HackRF One & PortaPack H2 Firmware Update (Easy way)

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[Music] yo yo and welcome back to uh this is episode two now or part two I guess of the hacker F1 Porter pack um H2 in the last video we discussed uh the internal micro U the internal speaker that we installed um in the link of that video I went ahead and found the appropriate uh speaker with the appropriate cable length um that way you don't have to do what I did and solder a jumper to it um so what I end up doing on my unit right here is my speaker inside you can barely see that um I happened to have a jumper um that was long enough to go from the speaker terminal um all the way up to here so I just unsoldered the uh current jumper on the speaker and then soldered in the new jumper um usually if you're a DIY person or into any kind of microcontroller um or any of this kind of stuff like that you'll you may have a jumper lying around um the ones I had lying around came from a mesh Tas stick uh system that I'm working on right now um but anyway so uh I was fortunate to have a jump R again long enough to go from here all the way over to here um so we're good there but in today's video we are going to be going over the SD card um the firmware update uh and the easiest way to update a firm the firmware um as well as the uh map packages for the firmware the basic functions the top menu which is this area up here um settings background images and the memory bank um so let's get into us so I am running the most recent firmware which is the Mayhem version 19 or 1.9.0 which came out about 7 days ago I believe it's was on Christmas Day actually you're going to just Google um Porter pack Mayhem GI GitHub or something simple like that and usually the first link that pops up is going to be um eie Porter pack Mayhem custom firmware for the hackrf um once you go to that link uh you'll see the latest firmware from there just tap on latest and you're going to scroll all the way to the bottom and you're going to have three options um you're going to have the Mayhem version 1.9.0 firmware and then the other two options you're going to have um which is your uh menu or I'm sorry not your menu but your all your files so like any of your radio uh frequencies any of your uh playback frequencies um ET set those are all going to be in that option right there so um go for the larger one the 56.6 megabyte because you do want the mat pack package um so what you're going to do is you're going to hit download on those and for me I'm going to actually I'm going to open this up in Safari because for some reason when I go to github's actual app it doesn't show that I can save it to my files so I'm going to be showing you how to do this from an iPhone um you can do this from a computer I know there's a few other videos out there that do this from a computer and they use the um whether it's a terminal or uh the command prompt on on a PC um but we're going to be doing this from an iPhone because I like this option and I will tell you why my main reason why I'm going to do this from a i an iPhone or um how how I'm going to update the firmware from an SD card only and not the terminal is because you have to pop the SD card out in a ways and you have to use uh pop it out to put the maps on there so or the the packages on on there so we're going to just use that um option so once these are done downloading let's see here we're almost done now for now we're going to power off the hacker F we are going to pop the SD card out and you may need to use a knife or something small because it is in their ways let's see if I can get this on camera and then you kind have to use a knife to just kind of just push it out to where you can grab it with your fingernails if you have fingernails but I don't so another video has that I saw is a guy put some like ribbon tape on here that we can just pull it out easier so that's that so I'm using a uh PNY 32 gig I think the max that the hacker can read is is 32 gig so um but now that my files are done downloading we're going to use um this right here by uni I think is how you say it this from Amazon this is just a USBC on one side USB on the other side um you have your micro SD then you have a regular SD card reader right there so we're going to pop this guy in and then from there we can go to our phone now with the uh iPhone 15 I think is what this is um we have USBC now which is amazing so from there we're going to go to our files there we go files and we have our Mayhem and then we have our packages so um I believe let's see here which one is this this is their firmware so on the firmware what you're going to do is you you can just go to your firmware we're at the pter pack H2 you want the bin tap and hold go to copy from there you're going to go to browse and then you're going to i title my SD card hacker F so just going to tap on that and then that is actually going to go into your firmware package which is right there and from there you just paste it and then it's going to face over now for the other files and I'm not going to do them because they take a while and I already have them on there but for the other files you're going to go to your bigger file which is a 516 going to tap on that guy once it um uncompresses you're going to have your folder okay so it is so once when it's when it uncompresses it's going to be titled SD card and then you're going to copy all of these over to your SD card so you have your adsb uh files your apps your firmware again um the firmware actually is already on there so you don't have to do step one you can actually just take this whole file copy it to your SD card and then you can be able to update from there so and then here's everything else is on here your GPS your playlist your Splash images um it has a few builts into it and we'll be going over how to make your own um it's pretty simple your GPS files remotes um your all your stuff is on here even your s sstv where you can actually send sstv images which is pretty cool if you're into sstv so all right so once that is copied over we're just going to pop that out and we're going to have your SD card back over here we're going to go back to the unit itself the SD card goes face down so terminal SL up reuse your knife or your paperclip or whatever you have available to push it in till it locks in place and then we can power this unit back on now to update your firmware we're going to go down to utilities right there and then we're going to go to flash utility now in here you're going to see um depending on what unit you do this in uh for some reason on Max they drop in this sub kind of category with the period underscore then the title name um I obviously have two firmwares in here already um since I just copied that one over here so that's what you're seeing too um so here's your firmware this the one you want um whichever one you put on there is the most recent one so you're just going to tap that this will replace your current firmware if things go wrong you are require to Flash manually with the dfu mode dfu is this guy right here on Top This is reset it's dfu um so you just hit yes uh and let's go a and do it so we're just going to tap yes now you see the top light right here blinking once it's done flashing it'll stop blinking and then it re reboots and Bam you're now running the new firmware um simple as that uh you don't need to have to plug this thing into your you know stupid old micro USB and then go to your computer and then log into your terminal and do all your command prompts just copy the freaking files over put them on SD card slap it in there and you're good to go all right so going back now to our phone we're going to be going over this top menu area up here and what this means so let's go back here so if you go to your back to GitHub right where you got your F from uh if you go to the when you go to your main area of GitHub and you're at the pter pack uh main screen you know where it has all the updates you're going to see this awesome documentation of what model to get um and I think I discussed this in the last one like different models to look out for which one which one's to get which one's not to get um what to buy uh things to look out for as far as this um area right here which says note if buyer just purchased portter pack hu please visit the link to update firmware um you want to make sure that the unit that you are buying is compatible with github's um Mayhem firmware updates CU if not your so all right now if you want to learn more about what this unit can do and we will be going through a lot of this but there is an awesome area at the bottom what if I need help click on that documentation right there that's going to take you to the pretty much help page and from there your user manual is all right there I mean this thing is very well put together um it has everything you can possibly think of what you need to know regarding your unit so again right now we're going to be going over the uh title bar Tap on title bar and then we can go through this together okay so again your title bar is this unit way up here at the top and let me crank My Lens in a little further so we can get in close to that there we go all right these little icons way at the top okay what do those mean we're going to start from right and go to the left so the current one that you're seeing is the SC card guess what that means it means that there's S card in the unit simple as that indicates presence of SD card green if SD card was found perfect great the next one over is pretty much a mute and unmute enable speaker output on the pter pack um with AK 4951 codec green if activated warning do not enable a speaker already works when disabled as on op Source SDR lab portter pack H2 okay uh the next one over that is going to be your mute so we can mute and unmute right there sorry there we go um simple as that uh the next one indicates status of the external clock green is selected so external clock let's there we go green is selected all right after that we got toggle DC power on antenna Port yellow is selected so if you have an antenna that you need to have more ump in you just simply click on that little guy and you're going to get some more power uh your next one is toggle up conversion or down down conversion uh green of activated so that is your frequency up and down um that's going to be your offset uh of frequencies and you can set that into uh utilities later on if if you would like to do that so you would go I'm sorry not not utilities converter uh from if you need to set that Offset you go to your converter area um and then you can from there you can select your uh pretty much your offset of your kilohertz or megahertz whatever you need so that's pretty straightforward I think here your next unit over is this little guy with the hat on it that is stealth mode green is selected uh I believe under the fine print if an abl green transmitting will be done with the screen's backlight off the TX LED will also be blinking once per second to indicate activity Force the backlight on again by pressing any button currently this function is not activated on all transmit applications the setting of stealth mode held in present memory and may need to be reset after former upgrade so after that we have the sleep mode go to sleep simple as that right pop any button to kick it back on and then the next one after that is screenshot we can take a screenshot of where we're at if You' like to post that to say your Instagram your Facebook YouTube for instance um that's just a good way to kind of screenshot what you're actually doing on the unit and that is pretty much it regarding the top menu area simple as that now we did go over the map packages because that was part of the firmware so that's our next topic right so what is a map package is mean so hopefully we're going to get in luck right now and there may be an aeroplane flying above us they've been out quite a bit today oh I'm taking screenshots nothing right my bad all right so we're going to go to receive we're going go to adbs kicker on 10 a little bit higher there we go we got a aeroplane sweet okay so what the map package does is say you got an airplane you want to see where it's at all right so right now we're looking at the cougar what is that cougar 18 and it's currently flying at 161 mph that is kind of slow actually here go all right so uh I believe that this is going to be small uh twin engine little plane because of the speed it's going at but anyways you're going to click on that if you want to see this on the map there you go so if you do not install the mat package version of your of the uh firmware with the the larger file for instance um you're not going to have your your world maps so then you won't be able to see all this fun data and you won't be able to see where your airplane is going um that's pretty much the reason why I suggest getting the larger one um and then from there again oh it's a helicopter here we go that's what that is helicopter turbo prop turbo shaft engine two engines sweet so anyways little side Tiff of why you want to install the map package unit all right we're now we're going to do the basic function of this unit uh we kind of cover this on last video but you know once your units off one press on this right here we're going to pop the knob off so you can see this better but right here you have one two three and then four LED lights this is actually your battery level um I been playing with this thing all morning long so right now I have roughly 75% battery left um so that kind of covers the basic unit um again this is your you're up down left right center your iner button would be right here um so you can kind of see how those things work um this thing does run on USB micro which I really don't care for anymore because everything should be USBC and then there's your headphone jack right so something to consider is that if you have a lot of USBC devices it's better just to get a little thing like this this is a USB micro and then on a USBC on the back side there you go um that just means that you can take any regular USBC cable pop it in there and then you have an easy way to charge this device uh we discussed also that your max memory on this unit is 32 gigs not that you'll ever need that that I can think of um 16 will probably be just enough but it does do 32 gigs so uh now let's get into the fun stuff because like any device it's not a device unless you can customize it right which is why I like the clear one you know I put the back plate on there you know we did the speaker upgrade in there um we have the BNC connector on there that way we can swap out any antennas our next topic though is going to be how to customize like we were discussing before I took that wonderful side train and customizing your images right your your background right Goonies Never say die that's one that I made um if you want to do your own imagees you're going to go to utilities you're going to go to file manager you're going to scroll all the way down to one all right Splash okay these files are saved in bitmap uh the dimensions are 240 by 240 uh so that helps you to understand how big your image needs to be okay so there's your Mayhem one right you write button to update Splash so for let's just let's just update okay let's go hit right button right and there now that means that when we shut this unit off and we kick it back on we should see the Mayhem screen come up there we go that's as easy as it gets to update your screen so again that was under utilities file manager we're going to go all the way down to Splash and and then we're just going to go to whichever one you want right there a default one let's try this one out cool right button awesome sweet power the unit off so anyways you get the you get the point right so what we're going to do is we're going to go and create our own image right so let's see here let's go to here we're going to do a little brainwashing for youall and andang yeah subscribe now let just screenshot that guy okay sweet online okay resize images we're going to select a file okay again photo library we're let's go to resize multiple images let's just TR this in simple image resizer select an m photo library like And subscribe done okay and then I want the dimensions to be 240 oh what keeping we got to take that out all right so let's go 240 by 240 done resize download download that one right so looks kind of shitty but hey it's right okay we're going to keep it in a wayte all right save the photos okay now let's go back to the image to BMP bitmat converter now we're going to select that file all right convert got that so we're going to cross this guy out select file photo library this weird shaped one right here that looks horrible but this is just for um this is just for viewing purposes really we can fix this later on all right now we're convert this to BMP and convert you get processing download download all right from there let's go ahead and power off our unit we're going to grab our kife again we're going to eject that SD card and hopefully it doesn't come flying out and stabbing my eyeball out oh I lost it there it is all right okay going to go back to our phone here we're going to go to back to my files all right files Go downloads okay there's our hideous looking image right we're going to pop in our SD card back into our uni and then from there let's go the downloads let's take that image we're going to copy it copy let's go back to hack RF let's go find our Splash folder and that is going to be [Music] samples Splash and we're just going to paste that in there make sure it copy fully there we go okay now we should be able to pop this guy out go back here take out the SD card put it back in the hackrf SD card slot push that down with your knife power the unit on let's go to our utilities file manager and go all the way down to Splash and there is our image like And subscribe right button update Splash there we go power this guy off power it on beep and we should see like And subscribe or reverse that subscribe and like either one do them both please so that is the gist of today's topic I believe let me check my notes um background memory bank my bad scratch that all right let's go to our memory bank now the memory bank is where we were at earlier which is your utilities file manager again we kind of briefly discussed this so this is your adsb AIS AP PS uh aprs audio yada yada yada yada yada yada oh sorry your captures that you do screenshots on they go right here this is where they get saved to okay um so simple as that uh you got your firmware your freakman is all of your awesome frequency files so CB band we can go all the way down to chipped uh we've got DV BTR we got Japan frequencies we've got standard FM frequencies we got freet FS gmrs GSM R FR R we've got h 2 m 70 CM um ISM we got your Jammers we got your key fobs Ms weather um poat um Recon yada yada yada yada it's all right there right so that means that if you ever wanted to use one of these files let's just go exit um you're want to use one of those files say you wanted to load up and your scanner and you want to hear um something right so we're our scanner app okay we're going to go to load over here so you can kind of toggle this around hit load we're going to go down to our 2 met band now we don't have an antenna on so we may not get nothing so and then once you're in your 2m band it'll just start searching it'll search through all of its Sage frequencies for that 2 meter band so that's kind of how that works this is your volume for your speaker or your headphones is right here this this is your amp for your antenna this is your LNA and your VGA we can discuss that in the later date and then if you want to do any kind of customize searching you can enter that right here at the bottom um so pause audio add frequency yada yada yada yada yada so that is pretty much a gist of that um let's see let's make sure that we covered everything that we were going to cover we did our SD card we did our firmware we did our terminal uh update versus the SD card update we did the map packages basic functions top menu settings background images and memory bank we did not do settings so settings are going to be under settings simple as that right calibration this is to calibrate the screen okay that's simple as that uh converter this is what we were talking about earlier for your um offset frequency that little guy way up there that's where that's going to be at okay date and time set your date and time right there encoder dial adjust how many steps to change the encoder value dial sensitivity is normal okay let's do that as fine frequency correct if this thing is for some reason add a weird offset frequency that's where you're going to go to kind of correct those frequencies there we go make sure we're focusing on the right things for yall okay we got your program memory management use SD use SD card yes we want to leave it on the SD card uh QR code I don't know what that is we're going to learn about that user interface disable touchcreen backlight off after 10 minutes right uh show splash yes show clock with end time only oh sorry show clock with time only and then here is your you can also show or hide which icon you want on the top menu over down here so test button no premium save say cancel okay uh format for the SD card is fat 32 um I I didn't try anything else but that's kind of standard for a lot of these kind of things so we have a lot to cover in the coming weeks I appreciate your support um thank you again and peace out
Channel: Hunter Tech
Views: 6,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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