Season 3 Full Episodes | Bluey

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oh where is my to Louie can you be as quiet as Bingo for a bit no I can't Louie I can't find your library books in they duw back have you seen schurle the Dirty Turtle no I have not seen schurle the dirty turtle you have to keep better track of your things what about bingo bingo puts hers in a neat pile when she's read them finished ding orders up oh cheese and jam dad I don't like cheese and J Jam what I thought you did no Bluey does I like banara and peanut butter how can you two come from the same parents be raised in the same house but be completely different well I'll tell you this for free my life would be a lot easier if you were both the same tell me about it P I've got an idea okay wait what why do you keep setting them up what are you looking for hair talk oo give me your arm this is going to be great all right done here you go Bingo peanut butter and [Music] banana this episode of blue is called mini Bluey a so cute let me introduce you to us I'm Bluey and this is mini Bluey by she's just like me watch have some cheese and Jam any blue we love cheese and jam I love it see this is going to be a long day okay mini Bluey let's learn about me H I like to say cereal instead of serious oh and I'll show you how I dance I like to do this sort of thing and sometimes this yep that's it and I sort of just talk all the time it doesn't even need to make sense just noises are fine and I like to sing singing things singing things a bit louder sing things yeah that's great I like to just leave my toys on the ground isn't it better to tidy them away yeah it doesn't make much difference wa is it I like to ask a lot of questions mom what are you doing you know what I'm doing blue but I don't really listen to the whole answer H and if I see a bum I give it a little boom get boom hey get out of it hey BL I need you to pick up these grass clippings and put them in the wheelbarrow yes Father whoa whoa whoa where do you think you're going to help Dad I like wheelbarrows Bingo likes wheelbarrows Bingo helps dad you're mini Bluey now oh yeah and Bluey does not like grass clippings I'll tell you that for free but Dad said we have to do it let's find out if he's cereal excuse me big fella here we go these glass clippings you're talking about why do we have to put them in the wheelbarrow they don't belong to us well you know all that food in the fridge that doesn't belong to you either but if you want to keep eating it I suggest you get to work okay he [Music] Z mini Bluey that's quite loud yeah mini Bluey I don't really sing when I'm doing chores I usually winge and do the job a lot slower than what you doing watch why do we have to do this it's hot okay you know what can I order a double bingos no it's double BL forever my arm double bingos yeah here you go start on my tail hell who this is big Bingo hey may we help you tidy these grass clippings away uh yeah come on Mini Bingo result I like to pretend I'm hugging a one hug hug now put it to bed good night night where are you schurle here he is oh thanks um big Bingo big Bingo double bingo I could definitely get used to this what Bing it oh I didn't mean oh blue wait big Bingo but seriously how good's double Bingo yeah I know hi big bingo I wasn't sure which bed to sit on on are you okay Mom and Dad want two of yous they don't want any of me it's very rude it's because I'm annoying and you're not annoying at all yes I am I'm super annoying really yeah I'm just different annoying I'll show you where's the sticky tape here you go oh thanks and can you find a fake teeth for me o okay here go you look crazy follow me oh man chill the beans God what stop it you're freaking me out get away for me what's going on in in here that's it we want one Bluey and one Bingo from now on you got that okay you think it's safe I think so it's been 20 [Music] minutes close enough you ready for pass the pel kids yeah I love pasta parel me too no uh Pat would you mind doing the music yeah too easy Sheila ready kids I'll just close my eyes uh Pat no you have to stop on each kid once what why so everyone gets a prize but how can everyone get a prize there's just one in the middle no there's a prize in each layer what so no one misses out hey Bandit you hearing this yeah where you been mate stop the music Dad look when I was a kid there was only one okay okay I'll start but but this is not how you play past the parcel this episode of blue it is called past the [Music] parcel okay and stop all right it's me oh it's a bracelet a this is just [Music] wrong it's not from Me lollipop yeah okay Lea this time stop ah good one Pat you got a bracelet too hey Miss have you had to go yet no okay and stop I said stop oh this touchcreen stop me again oh no that was supposed to be hers here give it here but it's stopped on me luy dad oh man I'm not cut out for this balloons are blowing up Janelle thanks I'm almost there with pass the parcel a good oh a hang on are you putting a present in every layer yeah of course no way I want to play at the proper way none of this present in every ler business put one big present in the middle winner gets that well what about everyone else we'll have to suck it up that's not how it's done anymore Pat I'm putting my foot down Janelle we're raising a nation of squibs fine but you're handling it no worries you watch this will blow their minds ready for pass the parcel yeah we're going to mix this up a bit kids you're going to love it go see now I'm not looking I'm just going to push this button at any time yay bingo I can't find the present uh yep that's right check under your legs luy's dad where's the present ah now you see there isn't one there's just one big present in the middle what yeah what we're playing it the proper way okay let's go keep passing so I don't get a present no cuz just like in real life you oh boy boy um she'll be right come on just keep [Music] passing Mommy and stop this is how you're supposed to play it this is in the 80s Pat Uh jelle don't look at me mate oh man do I not win anything oh it's okay you won five bucks here it's soed you everyone wins five bucks wait who can break a 20 actually look take one of these they're my presents a Chucky you got plenty you can give us oh yeah well that was fun wasn't it yes except for pastor pcel I don't like lucky dad's rules yeah it's hard when you don't win yes it is maybe next time okay that's kid number five Mom where's my out out why I'm wrapping past the parcel for your birthday tomorrow oh can you do it lucky dad's way with only one present in the middle yeah bit as good as this one honey that was a bit of a disaster no it was awesome please time for pass the parcel okay kids and parents Jasper has asked that we play pass the parcel by Lucky's dad's rules they're not my rules RS oh what so let's just do our best okay okay here we go oh it's me a sorry Bingo keep passing me a sorry Leela a I was an helicopter b w I was so close maybe next time ready for past the parcel yeah we're doing luy St hooray did they say hooray please let me win this [Music] time [Music] it's me ah Bingo look a bubbleshooter wow I love lucky stars wo Y what have you started I'm sorry you didn't win past the parcel Bingo it's okay I don't mind really yeah when Leela is happy I'm happy oh Bingo maybe next time you know what bingo I think you're getting quite good at [Music] losing BL how do you want to do pass the parcel tomorrow um I'll let Bingo choose really thanks BL which way do you want to play Bingo okay ready for Passa parel I think it's only fitting to let Lucky's dad do the honors yeah oh right good on your which rules are we playing BL I left it up to bingo to choose did you choose lucky stes you'll see well Bingo whatever way is okay with me what happened to raising a nation of squibs ah look let them have some fun let's get a bit rocking eh oh yeah this is a good song oh yeah sorry nothing luy B wo wo wo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh Bingo it's okay white [Music] for woo yeah shake it l oh why did you stop I don't like this part of the song you got to take the good with the bad kid why are there Forks in the spoon be the same reason all the cupboards are left open there's an apron in the sink and the fridge do never shut your dad does that mean you don't like Dad what well you're saying that because the cupbo da how's it going Single Ladies hey oh hey morning kids how is your run sweetheart uh what he's not yours anymore he's ours yeah he belongs to us but I want a smoochie kiss no you can't have him what why not you said you don't like him cuz he leaves the coverboard doors open what I never come here give me a smoo he's he's get away ladies ladies there's plenty to go around egg beater oh yeah egg beater whiskey whiskey whiskey whiskey so Shield get get out of here okay come here you oh okay very good dad is all forever now well good luck with that this episode of Lou is called SM kiss this way this way keep on eye for Mom Bingo she just wants a smoochie kiss no more Smoochy kisses for her yeah you belong to us all right so am I still married we'll figure that out later but now we have to get you somewhere safe yeah come with ew your arm pitch is leaking ew so is this one yeah I've just been for a run okay well just keep your arms down please all right come on check for Mom Bingo she could be hiding okay H ew Dad what's that huh oh looks like gravy ew no yep gravy she's not here I looked everywhere no cheek K me as well yes okay I just want a smoochie kiss come on hey kids I actually need the toilet what no way it's too risky oh well your mom lets me go to the toilet okay it's clear okay do your business and do it quickly yes boss and peeing only deal I'll stay here Bingo you got outside okay oh that's it keep your eye out for Mom you'll do anything for a smoochie kiss God [Music] blame are you almost finished almost ow a duck cake what happened nothing why are you hooping I pee on my foot why did you pee on your foot I wasn't paying attention why not I was trying to pull a nose hair out you got hairs in your nose that's disgusting welcome to middle age kid what are you doing now what's it look like I'm watching the pee uper foot but that's the laundry tub so it's not theing pay off your foot well it is now is everything all right huh I don't remember that box being there oh blue hey did that box move this is outrageous tough up kid that's my shirt now you had wear Lou are you sure everything this box is definitely getting the B is eating me oh no it's Mom she's here all right where to boss um okay look you still belong to us but you have to promise not to do any more disgusting things okay I promise no more disgusting things good let's go hang on one more what is it Dad h a floppy you sure did Me In The Box quick mom now's your chance for a smoochi kiss all right no Mom Don't Go Near him what why it's not safe oh Bandit woo it's traveling come on we have to get you out of here smoochi smoochi smoochi we have to hide you oh don't be silly smoochi smoochi smoochi Watch Out Bandit she's got bzel but I want a smoochi kiss just a small one mom I've got news for you that guy is disgusting yeah oh what are you talking about okay first he eats his own gravy stains true his armpits are stinky correct his nose is hairy very hairy he does fluffies stinky fluffies and he peed on his own foot oh that's a new one it's not actually he's a grub kids I'm used to all that what you got to take the good with the bad yeah your mom's no bunch of roses either have you ever smelled a breath in the morning no and that's before I've had my sing e and that's just one of a long list of disgusting things that I will keep to myself kids if you're going to belong to someone you better toughen up you can keep each other works for [Music] me ready okay ring ring ring ring hello pizza shop would you like to order a pizza yes please I want one supreme with no mushrooms do you want garlic bread yeah I want garlic bread you got it it will be there soon do you need my address no I can see you by one supreme pizza please Pizza girl no mushrooms okay I'll do the garlic bread can we pretend we're sisters and our mom owns the pizza shop oh yeah and we're going to run it for her so she can go on holiday yeah to Italy glic Bread's finished great don't forget the free drink thanks Pizza sister see you soon [Music] here you go oh nice one no mushrooms no mushrooms great no no you can't have the box it's our only one right so what do I do just take the pizza okay thanks bye a man I'm back Pizza sister a not again oh I can fix it Mom can we get a new car oh but you've had Pedley since you were two but the wheel keeps falling off I know but there's just a lot of stories in that car how can a car have stories well fixed ah there you go see good as new is my car squatched this episode of is called Pizza girls what is this muffin it's an electric car my dad bought a new car car and this came with it it drives without petals yes and it's very expensive muffin so be careful with it can we play Pizza girls in it okay ho okay we're all sisters who run the pizza shop got it h there's no roof to stick the pizza sign on it's a convertible okay well I guess we don't need to use it hello customers and you just do this with your foot and that opens the boot oh cool customers the phone's not working I just ask them wait bu no we meant to do it over the phone they want a supreme okay one supreme thanks Pizza sisters I mom started this pizza shop she worked really hard so we're trying to give her a holiday wow we're going to deliver pizza fast now stop I'm just putting the pizza in you can't bring m in the you car what why cuz it's very expensive oh okay well what do we do we have to play something else a what else do you play in it I usually just drive around okay let's do that wash your feet sorry no mine in the car we ready muffin but just don't drive too [Music] far wo [Music] [Applause] [Music] W hey hey you're getting fingerprints all over it do you like a trick uh I missed the old one we brought the kids home from hospital in it you know that was fun can I have a turn okay all right here we go what's going on oh it's out of battery a we have to charge it Dad okay battery's charging kids how long does it take to charge this long oh what should we play while we wa I guess we can go back to Pizza Girls yeah so there's one supreme pizza with extra pineapple yep but no mushrooms you hear me got it you put mushrooms on it I'm going to okay bye let's put mushrooms on it yeah Louie who can I be well I need to fix my delivery car you can be the mechanic [Music] okay ready here's your pizza oh great here's your money oh extra pineapple hey hang on what are these enjoy the mushroom what a you little okay thanks bye goodness me the customers have ordered 10 pizzas 10 they said they're having a pizza party and we should take our time okay I'll get started how's the car mechanic I put this one on which makes it Go extra fast oh wow you're a good mechanic thanks all right I make the go breads hey girls the battery's charged you can ride the car again oh thanks it's your turn to have the drive Bluey um yeah it is and you just keep the keys in your pocket you don't even need to time no more about your car mate your pizzas are here oh great well one of them is how's Italy uh good here you go enjoy uh thanks I'll be back back in a jiffy oops oh dear maybe it is time for a new car Bluey no way I've had pet Le since I was two hello mechanic I broken down coming hi I'm here to fix your car my goodness that was quick fixed there you go good as new mom can we do Facey talk with muffin and sock uh please yeah that's fine but no hogging a little Facey face thing okay Louie I'm talking to you yes Mom no hogging cuz you know what happens when you hog don't you yes we know what happens when you hog wait do we hi hi muffin hi ah so stop hogging this episode of is called Facey [Music] talk can I have a turn doing the drawing yet blue um yes but can I just finish this sure muffin is my turn not yet muffing hi girls hi Aunt Trixie muffles make sure you give socks a go drawing the silly stuff okay but I'm not finished socks get off girls I can't do this right now I've got somewhere I need to be I can handle it uh are you sure yeah I got a cover kids you better share that thing or I'm switching it off what whoa okay maybe not off but look I'll handle it no I can do it you go do your thing well okay if you're sure right I'm setting the timer on my phone when it goes off it's sock's turn Okay Muffy B I'll take that as a yes I'll just draw some clouds ooh nice clouds okay Muffy there's the timer sock's turn now yay I have to finish my cowboy hat a no you don't have to finish your cowboy hat you have to give socks a turn but I want to finish my cowboy hat Muffy muffin healer give your sister a turn now but I want to draw a cowboy hat just give her a turn muffin no muffin cupcake healer cowboy hat if you say cowboy hat one more time you'll be in time out cow Boy hat okay that's it you're going to time out oh boy bye muffin muffin stop wriggling there now you have a good think about it young lady no I don't want to I'm sorry girls but muffin was hogging so she can't do your Facey call thing anymore I can't she needs to learn that other people have what the Muff she's got my phone muffin you get off my phone this instant he's coming muffin muffin R will only make it worse muffin muffin you can't steal your dad's phone yes I can now where do I hide under a bed okay don't help her big go why not cuz she's not meant to be running away she's meant to be in timeout for Hawking hey that's Mar you kele you live did it to me yeah but that was ages ago I'm still playing with it muffin you hang that boat up now young lady no okay well I'm ending the whole Facey talk no okay okay muffin this is your last chance you hang that up and March down here [Music] now you get this thing off me that's it where are you okay you're under a bed can't see who well there's only so many beds in this house kid I'm coming oh no he's going to find you Muffin just give him back his phone no tell me if he's out there it's clear but muffin I don't think I should help you what about now not clear not clear got you good gravy what's going on Uncle sh is chasing muffin classic stripe get back here muffin run muffin wa okay there we [Music] go what's going on I'm handling it it doesn't look like you're handling it time out we don't do time out anymore what since when I've read a vlog you didn't tell me cuz you're never here hey uh guys just let me handle it stripe no tricks let me handle it I get to parent too yeah but you have to do it right this is how I do it guys kids can you switch this off oh but we're doing drawing things all right well can you mute it yeah we can I feel like you hog all of parenting oh is it this one I don't mean to try this one if you say one say another the kids get confused you can turn the sound back on when stripe and tricks are finished chatting okay yes [Music] Dad uh muffin better look behind you [Music] why don't running away muffin muffin I would urgently advise you to stop right now listen to your father let's split up good idea they're working together up then come back here no where are they your mom's hiding behind the couch what couch the couch we've got lots of couches it's that couch right there nothing i'me my [Music] phone oh boy so we dad muffin yes time out okay finish oh wow that's great socks thanks can I have a turn now blue oh yeah sure thanks no problem cuz we know what happens when you hog you did I didn't you did I did not hey what's going on D blew off right in my face I did not oh Bandit that's a new low I didn't do it why doesn't anyone believe me cuz you're the king of fluffies I know how to settle this yeah Whack Him what no family meeting oh this episode of blue is called family meeting time to pay fluffy king sorry I just had to put my CS in all right three rules one person talks at a time everyone says fluffy when talking about Dad's fluffy alleged fluffy and most importantly everyone tells the truth yes you do we say Dad fluffed or dad fluffed allegedly either what about he was baking brownies allegedly enough what does allegedly mean it means you both get to tell your side of the story and then I decide who's telling the truth okay yes your honor oo I like that fourth rule everyone calls me your honor okay Louie you first yes your honor it all happened this morning Mom this is you asleep this is me and where was Dad here hey you R I'll allow it so I was just here um doing something and dad got out of bed turned and fluffed right in my face well I've heard enough hey hang on oh yeah your side make it quick here give him here check it mom was here sleeping looking gorgeous as usual oh well hey you're trying to make mom like you more I got up went downstairs and got embroiled in this mess hey what you missed the bit where you fluffi allegedly it just doesn't sound like the sort of thing I do yes it does what hey bigo P my finger okay bigo no well fair enough but on the morning of this morning I did not bake a brownie o I've got an idea is this what you had for breakfast yesterday fake beans on wheat toast yep Bingo what's the fluffy level on this hi thank you and then what did you have for lunch Mr heila yeah just some U sauerkraut excuse me sauerkraut finger fluffy level now we had dinner at Indy's house didn't we yep can you tell us what you ate no I'm not sure I ate much Mr heal up okay I had a vegan nut roast oh dear anything else uh nothing comes to mind really nothing from the petrol station on the way home that might have come in this tray oh well maybe I had a pie a bandit well all I'd had was nut roast fingo where is the fluffy meter now at the top sounds like you were ready to blow my food choices are not on trial Bingo on the morning of this morning did you see Dad fluffy in my face yes I did oh what Bingo you weren't even there yes I was thank you Bingo you can leave here your lollipop hey you're on bingo are you fipping to get a lollipop yes give me that a everyone forget that bit Louie that has not helped your case remember the truth will set you free okay Mom I would like to call on Mom me Mrs healer on the morning of this morning you didn't hear me fluffy did you no let's repeat that you didn't hear me fluffy cuz she was asleep yeah well I wasn't asleep I was dozing I mean I heard you get up and move the bedside table what oh really tell me about this bedside table uh no further questions rner you can go now come on get well Dad charges the tablet on his bedside table at night and sometimes he knocks it off when he gets up and he has to move the table to get it and it makes this horrible scraping sound like oh no he didn't move the table that sound was the fluffy ah fet well maybe we should hear from uh that guy what gu he's running away sh K you never kept me alive [Music] Freedom get [Music] up is there something you'd like to say whoever smelt it delt it Mr healer okay okay I fluffy in your child's face the face is a bum level it's hard not to well I seem to manage well like you don't break the odd brownie B did that could have been me I sentence you to 1 hour playing horsey ride with the defendant and her sister hey see BL the truth will set you free well let's test that out shall we I have one last question okay the truth's going to set someone free bluee what were you doing at bum level on the morning of this morning oh blue okay I was playing computer games on the tablet even though mom said you weren't allowed to play computer games until the weekend yes blue Christine healer I sentence both of you to horsey rides Saddle Up Bingo all right hey I'm sorry Dad I'm sorry Bluey okay family meeting over everyone out huh come on quickly why do we have to leave so fast yeah what's the hurry come on out hang on what's that smell out out come on I'm fluffing
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 1,506,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, bluey season 3, Season 3 Full Episodes
Id: MnFue5zu454
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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