HackRF One and Portapack H2 Speaker install

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hello and it's been quite a while since I've done any kind of video um as usual um but today we'll be looking at the porter pack H2 hacker F1 a early Christmas present to myself or for my wife to myself we'll see how she describes it um but if you're not familiar with the hack rf1 um and the porter pack H2 this is pretty much a Frankenstein build um from the hacker F1 by Great Scott gadgets this is nothing new really these are like I think they're going on 5 years old now um however with recent uh popularity of The Flipper zero I figured I would try one of these out um what this unit is and if you're not aware this is a SDR unit with a bunch of other um perfs in it uh so you can do uh Bluetooth you can do Wi-Fi you can do uh any kind of your ham radio stuff um the receivers on this thing are insane um you can also use this bottom two portions uh for an actual computer based SDR um the Top Antenna is a telescopic antenna but uh it has a SMA uh that's BNC but I put a BNC on there but the standard connection is is SMA um so you can pretty much attach any kind of antenna that you can possibly think of from your 413 and 433 and up um mehz antennas to a uh full-blown telescopic antenna or a directional antenna um disc cones all sorts of antennas can go on the S Wi-Fi uh you name it it can go on it so today though um my goal for this unit is to create a series of videos breaking down each of the um categories that this device can offer um and what it can do but today to get started we're going to be putting a speaker inside of it um it does have a headphone out um which you can hear later on but we're going to tear it apart first of all and we're going to put in a speaker and I figured that we'll get started on that first and foremost just kind of going over what this unit um does and where we're going to be yet so this is my first time opening up this unit so this is all going to be new to anybody that is watching has not messed around with one of these yet um so we'll probably fast forward through some stuff as we get into this thing um these screws are plastic I did pick this unit up on Ali Express uh on Black Friday it ran me125 bucks it was on sale I think it was like 15% off or 20% I can't remember but um so you can find them there I will say that if you do purchase one I'll purchase the I I'll put the link of the one I purchase down below that way you get the right one because um when you go to do any kind of firmware upgrades on these some of the firmware may not be um compatible with the unit that you are purchasing so is best to get the right one and a lot of the links can be found on GitHub and stuff like that so you can just go through there and kind of see um what units they mention and which ones they prefer um because that's where your firmware is also going to get is going to come from the firmware I'm running is the current firmware which was released yesterday um on the 22nd of December and and it is a Christmas firmware um so it is 1 what is it 1.19 I believe um we'll look at here in a second when we turn this unit on but I figured first and foremost let's just crack this guy open and something is catching where are we catching it could be the audio jack well let's take the back screws off too then why not if you're wondering what the the black back plate is that is a just a magnet Mount um that I stuck on there cuz I have one of those night ice magnet mounts in my truck and I usually run my ham radios like that as well this one does not have one on her but most of my ham radios do um so does my telephone um so anyways that's all that is it's just for a magnet Mount that way I can go and slap it on there and drive around and do some new age War driving um just to date me if you know what that is there we go all right so got that play off and I probably will need to take out all the screws I was hoping that was going to be able to get into without having to do that but that is not the case um they sell these in different colors uh I like clear things currently so I got the clear color um they have black uh I think I saw a red one on there some cases are going to be aluminum anodized um or if you're uh Savvy you can always 3D print your own case there's plenty of files that I found out there to print your own um case of and then from there you can obviously add in whatever colors you want so something to consider going to just pop off maybe there we go and then straight down perfect simple enough all right so there goes one of the risers I was talking about and yes they are plastic so we're just going to take them all out for now all right so inside here we got a battery I can't remember the actual capacity of the battery but I think if we are careful enough we should be able to pull both boards apart I don't see any glue holding the battery in place there we go all right and we're apart so this unit is actually the um hacker F1 um you can actually buy this unit stand alone and 3D print your own case for it and then use it as as a like I said an Str for your computer um so that is what this unit is this more than likely is not an actual it says hacker of one right here but it more than likely um is going to be a Chinese knockoff um you can go to Great G Great Scott gadgets and just uh Google that and you can probably find the actual hacker F1 I think alone they run roughly 250 um so uh to be your own if you want to go to all the Express and buy that um so we're looking at a 3.8 Vol 2500 milliamp battery running at 9.5 W hours um I was wondering if I could possibly expand this battery to bigger capacity um but they don't looks like there's not enough room unless you can go wider but you can't really go um lengthwise too much so what they did do though is right here is the speaker port and this is where where we're we're going to be adding our speaker to now the speaker I have is from Ada fruit that I picked up on Amazon for five bucks but my concern looking at this now of where the speaker port at is I don't have a ton of lead going from here and I don't have enough space to slap the speaker in here I was so I need to run it over here to this portion so with that being said um we may need to dive into this further and solder in a jumper of sorts I'm going to temporarily disconnect the battery here um and I'm wondering then if I can possibly squeeze this underneath or next to the battery there we go all right the battery is glued down um it looks like it's just got some uh maybe some double seted adhesive in there so for this little guy need to run a jumper from there to here is so that's good to know and this speaker does have its own little 3M Adhesive on it so that's kind of nice so what I can do is I can probably chop these two wires off solder a jumper and then run it to the speaker portion I think that's going to be the best option unfortunately curiosity sake what we can do is we can go ahead and plug the speaker in there we go that was simple I just went ahead and pop the speaker in put the B back in I'm wondering if I can push this battery to where I can temporarily just put the unit back together and then I'll solder at a later date so for now we're going to just put the unit back together as such make sure all of our pins lined up and then give it a little push evenly as much as we can so we're going to put my knob back on for now and then the unit will boot on that's right I'm a Goonies fan Goonies Never Say Die uh let's go ahead and tap back on this SMA and then we're going to pop back on our antenna all right now let's go to we're gonna go to where we at here my life receive we're gonna go to audio and we are going to punch in Noah so for my area at 162 duh all right so let's go back one six 2 Dot 4 100 done um this is a touchcreen by the way so you can use a stylist or your fingers or what you want but it's not super sensive it's not like using like like like an iPhone or Android device um so we have the speaker plugged in I'm not hear nothing yet let's go to something else then let's just go to a basic radio scanner go load and we can go find out uh let's see here FM standard bands H audio all right there we go we're getting something now here let me um let me move some devices around real quick I'm going to bring in the frame my audio recorder I'm currently using and we're going to pop on these two mics maybe there we go all right so we are getting audio all right so now let's go back to what we were at earlier uh for Noah so one six two before I forget 162 dot 400 and done and on this radio wind up to 10 hour we do have going so we know that's not the issue had the wrong uh bandwidth on my bad all right 11 23r across North Central Montana and west of the Continental Divide at the Helen Regional Airport was partly sunny the temperature was 36° and the 2.18 for relative humidity of 48% wind so it's not the loudest speaker in the world but it definitely does sound pretty decent I mean at least this little speaker does from at of fruit um so we know it works which is good that's what we wanted right so there's a speaker um I am actually kind of curious if I can just squeeze that in there and push the battery over and that way I don't got solder anything thing cuz I'm okay with where it's at um let's plug in the headphone jack and we'll run that through the recorder that way we can hear what the actual headphone jack sounds like so here we go all right get that straight up okay now I'm going to bring up the audio on the recorder here so that is a headphone out um and we're only at like 70% so we can crank that a lot better there we go across eastern Montana at Billings snow and fog were reported and it was 33° at m city so sounds pretty good if you're coming out of the headphones um let me go ahead and uh pop that off that way I'm pop my ears out and then that's back on the speaker mostly sunny and the tempature was 28 and at Left Bridge the sky was mostly sunny with a tempature of 30° so sounds pretty good um I'm happy with that so um we know that the speaker works that was simple install um minus obviously the length of the leads um we can definitely just go and uh like I said cut that head off and set our new head on there and then we can run it back in here um but I'm going to spend some time with this and see if I can possibly just squeeze that over um past the battery um and then we'll see what happens from there but we'll go through the quick menus of what we'll be covering here in the coming weeks um we're going to start in the receive section let me pop this antenna down um so in the receive section we have 8bs um which is pretty much any kind of flight logs so if we turn it on now um here's a plane that probably is currently flying over uh you can see the level the speed um the amp to hit the age you know typical things like that um and if we actually click on it you can see it on the map of where it's currently at you can see it's lat it's lawn it's altitude um and then if you go to the AC details you can actually see what kind plane it is um who owns it the jet jet engine types and yada yada yada so um this is pretty cool to actually be able to view that um you have you you can do the same thing with boats if you were closer to the uh the shore um or to a you know Oceanside which I'm not um aprs so you can receive aprs signals with this thing um audio that's where you were just at earlier that's just your audio receive area you can punch in a certain frequency and and listen to the that your Bluetooth um this will this will you can receive all sorts of Bluetooth signals and see what's in your area the ERT meter um so this actually will find um meters up there's one right there so uh shows your consumption the meter ID um so uh you can do pox sag with this you can receive and send uh pox sag so um I'll do a thing with that in The Flipper zero because the flipper zero can now receive poag um it can't send um but you can receive um radio sndd I'm not familiar with that yet so I'll be learning that um what that is it looks like some kind of uh punching in for radio and then uh probably a sensor of some sort because I'm seeing uh I'm seeing bat I'm seeing Temp and humidity so that's probably a sensor of sort that is that is picking up uh Recon you can search current frequencies in your area and what they're pcking out at and that kind of stuff and then let's see here you get your search you can also look at tire car pressure sensors uh soak in The Flipper zero um and then your weather uh stations your local weather stations um most of those um run like these I'm sorry not local but these like are like your house based stations so most of those run like in your 434 MHz area um we do have one here at our house and I don't know why it's not picking it up maybe it's dead so anyways uh if it does find it it'll just ping it right there and then you can be able to see what the making model is and then it actually pull you the the temperature the humidity and all those fun things uh you do have a subg area too um you can punch in frequencies and view what's going on um and then you got your NRF uh you can do analog TV if you still had analog TV in your area which I don't think that we do I Think It's All Digital now now um and then afsk which I do not know what that is yet some kind of logging device so uh that's just on the receipt portion now on the transmit portion this is where this is where you got to be careful because you can get into some serious legal issues uh on the transmit side um you can pretty much do uh a pretty much a ghost plane is what it is really um you could transmit a false uh plane of sorts um you can transmit a PRS if you you got your Hammer your license you're able to do that um GP simulation if you um go directly from there to um your other area um you can go direct from antenna to computer and then do uh false GPS simulations which as long as you're not uh actually pinging out a signal um for understanding that's okay Morse code is pretty cool you can do Morse code stuff uh Bluetooth uh you can send bluetooth you can send your pox sags like I said earlier um you got your SSV your Bluetooth spam so the flipper zero can also do this too um so you know you've seen the the Rick Roll on the on the U Bluetooth spam and stuff on Androids and all that some stuff jamming which is uh not legal in most countries including the US uh Burger pagers that's for that's a fun one you can make all the burger Pages uh and restaurant Pages go off all at once um Touch Tunes and and LGE so that's the basic of what we're going to be covering um as well as replay attacks capture replay uh remote scanners microphone um and all those fun things one thing that is cool that I found here the other day that I like a lot is on the um I think it was under the maybe under the radio or is it Morse oh yeah Fox hun yeah so you can do fox with this thing yeah you can set your message and you can set your frequency and the duration of of all sorts and then you can actually set this up as an actual fox h um if you're in Fox setting so there's your message and it'll ping out a mors code which is pretty cool so yeah um that's all I have for you now like I said I'm just going to slap this speaker probably over that way some more and make room for it and then I will put the case back on and we're going to call it good but um stay tuned I should be hopefully doing one of these once a week um and then just covering like I said a portion of each section and kind of just diving into that more um and again if you are from if you are familiar with flipper zero this is a flipper zero but on steroids because you can do a ton more things with this um and we'll cover this here and there now there's tons of videos on this already so but we're going to do some covering of it so anyways thanks for watching like subscribe do all the fun stuff peace out
Channel: Hunter Tech
Views: 5,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u5gcUasPZY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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