Super Duper Dance Party 🌈 FULL EPISODE 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom Season 1 🌈

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[Music] she's [Music] duper dance party [Music] balloons oh sorry true it's okay bartleby we have lots of other decorations to put up that won't pop phew thanks drew and when we're done the colosseum is gonna look super super duper for the rainbow kings super duper dance party yeah thanks for starting the decorating but it's time to let a professional party planner take it from here that's early am i decorating won't be the only thing worth seeing at this party you are a really good dancer for zelda i know and when we're dead setting up and the party's in full swing every creature everywhere will know it too hey playtime [Music] well i'm glad you're having fun now stop drooling on me here let me help thanks for the dance true my pleasure be true hello how's the setup coming from my super duper dance party great your majesty we're almost done decorating and best of all dj bingo bengal will be coming soon to spin some tunes sticker we think all eyes in the kingdom will be on him all eyes here's my chance true would you mind running down to the transit station and bringing him back here of course your majesty i'd be happy to go she wasn't so busy with all these decorations but don't worry rainbow king i'll go get window clango bingo bingo that's what i said tata this is my chance to hear bingo dinko's music before the party it was nice of griselda to go get bingo bango for us it was wasn't it maybe a bit too nice [Music] on behalf of the rainbow king i bid you welcome blingo bongo well thank you huh what no no not you oh how nice freaky stop thanks little doggy oh it's you finally yep the name is bingo bango hello blingo blango oh it's bingo bingo that's what i said and i'm grizzled we're all excited to have you play your music at the super duper dance party sweet i'm a little nervous but i'm ready for it don't worry when i'm dancing to your music all eyes will be on me oh cool i guess now let's go to my grand hall where i i i mean we can practice i want to hear what you've got wow the colors seem looks so great now yep we decorated our hearts out the balloons are up the streamers are ready the scratching post is out you know for whoever feels like scratching okay that last one's just for me oh wait i know we forgot what nap time fishy poof crackers croissants should be back with bingo bango soon i'll wake you then now christmas pretend you're the crowd just watching and i walk out into the stage got it music please stop stop stop can you please play something that i can dance to but won't make everyone else want to dance ah from the top [Music] nobody can dance to that not even a great dancer like me i am supremely annoyed i'm sorry if i can't play for a great dancer like you well then maybe i'm [Music] a terrible dj i'm sure you can do better you certainly don't want to disappoint the rainbow king and all those people at the party okay you can start the music again hit it bingo clingo rude i was having the sweetest dream about my fishy poof crackers when you woke me and they were dancing right on the tip of my tongue oh fishy poof crackers so fishy so poofy so crackery your dream sounds tasty oh we have a problem griselda and bingo bango didn't show up at the colosseum and i don't see them here hi spy with my kid and i something that is bingo bango shaved he's leaving stop wait bingo bengal [Music] [Applause] well that's just great now we don't have any dj for the super duper dance party what happened why didn't you meet bingo bango i did meet him he came to my castle to practice but he didn't play very well at all really that doesn't sound like him then he said he was a terrible dj and ran off just like that where are we gonna find another dj i don't think we need another dj we just need to help bingo bingo feel better we need some wish help kill me low [Music] hi q milo are you ready to take us to the wishing tree [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] greetings true and bartleby what's that you're using this is my wishes scope it lets me see inside a wish to learn more about its temperament timber huh the type of personality it has see this witch has a bubbly center that means it loves to laugh observe [Music] thank you wish so are you both ready for the super duper dance party not really our dj bingo bangle left oh no you can't have music without a dj let's take a moment [Music] so why did bingo bengal leave grizelta said he wasn't playing very well and when we saw him he looked really upset yeah i even told griselda he was a terrible dj hmm it sounds like bingo bango has lost his confidence confidence of course confidence you know what's confidence it's when you know you can do something well so if i feel like i'm really good at doing kitty natty jump spin kicks then you have confidence yes i do jump and spin and kick [Music] but if bingo bango feels like he can't play music anymore then he's lost his confidence we have to help him get it back i'm also great at doing jump and spin and it falls nice moves bartleby confidence i think putting bingo bango in a good mood would be a great first step and he was so quiet when we saw him he might need something to help him be louder and remember he needs to get his beat back those are all important for a dj it's time to get your three wishes i'm ready [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] one two three [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm i can tell you more about them let's check the wikipedia [Music] hmm ah yes here it is shim shim is exceptional and oscillating that means its long wiggly arms can shimmy all over the place that's great we want to cheer bingo bango up so i'll get shim shim to wiggle until bingo bango giggles i'm sure it won't take long now your second wish ah here pom pom it can make the quietest whispers very loud the perfect wish for a quiet dj what buffet is it all you can eat where is your third wish ah here it is meatball it's all about bouncing at different speeds and different patterns hmm i don't know how bouncing will help bingo bengal feel better but i'm happy to give it a try thank you z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] [Music] come on bartleby let's find bingo bango and help get his confidence back [Music] there's bingo bingo [Music] uh oh it looks like he's heading into the never-ending forest we have to stop him oops i know just what to say to cheer him up bingo bango z bingo bingo it's you we really love your music why i'm a terrible dj okay that did not cheer him up my name is true and this is bartleby we came to bring into the super duper dance party i can't play there i'm sorry yikes we really need to do something time to use my first wish [Music] can you do a little jiggle wiggle to make bingo bango giggle [Music] it's not working let's try again wiggle bigger [Music] [Laughter] i'm wiggling like jelly it's shaking my belly wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wig [Music] i'm giggly and jiggly and wiggly and like yellow whoa that bump made a really fun sound well let me try [Music] yeah great sound that gives me an idea bingo bengal loves musical sounds if we make more maybe that will cheer him up [Music] i know you're trying not to laugh come on i see a little smile let's make it bigger okay okay you got me you made me laugh even though i didn't want to you're good thanks you too shim shim way to wiggle time to go back in the pack are you feeling better now yeah thanks enough to start playing music at the super duper dance party i don't know oh i want to but what if i i'm really terrible why don't you try making music right here no crowds just us okay here goes that's it you can do it [Music] oh no bingo bango wait no stop following me i see him he's hiding behind a tree i've been a tree hider many many times it's not a good sign bingo bango that was a good start you just have to warm up a little playing music is what you do best what i used to do best now i'll just disappoint everyone his confidence is still really low is it ever how can we get him to play at the dance party if we can't even get him to play for us not for us with us come on [Music] oh great sound when i strum shim shim bingo bang joined in and made his own sounds if we play a whole song maybe he'll join in again great idea true let's make some music [Music] that's it everyone can join in don't be shy [Music] [Music] sounds like we need more practice we need someone someone to give us a beat to play to wait i have an idea my bee polish can help us keep a beat by jumping up and down zap zoo wake up people [Music] wish come true are you ready to make a beat that helps us move our feet all right people let's see you jump whoa whoa maybe not so fast can you jump to a regular beat oh yeah [Music] friends get on [Music] everybody's dancing you are a great dj thanks true that means a lot so what are we waiting for there's a super duper dance party that needs super duper dance music let's go uh you first well i don't know how to get there [Music] wow listen to that crowd sounds like they're ready to dance are you ready to make them dance bingo bingo well i think so maybe i yes well i'm ready yes wait no on second thought no you're still not ready to play at the party i was ready for that but no i'm not so sure oh hello jingo clango it's bingo bingo that's what i said you came back i guess the super duper dance party has a dj after all i don't know some people think i'm not good enough zelda when you told bingo bango he couldn't play well he believed you and felt really bad about it he did i didn't mean to make him feel bad but if he doesn't want to play no biggie i brought my own dj to the dance party okay freaky drop the beat anytime now okay wookie kids i know you can do this please he should stick to drooling he's good at that okay fine what's his name play and let everybody dance yay i just wanted all eyes to be on me zelda everyone likes to dance but when we all dance together that's when we have the most fun i'm sorry to tell everyone there isn't going to be a dance party rainbow king what's wrong look we don't have a crowd oh no so that noise we heard before it wasn't people coming into the color see them it was people leaving when bingo bango didn't show up they decided to go home grey clouds there's nothing super duper about this bingo bango's here your majesty we can save this party but how true there's nobody left you're the only one who can save the super duper dance party bingo bango can you do it save the party yes i can dance dance dance dance dance don't i don't get it i'm playing great now but nobody's coming back hmm maybe they can't hear you don't worry i've got this zap zoo i choose wake up papa wish come true okay pom-pom are you ready to pump up the volume mm-hmm let's send this music all across the kingdom [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's working you saved our super duper dance party thanks true i couldn't have gotten back on stage without your help yep any minute now everybody will be dancing it would help if someone got them started look you've got fans you're right true dancing with others is fun great dancing now this is what i call a super duper dance party thank you true happy to help your majesty [Music] you
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,594,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, cartoon, cartoons, true and bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom season 1, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and the rainbow kingdom party, dj bingo bango, bartleby, true and the rainbow, true rainbow show, true cartoon full episodes, true cartoon song, true cartoon in english, super duper dance party, true and rainbow kingdom, tru and rainbow kingdom, true full episodes, true the rainbow kingdom
Id: wXKaCWtqwxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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