Hairdresser Reacts To Americas Next Top Model Makeovers S.1

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girl your extensions look crochet that's the classy way of saying ratchet what's that it's your friend fringy besides sequins I mean I think fringe comes in second as the most fun material looks up my beautiful babes so today I'm coming at you with another why do you always have to text me while I'm let's see who is this who do we got here Oh Oh Danny Oh Danny sent me a video why don't I show all of you guys what Danny just sent me because it looks v embarassing and you know what he were in my video so I'm gonna get back at you okay it's been 27 seconds you literally have any way text me back what's going on let's message him bad it's Kumi hey yeah Danny can you calm down I'm like trying to record a video here are your friends always send me the most ridiculous stuff on the lookout it's like a video walkie talkie app so you can send each other video messages but I've been meaning to tell you guys on the look app you can create giant group chat so I was like yo I should make one for all of us my babes and me not only can I talk to you but we can all talk together in these good chats so here is our group I called it Brad's babes because y'all are my babes you know so inside my group we've got fashion we've got general anything you guys want to talk about and we got vegan we got YouTube fans all right I'm about to drop my first live video in the group what is up everybody this is my first live chat and I cannot wait to chat with all you guys you're all amazing I love you so if you guys want to be part of this huge group chat with thousands of new friends make sure you join my group I know a lot of other youtubers are using this app and I want to make our group the biggest group on the look app because I know we can do it because we are fabulous my private invite link will be right down below in the description box it's look GG / Brad mondo it's like a hundred degrees in here why am I wearing a leather jacket always suffer for fashion okay I am definitely taking this off be right back so we're going back we're going way back to the beginning of America's Next Top Model yes that is right we have season uno today uno that's one in Spanish mmm yeah I don't know if you knew that or not I'm kind of like bilingual or whatever like I'm really excited for this episode let's see what happens oh my god I didn't know wait and then she went to like Celebrity Rehab like ten times after the show such a mess but I love there is nothing Oh Tyra Banks 19 item so give her that I returned hey give me that Superboy those are some ratchet lame she has done she's like wow they don't care about me at all Nicole just like why girl your extensions look crochet that's the classy way of saying ratchet look it J's sure that is a 2003 shirt if I have ever seen one [Music] oh you're literally going from your black to brown like suck it up that's my girl you know Nicole complaining to the point where they wouldn't cut off as much to say with likes before she got what she wanted that's that is a look that is a 2003 Luke if I have ever seen one we got the stripy highlights with the face framing haircut she looks way better with the straight hair she's a weird face shape to be honest though [Music] that is so awkward for that a hairdresser she's crying while he cuts her hair oh that's the worst you just want to like poke down the shears and walk away and go can you suck it up girl she looks so much better oh my god I like little bits of red they put in their prey with the hair color yes ma'am should we write our name in it oh this shade is real hey then everybody can cut your hair and I'm you can always pour it back so can I plan on doing that literally there's no difference girl like you plan on going back Wyatt am I missing something okay here we go the weeds she was good oh they bleeped sherbert she looks great on Michelle Williams who I love oh she talks wow this is very painful it hurts really bad but I don't want to show anybody I'm in pain do you have a personality or not or the drugs really suppressing that to shade I'm just I'm being so shady right now what are those bangs though somebody went wild with their razor that day she's actually right though this color is so not right for her it's almost the same color as her skin tone that is not a Luke that is that Luke oh girl that was eighth her row what back do you guys remember that episode two because it brought back a lot of men's V lots of men's my favorite Mako from this season was Nicole I just think she looks so much better with the straight hair and today's Instagram shadow goes to Jay hey what's up Jay I will put his Instagram name right here for you this is what he looks like I'm looking for a new hairstyle and color I tend to stick with natural type colors but you're the expert and I want to see what you think I should do I think you should definitely play around with color right now because you are platinum blonde you could do anything in the rainbow you need to try either a light blue or lavender I think those would look amazing with your eyes and your skin tone thank you so much for watching my videos Jay I very much appreciate it don't forget to join my super group on the look app at look dodgy G slash of Brad mondo the link will be right below for you I cannot wait to see all of you guys there don't forget to leave your extra life and I will see you all next time peace
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,637,217
Rating: 4.8880572 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresser, america's next top model, season 1, hair, antm, awful, bangs, barber, beauty, bleach, blonde, boy, brad, 16, america's, braiding, cycle 16, diy, dramatic, entertainment, fails, fall off, fashion, funny, gay, glam, americas, haircut, hairstylist, hilarious, insane, jeffree star, jenna marbles, makeovers, makeup, model, mondo, mood color, next, reacting, salon, season, style, tana, top, trends, tv, tyra banks, usa, vlog, waves
Id: 3usWhMWjwbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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