Hairdresser Reacts To Americas Next Top Model Makeovers S.10

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I love these videos.

This one made me giggle when he said he thinks “MY BEST FRIEND IS BLLLLLLLACK!” might have been one of his clients at one point.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Unknown404Error 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm currently watching season... Sorry, cycle, 5 and I swear that at least 4 girls got the "drop the kids off at soccer" makeover...

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Katiebugster220 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love this diva, he is everything and does need to be hired as the Mr Jay of ANTM 27

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Fructifric 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I wonder if he actually watches the show or just the makeover episodes

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Foreheadbanks 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

My reactions to some of his reactions-

Anya- likes her better before? And thinks she looks MORE model before?? What? I thought she looked boring as hell, I wouldn’t recognize her standing right in front of me.

Marvita- Lol I also was like ‘uhhh I think it’s called a mullet’

Allison- I liked Allison’s makeover a lot more than he seems to but okay can I just say they did Allison sooooo wrong with that ego trip elimination. What she said to Fatima was very inappropriate but they eliminated her because she joyfully said ‘I Know’ when they said she looked pretty.... come on now. Get off your high horses, guys.

Dominique- Yeah the haircut didn’t do her any favors. I like the color but the short hair is just.... no.

Stacey-Ann- I think they could have gone shorter, honestly. To me that looks like the awkward length where people who normally do it short like that start to cut it.

Amis- I liked the new color and kinda wish she had bangs. For a split second, it reminded me of Millicent from Parks and Rec if you guys know the show.

Fatima- yuuuup so much better. Idk what someone seemingly so confident in herself would have rocked that horrid before hair.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Belle-ET-La-Bete 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey beautiful what's going on thank you for coming looking cute as always you know how all the guys on tick tock always do this i've always wondered what that was like i think they're trying to flex their arms that's what it is i don't know it's just like are your hands cold but i just wanted to try it out for you and it didn't feel right to me so i'm gonna stop doing that now today we're watching season 10 of america's next top model you guys love it so do i if you haven't seen all the other episodes of me reacting to america's next top model makeovers go binge watch them they're on a playlist called hairdresser reacts to antm makeovers i really hope these makeovers today are iconic and they give me something good because some seasons are trash sorry tyra love ya but it's true fingers crossed that today's makeovers are interesting and with that all said let's get into it oh my god my pants are so loud ready all right let's begin season 10 episode three of the makeovers oh it's the new york city top model oh tyra mail [Applause] don't you just want to curl up and die die with felt like d-y-e oh new oh my gosh it's really going to be makeovers tyra don't shave my head please do tyra has been so secretive about what's going on we don't even know what's going on oh tyler with the bangs get it god she's so pretty every time i see her i have been very very secretive we are at the stephen knoll salon coming out here mr stephen knowles [Applause] he is a huge hairdresser especially in the fashion industry with models today your agent looks at you and decides what look will make you the most marketable and sometimes i'll send you to the salon and you sit in the chair you don't even know what the heck is gonna happen and it's one of the scariest things in the world so today i am your agent and everybody is going to be sitting in a chair not knowing what the hell [Applause] this would be a major surprise this season doesn't stand in front of you and go you're gonna get this and you're gonna get this and you're gonna get this i don't know if that's quite how it happens tyra i know this is show biz baby we gotta make a juicy but you usually don't just sit a model in a chair and don't tell her anything about her hair and you just chop the entire thing off it doesn't ever happen you do have to consult with the model and ask her if she's okay with it just because they're models doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want like i wish but this is exciting i've never seen a season where she doesn't tell them what their makeovers are gonna be beforehand i'm predicting a lot of tears are going to happen because these are going to be very shocking makeovers hopefully and they're going to have no idea what's coming for them so even more shocking yeah i love it yes okay perfect oh my god i am so happy to be here oh my gosh i think if i had some blonde plants and i'm so glad to me it looks almost white tyra i really feel like i can handle that was that supposed to be like an asian accent you look super modern oh my god give me an edge because it's a very sophisticated more elegant whoa we already got our first makeover that was quick okay yeah it is a really fun makeover i don't know how they pulled that off do i like her better with the brown hair sort of i think so maybe is the blonde hair fun yes and is it a fun change yes i do think she looks more like a model in the first picture and the before picture i always say that it's also just like fun to change up their looks but like usually they look better before it's fine though she looks really cute it's a fun different look sexy kirby girl oh my god i remember whitney all thick hair so whitney i'm getting a wing oh oh my gosh i love it this new look fits my personality and a lot better oh my god she looks like britney spears wait i think i've done whitney's hair in real life before i'm pretty sure she was like a client of mine at one point oh whitney i might be making that up i'm pretty sure that i had her as a client whitney if you're watching what's up how are you did i do your hair at one point i'm pretty sure i did the extensions back then were so bad like those utip extensions it always just looks like you've pieces of hair glued into your hair because why because that's what it is tape and hair extensions just really changed the game and made everything so much more seamless these u-tips were so expensive so hard to do and they looked so bad on everybody i think she looks better after i think she looks like she has more fun i think that she because blondes have more fun you know what i mean i think that she looks brighter bolder healthier and more like a model so i actually like this makeover i need some hairpins [Music] here goes jay always playing with the hair nice little size sweep he needs to go lace front i want to see him with a long lace for actually he's done that many times what am i talking about oh my god i already see my head what you're going to look like and it's going to be unbelievable this is like every hairdresser's dream just having a bunch of pretty girls to play with and just do their hair however you want to giving you things amy to hear and a little scraggly right about to hear oh i love it oh my god i think this might bring out a little bit of sex bomb that i needed to bring oh my god she looks really good i love that i really like the red on her the bangs were fun i'm glad they didn't do like straight across it's very swoopy and playful and easy going and yeah i love that i really like the layering these looks actually quite current looking even though they were done so long ago i love the auburn red moment that she has now not like crazy different but very effective i looked at the utensils to see what they was gonna do to my hair i was like okay i see some weave this must not be my table nope going to get a horse mane hair weave which i've never seen before in my life kind of invented we're gonna keep the sides as they are and take this hair that she's got here and add long hair like a horse so she's gonna like i like it because it's so long here you can really do all sorts of stuff with it i looked in a mirror i'm like yeah i look like a girl this is a better sorry i know for a fact miss tyra banks did not just call this look a never-before-seen horse main weave tyra banks it's called a mullet and it's one of my favorite things in the world it's not a horse main weave and it's been done before baby do i like the her it's cool uh more for like you know a hair photo shoot she's gonna have to wear the rest of season that sucks there's no way she's gonna win with that hair oh no no no yeah no no no no no that's pretty bad one of the worst makeovers um i've seen okay i've shaved my hair off i've had a mohawk i have dreads i had red purple blue and it's normal for me the least normal you could do to me is give me long hair is our like anti-glamour girl i still want her to keep her weirdness on the inside because that's what got her here but what's going to get her to the next level is a long blonde weave with reddish highlights i've always considered myself like an ugly duckling but now i feel girly you thought you were the ugly duckling oh my god you're so pretty okay the hair was fun it's definitely a transformation i wish they gave her something edgy because she said that she was a very edgy girl and i don't know you could just have so much fun with her and she would look amazing and whatever the weave was cool the length was nice the color was there not my favorite but definitely transformation and i'm happy i i mean so far so good with this season there's definitely transformations happening and good ones and that's all i really wanted it was a cool transformation i'll give it to them like i tell the other girls keep breathing but look now you've got this little flip going on here so you can oh i'll be able to work this look like really a lot and i know the judges were really shady early about me because jay is always so shady anyway on the set and she thinks she knows everything and but i know one thing i got something on her how can i walk that oh tell him oh honestly one of the best makeovers i've seen yet was that one on jay really nice i really enjoyed that yeah i know the the weave was impeccably done you couldn't see any of the tracks um the color was great on his skin tone and i really liked it so great job guitars in his face katarzana really cool name it's nice beautiful mole i look at her as a baby paulina so we're gonna darken that hair she's so pretty look it makes me feel hot it makes me feel very high-fat important to makeover i mean way better than those blonde streaky highlights that she had before i really enjoyed the dark on her it brings out her skin tone i like the length it almost was a little bit too inky looking like it was very very pigmented dark hair sometimes that just looks like really fake and you can kind of tell that it's colored i would have liked her to have a little bit of a less dark color a dark brown still but just not black like they did it was just very inky and heavy on her i like it i don't love it claire's got that head shaved on one side looking great she's so cute give you that many options so i don't know what the heck else to do except for shave the other side so that buzz little hair that's gonna be left is gonna get dyed i wanted to shave my head so this is good it's pretty close to it oh my god never ever thought that i could be a blonde i think i found one of my favorite makeovers from today yo are you seeing the same image i'm seeing right now and like freaking out also because whoa dude she looks incredible that much just made her a model this is one of the best model makeovers on here i've ever seen because it really did change her appearance to look more like a model this blonde hair is so striking on her with her skin tone and her beautiful big eyes that other hair was doing nothing for her she looked like she had boxed it at home and cut it at home and it was like cute but this is stunning and very well done and i'm sorry and praised really really love this so happy about it the team has got this fatima orange red hair that is so wrong for her so bad it's going to make her a chestnut brown and thank god down down down down that hair color before doing less than nothing for you it's doing absolutely nothing it is awful it it you never do that color again box dye orange it's not your thing it's never it'll never be your thing and i hope you never do that again tyra said it all really fit teammate hates your life right now she's like [ __ ] this [ __ ] i went out of the competition what is that blowout the color my dark hair and my cynical look is gone but i could also slip back into sarcastic cynical house but we'll see i do like this chestnut brown better and i really can't decide like both of them don't like look that appealing to me those hair colors on her i think what i would like to see on her is a little balayage moment on like some light brown hair i don't think it needs to be this crazy with the with the the black versus the auburn you know it's just a lot i would like to see her with just some highlights on some just neutral brown hair i know that's so boring of me but like i think that would look the best on her and most model like this is pretty it's definitely beautiful for like an everyday wearable situation kind of digging it but for photo shoots and for like being a model like kind of boring you know dominique has worked so hard oh my god understand how important this competition flat iron was scary dominique is gonna get it cut off i feel like they have captured that really high fashion look up there that's fierce as hell it happened that way for a reason so that defines dominique she looked really old with that haircut but she's 23. i just don't think the hair was working don't know i was shocked when i saw yeah that's something's not working there um i think the dark makes her look older for sure i think the blonde would have been a lot nicer or just like a highlighted look like more like what she had before i think was actually better for her and brightened her up more and now she just looks a little bit dark and dull i don't like this at all now stacy anne has the most beautiful bone structure she's so pretty she doesn't need any hair that's really long wow oh my gosh that is different okay i did not expect me either girl i know it brings out my features so and i have to i have no choice i have to bring it love it for this shoot she looks so good looks like a makeup campaign i guess i do love it i think she looks more like a model now whereas before she just looked like a normal everyday girl i think this haircut really brings out our bone structure and i like that they kept her color dark yeah i think it really works their skin tone and her bone structure looks really beautiful and accentuated from this haircut really enjoy that i'm gonna be looking so pretty what else we got what else we got come on see tyra i miss i think she's kind of like a long head and i think that long pretty hair would look good with some like long weave i like my makeover oh god what are these extensions sex monsters so i think the whole world should watch out i mean was there actually a time that we thought those extensions were acceptable is what i'm wondering like i guess so i don't know it's really bad they're literally like strings like yarn in their hair i it's really bad the highlights were tragic the whole look was a mess i don't i just didn't like that at all i i mean she would have looked so much better with just an overall color a shorter haircut just something not that was what i'm trying to say yeah doing my hair it was the most painful experience i was not prepared for that it better look good oh my god i love it when i first saw my new look i thought it was beautiful like i really liked it i felt like it really brought up my whoa south africanness that was a huge transformation oh you're looking at that before and after that looks like a different person and oh my gosh she's so pretty like look at that bone structure oh my god she looks like a real model now yes america's next model this is what i need a 10 out of 10. this is perfect that's where we're gonna end today oh my god oh those were great makeovers my two favorite makeovers from this season though were claire and fatima i mean they were both just so spectacular but my all-time favorite one was fatima i mean that just changed her whole look drastically she looked like a real model after her makeover and it was the last makeover of the season pretty spectacular loved it all right you guys make sure you subscribe hit the like button hit the notification bell to get notified every time i post a new video make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here are my handles yes there's so many yeah fun make sure you check out x-mondo hair at for beautiful fabulous amazing gorgeous glowing hair and check us out on instagram at xmodelhair to get more information and see everything we offer make sure you guys text me at this number i'll be texting back some of you personally this will also give you updates every time i post a new video a new photo i have new stuff coming out and i have a lot of stuff coming out so you might want to text me and today's instagram shout out goes to nancy and she basically says that she wants to color her hair but she's scared actually terrified that she won't like it and if i have any suggestions on what she should do and then she sent many reference pictures on ideas that she had which consisted of purple blues oranges it was all over the place the one that she sent that i like the most for reference is this purple picture it is closer to her natural hair color on the top and then the ends are colored purple so i like that as a kind of stepping stone to doing more bolder colors in the future but if you've never colored your hair before and you're scared to do it i would say just take it easy do some highlights at the ends of your hair color those purple and that will look amazing on you and then later on you can do orange i mean orange purple blue pink green everything i hope that can help you out nancy that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching and don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys two you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,590,958
Rating: 4.9651723 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Americas Next Top Model Makeovers S.10, americas next top model, antm makeovers, next top model makeovers, cycle 10, tyra banks, fall off, at home, brad mondo, hairdresser reacts, cycle 16, hair color, hair fail, season 1, gone wrong, diy hair, hairstylist reacts, antm makeovers pt 9, reality tv, box dye, video react, how to cut your own hair, natural hair, jenna marbles, diy haircut, hair stylist
Id: rHXjJbvm9Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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