BEATDOWN S7 | Episode 15 w/ WILLAM

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been around the world and now yeah yeah hey welcome to the beat down [Music] i want you to come right at the tip of brazil come right here oh we ready yes good work pop it up y'all want to go to a pumping party let's watch so the bun i'll be using today is called fussy derm and they are really great i would definitely recommend telling your friends that you're making a youtube video before they're in the back like virtually jerking off aliens and shooting things here i have eight mills of fillers and i know it's a lot here's how to tell how much a lot of filler is one milliliter think is a blueberry size worth two milliliters is the size of a raspberry 10 milliliters is the size of a ketchup packet so that's what you know you're putting into your mug when you start laying down on motel room beds okay girls this is the fine line um this is more for like wrinkles that you have just to fill out the little area that's really great him in the back meanwhile honey if you ever see this let me tell you your skin looks great so you're fine i probably am going to say some hateful things after this just shut it off okay so now i'm going to open up the filler that came from venezuela [Music] okay guys so i feel like this has gone numb and i'm gonna wipe it off and i'm gonna start doing markings where i want the fillers to be oh smart that's really smart to do i would just would have free handed it like balayage but pump oh she's gonna be gorgeous because she's already gorge more gorgeous whenever you're self-pumping you always want to hear oh oh you see it filling i do do you see it it's all filling right under here that's park just got pumped she said i'm gonna fill in this pocket it's gonna be filled pocket pump oh yeah yeah yeah that's the beauty of blood okay ooh those lips too this ain't her first party just trying to think where the best place would be to put it oh wow it went from this to like just a rabbit in the cheek she filled it out okay guys one more poke same hole ow oh did you see her eyes just go girl she felt that in her brain let's play that tape back she saw she saw god and the devil okay so i'm going to put the rest in my chin because i feel like that's what i really wanted to go for i want leno i want willem i want chin right so the chain cheeks done this is the second batch and this is the derm line and this is more for your lips doing it all up on my cheeks chin lips oh maybe you shouldn't have squeezed it like that baby doll she just took me there where i know somewhere she said i'll just chuck it back in a little prolapse all good no usually not right now what not her roomba turning on dude she said turn off the air i know you're hot from vr babe bye i'm pumping turn off the air not right now just analyzing my lip this lip is definitely honey remember when you squeezed it and then it looked like that that's what you did to that mom mom don't squeeze the pump ouch okay guys so that is the final result this is the final result sorry i must say um this is my lips oh wow it is pretty basically what she did was she pumped her face so she didn't have to paint it like that she didn't have to over line her lips and she didn't have to like contour that cheek to make it look fuller it is fuller now she did that she painted her pump she pumped by paint i don't know she did something she was great good video i hope you liked it and if you do this at home don't blame me oh bang bong ding dang i feel like her foot slips and then she's airborne for a second with nothing touching the ground and then the ass hits pain is always more fun slow for us for others for your audience for you no for people in pain no i'm sorry to this person i don't know her [Music] she dropped her coffee she's all mad probably he took a side saddle then said shangela see that leg go up he's like see that squirt grown up the whole world went up now slide slide slide slip baby slip they're still on the ground they're just like uh should probably leave me here call the ambulance and he's like [ __ ] this is my homeowners my policy yeah i don't know that i feel bad for him i have a i have a [ __ ] up back i would never wish this on anybody actually no i wish just on a couple of people i lied next video oh y'all are too good to me you better be good to me as you know on the beatdown we love a video with a boring basic white girl welcome to the stage tiffany trump no no no no no no no not the my hand doesn't touch my lip it's such an honor to be able to be here and speak truthfully honestly and from my heart i know what my father believes in honey your little game to put in that bundle or two of hair and put on a pretty pink dress to talk to the gays it didn't work your father lost and nobody ever wants you at their club so some [ __ ] please show this to tiffany and tell her she's not welcome ever princess points are stripped prior to politics he supported gays lesbians the i lgbqia plus community wait wait wait gays lesbians the l g b q i a honey no t but where's the t alty give us the t how does she no t honey t is the first letter everybody guesses in wheel of fortune she's the most popular letter and she [ __ ] left it out she's stupid i don't like her a lot i haven't seen this whole thing but i saw someone else parried it i'm glad i didn't watch it she's terrible i say it's because my father has always supported all of you okay she said more applause she literally that that's her dad girl apple doesn't fall far from the tree look at that face [Music] my mom's here in the audience okay she flew down she was like rick grenell was like look oh wow someone with some star power tiffany you'll never be your mother ever like unfortunately one of her best friends passed away from aids and tiffany we were doing so good with your mother's joyous ovation when she said show girl tits and teeth yeah my mother your mother your mother is a darling she's gorge you that podium should be three feet higher honey you could have done this as a podcast baby you didn't need to show up nobody needs to hear what you [ __ ] need to say and now you went from your mother's wondrous praise down to let's take it down to aids no you don't know how to hold the room honey and that's a problem you shouldn't even be up there who let this happen who on the team said yes send tiffany down it'll go great what i think is so powerful when my father says that he's going to there will be a cure for aids within the next 10 years there will be and god bless like thank you okay honey you start talking in our house no terrible tiffany you do not know how to public speak she needs to speak at the dinner table my mom's friends are great yeah one of them died though you're terrible tiffany my father was the first president to put an openly gay man in the cabinet listen you stupid [ __ ] gays have been in closets and we've been in cupboards and we've been everywhere just because you didn't know what our president didn't know doesn't mean that we weren't there [ __ ] bye i mean bye over there not you y'all i love you like my outfit as a young guys fit in that category of the educated young woman you know category wait why in the educated young woman category it's hard to speak a lot of us are silenced you're silenced she should have put the mic on silent before this speech because it's terrible and um i mean at my rnc speech i i spoke and i said and by the way i write everything that i say i i i can't have anyone else's uh write something for me oh god oh god that's even worse you wrote this this was planned oh honey fire your team top to bottom all of them you hire a good bottom actually with some taste and they'll help you fix this this garbage dumpster fire you know standing here today this is a pivotal time yes honey we'd like you to pivot leave [ __ ] pivot out the dome higher speed trader oh who was outside oh it's i was like damn i was like we need to stop drop and roll i was like hopefully like the trump team is running me and i can let's go up off script like my father likes to do and honestly i love it when it gets off script don't you want that laugh that laugh that laughs so far in this speech she's done it each time that she's told a blatant lie don't you no we don't and you know that [ __ ] that's why you're here to do damage control you didn't say the t either [ __ ] her name starts has two t's don't let the door hit it where the good lord split it [ __ ] out next video now you guys know that i like to support the dolls so sometimes we do a little tip spot to give girls some tips um for doing their numbers and this is a number that i found from um from a queen she's a queen [ __ ] drag queen better know um and i hope you guys like it oh and we're neighbors yeah she works across the street i know her kind of who really knows her who really knows her though um let's hit it this is a benefit performance of hair in new york where they had celebrities singing all the parts and my conviction honey i think i saw adam lambert do it once i saw josh layman do it once i see a lot of people kill it it's like the great drag roll in hair so it's cool that they got rupaul to do it let's watch [Music] evidence is my content that it is my conviction that longer hair and other flamboyant affectations of the buildings are nothing more of the who of the building nothing more we'll insert the mayhem sound no questions buildings are absolutely more billing time the billing times the billing times of the billing kind nothing more than the mail's emergence from his gun in lebanon you got it got a lemon what was that word honey so gotti lemon is actually supposed to be drab camouflage and what you're doing now is camouflaging the words honey your lips need to touch at some point if you want to say words lip syncing not lip opening yes boom boom keep it popping queen yes rupaul keep it popping verb just keep fill fill the space yes [Music] [Laughter] she looks gorge let's just say this she looks gorgeous mama's right and you know what like rupaul says we're a family so when family does wrong family talks to each other so i'm telling her i didn't feel your notion that elegant plumage and hunt feathers are nothing for the man [Music] oh you got the share part you got that that is the way things are in most [Laughter] species that last verse is there's a peculiar notion that elegans and fine feathers are not proper for the male 1 that is the way things are in most species it's like literally three verses and she didn't learn it and even worse it could have been put on cue cards had they known had they known that she was gonna [ __ ] blow it i'm gonna blow this joint we're out bye you know what to do and you guys just because she forgot her words doesn't mean you shouldn't tip her so um yeah tipper chipper [ __ ] fracking well over it's not hers it's her husband still it's fun to talk about bye [Music] you
Channel: willam belli
Views: 127,369
Rating: 4.939714 out of 5
Keywords: willam, Tiffany trump, drag queen, beatdown, rupaul drag race, hair, my conviction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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