Portapack H2 Mayhem 2.0

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[Music] yo yo welcome to another video regarding the porter pack H2 hacker F1 uh today we are looking at the Mayhem 2.0 firmware that just came out on the 16th um so uh this video will be coming out today on the 19th I believe it is um so let's let's get going so what we're going to do is we're going to go head over to Porta Pac Porta Porta Porta pack Mayhem and we're going to go down to latest right there all right so what is new they now are installing the apps on the micro SD card so they can fit more apps on the device good idea uh new file format that contains both firmware and SD card apps to make updating super easy uh let's see here working us USB serial communication with when in Porter pack mode so that's pretty cool one click updating using https hack RF app awesome new USB seral commands a bunch of bug fixes update settings app settings editor encoder options data I'm sorry date config mode brightness except oh good um the brightness is one that I've been wanting actually because uh for those of us that use our devices at night um I don't like blowing out my vision too much um so that's kind of cool to see that brightness is going to be enabled uh then B apps and then raw Auto record and replay good deal and then a brand new website so let's go let's go ahead and head over to that hacker F website let's check it out all right so now it looks like we can update our device from the web browser so we're going to try that out okay we're going to grab our USBC to micro USB it goes in upside down all right we are connect Tod so connect device and you can see that on my desktop it brought up pter pack Mayhem we're going to go ahead and connect to that looks like you're using a Mac if you come across any issues please let us know very smart because yes I am using a Mac all right oh we can now do D dfu move mode which we discussed last week I cannot talk today we can now do dfu mode uh right off the screen here oh there we go so if we got to read theine print down there make sure you're are running at least stable 2.0 nightly all right so with that being said let's go ah and unplug the portter pack kick this guy off take our kife here and grab our USB dingy pop that in there this side is USBC go and go over to that folder we're going to go ahead and just go to the contents of this folder command a drag and drop into the area apply all and replace and this will take a hot minute now since this video is going to post um today on the 19th I know that our next segment in the pter pack is the audio portion we'll be getting that today as well later on today so that should be posting by tomorrow hopefully and if not it'll post by Wednesday but we also will be discussing some antennas um because I get asked quite frequently on antenna choice and we're going to go over antennas and which antenna to use for what you want to do because not an not all antennas are are created equal so we will be going over that as well all right we are copied over I want to close that so we are in the hacker F folder here before we pop it out and go back into the actual unit uh let's go and just see what they have at added so we got adsb AIS got apps there we go so we got afsk analog uh TV that's for SSV or I'm sorry no that's analog TV we got the spam we got the calculator then everything else looks more or less the same we got Bluetooth receive transmit we got our captures we got our um firmware so don't forget that if you are uh just going to drop the card in there you don't need to download download the actual firmware to that actually is part of the package that you get when you download um that really if you go down here and you go to your uh your your larger file this uh Mayhem 2.0 copy 2 SD that has your firmware in there if you're just wan to update just a firmware no additional parameters that are may have been changed in your apps then just go with the actual 2.0 so something to consider there logs Looking Glass playlist remote sample settings Splash uh remember Splash is where your cool little Graphics are at right all your fun stuff okay um SSV wave and then the whip calculator so good deal we're going to go ahead and eject that card all right we're power this guy on maybe utilities Go flash U till we're going to go that first one right there that pter pack Mayhem 2.0 and we're going to hit yes now we got our little TX light blinking up top roughly 15 seconds and then and then this unit should reboot and then it's rebooting there's your little loadup screen and then we are now into the hacker at portter pack Mayhem so let's go ahead and cycle through some areas here and see what is going on so we've got our receive which looks pretty standard we got the adsb oh that's right AIS is boats um so we got aprs we got audio Bluetooth reive the meters level pox sag radio sounds sound Recon search TPMS cars so all this looks like it stayed the same utilities so we got our antenna length that is a calculator for your antenna if you want to figure out what antenna to use for what frequency our file manager frequency manager okay so um back in the settings area okay let's go back up top go to settings okay let's go and scroll down you can go down again there's QR code user interface brightness so there's your brightness that's kind of cool so we are at 50% right now let's enable brightness and I think you just more than likely just going to use your little dial here so 50% is the max and it looks like they are in increments 12.5 25 50% so good deal and then new color or sorry menu color so this is kind of cool I saw this on the Discord area so we can now change our menu color so if we go to menu we can go red level green level blue um so we can just adjust these and you can now change your own color that is pretty cool cool I like that all right so that so far looks like the basis of it now that we're here into 2.0 though let us pop it back on our computer and see what we can change and we're going to go back to connect our device there we are pter pack Mayhem connect loading drink some coffee while we wait all right so now we should be live on screen right so if I go over here and I pop up in a menu don't know what that did let's go to let's go back I've got nothing coming in through my port P oh there we go okay so we are moving around but I cannot see it on my screen for some reason okay so we can control the porter pack from our computer I am having an issue though on my screen you can see over here that my area is black but on this camera you can actually see that we are controlling some stuff right not sure so it looks like maybe it was a brightness that I accidentally hit whenever I exited it out of there I may have saved it to that 12.5 so now I can see now you can see better on here but however on my actual computer screen you can still cannot see so let's go and refresh this page okay so there we are we are in our menu you can see that now let's say if I want to go back okay so you can you can use the mouse and then let's say I want to go to receive all right and let us go look at let's go back actually let's go to scanner and it could be the color I it could be the color I chose is why it's not really showing but even on my screen right now it does look kind of dim so let's just pop in this antenna we're going to pop in the standard Telly scopy Zoom this out a bit so we can see more gter everything's backwards of my monitor so I am sorry for always going back and forth right huh interesting okay so I guess I'll just do by hand we'll go to cand going to select that guy all right so now we're there speaker just kicked on going and drop down my volume let's hit Refresh on the live screen and see what happens there we go okay so if you hit this little refresh area down here we can then refresh to the screen that we're currently on so you can see that we're stuck on that frequency of 25.2 75 lower our VGA to get that scanner going faster and let's see what happens we probably won't grab anything but that's fine cuz we are inside so um so overall this is pretty impressive I do like the fact that you can kind of see your files more um and that you can manage your firmware now uh I wonder now if I go to this latest nightly and select that and if I go to update latest nightly what happens now so okay so we got the CH touch C2 no open file so I'm wondering if you had to have that file downloaded in your computer already let's try that so let's go back to that uh latest nightly we're going to go to the SD card right that one is the one I want and that download is now complete so let's go and close this manage firmware all right refresh this page no okay so we're going to unplug this guy plug it back in let it do its thing now we're going to go over here and hit refresh there we go you are connected now if we we go down here to manage firmware update to latest nightly or I wonder if it's going be flash custom firmware I was hoping if you hit update latest nightly it would just go to that but it seems that there's some little bug here it's trying to send the bites but I don't see anything else happening and nothing is happening on the screen so some kind of like load indicator may be useful in the future saying and maybe that is already there so maybe I'm speaking uh too soon so let's go ahead and try that again okay uh what happens if we go back a page all right it does that all right so then now let's go to the hacker f app this may be one of the things too that you have to reboot this device every single time uh you're refreshing your page so and that's okay um that's expected all right so then let's go ahead and unplug that power this guy off connect USB micro there we go and then we should be able to to connect to device now there we go connect connect loading loading all right we're loaded in we can see our screen so now if we go to manage firmware flash custom firmware what happens here all right so here is where you can download that firmware right and we're going to go to downloads here is that nightly let me go over here first of all and uncompress that all right so we are now uncompressed decompressed right Mayhem nightly open up that guy and I think it looks like it actually go to that firmware uh file so remember there's that firmware file maybe show options what's that do all files there we go open open now let's see what happens I'm not seeing anything over here and I don't see anything over here either so unless if I'm doing something wrong maybe I'm doing something wrong like I said um I don't think so I mean this should be kind of self-explanatory right say you plug your device in you don't want to have to eject the SD card to plug your device in as of 2.0 uh you got your cable going on your computer you can then go to uh select from the available option right so you have your stable you have your nightly and then you have your custom you should be able to go to your area and then it looks like it possibly should be able then just to update your port pack just to be on the safe side we're going to unplug it let it boot back up so yeah we're still on 2.0 so nothing really happened so that this might be a glitch I mean again this is brand new uh released as of what two days ago 3 days ago now um so there there's still a few bugs work out and again I am using Mac so that could be an issue right there um which I can report that right so let's just go here report this issue um okay yeah so yeah it looks like there's still there's already some um uh issues open regarding Mac um so I'm not going to sense anything else as of yet I will let them yeah there's quite a few issues about Mac web app freezes all right so this is being addressed so I'm not going to worry about it for now um again this is all Cutting Edge that's where we're at but go check out 2.0 um awesome new features on there I love the fact that you can change the color and the brightness snow that's going to be really really helpful uh for nighttime shooting especially um but yeah thanks for watching appreciate it stay tuned for the next video oh and don't forget to like subscribe and uh do all that fun stuff because it really helps me out I appreciate it
Channel: Hunter Tech
Views: 9,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: snc_1R4NYvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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