Half in the Bag: The Suicide Squad

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Reuploaded with the Pete Davidson face removal...removed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 401 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mchllnlms780 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Should have called it The Half in the Bag

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 210 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NorrisOBE πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Quick! Everyone make the same jokes you made the first time, again!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 204 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tarlcabot18 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is it cool if I rewatch this and pretend like it's a new episode?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 100 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Supermunch2000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What’s different from yesterday’s version?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/omarkab02 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is why you have to hit that bell icon and watch every video the second they upload it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DynamixRo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm happy to hear Mike listens to NPR. The Planet Money series about taking and marketing a comic book character from the public domain was pretty good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fimbir πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So they took them down over Pete getting his face blown off but the algorithm recommends videos of dead people getting taken out of car wrecks to me all the time? Ok.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Reuploaded to remove Mike's 78 minute tangent about which Star Trek episodes this movie reminded him of.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 96 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rexnerdorum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
half in the bag [Music] oh god damn it we're almost out of germax what are we gonna do i can't believe the cdc says we have to go back to wearing masks indoors even if we're vaccinated yep we're back to this [ __ ] again i call it deja flu that's right i just coined that term and don't you try to use it in major cable news outlets i'm watching you and so is my lawyers who are you talking to uh whatever but you're vaccinated right [ __ ] yeah yeah me too and with the real deal not the fake [ __ ] you were trying to sell at your fraudulent pop-up vaccination clinic i'll admit jay that wasn't my best scam but how was i supposed to know that vaccines were free i mean at that point i had 20 000 fake doses and a line of people around the block what was i supposed to do maybe tell people just to go home i'm sure all those people that i injected with a placebo are doing just fine jay but let's not lose sight of what's the most important thing us that's right mike it just sucks that i finally got used to not wearing a mask and now i have to wear one again well that's not entirely true some places now require masks again if you're vaccinated and some don't some require masks only if you're unvaccinated while some require just half of a mask if you've only received one shot which half the left half so uh what if i'm in like target do i have to wear a mask there well it depends on what on where the target's located and what your county's current risk assessment level is also known as ral huh here take a look at this handy interactive map this might help oh god no light orange levels 1 a and b do not require masks inside retail establishments with the subcategories a b and c category d are bars and restaurants they do require masks when walking inside and to your table but when at your table you're free to remove your mask while eating drinking and coughing on the people that you're with medium orange color levels 3a and 3b to light red colors 3a to 3c do not require masks and retail establishments in categories a b and c but do require them in categories d and what are categories a b and c again category a are outdoor events concerts beaches kite flying competitions outdoor dining where the tables are at least 6.3 feet apart what category b are larger retail outlets like big box chains targets walmarts grocery stores etc but only if the store is at least 20 000 square feet if it falls below that then it's in a category in between b and c called b 1.6 consult your local store directory on the store square footage category c is just indoor skydiving nobody really knows what to do with that so let's say i'm in a mild risk zone say dark orange to light red i'm wearing a mask and i want to go into a place that's in the category of b1.6 well it depends on the state the county the type of mask you're wearing and the current status of the legal action against the regulations wait type of mask well i usually just wear my trusty old blue surgical mask that's falling off my face that i can easily breathe through oh silly j light blue surgery masks are so first half of 2021 they don't protect against any of the new variants what do you mean new variants oh yeah the delta variant is 10 times more contagious than regular covid and delta plus a hundred times more contagious than the delta variant but what about the delta burke varian and don't even get me started on the lambda variant i'm never going at the target again so what happened to the variance of beta gamma oh those are all out there too and they've all mutated into their own plus variants [Music] i have covered what kind of covid all the covids regular yes delta yeah delta plus yes epsilon zeta yes not omega yes i tested positive for all of the variants that's what the medical professional said at the piggly wiggly oh well i mean you were vaccinated right what oh i don't believe in the covet vaccine but i have been vaccinated for measles mumps rubella shingles jay if this is true and mr plinkett does have all the covet variants his body will most likely mutate them into the most dangerous variant of them all the omega plus plus plus variant it's resistant to any known vaccine and is 100 billion times more contagious than any disease ever known to mankind where did you get this information buzzfeed well i'm off to a crowded concert venue where nobody is wearing masks hold it right there you prick should we just shoot him no if he survives his body will produce antibodies which will be very useful to scientists and by very useful i mean we can sell them to scientists all right don't shoot don't shoot i've got so many years to live jay go get the duct tape and as for you sit down in your [ __ ] wheelchair you prick [ __ ] look i don't know who you are but this might be my only chance to see bts exo got7 monsta x tvxq and nctu all on one big stage and i'm not going to miss it what the hell is all that are those some kind of new covet variants no it's k-pop it's it's kind of my new thing k-pop what the [ __ ] is k-pop what come here you prick oh you get in the in wheelchair i'm not getting unless you get in the [ __ ] wheelchair look out oh stop it stop it right now god dammit oh oh when i get out of here i'm going to give you so much coping great now we just wait for him to get really sick recover and then we can sell his antibodies to joe biden mike he's 117 years old do you really think he's gonna recover from the most deadly uh what am i doing what does it matter i can't believe this is my life there really is only one solution no wait speaking of suicide have you seen space jam a new legacy those tickets were non-refundable you'll pay for this you prick [Music] robert dubois he's in prison for putting superman in the icu with a kryptonite bullet the suicide squad is back in the world's shortest wait time between a franchise reboot or is it actually a sequel either way this suicide squad doesn't feel like it was edited by an algorithm that's on the fritz harley quinn's back some guy named rick flags back and james gunn is back after being twitter cancelled i might dispute your your accusation that this is the world's fastest reboot uh the andrew garfield spider-man into the uh what's that little kid's name tom holland spider-man yeah wasn't that like 18-20 like wasn't that like 17-18 with andrew garfield and then 2019 wasn't it like a year later or like a week later i don't know we'll have to do some some calculations and some deep diving and we'll put the results here the time between uh amazing spider-man 2 and spider-man homecoming right it's probably comparable to this the bigger question is how pissed off is david air right now oh oh i think he's probably a little annoyed studio took his movie warner brothers took his movie and just shoved it into a blender in an attempt to please nobody they also shoved it into a blemmer a blemmer at a rich evans moment that's worse than a blender uh and then he sees this and it's like oh they let james gunn just make a james gun movie with seemingly no interference or if there is any it's very minor yeah well that was uh a a trending twitter thing released the air cut following the success yeah admitted success i enjoyed the snyder cut much much much more than the studio butcher job uh and then david ayer had a statement where he's like i wrote a film with intriguing depthful characters with amazing arcs and thoughtful this and that and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i think at the very least the air cut would be better than the theatrical cut even if it's not very good maybe maybe it's okay i don't know but i'm not a huge fan of his i like the movie with the tank in it and oh yeah the brad pitt movie yeah that was good um but i did not like the movie with the cops in it i didn't know anything about david ayer so i was surprised to read his like kind of rough backstory and upbringing and uh but uh uh this original suicide squad uh not so good uh james gunn a better fit yes and we'll discuss that now on our program my vcr almost fixed i don't have a lot to say about this it's very james gunn it does feel like the studio kind of left him alone it feels very different i mean compare this to some of the recent marvel movies this is miles better i never thought we'd get to that point this is like the suicide squad is interesting because uh it is it is a whole different kind of tonal uh nightmare that you have to have all the all these well-balanced ingredients put into it in the right amounts in order to make it work yeah i mean you got you got something like the avengers right superheroes and they're all they all got their own thing but they're all generally good superheroes and you can throw some light humor in there kind of poke fun at it but also take it seriously and then the marvel's found that formula pretty well dc has struggled that's the nicest possible way to put it yeah they went for the more darker route um [Music] and that's something like i just didn't like about that original suicide squad movie i think it just took itself too seriously it was yeah it was weird and it also didn't really live up to the concept the whole idea of the suicide squad is they're a group of basically expendable like thugs and lowlifes that they're just taken advantage of and put into these situations because if they die it doesn't really matter with superpowers with superpowers yeah um and that first movie none of them really had superpowers in that first movie did they there was the guy who looked like a crocodile that was kind of it but they're all it's like i remember that was my big complaint about that movie it was like what's harley quinn with a bat gonna do against these supernatural beings there's like a witch lady at the end of that movie and this movie is a better fit of like this is the type of mission you send these types of characters on right everything about the concept works so much better in this movie than in the last one when you throw these comic book characters into something like the suicide squad the david air one and david ayer obviously you know he did end of watch and the tank movie and other things and he's a little darker yeah he's not goofy yes and that's probably why all the characters in that one didn't have wacky superpowers he didn't want to get too goofy or weird he didn't want to use polka dot man and and this kind of subject matter needs polka dot man yes well the nice thing about and i think it works better in this i like the guardians movies more in general but this movie finds a better balance of yes there's goofy [ __ ] like polka dot man but polka dot man himself isn't a joke the movie never goes like and that's something about the marvel formula that started to wear on me is there's always that winking like uh i can't believe we got a big green monster working for us there's like wink in it like we know this is silly to the audience and this is more of like it's just embracing the weirdness of these characters i mean that's james gunn's strength is just sort of taking the character seriously and he does that even with the most bizarre of characters yes and he balances that really well in this i think yes that was one of the ingredients for this movie i watching this it felt like i was watching a big double triple issue comic book of this big storyline right it didn't it felt more like a a weird comic book story line than it did a movie and i enjoyed that and i was like and and like you said it took the character seriously because people who wrote those comic books with these bizarre characters weren't just it wasn't like a gag it was they were taking it seriously to a degree and that's that's the magic is like you gotta you gotta one they're all bad guys right so they all have their own issues they've committed crimes or whatever they're not necessarily like psychopaths or like awful people but except for the weasel except for the weasel yeah he's not a werewolf okay he's a weasel he's harmless i mean he's not harmless he's killed 27 children but you know we got him to i think he's agreed to do this you have to make them likable right you have to give them all their their proper screen time and backstory which was accomplished yes and you have to have a a interesting storyline with some nice twists and turns that doesn't devolve i mean this did devolve into them fighting a big bad guy at the end but it didn't feel like a villain of the week there's nothing generic i couldn't remember anything about suicide squad so i went back and i scrubbed through it and i got to the end and they were fighting somebody like who looked just like steppenwolf it was a monster i just remember the witch lady there was a witch lady i saw the witch lady and i thought she was a part of the team she was and then she turned bad okay and then i get to the end and there's like a monster in that that steppenwolf armor and everybody's fighting him and i was like i will never remember that but i will always remember a giant intergalactic starfish yes smashing up a a small town who emits tiny starfish from his armpit right yeah um and so that that was just this bizarro twist and and that is probably a real uh comic book villain or storyline same with all the sub characters i was wondering about that because we're gonna get we recommend this movie i guess before we start talking about spoilers yeah we would both recommend it it's a lot of fun spoilers [Music] that's what you guys do all day [Music] uh the opening of the movie the first 15-20 minutes is a giant misdirect all these characters that we are introduced to that are actually built up better than characters that last entire movies in some of these types of movies uh they all get killed they're the diversion and then we follow the real team so i was wondering like if comic book fans would be pissed are these real characters that they're killing off is anyone going to be mad about this i don't know it works in surface of the story it it goes on a on a gradient jay people get mad about the you know they destroyed the the character from black widow uh oh uh i've already forgotten because that movie was so generous it was a guy who could mimic anyone's fighting style um and then this movie it's just generic character in suit that turns out to be a lady yeah yeah yeah who did some of the mimicking qualities of that character but it was a gender swap so yeah you know i guess everyone was angry about that who was angry and who holds that character in such high regard and why yeah but no i i googled uh polka dot man yes real character okay and and it's interesting because i wanted to bring this up very quickly um i don't i don't listen to podcasts a lot but i was uh listening to the npr podcast planet money right and there's a kind of a famous series of i think there's three parts to it or maybe two parts uh it's called planet money buys a superhero and it was there they started off the podcast with this mission to purchase they had they said we have a briefcase full of ten thousand dollars and we're going to purchase a superhero from marvel and because like the rights to the rights to it yes they wanted to see if they could and marvel has uh in their vaults underground and a bomb shelter they have the rights to over 7 000 superhero characters there are superhero characters that go back to the golden age of comics when they just were cranking them out sure superheroes everywhere uh only one percent of them became iconic spider-man's thor's captain america hulks whatever yeah batman's i want to leave out the dc worse batman superman's batmite of course who's that he's a little like flying batman looks like a little bug well that's my point there's a ton of those yeah and um so they did some they attempted to contact marvel and everything just failed okay and you know the comic book expert guy comes in and he's like he's like yeah they're never gonna sell you anything because something like groot a rare obscure character became a merchandising explosion it's funny i look at him you know what i see dolls with suction cups staring out car windows so they've got them all tucked away in their back pocket you never know when you're going to need one so there's you know polka dot man right it's in their archive um and so this the planet money guys went and they did some more research and they discovered uh early on in the 1940s during the big comic book boom the copyright laws were different and a lot of characters around that time the copyright law only went for 28 years so characters created in the 40s and 50s the copyright would have expired in the 70s and a lot of these places didn't renew the copyright contracts so they picked out a random comic book character called microface a a superhero with a a a face with a microphone mouth microphone like shoot sound waves out of his mouth when he said microface i was thinking of the villain from dick tracy with the tiny face no no um and so they're like it was in the public domain all these comic book characters had fallen off into the public domain yeah and so uh they're just like well okay let's take microface and we're gonna just take it because you could yeah and so they they planet money took this character named microface and they hired an artist they got the blessing from the the daughter of the original creator and they made the comic book they have a t-shirt and it's become like the the this like logo for them huh um so it's interesting there are pro there's probably you know a well of characters that goes 10 miles deep all stored somewhere and i think i don't know part of me thinks if this movie is really popular and successful that could be kind of like a continue a new phase that comic books can go into because what what we're getting another [ __ ] batman with robert pattinson now yeah another spider-man movie yeah and then it's like um i'm so much more excited about polka dot man it's just a rash that's a rash he his mother he had an oppressive mother who was a scientist who injected all of her children with the space virus and every day he has to spew out colorful polka dots out of his face his face swells up it's like body horror when his face was swelling up and glowing and his polka dots he shoots with like melted people yeah and then he was like depressed and he just wanted to die yeah that's so much more it's refreshing to see something so different like when you just see batman over and [ __ ] over exactly and that's the magic of the suicide squad i think in in uh future films is is keep digging up all these obscure characters yeah uh viola davis has prisons everywhere i guess that have captured all these these obscure villainous characters and she can just continue to use them yeah and maybe not her anymore maybe the the lady who hit her with a golf club is going to take over now we're going to have a more a more sensitive suicide side squad leadership oh it was a little more uh a little less she was really intense in this movie way so more so than what i remember from the last movie they made her uh wrapped up in her job yeah they made her like a full-blown villain yeah and that that was another magical thing with this movie was that it wasn't very um like nihilistic or dark or no you know and you you the these were the most superhero-ish characters that i've seen in a while a tortured multifaceted questionably ethical character is always more dynamic and depthful than a superman that's true or a captain america they tried to implement some some of that uh drama with the the civil war whether or not he him and tony stark disagreed and you know it's fine i like that stuff certain degree but um it's just at this point in the endless cycle of comic book movies that's tired i'm done with that black widow was like i am done with this [ __ ] that was some kind of it just feels so stale at this point it feels like a fork in the road yeah this suicide squad movie feels like some kind of shift at least for me for my own personal tastes i i enjoyed it um i enjoyed the creativity uh i i i didn't find it as like funny as as other james gunn stuff yeah i mean i think he was going for that intentionally it's not as jokey as the guardian right and that's which is fine yeah it's it's interesting because this james gunn came from marvel over to dc after he he got canceled for something i don't even know what he got canceled for 10 year old offensive jokes for being james gunn it was funny because when that was all happening and people were like look at these horrible like he's making jokes about child molestation and blah blah blah i was like man i've been following this guy's [ __ ] career since he worked for troma this is not shocking in the least right but all these people that only know him for marvel movies are like what is this and there's a political angle to it too of course which we don't have to go into all that but yeah he was kind of a blabbermouth about politics on twitter so people wanted to shut them up about that and it became a whole thing so you dig up dig up the old tweets that old playbook but yeah so he he moved from marvel to dc and then the dc fan base seems to like the the darker more serious stuff so they probably said hey when you write your script make it make it funny but don't make it too funny i mean it's it's funny without trying to be funny a lot of the times like the idea of polka dot man like it's such an absurd concept that you play it straight and that makes it almost funnier but it's interesting because this yeah this feels like they mostly left him alone and it's rated r which i was excited about because i like james gunn's earlier stuff and this is like the kind of movie he would be making even if it wasn't attached to a billion dollar ip it just feels like a james gun movie yeah which is great that he's managed to i mean i know he wrote those scooby-doo movies but you know you got to pay the bills somehow but all the stuff he's like written and directed himself like you can see a through line from those early like trauma stuff to this where it's like man being able to navigate that in like hollywood and do these big movies and still have a voice shine through is pretty amazing yeah yeah just like the lady that directed black widow i guess it helps that james gunn has a goofy style to begin with and he was writing comic book [ __ ] before the marvel cycle even started he wrote a movie this reminded me a lot of he wrote a movie he didn't direct it but he wrote a movie called the specials which is about like the sixth or seventh most popular superhero team and it just takes place in this house where they all live and they're just like arguing all the time unfortunately the same chemicals that gave him the superpowers gave him a type of mouth cancer and he was dead in six months same thing happened to captain elastic flagpole lad gooey stan like a holocaust of rubbery people it's not a great movie it's not very well directed but yeah this reminded me of that too so it's like you know and then super of course with rayne wilson like right right which i guess we're in spoilers we can talk about this uh pete davidson shows up at the beginning of this movie and we were like oh but then it's so [ __ ] satisfying when his face gets blown off spoilers and it happens exactly like uh at the end of super elliot page's face gets blown off right it's like the exact same visual there's that one shot where the starfish buzz pulled the person's face off yeah that's pretty grotesque grotesque without being gratuitous the gore in this it has these like moments just these like you know it's almost like the what do they call that the splash page in a comic book panel where you have the big action moment it does that with gore in this but it's never like too gratuitous this is boring god this is so boring [Applause] it feels like it earns that ending a big monster destroying the city andy and it felt so old-fashioned yeah cause there aren't any giant set pieces no it's all very there's the part when they are trying to rescue joel kinnaman which is kind of a misdirect it turns out that those were the good guys so they just [ __ ] murdered them all uh harley quinn breaking out of the prison i thought was really well executed yeah that was a fun sequence there's something about the camera work and i'm not sure how to how to like describe it properly where it was like really jerky but controlled where it would be like it would swish around and then it would feel like it stopped suddenly and then it would switch around to another angle and stop suddenly yeah i don't know how to describe it but it was very like intentional uh it's very stylized in a way where it wasn't just i don't know i just think of like those marvel movies and now it's dictated by the the visual effects artists and it's like like we talked about with black widow it's like you come up with the action scenes first and work a story around it right here just this was just a movie that someone wrote the scripts and they shopped the script that all the action makes sense within the story there was action like you know there's the part where they obviously the opening is a big action sequence and then then there's a lot of character stuff and then there's the they kind of there's some like i don't know gun battle stuff the harley quinn thing but there's no like gigantic you know city crushing set piece right yeah and in the old old school method of movie making like you said it's earned that's why it was like it the ending felt great because all those characters all these different team members we learned a lot about them all their little quirks their powers their motivations because there's the john cena character yeah um and the idris elba character and they're they're sort of like they're similar but different you just said each member of the team has chosen for their unique abilities he does exactly what i do but better i always hear my target's dead center get them more in the center are you calling something more in a sense i use smaller bullets what and so it all comes to like a boiling point and it becomes this big like the well-earned paid off gigantic monster set piece that feels so much better than monster with horns in a suit of armor right who has shown up three times throughout the film and done battle with the heroes and then flown away only to show up at the end maybe he even has a bigger monster behind him [Music] [Applause] yeah so creativity uh good characterization um heroic characters uh i'm rooting for our heroes at the at the end even though they accidentally murdered 30 people and 30 innocent good guys at the end it doesn't matter because they decide to do the right thing even harley quinn i and i like i like that the the nihilism and gross dark dirty like ill has sucked out and i i i felt uh that these were superheroes because i think that's the final well i don't want to spoil anything but i think that's oh we're already in sports the final line of one of the characters i'll say that yeah oh yeah yeah this character yells i'm a superhero gotta go to the bathroom before something bad happens uh and so that that just worked out so well i i said i gotta go to the bathroom never mind jay let's talk about music okay we're gonna talk about music oh my god yeah i mean obviously james gunn likes music the guardians movies it's mostly like 70s and 80s kind of radio hits this is a little more eccentric yeah yeah yeah so with this this opens with johnny cash uh you know the jim carroll band song there's there's a lot of music there's a pixie song yeah and yeah obviously james gunn loves putting music in his films not just score but pop songs from all eras that's what guardians is all about the guardians mixtape music incredibly effective use and so that ultimately made me feel cringy when i when i went back and looked at suicide squad oh yeah and it's like well that movie the first suicide squad movie is like a new song every five seconds [Music] that was they were trying to make the movie like a trailer it's a misuse of that wonderful skill yeah um or knowing what songs to use when to use them yes and why to use them it just felt like like like an algorithm plugged it in and said this we have the rights to the song for this long and it just didn't feel right it was just music shoved into like because you remember the song it was like what are those those cds like wow this is music that's what now that's what i call that that's what i call music 238 they just grabbed a couple of those off the shelf and then threw them into the editing bay and it's not like there were contemporary songs or what was popular on the radio at the time the movie came out i mean obviously queen's that song's old but it was it just felt more calculated and corporatey and less like organic and soulful like james gunn feels like oh this song would work perfect in this sequence yeah and and it feels like someone picked that that melding i remember we noted i think we noted this in our half in the bag review and others obviously picked up on this too but the when suicide squad the 2016 one first started releasing trailers and advertising stuff the logo progressively got more powerful yeah yeah yeah over time and i think we did a comparison and and it kind of felt like by the end of that they were like oh god you know this should be more like a marvel thing and we got this david ayer guy who you know is standing around like he's probably smoking going [Music] life is miserable and we're oh god we should have got james gunn i want to use nothing but public enemy songs right in our comic book movie [ __ ] the police and then they're like oh well just shove a queen in there in the beginning and it'll make it work it'll make it poppy add more color to the logo and you just got that creepy like cringy vibe that the studio is trying to change that into something else yeah which you can't do with a movie that's already been shot and designed to be one thing you can try well the the result is the suit is the first suicide squad movie we've seen what happens it's just like what are you doing well how could how could everybody drop the ball so badly yeah like you hire you hire david ayer you're going to get a product it's it's weird though like dc keeps trying to change the types of movies they were doing at the time they hired him that was when they were still like knee-deep in the zack snydery dark uh gritty taking it there so that's kind of what they wanted and then when those movies weren't you know connecting with people the way they hoped that they would then it's like oh there's guardians of the galaxy are popular so let's rechange the movie that's already been shot to make it more like that dc was like constantly trying to change courses in the middle of production of things and now it seems like they're more kind of leaning towards just like leaving the filmmakers alone because like the shazam movie like that you know the david sandberg movie just feels like a david sandberg movie joker joker of course um and then this so doom patrol which is a show i haven't watched like any of the other crap from dc i was like oh sure teen titans like live action i'm like bat bat woman or uh yeah there's a bunch of shows i've watched doom patrol duke patrol's really good um and it's also kind of misfitting obscure characters uh so i don't know i think that's i mean if that's the route they want to take now like less of trying to capture the marvel cinematic universe stuff and just making individual movies that are all their own kind of distinct thing yeah i think that's the way to go and that's the way to be distinct from marvel and not just constantly fall on your face yeah dc was trying to do the marvel thing like at the end of suicide squad there's that trailer it's funny i wonder if you could add up how many like post-credit trailer things just never turned into anything just like batman bruce wayne ben affleck batman not to be confused with 26 other batman uh he he meets with viola davis and he's like give me the files on all the people that will become the justice league my friends and i will do it for you and then there's what movie has the the ending with like lex luthor and uh dead deadshot uh oh that was the end of justice league is that justice league yeah okay with joe shot eye eye shot bullseye eyeball bull shot shot bull shotgun shot by shot dead eye shot earshot deadshot this goes back to what you're saying about the all the old characters that have been ignored or forgotten about you just described half of them the monocle that's like the world's first superhero the monocle the monocle he's just like an old-timey guy and he's got a like like a monocle from the future oh back when they thought monocles would be like consistent throughout time and he has a monocle from the year 1996. oh wow and uh he's flying around and running around the 1800s or 1700s with a monocle and and it has like supersite on it can it see the future yeah it has multiple settings on it oh okay you can see the future but only 10 seconds into the future it's meant for watching theater plays if you if you've missed a minute into the future because if you had to if you had to go use the gentleman's lounge oh sure uh uh the outhouse uh during the theatrical play you can you can watch the the last two minutes while you were you were in the gentleman's lounge man abe lincoln really would have benefited from that i know he left his monocle at home monaco man was a little too late um but he had the monocle on and he has like a civil war rifle like one of those like muskets that had horrible accuracy and uh and and the monocle helps him my monocle is telling me to aim my my powder gunpowder musket 17 feet to the left but my target is 17 feet to the right trust the monocle it's from the year 1996 the future he fires and then pan over and he skis killed the bad guy monaco man oh it's a projectile too yeah a little bit blades i guess it comes back to them like captain america or whatever i'm boring captain boomerang captain boomerang uh his name captain boomerang i think so i don't think so it doesn't matter he's [ __ ] dead he's dead uh what was i going on what was i talking about i don't know anymore we're talking about monocle man you remember night court i just wanted to watch nine court just shut up we're trying to talk about a comic book movie over here i hear night cards coming back but it's probably gonna be woke but the standalone stuff shazam was was was great that was so much fun uh joker good in its own way i like doom patrol a lot there's no action in doom patrol ever it's just [ __ ] miserable weird characters and it's all just developing their characters throughout the whole show very little action almost none bizarro deep bottom of the drawer uh superhero characters and i think to me that that is a much more palatable and interesting direction for me sure those those types of stories i i really like that even if like polka dot man right i'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark here polka dot man probably wasn't a character in the comic books when he was originally created probably wasn't depressed and suicidal and hated his mother sure maybe not but you can take an old old property like polka dot man and give them some kind of depth full weird angle and make it super interesting yeah and that's the kind of stuff that i prefer um well that's what james gunn did with the guardians of the galaxy that wasn't a popular now everybody loves it but it wasn't a popular comic those characters weren't popular and and and i think this is very much exemplified in the fact that marvel phase four or five whatever we're on which is sort of like a movie hero there mixed with tv shows i haven't tuned into loki haven't tuned into falcon and the winter soldier i did watch the division juan division which was an interesting take until it turned into a marvel movie at the end yeah um but that that felt i mean it has the connections to the overall cinematic universe but it still was telling its own story it was about grief it was about something yes um yes so it still kind of felt isolated 80 of it was very good yeah that felt like a good step in the right direction uh but it still was tied to that universe and they're never gonna branch off wildly because they're their cinematic universe has been way too successful yeah and and it's the it's like star wars where you've got that ingrained fan base that just won't budge yeah and they'll watch winter soldier and falcon and loki and you can make you know a show about any character and they'll watch it i just i i think i'm just burnt out on those characters i think i want new characters so i think that's what was so pleasant and refreshing with this uh james gunn movie was that characters that have have new directions to go and grow as characters right because marvel they're introducing shang chi and the eternals and it all just feels like like a variation on the same formula as opposed to just like doing something wildly different yeah which which would be financially too risky for them dc's in a place where they might as well try different things the expression uh what is it don't don't get off a winning horse or something like that right there's you know there's horse like don't don't uh look a gift horse in the mouth but but i think there's like don't don't get off a winning horse like yeah you're the kentucky derby and the horse is doing great and then if you're crossing the stream with your horse and it's doing just fine don't change horses midstream uh that's the marvel edict now i'm sure it's like oh we've got all this all this we've established our universe it's set in stone and now we can just and it was interesting and exciting to watch as it was building and happening but as we've said after the avengers it's like okay we're done now i want something different [Music] my vcr almost fixed do you remember that do you remember that story when that was a thing oh god i'm starting to feel a little bit warm [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 904,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: iPwNociLraM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 56sec (2756 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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