Holiday Special FULL MOVIE! ❄️ Winter Wishes 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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winter [Music] wishes happy Winter [Music] wishes do do wish wish do do true wish wish true wish doy doy true wish wish be doy dooy [Music] true Can you feel it blee the winter wishing is almost here Rainbow City looks like a winter wishing Wonderland oh yeah it's all about getting the decorations just right h hey I like it be that's a good look for you hey yeah you know I could start a whole winter wishing fasting Trend meow Let's see we have tinsel trees and Blinky blank lights but we still need that one special thing without it it's just not winter wish Fest we need gisala bread cookies and hot zuzuni cocoa I was thinking of something else it's white it's fluffy it falls from the sky falls from the sky oh I know pick me pick me yes blebe snow we're missing snow yep remember last year on wishing night when everyone gathered around the wishing tree to make our wishes for the winter and the wishes came out and glowed all different colors and fluffy white snow is falling on the tree we can't have a winter wishing without snow exactly let's go remind the rainbow King to get some he has a lot on his mind at this time of year he just might forget wait for [Music] me she's going to love [Music] this w ooh ah come here I caught it come here come here come here it's so pretty rainbow King is that for the winter wishing no my dear this Prismatic present is for dancing I'm going to give it to my sister she loves to dance come here come here how go the preparations for the winter wishing the Rainbow City looks magical even without any magic yet speak speaking of which we still need snow sweet cherry red the winter Wishing Snow I almost forgot I got a little distracted by this orb of rainbow Radiance let's fetch that snow for the wishing this way follow me I finally caught it I did caught it what where'd it go hey wait up for me so the winter Wishing Snow is somewhere in the castle oh no the Rainbow Castle isn't to enough to store snow the snow is a special gift from my sister your sister gives you snow you ever think of re gifting we have a wonderful tradition of exchanging gifts on winter wishing I give her something rainbowy and she gives me snow come I have something very special to show you welcome to my royal family room wow that's a lot of mirrors yes and each one is a window to a different Kingdom Crystal Kingdom Heart Kingdom Sky [Music] Kingdom that's the Water Kingdom ble be or do some call it the kingdom of endless baths a bath kingdom are you kidding me I'll just stay in the Rainbow Kingdom thanks very much have a great day this must be the ice kingdom right you are true a cold but dazzling Kingdom the perfect home for my sister oh your sister is the ice queen she is indeed let's see if she's at home rainbow King happy Winter wishing J we've been doing the same thing for 2 million years sister meet my good friends true and Bartleby pleased to meet you your highness likewise oh hello oh you must remember I see my little Ice Crystal he helps me keep the ice kingdom frozen solid chilled to Perfection thank you iy he's so [Applause] cute I think he'd come right through this mirror if he could oh can you please come to play just for a bit oo you'll love our winter festival I see everything is bright and sparkly just like you oh I'm sorry I see but it wouldn't be safe for you to leave the ice kingdom for anyone icy's unique gift is spreading what we call Forever Frost what's forever Frost it's an ice that can't be melted isn't that right sister yes so so long as my little icy is present forever Frost is quite permanent a wonderful thing if you like the cold not this cat yes well I's forever Frost can go out of control outside of the ice kingdom it spreads quickly and freezes everything in its path ah perhaps it's best you stay put sorry little one icy is a good little Crystal but can be such a handful sometimes yelping yellow I almost forgot I have a present for you I made it [Music] myself just what I always wanted what is it it's for dancing ah oh I can't wait to try it now for your gift extra fluffy just the way you like it happy Winter wishing Jin come along icy goodbye back to the festivities [Music] everyone I [Music] another [Music] huh [Music] oh god oh these are really good oh so good I know they are my best batch yet oh why thank you can't have winter wishing without hot zuzuni cocoa ah perfect cheers [Music] [Applause] arbe don't chew so fast you'll enjoy your cookie more too late all [Music] done my goodness here let me warm you up cold cold cold you're freezing I think you need a fur coat on it [Music] true nice work bee Little Helper how did you get so [Music] cold a a it's that cute little Frost Crystal from the ice kingdom the one that makes the forever Frost that can't be melted that's forever Frost that can't be melted he's going to freeze up the whole festival we have to catch him and take him home like now hi come here [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wait stop icy we just want to talk I'll get [Music] him great glittering gold was that an Ice Crystal my cocoa come here little ice [Music] thingy wow he's fast yeah [Music] bo b are you okay I think so my Tail's always this crooked [Music] right uhoh watch out be gone forever Frost I said be gone perplexing purple my Rainbow Magic is powerless against a forever Frost it's a good thing you didn't catch icy be or you'd be frozen too but if we don't catch that Ice Crystal it's going to ruin the whole festival he might not know what he's doing is bad in his world his freezing power is a good thing then how do we stop him he won't listen to us he listen to the ice queen your majesty I think you have to ask your sister to come and get him yes good thinking true I'll ask the ice queen to come and retrieve him right away in the meantime we have to keep icy from turning everything and everyone into blocks of ice um that is not going to be easy we need wish help and fast cow to the wishing tree please hurry fan out more that way please to the left a little more yes perfect Z oh hi trun bleby come in I was just getting the wishes looking their best for the winter wishing there may not even be a winter wishing this year we've got a frost problem a forever Frost problem forever Frost I have heard of forever Frost but never in the Rainbow Kingdom a little ice Crystal from the ice kingdom brought it it's really cute but it freezes everything it touches can't sap it warm it melt it nothing wandering wormholes let's sit and have a [Music] think okay true how can the wishing tree help you the rainbow King is going to ask his sister to come and get her Crystal but until she gets here we have to keep everyone at the festival from freezing solid the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree share with me tiny wishes [Music] wishing magic power in the wishing tree come on let's see what the wish of pedia says about your wishes first you received warmo waro warmo is one of the best warming wishes there is toasty warm hopefully you can keep everyone cozy until the ice queen comes oh yeah that's nice let's have a look at your next wish she'll a shielding wish shy shumy is a protection wish it can Shield anyone from anything it's a very strong wish then you're just what we need you can Shield us from the forever frost and your last one is a very special wish with a very unique power slothy can slow down anything wo maybe sloth can slow icy down so you can catch him be what I could totally catch that little Crystal I mean he's fast but I'm super fast there's just that freezing thing remember right we'd better get back to the festival come on wishes time to save the winter wishing Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] pack thanks Z wish us luck good luck stopping the Ice Crystal thanks for the wishes wishing tree stay safe from the [Music] Frost back to the festival cumulo as fast as you can uh true you're going to want to see this oh no the forever Frost is spreading to the never ending Forest cumulo quick stop here we have to help those [Music] Critters I'll keep that Frost in line hey wo noi it's too dangerous Stand Back Time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you help us shoy wish come [Music] true shumy Shield the critters and protect them from the frost which is very cold can you do [Music] that I hope it [Music] works yes the wish is strong enough great shielding shumy yeah take that forever Frost icy no stay there okay no we can't play with you icy No don't touch that no shoy are you [Music] okay I think sh's trying to crack the ice that's it you're doing it keep cracking thanks shumy you're very brave can you stand protect the critters while we go for more help thanks shy we have to stop the frost true don't worry be we will I don't know how but we [Music] will thanks cumulo stay safe okay stay nice and high above the frost I hope you got some good good wishes to warm us it's very cold I have just the thing time for my second wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you come out warmo warmo wish come true hi warmo it's time to heat things [Music] up more worms isi cocoa thank you thank you thank you come on there's plenty of cocoa for everyone see bleby it's going to be [Music] okay incoming face bubble true I can't contact the ice queen the castle is covered in Forever Frost and the mirror to the ice kingdom is broken so that's how icy got to the Rainbow Kingdom of course and if icy went through then so can I you mean we we're coming with you yeah wait what to the ice kingdom I was hoping you might if my magic is powerless against the forever Frost then I'll need all the help I can get we're on our way true wait we can't go to the ice kingdom it's cold there really cold like and what about our friends we can't just leave them behind with the forever Frost you're right be but if the Castle's already Frozen then the forever Frost might reach the wishing tree too we can't wait I have an idea how we can keep our friends safe while we're gone it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you we need you slothy wish come true slothy we need more time the forever Frost is moving too quick and we need to slow it down it's very cold can you try to put it into slow motion until we get [Music] back I can't watch it's working slothy is slowing the frost it's barely moving I knew it would work good job sloth slothy are you okay there for a bit slothy will slow the frost for now I just hope we come back before icy does we'll be fine true you go to the really cold place and we'll keep the winter wishing Spirit Alive with hotuni Coco and if the crystal returns we will be here to meet it it's Shadow and silverclaw At Your Service we have become aware of the mysterious Frost we will keep watch for the Ice Crystal and catch him if we can we'll all help keep the frost away y I knew you all would Kow it's so great to see everyone pull together when the wishing tree might be in danger to the Palace please [Music] cumo wait did she just say the wishing tree might be in danger it is possible the frost is slowed but not stopped and the little Ice Crystal is still running loose somewhere in the Kingdom okay everybody change of plans we are going up to the wishing tree [Applause] y so now we're going through a broken portal to a Frozen Kingdom and we're out of wishes tell me everything's going to be okay Dre it's going to be better than okay you'll see we're going to find the ice queen Catch the Ice Crystal and save the festival then we're going to make our winter wishes at the wishing tree it's going to be the most magical winter wishing we've ever had promise PA promise [Music] look true a trail of forever Frost it looks like icy went from the royal family room straight to the Rainbow City hurry cumulo the rainbow King is waiting for us thanks cumo we can hop off here are you sure we have to go to the ice kingdom with him true I mean called the rainbow King needs us be if we don't stop the ice Crystal the wishing tree will freeze over freeze I mean wait freeze is what will happen to you if you set foot on the forever Frost oh right here this feels [Music] funny someone turn off the spinning as you can see the mirror to the ice kingdom is shattered I can't use it to call my sister the ice queen couldn't you just magic it back together I've tried but the ice kingdom glass is so cold that my Rainbow Magic is powerless against it then we just have to go through it like icy did and ask your sister for help there's no telling where we might end up and since the ice kingdom is so cold that could be dangerous we will most certainly need wish help but I've already used all of my wishes to keep everyone safe and warm and the winter wishing maybe the wishing tree will give me three more more wishes you've never asked for more than three wishes have you no but the wishing tree always helps me when I need it and we couldn't need it more so let's get you back to the wishing tree now hurry back true before the Rainbow Kingdom becomes the frost [Music] Kingdom here this should keep you warm true Barby you're back again is everything all right well all the wishes are working really hard to keep everyone safe and warm but the forever Frost is still spreading so we need to go get the rainbow King's sister the ice queen to get her Ice Crystal IC see so we have to go through the broken mirror to the ice kingdom to get her it is very unusual for you to ask for three more wishes but I know the tree will help you true let's sit and have a [Music] think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well all I know is the ice kingdom is super cold and we don't know where we'll come out so we may have to travel really really far to find the Ice [Music] Queen the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tiny wishing treeing [Music] mag magic in a wishing tree you were right true the wishing tree gave you more wishes yes but it gave me two wishes puzzling perhaps the wishing tree feels you only need two let's look them [Applause] up that's reachel a stretching wish you can use it to reach a long way or over big obstacles retel will be great to have in the ice kingdom next up we have seethrough it lets you see what's behind things I hope the ice queen won't be hiding but if the tree thinks we need see-through then I'm sure we will ah thanks e wishes we've got an ice queen to find Zoo Zip Zap wish is in my pack byy I know you'll protect the wishing tree from the forever Frost of course now go the entire Rainbow Kingdom is counting on [Music] you oh you're warm you wouldn't want to come to the ice kingdom would you keep me nice and toasty Gisela what are you all doing here we heard you say the wishing tree might be in trouble so I got everyone to come up and help we'll just have our winter wish Fest here thank you grisela thank you everyone I know you'll all keep the wishing tree safe and warm while we're gone come on bleby coming to goodbye good luck now remember the mirror is broken so where we end up is anybody's guess it could be dangerous are you sure you're ready ready ready all right let's go I'm in not ready I'm not [Music] [Music] ready H we're in the ice palace wo it's so beautiful even the forever Frost looks different here I'm frozen don't worry Bartle be they're forever froze FR belongs in the ice kingdom and isn't dangerous here pH I thought you said it wasn't dangerous well shouldn't the forever Frost be forever I'm not quite sure but I'm certain my sister will have the answer if only we knew where my sister was I see I see where are you ah there's another one freeze freeze it's you please I'll magic up a Winter Breeze and zip and zap and zap and zip to try to stop the drip drip drip come now I see you play too I need your cold and frosty touch wilting winter please come quick enough with games and silly tricks I need your touch to make things free I beg and plead over police the ice kingdom will soon be lost without you and [Music] forever rainbow King frosted to see you brother a tickle s to see you you remember true and Bartleby welcome to my ice palace only it's a shame you've come just when it's in such a sorry state icy I think you can stop calling for Icy your majesty icy is in the Rainbow Kingdom but how icy came through the magic mirror and broke it and now almost all of the Rainbow Kingdom is covered in Forever Frost then both of our kingdoms are in terrible trouble what do you mean without icy my frozen Paradise will melt away but I thought forever Frost lasts forever if icy is near yes he has a magical connection to Forever Frost ah water water on me all the more reason we need to bring icy home as soon as possible we need you to come and get him ice queen he only listens to you I would be chilled to go retrieve that little rascal but without icy I need to stay in my kingdom to keep it safe and solidly Frozen you have to come unless you can tell tell us how to bring him home well you might use that wish you gave me for winter wishing yes a blue wish of possibility that's a wish that can still choose what it wants to be we'll take it I mean um please can we borrow it your iciness of course you can but it's with all of my treasures in the ice Gallery um that looks far we can do it we'll get that wish and have icy back where he belongs in no time time thank you true bring me back my icy as soon as possible I miss him [Music] so I'll get that go [Music] go look [Music] H the small Crystal called icy is very [Music] near the menacing Ice Crystal is upon us why is it coming towards the wishing tree sparkly icy couldn't stay away from all the shiny ornaments at the festival yes a shiny object could lure the crystal away from the tree Ice Crystal would you like to play with this very [Music] [Music] sparkly [Music] ah if I am to be frozen for an unknown period of time ha it is cold but also not unpleasant we have failed our mission it is up to true and the young Kitty nauy now I think we're we're almost there I will never ever take my fur for granted again thank you fur I love you fur seem to float in this cold there must be some way for us to get over this ice faster oh well sliding is faster than walking rainbow King do you mind if I give you a push push away true thank rainbows this is much faster than walking hey watch this me this is great oh it's way faster than walking what fun [Music] woohoo [Music] pH what's that noise it sounds like cracking ice oh no it is cracking ice this ice is melting just like the queen's castle watery we we're stranded how are we going to get to the gallery now we need to pull ourselves together time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up R wish come true Joe we need your help to pull us back together can you do [Music] that Drew I missed you so much don't forget about me don't worry we got you thank you richel reachel it's really important that we get to the ice Gallery way over there do you think you can help us then do your thing reach stretch as far as you can reach okay hang on everybody hang on hang on to outstanding orange this is just the dick ah cold on my Tessy invigorating a royal thrill thanks REO couldn't have done it without you now back in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] pack can we find that special wish and go home now sure be first we've got to find the [Music] door well goodness green I I didn't see you there hello we have come directly from the Ice Queen my sister and it's very important that we get into the gallery will you show us the dorm I don't think these icy fellows will let us by does any of this seem a little strange yes I can't feel my toes the guards all move at the same [Music] time it's like the reflections from the Ice Queen's dance ball it looks like there are a lot of guards but there's really just one wow so how are we going to find him with wish help time for my second wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you come out see through wish come true see through there's an ice guard hiding around here somewhere do you think you can help me find him [Music] ah oh I found him be careful true excuse me a he's just a itty bitty Ice Cube there's something really important we have to find in the ice Gallery will you please help us get [Music] inside your kingdom is is melting just like the forever Frost is spreading in our kingdom the melting is spreading in yours but we're here to help will you let us [Music] in um that's a little tiny oh that's better thanks seethrough you were a lot of help Zoo Zip Zap back in my pack [Music] so many Treasures a statue of the rainbow King looks just like you but you know colder what's that you found it be that's the one the wish I gave the ice queen it's a wish of Limitless possibility you mean it can be any anything it wants exactly right try calling it [Music] true time to wake up blue wish the Rainbow Kingdom needs [Music] you oh this little blue wish is powerful so can you help mhm then tuck yourself in my pack I can feel it I feel warm wa I feel the warm too in here yes if only everyone back home could feel this too well maybe they can let's go sparkly distractions didn't work I don't know what else to do stop in case you haven't noticed your Forever Frost is freezing everything in our kingdom and all of our friends too but we don't want to be frozen I see this is our wishing tree we know you mean no harm but if you come any closer it may be bad for the tree now can you please please stop your Frost from [Music] spreading uhoh I don't think he can stop it then it is time to get the wishes higher up into the wishing trees trunk they'll be warmer there oh no quick give me your hand hurry true I'm afraid we're too late the forever Frost has reached the wishing tree our friends are ice cubes don't worry we have our little blue wish to help us Zip Zap zoo I Choose You special blue wish wish come true okay special blue wish time to work your [Music] magic la la la la la that's it the wish of unlimited possibilities just sings la la la la la doesn't it make you feel better like everything will be okay a tingly and so warm inside come on try it wishing for us to singes loud and been together all year long wishing you are happy through and through hoping that your wi to wish comes true time we spend on wishes for our friends thoughts of love we sh and until the end if we're true in all the things we do each and every wi to wish comes true yes true you saved the wishing tree the blue wish saved it be but we still have to send icy home icy yikes it's okay icy we're really happy that you wanted to come and play with us but the ice queen needs you and I think you miss her too don't you but maybe we can come visit you someday oh bye bye you know after all the freezing and almost ruining the winter wishing and everything I'm still going to miss that little [Music] guy you did it drew the wishing tree in the Rainbow Kingdom are saved hooray all thanks to a very special [Music] wish I almost forgot about the winter wishing everybody get your wishes ready it's time I've got mine may we make a wish as well of course everyone can make a wish at the winter wishing and they always come true now I believe there is just one thing [Music] missing um are you sure that's a good idea aw it is kind of pretty the tree is ready for our [Music] [Applause] wishes you kept your paw promise what PAW promise you promised that this would be the most magical winter wishing we've ever had and it [Music] is bye-bye
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,849,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, cartoons for kids, cartoon, cartoons, for kids, rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom full episode, true cartoon, true and bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom grizelda, grizelda, bartleby, rainbow king, zee, true and the rainbow kingdom zee, true and the rainbow kingdom episodes, true song, true in the rainbow kingdom, kids cartoon, netflix jr, guru studio, true, rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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