Big Green Bounce & More Full Episodes of 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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the Big Green bounce can I look now how about now ah can I please okay can I please please please please please please look okay Open Your Eyes true that is the most I mean it's just so how did you okay I have no idea what this is what is it it's my invention for the maker Shaker Expo I call it the I Heart You bubblegram It's magnificent I love it watch this laughs wait for it wow are those sugar glitter swirls [Music] a heart for me even better a heart you can eat you sure know the weight of my heart true they're gonna win the sunshine ribbon for sure thanks be winning would be nice but I'm just excited to see what everyone else has made true I just heard about this maker Shaker whatever thingy you need to help me win this Sunshine ribbon Griselda you can win it without my help you always make cool stuff like your giant grispot true foreign [Music] something less Stompy Goosebumps are so passe I've been trying to come up with an idea but the grismals are being so loud carving my wall of me [Music] well it didn't quite capture my I don't know what do it again talk later true [Music] green crystals gross I only work with pink now now Derek I need you to uh okay I need you to make me an invention thousand silver salutations welcome to the maker Shaker Expo The Winner Takes hold the spectacular Sunshine ribbon now don't forget to vote for your favorite invention oh that means me too Indigo inventions two this is remarkable what is it this is my I hurt you bubble bubble how does it work allow me to show you terrific topaz oh and a snack too now shall we see what everyone else has come up with yes let's go [Music] Mellow Yellow a soothing Rock phone look how the water comes up right through the Rocks hi everybody what's your invention have you ever thought that one high five just isn't enough always but you'll love this presenting the high five high for when you're feeling undefrived 18 spring-loaded high five one two three four five that's five times the fun who wants to try bubbly zazuni juice a juice bubbler I have to see how this works oh this will be fine I just pushed the button here the bubbles Bubble Up and they come out here tickles oh Peppa pardons Cheers Cheers excuse you why hello little helpers what did you make very impressive I've got my own personal cleaning machine that's also very impressive [Music] engine what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you get a bouncy bling bling and you get a bouncy bling bling and do you get a bouncy bling bling [Applause] thanks Griselda wow they're so flowy [Music] excuse me of course [Music] bouncy bling blings invented by Yours Truly princess Griselda Griselda can you show me how your machine works works I have no idea how it works details are so not my thing details are exactly my thing okay let's see now first the grismos carry the green crystals up the ladder and put them into the hopper then it seems like the crystals get all smooched up into a green goo right and that green goo gets rolled up into a ball which comes out the front what was that [Music] spews into the river huh this doesn't look quite right I don't think this is normal we should go ask roselda Griselda did you know that I'm the best inventor yes smiley face now what did you want me to sign actually B and I were just at the back of your machine and it looks like you were saying how cool the back of my machine is well actually actually there's green polka dots on these bling blings I don't normally go for green but dogs are too adorbs winky face so are we gonna tell her about the green water thingy I don't know B griselda's really enjoying this I don't want to ruin it for her come on let's go see who's going to win the sunshine ribbon yeah maybe green water is good for the river I am delighted to announce the best invention of the maker Shaker Expo the winner of the sunshine ribbon is please please please please please please please please please please please [Music] [Applause] congratulations Griselda I knew you could do it I'd like to thank everyone who helped me but since I did it all myself I'll just think me where did you get the idea for these bouncing blinglings the fantastically fun and so pretty I base them mostly on myself [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] scratching [Music] what was that [Applause] [Music] those bouncy bling blings are really big those aren't bling blings those are people perplexing pistachio this water is green okay are you okay oh I'm fine just a little wet and round [Music] Blaze come again it happened to the rainbow king after he was splashed by that Green River water [Music] griselda's machine then let's ask Griselda to turn off the machine hey Brazil we can't why not she's having such a fun time with this also she doesn't know how the machine works so telling her wouldn't help smiley face so how do we stop the water well we know how the Machine Works we can fix it [Music] right put a tourney thing on here if it won we've got to stop this we need some wish help oh [Music] [Applause] to the wishing tree please [Music] problem true Bartleby have you seen these bouncy bling blings aren't they fun they are fun but people are turning into them wow that's super fun but you seem worried explain please griselda's machine is turning all the water green and some people got splashed by it and then they became polka dotted and it gets worse they inflated and then they started bouncing and bouncing and bouncing just like the bouncy bling blings wandering wormholes let's sit and have a sink [Music] [Applause] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well griselda's really proud of her invention so we need a way to stop the green water without having to tell her right and I'm sure you can with some wish help we also need a way to unborn the boinging citizens they'll keep bouncing forever if we don't get them back to normal [Music] wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] hear your wonderful wishes with me [Music] [Music] wishes are spectacular true let's see what the Wikipedia says about them first up is Tai Thai this wish can tie itself into all all sorts of nuts great Thai Thai you can help tie up our Loose Ends oh Bumbershoot has fantastic parachute powers bomber shoot can float you down to the ground safely from any height Bumbershoot you could help catch the bouncing citizens this is one of my favorite wishes cubicley great to see you again cubically cubicle has a jiggly gelatinous body I can absorb anything into it hmm I don't know how cubically can help stop the green water or the boying citizens but I'm sure we can put your GUI Center to good use Zip Zap wishes in my pack see you later [Music] now let's put a stop to this green water time for my first wish [Music] .com I need you to give the pipe a big hug [Music] yes bye bye green water where's a high five hat when you need one [Music] I wouldn't be bouncy too how's everything my insides feel jiggly I'm tired this is ruining my Royal life hang in there we're going to think [Music] [Music] never get tired of that cumulo time for my second wish [Music] come true hi Bumbershoot I need your help to catch and hold down those boingy citizens are you sure this is gonna work only one way to find out roll over cumulo [Applause] [Music] okay Bumbershoot now foreign worked and stopped bouncing oh great thank you for unboxing a stroke I couldn't have done it without Bumbershoot you were super helpful now tuck yourself back in [Music] okay now stay put if you move you'll start bouncing again um true I think taita is about to untie oh no okay it's finally time to tell Griselda to turn her machine off [Music] he is all jiggly bubbly is a Zuni juice to calm your belly storm that just might settle it excuse me said let's jiggly make that 20 what's your name here you go puffy face next [Music] a lineup funny ears [Music] she can't hear us we need to get past this crowd sounds like a job for a stealth Kitty naughty Master follow me almost there [Music] so how many fishy poop crackers for me and the friend to get to see the princess next [Music] we've got to tell Griselda no matter what it takes even if it means standing in line [Music] next next [Music] Griselda what's your name it's me here you go it's me I need to tell you something I need to tell you something what a unique name Griselda it's me true your machine is turning people into bouncy bling blings what out no way how could my machine turn people into bling blings allow me true when the green crystals ran through the machine bouncing bling blings weren't the only thing that came out green water gushed out of the back and into the river turning it green the green water ran through the city and any citizens that touched it blew up like bling blings they started bouncing higher and higher and higher and higher so we had to jump off cumulo to catch them with Bumbershoot which was super scary Sammy ran to tell you to turn off the machine but the grismo said no and we said please and then Christmas said no and we said pretty please and then they said no so we waited in line until it was our turn to see you and we said nice job B what's happening it's gonna run down I'm I'm poking Daddy what's happening to me it's way bouncier than the others [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign sounds yummy it really does doesn't it [Music] it's my third wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] results is going to land here any second we need you to catch her [Music] okay okay this way [Music] right with you okay here [Applause] [Music] it worked yes nice work too bigly now let's get Griselda back to the Expo we still need to unborn everyone now what princesses are rarely polka Dotty and never inflated and absolutely never green don't worry Griselda we just need to figure out how to unborn the boinginess wow you're not boingy anymore no a bubbly's a Zuni burp did the trick excuse me oh I can do that trick oh excuse me firmer monster juice ball me please one juice ball coming at you [Music] what's up why aren't you burping are you kidding burping is very um princessly but if you don't burp you'll stay like that forever I will do many things but I will never pardon me well I won't be doing that ever again [Music] thanks cubicley YouTube Ty Ty you were both super helpful Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack thank you thank you thank you thank you you're welcome Griselda Oh and about my machine I'm sorry it caused all that trouble I'm sorry too Griselda I should have told you about the green water in the first place I really will miss all that selfie taking and autograph signing if only there was a way to fix the green water problem hold on I have an idea [Music] it worked what little helper's cleaning machine did the trick you're a genius true thanks Bartleby it sure is nice to have everything back to normal next everything back to normal face super duper dance party [Music] oh sorry true okay Bartleby we have lots of other decorations to put up that won't pop phew thanks Drew and when we're done the Colosseum is gonna look super super duper for the rainbow Kings super duper dance party yeah thanks for starting the decorating but it's time to let a professional party planner take it from here that's me and my decorating won't be the only thing worth seeing at this party you are a really good dancer Griselda I know and when we're dead setting up and the party's in full swing Every Creature everywhere will know it too [Music] well I'm glad you're having fun now stop drooling on me here let me help [Applause] thanks for the dance crew my pleasure B true hello how's the setup coming for my super duper dance party great your majesty we're almost done decorating and best of all DJ bingo bango will be coming soon to spend some tunes All Eyes in the Kingdom will be on him all eyes here's my chance true running down to the transit station and bringing him back here of course your majesty I'd be happy to go if she wasn't so busy with all these decorations but don't worry rainbow King I'll go get Wingo clango Bingo Bango that's what I said Tata this is my chance to hear Bingo dingo's music before the party practice of Griselda to go get bingo bango for us it was wasn't it maybe a bit too nice [Music] okay on behalf of the rainbow King I bid you welcome Blingo Bongo well thank you huh what no no not you oh how nice freaky stuff thanks little doggy oh it's you finally yep the name is bingo bingo hello Blingo blongo oh it's bingo bango that's what I said and I'm Griselda we're all excited to have you play your music at the super duper dance party sweet I'm a little nervous but I'm ready for it don't worry when I'm dancing to your music all eyes will be on me oh cool I guess now let's go to my grand hall where I I'm I mean we can practice I want to hear what you've got wow the Colosseum looks so great now yeah we decorated our hearts out the balloons are up the streamers are ready the scratching post is out you know for whoever feels like scratching okay that last one's just for me oh wait I know we forgot what nap time fishy poof crackers should be back with bingo bango soon I'll wake you then now Christmas pretend you're the crowd just watching and I walk out into the stage got it music [Music] can you please play something that I can dance to but will make everyone else want to dance from the top [Music] nobody can dance to that not even a great dancer like me I am supremely annoyed I'm sorry if I can't play for a great dancer like you well then maybe I'm [Music] terrible DJ I'm sure you can do better you certainly don't want to disappoint the rainbow King and all those people at the party okay you can start the music again hit it Gringo Congo rude [Music] I was having the sweetest dream about my fishy poof crackers when you woke me yeah they were dancing right on the tip of my tongue oh fishy poof crackers so fishy so poofy so Gregory your dream sounds tasty oh we have a problem Griselda and bingo bango didn't show up at the Colosseum and I don't see them here hi spy with my kitten eye something that is bingo bangle shaped he's leaving bingo stuff that well that's just great now we don't have any DJ for the super duper dance party what happened why didn't you meet bingo bango I did meet him he came to my castle to practice but he didn't play very well at all really that doesn't sound like him then he said he was a terrible DJ and ran off just like that where are we gonna find another DJ I don't think we need another DJ we just need to help bingo bingo feel better we need some wish help kill me [Music] look Camilo are you ready to take us to the wishing tree then let's go [Music] whoa [Music] thanks cumulo hey Z greetings true and Bartleby what's that you're using this is my wishes scope it lets me see inside a wish to learn more about its temperament Timber huh the type of Personality it has see this witch has a bubbly Center that means it loves to laugh observe [Music] thank you wish so are you both ready for the super duper dance party not really our DJ bingo bango left oh no you can't have music without a DJ let's take a moment whoa so why did Bingo mango leave Griselda said he wasn't playing very well and when we saw him he looked really upset yeah he even told Griselda he was a terrible DJ hmm it sounds like bingo bango has lost his confidence confidence of course confidence yeah what's confidence it's when you know you can do something well so if I feel like I'm really good at doing Kitty daddy jump spin kicks then you have confidence yes I do jump and spin and kick but if bingo bango feels like he can't play music anymore then he's lost his confidence we have to help him get it back I'm also great at doing jump and spin and Falls nice moves vertily confidence I think putting bingo bango in a good mood would be a great first step and he was so quiet when we saw him he might need something to help him be louder and remember he needs to get his beat back those are all important for a DJ it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready fishing trees wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can tell you more about them let's check the wishopedia [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm ah yes here it is shim shim is exceptional and oscillating oscillating that means it's long Wiggly arms can you shimmy all over the place that great we want to cheer bingo bango so I'll get shim shim to wiggle until bingo bango giggles I'm sure it won't take long now your second wish ah here Pom-Pom it can make the quietest Whispers very loud it's for a quiet DJ but hey is it all you can eat where is your third wish ah here it is bee Paul it's all about bouncing at different speeds and different patterns hmm I don't know how bouncing will help bingo bingo feel better but I'm happy to give it a try thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me laughs [Music] Come on Barbie let's find bingo bango and help get his confidence back [Music] there's Bingo Bango [Music] uh oh it looks like he's heading into the never-ending Forest we have to stop him what oops I know just what to say to cheer him up bingo bango Z bingo bingo it's you we really love your music why well I'm a terrible DJ okay that did not cheer him up my name is true and this is Myrtle Beach we came to bring into the super duper dance party I can't play there oh I'm sorry [Music] yikes we really need to do something time to use my first wish [Music] come true okay can you do a little jiggle wiggle to make bingo bango giggle [Music] it's not working let's try again wiggle bigger shim shim I'm wiggling like jelly it's shaking my belly wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wig I'm giggly and jiggly and Wiggly and like jello whoa that bump made a really fun sound well let me try [Music] yeah great sound boom boom boom that gives me an idea bingo bango loves musical sounds if we make more maybe that will cheer him up [Music] I know you're trying not to laugh come on I see a little smile let's make it bigger okay okay you got me you made me laugh even though I didn't want to you're good thanks you too shimshim wait a wiggle time to go back in the pack are you feeling better now yeah thanks enough to start playing music at the super duper dance party oh I don't know oh I want to but what if I I'm really terrible why don't you try making music right here no crowds just us okay uh here goes that's it you can do it I can't I'm terrible I can't do oh no bingo bingo bingo wait no stop following me I see him he's hiding behind a tree I've been a tree Hider many many times it's not a good sign bingo bango that was a good start you just have to warm up a little playing music is what you do best well what I used to do best no I'll just disappoint everyone confidence is still really low is it ever how can we get him to play at the dance party if we can't even get him to play for us not for us with us come on ooh great sound when I strum shimsham Bingo penguin joined in and made his own sounds if we play a whole song maybe he'll join in again great idea true let's make some music [Music] that's it everyone can join in don't be shy [Music] I said whoa [Music] sounds like we need more practice we need someone someone to give us a beat to play to wait I have an idea my bee polish can help us keep a Beat by jumping up and down [Music] wish come true beepa are you ready to make a beat that helps us move our feet all right people let's see you jump whoa whoa maybe not so fast can you jump to a regular beat boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom oh yeah [Music] okay here goes [Music] bingo bango you're rocking the house everybody's dancing you are a great DJ thanks true that means a lot so what are we waiting for there's a super duper dance party that needs super duper dance music let's go uh you first well I don't know how to get there [Music] wow listen to that crowd sounds like they're ready to dance are you ready to make them dance bingo bingo well I think so and then maybe hi yes yes I'm ready yes [Music] no on second thought no you're still not ready to play at the party I was ready for that but no I'm not so sure oh hello Django clango it's bingo bingo that's what I said you came back I guess the super duper dance party has a DJ after all I don't know some people think I'm not good enough Griselda when you told bingo bango he couldn't play well he believed you and felt really bad about it he did I didn't mean to make him feel bad but if he doesn't want to play no biggie I brought my own DJ to the dance party okay freaky drop the beat anytime now working I know you can do this please oh he should stick to drooling he's good at that okay fine what's his name play and let everybody dance hey I just wanted all eyes to be on me Griselda Everyone likes to dance but when we all dance together that's when we have the most fun I'm sorry to tell everyone there isn't going to be a dance party what's wrong [Music] so that noise we heard before it wasn't people coming into the Colosseum it was people leaving when bingo bango didn't show up they decided to go home great clouds there's nothing super duper about this Bingo bango's here Your Majesty we can save this party but how true there's nobody left you're the only one who can save the super duper dance party bingo bango can you do it save the party yes I saw dance dance dance dance dance [Music] I don't get it I'm playing great now but nobody's coming back maybe they can't hear you don't worry I've got this [Music] wake up pom-pom-pom wish come true okay Pom-Pom are you ready to Pump Up the Volume um let's send this music all across the kingdom [Music] [Music] it's working you saved our super duper dance party thanks troop I couldn't have gotten back on stage without your help yep any minute now everybody will be dancing it would help if someone got them started [Music] look you've got fans you were right true dancing with others is fun great dancing now this is what I call a super duper dance party thank you true happy to help your majesty [Music] he's sitting [Music] next stop Yeti Village are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet Myrtle Beach we just left but I can't blame you for being excited I can't wait to babysit the yeti triplets me too yeah three Yeti babies equals three times the fun which is why toys I just didn't know if they'd be in the squeaky toys our tin foil balls the silly faces I'm sure the yeti babies will love your toys thanks for the Bartleby and thank you Griselda for coming along to help oh it's no problem after all I am a pro when it comes to babies look I brought my how to raise a freaky book written by the most fabulous writer I know me a whole chapter on baby talk I'm fluent listen is Widow baby Bridle be excited to see the yeti wedies oh she's good yeah are baby experts Iris Brookie all by myself and he turned out perfectly babysitting is going to be easy right well we just have to remember though not to actually sit on the babies okay Grizz no baby sitting look I have a whole chapter on how not to sit on the babies last stop Yeti Village we're here [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is going to be so great [Applause] hey hi ERG we are so ready to babysit your fuzzy little triplets I've got my freaky training book and I brought all my toys hi stick s [Music] they're almost cute enough to be princesses [Music] oh okay the babies just had their nap I made some normal berries oh and now they're ready for Plato did someone say play time no no not that nope nope yes yes what should we play fetch Chaser tail round and round will be with kisses frooky can play that for hours [Music] do you want Sunset we'll make sure they're in bed by then all right cuties who's ready for some truth oh I have Croc correction I had grok [Music] [Music] okay Croc that's a good girl Uncle Barnaby signs are getting a little tired I'm just gonna put you down for a second Okay who wants to go for a kitty back ride huh what [Music] there you are you silly girl foreign [Music] [Music] I think we should take these little bundles of fun outside where things are less Breaky who wants to go for a little carriage ride [Music] we need toys my frooky book comes never leaves town without his favorite chew toy oh happy what do you have well let's see I got the squeaky mousy no yarn ball any takers tough crowd let's see [Music] I know you can't go wrong with that tin foil ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] just wanted to go to the playground Okay who wants to push from Uncle Bartleby after he has a rest I've got to face bubble this silly floof come down here the only thing cuter than a princess is a princess with the yeti baby [Applause] oh [Applause] okay come on come on babies let's be careful you have to come down because I can't find the piece for what to do and proving crimes too high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] that was fun and you know what else is fun a nice walk by the river aha you're right drew that sounds way less jumpy and crashy [Music] fun [Music] you think she wants to sniff around the tree frukey loves sniffing trees [Music] he does not do that oh yeah oh uh thank you grock but we should put that down now okay let's put it back wards [Music] good boy flu no sugar Rock how to play nice with trees oh [Music] [Applause] oh that tree is heading for the bridge [Music] true that's a lot of water we better go find those triplets and see what they're up to I'm sure there's something about all of this in my how to train your fruity book [Music] [Applause] [Music] wherever you are over there there you are you stay right there I'm coming to get you [Music] [Applause] look everyone [Music] they make it look so easy [Music] [Music] thanks cumulo Griselda will you be okay keeping an eye on the triplets totally I'm in control as always great we'll be right back to the wishing tree please [Music] hi true hey Bartleby how did the babysitting go we've got a big problem the yeti triplets went rolling off in their carriage and then we found them but then they started pulling out trees we forgot clogged in the whole Yeti Villages flooded and griselda's just floating there and the babies are definitely not sleeping and ergon stick will be home any minute now unbalanced equations that is a big problem but and have a think [Music] [Applause] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well the triplets are safe so first we need to stop the flood in Yeti Village good idea you should tackle the biggest problem first there's so much water that everything's floating yeah and running on logs is way harder than it looks it is the triplets make it look so easy they're impossible to catch so we need a way to round them up [Music] the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] I have a good feeling about these wishes now let's see what the Wikipedia says about their powers [Music] raplo has Mighty grabbing power he can grab onto anything and lift even the heaviest objects perfect grapplow you can help us unblock the river oh our next wish is hugsy oh yeah this is a fun one pugsy loves wrapping anyone in super tight hugs who doesn't love hugs hugsy you can help us round up the triplets and last but definitely not least we have twisty a super strong wish twisty great to see you again this one is a force of nature twisty can twist up anything even a strong tornado that's incredible oh I'm just not sure how twisting could help with the flood or baby yetis but I can't wait to figure it out zap wishes in my pack [Music] let's go fix Yeti Village spicy you're welcome good luck good job watching the babies Griselda oh no problem you know I always knew I was a great babysitter but now I know I'm a fantastic carrot sitter too time for some wish power true you got it you know take us to the bridge please [Music] time for my first wish [Music] come true see that bridge over there oh there's a big tree that's stuck underneath can you grab onto it and pull it out oh great boy okay Grappler get into position hey ho hey [Music] look the water's going down [Music] I just kissed the ground see you buddy Grappler that was really impressive [Applause] I'm okay now tuck yourself in now to round up those babies and get them home Before Sunset where are those cute Yeti babies anyway [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] okay but where's grok that came from over there okay okay don't worry babies Uncle Bartleby will get you down I'm true how is Uncle Bartleby gonna get them down oh [Applause] we'll give them something a baby's love hugs time for my second wish [Music] y wish come true okay hugsy these little yetis need your super Huggy power now's your chance hugsy it's cuddle [Music] [Applause] cuddle nice squeezing oxy you can let go now oh thank you Grog and now to buckle you in to make sure you stay put that away okay hugsy time for round two [Music] hi hi that was fun wasn't it that's two babies down and one to go hope your snuggle Supply is high hugsy no need true huxy can sit this one out my book has a whole chapter on what to do when your frooky's off his leash come here sleuth you'll be a good baby Yeti when training your frookie offer truth as a reward [Music] got some yummy snacky wacky [Music] [Music] [Applause] so true [Music] nice cats true thanks true [Music] you're all such good yetis yes you are yes you are you are thanks for everything hugsy now tuck yourself in [Music] now let's get these Yeti babies home in bed you're getting sleepy already see I knew babysitting was going to be easy yeah it's a good thing you brought your book Griselda I'm bringing your toys was a great idea too Bartleby we're a pretty good babysitting team oh what a wonderful Sunset I love the way it feels on my face Sunset and oh look there's ergon snack returning from their big day out ergon snake I really hope they don't see that big pile of trees over there it's messy no we can't leave the yeti Village like this Phoenix is not in my babysitting book Chris because he's back in bed before ergon snake at home but true who's gonna clean up that mess I'll take care of those trees okay true we're on it [Music] [Applause] Third Wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] come true we need your help and fast you see all those trees over there we need to clean them up before mama and papa Yeti get home I know you can twist up a tidy tornado to lift them oh [Applause] you're getting closer we'd better hurry up twist twisty [Applause] [Music] let's put those trees down [Music] great job twisty let's go join Bartleby and Griselda I'm sure they have the triplets snug in their beds by now [Applause] [Music] okay twisty now's our chance [Music] great job twisty thank you so much for your help Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my past yeah yeah oh [Applause] [Music] thanks for the fun day it sure kept us on our toes I hope you two had a lovely time we had such a fun day with your little triplets oh boy they sure do know how to play and good thing I was here because absolutely nothing went wrong here's my card [Music] you got something for us oh you shouldn't have it was our pleasure love Frozen says Sunni juice balls oh thank you so much to the best babysitting team ever [Music] real switcheroo phew Myrtle Beach could you pass me an empty flower pot please oh you're not Bartleby good work Little Helpers I just wonder where my big helper Bartleby went [Music] crackers it's raining it's raining and snoring are you forgetting what day it is today is it sleep on the grass day nope brush My Fur Day nope eat a big lunch day no silly we're going to help Griselda with her gardening today oh now stop right there where you think you're going with true's flowers it's okay B I'm giving them to Griselda so she can add them to her garden oh that's so nice okay enough chatter let's get these flowers onto the wagon [Music] no it's some kind of crystal smells pepperminty what kind of Crystal smells pepperminty hmm we might be able to tell if we clean it up a little I don't know what just happened I Crystal just made your juice ball switch places with that shovel wow what do you know an actual working for real switch from a jig switch them a ball yeah switch them a thing Switcheroo Switcheroo that's good yeah yeah that's what I said have you ever seen anything so amazing just think of all the things we can switch he has milk yeah [Music] wow [Music] [Music] what just happened I don't know you're me and you're an extremely handsome kitty cat switched our bodies I what about me how am I supposed to be a human or a girl I don't know how to be either I'm gonna have to switch back orders for all they do is wiggle around when are you going to get here to help me with my garden the Christmas are ruining everything help me help me she thinks you're me say something like what wait who said that um hold on just let me guess thank you on our way true we can't go to Great Southwest like this we have to we promised we'd help grab that Crystal and we'll try and figure it out there okay but I want to be a cat again I don't know how you people live without fur I'm freezing hmm put the bench for the bushes and the bush for the benches no no that's not right either put them back where they were okay let's try switching back before we talk to Griselda [Music] it's hard to get a grip on anything with these Paws who is that back there oh no here she comes let her do all the Talking yeah for a change hello true Bartleby you two sound weird [Music] anyway everything that's here should be there and everything that's there should be here [Music] uh hands still dirty from uh gardening okay [Music] what's this surprise oh that's so sweet of you true oh Crystal [Music] it smells like peppermint it'll be the perfect centerpiece for my garden hey Drew we need the switcheroo back why didn't you tell her it wasn't a gift I couldn't say anything without showing her that we switched Christmas put this on the top of the bird bath right away it's my new center so guard it for all you're worth gardening is exhausting time for a beauty nap oh and I want the crystal to be sparkling so I can see my face in it so be sure to shine it every couple seconds thank you for a few seconds Grace yay Christmas I really need that Crystal back but everything's getting switched [Music] we have to stop all the switching never fear this ninja cat um girl we'll get it back uh Bartleby [Music] I don't know what to do next with your body [Music] in the chat I can leap a feather duster dirty trick I'm used to landing on my Paws look the beans are going everywhere true even Rainbow City foreign [Music] hey [Music] what's up there's no way we can fix this on our own we need some wish house [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sound wishes you move over here please and bouncy wishes you can move over here [Music] see greetings true on bottleby I'm just switching some of the wishes spots in the wishing tree ah more switching can't things just stay the same anymore true there's something wrong with your voice you sound like Bartleby no no my voice sounds the same as always no Bartleby my eyes must be seeing things my ears must be hearing things I must be dreaming wishes help me wake up please I can't be sleeping on the job thanks bouncing wish it's okay you're not dreamy B and I switched bodies yeah true dug up this Crystal thing we call the switcheroo and it Zapped us and now I'm a human and she's a cat I miss having for great gravity what a problem this is come let's sit and have a think about this [Music] thank you how can the wishes help you true well first we need to get the switcheroo back from the grismos Griselda thinks true gave it to her as a gift but she did not oh that's that's awkward really awkward but maybe a wish can help us give Griselda something else that she'll like even more and once you get the crystal you can switch yourselves back and everything will be normal right uh not exactly we saw the switch root beams blasting towards Rainbow City landed on my feet it is time to get your three wishes wait true's the one who asked for the wishes but right now I'm true the wishing tree always knows the real true but she will need her wish pack all right huh perfect fit I'm ready [Music] three stories [Music] these are some great wishes Bartleby uh I mean true let's check the Wikipedia your first wish is snorkel this smelling wish has a very strong nose for sniffing things out if it's strong enough to move things too it could help us push all the switched out stuff back again strong sneezer too I bet your second wish is zillion one of my favorites you can make exact copies of things whether you just need one copy or a hundred copies what could I make a copy of that'll help me Switcheroo I could give a copy of it to Griselda so I can get the real one back and your third wish is ah yes looksie the seeing wish it can help you spot things that our eyes can't see hmm I don't know why we'd need a singing wish but I'm sure I'll find some way to use it you always do true thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sure you wonderful wishes of me [Music] oh [Music] yes uh YouTuber will be true [Applause] how are you flowers magnificus hello bee a sleeping lemon yellow now I'm a bee well I better practice my buzzing [Music] huh yeah [Music] thank you [Music] ice cream break B we need to switch a roof first ice cream later oh right it's time to get it back and put a stop to all the switching [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ready to go hi grismos I really need that Crystal back I'm not gonna take it I'm just gonna make a copy [Music] perfect and we'd like one copy of the switcheroo please but don't copy its powers [Music] happy princess okay everyone let's see how things are looking in my life [Music] oh no the crystals are going everywhere [Music] what is going on why is it raining crystals [Music] wow that's weird did everyone just get taller I'm a dog why my dog I'm really sorry Griselda uh why are you talking like true you and your gizmos weren't supposed to have my crystal it's a Switcheroo and it switches things and people and cats and switched our bodies that's so weird that's me me I switch bodies with my fruity cans what's that I'm chasing me [Music] right behind you true I got it [Music] all over it oh oh no how are you gonna find the real Switcheroo now don't feel bad zillion it's not your fault you got startled you're a good helper I can't believe I'm a dog a really adorable dog but a dog [Applause] be a princess Come on B we gotta find the real Switcheroo I'm with you troops [Music] this isn't my stop okay things are looking really switched up around here where these come from oh yeah uh true it's like a giant king of Crystal hide and seek how are we gonna know which one's the real Switcheroo with all the copies well first we'll have to gather up every last Crystal there is okay but how can we find all the crystals if we can't even see where they all are we don't need to have to smell them oh yeah they smell pepperminty [Applause] [Music] I need you to find all the crystals wherever they are they smell like peppermint can you sniff them out for us [Music] thank you [Music] sorry [Music] got it hey I'm getting good with these finger thingies I guess that's all of them [Music] now we gotta figure out which is the real Switcheroo luckily I have a system grab them nope can I help no I got it I'm cramp I'm cramp this is gonna take forever [Music] there it is again nope none of those crystals was the switcheroo maybe it's one of these there has to be a way to find out which crystals the real Switcheroo without having to polish them all let's think about this Our Last Wish is luxie it can see things or regularized can't right what's on the switcheroo that we can't see my paw print I left paw prints on it when I tried to grab it that's what looksie can search for to find the real Switcheroo that's a super incredible idea let's do this hello [Applause] we're looking for one special Crystal that has a kitty paw print on it are you ready to look well [Music] where is it [Music] Fruit Ninja Kitty [Music] nice tail control you know what they say B practice makes perfect looksie it's been a huge great job true now um he switched us back quick okay whiskers the whiskers too no tail Kitty sense of self-importance uh no tail [Music] we've got a lot more stuff to switch around come on can't we celebrate for a second okay one second dance party okay let's go let's switch [Music] [Applause] no sense wasting all that practice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] teal wagging isn't fun anymore huh that Crystal looks so gorgeous in my garden I didn't realize it wasn't for me great news Griselda frookie you can have all the crystal copies just don't ask me to count how many there are I can't count that high [Music] um wait tail gone fingers back ability to curtsy perfect so uh what are you gonna do with that Switcheroo true well I know the perfect spot where it won't cause any more trouble there back in the ground a very big mystery problem [Music] yes who is it [Music] somebody sounds hungry my normal berries [Music] got it [Music] true I found one spartalby [Applause] [Music] found another car came your highness oh that's great news it means more numble berry pies for Yeti spring Yeti spring yes the yetis will be waking up from their winter sleep they'll be very hungry and they love normal berries can't get butt off yeah finally no another pie crust is ready special delivery normal berries Bartleby can you please go get the numbing berries berries right away your highness right away your highness thank you the knuckleberries are here and now they're not the basket is empty [Music] I don't get it the basket was full and then all of a sudden poof it was empty oh look at that oh well at least there's one little Berry left hi there little Berry oh you smell good delicious petrified purple someone has taken my number berries we have a mystery on our hands don't worry rainbow King we'll find your missing berries we'll track them down because detective true and detective Bartleby are on the case we are oh yeah I mean we are Splendid best of luck Detectives [Music] okay too detectives that's us Detectives yeah true but a detectives they solve Mysteries by finding Clues and following them we just need to find our first clue [Music] hmm what's this [Music] strawberry juice our first clue a big wet clue too don't you think those are footprints bee hmm whoever took the number berries must have dropped some and then stepped on them leaving giant Berry Footprints when they ran away we've solved the mystery this is great can I have the first number Berry handful no because where are the berries I oh oh yeah let's keep following the footprints [Music] [Music] no more Footprints true well then we better split up and look for more clues another clue a purple puddle that could be from knuckleberries [Music] it's a nice pop puddle okay and uh when was the last time you ate a normal berry hmm no you love number berries don't you don't you uh why are you shouting am I sorry okay the buses might be able to answer you if you don't Shout [Music] look more Barry footprints wow I am great at this detective stuff hi there did you see the passenger who left those berry Footprints no I can't see who gets on I keep my eyes on the road but I did hear some big squishy footsteps on my last trip a clue do you remember anything else um oh that passenger kept saying Yum Yum Yum another clue could you please take us where that passenger went sure I'm going that way now hop on [Music] thanks you're welcome good luck baskets I baskets look I'm in one off now I'm in another one and this one's better oh is this one better or is this one better than this one look a clue a normal Berry do you think these baskets were full of that well they were but then they weren't we were supposed to deliver them but the bear he's just disappeared so now we have to send them back up to a bunch of muncham Island Bartleby I wonder if the berry Bandit emptied these baskets is this could this be another clue [Applause] if you don't mind we'll catch a ride up with this empty basket sure thing my true and Bartleby um how are we gonna get back up there all right oh yeah [Music] look at that [Music] again they're gone I just came back from Barry Island and our whole crop just disappeared the whole crop well almost all of it left [Music] not again they really are all gone what are the yetis gonna eat now they're going to eat no more berry pies because we're detectives and we're gonna find them it's true we're all out of Clues and we better get some wish help so we can catch the berry Bandit [Music] to the wishing tree please [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing Z I'm searching for Heidi a camouflage wish it Blends in anywhere so you can't see it now I can't see it no help you look for it [Music] [Music] Drew where did you go that was fun Heidi thanks Drew so what brings you here today a berry Bandit all the berries in the kingdom are gone and it's Yeti spring what that's awful it is so Bartleby and I are detectives following the clues like squishy berry juice Footprints we're trying to find the berry Bandit but we ran out of Clues come sit let's have a think [Music] how do detectors usually find Clues well they look listen and sniff oh Bartleby I need a wish that will help me hear better and one that will help me smell better the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes [Music] wonderful wishes with me [Music] please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a fun group of wishes let's see what the Wikipedia says about their powers [Music] [Applause] your first wish ah is snorkel it can sniff out smells that are barely even smelly okay hi snorkel I'm sure snorkel can sniff out some new clothes for us whoa kirya is a hearing wish it can pick up sounds from really far away and amplify them back to you maybe we can hear the sounds the berry Bandit makes and follow them to find him and your third wish is grocer it can make any plant you find in nature go larger [Music] thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me go get some Clues and catch that Berry Bandit it's a bunch of munch [Music] [Applause] [Music] wishes glow you stopped your toe no I said thanks Camilo it's loud here isn't it let's see if here you can hear any clues over all this noise [Music] I love saying that that was definitely Amplified try another sound [Applause] not this time we're still not hearing any sound Clues can you try again no no no no hey that's it that's it yum yum yum let's go find that sound [Applause] [Music] hahaha you go that way I'll go this way I'm going that way I mean this way [Music] [Music] I can hear you Berry Bandit a Yeti was after him wow this place is amazing hey Drew can I have my next birthday party here Bartleby are you chasing or playing Mario's picked up a Sound clue let's go [Music] laughs which way did the berry Bandit go oh you don't hear it at all now they stopped making noises thanks for all your help here yeah [Applause] [Music] a basket [Applause] aren't empty baskets great true B that's it the basket is empty because the berry Bandit ate all the berries that's why hurry up couldn't hear it anymore and if this basket was on the conveyor belt that must mean the berry bandit has gone back down the ground wow see I am a good detective I told you I told everybody let's follow the footprint footprint footprint footprint no more footprints just never give up we look listen and Smith we sniff Clues out too okay so I'm not a dog with a great sniffer thankfully I'm a cat with great looks you're welcome did you smell anything silly I do smell a fake scent of numbleberry but it's not quite smelly enough for me to tell which way the smell went we have a wish that can help us with that snorkel get ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] snorkel can you sniffle the sniffs from Miss Berry and then follow that smell thank you [Music] wow snorkel is a super sniffler the berry Bandit caught you very handed so where are the rest of the berries and why did you take them from everyone uh Bartleby true please I'm questioning our suspect in a non-showty way I might add this isn't the berry bandit look at the size it's eating berries this little cutie probably just found some spilled berries and stopped to eat them oh cutesy cute cuteness okay it didn't steal the berries but it probably saw who did you're right see a berry eating creature with big feet come this way or that way um just point to where it went thanks snorkel can you sniffle any Berry smell that way and we're back on the clue Trail enjoy your Berry cutie [Music] huh did we take a wrong turn instead of a right turn or a left turn oh we must have all that's here is a big wall of Rock there's that sound again [Music] eating lots of normal berries now we found our berry Bandits what are we gonna do Drew excuse me yetis but those berries well they don't all belong to you [Music] um maybe we should go I'm a ninja cat not a humbleberry taking things without asking isn't good the rainbow King and farmer monster are pretty upset about the missing berries [Laughter] Miss rainbow King you miss the rainbow King you speak Yiddish oh that's the craziest thing I've ever heard I speak a little yeti-ish what did I mention that I'm an I'm a new cat not a baby Yeti thank you very much [Music] rainbow King come in are you there true I'm so happy to hear from you you find my normal berries yes but I think you should come to the Yeti's cave right away I'm on my way thank you foreign oh my Yeti friends must have woken up early so early that your normal berry pies weren't ready for them yet and without those pies the poor things must have been so hungry well done detective's true and Bartleby you solved the mystery yeah another felt bad yeah they feel bad about eating all the berries in the Kingdom oh and me too I feel bad too don't worry my big furry friends we understand now thank you but what if the yetis wake up early next but if there aren't any pies or normal berries won't they sneak around and take them again sapphire blue true that is a problem any ideas I have one a big one [Music] uh mama yeti baby needs his berries [Music] we're going to teach you how to grow your own numbleberries oh that's a great idea [Music] what's up this could take a while time to use my last wish [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come true grocer let's turn that Sprout into a bush a bush with knuckleberries [Music] Let It Go Frozen whoa you're welcome now just grow some more bushes and you'll always have Noble berries ready for Yeti spring and what's better than normal berries numble berry pie [Music] great job rainbow King you know there's six of us right are you hungry again foreign [Music] okay some balance issues perfect execution hey look at that cloud it's a kitty daddy ninja cat like me hmm are you sure because that kitty naughty doesn't look like it's falling down at all oh Bartleby look is that what I think it is Oh you mean that cloud shaped like a fishy poof cracker but I meant a little lower in the tree oh it's a cute little birdie that's not just any cute little birdie it's a bird look you mean the magical bird that only appears when a baby is being born in the Rainbow Kingdom yes someone is having a baby [Music] hey where you going she must be showing us where the baby's going to be born follow that fertility [Music] [Music] I don't see it anywhere what is that [Music] hi this must be where the yetis live there's the birdaloo on the birdaloo went right into ergon snake's house [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hi may we come in thank you and a tweet tweet to you too bertaloo we followed you all the way here so where is the baby is it here [Music] oh the baby's not born yet we're so excited for you baby classic big time congrats [Music] sorry bertaloo we didn't mean to scare you really the baby can't be born unless the birdaloo's here oh and she doesn't like loud noises we were just really excited about the baby we'll be quietly excited now yay oh I guess we should get going now we can't wait to meet your new baby you know I'm really good with kids they love cats I mean I mean who doesn't right if you need names I'm your guy okay Bartleby if it's a boy or Bartleby come on Bartleby let's leave so Snick can rest bye everyone see ya a Yeti baby [Music] do you know who else loves babies you're not going to believe this the yetis are having a baby a Yeti baby I so have to reveal this [Music] is [Music] the yetis are having a baby oh this hasn't happened in a thousand years [Music] [Music] here [Music] okay no wait wait bartled B no I already used that one oh I I got it how about bottle B now now I already wrote that down oh B whatever name the yetis choose I'm sure it's going to be one cute baby I wonder how organ Snicker doing anyway I'm sure they're doing great ugh what's wrong really you'd better come inside [Music] make yourself at home I have a seat so what's happening you can't find your pink underwear I have that same problem sorry you were talking really fast here have some tea it'll make you feel better works for me ah yeah nothing beats a cup of warm crunchy tea [Music] the birdaloo is upset because it's too noisy and Yeti village now that can't be good we need to go see what the problem is Pronto come on if you hurry we can catch the ball okay non-stop service to the yeti Village [Music] I'm sure everyone will be quiet once we get there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] again [Applause] welcome back to the yeti baby Palooza we've got Yeti mugs yet he has and our number one seller Yeti sweaters muddled by frooky of course Yeti baby Palooza pretty baby Bonanza sounds way better I only told Griselda because I know she loves babies I didn't think everyone would find out yeah they baby baby daddy this is all my fault this is way too loud for the Birdo isn't it [Music] turtle is flying away we have to do something [Applause] is everything okay oh the noise from the crowd must be bothering bertaloo [Music] [Applause] wait a minute looking for the window oh no you don't [Music] I'm sorry Bartolo [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] Hey look it's the yeti baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh wow this is different I don't know irk where did the bertaloo go hmm [Music] oh oh dear mama yeti looks kind of cold let's give her a Yeti sweater I want one of those too you're in luck it's two for one Yeti sweater everybody hello [Applause] [Music] it's no use they can hear me what I can't hear you I have to fix this we need wish help we'll be right back to please [Music] Z greetings true in Bartleby the yetis need our help I know I've already started on this lovely little gift basket no they need a different kind of help when I heard they were having a baby I got all excited and had to share the news and now everybody's way too excited singing and cheering and buying silly souvenirs there's a big crowd at the yeti Village making a huge racket the merlu got really scared and Eric tried to catch it but ended up knocking the whole house down and without their house or the bertaloo the yetis can't have their bee negative electrons that is a serious problem but sit and have a sink [Music] [Applause] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well first I need to fix ergen snick's house right they definitely need their home to have their baby then I need a way to make ergon snick's home quiet again so the birdaloo can come back [Music] wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] your wonderful wishes [Music] cheese [Music] recipe [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] positive protons what a Winning Collection of wishes [Applause] [Music] first up we have Gogo Gogo is a speed wish that can help you move super fast wow GoGo you can help us fix ergon snake's house in double time for the baby next we have hushabai Hushabye it's always great to see you is a soothing wish hush a boy can calm you down with its sweet soothing music That's How we'll make things quiet hashabai you can make the whole crowd feel calm and relaxed finally your third wish is pinpoint pinpoint has a remarkable ability it can capture anyone's attention and they won't be able to take their eyes off of it I wish that likes to be the center of attention I can relate yes Bartleby but it actually helps people who are distracted to focus hmm I'm not sure how focusing power can help but I can't wait to find out [Music] Zuzu [Music] betties thanks Zee see ya May the wish be with you [Music] I'm back with some wishes [Music] first things first we need to fix your house time for my first wish true [Music] [Applause] hey GoGo we need to put this house back together again can you help us move super fast go go go you need go go Speedy power too [Music] ready Set Go [Music] foreign thanks GoGo you did everything so fast we hardly got to spend any time with you now back in the back well um will come back once I get the crowd to quiet down and be calm yeah but how are we gonna do that wait and see time for my second wish [Music] zap Zoo foreign [Applause] I need your lullaby power I've got a crowd full of Yeti fans down there who are just a little bit too loud great okay bye sing us the sweetest lullaby you know [Applause] what a sweet sweet song it's so better dog sweet [Applause] did you see the view Yeti trading cards [Music] oh boy this is so comfortable it's working on Bartleby but I don't think the crowd can hear you let's try a little louder Hey look it's true oh and she's got a wish it's so cute it's not as cute as this no Yeti baby doll I just got get your cute baby Yeti dolls here squeeze them and they'll talk [Applause] mine's broken yeah [Music] what's going on did I miss the baby it's not working B ushabye you were the perfect wish but no one can hear you can you keep trying while I figure out what to do next thanks Hushabye [Applause] don't worry [Music] oh the Birdo will never come back if the crowd is this loud and I know hushabai could calm them down but they aren't even paying attention to the lullaby come on true Focus [Music] on the way time for my third wish [Music] [Applause] Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up pinpoint wish come true any point I need your help to get a really excited crowd to calm down and focus [Applause] yes I know that's your specialty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la la la la la la la la [Music] la oh I feel so much calmer yeah now I really just want to be quiet and listen to what true has to say me too what's how I feel as well it's working everyone it's great that we're all excited for the yeti baby but we need to remember this is not our home it he's home I know the yetis are usually very noisy but when they're going to have a baby they need everyone to be very quiet you did such a great job wishes thank you so much now back in the back [Music] we're all quiet maybe we'll be able to hear a very special song by a very special bird wait I think I hear it I do too bye Barbie look [Music] hello [Music] remember we have to be quiet all right we keep forgetting [Music] [Music] oh my goodness [Music] I'm pleased to present the newest member of the Road Kingdom but that's not all and the second newest member of the Rainbow Kingdom blue and now as part of the Yeti tradition it's time for us to celebrate love [Applause] [Music] it's been a thousand years [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,905,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, cartoons for kids, cartoon, cartoons, for kids, rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom full episode, true cartoon, true and bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom grizelda, grizelda, bartleby, rainbow king, zee, true and the rainbow kingdom zee, true and the rainbow kingdom episodes, true song, true in the rainbow kingdom, kids cartoon, netflix jr, guru studio, true, rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom
Id: jEOZevhnDk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 8sec (7928 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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