Rebuilding A Wrecked 2019 Ford Raptor Part 6

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i also absolutely love this right here the mr beast burger both of the welds are finally 100 complete and all right so check this out guys before this video gets started i do want to mention that we just dropped a brand new hoodie on the website the lime green right here with a brand new goon squad logo on the front and the triple color font these suckers are super fire and this is the lightweight hoodie so now that the weather is warming up a little bit it's perfect for those chilly mornings or afternoons and honestly there's not very much of these so if you want to copy one and help support your boys be sure to visit but as right now let's get to the video what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we are here at the original goons card garage we're going to continue working on our brand new build the 2019 ford f-150 raptor and as you guys seen we finally got a bunch of our parts in cracked all that stuff open and we even mocked up most of the parts on the raptor itself but we are still waiting on a few more parts here and there which i believe the rest of the parts will be in tomorrow so we're super excited about that but what you see here is a brand new door and a brand new piece of quarter panel fitted on and all that stuff just fits up beautifully and all that's left for this quarter panel is just to basically panel bond that sucker on there riveted on there just do some welding as well and that'll be it we can move on to bondo and then just preparing for some paint so we are just moving right along what we're gonna do this afternoon since we are kind of getting an early start on this video late in the day is try to get this sucker in that covered area right there because we do got some rain in the forecast so we basically just want to work on this sucker in the garage and we're just going to go ahead and clean a few things up in there maybe move a few bills out of there just have a nice clean working environment so let's just go ahead hop in there clean everything up and then eventually pull the raptor [Music] inside [Music] all righty guys so check this out we got this whole entire garage nice and clean and pretty dang organized oh yeah i mean we organized it as best as possible i mean it's way better than it was man this thing had just collected dust in here from us being gone for almost like a year oh my goodness tons of dust but you know what we got our parts over there we got all sorts of parts we got wheels we got tires we got helicopter parts just everywhere bumpers and stuff like that and we even snuggled in the helicopter right up behind the ferrari over here i think that's the perfect spot right there we'll get on this bad boy here real soon donut do not worry do not be afraid don't worry because we got everything just lined up ready to go we're super excited about that build as well but right now we got this raptor in the perfect position i think this is the best spot right here because we got plenty of room 360 degrees right here is the main area the work area so we got plenty of room we got the door here you know the quarter panel we can easily weld paint body work whatever we can paint the whole truck in here dude oh my goodness look how much stuff we already painted in this garage dude we can't forget we painted that entire ferrari in this garage and we painted that entire track hawk in here so it was crazy but we set it up nice we like threw paper on the ground tarp on the walls and stuff like that and it came out perfectly through trial and error we almost managed to get a perfect paint job of course we had to buff but you know what we painted a whole entire car or a couple whole entire cars in here dude it's crazy but you know what that's what's uh that's what a shop is for you know you want to do everything at home you know and it's good to actually uh do a full project at the house because that motivates other people to actually uh just shows them that it's possible you know what it's possible exactly but you know what we're striving for better efficiency so that's why we're building this new shop which we'll have updates here really soon on that as well yeah that's all coming here real soon i mean we're going to have the whole nine yards in that thing we're going to try too yeah but as of right now i think that's going to be pretty much it we're just going to wait for the silly bills tomorrow or actually we're going to continue tomorrow what are we going to do first we're probably going to save the welding for last what i'm thinking is we do the panel bond first on the inside and then stick it on there then as soon as we do the panel bond we're going to do the self-piercing rivets throughout the whole entire thing get this thing perfect where it needs to sit and then the welding will be last because i mean once we get that nicely uh fitted up of these panels you know they're super flimsy so we're just going to like push them together with our thumbs or something and tack it here there all throughout this whole entire thing just get this thing loaded up dude that should be a pretty sounds easy but we'll see what it is it's easier said than done but we're gonna make it happen all tomorrow in the morning we'll catch you then [Music] all righty guys so it is actually the next day here and the very first thing we did was gather a bunch of supplies yes sir so we ran to the ford dealership first because we picked up our perfect self-piercing rivets these are the exact spec and all that ford actually recommends whenever you're replacing this panel and we got plenty of them for that whole entire piece right there and some test sound yes sir we had to test it out before we actually just jump on that right away and as you can tell we got some aluminum from the ford raptor and we got some steel right here that's actually from our trackhawk so this is the pillar from the trackhawk same thickness and all that we're going to be working with the exact same setup right here and as you can tell we did two samples right here the original ford self-piercing rivet and some that we got off of amazon right here these are some tiny ones but as you can tell the back side right here that one did a okay job but the one from ford actually looks perfect and believe it or not that's what it looks like on the other side of that panel that's exactly replica right there those are going to be super strong go ahead and kind of give it a wiggle i mean you ain't you ain't you ain't going nowhere with this thing and on top of that there's going to be panel on you know it's going to be super strong so we did a bunch of samples right there and we figured out the one that we're going to use and as for some other rivets these are called blind rivets we're going to use these in certain sections where this tool right here cannot actually get which that's a nice tool right there man this is only eighty dollars off of amazon amazon special right here no five thousand dollar tool we couldn't really get our hands on one we didn't really wanna spend the money on something like that that's basically how much all these parts so that was the way to go right there and those blind rivets are basically just going to go right there and that's what the ford spec sheet actually calls for as well dude printed off our sheet and we looked at it to see how we're going to replace this stuff and what kind of rivets and stuff like that and what they do is actually just drill a hole right here because that tool obviously can't go right here and you just pop those suckers in yeah and they're gonna get covered up with some seam sealer dude this is about to look original dude look original you won't even be able to tell that this thing was replaced right so after all that's done right there we're actually gonna do the welding which we picked up some a brand new filler rods right here this is supposedly supposed to lay down some better dimes for the silly builds yeah so he wanted us to pick some of those up for him so we got those and i mean that last dime that he did was perfect man that's good enough for this right here but you know what if he can do them better might as well might as well so we picked up a few other things like some parts right there and some parts for that can't forget we still got parts coming in for the audi we've got a big wooden crate we've got some awesome front end parts uh no luck on the key just yet i mean audi won't sell us no key because i mean i guess the paperwork is not in our name but you know what we're gonna get that done we're gonna get everything signed over kind of sucks because the audi is gonna have to sit on that trailer for a couple of days yeah i think they even want us to drop that sucker off dude and we've got some pretty epic things for that but we're going to work on that a little bit later as of right now dude let's get this let's go ahead jump on this quarter panel and get this on for good [Music] do [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] all righty guys so there you have it we finally got this brand new quarter panel piece on with the panel bond and all the rivets and everything went super smooth just look at those rivets right there dude they look almost oem every single one of them from the front side to the back side all the way over here to these regular rivets right that's right just like we were saying before dude after we're done dude i don't think you will ever tell that this thing was replaced but dude everything went super smooth and i was actually surprised dude it lined up perfectly and all that good stuff and we even added a piece of aluminum behind it that's going to make the welding process a lot easier so basically the next step is just to grind these edges right here where the cuts are and then the silly builds will pull up any minute now and just spark this sucker in and that'll be a wrap for that sucker then you can move on to the next step so on and so forth start doing the body work today man or something like that if you'd like to but anyways what we were using in order to get this job done is this eastwood elite compressor right here and i gotta say this is the best thing since sliced bread dude dude that is crazy i mean i couldn't have said it better because that thing is number one quiet and number two always holds pressure and never like loses pressure do you think we had air filled up in here and it was sitting for like a year and when we came back here we didn't even have to pump it up again it was full ready to go with dude no leaks no leaks at all we should cut on right now because it you'd be we'd probably still be able to be quiet quieter than the rain that we're having right now dude i absolutely love that piece right there but i also absolutely love this right here the mr beast burger which i couldn't even believe they delivered it over here because they don't have any restaurants nearby and it came in and it was hot with fries and everything was just delicious it was amazing dude i was surprised we just wanted to test it out see if we can get it put it in the app and that joint just came straight up to our driveway and dude and with the chandler cup right there so cool and the burger was delicious it tasted like in and out yes we don't have in and out nearby as well so i was super happy about that i thought it was just hopefully maybe have to order another round here too that's absolutely delicious but anyways what we're going to do right now is go ahead and probably grind these edges and just get this sucker ready for the silly build and here soon it'll be completely welded up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] so for this uh florida for this beautiful aluminum world [Music] all righty guys so vasily builds is up in the building here chowing down because he just got some work absolutely knocked out and dude you are laying down some dimes man yes sir i'm trying my best to make it almost oem save these guys time from having to use as much filler and grinding but uh around here in the edges is really time consuming and very difficult very challenging but i love challenges and overall i think it turned out really good what do you think bill yeah i think it turned out perfect i mean right off the bat as you can tell all the door jams everything is looking perfect almost oem right there if not better but you know what dude uh i mean these welds right here are just on point all we have to do is just barely grind it down and basically throw some glazing putty over that sir but that's not like your typical steel welding this is aluminum you got to make sure you keep the temperatures down right and all that yes sir with tig it's uh really slow but you have lots of control with the feeding and then the amperage uh whereas these guys they came off of spool guns so it's just stop and go once you start it's really hard to control so this is a lot i'm a lot more confident with this process but you can it is possible to do auto body stuff with the spool gun and the mig it's just a lot harder yes sir that looks super good man what are you thinking just a little bit of grinding dude just a little bit of grinding i mean i already grinded the insides of this door jamb a little bit that way we can shut this door make sure everything is perfect because that's the most important thing you know you want all the gaps to be perfect but dude we are looking a-okay all we got left is one to two spots to weld up and we should be on point we might just call it a quits for tonight because i mean we've already been going at it for a couple of hours we just ate and you've been running on this turbo knox right there dude yeah i'm exhausted and this stuff it works but after after you drink it you start crashing that's the one thing that's why i'm drinking on that uptime that you brought us out it's already gone there you go that whole time that's some pretty good stuff right there so it's all natural you might you might want to jump on that stuff right there i don't know how much stuff they put in that turbo right there because that stuff a little spools up too much i was i was kind of i seen you when you first started welding your life let me get this as well but nonetheless did everything turn out super nice uh i think what do you say just come back tomorrow and finish that up come back tomorrow fresh start and just tackle everything there's not much to do and yeah just go from there yes sir so i'll catch you guys tomorrow all righty guys so it is actually the next day here and while we were waiting on vasili builds we went ahead and actually grinded down some of these welds and basically he's just gonna weld in a few more little sections and then we're gonna do a little bit more grinding then i think we'll be ready for some body filler all that good stuff dude so we're moving right along here but i think he's gonna be here in about 20 minutes and while we wait we might as well just open up one of these surprise packages that we have and if you look closely right here this is actually for the ferrari 458 and it does have some pretty sick wheels on it right now what do you think of those wheels right there the wheels that it has on it are pretty nice but you know what we took it down the road a few times and we noticed like a little wobble and stuff like that yeah so they're really dangerous i bet they got bent during the accident or something like that and i mean they're all right man i don't know what brand they are or anything like that but vossen they they know they know what they're about dude we got the vossens on the trackhawk those look super sick i believe only one of those wheels is actually bent and one of those can be straightened out we might just set that aside for some other build in the future but i say we go ahead and crash these suckers open because this is going to be absolutely silly dude i can't wait to show you guys this we got the tires we got everything we want to basically just get that sucker 100 finish up what's left on that i mean all we got to do basically is just sand and paint that rear bumper and that's it and then throw these wheels and tires on and this thing is going to be an absolute epic beast man remember when that thing was shooting flames dude it still does we need to get that thing started as a matter of fact because it hasn't ran in over like a month or two and it's not good but we'll get that thing running here that's the thing about ferraris once you let them sit for a long time dude you gotta just uh make sure you start them again because i think like something about the way that the the pistons get lubricated is with the oil what's the flight it's gonna smoke a lot which that's just a normal thing i guess with these cars but here it is look at this dude this is crazy dude take these little strands off make it make it like the ultimate opening ultimate grand opening of these wheels let's go ahead and take this off are you ready oh my goodness dude that dude and these suckers are gonna be bigger than those one that are right there i think those are i think 19s and 18s or something like that 19s are 20s like this these are weight i think these are 22s in the rear or something like that in 2020 oh my goodness dude go ahead hold it up to it dude that's gonna look so sick dude even that carbon bumper looks good with those wheels we may just leave it carbon who knows let us know let us know if we should leave that carbon but i definitely like how the original one looked over there before we had a little incident yeah where somebody rear-ended us but no big deal i think we may even get to install these suckers today if we have time but i think we're just gonna wait on the silly bills keep moving with the raptor here and then we'll just go from there [Music] all righty guys so check that out right there both of the welds are finally 100 complete and sanded down and dude it is smooth yes sir i'm really thankful for this opportunity that you gave me uh i'm not a professional yet but i'm really happy with the results i do want to say this was a very time consuming process it took about six to seven hours but i saved these guys from having to replace this whole side so uh what do you think i mean i love it man just replacing that little piece right there instead of that big old panel that we bought is just a huge like stress reliever because that was gonna be a ton of work but dude since vasily came out here he welded that sucker up perfectly we got it like smooth i mean it's almost ready for some body filler honestly basically dude and i gotta say this is probably the most uh damage of this truck right here so you helped us out a lot so we're super thankful for you coming out here today well thank you i'm glad to help you guys with this process i gotta say there's always room for improvement so i'm gonna go home and practice for a few weeks and hopefully the next job you guys have me do i'll be really prepared for that but uh yeah it came out really nice and i just want to give a shout out to htp for supplying me with the tig welder and uh it's it's a beast machine dude i gotta say i don't know all those dials that are on there looks like it's a super technical setup but you got it figured out man yes sir so yeah i'm really looking forward to any future opportunities and maybe we guys could link up sometime later maybe do some writing once our bills are finished and uh yeah for sure man maybe he'll come up to a new property new gun squad headquarters we've got a couple trails there and we'll rip some dirt up dude he's got some pretty sick uh little builds there i'm waiting for his little uh lawn mower that he got going it's probably not a lawnmower anymore right what is it now speaking of mowers you guys have any mowers in the back [Music] so [Music] all right guys so that is pretty much gonna be a wrap for today's video we're super happy with the amount of progress that we got knocked out on this ford raptor here and also we're super happy with the parts that we just got we got both of the bedsides so we can move on to that next thing still no luck on that door but you know what we can keep on moving with this build and also huge shout out to vasily builds for welding this sucker up for us we're definitely going to leave his link down below but with all that being said definitely make sure post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything and if you want to inside scoop before youtube definitely give us a follow on instagram at goon squad but with all that being said thank you guys so much for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below we'll catch you guys next time peace
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 970,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rebuilding a wrecked ford raptor, rebuilding a wrecked ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a ford raptor, rebuilding a ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked f150, goonzquad raptor, goonzquad f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked truck, rebuilding a wrecked car, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 f450, goonzquad, goonzquad garage, goonzquad headquarters
Id: ugW3xT41JXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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