πŸ“‘ Discovering Frequencies with PortaPack H2 πŸ›°οΈ

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in this video I'm going to show you how you can identify different uh devices radio devices frequency using your Port pack so I have two different devices uh my wireless switch and wireless doorbell so let's just see how we can identify the frequency of these two devices and you can use the same method to identify the frequencies of other different devices other radio devices as well so let me start my port pack and first of all what you have to do is you have to go in uh Looking Glass and over here there are few options which you have to uh consider so let me go through these options so let me make it focused so you can see it clearly so over here you can see uh minimum and maximum length of the graph and then there is preset so let's just first talk about about the preset so preset is something on which you can set uh the graph level of different things like pager and these these are for pages and over here you can see 315 and 3 433 MHz so all type of these devices these radio devices lie between 4 4 315 and 433 mahz so that's why this graph is given so we will uh use this graph for now as you can see it's written key for uh and over here there is marker so let's just keep the marker on the same level and we will adjust the market later so uh I think uh we are good to go on this graph and uh you have to notice on the graph when I when whenever I'll press the button you have to notice on the graph right so just focus on the graph let me press the button so over here you can see there is a frequency right so let let me try it one more time see you can see the frequency over here right so let's just move our marker over there on that frequency [Music] so it's around 433 let's just try it one more time see it's 433 so right now we have identified the rough frequency right now we have to find the exact frequency so the rough frequency is around 433 so let's just go back from looking class and let's just go in receive and over here you will see a search option so you have to go in Search and you have to adjust uh the maximum and and minimum graph over here as well so our frequency is around 433 so I have set the graph from uh 430 uh and the maximum is 435 right and you also have to adjust this L LNA and V VGA LNA is low uh low noise amplification and VGA is U and VGA is uh variable graph amplifier so you have to adjust it according to your uh device so uh I I have just keep it 24 and 24 which works great for me for all the devices uh so you can check it and Accord adjust it according to your needs uh the basic uh thing uh which this these two things will do is it will increase and decrease the graph over here so it can note the frequency let me show you what I mean so whenever I'll press the button you have to notice over here right see the graph goes on top and then it records the frequency so that's why you have to you know focus on these two thing if the graph is going to low you have to increase this and if the graph is going too high you have to decrease these values so let me try it one one more time so as you can see the exact frequency of this wireless switch is 4339 375 right let me try it one more time as you can see 433.92 or 95 so this is the exact frequency of this uh switch and in the same way we can find the frequency of our uh wireless doorbell as well so we will go in looking glass one more time and we have uh just uh adjusted the graph the preset is uh 3 uh 315 from 433 so this is uh the exactly the frequency on which this doorbell can lie so let me just press the doorbell button and again you can see uh the level over here so small as you can see just focus it over here one more time and again we will uh move our marker to this frequency which is again I think 433 right so it's around 433 so let's just go in receive and we'll go in Search and over here we have just set the minimum and maximum values let's just press the doorbell button and you can see the exact frequency of this doorbell as well which is 43 33.88 so this is how you can find the frequency of different wireless devices according to your need and you can use the similar method on all the radio devices thank you
Channel: SecureTechware
Views: 7,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hackrfone, portapackh2, radiofrequency, wirelesssignals, spectrumanalysis, tech, electronics, diy, hamradio, cybersecurity, hiddenfrequencies, radiowaves
Id: Q8s-psOHDss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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