Wish Gone Wild ๐ŸŒˆ FULL EPISODE ๐ŸŒˆ True and the Rainbow Kingdom ๐ŸŒˆ

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[Music] us it's so wiggly and jiggly and bouncy and blingy yeah boing boing lagoon is the boing boing best oh i'd love to stay true and bartleby but i found some wonderful new wishes in wishing hard hollow and i must get them to see happy [Music] what an eager bunch of new wishes see they'll learn so much about their powers when you train them for true indeed your highness i'll have lots to note in the wikipedia then i'll leave you to it rainbows away bye rainbow king welcome to the wishing tree my name is z and i'm here to take care of you now what's this wish why hello there aren't you curious hmm that's worth noting [Music] great gravity you're an eraser wish no no that's not a bad thing i'll teach you to control your erasing powers [Music] i think i'll call you go away [Music] oops wishes overboard stay right there go away [Music] [Music] okay go away my table my stuff where'd everything go [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that looks like a wish that's weird whoa i think it is a wish best ninja pose yet thank you true bartleby a wish named goei is missing before he could teach go away how to control his powers he got startled and ran away that's never happened before oh no that's terrible please bring going back to the wishing tree before the entire kingdom gets erased we'll do everything we can z not true go away is heading that way and [Music] my cozy kitty loft oh no my blankie blanket was in there my fishy poof crackers my favorite cushy pillow oh i could barely nap on my emergency cushy pillow i'm so upset great idea b we'll get go away to have a nap oh go away would you like to have a snooze [Music] this is terrible true a cat with no tail is like a cat with no clothes wait i hardly ever wear clothes oh how thoughtful wait i'm not wearing a rope for a tail [Music] don't get your tail on a tizzy b oops i mean don't worry once we help go away get back to the wishing tree we'll fix everything including my tail i promise paw promise okay i'm buying that i'm here to fix your roof little wish if we try to bring him back when he's upset more stuff will get erased now we need some wish help oh cute [Music] to the wishing tree please yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh what are the wishes doing they're guarding the wikipedia that's sweet of them it's the only thing left that go away didn't erase well that and the wishes oh i'm so glad you're all still here wishes [Music] go away is erasing lots of things in rainbow city i know we have to figure out how to bring him back quick so i can get my tail back quick all right let's sit and have a think about this [Music] so how do you plan to get going to come back well go away only erases things when he bounces on them but when he's upset he bounces on things a lot going is upset because he's afraid of his own powers and he doesn't know how to use them yet a flower for a tail really hey do you have one in blue thanks guys go away won't be afraid if we make things fun for him we should get some wishes to help us come up with the game to lead him back to the wishing tree that's a great idea oh i hope it works the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes i'm ready [Music] please share your wonderful wishes with me [Applause] [Music] tiny wishes one two three please magic power for your [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is quite the variety of wishes let's see what the wish of pdf says about them [Music] huh that page shouldn't be blank or this one or this one thunderbolts and lightning everything in the book has been erased go away he must have bounced on the wikipedia and erased the pages by accident oh don't worry z if anyone can remember the wishes it's you wow you look familiar [Music] wow my tail's gone again wait i can still feel it how can i still feel it but not see it it's a camouflage wishbee of course heisi this wish can hide something by making it the same color as the things around it so it's harder to see whoo that's fun hidesy can definitely help us play games with go away now what's this second wish well this wish looks like a spotted dot or a dotted spot dot spot this is a wish that can leave a trail of dots for you to follow a trail of dots hmm we couldn't make a trail of dots to lead go away back to the wishing tree that would be a great game and this wish moves backwards can you give us another clue nah i have no idea who you are or what your power is if only the wikipedia didn't get erased the rainbow king is going to be so mad when he finds out just talk to him i'm sure he can help you somehow thank you z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] see you later good luck true let's find go away cumulo oh bye tail flower [Music] oh [Music] my hair where could we be just follow the trail of vanishing stuff oh and if you see my tail anymore just shout out thanks oh oh you again i don't do tail feathers my hair it vanished just like that poof yeah it's a good look for you say it's really becoming wait till i show mildred enjoy your new look [Music] oh he's so bouncy right now he's gonna be super hard to catch we don't want to catch go away that'll only scare him but we can make it a game catch me if you can oh yeah ah ninja kitty time no one's catching this yeah every time go away comes to catch you keep moving closer to the wishing tree gotcha and to make it even more fun we'll make it extra tricky to catch you i have just a wish to help us [Music] we're going to play catch me if you can can you show me how you'll camouflage him if he's about to get caught uh-huh ninja camouflage okay catch me if you can come and get me too slow too slow i'll go away i'm playing catch me if you can with bartleby wanna play oh over here great first one to catch him wins here i am over here now you catch him go away it's working go away loves this game i am so caught up [Music] so not god i mean cool camouflage is he nice moves we keep it up and we go way right back to the wishing tree [Music] no one's gonna catch me here [Music] didn't just see a wish vanish i just saw a wish vanish come on we have to get go way back goodness greenness me the entire wishapedia has been erased i'm so sorry your highness it's all right z accidents happen but you can fix it right and unerase everything i can't fix the z but you can you know every wish there is to know you just need some help to remember them all and the best way to do that is to retrace your steps retrace your steps yes you think back to what you did step by step by step by step retrace and think some more what did you do before use your brain and think a lot you'll remember what you forgot and that memory won't be lost our steps go back our thoughts rewind retrace retrace our steps to find things we lost or want to recall retrace your steps that's it that's so what wishes did you study today there was flat sir the flattening wish and goei the eraser wish uh-huh and yesterday that was brushly the brushing wish uh and boohoo the crying wish oh you're retracing your steps and soon you'll remember the name of true's third wish let's have a think about [Music] i asked for this ripple we're all out you just missed go away oh no oh fuzzy okay this has got to stop you're just making me sad now gotta stop we keep trying to get going to stop erasing things but what if we gave him something that's okay for him to erase something he'd have fun erasing great idea true but what's okay for go away to a race something one of my wishes makes we're going to play hopscotch with go away and i need you to make a whole bunch of dots i'll start hopping like this and wherever you see my feet land that's where you make a dot okay b you follow dot spot jumping only on the dots will do but we'll go away follow us only if we make it look really fun musical dots this is awesome hop hop dot dot dot pop on dots come play with us again go away for this game you just hop from dot to dot [Music] don't worry it's okay to erase these dots have fun with it dot [Music] we're almost at the wishing tree which means we're almost about to get my tail back somehow huh hi true i just had my grismo be a polish to a crystal shine sparkle sparkle now it's all spotty oh no we were so close to the wishing tree and now galway's heading towards [Music] [Music] [Applause] go away went into wishing her hollow this is where the rainbow king collects all the wee wishes snoreful the sniffing wish splendid glubu um makes anything stick to its glue trail does it ever when glubu arrived we got another new wish that day it couldn't understand what i said i had to speak backwards to it and it moved backwards too just like true's third wish that's the one why did it move backwards because because it's a rewind wish named rui rosie rubies you figured it out without the book we have to told you right away this is definitely a two bubble call [Music] go away it's us you don't have to be scared little friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rainbow king we need help did you remember the third wish i didn't but she did yeah a nice savvy wish to save us would come in real handy right now your wish's name is riwi it's a rewind wish that can help you do things over again riwi only understands you if you speak backwards to him then that gives me an idea for how to fix everything if i put riwi and go away together then re-we can help go away go backwards and on a race everything that go away erased two wishes together how very clever that's never been done it's brilliant no outrageous no incredible thanks i'll let you know how it goes good luck okay b let's help go away retrace the steps and unerase everything including my tail my tail my tail yes yes it's time to re-wee [Music] oh right z said we have to talk backwards to it zooz zip you choose [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] step with one and then another [Music] it's a different kind of race going backwards to that place to find the things you lost retrace and think some more what did you do before use your brain and think a lot you'll remember what you forgot and that memory won't be lost our steps go back our thoughts rewind retrace retrace our steps to find things we lost or want to recall [Music] my tail your back i'll never let you out of my sight again see i'm still seeing you thank you for bringing go away back to the wishing tree and for fixing the wishopedia along with everything else looks like everything's back to normal again thanks little helpers i'm all good now [Applause] [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 3,380,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, true and bartleby, bartleby, rainbow king, rainbow kingdom, true kingdom of rainbow, new true and the ranbow kingdom, princess grizelda, true and princess grizelda, frookie, preschool tv, wish gone wild, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and rainbow kingdom wish, true and the rainbow kingdom season 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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