HackRF Portapack H2 Apps / Feature Overview

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so I wanted to take a few moments to talk about some of what's available on the portter pack so to turn it on you just hit this button once and it'll load up I actually just upgraded to the latest and greatest Mayhem firmware uh so I have all the latest features now at the top you're going to see various different icons that are going to allow you to do different things uh on the right hand side you're going to see the SIM card status so if you see okay with scen it looks like your sim card is working now the SIM card is a way to fit additional apps as some of the previous firmware versions had run out of space so now you can actually hold some of these apps right on the SIM card along with the maps and different things for some of the applications now if you go to the left you have this other little icon this is new in the latest firmware it wasn't before the upgrade but if you note as I activate it it seems to be a a way to lighten the screen so possibly to save power possibly uh to make it a little less bright uh for those surrounding the area um and as you go over you see the volume now I mentioned this in my previous uh video on how to install laptop speakers into your portter pack now this is for sound so this is both your headphone jack which is right here at the bottom and then also the speaker if you follow my video and install laptop speaker you'll be able to hear it right on the portter pack or you can even buy a speaker but if you have a speaker why bother buying it so as we go over there's other icons as well there's things like uh stealth mode like this one right here which you see is up here activated and when you do that the screen will turn off and what that does is it just allows you uh to have a more stealthy transmit um if for whatever reason if you're doing ethical pen testing and you have a contract with the company or whatnot now you can take screenshots as well now when we go over to the left-and side so you're going to use these little arrows here to navigate around some of the selections now you also hit this middle button here to activate where you're actually highlighting so when we go to the very left we can go to the applications and you can actually see um who contributed to the portal pack in the hack RF and also the Havoc firmware which is the precursor to the Mayhem firmware and also the original Porta Pac firmware so that's nice they have some credits there um and you have a variety of options here so you have a receive section that's for receiving now I'm not sure about the laws of all countries around the world but I do know in the US you can pretty much receive anything so you have the option to receive you know adsb which is like plight flight light data which allows you to see where planes are who owns them uh their location and it even has a nice little map app that allows you to see the planes that are currently flying and where they are on the map now this is for boats so if you're near a water way uh you might actually pick up some stuff on that um you can even receive Bluetooth on this now there's a lot of reasons that you can't actually work as well with Wi-Fi because it's a much wider band and that prevents it from having certain types of uses even though uh the hacker F has access to that part of the spectrum um because of the bandwidth itself uh Wi-Fi certain things may not be available on that but there are things you can do with Wi-Fi and I'm going to talk about that as well so we have audio here and you can actually listen to something now you may have a wider or a more narrow band which is the width here so if you're listening to one where the voice is transmitting very narrowly you might change it over to nfm or something like that and you can test around and just play around and see how it sounds for you uh so I'll turn the volume up a bit so you can hear my speakers are working um it's obviously not on a location that we would be listening to um just showing how this works so when you go here you can change it from am to wideband FM to narrow FM as well uh so you have a variety of options there for the audio receiving now if you go over to TPMS cars you can actually receive tire pressure so nearby cars and tire pressure you can also receive weather uh analog TV so there's actually a transmit feature on here that allows you to actually trans transmit a image onto a screen so you have that as an option as well um now I do want to mention this as a disclaimer don't mess around with the transmit features until you know exactly what you're doing and definitely don't mess with this one because this is one that could get you in potential trouble so you don't want to mess with that one that's one you definitely don't want to mess with uh you don't want to mess with this one um but I may talk about it more uh you don't want to mess with this either so you need to make sure you have the license to experiment with these kinds of things and before you get one or before you try some of the transmit features cuz you need to understand what you're doing you could really cause some serious problems interference even with medical devices so you need to be cautious when playing with one of these and know what you're doing and uh make sure to look into the features before you just start playing around with the Trans transmit area and I haven't actually played with much of the transmit on this myself um but I do have plans to in a controlled environment to do a demonstration so I do have some ideas on things I want to cover uh just to show how it works and also to demonstrate some security features and lack thereof so you have the ability to capture and replay so everyone's familiar by now with replay attacks now the thing about that is this isn't just going to you know unlock a car as some of the the hyperbowl that the media reports on so you you know since the 1990s rolling codes were implemented meaning you couldn't just capture next to a car a key fob and then um hit the button and Replay that so you would capture with this and then replay it now with the latest security with rolling codes that code cannot be used again so if you're in the vicinity of a car of course it's not going to work traditionally now there are other techniques like things like adding in some to sort of jamming uh to prevent that from happening so there are ways that replay attacks can work um but this is also a half duplex which means it can only transmit or receive can't do both at the same time but you can get a second device if you're looking to test your own security of course never use this with with anyone's device that you don't have explicit permission to do so now there's also some utilities here so you can go and you can actually calculate antenna lengths which is pretty neat that it's all built in so that can save you some work it has a frequency manager a note pad has IQ trim has a flash utility which allows you to flash the latest firmware so as you can see I have the firmware on here and I can actually flash it right on the portter pack so that's pretty pretty neat uh we also have a calculator uh we have a notepad up here so you can actually write things down and you can write notes down for things you may be working on with the hack RF and portter Pac so you also have a file manager so you can go through and see some of the things you save so for example if you were recording a signal you may want to replay that later let's say you want to make a copy of one of your remote controls for say your fan or your lights something along those lines you could easily do that and you can save things to a file because you have a storage SD card and when you do that you'll be able to then replay it and you can even program your own remotes which is really cool so as you see right here there's a way that you can work with remotes you also have a scanner so you can scan for various things and signals that are active and then you can save those you can also listen in on those so pretty neat there as well we have the Looking Glass which I briefly showed now this is really neat as well so as you can see I have it preset right now on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi range so I can actually change that with this dial here so as you note the actual frequency changes each time I move this over so it gives you a starting point and then you can move down here and you can actually use this to really isolate down to an exact frequency now now once you find something that you want to listen to you know maybe we want to see what this is uh we can click on it and when we click that middle button it takes us right over to it and then you can go here and you can see if it's anything worth listening to now of course not everything there's a ton of different types of Transmissions that are happening out there uh so you can't expect everything to be Clarity and voice because most signals are not people talking um that's just what radio is used for just about everything uh these days anything Wireless is Radio based so you have a ton of options in the hack RF you can even change it over to hack RF mode so if I click on this it will turn into hack RF mode so I can then plug it into my computer and use it like I normally would the hack RF then when I want to uh come back to it I just simply hit the reset right there and I'll be able to use the portter pack once again so that is a little bit of an overview on some of the features here there's just so many of them and I do look forward to covering some of these individually as well uh it's really an impressive little device and like I said don't abuse it if you get one you know use it for responsible purposes use it only to test your own devices if you if you even bother with the transmit you don't even have to mess with the transmit features there's a ton of receive features that make it worthwhile in itself uh so you could check out and explore different devices in your area and you know you can also track flights and completely legally in the US because it is one of those safety features you know to be able to track these flights as well and it is public information there are requirements for flights to share this data with the public so it is legal to receive now do not mess with the transmit features unless you know exactly what you're doing and if you're watching this video you probably don't know exactly what you're doing with some of these app so make sure to look into it before you mess with any transmit features we may explore some in demonstration uh just for a controlled environment demonstration just to show what this thing's capable of but it's a really cool device and I wanted to cover since I updated to the latest greatest firmware I thought I would share some more on what the hack RF can do with the portter pack uh since you have so many cool features you even have games you can play Tetris uh you can do a ton of different things I have yet to play this game yet uh but we're not going to play that uh there's also Pac-Man so there's a lot you can do with this it's a little handheld uh device that has a lot of fun built into it so hope you like my little overview of some of the apps that are found on the portter pack I'll be exploring more of the but I thought it would be a good idea to just kind of do a little overview and talk about which apps are available and uh we can make the best of it and make the most of this by taking advantage of some of the apps and possibly a combination of apps so we'll be looking into more of this in the future uh make sure to like the video share it and subscribe and I will be back later with more on the hack RF radio how to protect your security and privacy
Channel: 🥷 RTP Tech Tips 📡
Views: 16,387
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Id: NYbIpfmjv0c
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Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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