Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bring all your money your lats and your ID Mick Draper rt7 money and we'll have a turn when the auctions done maybe we'll find in the stuff you get the harmony you ready Oh Georgie come to the auction with me tonight on you to be we're doing a bog what runs with you to be auctioning would you go talk SHINee she says sure and when tonight's auctions done hopefully you don't find a gun in the stuff you won does that be illegal for us to sell it to you we're not gonna do that are we George no not at all but one of the things we are gonna sell George has been absolutely absolutely incredibly warm here in Ohio and George had the incredible idea that one of the items that is going to be auctioned off tonight as we do the very first ever what the Hales live bulk auction ID during the live stream this is going to be a normal live stream but we're also going to have the bulk auction is we are gonna actually auction off hoodie 3.0 this is gonna be crazy this is gonna be a crazy night not only are we going to actually option it off I'm gonna take it off right now stain are we ready there's no rips are we ready yeah are you can you get that for me please can you get that for me all right on the count of three just like opening a box and hope you're ready I can't see whoa this feels better all right George not only are we gonna auction off hoodie 3.0 we're actually gonna autograph it as well right yes we're gonna autograph it right here in front of you tonight so you want to autograph it first or you want me to all right where do you want which side do you want autograph this you want me on this side all right so hoodie 3.0 from what the Hales is actually being auctioned off tonight you might have to hold this for my sweetie you just I know can you just keep it like that or it's gonna bunch up and then I'll hold it for you we are in the autograph process right now Mick I will get to your I will get to your if you just hold right there I will get to your super chat yeah there we go and here we go all right your turn George George's autographing the other side right now as we speak hoodie 3.0 will be one of the items and you just saw it completely totally certified this is your CoA here it is hoodie 3.0 will be auctioned off but before we get to the auction we are having a normal live stream as well and we will get to the aspect of the auction so first let's get super checks I saw that mix cent mold there's been more than one super chat must have been for the music all right so let's get to the super chests Mick Mick just had a super chap buck 99 Wow not in Texas yet thank you so much Mick caucus ok calm down Mick we are not in Texas yet but we will be in Texas soon we'll actually talk about that soon northwest RC Club good morning guys fantastic to see you better to see you alright thank you so much for the super chats guys let's get into some housekeeping for tonight ok and don't worry those who are here for the auction we we'll have a great auction and it's gonna be quick it's gonna be fast and what's gonna be fun but we've got some housekeeping things that we got to go through first so number one if you haven't subscribed to what the Hales yet make sure you do you can do that on any subscribe button you can do that on the subscribe buttons in the videos you can go to the channel hit subscribe stand a price just set $2 thank you so much Sandra here we go Thank You Sandra you can hit subscribe even in the stories those of you who have not been watching the stories you can watch those on the stories tab on the what the Hales Channel all of those videos are 15-second videos or shorter the match those stories can be is 15 seconds and we try and upload those daily as well there's even one today that was an intense day today so make sure you subscribe and your notification storage picker just sent just sent a buck 99 are you gonna make it to Columbus Thursdays well storage picker maybe don't know all depends on how things go on Wednesday with buying units Floyd Butler just sent two dollars hello everyone hallo Floyd calm down baby hawk is angry I think we I think related definitely related okay so if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you do and then hit the bell notifications remember as YouTube scrubs their system they try and remove spam accounts or what they call inactive or spam accounts and what that will do is I'll turn off notifications for you so what you want to do is you want to go back hit the bell hit all notifications and if you're on an Apple product you have to allow notifications in your actual Apple product not just enable notifications on YouTube because your Apple product will actually suppress notifications from YouTube if you don't turn them on and allow them and then other than that if you want to get our attention tonight with a super chap you've seen people doing that already down below you'll see it's like right wait it's right yeah it's probably over there for you there is a dollar sign you hit that dollar sign with your actual with your actual message you want to make sure you give us a message to and then that pops right up into our face so once we see that we can give you a big shout out as well because the chat goes so fast it's hard for us to see everything it's actually humanly impossible for us to Ashley yeah and George says you have to have a payment method linked up to do that so if you're going hey I can't send a super chat you have to have some kind of payment method linked up to your actual YouTube channel or to your product or your your your actual ID Oh Funko pop review ayyy just sent 499 Funko pop review in the house happy Sunday Funday must have some serious dinner there and Shirley Anderson buck 99 hi kids hi Shirley so good to see you tonight okay oh we got another one Patty's Friday $5.00 happy Sunday nice to see you both summers coming and maybe Patty's also is that Billy bass behind you it could be you never no clap it could be any fish in that net oh really so Georgia just said adventure with the Hudson said they got recognized today at the flea market that's absolutely incredible Beth and Jim great people would love them dearly okay one more thing as far as housekeeping okay and then we will get into the bidding and but remember the bidding and the auction is secondary to the actual live stream we're still running a normal live stream you can maybe think of it as 75% normal live stream answering your questions 5% auctions we're gonna have a little fun with that we're gonna sprinkle it in so other things if you notice you're like man I was connected to Jeremy on Facebook and now I'm not connected to Jeremy on Facebook anymore nobody is connected with me on Facebook we've moved all communication over to the what the Hales fan page okay that's intentional let's deliberate we get so many communication pieces frankly we cannot keep up so some of you may be thinking well I sent them a message on Yahoo and I sent messages through Instagram and Twitter and Facebook and there's no way humanly scible to actually answer everything that you guys sent Angie our 399 NW pee to Cambridge Ohio I just lost it I lost it and I hit myself at the same time Cambridge native love you guys Angie our love you too and Richard alt said hey I met you guys before I just don't remember whereas Richard it's okay I'm gonna remember either thanks so much for the super chat ditto on that one okay well Judith Moore just sent one we realtalk mentor just said hey hi nice to see you guys better to see you real talk mentor alright and then we had one from Judith to read them oh so we had this come shout out to Judith BAM thank you so much Judith and then all right here we go here we go here we go we got Craig wolf wolf I love your video guys keep up the good work thank you so much Craig save your money for the for the auction - okay you've got little mama stocker at a buck 99 happiest Sunday happy Sunday Funday Liz we watched you last night on Boss babes you did awesome Philip Norris just sent a dollar thank you so much Phillip Norris this fist this thing could be registered as a weapon right now maybe we should auction this off not just hoodie for those who are just coming out hoodie 3.0 was autographed in front of everybody and will be auctioned off tonight so make sure you understand that NOLA Scott's cow says that the Facebook on YouTube fan page Facebook fan page called what the Hales no a good question all right everyday raid Franklin $2 is its reg last week you called me everyday ray and what can I say I'm not the strongest reader I can barely communicate I'm working on Hooked on Phonics thank you Ray I mean reg I mean reg reg reg read you right you right you right alright okay surely Perl just sent to dollar said this is going to be epic well there's about a thousand of you on there it could be epic we're at a thousand somewhere around there and surely thank you so much Carolyn bridge so excited for the auction tonight it's gonna be fun we got some fun lots and Jerry Legolas you're amazing you've been an inspiration to us check your page of secondary my better I can't even read all that secondhand mystical dragon there you go forgot the spaces thank you so much Jeremy Justin Faris buck 99 little Justin says he wants a hoodie so bad little Justin will have a chance for that hoodie tonight if we ever get to an auction piece all right and we are we are we are gonna get to auction items tonight okay so here is here's what's gonna happen with the auction okay flippin adventures just sent five dollars all these super chats that fist is on fire we're having we're gonna have to put new batteries in this tonight we should probably option off batteries we're having fun now much love Thank You flipping adventures well baby she wants to know if I would auction off the fist no no no hoodie yes the fist no too much too much good memories there alright so for the auction tonight here's what we're gonna do all right so I'm going to take a moment to not acknowledge super chats and you can keep sending them that's okay we don't mind but we're gonna take a moment to actually talk about the actual auction so tonight is not a hundred percent auction we're doing our normal Sunday livestream okay but we are gonna do an auction actually kind of kind of as a bonus part of our livestream so we're gonna have a lot of fun we're going to talk about your questions and answer those questions things along those lines but during that what's gonna happen is you're gonna see this okay we are actually going to split the screen and I'm on one screen George's on another screen now she actually has the screen ready for the first lot tons and tons and tons of costume jewelry so that's what's gonna happen the screen is gonna split now lots of people have asked the question I'm gonna go back to the main screen okay so you just chill there I'll go back to the main screen and so lots of people have asked the question do we have to pre-register the answer is no hails no you do not have to pre-register that's just another bulky thing that we're not gonna make you go through the hoops with okay now here's some of the guidelines and there are very few guidelines we we absolutely love guidelines in our lives because they help protect us but we like the ones that are few and far between so here's here's the guidelines every lot starts at $25 with free shipping ok so there's got to be a $25 bid for the lot to sell and that's with free shipping now I promise you we've got lots that are stacked I mean there's just a ton of stuff and there's gonna be some really cool lots and somebody's gonna win a free lot tonight as well so we are actually going to give you a free lot so you're gonna want to make sure that you're staying on for that to see if you can actually win that lot now we are not big fans of long drawn-out auctions that's just not who we are that's not what we do so tonight you have a minute to win it that's it okay I'm gonna say this again for those who didn't get it tonight you have a minute to win it so what's gonna happen when a lot goes up for auction now we're gonna go on with our normal live stream but when a lot and George is actually going to be showing you in the split-screen some of the items in the Matt lot when that lot goes up for auction what's gonna happen is the timer is gonna start and you're gonna have a countdown and you're gonna have a minute to win it so that means you need to bid and you need to bid fast and you need to keep up with the actual auction bids so so Tim wants to know how do you bid you put your amount down in the comments now we need to know that you are on live chat not top chat in the chat in the live stream you want to be on live chat what that does is it shows you every piece of communication that comes in on that George says $25 shift is for domestic only international overseas would be extra okay so you will have one minute to win it the timer will be in the camera as that timer is going off when it hits zero the person with the last highest bid is going to win it that's what's going to happen okay Oh time is up look at that time is up alright somebody won the first item okay so that's how it's all gonna work you literally will have a minute to win it if you hold back and you don't bid then you're not going to win we are not going to stretch this bad boy out for hours and hours we are gonna go at it like a you it was up belt we're back okay so there's one way to pay Tony just asked how do you pay that's with PayPal so what you're gonna do afterwards you're gonna see as I split the screen here for George you see there what the Hales at yahoo.com in her camera you're gonna send your name your address your winning bid for the item you won - what the Hales at yahoo.com there's no pre-registration if you won you message us okay you message us we send you an invoice through PayPal you send the money through PayPal it gets shipped well time is up again that's two minutes so far look at that so if you went they've just said in the camera I turn this off then come over to the my profession we're gonna need to include their full name a description of the lot include your PayPal address and your youtube name all right so one minute go in it we've got lots tonight it will not be stretched out bid fast bid furious when the bidding starts so you have to bid in the chat which you see right now when the time is up we not we also know we understand those of you that have been on other auctions on YouTube we understand there's a lag between stream yard and live okay we have three laptops going right now we are watching our live we are watching stream yard and so we will see it exactly when you see it we will see it as you see it that winning bidder when we declare that winning bidder at that high bid a moderator you can help us and go this is the winning bidder at this high bid you own it you message what the Hales at yahoo.com you say this is my name this is my address this is my youtube ID this is the lot I won this is how much and then you'll get us you'll get an invoice and we're gonna write it down to to make sure it all matches so it's really a simple process you got am win minute to win it and then you email and say I want it and then once you pay it comes it gets shipped to you all right anything else you want me yes the optional alright George says if you live local you have the option of picking it up from the warehouse now that could be a little bit difficult we'll have to have employees work with you because as we've announced we are headed on the road we are headed back to Texas to see our friends down there we originally we were going to get on the road and start driving tomorrow but meercat meercat george's sister is scheduled for and just called inducement right she's gonna have a baby tomorrow so meerkat meerkat was scheduled to have a baby tomorrow with inducing and so we actually are gonna stay back we're gonna help take care of the family until she comes home and then we are getting back on the road to Texas and we'll be out there for three weeks give or take probably two three weeks we'll take time traveling there traveling back we'll hit a lot of states in between a lot of cool things all right we've got the minute to win it anybody else that comes in new on the chat there's 1103 right now in the chat make sure you guys let them know how this whole minute to win it actually works with the with the actual auction but until then we got mail and we got to take care of that while we go through mail George here's what we can do while we go through the mail we're gonna start showing auction number one now George has five huge bags of costume jewelry she's gonna you can open it up she can get in there she may see your questions she may not all right that's just the reality of it one of them has a real piece of gold if you have been watching the the actual videos all this week I've been talking about oh I'm gonna put this in the auction I'm gonna put this in the option there is a tangled necklace piece of gold in there I could not get out so some of you may be asking hey have you gone through all of this yet and the answer is yet we've looked at it and from first glance I've tried to pull out silver and I've tried to pull out bold this is mostly this is mostly costume jewelry if there's bakelite in there it's in there we have no Express guarantees everything is as is it's either broken it's not broken so there's no guarantees no warranties no returns it is as it is as we got it as you receive it alright so bid accordingly as you bid the bidding will not open for the items until we actually start the minute to win it but we got mail so George is gonna start showing while we focus on the mail and you know what that means the mail saw we got mail and we got mail for real this time so we've got two pieces of mail and I think they're probably vote for George in all reality so here we go so oh and she has the scale so she'll be able to weigh some of that for use - okay all the way from sunny and warm Lord look at that look at that all the way from sunny and warm Florida look at that okay so this is from our friend Mick Draper and mrs. Draper let's see what we have here oh look at that George look at that okay so Mick look at this alright so we got we got this cool little piece here rockin the shell and that you don't make us so artistic and I bet you you know what I guarantee you Mick made this yep make definitely made this so Mick made the card as well and it says hope you're feeling better just a small memory from Sanibel I made for you Mick so if those of you who don't know I absolutely love love Sanibel and I got to take George there this past December thank you so much Mick we appreciate it we were just talking them today about buying more property down in Florida George just said that jewelry always 12.5 pounds 12 for 12 point 5 pounds for all that jewelry thank you so much Mick for the mail we've got another one this one's all the way from South Carolina all right let's see what we have from South Carolina and look at this Oh check that out okay what do we have here what do we have here all right for those who are wondering when is the auction start the auction will start when the minute countdown goes on the phone so George is just showing you the items right now in one camera then you'll have a minute to win it all bids start at 25 until you guys get used to this look at this George this is a cork coaster it says adventure awaits nice go find it look at that there's your tag word right there how cool is that and that oh it looks like the camper you're just looking out at property on cinnamon Lake today to always take the scenic route that is cool oh that is really cool and we've got a letter as well let's see who sent this who sent that is there jewelry in the boxes too look at that huge brass bracelet all right hi Hales I was at a small local hardware store recently I found the little enclosed treasures look I would assume these right here which are super cool I found the in little enclosed treasures I immediately thought of you but to be honest had to ask what they were so just in case you don't know they go in the cupholders in your truck to keep them from getting yucky from sweating cups actually these could go on Ramses so boom right there they're just a small token appreciation for me I mean I truly appreciate I truly mean appreciation I was in a dark spot when I found what the Hales on YouTube I have health issues that can limit my activity solder shoulder surgery in August I suffer from depression I was staying in bed in a dark room for hours on end since then not a TV in the bedroom I turned on YouTube for entertainment and that's when I found your channel I found you hysterically funny entertaining informative honest respect are you blushing as I am informative honest respectful the items you found in people that lost their stuff and the same one man's trash is another man's treasure very accurate for storage units I've seen purchase I often watch with my grandchildren my oldest grandson seven year old crafts cracks up when Jeremy eats storage unit food see see see it's funny stuff he has the greatest giggle that makes it worth it right there I would die for that seven year olds giggle it has been a while and I began to laugh to the more I laughed the better I felt I do still have dark days but they come and go quicker now and I don't lock myself away in my bedroom anymore in sleep I appreciate it thank you so much this is from joy and she says if you're ever in the area I'd love to treat you to a glass of southern sweet tea and fresh peach cobbler oh my goodness that would be good wouldn't it joy thank you so much we appreciate it send in love right back to you thank you so much joy that is our mail we appreciate the love that you guys send and we're about to start our very first all right so remember here's what happens once the timer starts you have a minute to win it you have a minute to win it Sharon Dillard said all 12 pounds in one lot yes everything George just showed is in one lot it must start with a $25 bid you have a minute to win it to outbid each other once the timer starts when the timer stops the highest bidder wins moderators we're gonna need your help all right are you ready George here goes to the very first lot in the very first what the Hales auction twelve plus pounds of jewelry and it's go time you have a minute to win it you can start bidding bid in the chat bid now bid fast Charlotte pearls at $25 Shirley got on it right away now real talk mentor is at 50 bid fast bid offer where I touched a 50 25 45 Twitter we already have a 50 you got to be you got to be in live chat and gotta beat 50 right now you gotta beat 50 we still have real talk men are at 50 we've got a bunch of 50 we got pretty Stewart at 70 we've got we got Cindy at 75 Cindy at 75 I think I think Troy had a missed bid I saw LJ Chavez at 80 I think we're at 80 is the is the high bid right now 23 more seconds 90 Trude Stewart's at 90 Trudy is at 90 we got Eddie s at 97 seventeen two more seconds we're at 97 is the highest I've seen so far 97 is the highest bid that I've seen make sure you are in live chat with nine seconds 897 is the high bid right now five four three two one and it's Eddie's it's Eddie's Eddie's at 97 and dismiss okay I believe help me out moderators wouldn't miss Melissa say oh man look at Melissa doesn't mess around okay so who got the highest guys help us out moderators who got the highest was Shirley Pearl mama G says Shirley Pearl was that a hundred flip your dollar says Shirley Pearl was that a hundred all right we're seeing all right we're seeing who had the first hundred you gotta help us out because it goes so fast and it has to be before the timer went off everybody's saying Shirley okay so we're gonna take we're gonna take the word of our moderators as they help us that Shirley Pearl all right clear thrift says mama G is correct so Jesse said mama G is correct okay so what we're seeing from the moderators that have helped us out Shirley pearl was the first at 100 Shirley pearl you just won 12 plus pounds of costume jewelry and you know what to do message at what the Hales at yahoo.com full name address Shirley is gonna come to the warehouse to pick it up full name address your PayPal yeah she'll propane cash right at the warehouse and nice job Shirley nice job nice job indeed nice job indeed sweetheart do you wanna you want to set up another lot while I take a question okay Cody Fontaine says so this is a bit chaotic this is like a little Cody this is like a real option you have a minute to win it there's no lag you have to bid and you have to bid fast and when it's over it's over we're not lagging here we are moving stuff moving it fast okay all right next thing why don't you do your favorite what do you guys think should she set up a Kenai flop why don't you do a Kenai flop next make sure you show that train can I fin the box all right so it's been a crazy week if you guys have not seen the videos from this week if you didn't see yesterday's videos I have to encourage you to go see yesterday's video because Jessi with clear thrifts you're not gonna believe this remember when we found a Harley we were with second sense and Rob and we found the Harley back in the unit and it was hidden behind the vehicle check that out that knife okay so that's a lighter what she's showing you right now is a lighter and a knife but we put it in the actual knife block okay and it looks like a gun so Jessie goes and by shady guys unit you guys all know this already probably if you've been watching Jessie by shady guys unit he goes back out to pick things out Shirley Pearl just set two dollars so thank you so much let's get Shirley Pearl with the super chat Thank You Shirley we appreciate it oh and don't worry there'll be a whole lot more costume jewelry last all right so Jessie goes back out in the Medina and the management there says hey we have a unit that has a a bike in it what would you usually pay for that he said you know $250 without looking he pays $250 they opened the door you have to you've got to see what he got yeah if you haven't seen it yet Jesse just hit big okay so there are some things that you love to find in storage units I mean you just absolutely love to find them in storage units money no doubt you like finding money that's a fun thing gold silver jewels those are all fun but one of those things that you always want to find and it's difficult to find cami Wilson just said has he sold the Harley yet now he's actually in the chat and one of the things I did is I put the link in the in the in the video I put the link for his channel so that if you have an interest in the Harley you can make him an offer and so yes he found a Harley two hundred and fifty dollars most incredible thing in the world dragon line 14 just set 549 here we go he says how's it going it's going good all right going good if you haven't seen this video yet you got it you got to check it out but don't only check it out on what the Hales channel make sure you hit the link head over to his channel as well especially if you're a Harley enthusiast you like bikes as well you could make him an offer I can't speak for Jesse but I'm sure if you'd make him an offer that was reasonable that yeah I just it was awesome that's all I can say it's awesome these are things that we dream about buying storage units and for that to happen two times in the northern Ohio area so Rob second sense auctions and ourselves what the Hales we found the the Harley and now Jesse found the Harley I just love it I love it and this is Ohio this is the place where you don't think these things happen that's the crazy part that's the fun part so that's been a that's been a hails of a great week being out there with Jesse checking that out make sure you check that out and check out what he found as well that was an amazing find now I know some of you you don't maybe like Harley's but that is one of the things in this business that we all want to find we all want to find you ready for the next one okay she says she's ready for the next one did you see the one this one's got like a like a grenade handle oh that one's a lighter my favorite one is the Train one in the box that one is really cool all right we're gonna go for the knife lot remember don't start bidding until the timer starts you have one minute to win it you have to bid fast and you have to bid furious you've got a bid before the timer goes off you have one minute to win it there is a sense of urgency it's important if you want it you got a bid our moderators are helping us when that person when that person with the highest bid and the timer goes off when that person has the highest bid that's the winner and so bump bump bump bump it up and bum the kenai flaw is coming up right Oh remember don't bid yet remember remember it's con knife not knife con knife okay $25.00 has to start any lot if we don't get a minimum bit of $25.00 and that's with free shipping then it doesn't sell here we go all right you got a minute to win it here we go what's going on in the chat all right you got a great lot there all bids start with $25 we're at 50 two more seconds can mobs bids of course they can dolly all right you got Tony Franklin at 45 I see 45 it's going so fast oh my goodness I saw 60 I saw somebody at 60 I see two people at 60 but somebody else had 60 first but I can't go back and hold the actual timer I did see a high bid of 60 I saw two people at 60 but the first bid at 60 is the one at 60 the first at 60 we got 30 more seconds to go 75 okay boy is that 75 we got Marian Hilton at 80 we're at 80 with Marian Hilton bond Hamm Marian Hilton beat you on that one so you got to go higher if you wanted eighteen more seconds eighteen more seconds we're still at $80 as a high bid 90 the humble stud is at $90 with ten seconds $90 with 10 seconds we got Chris Chris are at $100 barb Mick Draper is at $100 I'm sorry Mick is that $100 with two one and oh it's up its up it's up its up who had the high bid help us out moderators who had the high bid who had the high bid all right let's let's find out remember we have the delay sweetheart let's find out who had the high bid help us out we've got little mama stocker said it was Glenn wheat at 125 everybody saying Glenn wheat at 125 Glenna Glenna wheat at 125 ok Glenn a wheat $125 congratulations wait now we're saying but dolly did dolly did that happen after the timer went off it looks like everybody yeah we're saying we're seeing Glenn Glenn - Glenn - Glenn - Glenn - Glenn I think I think the other one came in at 128 after the timer went off or ba-ba-ba-ba-bom remember it has to be one minute if the bid comes in afterwards you're out okay so the 128 dollar bid came in after the timer went off so Glenna Glenn a week is the one who actually won it at a hundred and twenty-five dollars so Glenna congratulations you're gonna send a message to what the Hales you can see that right right there what the Hales at yahoo.com send your name send your address send your actual YouTube ID PayPal address and George will send you send you a little bit of an invoice and we'll get that shipped out to you after you get paid nice job nice job okay all right and all right Melissa W is all over this JK's at $30 nice job Jake hey what do you been in on air vintage air Jake Hayes bidding on vintage air okay we've got 1,200 Jay K is late we've got 1268 people I think what we do next we go with the actual lighter lot so you'll see and George is going to show you there's a lot of Zippos in here there's a you're probably gonna want to weight this - sweetheart there's a lot of there's a lot of everything in here so we're gonna go with a lighter lot we tried to we tried to actually get lots that you guys would be interested in and solved from units this week Mary death the deals just sent for 99 so glad to see and hear georgous George thank you so much Mary deathly deals what's all messed up about that lighter is one of the biggest lighters we have ever found okay okay so here's just a reminder up livin adventures Jeremy George can you type sold at the end of the timer anyone above what the highest would win we can't honestly type sold because our hands are tied with everything else so we we actually we can't do all of that at the same time that's where we have to rely on your moderator self - so the good question flippin Adventures and great idea we just can't do it all at the same time would you say that's four point two so George just said that's four point two pounds with all the lighters and she's gonna pull out some of the metal lighters the brass ones the Zippo she'll show you the Zippo and all of that as well now remember as we get into tax season okay we remember as we get into the tax season what what's gonna happen is people are even now they're getting quite a bit of money okay quite a bit of money and they're getting their tax returns they make out a hundred dollars they met you got five hundred dollars they might have got five thousand dollars right and what happens in the storage unit business is they watch videos on YouTube and they may see us fine they may see Jesse fine a Harley Davidson who doesn't who doesn't flippin adventures what the Hales have one designated moderator type sold flippin adventures you are the designated moderators the type sold when you see that thing hit zero and go off flip an adventure if you type sold all caps you're the man okay so you see people like Jesse with clear thrist he finds a Harley Davidson and they all go man I want that I want that I want that I want that I want you guys to be cautious as you're going out and you're buying because this is the time of year March April May where I see units I literally I literally flipping adventures that got it but I'm a girl that's okay did I say guy I don't know yeah I always knew you were a girl so that's like everybody going is Georgia guy no all right so look at that light this one is so cool the plain one I love that one all right so this is the time of year where I literally will see they'll open a storage unit door on a normal day in Ohio that storage unit would not sell for a dollar it wouldn't sell for a dollar and I've seen storage units that wouldn't sell for a dollar on a normal day sell for five hundred dollars don't get caught up into that craziness okay don't get caught up into the craziness at all okay so when you guys go out holy coyote Channel all right so when that door goes up you guys have to still use all your five senses we always talk about use your ears listen to what managers and employees are saying they knows things that's how I got Rudy ray Moore's unit because I was listening to what the employees were saying hey that one guy was a TV star that one guy was a star and I bid on it and I want it and they were talking behind the scenes and they were saying things like oh there's movie props in there and I went man that's great I've done really well with that unit smell you have to use your sense of smell take a big whiff when you go to the live auctions you don't want to smell mold you don't want to smell you don't want to smell the nastiness food rotting that's not a good thing you want to smell good things okay obviously taste if you find some food eat it babe the grandson is laughing he's seven he's having the time of his life we are making people happy eat the food okay and then touch touch is always important as well touch is always important as well obviously what you see if you see particle wood particle you know you see particle wood particle furniture your chances are as you profile things in that unit aren't gonna be that great you see solid wood we're starting to look at better things you see things that are furniture all scratched up that's probably not the best thing in the world you want to pass on that let everybody else around with the things that aren't worth money you bid accordingly and you bid wise and you will never lose money in this business I can promise you that okay storage legends just sent $4.99 sorry I'm late he said and dude all right so that's just your tip as we come into March April and May okay Jesse Mendez wants to know what the hail is what is the percentage of trash to treasure that all depends on where you go so for example two weeks ago when I went in Columbus there's a video on the channel 86 units and I didn't buy one single unit you know what the percentage was that day a hundred percent trash no treasure two weeks ago I went we looked at 90 units Sarge legends was there with me looked at 90 units and about two so out of two usually what I tell people is I buy one percent one percent one out of every hundred units I look at on a daily weekly monthly yearly basis one percent III meant Guapo I meant Guapo sorry storage legends I met Guapo one percent of price I said Andrew base quavo one percent is what I actually buy usually so it all depends on any given day and you never know what's actually in those storage units when they open the door all right we got 1200 on the live stream right now George you feel like you've shown enough of the you've got Zippos you've got brass you've got little all kinds of things so here's what we're gonna do lot number three the lighter lot we are gonna go with a minute to win it remember must must have a $25 starting bid with free shipping if you are bidding it fast bid furious you only have a minute to win it that's it when the timer goes off flipping adventures is actually going to type salt in big caps any any bids after that sold will not be accounted for George says it is four plus pounds of flip your dollar says Jeremy you have to ship those ground FYI just so you know we have to ship those pounds rich Richard alt just sent two dollars I'm on SSI I'll give you 50 for the washer/dryer set thank you Richard appreciate it I don't have 50 I don't have a washer/dryer set for sale right now all right here we go for the lighters here we go you got a minute to win it we're down to 58 seconds already here we go thank you so much for the super chat Richard we got 50 52 oh we got 20 Franklin's have $50 we got $50 for 20 Franklin right now panel lens that 50 but it's got to be higher than that because Tony's in there 60 we got we got Marion Hilton at 60 I see merit 8 Pamela just went 60 but Marilyn hopes and got it in first Pamela you got to get oh we got 6-4 6-4 Ronda bend is that 65 we got 69 Jeremy Lee Lee Janice is that 69 69 with all 28 2000 out 25 seconds made it to where at Sandy Woods is at 70 we got sandy Phillip Phillip Sanchez sandy got you first you got 20 more seconds then Cara Lynn's at 75 pennilyn is at 75 we've got 15 more seconds 15 more seconds you got a bid 75 got a bit you got a bit 11 you got a beat 75 9 8 you gotta beat 75 real talk mentor 5 4 2 1 we gotta wait we gotta wait rest until we see the sold where's flipping adventures we're flipping adventures puppet adventures got sold okay Melissa W says it's sandy at 78 high-speed was sandy at 78 bon Homme came in at 79 but it was sandy that that bid was afterwards bon Homme you got to get your bid in before it goes off so 78 sandy woods at 78 great job sandy woods you know what to do you are gonna actually you're gonna you're gonna send a message right here to what the Hales at yahoo.com you're gonna conclude your name you can include your address you're going to include your you Eydie and george's writing this all down as well so she knows what you got you're gonna include what else did you want your paypal your paypal address okay so it's different just a reminder for everybody if you are in top chat instead of live chat if you're in top chat instead of live chat you're not gonna see it in it in its actual reality you have to be in live chat to see what is actually going on okay so top chat just takes random chats and throws it up there and you may be seeing very different than everybody else is seeing it in we saw it very clearly in live chat sandy was at 78 great job great job all right so you guys have to be you have to be in live chat Oh George what do you think hoodie 3.0 do you think George is saying hoodie 3.0 is next now remember there will be a lot that is given for free tonight as well so we've got 1277 on tonight on the auction somebody will be winning a lot if you are on from the very beginning you saw that George and I this is your certificate of authentication George and I just signed and autographed hoodie 3.0 now I do want to share that George you watched hoodie 3.0 last night okay George went ahead and signed hoodie 3.0 I mean washed hoodie 3.0 does it still smell like me all right she says it smells like games so my loss your gain so hoodie 3.0 is going up for auction tonight should we just get right into it to the minute to win it George says do it George says do it so remember we are minute to win it we are not drawing this out there are there are a few tears there's one in the there's one in the actual hoodie that's where I wipe my nose when it's dripping in the winter and so the thread came loose there are some Bloods there's probably blood stain or two no not on that one it was on - OH hood hoodie point-to-point Oh had lots of blood yeah because well I I bled because of the razor blade in that wallet okay all right now remember you can't bid until the actual timer starts it's a minute to win it and flippin adventures is in charge once that timer goes stopped at zero boom boom flippin adventures is gonna go is gonna go stop stop stop the sighs what's the size George 3x L x LT 3x L now I can tell you I just bought three brand new ones of these I paid $200 for the three they're extra heavy-duty I wear them for protection in the actual units so my arms are covered and my body is covered and we're gonna go ahead and auction this one out tonight minute to win it you have to bid fast you have to bid furious you ready George certificate of authenticity is this video you've got to watch us sign it and autograph it are you ready George at least I have vest and here we go minute to win it here we go it is on hoodie 3.0 has that we got Tony Franklin at 35 we have real talk mentor at 75 Real Talk man or is that 75 real talk manner L we got Pamela NAT $100 Pamela Lynn is out $100 you got to beat $100 you're at 40 42 seconds left panel Oh Lynn is that $100 remember Oh Judith lures at 150 Judith Morris at 150 with $30.00 to go you got to beat 150 dollars you got to beat a hundred and fifty dollars with 30 seconds to go Judith is in at 150 25 you stop Martin Michael well in 140 you got to beat 150 it's still 20 seconds to go Judith says 150 remember it is free shipping hoodie 3.0 parlays episode yon Perelman's at 160 160 Pamela in 160 was five five four three two all we got Judith more than 170 Judith Moore 170 and it's up its up its up it is up let's see we got away from Luna ventures flippin adventures and flippin adventure says sold where are we at where we at help us out mods who got it ok a conky's flippin adventure says Pamela Pamela at 180 Pamela 180 Pamela 180 all right looks like Pamela not it at 180 nice job Pamela Lynn you got it for a hundred and eighty Pamela you know what to do you're gonna actually boom right there you're gonna send a message to what the Hales at yahoo.com name address PayPal and the other stuff that George said she wanted as well Pamela knows she's bought before she's been asking about the dice I do have the dice at the warehouse we'll throw those in yeah so what if there's a there's a really tiny tiny dice so George says there's a tiny dice you want to go with the Crown Royal bags Nets alright Crown Royal bags next so she's gonna go ahead and hang out with those alright anybody have a question tonight let's get into a question so let's get into a question Pamela wants to know can we write 3.0 on it could you write 3.0 on that yes the marker is right over here right here so she's writing it right now all right let's see how somebody wants to know where they'll be marbles tonight mrs. strawberry shortcake wants to know when you gonna marry George hmm George's goal when we met George George very clearly told me when we met and we met July 26 2018 that was our first date and she clearly told me that her goal was to be married by the time she turned forty she's currently 37 so there you have it so you have somewhere in between now and then and she would turn 40 and May 10th and so you never know she'll be 38 this year so she's got two years and a little bit like a month and a half okay so we know a lot of people like these Crown Royal bags and so this out pretty well we'll see how they do what if we add something with the Crown Royal bags what do you think should we add something yes what if we add not only Crown Royal but we add the lot of watches too all right so we've got a huge lot of watches here we're gonna add the Crown Royal bags with a lot of watches you're gonna open that one up that was really cool I found that this week so she's gonna add the Crown Royal bags with a lot of watches she's gonna start showing those so in regards to in regards to that George wants to get married before she's 40 watches are three would you say 3.1 pounds she's going to show you some of the watches remember anything that you buy there is no warranty it all comes as is there's no guarantees Express or whatsoever it is as is it's as we got it untested it's literally from the storage units thrown into a bag going hey here you go I know it's courts I didn't even take it out of the box it looked really cool when I filmed it all right oh I don't know if it is is it she says it looks like it's real gold I don't think it is if it's a quartz charm law but I didn't I didn't take it out of the box and look can you take it out and check she's gonna check and see if it's marked stamped with gold all right mods you're doing an awesome job awesome awesome job Mick Draper says great watches this week yeah there were some cool watches there was the now I will say that the that the $9,000 watch is not in this lot okay I will tell you that I we'll tell you that we didn't check we didn't check all the watches in this bag either so there's just not enough time anymore Gerald Campbell says do you have a lot of memory cards and sticks Gerald we have so many memory cards and flash drives that we honestly don't know what to do with them all so we get we get two gigs we get four gigs I get 16 gigs I mean you name it we get a lot of gigs and we get a lot of memory cards and we get a lot of mini micro memory cards so a lot of things that we'll do is on the Sunday night lives because every storage unit has a story and that's and that's one of the the cool things about storage units every storage unit literally does have a story right and it's trying to mine that story out and figure that story out and so those those memory cards and flash drives are part of that for us looking on the phones the flash drives the computers the laptops oh by the way we're doing a tech lot tonight to fossil she just said that's a fossil so we do we get a ton of flash drives we get a ton of memory cards and honestly we don't know what to do with all of them David Gibbs has been married for 51 years marry her Jeremy due south camel company says I bought my mother-in-law and father-in-law to an auction yesterday I think they're hooked now that's awesome that is awesome the the auctions are so much fun so a lot of you asked all the time you asked Jeremy was the very first oxygen you went to I don't know I don't remember I've been doing this the the latest I can remember I remember buying a blow dart gun for a dollar as a teenager at at my add an option and I don't remember if that was my first one can't remember if that was my first one or not but it was a really cool auction and I still I think I still have that blow dart gun so that's as far back as I can remember as far as an auction but I've gone to all kinds of auctions I love the state auctions I love business auctions I love storage unit auctions now the the mass as far as a business I can generate more income reselling with storage unit auctions but I love all the other auctions well everything you see in my house almost everything even this fishing net this fishing net came from a church auction and this fishing net was it's a real fishing net behind me that fishing net was used in the youth group room but they were they were building another building and so they were auctioning off supplies and things so I got that thing like dirt cheap and I have a cathedral ceiling in my bedroom and I thought how cool would that be if I actually hung that up on the wall as a decor and then hung stuff on it and it's kind of just a it's stuck every every time afterwards so I love the auctions never get enough of them they are a ton of fun a ton of fun all right so all right Jeremy be careful Tauruses aren't that patient timing is everything are you a Taurus I didn't say anything all right David Higgins says if I don't marry you he will are you accepting that offer I don't think I don't she said I'm stuck with her so she says I'm stuck with her well what'd you guys think you guys want to you guys want to roll with this with this watch lot want to do it all right she's thrown in the Crown Royal bags with the watch lot so Crown Royal bags with the watch lot you do have a minute to win it and remember flippin adventures is gonna type sold at the very end when this bad boy goes zero flipping adventures you're at the soul all right all right so this is a watch lot remember all Lots start at $25 with free shipping and go here we go let's see what happens we've got watches we got the Crown Royal bags we got storage legends seen all right at least I'm agree he's at 40 we got 20 Franklin at 45 we got real talk man or 40 49 55 oh we got somebody at yeah somebody was at 150 and I can't even see it it went too fast somebody it was at 150 I can't Rocky's flippin adventures is that 175 car keys flipping adventures do that 175 we got 35 35 minutes to go oh we got Funko pop review wait hold a second this just laughing - flippin Evette all right Susan macer is at 178 Susan Mason's at 178 with 22 seconds go go Expo go is that $200 go Expo go is that $200 you gotta beat Michael Walton just came in at 176 but you gotta beat Goa to go and you got 13 12 you got 10 seconds to go and I gotta get that to focus somehow he'll crash that 200 we got another 200 Wow 205 Susan may sir is that 205 205 of Susan Mason and we are up I think it was Susan Mesa at 205 Susan Mesa at 205 I think let's see if we're right let's see if we're right I don't know if we're right or not and we just got the sold we just got sold let's see what we got all right mama G says it is Susan macer mama G says Susan at 205 Susan at 205 look we got others saying it was go Expo at 210 was that what did that come after Melissa W says go Expo at 210 conky's flippin adventure says go expo go at 210 okay all right it sounds ant we got a split here we got some saying Susan and we get was the bid in before flippin adventure said sold so if it alright so if the bid at 210 alright so there okay mom and G rechecked it's go Expo go at 210 nice job go Expo go at 210 dollars all right go x4 go at $210 you're gonna send an email right there to what the Hales at yahoo.com you're gonna send your name your address you're gonna send your actual YouTube ID go x4 go and then your email your PayPal address as well George will send you an invoice and then once you pay that'll get shipped out in the mail nice job nice job that was great two hundred and ten dollars for that watch flop we've got so many watches by the way these are just some of the lots that we put together this week we have hundreds and hundreds of watches let's do Tech watt next I'm gonna do that alright I'm gonna grab it for why she's taking care of that okay so this is the tech bot these two are sealed this is brand new vintage this one works I tested it and I put our information on it we'll have to wipe it clean but you can show but I put it on there so you can show them that it works and those two are sealed all right whoa oh my goodness oh my goodness I better get a drink all right let's get a question let's get a question somebody give me a question Cody fountain I got bids in on the lunker's auction and grinds fines put up I don't need paypal for that there's gonna be some really cool stuff in that okay so me says hi what what websites do users find storage options in your area all right meee that's a great question and I've created a video for that as well so there's an entire video let me see if I can find it right now okay because I I I think this is honestly one of the best videos that we put out teaching so that's a lot of what we like to do we like to entertain but we like to educate as well so this is one of the best videos that we put out for newbies to find storage units and how to get involved in storage units and you give a lot of tips in that as well so alright so George is getting into the tech lot right now you have two brand new fire pads and I'm gonna I'm gonna get into those websites for you but I gotta find I gotta find that video for you first I'm gonna put the link in the chat that came from the Columbus unit those were awesome so I'm gonna find that video because it is it is such a good video to actually teach now it doesn't have a lot of views because you know a lot of people like to see what's inside what's inside and it's it's more of an educational it is it's a pure educational video so it doesn't get as many views but honestly it's probably one of the best videos that we put out and I just found it so the first site that that I go to usually all right I prefer live auctions I prefer live auctions for a lot of reasons and I'm gonna tell you those reasons here is I'm putting in the chat right now that link to that video and I would encourage you to watch it I just put it in the link right there okay so the very first thing I like is live auctions live auctions are important to me because honestly number one I can use all my senses I can smell everything when that door opens and I can see and I can look and I can take my phone and I can look in the back and go back over the footage and I can do things along those lines where I can't do online so there are online units where you can buy storage units online but all you get is a picture and that picture doesn't help me be a better buyer with that picture does it helps me be a gambler gambling is only good this is my opinion you don't have to agree with me gambling is only good if you're the house because the house always wins it's a it's a billion dollar business because the house always wins if you want to be successful in this business I encourage you never gamble always make smart decisions so I like to go to live auctions that's what you'll see me do rarely will I do online auctions but when I do online auctions is because there are no live auctions and we have scored at some online auctions there's no doubt about it we have scored it enhances your profiling skills to make you be a better buyer and some of those units are some of those websites that are used for online auctions storage treasures calm and these are going to be dependent on your local area so storage treasures calm is probably the biggest but depending on your region in your area Locker Fox Calm is another one bid thirteen calm is another one and I go through some others in that video as well and I tell you the kind of pros and cons I'll tell you what I like what I don't like why I like it what I like things along those lines okay so that being said check out that video that will help all of you if you guys want to get into storage unit buying that will help all of you be a better storage unit buyer on all right we're going to get into this tech loss the humble stud1 are there any games you have to stay tuned after stay tuned you won but once the lots come up then you know what's gonna be optioned off okay minute to win it now this is the tech lot there are two brand new fire pads this pad right here that I'm pointing to that pad has our information on it will reset it we just wanted to show you that pad came from the storage unit as well we wanted to show you that it works and then also the Radio Shack the vintage cassette player awesome is there there's something up top or not I can't remember all right here we go with the tech lot remember you got a minute to win it and when flippin adventure says sold the last bid is right before that you have to bid fast you have to bid furious we are not dragging this out you got sweet that thing is so cool that thing would go really well on eBay you really would all right so remember everything comes as is no warranties no guarantees whatsoever it is as we got it we can't exclude their ZnO we can't tell you it works but we hope it does and here we go all right here goes to the tech lot we got 59 58 here we go retired good times is that $26 remember you got a minute to win it you got a bid fast together that's often got a bid furious Tony Franklin is that $60 you guys got to be Tony Franklin if you want it okay do South candles out $100 $100 I see 100 100 is the top I see do South candle right now I see a bunch of hundred dollars coming in all right Tammy Tammy all tools at 125 125 we got Eddie s is at 135 135 with 35 seconds more to go you got to be 135 are you gonna be in here due south candle 130 whoa we got Tammy Tammy Alto is at 140 now Tammy is at 140 140 Eddie s just won $140 we got Dylan Firestone is at 150 Dylan's at 150 we got 19 more seconds Dylan out 150 somebody else dis bid 150 buddy got a bid and he s is 160 now oh come on zoom in on that zoom in on that daddy's ottoman is that 201 we've got zeta --the ottoman out of men at 201 remember all shipping is free we got two more seconds two more seconds if it's domestic and Linda Jacobs was at 210 we are at zero we are at zero I saw we saw 210 we saw two dead fluid ambassadors said sold I think Linda Jacobs got it at 210 yep Linda Jacobs 210 nice job nice job Linda Jacobs 210 dismiss dismiss there we go all right Linda Jacobs got it all right focus back in on me I gotta get this thing focused there we go I think it's focused all right Linda Jacobs at 210 email emails right there what the Hales name address all that information that George has been telling ya remember it's a minute to win it all right we're having a ton of fun but we gotta have fun we got to go fast you want to do another lot babe okay this is gonna be a super cool lot because you're gonna be a part of I gotta explain this first okay you're gonna get to be a part of what the Hales history you're gonna be a part of a video now a lot of you love when we actually do gift card cashing in videos these are all the gift cards that we have okay I don't know why it keeps doing that it just wants to keep on going let's go and I want more minute the minutes all right so these are all the gift cards that we have that we have not called in yet to cash in now I do want to share this and George will show you more of this I do want to share this we know for sure there is $50 on this gift card there is $50 on this gift card we we couldn't wait to find out so we're gonna start this bid at $50 because we know there's $50 you'll get $50 and if you've seen any of our videos you know there's probably gonna be more money than that and you get free shipping so we're gonna start at $50 because we know there's $50 but here's what we're gonna do if you want to show you I show them some of those here's what we're gonna do we're actually going to record we're gonna take the bidding from this auction and you're gonna be a part of our video so you're gonna be the bidder and get whatever is on these unchecked gift cards you get the balance okay but we're gonna video and call it in and we're gonna see if your bid was higher than the balance on these actual cards or lower on the balance on these cards you get the balance regardless but we're gonna take this portion of the actual auction and you're gonna be a part of the video you're gonna be the winner we're gonna show the auction and we're gonna find out did you beat us in other words it's you against us did you get the deal of a lifetime on these gift cards because there's so much money on them or did you overpay because there's not enough money on them as we call and check them in and then the video will go live so you are gonna get to be a part of what the Hales history as you bid on these unchecked gift cards so you have to give us time to actually create the video after you bid on them but you will get all of the balance on every single one of these gift cards and we know there's $50 on the one gift card so she's she's showing that and sharing that with you some of these you've already seen in some of the videos she's kind of putting some of that out there for you guys to see as well okay all right let's take a question before we get into that actual that actual bidding and scrap man 50 said unchecked yeah right scrap man what do you think we do all day sit there round and call and check gift cards sorry if we work 24 hours scrap man you are uh I was just gonna I'm just gonna boom you're gone he's completely gone we don't mess around with negativity you are gone from the channel scrap man alright so let's see let's see what questions you have before we get into this super cool lot that you're gonna get to be a part of what the Hales history so remember they are unchecked but it will be on the the actual video Nancy Adam says unbelievable I don't know what she's saying but we must have missed it alright alright j/k said scrap the scrap man I love it I love it okay scrap man is now scrapped all right sherry wants to know any crafting lots tonight two leaves in a pod wants to know what my sign is no I don't know I'm not sure John the raspberry just said for scrap man going going gone oh my goodness all right you guys are having fun with this all right all right Jonathan Killingworth wants to know what's the worst unit we got online I mean I can I can think of really good ones that we got what's the worst one we got online there was the one yeah yeah they all get have a gem here and there you know what I mean so it's hard to pick and go well was this or is this there's that that's hard that's hard to actually pick oh look at that you got a gas card there too ok so look at this here with the speedway gaffs card usually now this is just usually what happens is with job and Family Services when they don't have employment charlie pearl $2 are you taking the camper to Texas we're actually not we're staying with the lunker's so we're saying with lockers TV and the camper is still in the shop driving me nuts that is still in the shop thank you sure the Pearl so so what was I just talking about I can't remember either oh the online you which one if eclis I know when we get online units we've gotten really good ones but probably the worst one I don't know there's videos of it what happens is they all run in together it really is it really is burgundy sells says just curious how do you know it's a $50 gift card if you haven't checked it if you listened I said we checked that one that one has $50 on it we know that one fifty dollars we couldn't wait we wanted to check it we guaranteed it there's $50 on it everything else is unchecked they are unchecked gift cards and flippant adventurer says weren't you're talking about gas cards yes what happens job and family actually they'll give you gas cards once a quarter or something like that for you to go out and file for jobs so so when you're unemployed and and you're on the system they'll give you gas cards and it's not uncommon to find these gas cards in storage units a lot a lot nancy McMichael goes every time your buzzer goes off by three dogs bark that's awesome thank you for the super chat Nancy so a lot of times you'll actually find gas cards in storage units what happens remember we said there's always a story right there's always a story in a storage unit and they get the gift card but then they get evicted because they're not working and then ever they lose the gift card it's in a purse everything goes into a storage unit they lose the storage unit that's just a lot of times that's the reality of it so she's laughing at somebody all right Jake hey put it in a five dollar bid all right Mick Draper buck 99 mr. Draper came on back no you get the cards we are gonna film cashing in the cards like we do on our cashing in gift cards but anything that's found on it all the cards are coming to you whether it's a zero balance or whether it's a $50 balance or it's a thousand dollar balance your bid gets all the cards in that the truth all right Nancy McMichael said no it's not you I love you guys thank you Dancy thank you for the super chats alright just to clarify just to clarify again this gift card on a checked gift card unit will start at $50 because we checked the vanilla gift card that says $50 it has $50 so you're ahead no matter what if you start with $50 because the shipping is free every other gift card is unchecked we will do an actual video and you're gonna be a part of the video as you're gonna bid on the gift cards and you're gonna see is your bid higher than what's actually on the gift cards or is it lower the goal is for you to have a bid that's higher wait-wait-wait not higher and lower you want to have a bid that's lower than the amount on the gift cards and beat us at our own gift card game and then we're gonna include your bid and this portion of the actual video in the what the Hales history video as we do the video and then everything gets shipped to you okay that's what you call me vanilla grandpa I don't think anything like this has ever been done on YouTube before and that's what we take pride in it what the Hales we do things that nobody else does did I do that right that nobody else dues we do things that nobody else dues remember bidding starts at 50 you got a minute to win it bit fast bit furious and the bidding is on gift card lot here we go uncheck gift card lot bidding starts at $50 let's see what happens let's see what happens all right we got Dillon Firestone at 51 here we go oh we got somebody we got somebody 100 Justin holy cow I can't even keep track I have no idea what just happened I saw a bit at 125 I did see a bit at 125 I say Amanda Smith is at 150 that's the highest one I've seen so far at es came in at 150 but he's got to beat Amanda we got Lloyd Davidson at 155 I saw 175 James vandiver's at 175 with 25 seconds to go please bid fast we got martin peterson 160 160 we gotta do south campbell company oh wait we got amanda smith at 200 amanda smith at 200 on uncheck gift cards Amanda Smith is at 200 with 12 seconds amanda is still at 200 we got Eddie s at 201 what 1776 Smith at 201 as well four seconds oh my goodness we got a tie we got we got open a secure got in a 205 and it's up it's up its up looking adventures which Brooklyn adventures flipping adventures he's gotta say stop he's gotta say stop I see Eddie S at two or ten and he said sold he said sold I think it's flippin Adventures yeah I knew that I knew that I knew that I've just got caught in the moment I apologize okay I think it's Eddie Eddie DS any DS at 210 Eddie DS at 210 nice job what's the weave we've never had a value under 210 dollars on one of our videos have we okay so Eddie DS at 210 you get all the gift cards this portion of the actual auction is gonna be a part of the video once we record the video all the gift cards no matter the amount of them all the gift cards go to you hopefully hopefully there's more than two hundred and ten dollars on there you're guaranteed fifty you know there's fifty that was awesome that was absolutely awesome nobody has ever done anything like this on YouTube before absolutely awesome oh my goodness do you feel the intensity right now is it crazy no not yet do you want me to start sweating do you want me to start sweating flipping adventures if I say he don't worry it's just I'm just in the moment I'm in the moment in the moment okay so Eddie s you want to make sure you send a message to what the Hales at yahoo.com and maybe we've been going for a hour and 25 24 minutes I think seven Long's we better do another one huh okay what about you want to do the dinosaur lot this is a huge lot guys this is a very heavy lot and a huge lot you ready the whole tub and not even joking the whole thing all right this next lot yep you ready there's hundreds and hundreds of dollars in retail value in there you ready can you pick it up or do you need me to all right George has a bad back so I'm gonna have to pick this up I don't know how you're gonna do it look at this that one 14.95 this one this one 10 up 650 this one this one 2195 we're doing it all no splitting we're giving it all to him we'll be Oh fine doing it all all right so for this lot you can't even see how huge this lot is but George is gonna start pouring it out so you can see it's an entire tub filled with brand-new dinosaur toys okay some of the toys are brand new some may not be brand new again we can't even it's gonna be heavy so this unit is from a truck driver unit lots of people have messaged us when they solve this actual video and they all wanted to buy these dinosaurs and we just never got around to actually selling them so this is an extremely heavy unit most of these toys still have the tags on if you check these toys on eBay they still sell when we checked them when we bought the lot they still sell really well now she's gonna get a she's gonna get a actual wait for ya it only goes up to 25 so she's gonna get a wait this is gonna be heavy because there are a ton of toys in here there's literally hundreds of dollars of retail value I it's 22.9 pounds of dinosaur toys so she'll show you some of the retail tags this was a truck driver driving all over picking up toys and then the truck driver kept these things in the actual storage unit and then we found them in the storage unit so for you guys that are love reselling this is a huge lot she's gonna pour you just gonna pour it out or what you gonna do it's gonna spill everywhere all right she's gonna take some time on that why she's taking some time on that showing you and showing you the retail tags on things then we're gonna take another question okay all right let's get another question before we sell this law I'm in Cleveland would you just deliver it next time Josh up and said I'm in Cleveland would you deliver it next time you're near by Josh Upton I may not be in Cleveland for another two months so delivery we can do local pickup in Worcester at the warehouse we could do that okay we absolutely could do that but a guarantee of when we're gonna be up in Cleveland again we just can't guarantee that all right let's see let's see what let's see I got to get a question here should I describe before I bid Jeremy you do whatever you want David next warehouse auction will actually be this spring we're working that out with Rob at second sense right now we're actually getting that all taken care of somebody asses the tub included actually this will probably shift in an actual tote but it won't be a clear tote because we don't want that to be shown in shipping so usually we try and keep an on clear tote when shipping that's just the goal okay all right questions give me a question give me question any question hit me with a question Terry lab Terry Lam first George wants me to tell you that the next warehouse auction is going to be different because you're actually going to be able to bid online at the live auction so you're gonna actually be able to bid online during the live auction at the warehouse somebody asks what the brand of this is I don't know I don't remember we found it in Florida and I fall in love with it George is gonna check it right now remember free shipping domestic shipping 17:38 is the brand so remember shipping is free for domestic shipping anything international would have to be paid for by the bidder all right there was a question junk eliminator says I want to change my name what would be a good name junk eliminator you have to figure out what encompasses first of all marketing is huge okay here's a channel so marketing is huge you have to figure out what you can market what you can sell if you're going to do name branding with YouTube so if that's your goal then you want to think along those lines so I would have to ask you what your goal was before we'd actually look at a good channel name and then I would want to look and see what's saturated already on YouTube versus what's available all right uh Ryan Gregory sent two dollars you could auction off a day with what the Hales hey if you see us Ryan at an auction you already get the day for free thanks for the super chat I promise you Ryan you do not want a day with me you do not want to work with me if I drink apple juice all day it's nothing but gas so you you just it's a lot of hard work a lot of hard work John Clinton Bertha says what's the favorite ivan you got online in stores you know okay if you guys don't remember the mannequin unit that we bought and so if you look at that it's they're getting married and George and I are crying and it's marriage of the two mannequins I bought that entire unit as a joke so this just proves this just proves that profiling is a good thing and Mik Draper buck 99 a meal is enough lol thank you so much Mik we got to have a meal with Mick and mr. Draper in Florida and we loved it so that unit I bought as a joke for Manny the mannequin because there were female mannequins couldn't see anything else in there now Saul some models and some things like that but I was willing to pay whatever because I loved the creativity of YouTube and so the outlet of creativity was there for me to have the whole marriage between Manny the man and the female mannequins and him pick which mannequin he wanted that to me was just youtube hilarity and I was like I've got to do this I've got to do this so we got that unit I think for three hundred and sixty dollars something like that it was amazing thousands upon thousands of dollars of trains I mean it's just our see models and just one of the coolest things one of the coolest things I think that we've ever found in an online unit without a doubt without a doubt now all George just reminded me the worst online unit we bought one in Cleveland and thus and the facility manager stole the guitar out of the case actually stole the case that's how we knew the guitar was stolen and then she had to drive home for an hour and to go pick it up and bring it back and said it was in the maintenance closet so she says she took it home because she didn't know what to do with it I hope you guys you guys are looking at all these tags so she's showing you the retail on a lot of these tags on these dinosaurs now we're not guaranteeing that all of the dinosaurs have tags on them or brand-new but these are a lot of these are higher-end and we have taken the time before not tonight or within this week when we found them to look them up on ebay and some of them they sell well we can't guarantee that you're gonna sell them well eBay is an art just like YouTube is an art just like anything else in the world is an art but we can tell you that what we saw they were selling really well on eBay and from our trained perspective there's hundreds of dollars of dinosaurs here there really are and you're gonna get free shipping with it as well okay Patricia Turner said that was the worst she was a thief and a liar not only that Patricia we found out later okay we never disclosed her name or the location another viewer in another state told us messaged us and said this is who she is this is where she at she got fired from another facility for doing the same thing in another state one of the viewers recognized her and knew her by name we never disclosed it she got fired from managing another facility in another state and the viewer knew who it was that was wild that had to be the worst that literally had to be the worst that one was rough now that and it was frustrating as well because then you get a guitar and you're like is this really yes this is a guitar I bought because I bid based on just the guitar all I wanted was a guitar you guys know how I love guitars and so I have one two three I think there's five we have five guitars in the house just in the house there's probably five five guitars I don't really know how to play I just like to fiddle with them that price tag says 1895 1895 on that price tag so George is showing you all of these George was talking today about getting me ukulele classes for my birthday she asked if I wanted to get ukulele classes what's the price on that one $13.50 on that one so you got a huge lot of dinosaurs here they're all in this tote she hasn't even shown them all to you yet a lot of them have price tags some of them don't have price tags and what baby she said very she said very few don't have price tags most of them do so the the the gentleman was a truck driver I guess wherever he went he just bought dinosaurs and these are higher these are what we would consider higher end based on eBay because they're still resellable some tags may have fell off some of them as well again we make no guarantees no warranties as is where is we can't guarantee anything works we hope that it does but you're buying as is and there's no returns and we'll be as open and honest as we can with everything so with that being said how much did that thing weigh alright that dinosaurs 20 195 remember we have an opening bid you gotta open at $25 you got a minute to win it you got a bid fast you got a bid furious this is a huge lot of toys it most likely it will be shipped in a tote but it won't be the tote that you see the clear tote well make sure that tote is not see-through or it'll be a giant box one of the other but we don't want that tote to be see-through because we don't need anybody seeing that as it goes through the the actual shipping process more dinosaurs look at that I think they're all spooning those are spooning dinosaurs and I hope you guys are ready casual flippers already in at 25 but we haven't even we haven't even started yet but we are now here we go you got a minute to win it let's see who's gonna win this one you got a whole 22 pound tote of dinosaur toys many of them have bids or we already got real talk men or any fine we got real talk men are 85 we've got I just saw hundred dollars that's $155 Rhonda something $155 I saw $155 but I didn't see exactly who had it I think you have to beat $155 David small we'll just came in to hope we got big Barry kitty Barry kitty about 175 we got Josh Upton at 200 $200 to Josh Upton right now you got 27 more seconds $200 job Josh Upton is the winning bidder currently Josh mom Angie is just saying josh is at 200 he sure is with 20 seconds to go Melissa w st. Josh at 200 with 15 seconds casual flipper just went 195 but Josh's got you had 109 200 you gotta gotta up and up as one flipper if you want in you got a minute to win it but now you only got five seconds you got a five seconds Josh Upton is winning at $200 with two one whoa waiting for flippin adventure and going once going twice it's sold Josh Upton Josh Upton got it $200 Josh you just got hails of a deal nice job Josh nice job nice nice job bon ham likes to come in afterwards with a bid afterwards I'm gonna say moderators just go ahead and that individual because just trying to confuse things okay so Josh Upton that was $200 Josh you know what to do sounds like you're local in Cleveland I am headed I'm headed to Akron I think it's the 11th I'm headed to Guardian storage on the 11th this 11th to an auction there so that being said Josh if you're there I can even bring those to you but message George what the Hales at yahoo.com and we'll figure all of that out okay so if your local will try and get them to you you just got a hails of a deal there is she set it on top of all the dinosaurs we also have a ton of zoo animals in there this is a super cool lot and my clock is going off again really super cool lot that one that one is a if you're gonna resell you're gonna do really well as you piece that out and if you're gonna collect them and keep them these are really high-end collectible dinosaurs are really cool they really are alright how many lots of that sweetheart that was eight how many did you want to do you want to do ten let's do let's do you got the beanie baby lot look throw the beanie baby lot up there all right we got a beanie baby lot coming up but when we get up there she's gonna start working on that beanie baby lot all right Kimberly Boucher transit tri ash what's your favorite unit don't think Kimberly is asking us David Potter says we're in a furnace guardians storage it's on it's on auctions it calm Dean is the auctioneer Dean's a great auctioneer and he personally he loves to tell jokes as he's auctioning and he personally invites us to all of his auctions and he's given George and I you know free t-shirts the whole deal and Patricia Turner says have you ever been to Middletown Ohio auctions I don't think so I don't think so Oh have we oh wait George says we actually have been there yep we we apparently we have been there at one time so there you go now beanie baby lot coming up there are some people will tell you beanie babies aren't worth anything it's the beanie baby lot is that's how McDonald's this is all puffy me baby that's me that's Happy Meal toys which is worth some time to the blue one right next to you so there are some people will tell you beanie babies aren't worth anything anymore and there's some people will tell you that beanie babies are worth something so if you know your beanie babies being babies hit a huge craze right beanie babies still are worth money if you have the right beanie babies I have made some of the most amount of money I've made on on eBay and I've made a lot of money on eBay has been through beanie babies within the past couple years the tote of beanie babies that George is going to show you right now 11 pounds okay so beanie babies the key to be babies is you have to find so the key to beanie babies is you want to find the errors in the beanie babies so for example peanut the elephant you find the right color of peanut the elephant and you're looking at thousands of dollars you find the original princess dye bear you're looking at thousands of dollars still to this day so there's multiple camels I put them in there because you're Egyptian so George just said all the camel if you find the right beanie baby and I showed one on camera in one of the videos and I said hey this is going up for auction and I've even said in the video I said you have to find the errors on the tags so there's misspellings miss spacing the whole deal on the tags that creates the actual desire for the beanie baby so somebody then messaged and said hey Jeremy you just showed this tag on the video and there's and they said is this what you mean by an error in there there's a word than the space in the punctuation I don't yeah that's an error and I didn't even see it when I was showing it in video so I don't remember which which one it was it could have been the princess died it could have been it could have been any of them I don't remember which one it was but you're guaranteed because somebody already caught it there's an error on the tag a lot of times the error on the tag and if you want to learn what air to look for on the tag the real easy thing to do is you go to ebay I'm just going to show you on my phone this is how you do it so you go to your eBay app right there's your eBay app go ahead and you type in beanie baby so beanie babies and beanie babies have an entire category all to themselves now these are your live on you your live auctions you don't care about the live auctions you want to go filter and you want to go sold right so we're gonna go sold then we're gonna sort highest the lowest all right so we're at highest to lowest right now right now I guarantee you probably don't and we haven't checked any of these beanie babies you probably aren't looking at $150,000 beanie babies alright you're probably not looking at a $45,000 beanie baby but this and we haven't checked them I can't guarantee that oh there's beanie baby original Patty and platypus there's yeah okay so there are some and I have owned some of these and I have sold some of these okay so you're looking this white bear right here this 15,000 dollar white bear right there valentino I've owned that I've sold that on eBay so a lot of these there's the there's the Princess Diana right there purple okay ten thousand dollars if you have the right one these will sell on eBay now what's gonna happen is the naysayers are gonna go no no no that would never happen beanie babies they've hit their day debtor dies they're the people that aren't selling them the people who are selling them and making the big money from them they're gonna tell you yeah they still sell this is where you get your education you go through and you find and you read and you go okay what are the errors what makes this one worth that much what makes this one worth that much go in read the details that's where you get your education okay so there's not there are YouTube videos as well as far as identifying and finding finding your actual your your high-end beanie babies we have not checked any of these so you're bidding on beanie babies that are unchecked we haven't looked at them they literally came from the unit this week they've been thrown in a tote and if there's a if there's a $50,000 one in there hey you got a hails of a great deal and if there isn't then you probably still got a hails of a great deal besides they're beanie babies they're awesome so they're not the mass of them aren't as collectible and worth as much as they once were in the prime of the beanie baby craze but if you find the right ones the rare ones with the errors you're looking at some really good money it's still gonna sell there's what I think there's like four camels aren't there so George is saying there's a few duplicates in this bunch some of you are probably wondering some of you are probably wondering how many beanie babies are in there there's your Princess Diana we didn't count so we didn't count ahead of time how many are in there but she did say it was 12 12 times so 13 pounds with the tote but there's like four camels so this person loved their camel beanie babies alright let's see how many so due south candle company said how many are in the lot when you're done showing can you count really quick for them let's let's answer our question before we get to the auction David Gibbs says my wife is old school and uses a lot of yarn we'll keep watching for it Jeremy you guys are cool appreciate it David really do Noora Ramez has found your YouTube show have a marathon since last week love you guys four years cancer survivor here love you both Fort Worth say hi please hi Nora thank you so much thanks for watching thanks for your support and congratulations on being cancer-free that's phenomenal absolutely phenomenal and dillhole Six Dynasties 973 says police say prayers for my wife she might have breast cancer and we'll all be praying we appreciate you sharing that with us with the YouTube family for sure T Nutley Lori says if it's not too personal what what is the most you've ever spent on a unit thousands of dollars I've never spent over ten thousand I don't even think I've ever spent over five thousand on a unit Ohio's different than than California it's not that I wouldn't if the right unit was there how much was that she says since we've been together 22 is the highest I've spent but on a normal average day I have much more than that at auction in preparation so right unit comes along and I have no problem spending that money but the reality of you finding a $5,000 storage unit in Ohio is very very rare that may happen in California that may happen in Texas remember regions are different so I have spent more than 2,200 copies oh my goodness conky's flippin adventure the unit in Medina would have been a good $10,000 you are so right and unfortunately we did not get that filmed and conky knows exactly what he's talking about I know the rest of you don't there is this two units Oh rob was second sense there were two units this first I've never seen units like this in Ohio before the door opens George says there's 40 pieces in the the tie lot and that's a tie as well it's just not a tiny teeny baby so this door goes open and it's nothing but models and airplanes and airplane models the whole deal and I'm just going oh my goodness is a huge units and by 30 the whole deal and so Rob and Guapo are bidding against each other so I go up to rob and I'm like hey let's just split this you sell it there's so much I want Rob to sell it I was like let's just split it I'll haul it you sell it we'll do like we did on the bike and so so as the bidding is going down I forget to go for 4,000 what'd I tell you 4,000 something like that so it went for $4,000 this guy just happened to have his tax money goes for $4,000 I go up to rob I'm like oh my goodness we should have had that that's I said I told him I was like that's $100,000 unit easy I'm telling you that's $100,000 unit next unit open same guy bigger more stuff I tore up let's go halfsies let's go halfsies I'm like let's do it I've got I think I have 10 grand on me at the auction maybe a little more so it's not an issue plus you can put it on credit card so my credit card I mean I it's not an issue because it's public storage I can put whatever on the credit card I mean I have maxes but it was never gonna go for anything that was gonna match my credit cards and so Rob's bidding and then he stops and I'm like what are you doing and afterwards and I didn't I didn't bid because Rob was supposed to be bidding and I didn't bid and he's like well why didn't you bid after me and I was like God you were supposed to be betting and I'm telling you we lost two hundred thousand minimum hundred thousand dollar units I would have paid ten grand for both of them he's a week easily each storage legends grapple says I backed out at the one at forty five hundred dollars as well wopo was there he was bidding guapo knows exactly what happened and guapo knows how disappointed I was and I was gone man those were $100,000 profit units minimum minimum it could have been so much more all right beanie baby la starts at $25 free shipping you said 40 pieces beanie baby lot starts at $25 free shipping and that's for domestic international you got to pay for the International shipping there's so 1190 of you on right now remember it's a minute to win it you got a bit fast you got a bit furious here we go it is on minute to win it we've got the beanie baby option lot right here none of these are checked but we do know there's 40 pieces we got real talk men are at $30 sure in the Pearl came in at 25 but real talk matters already at 30 we got pam pam is at 50 yeah do South channel company at 75 $75 Noah came in at 75 is level dude oh my goodness Rhonda run up being just is at 155 Ronna of aliens out 155 hopefully I'm saying that right if I could keep the camera in the screen as well that would be nice you got a minute to win it have one minute is gone we got 30 more seconds to go we got Barbie out 125 but Rhonda beam run to be in there's at 155 Rhonda is that 155 if you want to in it you're gonna win it within the minute and you got to beat Rhonda on 155 we got 19 more seconds to go mama G says Ronda is the winner so far we got 15 more seconds he's got to beat 155 if you want in it guys remember free shipping barb tea is at 160 Bob he came in within 10 seconds we got Lloyd Davidson at 200 Lord is that 200 we got three more seconds to beat Lloyd we got one oh my goodness Lloyd is that $200 we're waiting for flipping adventures to say sold mama do you say Lloyd Davidson at 200 we are saying Melissa WUSA employed at 200 waiting for we're waiting for we're waiting for the souls from flipping adventures we're waiting we're waiting we're waiting and it's sold oh my goodness wood just got it $200 nice job Lloyd nice job Lloyd Lloyd here's what you're gonna do you're gonna message you're gonna message what the Hales right there wood domain your address and also your PayPal ID and your YouTube ID even though George is writing it down right now and then once she sends you an invoice you pay for that that'll go in the mail great job phenomenal phenomenal job we've got more Lots ready but we're not gonna keep going tonight we'll do we'll do this again next week we got to give a lot away tonight yeah we're gonna give a lot away he got for $200 that was Lloyd Wright was that that was late at 200 yep $200 for Lloyd nice job we want to give a we want to give a lot away tonight I was gonna give that lot away right there what do you think so I wanted to do this for Jay Kay these are all the memory cards so these are the memory cards the micro cards and the flash drives that we went through last week so we want to give these away for free should we should we should we sweeten the deal should we give these should we put something else with these as well what if we put what if we put you want to put the buttons with them as well okay buttons are really collectible so buttons such as these and you saw these these this week in the actual video like I support the troops like this Desert Storm and there's a bunch of these so these are easy to list on eBay and there's other ones like Garfield here in the packaging buttons are really collectible be careful because there's some cuss words on these ok so just be careful which ones you show so what we're gonna do we're gonna give away the buttons and we're gonna give away the memory cards and the flash drives now how are we gonna determine who wins these George we absolutely we should do trivia we should do what the hell's trivia that one is the super cool that was a that was the first time we've ever found a flash drive bracelet yep so flash drive bracelet was super cool and somebody even said as I was showing it on the live what a cool thing to bring to a job fair you have your resume on it you just BAM alright 1776 Mint says what is the worst thing you have ever eaten out of storage unit hmm can you think what's the worst thing Oh ravioli that we found with the Jebus is Right wasn't that ok so we were filming with the Jebus --is it was winter two winters ago and we found ravioli and of course they they dared me Jeremy to actually eat it and it was gross middle of winter so the skim on the top was frozen it was rough it really was that one was a rough one that one was a rough one yeah so that that was a tough one to actually swallow and oh and the jelly bean says are there any mini SD cards there are many SD cards in there as well yep I think there's two I think there's two in there we have hundreds of these so we got flash drives and cards and they're everywhere yeah so that was rough Bev H says wiesen I can't see the bitter bitters Bev you are actually in the live chat so you should be able to see everybody and Stephanie Ritter says I'll take the buttons and give away the flash drives all right Melissa W says I have to stop eating stuff from the storage unit but it makes people happy the seven-year-old is laughing bringing joy to people's lives okay so what we're gonna do the winner of the buttons and these buttons should do really well if your reseller these buttons should do well for you on on on eBay if you want to resell on eBay or anywhere else you should do really well with them you're also gonna get the memory cards and the actual flash drives and those have been wiped clean so what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to answer a piece of what the hails trivia George is gonna come up with the question the very first person to get the answer correct and that's the first person in live chat make sure you're not in top chat you have to be in live chat the very first person casual flipper said Jack is doing it eating all right they're all doing it good fun so the very first person to get this question right for this trivia will actually win Oh Northwest RC Club said nearly three amps till late in the bath can't stop Matty's nice job yeah my good he's across the pond and he's faithfully here every Sunday night I love it I love JK wants to pay for the flash drive no JK has to win the flash drive you got to win it you got to win it all right so we have to come up with a trivia question you need to whisper it so they can't you have to whisper in my ear so they can't guess before him all right George just gave me the question George Oh David Smallwood said 20 year old hamburger from McDonald's if there was ketchup on it I probably eat it George just gave me the question yeah there is the the dumpster-diving so George gave me the question the very first person to get this answer correct will win the buttons and the flash drives we will mail though there's free shipping on this as well so you're gonna win this lot for free and JK says he's been falsely accused yeah right yeah right all right first person to get this answer correct will be winning this lot I'm gonna ask the question and then once the question is asked then you can answer George says the winner of this lot will be able to answer this question in what the hell's trivia what month and date is my birthday what month and what date is my birthday Jeremy's birthday month and date what is it you will win this lot Dave there's no timer Oh Kelly jumper Kelly jumper I saw I saw I saw it Kelly jumper got it Kelly jumper got it I saw was like the second the second guess where to go where to go where to go where to go it was okay JK was falsely accused I googled your age cami Wilson Google's my age that adapt okay Carrie it wasn't Kelly was Carrie so David Porter came in with a guess of March 29th David you are off by one day Carrie jumper said March 30th Aries you are correct this March 30th I will be 40 30th 43 40 30th I will be 40 30 years old nice job Carrie Carrie what you're gonna do is you're gonna send a message to what the Hales right down here and you're gonna give us your name your address your YouTube ID because George is writing that all down obviously we want to match that as well and you don't have to give us your PayPal account because we're shipping it to you for free you just need your address and your information some nice job sales Holtz and my merced March 30th 1977 you are correct I was born March 30th 1977 and many others many others got it right as well so I will be 43 this month still have most of my hair losing quite a bit we have we have gone and talked to hair restoration company and we talked about it was surgery wasn't implants of a surgery right what do they call it implants so they would take a strip from back here and start filling in my hair again so it was eleven thousand nine hundred dollars for seven thousand hairs to get put back in here and we both looked at each other and what it's not even guaranteed so high so so we we went to look just for the fun of looking but that was it that was it and I asked so George wanted to donate some of her hair George's arbic and so Egyptian and very culture is very hairy and so we were joking about her donating some of her hair whether it be armpit whether it be so whatever it may be we were joking about it and I told her I was like I am actually going to ask the the doctor if you can donate hair and I did and that was placed on the stories in YouTube if you're not watching stories in YouTube you're missing a lot of extra scenes and a lot of funny stuff and a lot of things that you'll never see in the other videos so make sure you're watching stories thanks for joining in this was a Hales of a great night we had a ton of fun with minute to win it once you guys get into the process a minute to win it will be able to move faster once you guys understand what we're doing we don't want actions to lag we want to still have our live streams we want the live stream to be 75 percent live stream in like 25 percent auctions so having the fun in the live stream answering your questions and then we can do the auction on the side and have fun with you as well that being said Howard what song with me saying [Music] if you won something from what the Hales type I've won type it in the chat down in the chat if you won something from what the hairs auction table yeah if you won something from what the hills and you've got a makeup kind of money on your sales if you want something from when the Hales type I won been a hails of a good night two hours later whoa we're finally done George say good night [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 20,860
Rating: 4.8075242 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: fUfBgsuS8Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 54sec (7374 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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