great we want to cheer bingo bango up so I'll get shim shim to wiggle until bingo bango giggles I'm sure it won't take long now your second wish ah here pom pom it can make the quietest Whispers very loud the perfect wish for a quiet DJ what Buffet is it all you can eat where is your third wish ah here it is beaw it's all about bouncing at different speeds and different patterns hm I don't know how bouncing will help bingo bango feel better but I'm happy to give it a try thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] come on vby let's find bingo bango and help get his confidence back yay you're the best Z good luck there's bingo [Music] bango uh-oh it looks like he's heading into the never ending Forest we have to stop him oops I know just what to say to cheer him up bingo bango Z bingo bango it's you we really love your music why well I'm a terrible DJ okay that did not cheer him up my name is Drew and this is blebe we came to bring you to the super duper dance party oh I can't play there I'm sorry yikes we really need to do something time to use my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up shim shim wish come true okay shim shim can you do a little jiggle wiggle to make bingo bango [Laughter] [Music] giggle it's not working let's try again wiggle bigger shim [Music] shim I'm wiggling like jelly it's shaking my belly it's a wiggle off wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wig I'm giggly and jiggly and Wiggly and like jello whoa that bump made a really fun sound let me try yeah great sound that gives me an idea bingo bango loves musical sounds if we make more maybe that will cheer him up [Music] cool I know you're trying not to laugh come on I see a little smile let's make it [Laughter] bigger okay okay you got me you made me laugh even though I didn't want to you're good thanks you too shim shim way to wiggle time to go back in the pack are you feeling better now yeah thanks enough to start playing music at the super duper dance party a I don't know I want to but what if I I'm really terrible why don't you try making music right here no crowds just us okay here goes that's it you can do it I can I'm terrible I can't do it oh no bingo bango wait no stop following me I see him he's hiding behind a tree I've been a tree Hider many many times it's not a good sign bingo bango that was a good start you just have to warm up a little playing music is what you do best what I used to do best no I'll just disappoint everyone his confidence is still really low is it ever how can we get him to play at the dance party if we can't even get him to play for us not for us with us come [Music] on ooh great sound when I strum shim shim bingo bango joined in and made his own sounds if we play a whole song maybe he'll join in again great idea true let's make some [Music] music [Music] hey [Music] that's it everyone can join in don't be [Music] shy yeah I said wo sounds like we need more practice mhm we need someone someone want to give us a beat to play to wait I have an idea my be paish can help us keep a Beat by jumping up and down Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up Bea wish come true Bea are you ready to make a beat that helps us move our feet mhm all right Bea let's you jump wao wao maybe not so fast can you jump to a regular beat boom boom boom boom boom boom boom yeah look at you [Music] go okay here it [Music] goes I love like to sing and play my Tunes friends get on your feet and dance music is what I do I'm dropping the Beats to Make You Dance my friends bingo bango you're rocking the house everybody's [Music] dancing you are a great DJ thanks true that means a lot so what are we waiting for there's a super duper dance party that needs super duper dance music let's go uh you first well I don't know how to get [Music] there wow listen to that crowd sounds like they're ready to dance are you ready to make them dance bingo bango well I think so um maybe maybe I yes yes I'm ready yes wait no on second thought no you're still not ready to play at the party I was ready for that but now I'm not so sure oh hello Jingo clango it's bingo bango that's what I said you came back I guess the super duper dance party has a DJ after all I don't know some people think I'm not good enough Zelda when you told bingo bango he couldn't play well he believed you and felt really bad about it he did I didn't mean to make him feel bad but if he doesn't want to play no biggie I brought my own DJ to the dance party okay frookie drop the beat anytime now Frey W kins I know you can do this please he should stick to drooling he's good at that okay fine have what's his name play and let everybody dance yay I just wanted all eyes to be on me a Gisela Everyone likes to dance but when we all dance together that's when we have the most fun I'm sorry to tell everyone there is isn't going to be a dance party H rainbow King what's wrong look we don't have a Crowd Oh no so that noise we heard before it wasn't people coming into the colorum it was people leaving when bingo bango didn't show up they decided to go home great clouds there's nothing super duper about this Bingo bango's here Your Majesty we can save this party but how true there's nobody left you're the only one who can save the super duper dance party Bango Bango can you do it save the party yes I can dance dance dance dance dance dance dance dance I don't get it I'm playing great now but nobody's coming back hm maybe they can't hear you don't worry I've got this Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up pom pom pom wish come true okay pom pom are you ready to Pump Up the Volume mhm let's send this music all across the kingdom [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's working you saved our super duper dance party thanks true I couldn't have gotten back on stage without your help yep any minute now everybody will be dancing it would help if someone got them started look you've got fans you're right true dancing with others is fun great dancing gazela now this is what I call a super dup dance party thank you true happy to help your majesty [Music] Yeti [Music] [Applause] sitting X stop Yeti Village are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet ble be we just left but I can't blame you for being excited I can't wait to Babys C the yeti triplets me too yeah three Yeti babies equals three times the fun which is why I packed all my toys I just didn't know if they'd be into squeaky toys or tin fo balls or silly faces I'm sure the yeti babies will love your toys thanks for bringing them bleby and thank you Griselda for coming along to help oh it's no problem after all I am a pro when it comes to babies look I brought my how to raise a fruit rookie book written by the most fabulous writer I know me a whole chapter on baby talk I'm fluent listen is wiow baby b will be excited to see the yeti wety mhm oh she's good yeah you are a baby expert mhm I raised frie all by myself and he turned out perfectly babysitting is going to be easy right well we just have to remember though not to actually sit on the babies okay Grizz no baby sitting look I have a whole chapter on how not to sit on the babies last stop Yeti Village we're [Music] here this is going to be so great [Music] hey hi urg we are so ready to babysit your fuzzy little triplets I've got my frie training book and I brought all my toys hi snck babies yuck FL a they're almost cute enough to be princesses oh okay the babies just had their nap and they had some num berries and now it's R and now they're ready for play time did someone say playtime no not that not that no no yes yes what should we play fetch chase Your Tail round and round smother ble be with kisses frie can play that for hours whoa whoa whoa whoa don't you don't no bye see you want Sunset we'll make sure they're in bed by then all right cuties who's ready for some true tickles hey where'd they go I have gr correction I had [Music] Gro blof nobody touches the crown down heal stay okay Gro that's a good girl Uncle bab's arms are getting a little tired I'm just going to put you down for a second Okay who wants to go for a kitty back ride huh what there you are you silly [Music] girl wa wait a ninja catch be R over sh PA I think we should take these little bundles of fun outside where things are less Breaky who wants to go for a little carriage ride wait we need toys my fry schmooks never leaves home without his favorite chew toy B what do you have well let's see I got uh squeaky mousy no uh yarn ball any takers H tough crowd let's [Music] [Applause] see I know you can't go wrong with a tin fo ball the babies they left without [Music] [Music] us oh you just wanted to go to the playground Okay who wants a push from Uncle bleby after he has arrest bloof that is such a cute pose okay now stay I've got to face bubble this ready say I'm a cutie silly floof come down here the only thing cuter than a princess is a princess with the yeti baby okay come on babies let's be careful you have to come down because I can't find the page for what to do when proofy climbs too high no BL heal [Music] stay [Music] okay that was fun and you know what else is fun a nice walk by the river you're right drew that sounds way less jumpy and crashy see isn't this fun [Music] I think she wants to sniff around the tree frie loves sniffing trees and then he frie does not do that oh uh thank you Gro but we should put that down now okay wait I meant to put it back where it was good boy floof now show Gro how to play nice with trees uh-oh that tree is heading for the [Music] bridge uh true that's a lot of water we'd better go find those triplets and see what they're up to I'm sure there's something about all of this in my have to train your frie [Music] [Applause] book oh come out wherever you are over there there you are you stay right there I'm coming to get you quick everyone [Applause] [Music] jump W they make it look so easy this is nothing like training for we need wish help cumulo a that was [Music] close thanks cumulo Griselda will you be okay keeping an eye on the triplets totally I'm in control as always great we'll be right back to the wishing tree please go go [Music] cumulo [Music] Z hi true hey bleby how did the babysitting go we've got a big problem the yeti triplets went rolling off in their carriage and then we found them but then they started pulling out trees and the river got clogged and the whole Yeti Village is flooded and griselda's just floating there and the babies are definitely not sleeping and urg and snake will be home at any minute now unbalanced equations that is a big problem let's sit and have a [Music] think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well the triplets are safe so first we need to stop the flood in Yeti Village good idea you should tackle the biggest problem first there's so much water that everything's floating yeah and running on logs is way harder than it looks it is the triplets make it look so easy they're impossible to catch so we need a way to round them [Music] up the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm [Music] ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me wooing tree share with me tiny wishes 1 2 [Music] three [Music] twisty magic power in a wishing tree I have a good feeling about these wishes now let's see what the wish aedus says about their powers this is grappo hey H grappo grappo has Mighty grabbing power it can grab onto anything and lift even the heaviest objects oh yeah perfect grappo you can help us unblock the river uhuh your next wish is hugsy oh yeah this is a fun one hugsy hugsy loves rapping anyone in super tight hugs who doesn't love hugs hugs hugsy you can help us round up the triplets and last but definitely not least we have twisty a super strong wish twisty great to see you again this one is a force of nature twisty can twist up anything even a strong tornado that's incredible I'm just not sure how twisting could help with a flood or baby yeis but I can't wait to figure it out Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] pack let's go fix Yeti Village thanks Z by Z you're welcome good luck good job watching the babies Griselda oh no problem you know I always knew I was a great babysitter but now I know I'm a fantastic Carriage sitter too time for some whis power true you got Ito take us to the bridge [Music] please time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up grappo wish come true hi grao see that bridge over there oh there's a big tree that's stuck underneath can you grab onto it and pull it out uhhuh great okay grappo get into position hey h now pull keep trying [Music] grappo y hey look the water's going down yay I can stand yay dry ground I just kissed the [Music] ground bye CUO see you buddy grappo that was really impressive up top [Applause] grappo I'm okay cutest plumber ever now tuck yourself in [Music] okay now to round up those babies and get them home Before Sunset where are those cute Yeti babies anyway huh that didn't really answer my question which way did they go y can flew for swinging over there and there and over there okay but where's grock that came from over there okay don't worry babies Uncle bleby will get you down um true how is Uncle bleby going to get them down we'll give them something that babies love hugs time for my second wish Zip Zap Zoo do I choose you wake up hugsy wish come true okay hugsy these little yetis need your super Huggy power now's your chance hugsy it's cudd [Music] claw nice squeezing hugsy You Can Let Go Now a thank you Gro and now to buckle you in to make sure you stay put Here Comes Your okay hugsy time for round [Music] two hi that was fun wasn't it that's two babies down and one to go hope your snuggle Supply is high hugsy no need true hugsy can suit this one out my book has a whole chapter on what to do when your frie off his leash come here floof you be a good baby Yeti huh H when training your frie offer treat as a [Music] reward I've got some yummy snacky [Music] wackies [Music] gotcha come on hugsy go true go [Applause] hugsy gotcha woohoo nice cat strw thanks TRW [Music] you're all such good yetis yes you are yes you are thanks for everything hugsy now tuck yourself in well that's that now let's get these Yeti babies home in bed they're getting sleepy already see I knew babysitting was going to be easy yeah it's a good thing you brought your book Gisela and bringing your toys was a great idea too bleby we're a pretty good babysitting team o what a wonderful Sunset I love the way it feels on my face huh Sunset and oh look there's urg and Snick returning from their big day out Ur and snck I really hope they don't see that big pile of trees over there it's messy pile of trees oh no we can't leave the yeti Village like this cleaning up trees is not in my babysitting book grisela ble be you need to get those Yeti babies back in bed before urgan Snick get home but true who's going to clean up that mess I'll take care of those trees okay true we're on it it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up twisty wish come true [Music] hi twisty we need your help and fast you see all those trees over there we need to clean them up before mama and papa Yeti get home I know you can twist up a tidy tornado to lift them they're getting closer we'd better hurry up twist [Music] [Applause] [Music] twisty okay twisty let's put those trees [Music] down great job twisty let's go join ble B and gisala I'm sure they have the triplet snug in their beds by [Music] now okay twisty now's our chance wo ho great job twisty thank you so much for your help Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack [Music] [Applause] [Music] w a thanks for the fun day you sure kept us on our toes I hope you two had a lovely time we had such a fun day with your little triplets W boy they sure do know how to play and good thing I was here because absolutely nothing went wrong here's my card you got something for us oh you shouldn't have it was our pleasure love Frozen AI juice balls wo thank you so much to the best babysitting team [Music] ever a Zip Zap Zoom I got this back at you y got it oops sorry bleby thanks little helper I got it oh oops oh oh and that's a ball off my head hi rainbow King you have a race car no way say hello to my rainbow racer hi rainbow racer why do you have a pumpkin racer Once Upon a moon beam my rainbow guard and I were a racing team I still like to take it out for a spin to feel the wind in my Cape isn't that right rainbow guard mhm and what fun it was doing a few laps around the kingdom H are you thinking what I'm thinking be that it's time for fishy poof crackers in a cuddly lap nap you can nap later first let's build our own Racer oh I like that idea even better let's go bye-bye I can't wait to see what they build we're going to build build build a r it'll be glmer feel theowing through our having F fun without a single driving ding we're all loud thunder it's no wonder full speed fun we're with each [Music] other we're with each [Music] other silver Sparks it's beautiful you really like it oh yes your car is so amazing I'm announcing the rainbow Kingdom's first great rainbow rally all right this is going to be [Music] fun welcome to the Great rainbow rally this is going to be so great I'm going to toss my crackers y let's raise a rainbow cheer for today's Racers racer number four the yetis racer number two a rainbow city bus I'm a bus racer number five my rainbow guard racer number three the forest flower kids racer number one true and bottle me racer number six princess [Applause] Gela oh hi Griselda your car is so well giselda like thanks true my gmobile is the finest luxury automobile around it's built to be first because there's no race without a winner well I think the real winner is the one who has the most fun it sure is huh fuzzy mice ooh f fuzzy my so fuzzy and fuzzy good luck everybody happy racing thanks true Racers starting here you will Zip Zap Zoom all across the kingdom following these special Green Arrow Signs first car to Zip Zap Zoom back here wins so buckle up rainbow Racers getting ready to roll it's great rainbow rally time go go go [Music] [Applause] [Music] go there we [Music] go [Music] [Applause] wo oh yeah we're going fuzzy mice [Applause] fast not as fast as me though see you at the Finish [Applause] Line wow we were moving so fast we spun that Arrow right around but now the other Racers might go the wrong way oh well no time to fix it if I want to stay in the lead [Music] tatao Allo uh-oh I'm supposed to be racing well welcome to the race be there done there been there done there hey that's new no no that's not new hold on a second bleby rainbow King said we're supposed to follow the Green Arrow Signs these ones are red can't watch getting where did we last see a green arrow that [Music] away more of the Green Arrow Signs point that way so that way must be the right way hi little helper could you spin that green arrow to point the right way for us thanks great rainbow Racers follow us back to the race course [Music] wonderful here come the other Racers we have to go faster [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or are you okay frie muffin smiley faces let's get back to the race this is my lucky day my gmobile hit a pothole and nothing went [Music] wrong wow that's interesting a few crystals broke off if someone dries over them they could pop a tire or wipe out well there's always something in the road to look out for let's go through oh watch it everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chas keep your hands in the [Applause] bus [Music] okay let's never do that again is everyone all right hi you beta hey this isn't my stop well it isn't mine either no complaining on the bus and I've got a flat tire Drew what do we do what do we do don't worry everyone true knows you do right because I don't I really really don't I really really do we're going to fix it hey a little more height on those jumps please hey can we get back in this race please there good as new thanks Drew happy to help now let's get back to the [Music] [Music] race was um that the only Road out then we're trapped tra I've seen how this movie ends huh I was going to be the one who panics there but she is nailing it do we need a wish now well fixing a tire is one thing but moving a giant heavy Boulder yeah we definitely need some wish help [Music] cumo we'll be right back to the wishing tree please faster humo faster [Music] [Applause] wo [Music] yeah thanks hi Z hi TR bleby you're just in time for the race on your marks get set [Applause] go so how goes your race wait if you're here here and you're not racing that means we have a big problem z a bunch of racers are stuck at the bottom of a canyon and the only path leading out is blocked by a boulder that went w Thunderbolts and lightning let's have a think about this oh hold [Music] on we have a winner come let's sit and have have a think about this how do you think you can fix this problem I need a wish that can help us get past the Boulder so we can drive back up to the race course yeah my fuzzy mice get antsy when we're not racing how big is this Boulder it's huge so we're going to need a wish to help us get it out of the way the wish and tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with [Music] me please share your wonderful wishes with me please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree share with me tiny wishes 1 2 three wishing tree please share mag [Music] for the wishing tree what interesting wishes these are let's see what the wishop media tells us about their powers [Music] [Applause] wish number one is czer it's a wish that can make anything bigger or smaller you could help us get around the boulder by shrinking it down for us what a good second wish Roper room you can use this wish to lasso things and move them that's great if one of the cars goes in a ditch we can pull it out with raro and your last wish is C bigly it Wiggles it wobbles and it's very springy I'm not sure how this wish will help me get the racers going again but I'll think of some way to use it thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with [Music] me ready to go bleby almost what I really like fuzzy mice thanks Z good luck happy [Music] racing Dre did you think of a way to get us out of here did you did you don't worry I [Music] did Zip Zap Z I Choose You wake up CER wish come true see that giant boulder blocking the way we have to make it [Music] smaller hooray great job cizer the pathway's clear let's drive everyone stop the pathway is not clear those crystals popped my tire if we drive over them our tires will pop too there's way too many to shrink down I know cizer shrink us down [Music] please can't say I was expecting that come on everybody let's drive [Music] hang on this is a good part oh My Wo [Music] yeah enjoying the ride my [Music] soda I'm a racing cat driver get ready to make us big again cizer oh this isn't my stop no eating or drinking on the bus thanks cizer I don't think this race can get any more fun are you sure I was thinking you might want to turn [Music] driving you're the best Drew I am I really am now buckle up so the pedal on the left is the gas and the handle but W yeah W hey it's the forest flower kids Hello bye-bye I'm way ahead of the other Racers and that's good but they're getting closer and that is bad I need more speed to stay in the lead activate the Griz [Music] turbo yes now this is [Applause] fun my soda looks like we're all here for the bus oh don't worry about me true just stuck in a cactus I'm stuck in a cactus get me down get me down yetis you're big and strong can you get the bus [Music] down oh I'm going to whoopsy if yetis can't get her down what can a super strong rope wish raro let's get pulling Zip Zap zo I choose you wake up Ro wish come true we need to make a lassu so you can help get the bus down can you do it [Applause] [Music] R is this going to take all day you can do it roero I know you can no I'm feeling that squeeze careful here we go ready to roll great job rero yes a big thank you from me and me hands in the bus time to go back in the pack all right everyone we have a race to [Music] finish faster GMOs fast fast [Music] faster hold on [Applause] [Music] frie Oh e oh no help help true stop weela is in [Music] trouble true oh thank goodness my crystal car is about to be a crystal paint cake don't worry we'll save you I have one wish left be C biggly the jelly wish how can a big jelly Cube help us I can have CU bigly cover gisela's car and roll it away from the cliff what if it falls well it'll be surrounded by jelly and have a nice cushy Landing are you sure this will work true because I'm very delicate yeah delicate like Yeti's toenail delicate you bigly we need a lot of [Music] jiggle Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up C bigly wish come [Music] true okay Q biggly I need you to jiggle Griselda to safety ready here we go [Music] [Applause] Gela fly down as fast as you can and cover the gmobile where are you [Applause] going where to go C biggly great job thanks C biggly thanks are you okay Griselda yes thank you true but I still have a race to win see you at the Finish Line come on everyone back in the race there's a car ahead of us no no no no and the first bracer across the finish line is the forest fler kid done this is still not my stop just get [Applause] [Music] [Applause] out can you believe I didn't win did you at least have fun yes I guess I did so winning isn't everything huh who knew congratulations to all our Racers we had a blast rainbow King splendid Now to celebrate with some Royal nibbles and sips nibbles and sips everybody wins with those Friendship Day okay here we go with Barb skillful serve the Friendship Day slow ball Showdown has begun oh in true returns it with a stunning spiral swoop excellent elevation I got it wait for it keep waiting I call this the slowmo slow ball flip-flop tail [Music] chop great moves blebe where'd it go okay not a problem I'll get the ball and stay completely dry while doing it [Music] just come on Ball come to blebe sorry I grabbed your tail be but I thought it was an emergency it was I almost got wet but you would never let that happen would you true well not on Friendship Day Gisela Tada we're here to brighten your friendship day you brightened it all right you got a dimmer switch on that thing now that everyone's here I have something to show you come on [Music] so for friendship day I made you all friendship bracelets presents thanks Drew that's so thoughtful of you cool we're all matchy matchy no one told me we give presents on friendship day I would have got you all really good presents you don't have to I just felt like making friendship bracelets for my friends and there are lots of different ways you can show you care on Friendship Day hi make baking num Berry cookies to share what one oh great now we're sharing two and friends look after each other like um um uh when when when Tru saved me from getting wet here you go frie but I didn't make gifts or bake cookies or save anyone I didn't do anything nice when do I get to be nice well we couldn't have friendship day without you you were there for us when we needed you well I am really good at showing up ow a gity grab get it off tr get it off me okay hold still and I'll grab it yikes okay give me a sec there's got to be a right way to remove a gity grab hurry yikes it's a gity grab Snack Attack save the snacks shoo Sho get off frie look out a gity is after your pretty Necker chees hey the grippies are taking all our fashion accessories since window grippy grabs care about style they don't but they do like shiny things in fact Legend has it there's a giant grippy grab in the sea with a whole cave full of shiny treasure so if the grippy grabs like shiny things here little griid want this problem solved you saved me true you saved me and you gave up your bracelet to do it you're such a great friend it's no big deal I'm just glad you're okay I'm a great friend too just you wait and see I'm going to get your bracelet back stop come back the TRU bracelet yeah and my glasses yeah mberry cookies don't work so well as sunglasses but they taste right you come back here you little grippies you are ruining Friendship Day being a good friend is harder than I thought oh I'll just make true a new even better friendship bracelet out of extra special super sparkly seashells handpicked by [Music] me patience fry kins we'll play as soon as I'm done being thoughtful taada all done isn't it irresistible of course it is hey you must be that giant grippy grp who collects shiny things look I totally get liking pretty things but I'd like my bracelet back now please hey give it back that's not a toy you know I made that for a friend oh what no not you a princess can't be friends with someone so shelfish no fair I can't swim that far I'm not some a fish you know what did you just do and why do my feet feel all floppy my perfect princess toes how am I supposed to try on new shoes [Music] I thought Griselda would be back by now let's go find her oh that shouldn't be too hard just follow that bright light um that's the sun bleby oops um hi Mr Sun Happy Friendship Day we should be able to follow griselda's Footprints in the Sand good idea z let's go give it [Music] back this day is not going like I planned oops sorry frookie I'm not used to having a floppy fish tail wait here fry kins I won't be long I just have to catch griid get my friendship bracelet and make him turn me back into a whole princess so I don't have to spend the rest of my life in the sea bing bing boom I'll be back soon Turtles look at that shine it's G Zelda with the giant gity grab the legend is true Gela has a fish tail what happened frie isn't it obvious what happened Griselda would rather spend Friendship Day with a giant griid than with us don't worry frie we'll take care of you the things we do for our friends grisela would never leave frie behind especially on friendship day I think Griselda needs our help we have to go and save her wait what like go in the water yes but since we haven't been turned into fish we'll need wish help [Music] cumula come on frie you too to the wishing tree [Music] please Happy Friendship date to you too wishes but there's no time to chat our friend needs our help right let's sit and have a [Music] [Applause] think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we think a giant griid grab turned gisala into a an extra shiny fish girl so I need a wish to undo the spell and turn Griselda back into herself and since Griselda is under the sea I need a wish that will allow me to travel under water it's Friendship Day we should all go and help as long as I can stay completely dry all right I need a wish that will take us all underwater the wishing tree has heard you TR it is time to get your three wishes I'm [Music] ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with meing [Music] wishes share with me [Music] mag magic power in the wishing dream what an inspiring combination of wishes I can't wait to see what the wiship Pia says about their powers so this is Saba hi Saba Saba is an underwater wish Saba gets big enough to fit all your friends inside and keep them dry oh I like him best wish yet that's perfect Saba will help us all travel under water to find gisala your next wish is undo well hello Uno Uno this is a reversing wish when it spin backwards over something it undoes it but undo can only be used once if this wish can turn Griselda back into a two-legged princess then unu only has to work once and your last wish is shim shim shim shim has helped us once before it's a wish that's really good at wiggling hello again Sim Sim that's [Music] tick I'm not sure how wiggling can help save gisala but I'll think of something Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] pack now let's go get our friend gisala thankk you wishing tree Happy Friendship [Music] Day how do fish swim with these floppy Tails anyway excuse me coming [Music] through you can't get away from me that easy gity this fishtail is supremely annoying uh thanks so you're giving me the bracelet back easy I guess [Music] not poor little frie you miss gisala don't you but don't worry we'll find her under all that water won't we true you bet time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up Saba wish come true hi Saba we need to go under the sea to find Griselda can you help us out all aboard okay Saba into the sea everybody keep an eye out for Griselda she should be pretty easy to spot with that shiny tail oh oh I see yeah behind that rock that way [Music] Saba that's not her it's a school of fish all those fish are wearing the same Tail as grisela she is not going to be happy with that hey how are we going to spot Griselda if everything has a shiny tail don't worry frie grisela is down here somewhere we'll find her but how it's not as easy as following her tracks in the sand right she can't leave Footprints if she doesn't have feet grala may not be leaving tracks but giant griid is good thinking true told you frie TRW will find gisala in no time okay Saba follow those tracks no fair you know I can't walk out of the water into this amazing cave your home is almost as nice as my Palace so many pretty shiny things including me I'm not a halfish I'm an adorable glamorous unbelievably cute mermaid if only my friends Could See Me [Music] Now I miss them you know especially my best friend frie and Z and and bleby and true she's the one I made the beautiful bracelet for you know how it is with friends uhhuh oh maybe not huh thank you I have to give this to Tru for friendship day to show what an amazing friend I [Music] am [Music] oo ooh a pearl it's so beautiful I love shiny things wait a sec is this for me so you want to be friends yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all that chasing and hiding was just playing uhuh well well of course the princess and AG Gripp can be friends we have so much in common we both love shiny things we both have beautifully decorated homes next time you can come to my house I'll have my gismos build us a water park and we can decorate it together won't that be fun after you turn me back into a princess of course uh-oh oh no where's your magic thingy the clam has it griffy you have to get it out and change me back oh no [Applause] [Music] can you use your pincers to cut yourself [Music] free if only my friend true were here she'd know what to do H maybe TR help gisala help that way Saba SA [Music] my frins true I knew you'd come find me wow it is gisala and she really is a halfish I'm not a halfish I'm a whole mermaid thank you very much did the giant griid do this to you yes but he can't turn me back no problem we'll undo his spell with my second wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up undo wish come true this wish can reverse what gity did to you really so you can use your wish to undo what he did to himself he was trying to help me and he got all tangled up he was trying to help you like a friend well yes he really is my friend a princess and a griid can be friends you know grisela I can only use UND do once if undu freeze grippy I don't have a wish to turn you back then use the wish to free griid what we're friends now and friends are always there for you when you need them right but what about you griid is the one who really needs help I'm fine um grisela you may not have notied but you have a fish tail it's a mermaid tail and being a mermaid isn't so bad but you have to live in water not a problem I already have plans for a water park and I could give frie swimming lessons she did not mean that Cala are you sure I'm sure let's do this okay undo do your thing undo [Music] job nice work undo now back in the [Music] pack I knew you could do it true thanks be gisala that was very generous of you are you sure you'll be okay being a halfish I mean mermaid well it was nice having a super sparkly tail and I was starting to get the hang of swimming but I do love my fancy shoes and running around with my little fry kins sorry grisela I don't think my last wish can turn you back into a princess what's grippy doing now what's going on there oh griet's Magic thingy is inside that clam his Trident the same one he used to turn you into a mermaid of course but that clam clammed up and won't give it back I think we can fix that time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up shim shim wish come true shim shim the wiggle wish how will that help remember how shim shim tickled my arm in the wishing tree I bet a little tickle can get that grumpy clam to loosen up um I still still don't get it see you can't laugh with your mouth closed yeah oh my so if the clam laughs it'll open okay shim shim wiggle away shim shim makes the first move the classic fast slow fast tickle oh clam blocks that move there'll be no laughing today shim shim is really upping her game clam is having a hard time ignoring the tickles shim shim is tickling up down and all round and shows no sign of stopping oh clam can't take it and and the clam is open folks the clam is open now it's all up to gribby to finish this here it comes theal score you did it shim shim great job now back in the pack shim [Music] shim it's all up to griid now I have legs again thank you grippy I knew you could do it good to have you back grisela it's good to be back with all my friends now can we get back to celebrating Friendship Day up on the beach I'm still a little nervous Under the Sea just a second Gripp for you grippy you've earned it my [Music] friend thanks for the great ride Saba now back in the [Music] pack what a great Friendship Day we all really stuck together like good friends do okay okay stop it now okay yeah we're friends I know cut it out now I think the best thing is that Griselda started a new tradition for friendship day I did make a new friend yep I am pretty [Music] awesome oh that is so g a snoozy sleepover prepare for the buz of [Music] Doom you're a worthy opponent master pillow we will meet again who's ready for a yummy surprise Kitty Natty ninja cats are always ready for surprises T popped peppy Peppers that's like my fourth favorite snack after of course fishy poof crackers fishy poof crackers with zesty cheese and limited edition extra light poof fishy poof crackers hold it popped peppy peppers check suoni juice balls check bendy straws [Laughter] [Music] uncheck thanks Little Helpers and check there everything's ready for the sleepover okay back to snacking oh bendy straws I feel like a princess you you never know when a real princess might show up I'm here for Zelda it wouldn't be a party without you I know where's frie frie kin is right [Music] here care for an ice cold Zoni juice yes please but would you happen to have a bendy strong huh so thoughtful of you true hello party people so far so good everything's going just as planned now we're just waiting on the rainbow King that must be him now welcome rainbow King huh your majesty a lovely lavender evening to you true and Bartleby I'm so so excited about your sleepover I was just making sure I didn't forget anything important like my blankie or my pillow or uh H oh hey if you need a toothbrush I got lots oh there's my tail cleaning brush I was looking for that works like a charm and I found my gum bubble Che you want some ew no thanks no it's not a toothbrush I've got one of those oh oh what could it be don't worry your majesty we've got everything you could possibly need purple per Simmons true your particular predisposition to planning is perfection personified what he said thank you rainbow King please come in Rainbow King well that's it everybody's here check next up party time [Music] hello ready ready got you best sleepover [Music] uh-oh looks like we're down to our very last party plan a a delicious Numel bberry pancake breakfast in the [Music] morning all right everybody let's get ready for [Music] bed good night everyone good night true [Music] true Indigo injustices I just remember what I forgot to remember my MooMoo I always have my moomo with me at bedtime MooMoo that's not on my list can you sleep without it well it has helped me sleep every night for the last three or 400 million years but I'm sure I'll be fine I'll just count Little Helpers until I fall asleep 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 44 6,46 wait I skipped one I'll start over one two rainbow King do you want me to get your MooMoo for you it's no problem goodness greenness no we'd have to go all the way to the Royal Greenhouse for my MooMoo that is pretty far to go not to worry TR I'll fall asleep soon okay if you need anything just ask good night rainbow King good night true oh blue bother I mustn't keep everyone awake I really don't like using sleeping spells I can't remember why but maybe just this once Starry Bloom help me snooze I'm feeling snoozy already [Music] what a lovely summer rain so refreshing ble bee you're talking in your sleep again so are you frie you're flying huh what Drew look [Music] out what's going on Fry kins frie oh frie wums c [Music] down [Music] it's okay frugie snuggles you're safe with me now yes you are I definitely didn't plan for this they're sleep floating fascinating I've read about it I never thought I'd see it in person we should pull them down no don't touch him if you do you'll sleep float too can we wake them up guess not well we can't just let them float around bumping into things we need some rope or string or butterfly nut or string or a super long straw or string good work Little Helpers wait where's the rainbow King he's there going out the window rainbow W upy wake up wake up wake up we need to catch up to him and wake him up oh cumulo sorry to wake you cumo but we've got to go save the rainbow King oh wait I forgot to get changed um do we need to get changed too nope keep your PJs on we're still having a sleep over I've just got to be ready for action good idea can you two take Gisela and frie back inside thanks Little [Music] Helpers the entire Metropolis is sleep floating fast yeah but Z everyone in Rainbow City will sleep float right out of town we need some wish help and quick to the wishing tree please [Music] cumo Z where are you I need your help uh true I'm right behind you oh right sorry okay we need something bright to find rainbow King and something to get the citizens down something sticky this is sticky um no thanks and we need something loud to wake everyone up if he wakes up too suddenly maybe everyone will fall down right I didn't think of that so uh pillows but everyone's still floating so we do need something sticky tape glue no hair gel Z we need wishes you're right we do need wishes let sit and have a [Music] think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we don't know what will happen if we wake up the rainbow King suddenly the other sleep floaters might wake up too and then fall down so we'll have to bring everyone down down safely first good thinking true and when everyone is down safely we'll gently wake up the king and he can break the spell the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree share with me tin wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] 2ug magic power in the wishing tree true these wishes are incredible I can't wait to see what the wishop media says about their [Music] powers this is snuggly snugly snuggly a blanket wish that can go big enough for lots of people to take a nap on and if you sing a lolie it'll act like a magnet to anyone who's asleep you'll be perfect for Gathering everyone and keeping them safe and sound your next wish is wow W glow W glow is a light wish you're exactly what we me on a dark night and for your last wish poy The Bouncing wish poy poy poy is great at bouncing on its [Music] own yeah it's a cat thing it's what I do or you can jump onto it to bounce extra high I'm not sure how a bouncing wish can help but I'm sure we'll think of something Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] pack come on everybody we've got to go save the rainbow [Music] King thank you wishing [Music] tree W wa watch out cumulo maybe it's just me but this is way too many sleep floaters I agree it's going to be very hard to find the rainbow King in this mess I have an idea take us down to the park please cumulo time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up snugly wish come true ready snuggly snugly oh Z you said singing a lullabi makes snuggly a magnet for anyone who's asleep right that's right well let's get [Music] humming it's working and look here comes the rainbow [Music] King uh-oh rainbow King put snugly to sleep snugly is losing its [Music] power rainbow King he need to do something or he'll float away with everyone that would not be good I can barely see him now huh who could be calling at this hour rainbow King M he must have pocket bubbled me wake up rainbow King wake up please it's no use oh rainbow King if only you could tell us what's wrong oh M even just a clue mooo two-word phrase you know that points Us in the right direction mooo yeah like that moooo that's what's wrong rainbow King always has his moooo at bedtime and he can't settle down without it that's why he's sleep floating we've been doing it all wrong instead of waking him up we need to help him have a good night's sleep of course more sleep is the answer to our sleep problem yeah I knew that yeah all we have to do is get rainbow King his MooMoo C come on blee what what go go cumulo to the Rainbow [Music] Castle okay un a scale of one to dark this is dark how are we going to find our way I mean I don't have that cats can see in the thing it's always been a great disappointment to me I remember my mother once bleby oh sorry time for my second [Music] wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up W Glo wish come true you're up wo rainbow King said his moooo in the Royal Greenhouse this way here's the the greenhouse H maybe the mumu is some kind of plant but there's got to be millions of them how are we going to know which one is which fortunately every plant is clearly labeled all right let's go look for the mumu plant okay Mumu plant uh Mumu plant H well I mean it's not this one true wait for me not this one it's not this one either or this one maybe it's that viny one over there nope not over here where is it guys look is that the rainbow King he's floating way too far we need to find that MooMoo fast oh we've just looked everywhere and there's nothing nothing but this giant flower pot this must be it true Shine the Light over here it's the mumu plant the fruit of the mumu plant gives off a soft glow and a gentle hump that is helpful for sleeping so where's the fruit way up there now I understand why the wishing tree gave me poy here's Z can you hold wow it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up poy wish come true okay poy let's bounce bounce ready let's bounce bounce bounce go boingy go higher Drew higher it's just Out Of Reach how are we going to get it through I've got an idea bleby I need some kitty Natty help I see where you're going with this true let's try this again poy ready set okay ble be it's [Music] ninja wait I'm a cat nice work Bartleby I'm very proud of myself thanks for your help poyy you too W glow Zoo Zip Zap wish is in my [Music] pack okay let's bring the rainbow King his MooMoo come on [Music] cumulo there he is this will be tricky if rainbow King touches me and makes me sleep float it's up to you two to save the Rainbow Kingdom no no pressure rainbow King I have your [Music] moooo [Music] Mo the rainbow King isn't sleep floating anymore his Muma must have broken the spell and look it's working all the sleep floaters are floating back home to to their [Music] beds we did it woohoo we did it thanks snuggly you were super helpful tuck yourself back in the pack [Music] now let's go home I'm sleepy sleepy but we're just getting started we just saved this whole town let's celebrate pH what a night my sleepover didn't exactly go as planned yeah but you saved the kingdom true you're my hero and don't forget we still have num Berry pancakes to enjoy in the morning you're right this was a pretty good sleepover after [Music] all true true wakey wakey what hey that smells like nber pancakes we made them just for you thanks for saving everyone in Rainbow City and you you remembered how much I love bendy straws oh thank you true for bringing my MooMoo a thanks everyone one M that is so good barle you've got to try [Music] some best pancakes ever so delicious
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,176,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, cartoons for kids, cartoon, cartoons, for kids, rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom full episode, true cartoon, true and bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom grizelda, grizelda, bartleby, rainbow king, zee, true and the rainbow kingdom zee, true and the rainbow kingdom episodes, true song, true in the rainbow kingdom, kids cartoon, netflix jr, guru studio, true, rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom
Id: xCHLfzh1qR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 7sec (7927 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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