YETI Adventures! πŸ‘Ή 6 FULL EPISODES! 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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[Music] scratch and [Music] share great catch flu now throw it to blebe I got it I got it I got it yes hey urg want to play uh how about you Snick I don't think they're interested blebe game on all right are you ready Gro yes prepare to be busted by my floating Lotus tiger kick don't worry Gro I'll catch you yay nice catch Gro all right JK I guess that means we're in the middle now okay Gro now throw the ball to us and blee will try to catch it and I'm ready for you um still ready don't you want to throw the ball to us Gro oh boy she is tougher than a Ste fishy poof cracker come on Gro don't you want to share sharing is caring B I think it's time for a song what do you say grock can I share a song about sharing with you oh please say [Music] yes if you're eating an ice ice cream cone it's more fun if you share if you share your seat on the bus you show someone you really care when you share you'll make new friends and they'll come from everywhere [Music] sharing sharing is caring la la let's share so what do you think Gro that's the sharing Spirit okay let's play again this time I'll go in the middle bleby you throw to the triplets all right let's try this again floating load to striking tiger [Applause] kick wow bleby that went really far yeah maybe a little too much tiger not enough Lotus wait for us I think I see it over here and that's just a rock any luck true no I can't find it anywhere but watch your step ble be hey guys over here I think I found a ball it's right next to this this stick thing huh a oh yeah hold on so what is this for NOP still confused you know when you have an itchy spot on your back that's too hard to reach well now you can scratch that itch oh it's just a scratching stick this isn't just any scratching stick it's an extra special [Music] super duper great scratching Stick Of The Never Ending Forest oh I got one of those see oh that's good scratching is really important to yetis because their big fuzzy coats get super itchy oh I might need a catnap all this excitement is making me see red I see it too bleby it's a red Yeti a red [Music] Yeti good sharing Gro does this mean we can sing the sharing song again maybe not right now bleby I'm going to go try and talk to him okay I'm here if you need me hi there I'm true and these are my friends can we be friends with you well a fun one way to be friends is to share want to try see now you're both having fun uhhuh uhhuh [Applause] yeah now everyone's having fun we've never seen a red Yeti before are you here I'll by yourself uh-uh another red Yeti oh oh it seems like the scratching stick is a big deal to the red Yeti too mine mine mine mine mine R mine mine aha m oh mine M mine [Music] uh-oh now now remember how much fun we were all having a minute ago okay Drew now can we sing the sharing song I don't know if it'll even work B be mine mine mine m m if you're riding the ice cream bus no that's not if your hair is everyone [Music] [Applause] everyone what is [Music] happening [Music] uhoh the scratching stick wait don't go okay this is really weird ble bee oh what's going on I'm not sure but it all started when the yetis didn't want to share then the scratching stick was taken and the force started falling apart H maybe if we find another scratching stick everything will go back to normal hey here's a stick okay stand back true this is a job for a kitty Natty Ninja cat uh Barby nothing happened what ah hair balls I've got a bad feeling about this oh true thank goodness I'm afraid we need your help Forest Critters are flooding into Rainbow [Music] City H oh oh get out that's my hair not a [Music] home do you have any idea why this might be happening well there's a slight problem with the never ending forest and it's all because the red and blue yetis aren't sharing and the scratching stick is missing the great scratching Stick Of The Never Ending Forest is missing oh dear the Forest is at peace as long as everyone is getting along if no one is sharing and the stick is missing everything in the forest is going to fall apart don't worry rainbow King ble be an ey on it I hope he's exaggerating not exaggerating we need wish help oh cumo to the wishing tree please go go cumo thanks chimo we'll be back in a Flash just no waking this little guy Z we need help true bleby join the party this Forest Critter just suddenly showed up at the wishing tree it's because the forest is in chaos and the critters all left so they moved into the City and onto your desk because the red yetis took the scratching stick which made the blue yetis really upset and do you know there were red yetis red living here in Rainbow Kingdom okay uh there's a lot going on let sit and have a [Music] sink okay true how can the wishing tree help you first I need a way to fix the forest so that the critters can go back to their homes yes that would yes please please help these Critters get back home then I need a way to find the scratching stick and put it back where it belongs the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree share with me wishes 1 2 three [Music] wishing [Music] magic power in the wishing tree what a great group of wishes now let's see what the whiped says about their powers this is RI R good to see you again rwi remember RI is a backwards wish it can make anything go in reverse but it only understands when you speak backwards right I am perfect rwi can help put the for back to normal so um ree me help you can next up is snorfle snorkel is a smelling wish it can find anything using its super sensitive sniffer snor I know you can help us track down the scratching stick so we can put it back where it belongs just remember snor Fall's legs are super speed so don't fall behind got it and thirdly we have burrow burrow nice to meet you too burrow burrow is a mighty wish that can tunnel its way through anything that's incredible H I'm not sure how tunneling underground will help our problem above ground I'm going to have to dig deep on this one Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack thanks Z wishing you lots of luck wishing good one Z it's true she's going to fix [Music] everything oh I was just getting used to my fuzzy new [Music] fascinator thank you cumulo now let's turn things back to normal time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you oh right I forgot Z said I have to talk to R backwards um let's see you ch I Zoo zap zip true come wish rewi up wake really hi help to ready oh you said ready to help me too um to me berri's back [Music] ring oh berries we missed you oh do the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that wasn't supposed to [Music] happen or that and definitely not that hair balls this is a really big problem even wish power can't help the for I think R's feeling down a little bit but but this isn't R's fault right worry don't fault you're not it trying for thanks pass the in back now oh no you're all so hungry and tired and itchy it really does seem like the only way to get the forest back to normal is for us to find the scratch stick but how are we going to find it that's where snor comes in time for my second wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up snor wish come true hi snor snor do you think you can sniff out the scratching [Music] stick urg was the last one to use the scratching stick so get a whiff of him that'll put you on the right track quick bleby we've got to keep up with that super sniffer [Music] oh [Music] huh I've never ridden a Yeti before surprisingly [Music] smooth hey you want to share some of my fishy poof crackers oh M good sharing [Music] bleby looks like snor found something okay everybody off I don't see the scratching stick I wonder why snor stopped here what is it snor where's the stick stick is it behind the Rocks hey I think I hear something the red yetis must be on the other side with the scratching stick but true how are we going to bust through this wall if we can't make it through the wall we'll just tunnel under thanks for helping us with your sniffer snor now tuck yourself back [Music] in it's time for my third wish Zip Zap do I choose you wake up burrow wish come true hi burrow the scratching stick is on the other side of this Rock Mountain can you tunnel under it mhm go B go [Music] ha you are right true there's lots of red yetis hi everyone I'm true and this is bleby and Gro and I think you already know Ur hi [Music] hi mine r r oh no the babies are copying their parents again huh Yeti see yey do [Music] bye huh [Music] [Music] hey huh h [Music] Look Papa red can't reach urg's going to fall and I'm all out of wishes use the scratching [Music] stick no I mean use it to help [Music] urg should we sing the sharing song Don't Worry Be I know Papa red will do the right thing [Applause] [Music] wo a the baby Yeti caught the spirit of [Music] sharing thanks for your help burrow I really dug having you around now back in the [Music] past now let's put this sharing stick back where it belongs I hereby rename the great scratching Stick Of The NeverEnding Forest to the great sharing scratching Stick Of The NeverEnding forest for all scratchy itches big and small [Music] [Applause] [Music] see I told you true you can never underestimate made the power of a good sharing song you're right ble let's sing sharing [Music] [Music] is [Music] sharing sharing is going let's share itty bitty [Music] Yeti ready ready hi uh-oh well okay some balance issues perfect execution hey look at that cloud it's a kitty nty ninja cat like me H are you sure because that kitty Natty doesn't look like it's falling down at all good one true up top blee look is that what I think it is Oh you mean that cloud shaped like a fishy poof cracker oh yeah but I meant a little lower in the tree a it's a cute cute little birdie that's not just any cute little birdie it's a beroo you mean the magical bird that only appears when a baby is being born in the Rainbow Kingdom yes someone is having a baby the babies are here hey where you going she must be showing us where the baby's going to be born follow that beroo hey beroo where you going wait for us wait wait wait wait hey come back hey where'd it go I don't see it anywhere wow what is [Music] that blee this must be where the yetis live and look there's the beroo a the beroo went right into urgan snake's house that means it's a yty [Music] baby hello hi may we come in thank you and a tweet tweet to you too bero we followed you all the way here so where is the baby is it here or here or is it in here oh it dropped a stitch h no [Music] baby oh the baby's not born yet we're so excited for you woo a baby that is super fantastic Big Time congrats sorry bero we didn't mean to scare you really the baby can't be born unless the beroo is here oh and she doesn't like loud noises we were just really excited about the baby we'll be quietly excited now yay I guess we should get going now we can't wait to meet your new baby you know I'm really good with kids they love cats I mean I mean who doesn't right if you need names I'm your guy guy okay ble bee if it's a boy or blebe come on blebe let's leave so Snick can rest bye everyone see you a Yeti baby this is so exciting you know who else loves babies grisela you're not going to believe this the yetis are having a baby a Yeti baby I so have to rebubble this baby the having aab having a bab having a baby the ye blue Bonas the yetis are having a baby oh this hasn't happened in a thousand years it's happening it's happening a little birdie told me it's been a thousand years since there been a ye baby it's happening it's happening a daddy told me let's spr the news and move my Sho so everyone will hear it's it's happening a new daddy baby is near hoay hoay hoay it'sing it'sing a little told me it's it's a baby hooray okay how about blebe no wait wait wait blebe NOP I already used that one oh I I got it how about blebe no no I already wrote that down oh B whatever name the yetis choose I'm sure it's going to be one cute baby I wonder how urg and Snick are doing anyway I'm sure they're doing great Ur what's wrong really you'd better come inside come on in please make yourself at home have a seat so what's happening urg you can't find your pink underwear I have that same problem mhm nuh-uh sorry you were talking really fast here have some tea it'll make you feel better works for me uhhuh nothing beats a cup of warm crunchy tea Balo the Baloo is upset because it's too noisy in Yeti Village no that can't be good nuh-uh we need to go see what the problem is Pronto come on if we hurry we can catch the bus non-stop service to the yeti Village baby YY YY baby baby we're almost there urg bab huh oh um oh don't worry urg I'm sure everyone will be quiet once we get there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] huh welcome back ER to the yeti baby paloa we've got Yeti mugs Yeti hats and our number one seller Yeti sweaters muddled by frie of course Yeti baby POA this is terrible agreed Yeti baby bananza sounds way way better I only told gisala because I know she loves babies I didn't think everyone would find out baby baby daddy this is all my fault this is way too loud for the beroo isn't [Applause] it the B the bir's flying away we have to do something is everything okay oh the noise from the crowd must be bothering [Music] beroo don't worry we'll find a way to Cal the bero down she seems pretty upset yeah I think you're right bleby wait a minute looks like she's heading for the window oh no you don't she's trying to get out wait now she's heading for that window over there sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] bero Hey look it's the yeti baby yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no your poor house oh well this is different I don't know Ur where did the bero [Music] go [Music] oh dear mama yeti looks kind of cold let's give her a Yeti sweater I want one of those too you're in luck it's two for one Yeti sweater everybody hello it's no use they can't hear me what I can't hear you I have to fix this we need wish help cumulo I need you we'll be right back to the wishing tree please go go [Music] [Music] cumo Z greetings Tru and bleby the yetis need our help I know I've already started on this lovely little gift basket no they need a different kind of help when I heard they were having a baby I got all excited and had to share the news and now everybody's way too excited singing and cheering and buying silly souvenirs there's a big crowd at the yeti Village making a huge racket the buru got really scared and IR tried to catch it but ended up knocking the whole house down and without their house or the beroo the yetis can't have their baby negative electrons that is a serious problem but sit and have a [Music] sink okay true how can the wishing tree help you well first I need to fix urgan snicks house right they definitely need their home to have their baby then I need a way to make urgan snicks home quiet again so the beroo can come back the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm [Music] ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with meing tin wishes 2 Go with [Music] [Music] me [Music] mag positive protons what a Winning Collection of [Music] [Applause] wishes first off we have go go B go go is a speed wish that can help you move super fast wow go go you can help us fix urgan snicks house in double time for the baby next we have hushai hushai it's always great to see you hushai is a soothing wish hashai can calm you down with its sweet soothing music That's How we'll make things quiet hushai you can make the whole crowd feel calm and relaxed finally your third wish is pinpoint oh pinpoint pinpoint has a remarkable ability it can capture anyone's attention and they won't be able to take their eyes off of it a wish that likes to be the center of attention H I can relate yes blebe but it actually helps people who are distracted to focus H I'm not sure how focusing power can help but I can't wait to find [Music] out Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Applause] pack let's go help the yetis thanks Z see you may the wish be with [Music] you [Music] hi Ur Snick I'm back with some [Music] wishes first things first we need to fix your house time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up go go wish come [Applause] true hi go go we need to put this house back together again can you help us move super fast go go go Ur bleby you need Go Go's Speedy power too everyone ready uhhuh get set go [Music] go woohoo we did it thanks go go you did everything so fast we hardly got to spend any time with you now back in the [Music] pack you're welcome where's up don't worry Snick the beroo will come back once I get the crowd to quiet down and be calm yeah but how are we going to do that wait and see time for my second wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up hushaby wish come true hi hushi I need your lullaby power I've got a crowd full of Yeti fans down there who are just a little bit too loud H great okay hushai sing as the sweetest lullaby you [Applause] [Music] know what a sweet sweet song it's so I don't know sweet I think did you see the new Yeti trading cards oh boy this is so it's working on blebe but I don't think the crowd can hear you let's try a little [Music] louder Hey look it's true hi Dre oh and she's got a wish it's so cute it's not as cute as this new Yeti baby doll I just got get your cute baby Yeti dolls here squeeze them and they'll talk mine's [Applause] [Music] broken what who what what's going on did I miss the baby it's not working be hashai you were the perfect wish but no one can hear you can you keep trying while I figure out what to do next thanks hushai [Applause] hush don't worry Ur I'll get everyone to quiet [Applause] down the bero will never come back if the crowd is this loud and I know hushai could calm them down but they aren't even paying attention to the lullaby broo come on true Focus wait that's it keep singing hushai help is on the way it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up pinpoint wish come true hi pinpoint I need your help to get a really excited crowd to calm down and focus will yes I know that's your [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] specialty oh I feel so much calmer yeah now I really just want to be quiet and listen to what true has to say me too that's how I feel as well it's working sorry true everyone it's great that we're all excited for the yeti baby but we need to remember this is not our home it's the yeti home I know the yetis are usually very noisy but when they're going to have a baby they need everyone to be very [Music] quiet you did such a great job wishes thank you so much now back in the P wow now that we're all quiet quiet maybe we'll be able to hear a very special song by a very special [Music] bird wait I think I hear it I do too bleby [Music] [Music] look [Music] it's time for the sh remember we have to be quiet oh right we keep forgetting sh oh my goodness I'm pleased to present the newest member of the Rainbow Kingdom Rock but that's not all and the second newest member of the Rainbow Kingdom blue and YK triplet hell and now as part of the Yeti tradition it's time for us to celebrate [Applause] loudly it's we babies it's been years but now the time is here [Applause] it's babies it's time to sh and cheer so everyone can hear it's happened it's happened baby to sh and cheer so everyone here [Music] [Applause] hooray the N ey tree looks like we're officially ready for camp out Yeti style almost officially ready nope too hard too soft too leafy ah oh that's just [Music] right maybe too good a job H I think this catnap needs a Yeti wakeup call oh Ur hi bye wo last stop yti Village oh look the camp are [Music] here hi everyone welcome to camp out Yeti style you excited to learn all about the yeti tradition oh is that a Yeti tradition it is having fun is a yeti specialty so is recycling your sleeping bags are made entirely out of fallen leaves o and when you wake up in the morning you've got a nice healthy breakfast great well that Yeti tradition looks like a lot of fun I want to try that sure everybody grab a Yeti buddy and have fun this is so much [Music] [Applause] fun thanks for the delivery urg byebye Yeti dinner is [Music] served a everything looks good enough to eat that was delicious thank you uh now uh what should I do with my plate is there garbage yetis don't believe in garbage they reuse everything including the plates which are edible oh okay oh oh you know this tastes pretty good for a plate huh I was right everything is good enough to eat now that we've seen some Yeti Traditions do you think they'd like to learn some of ours definitely what were you thinking well when we camp out we like to gather around do some dancing and roast nber marshmallows and the best part is we do it at night oh the yetis only like daylight they never go out after dark never ever oh message received guess we'll only have to collect half the num berries now would you like some help getting ready for nighttime come Come on B got any dessert plates now that's Hospitality oh be can I ask you why you don't go out at night time you're scared of the dark hey me too that's why I always carry a security blanket and a security snack and a security best friend always so what do you do to feel safe when it gets dark wo is this a n ey fruit I've never seen one before so pretty oh the yetis have been using the nine eyes for thousands of years it helps them feel safe at night n [Music] n it's too bad the yetis can't join us at our camp out yeah well I heard they don't like being outside when it's dark well maybe they need some lights like those ones up there hey that gives me an idea look how bright we made it now the yees can join us for camp out yay I'll call them oh [Music] yees we found some nice lights for you oh can you hear how excited they are nailed it oh and here they come now to thank us I'm not sure those are happy howls maybe it's too bright for them that's probably it I'll be right back is everyone okay we heard howls unhappy hows don't worry true I'll turn off those bright nigh night lights no [Applause] [Music] the yetis are scared of the dark and they need those nine eyes to feel safe oh I feel terrible it's not your fault you didn't know but those yetis won't be able to go night night without their n eyes let's just turn those n eyes back on there must be a switch or something we can't turn them back on we have to get new ones from the N ey tree what about these little lights couldn't they work instead those lights are nice but they're too small and not nearly bright enough no the only thing we can do is get more n eyes a great plan um we'll wait till morning and leave when it's sunny right I don't think the yetis can last that long in the dark bee where is the nigh ey tree deep in the never ending Forest H how deep oh so really deep can you show us the way don't be scared don't worry we'll be fine we'll stick together and I'll go get some wish [Music] helpo we'll be back before you know it till then stay together yeah there's safety in numbers unless you're a fishy poof cracker to the wishing tree please [Music] cumulo thanks Kimo back in a minute Z the Campo night is ruined true bleby is everything all right I heard howls no everything is not all right those are Yeti howls why are the yetis howling because they're scared of the dark not that there's anything wrong with that that's right and the citizens accidentally put out their nine eyelights and now everyone is upset they put out their nine ey lights but the yetis have been using those for thousands of years we know first things first let's sit and have a [Music] think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we need to find the N tree so we can bring back more n eyes to the yeti Village but sni's too scared of the dark to show us the way so we need to wait to light our path through the forest and keep snake and blebe calm wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm [Music] ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with [Music] me wishing sh with tiny [Music] wish you and Gra a magic in the wishing [Music] dream true these wishes are incredible I can't wait to see what the wish opedia says about their [Music] powers first up we have glow hi again wow I could never forget your bright personality as you know W glow is a light wish it can illuminate any space no matter how dark it is even say I don't know the never ending forest at night dark don't worry bee W glow can brighten any path next we have bumbers Sho bumbers Sho has fantastic parachute Powers bumber shoot can Flo you down to the ground safely from any height that'll come in handy if we get stuck somewhere really high uhuh B sht are we planning on getting stuck somewhere really high and finally we have gravidity gravidy is super sticky and stretchy it can help you grab things from far away that's amazing I'm not sure how we'll use your power graa Diddy but if you like Adventure stick with us grab Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack let's go find the N ey tree oh no we don't have any wishes to help the yetis oh I have an idea be right back okay we'll meet you on Kimo bring snacks okay oh is that the snack bag no snacks just ingredients for a glow potion to help the yeti stay calm until you get back great idea let's go hi hi yies this is my friend Z he's here to help um hello true I didn't realize there'd be such a big crowd I'm used to potioning in front of small groups you'll do great Z Pro tip maybe don't go overboard with the science talk but all my talk is science talk well good luck with that snck are you you ready to show us the way to the N ey [Music] [Music] tree don't be scared I'm here to bring you Radiance energy [Music] uh I mean I'm here to bring you [Music] illumination I'm here to bring you light [Music] observe stick if you're saying this is a gloomy dark and spooky shadowy Forest I'm right with you it is getting pretty dark out here but I've got just the thing it's time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up wow wish come true hi wo can you light up this Gloomy forest for us this um gloomy dark spooky Shadow so many scary words Forest see much better all right okay you know uh things are looking up I can see the ground I I can see the trees I can see my fishy poof crackers oh can we stop for a quick snack breakr sure be how about a little rest [Music] wow one for Snick and one for true and one for the giant scary plant [Music] creature don't be scared it's just this cute little flower Shadow see okay it's gone thank goodness everybody relax don't do that shadow thing again KRW not all Shadows are scary be some are fun here you shine W glow on my hands hey it's me I'm famous rainbow King delightful daffodil I'm so pleased you like my shadow puppet show you're so good at making us not scared Drew I couldn't do it with without my lovely assistant wogo wow oh sorry I know it's in here somewhere nope not that yes PA in from Rainbow King's favorite flower and Celestial [Music] particles I mean star sprinkles a good scientist always knows when to check on his [Music] experiment thank [Music] you nice try Forest you that might sound like a huge waterfall but I'm sure it's just a oh huge waterfall okay I do not remember a waterfall being here he''s never been here before B oh yeah that's why I don't remember it Snick is the n ey tree down there yeah she said all we have to do is follow the river how are we supposed to get down there easy we're going to jump I was afraid you'd say that bleby we're going to have to be brave the yetis are depending on us to bring the n light back to the Village time for my second [Music] wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up bumbero wish come true hi bumbers shoot can you help us float down safely from here buer well Glo you sit on my shoulder okay bumbers shoot we need you to get as big as you can uh-huh okay everyone one 2 three [Music] jump yay we did it good job bumbers shoot bum now back in the [Music] pack okay gang well we're on the lookout for a giant glow-in-the-dark tree come on next is something I call lightning in a bottle First We Take frozen rain pellets add a tough of storm cloud a sprinkling of negative electrons and [Music] forming in front of a big crowd is kind of great I don't know why I was so worried voila lightning in a [Applause] [Music] bottle hey Snick my paws are getting kind of tired is that N Night Tree close by la n well I guess that's the N ey tree oh thanks for your help wow W now back in the pack uh true why is the n ey tree so dark I don't know let's go take a closer look stick says the nine ey tree is all lit up during the day then why do you think it looks So Different At Night it's sleeping of course it's all dark even ninee trees go to bed so how do we wake it up n the N Dance n n it's working ble [Music] wow so beautiful look at all those n but true they're so high up how are we going to get them down it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up grab a dny wish come true gra ay hi grab ay I need your super sticky power to help us catch all those n eyes uhhuh let's get grabbing grab a diddy grab [Music] [Applause] [Music] ay way to grab grab a [Music] diddy thanks for your help grab a diddy grab a diddy now back in the pack [Music] we're sorry to wake you n i tree but my friends and I were visiting the yetis and we uh somebody threw water on the N Night Lights and they just went out wasn't me just saying anyway the yetis are a little Afraid of the Dark not that there's anything wrong with that is it okay if we borrow some of your n eyes mhm oh thank you n i tree thanks mm we better get back to Yeti Village sweet dreams n ey tree [Music] n I'm sorry all my potions are destroyed there's nothing else I can do to bring you lights hey there's some light those look like N Night Lights hey it's Drew blebe and snake hi we're back hi everybody now we have enough nine eyes to light the entire Yeti Village and I wasn't afraid of the dark or my shadow well maybe a little I just want to say how truly sorry we really are it's just that we got so caught up in the yeti traditions we didn't realize we were causing any harm well isn't there anything we can do to help the yetis now [Music] my [Music] love n n n n n n [Music] Yeti [Music] [Applause] sitting next stop Yeti Village are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet sple be we just left but I can't blame you for being excited I can't can't wait to babysit the yeti triplets me too yeah three Yeti babies equals three times the fun which is why I packed all my toys I just didn't know if they'd be into squeaky toys for balls and silly faces I'm sure the yeti babies will love your toys thanks for bringing them bleby and thank you Griselda for coming along to help oh it's no problem after all I am a pro when it comes to babies look I brought my how to raise a frie book written by the most fabulous writer I know me a whole chapter on baby talk I'm fluent listen is will baby Bart will be excited to see the yeti wetes mm oh she's good yeah you are a baby expert mhm I raised frookie all by myself and he turned out perfectly babysitting is going to be easy right well we just have to remember though not to actually sit on the babies okay Griz no baby sitting look I have a whole chapter on how not to sit on the babies last stop Yeti Village we're [Music] here this is going to be so [Music] great hey hi urg we are so ready to babysit your fuzzy little triplets I've got my frie training book and I brought all my toys hi snake hi [Music] babies yuck FL a they're almost cute enough to be princesses oh okay the babies just had their nap and a mber and they had some num berries and now it's and now they're ready for play time did someone say playtime no not that not that no no yes yes H what should we play fetch Chaser tail round and round smother vle be with kisses frookie can play that for hours wo wo wo wo St you don't no bye see you at Sunset we'll make sure they're in bed by then all right cuties who's ready for some true tickles hey where where they go I have Gro correction I had [Music] Gro blof nobody touches the crown down [Music] heay okay Gro that's a good girl Uncle barab arms are getting a little tired I'm just going to put you down for a second Okay who wants to go for a kitty back cribe H what there you are you silly [Music] girl wa way a ninja catch b r over sh I think we should take these little bundles of fun outside where things are less Breaky who wants to go for a little carriage ride wait we need toys my fry schmooks never leaves home without his favorite chew toy B what do you have well let's see I got uh squeaky mousy no uh yarn ball any takers hm tough crowd let's see [Applause] I know you can't go wrong with a tin foil ball the babies they left without [Music] [Music] us oh you just wanted to go to the playground Okay who wants a push from Uncle bleby after he has arrest bloof that is such a cute pose okay now stay I've got to face bubble this ready say I'm a cutie silly FL come down here the only thing cuter than a princess is a princess with the yeti baby [Music] ha okay come on babies let's be careful you have to come down because I can't find the page for what to do when Fring climbs too high no heal stay [Music] okay that was fun and you know what else is fun a nice walk by the river you're right drew that sounds way less jumpy and crashy see isn't this [Music] fun I think she wants to sniff around the tree frie loves sniffing trees and then he frie does not do that oh uh thank you Gro but we should put that down now okay wait I meant to put it back where it was good boy floof now show Gro how to play nice with trees uh-oh that tree is heading for the [Music] bridge uh true that's a lot of water we' better go find those triplets and see what they're up to I'm sure they're something about all of this in my have to train your frie [Music] [Applause] book oh come out wherever you are over there there you are you stay right there I'm coming to get [Music] you quick everyone [Applause] [Music] jump who they make it look so easy this is nothing like training fr we need wish help [Applause] cumulo that was [Music] close thanks cumulo grisela will you be okay keeping an eye on the triplets totally I'm in control as always great we'll be right back to the wishing tree please go go [Music] cumo [Music] Z hi true hey bleby how did the babysitting go we've got a big problem the yeti triplets went rolling off in their carriage and then we found them but then they started pulling out trees and the river got clogged and the whole Yeti Village is flooded and Griselda just floating there and the babies are definitely not sleeping and urg and snake will be home any minute now on balanced equations that is a big problem let's sit and have a [Music] think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well the triplets are safe so first we need to stop the flood in Yeti Village good idea you should tackle the biggest problem first there's so much water that everything is floating yeah and running on logs is way harder than it looks it is the triplets make it look so easy they're impossible to catch so we need a way to round them [Music] up the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm [Music] ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with [Applause] [Music] meing [Music] twisty magic power in a wishing tree I have a good feeling about these wishes now let's see what the wish appedia says about their powers this is grappo hey H grappo grappo has Mighty grabbing power it can grab onto anything and lift even the heaviest objects oh ha perfect grappo you can can help us unblock the river your next wish is hugsy oh yeah this is a fun one hugsy hugsy loves wrapping anyone in super tight hugs who doesn't love hugs hug hugsy you can help us round up the triplets where and last but definitely not least we have twisty a super strong win twisty great to see you again this one is a force of nature twisty can twist up anything even a strong tornado that's incredible I'm just not sure how twisting could help with a flood or baby Edy but I can't wait to figure it out Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] pack let's go fix Yeti Village thanks Z Ry you're welcome good [Music] luck good job watching the babies Griselda oh no problem you know I always knew I was a great babysitter but now I know I'm a fantastic carrage sitter too time for some whis power true you got it cumulo take us to the bridge please [Music] time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up grappo wish come true hi grao see that bridge over there oh there's a big tree that's stuck underneath can you grab onto it and pull it out uh-huh [Music] great okay grappo get into position hey now oh keep trying [Music] grappo y hey look the water's going down [Music] yay I can stand yay dry ground I just kissed the [Music] ground bye CUO see you buddy grappo that was really impressive up top [Applause] grappo I'm okay cutest plumber ever now tuck yourself [Music] in okay now to round up those babies and get them home Before Sunset where are those cute Yeti babies anyway huh that didn't really answer my question which way did they go you're can Fu for swinging over there and there and over there okay but where's Gro that came from over there okay okay don't worry babies Uncle bleby will get you down um true how is Uncle bleby going to get them down we'll give them something that babies love hugs time for my second wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up hugsy wish come true okay hugsy these little yetis need your super Huggy power oh now's your chance hugsy it's cud [Music] claw [Music] nice squeezing hugsy you can let go now a thank you Gro and now to buckle you in to make sure you stay put here comes YK okay hugsy time for round two [Music] round hi that was fun wasn't it that's two babies down and one to go hope your snuggle Supply is hi hugsy no need true hugsy can suit this one out my book has a whole chapter on what to do when your fry off his leash come here floof you be a good baby Yeti H H when training your frie offer treats as [Music] reward I've got some yummy snacky [Music] wackies [Music] gotcha come on hugsy go true go [Applause] hugy gotcha woohoo nice cat TRW thanks [Music] true you're all such good yetis yes you are yes you are thanks for everything hugsy now tuck yourself in well that's that now let's get these Yeti babies home in bed they're getting sleepy already see I knew babysitting was going to be easy yeah it's a good thing you brought your book Gisela and bringing your toys was a great idea too bleby we're a pretty good babysitting team o what a wonderful Sunset I love the way it feels on my face huh Sunset and oh look there's urg and Snick returning from their big day out Ur and snake I really hope they don't see that big pile of trees over there it's messy pile of trees oh no we can't leave the yeti Village like this cleaning up trees is not in my babysitting book Gisela bar you need to get those Yeti babies back in bed before urg and Snick get home but true who's going to clean up that mess I'll take care of those trees okay true we're on it it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I Choose You wake up twisty wish come true hi twisty we need your help and fast you see all those trees over there we need to clean them up before mama and papa Yeti get home I know you can twist up a tidy tornado to lift them they're getting closer we'd better hurry up twist [Music] [Applause] [Music] twisty okay twisty let's put those trees down great job twisty let's go join fle B and gisala I'm sure they have the triplet snug in their beds by [Music] now okay twisty now's our chance W great job twisty thank you so much for your help Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] pack [Applause] [Music] hi a thanks for the fun day you sure kept us on our toes I hope you two had a lovely time we had such a fun day with your little triplets W boy they sure do know how to play and good thing I was here because absolutely nothing went wrong here's my card that you for you got something for us oh you shouldn't have it was our pleasure love is frozen says Sun juice balls woo thank you so much much to the best babysitting team [Music] ever a mount huff and [Music] puff Are We There Yet almost urgan snake promised it'll be worth the hike remember what they said all I heard was uh actually they said which means splishy splashy Springs is great family fun for all ages but normally I avoid squishy splashy things but that does sound amazing we're right behind you there's Mount huffpuff splishy splashy Springs is supposed to be right next to it [Music] well with that giant tree in the way we're not going to do any splishing or splashing in splishy splashy Springs you're right how are we going to move this thing [Music] a wow splishy splashy Springs is spectacular [Music] [Applause] those gushing geysers look like so much fun well playing around in that water might be fun too come on ble let's go for a swim well swimming's not really my thing I'm a cat you know but sometimes you you got to dip your toes in and test the water literally cold cold cold cold all cold I think your toe's extra sensitive today trust me you do not want to go in there Ur you're a big furry Yeti it can't be that cold yes it again it's freezing maybe we'll just stick to the geysers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today waa is it me or is the ground getting rumbler what Mount huff and puff is angry I mean that's silly I mean what does a Mad Mountain even look [Music] like gr you go with the yetis and make sure grock's okay you can count on me true I'm going to go see what's bothering Mount huff and puff Ro Brock are you okay oh yeah don't okay stay right here Uncle Bly is going to get you [Music] down [Music] yeah oh please go ahead I I think I loosened it there for you a [Music] [Applause] [Music] bit um hi Mount huff and puff my name's true we couldn't help but notice that you seem a little upset is everything okay I don't think the mountain likes it when we do that oh no it's burning hot lava oh no that is hot lava I think this is not good it's heading straight for the never ending forest and all the creatures that live there yeah I can confirm that this is definitely lava which means we definitely have to hurry this up y y now [Music] everybody I better go warn everyone C Milo I'm sorry you're not feeling well Mount huff and puff but I need to make sure my friends are okay I'll be back soon with some [Music] help faster faster try to keep up please thank [Music] [Applause] [Music] you to there you are we're being chased by lava I'm going to go on ahead and find a place where you'll be safe okay we'll just keep running a cave that's perfect urg Snick turn left [Music] quick you okay I think we're safe you may be safe from the lava but you're also a little bit stuck I'm really sorry I can't carry you all to safety with tumulo I'm going to need some wish help uh-huh wish help would be good I think sit tight everyone to the wishing tree please don't worry about us true Uncle bleby will keep these yetis entertained have no fear my furry friends burning hot lava may be boiling hot to the touch but it's perfect if you're in the market for a tasty treat okay the first one always gets burned huh okay so maybe we have to wait for this lava to cool down a little bit in the meantime we can uh let's see uh what do we have here we have rocks some more rocks over there and uh boy lot of rocks in this cave uh I don't know um want to do a fun craft that's the [Music] spirit thanks chimo be right back fascinating z z m huff and puff is erupting oh hi true and I know I've been watching on my face bubble tell me what happened bleby and I were there when it all started hey wait a sec where is bleby trapped with the yetis surrounded by lava they're actually on Mount huff and puff why the yetis took us to splishy splashy Springs and then the ground started shaking first I thought we made the mountain mad but then I thought it looked sad now I'm not sure but ble be and the yetis are trapped by hot lava and even worse the lava is Flowing down the mountain toward the never- ending forest and Yeti Village and all the critters that live in the forest blistering B salt this is serious let's sit and have a think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well the first thing to do is rescue blebe and the yetis from the lava good thinking then when everyone is safe we have to stop the lava from reaching the forest the wishing tree has heard you Tru it is time to get your three wishes I'm [Music] ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree share with me wishes 1 2 [Music] three magic power in the wishing tree I have a good feeling about these wishes now let's see what the wish appedia says about their [Music] powers first up is Thermo Thermo Thermo can handle any temperature hot or cold and not feel a thing Thermo is very protective you're just the wish I need to get across the hot lava Thermo next up is Diggy Doug Diggy Doug Loves getting dirty it can also move tons of dirt in no time perfect Diggy dog you can dig a big hole to hold all the hot lava Diggy dog and your third wish is El longi hi el longi el longi elongi is a stretching wish it can stretch super long like a rubber band along longi I'm not sure how you can help with Mount huff and puff but it's hardly a stretch to see you're always helpful Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my [Music] pack thanks for everything Z anytime true good luck okay and just a little rock here and there kneeled it look just like the rainbow King sometimes I impress even myself all right my Yeti friends let's see what you came up with oh come now don't be shy this is your first rock sculpture after all and remember uncle bleby is a bit of a [Music] [Applause] pro yes well uh not too bad for a first try a little crude but hey we can't all be Master Stone workers With a Little Help from Uncle bleby you three have a lot of potential bleby I'm back to get everybody off the mountain true oh too bad we can't finish our Rock sculptures so disappointing oh well okay everybody tr's here so uh let's form a line single file along that wall thank you I'll have you guys out of there soon time for my first wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up Thermo wish come true I Thermo Thermo that lava is really really hot can you handle the heat Thermo Al all right let's go Thermo come on everybody you're going to want to catch this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wave nice catch great job Thermo Thermo thanks for saving my friends in such a fun way now back in the pack okay now let's see about stopping that lava you'll need to think quick true don't worry I've got this time for my second wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up Diggy dug wish come true hi Diggy dog there's a big river of lava headed straight for us can you dig a hole big enough to hold it all okay diggy dog let's get [Music] digging not true the lava's getting really close almost done there great job Diggy dog let's get out of here you saved the forest thanks for everything Diggy Doug now tuck yourself [Music] in I'm not so sure that mountain is mad urg it's not really a mad face this is a mad [Music] face that's it that's the Mountain's face the one you make when someone steps on your tail so somebody stepped on the Mountain's tail I mean the Mountain's face looks like it's hurt like when something pokes you H when something pokes you pokes you I think I know where the mountain is so upset follow me is is everyone safe here okay be right [Music] back it's just up here we found groc sitting on top of that log wow it looks really jammed in that geyser no wonder the mountain is having a tantrum that looks really uncomfortable I bet Mount huff and puff would feel aund times better if we took it out but Snick couldn't even pull it out even after I loosened it for I'm sure we'll think of something will it's hard to to think of anything with all this rumbling going on you're right bleby let's go try and get Mount huffenpuff to calm down [Music] cumulo hi Mount huff and puff it's me again true and my best friend bleby we come in peace we can see you're really upset is it okay if we try to help okay well whenever I'm upset I take a deep breath like this give it a [Music] try better mhm that log sticking in your side must hurt mhm don't you worry we'll get it out but true how are we going to do that well I've still got one more wish elongi I don't know El longi doesn't seem strong enough to pull it a tree out of a geyser I think you're right so let's have a think okay Mount huff and puff is trying to blow the log out of its side but every time it tries it just blows out its top instead maybe elongi could cover the top so that when Mount huff and puff blows the log gets pushed out instead that's it Mount huff and puff we have a plan it's going to be a little uncom comfortable for a minute but then it'll feel better you're going to have to be brave and trust me okay great it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up elongi wish come true Hi elongi here's the plan you're going to stretch all the way across the top of Mount huff and puff and hold on tight can you do it you're the besty longi take us a little closer please [Music] cumo go El longy Mount huff and puff blow again really hard this [Music] time hang in there El longi are are you okay uhhhm then hold on tight Mount huff and puff blow again really hard this [Music] time ah true I don't think it's working blow hard as hard as you [Music] can we did it that was awesome true it really was let's go see if Mountain huff and puff feels [Applause] [Music] better all better elongi your special stretchiness save the day Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack oh bye Mount huff and puff see you [Music] soon this log makes a much better seesaw than a um U Pokey iny side sort of thing I think Mount huff and puff would agree thanks for bringing us here urgan Snick this turned out to be a pretty fun outing after all yeah although it's too bad the water was so cold in spissy splashy Springs I was really looking forward to taking a dip not [Music] again it's cold not cold wait a minute is that [Music] Steam it's warm like Nature's bathtub now this is water I can handle I think this is Mount huffin Puff's way of saying thank you thank you mount HFF and pop yeah you really saved the [Music] day a last one it is a fry [Music] toot [Music] Canon a very big [Applause] mystery hi yes who is [Music] it somebody sounds hungry my No Berries I got it I got it no I got [Music] it true I found one thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] be found another pie pen your highness oh that's great news it means moreberry pies for Yeti spring Yeti spring yes the yetis will be waking up from their winter sleep they'll be very hungry and they love numble berries can't get pot off head there finally no another pie crust is ready special delivery numl berries blebe can you please go get the numble berries berries right away your highness right away your highness thank you the numble berries are here and now they're not the basket is empty empty I don't get it the basket was full and then all of a sudden poof it was empty o look at that oh well at least there's one little Berry left hi there little Berry oh you smell good delicious petrifying purple someone has taken my num berries we have a mystery on our hands don't worry rainbow King we'll find your missing berries we'll track them down because detective true and detective bleby are on the case we are oh yeah I mean we are Splendid best of luck [Music] detectives detectives that's us [Music] detectives yeah true what are detectives they solve Mysteries by finding Clues and following them we just need to find our first clue [Music] clue H what's this let me see Nal berry juice our first clue a big wet clue too don't you think those are footprints be H whoever took the num berries must have dropped some and then stepped on them leaving giant Berry Footprints when they ran away we've solved the mystery this is great can I have the first num Berry handful not quite be because where are the berries I oh oh yeah let's keep following the [Music] [Music] footprints [Music] no more Footprints Drew well then we better split up and look for more [Music] clues another clue a purple puddle that could be from num berries oh just a nice pow puddle uh-huh okay and uh when was the last time you ate a Numel Berry hm you love numble berries don't you don't you uh why are you shouting am I sorry okay the buses might be able to answer you if you don't [Music] shout look more Berry Footprints wow I am great at this detective stuff hi there did you see the passenger who who left those berry Footprints no I can't see who gets on I keep my eyes on the road but I did hear some big squishy footsteps on my last trip a clue do you remember anything else um oh that passenger kept saying Yum Yum Yum another clue could you please take us where that passenger went sure I'm going that way now hop [Music] on thanks you're welcome good luck baskets I love baskets look I'm in one oh now I'm in another one and this one's better ooh is this one better or is this one better than this one look a glue a numble berry do you think these baskets were full of them well they were but then they weren't we were supposed to deliver them but the berries just disappeared so now we have to send them back up to bunch of muncha Island bleby I wonder if the berry Bandit emptied these baskets is this could this be another clue if you don't mind we'll catch you ride up with this empty basket sure thing bye Tru and blebe um how are we going to get back up there I oh yeah wo wo Munch Munch Island look at [Music] that not again what's wrong farmer mosa true the numble berries they're gone I just came back from Barry Island and our whole crop just poof disappeared the whole crop well almost all of it there's one more basket left not again no they really are all gone what are the yetis going to eat now they're going to eat nber pies because we're detectives and we're going to find them true we're all all out of Clues we're a little clueless H then we better get some wish help so we can catch the berry Bandit [Music] cumo hi cumulo to the wishom tree [Music] please faster faster [Music] yeah thanks uh Z oh hey Bobby what are you doing Z I'm searching for hiid a camouflage wish it Blends in anywhere so you can't see it now I can't see it we'll help you look for [Music] it [Music] Drew where did you go that was fun Hy thanks thanks true so what brings you here today a berry Bandit all the berries in the kingdom are gone and it's Yeti spring what that's awful it is so by bleby and I are detectives following the clues like squishy berry juice Footprints we're trying to find the berry Bandit but we ran out of Clues come sit let's have a think how do detectives usually find Clues well they look listen and Smith Oh Bob be I need a wish that will help me hear better and one that will help me smell better the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with [Music] me please share your wonderful wishes with me share your wonderful wishes with me wishing tree share with metin wishes 2 wishing tree share [Music] with magic power a wishing [Music] dream what a fun group of wishes let's see what the wishop pedia says about their [Music] powers your first wish ah is snor it can sniff out smells that are barely even smelly oo hi snor I'm sure snor can sniff out some new clues for us wo herea is a hearing wish it can pick up sounds from really far away and amplify them back to you maybe we can hear the sounds the berry Bandit makes and follow them to find him and your third wish is grower it can make any plant you find in nature grow larger [Music] great thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me go get some Clues and catch that very Bandit back to bunam munch Island [Applause] cumulo thanks cumo what wish is glow you stubbed your toe no I said thanks cumulo it's loud here isn't it let's see if herea can hear any clues over all this noise Zip Zap zoo I choose BL wake up syia wish come true hear anything here I love saying [Music] that that was definitely Amplified try another sound not this time we're still not hearing any sound Clues can you try again uhhuh that's it that's it Yum Yum Yum it's the eating sound we heard herea let's go find that sound [Applause] [Music] hi you go that way I'll go this way I'm going that way I mean this [Music] [Music] way I can hear you Berry Bandit a Yeti after him wow this place is amazing hey Dre can I have my next birthday party here ble be are you chasing or playing here is picked up a Sound clue let's [Music] go [Music] yeah which way did the berry Bandit go you don't hear it at all now they stopped making noises thanks for all your help [Music] [Applause] [Music] herea a basket wee wait up ble B aren't empty baskets great true be that's it the basket is empty because the berry Bandit ate all the berries that's why hiia couldn't hear it anymore and if this basket was on the conveyor belt that must mean the berry bandit has gone back down to what the ground wow see I am a good detective I told you I told everybody look the very Footprints again let's follow those Footprints fo footprint footprint footprint footprint a no more Footprints detectives never give up we look listen and sniff we sniff Clues out too okay so I'm not a dog with a great sniffer thankfully I'm a cat with great looks you're welcome did you smell anything actually I do smell a faint scend of num Berry but it's not quite smelly enough for me to tell which way the smell went we have a wish that can help us with that snor get ready Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up snor wish come true the tickles snor can you sniffle the sniffs from this Berry and then follow that smell wow snor is a super [Music] sniffler the berry Bandit caught you Berry handed so where are the rest of the berries and why did you take them from everyone uh uh blebe true please I'm questioning our suspect in a non- shouty way I might add this isn't the berry bandit look at the size of its feet they're way smaller than the ones we saw before but it it it's eating berries this little cutie probably just found some spilled berries and stopped to eat them a cutesy cute cuteness okay it didn't steal the berries but it probably saw who did you're right did you see a ber eating creature with big feet come this way or that way um could you maybe just point to where it went thanks snor can you sniffle any Berry smell that way and we're back on the clue TR Trail enjoy your Berry cutie huh did we take a wrong turn instead of a right turn or a left turn he must have all that's here is a big wall of rock there's that sound again yes lots of Yetis eating lots of numl berries and now we found our berry Bandits what are we going to do Drew excuse me yetis but those berries well they don't all belong to you yeah maybe we should go uh-oh num n n I'm a ninja cat not a humbleberry taking things without asking isn't good the rainbow King and fmer moner are pretty upset about the missing berries a rainbow King Miss rainbow King you miss the rainbow King you speak yeti-ish that's the craziest thing I've ever heard I do speak a little yeti-ish hello uh did I mention that I'm a ninja cat I am not a baby Yeti thank you very much put me boy rainbow King come in are you there true I'm so happy to hear from you did you find my num berries yes but I think you should come to the yeti cave right away I'm on my way thank you oh my Yeti friend must have woken up early so early that your numble berry pies weren't ready for them yet and without those pies the poor things must have been so hungry well done detectives true and Bartleby you solved the mystery yeah and yeah they feel bad yeah they feel bad about eating all the berries in the Kingdom oh and me too I feel bad too don't worry my big furry friends we understand now thank you but what if the yetis wake up early next spring what if there aren't any pies or numble berries won't they sneak around and take them again sapphire blue true that is a problem any ideas I have one a big [Music] one uh mama yeti baby needs his berries yetis you're going to go from Berry eaters to Berry Farmers we're going to teach you how to grow your own num berries oh that's a great [Applause] [Music] idea this could take a while time to use my last [Music] wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up groer wish come true groer let's turn that Sprout into a bush a bush with numble berries [Music] wow woohoo way to go [Music] groer W you're welcome now just grow some more bushes and you'll always have num berries ready for Yeti spring and what's better than n berries nber [Music] pie great job rainbow King you know there's six of us right are you hungry again
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 2,317,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, cartoons for kids, cartoon, cartoons, for kids, rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom full episode, true cartoon, true and bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom grizelda, grizelda, bartleby, rainbow king, zee, true and the rainbow kingdom zee, true and the rainbow kingdom episodes, true song, true in the rainbow kingdom, kids cartoon, netflix jr, guru studio, true, rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom
Id: WzA_V60yDng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 8sec (7928 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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