πŸ›œ Portapack H2 Hackrf: Simple Remote Capture Replay

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hey guys so today we're taking another look at the hackrf and the Porta pack we have our hack RF out we have our Port pack installed and we are ready to play with our next feature so today what we're going to be looking at is this fan right here so being that this fan is remotely controlled uh it's using a Radio based remote so there's various types of Wireless remotes including infrar and Radio based now this one right here is the one for that fan and if you look and notle on the back it says 315 megahertz is the frequency that's really helpful for us to use it so what we can do with that point and if you can't find a frequency on the back of your remote what you'll do is you'll actually go to a website called fcci and you'll be able to type in your device and from there you'll be able to find the exact frequency that it operates on and we're going to pick up up where we left off the other day we did a video on a beginner's guide to Looking Glass today I'm going to do basically a quick demo and some instructions on a basic replay I wouldn't really call it an attack it's my fan uh but it's a replay so what we're going to be doing is we're going to first go where we left off looking glass right there and what we're going to do is we're going to open that and what we've done is we've turned this down taking the down arrows which is this one right here these down arrow left Arrow right arrow up arrow and also the select buttons right there in the middle this dial is how you're going to change different settings so see what's highlighted if I were to turn the dial I'd be able to adjust that value now here is where you're going to want to set it to key fobs most likely in my case it runs at 315 so we can see that the red marker is right there now where where is it on the Spectrum here we have 315 somewhere around here this is about 260 over here is about 500 so we can do an estimate or another thing we could do is take out that remote and just press the button and when you press that button if you look close you'll be able to see a little bit of a signal right there did you see it well that is another way that you could help determine where we're operating on so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to scroll that marker over there and whoops there we go now you need to make sure you have it on the marker setting first of course and then we're going to bring it down to 315 we could have done that to begin with but I did want to show since we did Looking Glass last time I wanted to also show uh the little bit that you can see on this now it all depends also on the Range so if you're in a shorter range you're going to be able to see that signal better uh this is a little bit of a broader range so it was a little harder to see it but we can still see it by selecting that signal with the middle button right here now at this point when I press it note what happens so if I press this button again see that that was very clear and if you note to press it one more time pressing it one more time we can see it's just a slightly to the left now this isn't going to matter in most situations because it's already so close as it is uh but what I can do is press those down arrows again get that marker to show up and then I could scroll over you know about where it was close to it at least and then uh I could press it again there we go right in the middle uh so we're right there on the line uh where our signal is and now at this point what we could do is go over to capture now if we wanted to capture some Wireless commands and then replay them back basically what this will do is store and record a copy of those signals so if I wanted to say create my own remote control I could do that by capturing those signals of the buttons I wanted to be replayed back and then I would use this replay feature over here so we're going to do a demonstration on that today uh first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to turn the fan off completely and I'm going to go into capture mode and when I go into this capture app here uh we have to make sure first it's on the right frequency and then what we want to do is we want to make sure we're on top of record did you see how I moved that little arrow down to the record now this middle button here is going to start the recording uh so what we're going to do is try to do this with one hand as I use the remote I'm going to do a series of buttons first though I want to hit the record button so I make sure I'm capturing all of this so there we go and you knowe it turned into stop so now at this point what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit a few different buttons change the fan speed few different times and you can actually hear it clicking up there okay and then finally we'll hit the light power button and then another power button okay so at this point what we've done is we've recorded those signals and we're going to hit stop now now at this point our fan is off we've recorded reced and captured those signals but we want to replay them back so we don't have to find our remote control that day or whatever else reason you might want to store the signals of a wireless remote we'll go over to replay and now at this point we're going to load our capture so I'm not sure which one it is so I'm just going to Simply guess it one and you'll note that one says 433 so that was another thing I was looking at uh so we're going to go back and we're going to try again load a different one might be this one okay there we go it's the frequency we were working on uh so now what we can do is note the fan and we're going to go over to and another thing you could do I could enable a loop which means it would continually Replay that signal but I'm not going to do that because I want it to be obvious that it's working so here's what we're going to do we're going to go over here and we're going to go ahead and replay a exactly those buttons on the remote control so I recorded the buttons on the remote control in a series of button presses you could copy this for recording the signals of any wireless remote As long as you match up the frequency and it's not a rolling code that's one thing you need to know older cars will work uh newer cars have rolling codes so it's not like the Canadian government is trying to scare everyone into thinking uh that wireless devices like The Flipper zero are going to be opening everyone's car that's not the case at all Modern Hardware has security features like rolling codes that does add a little more challenge to it uh so let's go ahead and get on with it let us play back those signals and see what happens and there it goes power button is the first one change in speed another change in speed and I'm not pressing any buttons on the remote so you can see it and finally that power button hit so as you can see this hacker F and portter pack is extremely handy oh there it goes again uh looks like I recorded another one so really cool that the hacker F can do something like that um and I wanted to do this as a demo today today and uh share it with you guys so that's how you would do it that's how you would do a replay with the hacker F and the portter pack hope this video was helpful to you make sure to share it far and wide put it on social media and share it with anyone who has an interest in the security of wireless devices and just general interest in Tech in general really appreciate your help sharing the video uh make sure to leave a comment if you had a question on something you saw and uh let me know what you think in the comments and like the video and don't forget to follow always makes a difference if you follow share the videos it really helps the channel out so thanks guys and make sure to check out the blog at bmc.edu if you don't check out my earlier tutorials and check out the blog at HTTP right2 privacy. ITP and I'll be back later soon with more on Linux open Source how to protect your security and privacy
Channel: πŸ₯· RTP Tech Tips πŸ“‘
Views: 7,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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