PortaPack H2 Hack RF One Audio RX

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[Music] yo yo so we are looking at the pter pack H2 uh we're going to be going over the audio features of this outside because I have a few antennas I'm going to be using that I need length and space um so what you're going to be hearing though is going to be off of the back magnetized DJ mic um going into the audio headphone portion to the camera hopefully there's no static but you might hear a little bit of Buzz I'm going to try to fix that and Poe but we'll find out but what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take this antenna off and I'm going to grab an infit halfwave running across the yard and then we're going to go to the fx4c HF transceiver and see if we can get uh 10 m and maybe uh maybe 20 M so you get to see me run across the yard and drop off this infit halfwave ch ch yo yo so this video is kind of pass overdue I wanted to have this video at last Wednesday however um I recorded it and then my playback was really bad because the lighting was really bad and I forgot to adjust my s- stop and my filter on my camera so they turned out really really dark uh today we going over the audio RX function of the pter pack H2 hack rf1 so let's dive into it to get to your audio portion we're going to go down to receive let's just go straight down audio the audio function on the RX side of the pter pack H2 uh is very similar to the scanner function however it's more fine-tuned uh you're not just scanning through frequency after frequency um you can actually just go to your frequency here punch in the number if you know it or you can load a frequency if you want so if you wanted to say load um some CB band you can do that that you're in Japan you get your Japan FM bands um and then these are under your freakman files area you got FS you got gmrs 2 m 70 cm and ISM and yada yada yada so anything that is stored under your freakman area that is where it's going to be pretty straightforward here is your uh modulation settings so you have your um narrow FM you have your wide your spectrum analyzer for instance is going to be right here um so if you do have an area where you can receive uh like a signal you can then punch in that signal and then view it if you wanted to do such things uh adjusting your LNA kind of brings out that frequency spectrum more there you go and you can see that we got some kind of green going on here so let's dial that in so if you scroll down to your little red dot there so you're just going to scroll down and then you can move that little red dot over that frequency where you're getting that ping at hit that center button and then you are now over that area so if you don't believe me you can just kind of shift through it and then you can see that we are moving over and then we're back on it and if we want to hear it let's see what's going on there so we're going to start with h the am modulation we're going to go inead and crank our volume back up to where we can hear that nothing under am there's your nfm something's breaking but nothing's happening so nothing there um so if you're wondering what these numbers that are pinging up over here this T and then um that M and then that other area so if you're wondering what that uh pinging area over over there is that is pretty much your ctts tone um that is where if you had a offset or you had a tone marker for instance for a repeater that's where that tone is going to be coming in through and you can see it um so let's just kind of scroll through another area here we're going to go ahead and go go to load 2 met band and can go down to that little red dot and maybe we can find something and if we don't get anything well luckily I've been playing with this enough out of my house uh on uh VHF UHF and also with the CV antenna and I have some recordings of uh things that I've been able to pick up and uh listen to so I will overlay those as well that way you can kind of see that this actually does work with UHF VHF uh your CV bands and surprisingly uh enough with HF so um since I know that HF is currently on cuz it's the evening let's go ahead and Power on this so we know that this frequency 7.2.1 is working really well I'm going to go ahead and unplug my radio turn the volume down that's volume all right so let's see if we can get that going on the pter pad we're going to go ahead and go with the infit halfway that is going through the window and let's punch in that frequency we're going to go back back back go 7 2 1 0 not 7.2.1 7.21 Z all right that's quite an up our volume oh we can barely hear some stuff coming through let's change our modulation okay there we go now we're going to go ahead and go to double side man that CW we're not in CW mode lower sideb 3K a little bit let's see if we can dial that in some if not we could always go up here and kind of adjust and then we can adjust our VNA or sorry our LNA LNA is always first and then the VNA so you can kind of see a visualization what's happening when you actually adjust your LNA and VNA that kind of helps you understand like what's happening on on the band withd um so you're kind of taking away all that um that gain all that noise and then you're slowly adding it in you're getting a kind of readable signal maybe our band shifted I'm not hear anything so let's go back over here and let's go to our frequency kind of there we go we can kind of hear a little bit what's happening let's scroll through some [Applause] more there we go nice and clear all right so all we had to do is go to am up there our bandwidth and then rroll to our frequency and just kind of fine tune it that's kind you have to play with this stuff is you kind of have to just dial this in slowly um it's it's not just a set it forget it Ty thing especially on the HF band it fluctuates so much time of day propagation yada y yada we discussed that kind of uh briefly uh in other videos um again I'm I'm ringing an nit halfway which is uh I forgot the length of the antenna it's it's I mean it's across the bed out the window onto my trampoline or my kids trampoline that um so it's it's roughly like a 40ft antenna um I'll again I'll overlay the CV band area um with the uh cheap 27 mehz uh C bandna we got from AliExpress that we showed in the antenna video you might be able to get some stuff with the Telly um who knows right I I haven't yet but you know your area may be different than mine right and then of course UHF VHF the good old signal stuff signal stick um so that's the basics of of the audio RX portion it's more than like it's just it's just fine-tuning those frequencies of what you really want to listen to the cool thing is I just used the waterfall here to pass my general exam for my uh ham R license I just got uh recently and and how I did that is there's a section on the hammer radio General uh class area that goes over pretty much what a waterfall is and and how to how to like kind of use it and your vertical is your time that's your time right so if there was a sequence of like 1 2 3 4 5 we're looking this in a time then you have your your width is 20K uh to 20K across right um that's what this is showing there's different ver versions of a waterfall effect and you can kind of make this wider and lower again that's going back into your bandwidth right so very uh wfm kind of that wide you're 100K to 100K your spectrum is 5 meter to 5 meter and then your am right so you're just kind of dialing that in and then of course if you're going to be adjusting these it's going to be changing right the wfm right um and then again if you do want to record you can record uh I do have some stuff that I was able to record and so to get to your player to play back what you recorded we're going to go to utilities we're going to go down here to wave View and then we're going to go to open okay and your captures are saved under audio audio how about this guy scroll down let's go and drop down our volume some more and play so this was recorded a few days ago um 2024 02 so February 22nd so that that's your file name and then and then the time um so that's kind of the clarity that you're going to be hearing out of the headphone jack at least um you see it's time down there on the bottom um and what else you got the sample rate I'm hry and I'll aand yeah this gu eating food uh Records in 16 bit mono at uh 1200 HZ and duration was 195 seconds that kind of shows you quickly of how to get to your again to your capture so that's under wave you right hopefully that helps you kind of understand a brief summary of what the audio RX portion does and again going back to last week's antenna video it's all going to be determined on the antenna that you're using and the frequency that you want to hear so keep that in mind when you're doing um any kind of receiving regardless of his audio um whatever it is you have to have the appropriate antenna to have the best reception or transmission um I did have a guy reach out he asked if there was antenna that is kind of a jack of all trades for transmitting unfortunately I haven't found one um that does well across the entire Spectrum for transmitting uh the telescopic is kind of your semi best choice but at the same time it's really poor at what it does um receiving it's it's a littleit more different because you can receive a lot with a Telly right um if you have a discone that we discussed uh you can receive a lot but but again you can't transmit if you want to transmit you have to get the appropriate the appropriate antenna to transmit so keep that in mind if you have any questions reach out I appreciate you guys um you guys are awesome thanks for all the comments likes and subscribes uh keep it up you guys are amazing and I will have another video out here in a few days hopefully going over Bluetooth RX um and then we're just going to keep moving down the list like we've been doing for the past few weeks now um again thank you appreciate it uh hope all is well take care and I will see you in the next video like subscribe and do all the fun stuff bye
Channel: Hunter Tech
Views: 5,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I175P7RKR_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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